Source code for idaes.dmf.cli

# Institute for the Design of Advanced Energy Systems Process Systems
# Engineering Framework (IDAES PSE Framework) Copyright (c) 2018-2019, by the
# software owners: The Regents of the University of California, through
# Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,  National Technology & Engineering
# Solutions of Sandia, LLC, Carnegie Mellon University, West Virginia
# University Research Corporation, et al. All rights reserved.
# Please see the files COPYRIGHT.txt and LICENSE.txt for full copyright and
# license information, respectively. Both files are also available online
# at the URL "".
Command Line Interface for IDAES DMF.

Uses "Click" to handle command-line parsing and dispatch.
# stdlib
from collections import namedtuple
import datetime
from enum import Enum
import json
import logging
from operator import itemgetter
import pathlib
import sys
from typing import List
from urllib.parse import urlparse, ParseResult
import yaml

# third-party
from blessings import Terminal
import click
import humanize
import pendulum

# package
from idaes.dmf import DMF, DMFConfig, resource
from idaes.dmf import errors
from idaes.dmf.workspace import Fields
from idaes.dmf import util

__author__ = "Dan Gunter"

_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    _cterm = Terminal()  # color terminal (as per TERM env)
except Exception:
    _cterm = Terminal(force_styling=None)
_noterm = Terminal(force_styling=None)  # no styling, regardless of TERM

[docs]class Code(Enum): """Return codes from the CLI. """ OK = 0 WORKSPACE_NOT_FOUND = 1 CONFIGURATION_NOT_FOUND = 2 NOT_SUPPORTED = 3 IMPORT_RESOURCE = 4 DMF = 5 DMF_OPER = 6 INPUT_VALUE = 7 CANCELED = 8
# Some common fields we can show SHOW_FIELDS = "type, desc, creator, created, modified, fikes, codes, version" def level_from_verbosity(vb): level = 0 # for pycharm if vb >= 3: level = logging.DEBUG elif vb == 2: level = logging.INFO elif vb == 1: level = logging.WARN elif vb == 0: level = logging.ERROR elif vb == -1: level = logging.FATAL elif vb <= -2: level = logging.FATAL + 1 return level
[docs]class AliasedGroup(click.Group): """Improved click.Group that will accept unique prefixes for the commands, as well as a set of aliases. For example, the following code will create `mycommand` as a group, and alias the subcommand "info" to invoke the subcommand "status". Any unique prefix of "info" (not conflicting with other subcommands or aliases) or "status" will work, e.g. "inf" or "stat"::, aliases={"info": "status"}) def mycommand(): pass """ def __init__(self, aliases=None, **attrs): super().__init__(**attrs) self._aliases = aliases
[docs] def get_command(self, ctx, cmd_name): command = click.Group.get_command(self, ctx, cmd_name) if command is None: commands = self.list_commands(ctx) # if `cmd_name` is an alias, map to canonical name matches = [key for key in self._aliases if key.startswith(cmd_name)] if len(matches) == 1: # check that this alias does not also match a command directly alias_matches = [x for x in commands if x.startswith(cmd_name)] if len(alias_matches) > 0: f"Alias prefix {cmd_name}->{matches[0]} also matches command" f"{'s' if len(alias_matches) > 1 else ''}" f": {' '.join(sorted(alias_matches))}" ) # rename to canonical (matched) command cmd_name = self._aliases[matches[0]] elif len(matches) > 1: f"Prefix '{cmd_name}' matches multiple aliases: " f"{' '.join(sorted(matches))}" ) # try to match prefix of command matches = [x for x in commands if x.startswith(cmd_name)] if len(matches) == 1: command = click.Group.get_command(self, ctx, matches[0]) elif len(matches) > 1: f"Command '{cmd_name}' could be a prefix for multiple commands: " f"{' '.join(sorted(matches))}" ) # Return found command return command # matched, or None
[docs]class URLType(click.ParamType): """Click type for URLs. """ name = "URL" envvar_list_splitter = ","
[docs] def convert(self, value, param, ctx): if isinstance(value, ParseResult): result = value else: result = urlparse(value) return result cls=AliasedGroup, aliases={ "describe": "status", "add": "register", "resource": "info", "show": "info", "list": "ls", "delete": "rm", "graph": "related", }, help="Data management framework command wrapper", ) @click.option( "--verbose", "-v", count=True, help="Increase verbosity. Show warnings if given once, " "then info, and then debugging messages.", ) @click.option( "--quiet", "-q", count=True, help="Increase quietness. If given once, " "only show critical messages. If " "given twice, show no messages.", ) def base_command(verbose, quiet): """Data management framework command wrapper. This command does nothing by itself except provide global options and list subcommands. """ if quiet > 0 and verbose > 0: raise click.BadArgumentUsage("Options for verbosity and quietness conflict") if verbose > 0: _log.setLevel(level_from_verbosity(verbose)) else: _log.setLevel(level_from_verbosity(-quiet)) @click.command( help="Initialize the current workspace. Optionally, create a new workspace." ) @click.argument("path", type=click.Path()) @click.option( "--create/--no-create", default=False, help="Create new workspace. If `--name` and `--desc` are not provided, these will" " be prompted for interactively.", ) @click.option("--name", type=click.STRING, help="Workspace name") @click.option("--desc", type=click.STRING, help="Workspace description") @click.option( "--html", type=click.Path(exists=True, resolve_path=True), default=None, help="Path to built HTML documentation", ) def init(path, create, name, desc, html): """Initialize the current workspace used for the data management framework commands. Optionally, create a new workspace. """"Initialize with workspace path={path}") if create:"Create new workspace") # pre-check that there is no file/dir by this name try: if pathlib.Path(path).exists(): click.echo(f"Cannot create workspace: path '{path}' already exists") sys.exit(Code.DMF_OPER.value) except PermissionError: click.echo(f"Cannot create workspace: path '{path}' not accessible") sys.exit(Code.DMF_OPER.value) if not name: name = click.prompt("New workspace name") if not desc: desc = click.prompt("New workspace description") if html is None: # guess html path # XXX: don't try to verify the guess errfile = pathlib.Path(errors.__file__) docsdir = errfile.parent.parent.parent / 'docs' hpath = [str(docsdir / 'build')] else: hpath = [html] try: d = DMF(path=path, create=True, name=name, desc=desc, html_paths=hpath) except errors.WorkspaceError as err: click.echo(f"Cannot create workspace: {err}") sys.exit(Code.DMF_OPER.value) click.echo(f"Configuration in '{d.configuration_file}") else:"Use existing workspace") # In either case, switch to provided config try: _ = DMF(path=path, create=False, save_path=True) # noqa: F841 except errors.WorkspaceConfNotFoundError: click.echo(f"Workspace configuration not found at path='{path}'") sys.exit(Code.WORKSPACE_NOT_FOUND.value) except errors.WorkspaceNotFoundError: click.echo(f"Existing workspace not found at path='{path}'") click.echo("Add --create flag to create a workspace.") sys.exit(Code.WORKSPACE_NOT_FOUND.value) @click.command(help="Get status of workspace") @click.option("--color/--no-color", default=True, help="Use color for output") @click.option( "--show", "-s", type=click.Choice(["files", "htmldocs", "logging", "all"]), multiple=True, ) @click.option( "--all", "-a", "show_all", flag_value="yes", help="Synonym for `--show all`" ) def status(color, show, show_all): if show_all == "yes": show = ["all"] _log.debug(f"Get status. Show items: {' '.join(show) if show else '(basic)'}") t = _cterm if color else _noterm if not DMFConfig.configuration_exists(): click.echo(f"No configuration found at '{DMFConfig.configuration_path()}'") sys.exit(Code.CONFIGURATION_NOT_FOUND.value) try: d = DMF() except errors.WorkspaceConfNotFoundError as err: _log.fatal(f"Cannot get status: {err}") click.echo(str(err)) sys.exit(Code.WORKSPACE_NOT_FOUND.value) # pretty-display a key/value pair or list value def item(key, value=None, before="", after_key = "" if key == "" else ":" if value is None: return f"{before}{color}{key}{after_key}{t.normal}" elif key is None: return f"{before}{color}{value}{t.normal}" return f"{before}{color}{key}{after_key}{t.normal} {value}" indent_spc = " " print(item("settings", indent = indent_spc conf = DMFConfig() # note: must exist due to earlier check for key, value in conf.c.items(): print(item(key, value, before=indent)) print(item("workspace", indent = indent_spc for key, value in ( ("location", d.root), ("name",, ("description", d.description), ("created", d.meta[d.CONF_CREATED]), ("modified", d.meta[d.CONF_MODIFIED]), ): print(item(key, value, before=indent)) _show_optional_workspace_items(d, show, indent_spc, item, t=t) def _show_optional_workspace_items(d, items, indent_spc, item_fn, t=None): indent = indent_spc for thing in items: if thing == "files" or thing == "all": print(item_fn("files", before=indent)) fpath = pathlib.Path(d.datafiles_path) fdirs = [dr for dr in fpath.glob("*") if dr.is_dir()] indent = indent_spc * 2 print(item_fn("count", len(fdirs), before=indent)) total_size = sum( (sum((fp.stat().st_size for fp in fd.glob("*"))) for fd in fdirs) ) print( item_fn("total_size", humanize.naturalsize(total_size), before=indent) ) if thing == "htmldocs" or thing == "all": indent = indent_spc doc_paths = d.get_doc_paths() print(item_fn("html_documentation_paths", before=indent)) indent = indent_spc * 2 for p in doc_paths: print(item_fn("-", p, before=indent)) if thing == "logging" or thing == "all": indent = indent_spc print(item_fn("logging", before=indent)) log_conf = d.meta.get(Fields.LOG_CONF, None) indent = 2 * indent_spc if log_conf is None: print(item_fn(None, "not configured", before=indent, color=t.yellow)) else: for subconf in sorted(log_conf.keys()): print(item_fn(subconf, before=indent)) indent2 = indent + indent_spc for i2, v2 in log_conf[subconf].items(): print(item_fn(i2, v2, before=indent2)) @click.command(help="Register a new object in the DMF workspace") @click.argument("url", type=URLType(), metavar="FILE") @click.option("--info", help="Show info on created resource", flag_value="yes") @click.option( "--copy/--no-copy", default=True, help="Whether input file is copied into DMF " "workspace, or referred to by location", ) @click.option( "--type", "-t", "resource_type", type=click.Choice(tuple(resource.RESOURCE_TYPES)), help="Resource type (default=determined from file)", ) @click.option( "--strict/--no-strict", help="If inferring the type fails, " "with `--strict` report an error, and with `--no-strict` fall back " "to importing as a generic file", ) @click.option( "--unique/--no-unique", default=True, help="Stop if another resource has a file matching this file's " "name and contents", ) @click.option( "--contained", help="Add a 'contained in' relation to the given resource", metavar="RESOURCE-ID", multiple=True, ) @click.option( "--derived", help="Add 'derived from' relation", metavar="OBJECT-ID", multiple=True ) @click.option( "--used", help="Add 'used by' relation to the given resource", metavar="RESOURCE-ID", multiple=True, ) @click.option( "--prev", help="Add 'version of previous' relation to the given resource", metavar="RESOURCE-ID", multiple=True, ) @click.option( "--is-subject", flag_value="yes", help="If given, this resource will be the subject rather than the object " "of any and all relations added.", ) @click.option( "--version", help="Set semantic version for this resource (default=0.0.0)", default=None, ) def register( resource_type, url, info, copy, strict, unique, contained, derived, used, prev, is_subject, version, ): _log.debug(f"Register object type='{resource_type}' url/path='{url.path}'") # process url if url.scheme in ("file", ""): path = url.path else: click.echo("Currently, URL must be a file") sys.exit(Code.NOT_SUPPORTED.value) # create the resource _log.debug("create resource") try: rsrc = resource.Resource.from_file( path, as_type=resource_type, strict=strict, do_copy=copy ) except resource.Resource.InferResourceTypeError as err: click.echo(f"Failed to infer resource: {err}") sys.exit(Code.IMPORT_RESOURCE.value) except resource.Resource.LoadResourceError as err: click.echo(f"Failed to load resource: {err}") sys.exit(Code.IMPORT_RESOURCE.value) # connect to DMF try: dmf = DMF() except errors.WorkspaceError as err: click.echo(f"Failed to connect to DMF: {err}") sys.exit(Code.WORKSPACE_NOT_FOUND.value) except errors.DMFError as err: click.echo(f"Failed to connect to DMF: {err}") sys.exit(Code.DMF.value) # check uniqueness if unique: df = rsrc.v["datafiles"][0] # file info for this upload query = {"datafiles": [{"sha1": df["sha1"]}]} query_result, dup_ids = dmf.find(query), [] for dup in query_result: dup_df = dup.v["datafiles"][0] if dup_df["path"] in df["path"]: dup_ids.append( n_dup = len(dup_ids) if n_dup > 0: click.echo( f"This file is already in {n_dup} resource(s): " f"{' '.join(dup_ids)}" ) sys.exit(Code.DMF_OPER.value) # process relations _log.debug("add relations") rel_to_add = { # translate into standard relation names resource.PR_CONTAINS: contained, resource.PR_DERIVED: derived, resource.PR_USES: used, resource.PR_VERSION: prev, } target_resources = {} # keep target resources in dict, update at end for rel_name, rel_ids in rel_to_add.items(): for rel_id in rel_ids: if rel_id in target_resources: rel_subj = target_resources[rel_id] else: rel_subj = dmf.fetch_one(rel_id) target_resources[rel_id] = rel_subj if rel_subj is None: click.echo(f"Relation {rel_name} target not found: {rel_id}") sys.exit(Code.DMF_OPER.value) if is_subject == "yes": resource.create_relation_args(rsrc, rel_name, rel_subj) else: resource.create_relation_args(rel_subj, rel_name, rsrc) _log.debug(f"added relation {} <-- {rel_name} -- {rel_id}") _log.debug("update resource relations") for rel_rsrc in target_resources.values(): dmf.update(rel_rsrc) # add metadata if version: try: vlist = resource.version_list(version) except ValueError: click.echo(f"Invalid version `{version}`") sys.exit(Code.INPUT_VALUE.value) else: rsrc.v["version_info"]["version"] = vlist # add the resource _log.debug("add resource begin") try: new_id = dmf.add(rsrc) except errors.DuplicateResourceError as err: click.echo(f"Failed to add resource: {err}") sys.exit(Code.DMF_OPER.value) _log.debug(f"added resource: {new_id}") if info == "yes": pfxlen = len(new_id) si = _ShowInfo("term", pfxlen) for rsrc in dmf.find_by_id(new_id): else: click.echo(new_id) @click.command(help="List resources in the workspace") @click.option("--color/--no-color", default=True, help="Use color for output") @click.option( "--show", "-s", multiple=True, help=f"Show given field(s) in listing. Common fields: {SHOW_FIELDS}", ) @click.option( "--sort", "-S", "sort_by", type=click.Choice(["id", "type", "desc", "created", "modified", "version"]), multiple=True, help="Sort by given field; if repeated, combine to make a compound sort key", ) @click.option( "--prefix/--no-prefix", "prefix", help="By default, shown 'id' is the shortest unique prefix; " "`--no-prefix` shows full id", default=True, ) @click.option("--reverse", "-r", "reverse", flag_value="yes", help="Reverse sort order") def ls(color, show, sort_by, reverse, prefix): d = DMF() if not show: show = ["type", "desc", "modified"] # note: 'id' is always first else: try: show = _split_and_validate_fields(show) except ValueError as err: click.echo(f"Bad fields for --show option: {err}") sys.exit(Code.INPUT_VALUE.value) reverse = bool(reverse == "yes") if not sort_by: sort_by = ["id"] resources = list(d.find()) _print_resource_table(resources, show, sort_by, reverse, prefix, color) def _split_and_validate_fields(fields: List[str]) -> List[str]: """Split comma-separated 'show' fields, validate that they are part of a resource, and return a list of tuples. Raises: ValueError: if the fields do not validate Returns: """ dummy = resource.DUMMY_RESOURCE # Find every field in the resource result = [] for grp in fields: for f in grp.split(","): f = f.strip() if f in _show_fields: result.append(f) continue if "." in f: keys, v = f.split("."), dummy try: for k in keys: try: v = v[k] except TypeError: raise ValueError(f"bad field {f}") except KeyError: raise ValueError(f"bad field {f} (error at " f"sub-field {k})") result.append(tuple(keys)) elif f not in dummy: raise ValueError(f"bad field {f}") else: result.append(f) return result def _print_resource_table(resources, show_fields, sort_by, reverse, prefix, color): """Text-mode `ls`. """ t = _cterm if color else _noterm if len(resources) == 0: print("no resources to display") return uuid_len = util.uuid_prefix_len([ for r in resources]) full_len = max((len( for r in resources)) if not prefix else uuid_len fields = ["id"] + list(show_fields) nfields = len(fields) # calculate table body. do this first to get widths. hdr_fields = [".".join(f) if isinstance(f, tuple) else f for f in fields] rows, maxwid, widths = [], 60, [len(f) for f in hdr_fields] for r in resources: row = [] for i, fld in enumerate(fields): # transform field for display try: transformer = _show_fields[fld] except KeyError: transformer = _IdentityField(fld) transformer.set_value(r) # if it's a UUID field, add info about unique prefix length is_id_field = isinstance(transformer, _IdField) if is_id_field: transformer.term = t transformer.pfxlen = uuid_len transformer.flen = full_len # extract display string and set field width s = str(transformer) slen = full_len if is_id_field else len(s) if slen > widths[i]: if slen > maxwid: s, widths[i] = s[:maxwid], maxwid else: widths[i] = slen row.append(s) # append sort keys (not displayed) sort_obj = [_show_fields[fld] for fld in sort_by] for o in sort_obj: o.set_value(r) row.extend([o.value for o in sort_obj]) # add row to table body rows.append(row) # sort rows nsort = len(sort_by) if nsort > 0: sort_key_idx = tuple(range(nfields, nfields + nsort)) rows.sort(key=itemgetter(*sort_key_idx), reverse=reverse) # print table header hdr_columns = [t.bold + f"{f:{w}}" for f, w in zip(hdr_fields, widths)] print(" ".join(hdr_columns) + t.normal) # print table body for row in rows: col = [] for i, fld in enumerate(fields): if i == 0: col.append( elif fld == resource.Resource.TYPE_FIELD: col.append(t.yellow) elif fld != "desc": col.append( else: col.append("") row_columns = [ f"{col[i]}{f:{w}}{t.normal}" for i, f, w in zip(range(len(widths)), row[:nfields], widths) ] print(" ".join(row_columns)) @click.command(help="Find resources in the workspace") @click.option("--color/--no-color", default=True, help="Use color for output") @click.option( "--format", "output_format", type=click.Choice(["list", "info", "json"]), default="list", help="Output format", ) @click.option( "--show", "-s", multiple=True, help=f"Show given field(s) in listing. Common fields: {SHOW_FIELDS}", ) @click.option( "--sort", "-S", "sort_by", type=click.Choice(["id", "type", "desc", "created", "modified", "version"]), multiple=True, help="Sort by given field; if repeated, combine to make a compound sort key", ) @click.option("--reverse", "-r", "reverse", flag_value="yes", help="Reverse sort order") @click.option( "--prefix/--no-prefix", "prefix", help="By default, shown 'id' is the shortest unique prefix; " "`--no-prefix` shows full id", default=True, ) @click.option("--by", default="", help="Creator name") @click.option("--created", default="", help="Creation date or date range") @click.option("--file", "filedesc", default="", help="File desc(ription)") @click.option("--modified", default="", help="Modification date or date range") @click.option("--name", default="", help="Matches any of the aliases") @click.option("--type", "datatype", default="", help="The resource type") def find( output_format, color, show, sort_by, prefix, reverse, by, created, filedesc, modified, name, datatype, ): d = DMF() if output_format == "list": if not show: show = ["type", "desc", "modified"] # note: 'id' is always first else: try: show = _split_and_validate_fields(show) except ValueError as err: click.echo(f"Bad fields for --show option: {err}") sys.exit(Code.INPUT_VALUE.value) reverse = bool(reverse == "yes") if not sort_by: sort_by = ["id"] # Build query query = {} if by: query[""] = by if created: try: query["created"] = _date_query(created) except ValueError as err: click.echo(f"bad date for 'created': {err}") sys.exit(Code.INPUT_VALUE.value) if filedesc: query["datafiles"] = [{"desc": filedesc}] if modified: try: query["modified"] = _date_query(modified) except ValueError as err: click.echo(f"bad date for 'modified': {err}") sys.exit(Code.INPUT_VALUE.value) if name: query["aliases"] = [name] if datatype: query["type"] = datatype # Execute query"find: query = '{query}'") _log.debug("find.begin") resources = list(d.find(query)) _log.debug("find.end") # Print result if output_format == "list": # print resources like `ls` _print_resource_table(resources, show, sort_by, reverse, prefix, color) elif output_format == "info": # print resources one by one si = _ShowInfo("term", 32, color=color) for rsrc in resources: elif output_format == "json": # print resources as JSON for r in resources: print(json.dumps(r.v, indent=2)) def _date_query(datestr): """Transform date(s) into a query. """ def _ts(x): # get timestamp of date or time try: return x.timestamp() except AttributeError: return datetime.datetime(*x.timetuple()[:6]).timestamp() dates = datestr.split("..", 1) _log.debug(f"date '{datestr}', split: {dates}") try: parsed_dates = [ pendulum.parser.parse(d, exact=True, tz=pendulum.local_timezone()) if d else None for d in dates ] except pendulum.exceptions.ParserError as err: raise ValueError(str(err)) if len(parsed_dates) == 2: begin_date, end_date = parsed_dates query = {} if begin_date: query['$ge'] = _ts(begin_date) if end_date: query['$le'] = _ts(end_date) else: pd = parsed_dates[0] if isinstance(pd, pendulum.Pendulum): _log.warning("datetime given, must match to the second") query = _ts(pd) else: query = {'$ge': _ts(pd), '$le': _ts(pd) + 60 * 60 * 24} # 1 day return query @click.command(help="Show detailed information about a resource") # aliases: resource @click.argument("identifier") @click.option("--multiple/--no-multiple", default=False) @click.option( "--format", "-f", "output_format", type=click.Choice(["term", "json", "jsonc"]), multiple=False, default="term", help="Output format: `term` (the default) shows terminal-friendly output, with " "some colors; `json` outputs JSON text; `jsonc` outputs compact JSON (no indents" "or line breaks)", ) @click.option( "--color/--no-color", default=True, help="In term mode, use (or do not use)" " color for output", ) def info(identifier, multiple, output_format, color): _log.debug(f"info for resource id='{identifier}'") try: resource.identifier_str(identifier, allow_prefix=True) except ValueError as err: click.echo(f"{err}") sys.exit(Code.INPUT_VALUE.value) rsrc_list = list(find_by_id(identifier)) n = len(rsrc_list) if n > 1 and not multiple: click.echo( f"Too many ({n}) resources match prefix '{identifier}'. " "Add option --multiple to allow multiple matches." ) sys.exit(Code.DMF_OPER.value) elif n == 0: click.echo("Resource not found") sys.exit(Code.DMF_OPER.value) pfxlen = len(identifier) si = _ShowInfo(output_format, pfxlen, color=color) for rsrc in rsrc_list: @click.command(help="Show resources related (connected) to a given resource") @click.argument("identifier") @click.option( "-d", "--direction", type=click.Choice(["out", "in"]), default="out", help="Direction of relationship to show (default=out[going])", ) @click.option( "--color/--no-color", default=True, help="In term mode, use (or do not use)" " color for output", ) @click.option( "--unicode/--no-unicode", default=True, help="With `--unicode`, allow unicode characters for connecting " "output items with 'lines'. With --no-unicode, use plain ASCII " "characters for this", ) def related(identifier, direction, color, unicode):"related to resource id='{identifier}'") t = _cterm if color else _noterm dmf = DMF() try: resource.identifier_str(identifier, allow_prefix=True) except ValueError as err: click.echo(f"{err}") sys.exit(Code.INPUT_VALUE.value) _log.debug(f"begin: finding root resource {identifier}") rsrc_list = list(find_by_id(identifier, dmf=dmf)) n = len(rsrc_list) if n > 1: click.echo(f"Too many resources matching `{identifier}`") sys.exit(Code.INPUT_VALUE) rsrc = rsrc_list[0] _log.debug(f"end: finding root resource {identifier}") # get related resources _log.debug(f"begin: finding related resources for {identifier}") outgoing = direction == "out" rr = list(dmf.find_related(rsrc, meta=["aliases", "type"], outgoing=outgoing)) _log.debug(f"end: finding related resources for {identifier}") # stop if no relations if not rr: _log.warning(f"no resource related to {identifier}") click.echo(f"No relations for resource `{identifier}`") sys.exit(0)"got {len(rr)} related resources") # debugging if _log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): dbgtree = '\n'.join([' ' + str(x) for x in rr]) _log.debug(f"related resources:\n{dbgtree}") # extract uuids & determine common UUID prefix length uuids = [item[2][resource.Resource.ID_FIELD] for item in rr] pfx = util.uuid_prefix_len(uuids) # initialize queue with depth=1 items q = [item for item in rr if item[0] == 1] # print root resource print(_related_item(,, rsrc.type, pfx, t, unicode)) # set up printing style if unicode: # connector chars vrt, vrd, relbow, relbow2, rarr = ( '\u2502', '\u2506', '\u2514', '\u251C', '\u2500\u2500', ) # relation prefix and arrow relpre, relarr = ( ['\u2500\u25C0\u2500\u2524', '\u2524'][outgoing], ['\u2502', '\u251C\u2500\u25B6'][outgoing], ) else: # connector chars vrt, vrd, relbow, relbow2, rarr = '|', '.', '+', '+', '--' # relation prefix and arrow relpre, relarr = ['<-[', '-['][outgoing], [']-', ']->'][outgoing] # create map of #items at each level, so we can easily # know when there are more at a given level, for drawing n_at_level = {0: 0} for item in rr: depth = item[0] if depth in n_at_level: n_at_level[depth] += 1 else: n_at_level[depth] = 1 # print tree while q: depth, rel, meta = q.pop() n_at_level[depth] -= 1 indent = ''.join( [ f" {}{vrd if n_at_level[i - 1] else ' '}{t.normal} " for i in range(1, depth + 1) ] ) print(f"{indent} {}{vrt}{t.normal}") rstr = f"{}{relpre}{t.yellow}{rel.predicate}{}{relarr}{t.normal}" if meta["aliases"]: item_name = meta["aliases"][0] else: item_name = meta.get("desc", "-") istr = _related_item( meta[resource.Resource.ID_FIELD], item_name, meta["type"], pfx, t, unicode ) # determine correct connector (whether there is another one down the stack) elbow = relbow if (not q or q[-1][0] != depth) else relbow2 print(f"{indent} {}{elbow}{rarr}{t.normal}{rstr} {istr}") new_rr = [] for d2, rel2, _ in rr: if outgoing: is_same = rel2.subject == rel.object else: is_same = rel2.object == rel.subject if d2 == depth + 1 and is_same: q.append((d2, rel2, _)) else: new_rr.append((d2, rel2, _)) rr = new_rr def _related_item(id_, name, type_, pfx, t, unicode): return f"{}{id_[:pfx]} {}{type_} {t.normal}{name}" @click.command(help="Remove a resource") # aliases: delete @click.argument("identifier") @click.option( "-y", "--yes", flag_value="yes", help="No interactive confirmations; assume 'yes' answer to all", ) @click.option("--list/--no-list", "list_resources", default=True) @click.option("--multiple/--no-multiple", default=False) def rm(identifier, yes, multiple, list_resources):"remove resource '{identifier}'") try: resource.identifier_str(identifier, allow_prefix=True) except ValueError as errmsg: click.echo(f"Invalid identifier. Details: {errmsg}") sys.exit(Code.INPUT_VALUE.value) rsrc_list = list(find_by_id(identifier)) found_multiple = len(rsrc_list) > 1 if found_multiple and not multiple: click.echo( f"Too many ({len(rsrc_list)}) resources match prefix '{identifier}'. " "Add option --multiple to allow multiple matches." ) sys.exit(Code.DMF_OPER.value) fields = ["type", "desc", "modified"] # "id" is prepended by _ls_basic() if list_resources: _print_resource_table(rsrc_list, fields, ["id"], False, False, True) if yes != "yes": if found_multiple: s = f"these {len(rsrc_list)} resources" else: s = "this resource" do_remove = click.confirm(f"Remove {s}", prompt_suffix="? ", default=False) if not do_remove: click.echo("aborted") sys.exit(Code.CANCELED.value) d = DMF() for r in rsrc_list: _log.debug(f"begin remove-resource id={}") d.remove( _log.debug(f"end remove-resource id={}") if found_multiple: s = f"{len(rsrc_list)} resources removed" else: s = "resource removed" click.echo(s) ###################################################################################### def find_by_id(identifier, dmf=None): if dmf is None: dmf = DMF() return dmf.find_by_id(identifier) class _ShowInfo: """Container for methods, etc. to show info about a resource. """ contents_indent, json_indent = 4, 2 # for `term` output def __init__(self, output_format, pfxlen, color=None, unicode=True): self._terminal = _cterm if color else _noterm self._pfxlen = pfxlen self._fmt = output_format self._resource = None C = namedtuple('Corners', ['nw', 'ne', 'se', 'sw']) if unicode: self._corners = C._make('\u250C\u2510\u2518\u2514') self._hz, self._vt = '\u2500', '\u2502' else: self._corners = C._make('++++') self._hz, self._vt = '-', '|' def show(self, rsrc): self._resource = rsrc getattr(self, f"show_{self._fmt}")() def show_json(self): json.dump(self._resource.v, sys.stdout, indent=self.json_indent) print() def show_jsonc(self): json.dump(self._resource.v, sys.stdout) print() def show_term(self): t = self._terminal rval = self._human_readable_values() term_width = t.width or 80 width = min(term_width, self._longest_line(rval) + 3 + self.contents_indent) self._print_info_term_header(width) top_keys = sorted(rval.keys()) for rownum, tk in enumerate(top_keys): val = rval[tk] if self._has_values(val): contents_str = yaml.dump( yaml.load(json.dumps(val)), default_flow_style=False, explicit_end=False, ) if contents_str.endswith('...\n'): contents_str = contents_str[:-4] print( f"{t.cyan}{self._vt}{t.normal} {t.bold}{t.cyan}{tk}{t.normal}" f"{' ' * (width - len(tk) - 3)}{t.cyan}{self._vt}{t.normal}" ) self._print_info_contents_term(contents_str, width) print( f"{t.cyan}{self._corners.sw}{self._hz * (width - 2)}" f"{}{t.normal}" ) def _longest_line(self, formatted_resource): longest = 0 for k, v in formatted_resource.items(): v_longest = max( (len(s) for s in json.dumps(v, indent=self.json_indent).split('\n')) ) longest = max((longest, v_longest)) return longest def _print_info_term_header(self, width): t, r = self._terminal, self._resource padding = width - len( - 10 if padding % 2 == 1: lpad = padding // 2 - 1 rpad = padding // 2 - 1 else: lpad, rpad = padding // 2 - 1, padding // 2 - 2 print( f"{t.cyan}{self._corners.nw}{lpad * self._hz}{t.normal} Resource " f"{}{[:self._pfxlen]}" f"{}{[self._pfxlen:]} " f"{t.cyan}{rpad * self._hz}{}{t.normal}" ) def _print_info_contents_term(self, s, width): t, n = self._terminal, self.contents_indent contents_width = width - 2 - n indent = " " * n for line in s.split('\n'): p = 0 while p < len(line): print_line = line[p : p + contents_width] print( f"{t.cyan}{self._vt}{t.normal}{indent}{print_line}" f"{' ' * (contents_width - len(print_line))}{t.cyan}{self._vt}" f"{t.normal}" ) p += contents_width def _human_readable_values(self): val, result = self._resource.v, {} def dateize(v): return pendulum.fromtimestamp(v).to_datetime_string() for k, v in val.items(): if k in ("created", "modified"): result[k] = dateize(v) elif k == "version_info": result[ "version" ] = f"{resource.format_version(v['version'])} @ {dateize(v['created'])}" elif k == "relations": relations = [] for rel in v: is_object = rel["role"] == "object" predicate = f"--[{rel['predicate']}]--" if is_object: s = f"{rel['identifier']} {predicate}> ME" else: s = f"{rel['identifier']} <{predicate} ME" relations.append(s) if relations: result[k] = relations else: if isinstance(v, list): result[k] = v[:] elif isinstance(v, dict): result[k] = v.copy() else: result[k] = v return result @staticmethod def _has_values(data): if isinstance(data, list) or isinstance(data, dict): return bool(data) return True class _LsField: """Subclasses define how to retrieve and transform the user-specified field into a string for display by 'ls'. """ def __init__(self, key): self._key = key self.value = "" def set_value(self, rsrc): if isinstance(self._key, list) or isinstance(self._key, tuple): v = rsrc.v for k in self._key: v = v[k] self.value = v else: self.value = rsrc.v[self._key] class _IdentityField(_LsField): def __str__(self): return str(self.value) class _DateField(_LsField): def __str__(self): return pendulum.fromtimestamp(self.value).to_datetime_string() class _FilesField(_LsField): def __str__(self): if len(self.value) > 1: return f"{self.value[0]['path']} ..." elif len(self.value) == 1: return f"{self.value[0]['path']}" return "<none>" class _CodesField(_LsField): def __str__(self): if len(self.value) > 1: return f"{self.value[0]['name']} ..." elif len(self.value) == 1: return f"{self.value[0]['name']}" return "<none>" class _IdField(_LsField): def __init__(self, key): super().__init__(key) self.pfxlen = 0 self.flen = 0 self.term = None def __str__(self): t = self.term if self.pfxlen < len(self.value): if self.flen > self.pfxlen: return ( f"{t.cyan}{self.value[: self.pfxlen]}{t.normal}" f"{self.value[self.pfxlen: self.flen]}" ) else: return self.value[: self.pfxlen] return self.value class _VersionField(_LsField): def __str__(self): return resource.format_version(self.value) # Mapping from the field name to an instance of a subclass # of _Field that can extract sortable and formatted values. _show_fields = { "id": _IdField(resource.Resource.ID_FIELD), "type": _IdentityField("type"), "desc": _IdentityField("desc"), "creator": _IdentityField(("creator", "name")), "created": _DateField("created"), "modified": _DateField("modified"), "files": _FilesField("datafiles"), "codes": _CodesField("codes"), "version": _VersionField(("version_info", "version")), } ###################################################################################### # Register base commands base_command.add_command(init) base_command.add_command(register) base_command.add_command(status) base_command.add_command(ls) base_command.add_command(find) base_command.add_command(info) base_command.add_command(related) base_command.add_command(rm) if __name__ == '__main__': base_command()