Source code for idaes.dmf.dmfbase

# Institute for the Design of Advanced Energy Systems Process Systems
# Engineering Framework (IDAES PSE Framework) Copyright (c) 2018-2019, by the
# software owners: The Regents of the University of California, through
# Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,  National Technology & Engineering
# Solutions of Sandia, LLC, Carnegie Mellon University, West Virginia
# University Research Corporation, et al. All rights reserved.
# Please see the files COPYRIGHT.txt and LICENSE.txt for full copyright and
# license information, respectively. Both files are also available online
# at the URL "".
Data Management Framework
# stdlib
import logging
import os
import pathlib
import re
import shutil
import sys
import uuid
from typing import Generator

# third-party
import pendulum
import six
from traitlets import HasTraits, default, observe
from traitlets import Unicode
import yaml

# local
from . import errors
from . import resource
from . import resourcedb
from . import workspace
from .util import mkdir_p

__author__ = 'Dan Gunter <>'

_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class DMFConfig(object): """Global DMF configuration. Every time you create an instance of the :class:`DMF` or run a ``dmf`` command on the command-line, the library opens the global DMF configuration file to figure out the default workspace (and, eventually, other values). The default location for this configuration file is "~/.dmf", i.e. the file named ".dmf" in the user's home directory. This can be modified programmatically by changing the "filename" attribute of this class. The contents of the configuration are formatted as `YAML`_ with the following keys defined: workspace Path to the default workspace directory. .. _YAML: """ # configuration file location _filename = os.path.expanduser('~/.dmf') # known keys WORKSPACE = 'workspace' _keys = [WORKSPACE] # defaults DEFAULTS = {WORKSPACE: os.path.abspath('.')} def __init__(self, defaults=None): """Create new configuration. Args: defaults (dict): Default values to use if nothing is found. If not provided, use self.DEFAULTS Raises: IOError: If self.filename is not openable or readable ValueError: If the file can't be parsed as YAML """ # init to defaults self.c = {} if defaults: self.c.update(defaults) else: self.c.update(self.DEFAULTS) # try to open the config file fp = None try: if not os.path.exists(self._filename): raise IOError('File not found: {}'.format(self._filename)) fp = open(self._filename, 'rb') except IOError as err: _log.warning( 'Unable to open global DMF configuration file ' 'for reading: {}. Using default configuration values.'.format(err) ) # if we got a config file, parse it if fp: try: self._parse(fp) except ValueError as err: raise ValueError( 'Parsing configuration at "{}": {}'.format(self._filename, err) ) @classmethod def configuration_exists(cls): return pathlib.Path(cls._filename).exists() @classmethod def configuration_path(cls) -> pathlib.Path: return pathlib.Path(cls._filename) def save(self): try: fp = open(self._filename, 'w') except IOError: raise yaml.dump(self.c, fp) @property def workspace(self): return self.c[self.WORKSPACE] def _parse(self, fp): try: y = yaml.load(fp) except Exception as err: raise ValueError(err) if y: for k, v in six.iteritems(y): if k in self._keys: self.c[k] = v
[docs]class DMF(workspace.Workspace, HasTraits): """Data Management Framework (DMF). Expected usage is to instantiate this class, once, and then use it for storing, searching, and retrieving resources that are required for the given analysis. For details on the configuration files used by the DMF, see documentation for :class:`DMFConfig` (global configuration) and :class:`idaes.dmf.workspace.Workspace`. """ db_file = Unicode(help='Database file name') datafile_dir = Unicode(help='Data file directory, ' 'relative to DMF root') CONF_DB_FILE = 'db_file' CONF_DATA_DIR = 'datafile_dir' CONF_HELP_PATH = workspace.Fields.DOC_HTML_PATH # logging should really provide this _levelnames = { 'fatal': logging.FATAL, 'error': logging.ERROR, 'warn': logging.WARN, 'warning': logging.WARN, 'info': logging.INFO, 'debug': logging.DEBUG, } def __init__( self, path='', name=None, desc=None, create=False, save_path=False, **ws_kwargs ): """Create or load DMF workspace. Args: path (str): Path to workspace. If given, will override any global configuration. If not given (empty or None), then global configuration will be checked first. If empty, and the global configuration does not parse or exist, then "." will be used. name (str): Name to be used for workspace. desc (str): Longer description of workspace. create (bool): If the path to the workspace does not exist, this controls whether to create it or raise an error. save_path: If True, save provided path globally **ws_kwargs: Keyword arguments for :meth:`workspace.Workspace()` constructor. Raises: WorkspaceError: Any error that could be raised by the Workspace superclass. """ # get global configuration conf = DMFConfig(defaults={}) # get path, if not specified, from configuration if not path: path = conf.c.get(DMFConfig.WORKSPACE, '.') elif save_path: conf.c[DMFConfig.WORKSPACE] = os.path.abspath(path) # set up workspace ws_kwargs['create'] = create try: super(DMF, self).__init__(path, **ws_kwargs) except (errors.ParseError, ValueError) as err: msg = 'Configuration "{}", parse error: {}'.format(path, err) raise errors.WorkspaceError(msg) # check local config self._validate_conf(self.meta) # merge selected global config values into local # XXX: not done # set up logging if workspace.Fields.LOG_CONF in self.meta: try: self._configure_logging() except ValueError as err: msg = 'Configuration "{}", logging section error: {}'.format(path, err) raise errors.WorkspaceError(msg) # set up rest of DMF path = os.path.join(self.root, self.db_file) self._db = resourcedb.ResourceDB(path) self._datafile_path = os.path.join(self.root, self.datafile_dir) if not os.path.exists(self._datafile_path): os.mkdir(self._datafile_path, 0o750) # add create/modified date, and optional name/description _w = workspace.Workspace right_now = meta = {_w.CONF_CREATED: right_now, _w.CONF_MODIFIED: right_now} if name: meta[_w.CONF_NAME] = name if desc: meta[_w.CONF_DESC] = desc self.set_meta(meta) # save global config mods def _configure_logging(self): """Configure logging for DMF. Expected schema:: <logger-name>: level: <levelname> default=NOTSET output: file|_stdout_|_stderr_ default=_stderr_ Raises: ValueError: for bad configuration values """ conf = self.meta[workspace.Fields.LOG_CONF] for lognm in conf.keys(): name = lognm.lower() if name == 'root': log = self._get_logger() else: log = self._get_logger(lognm) subconf = conf[lognm] if 'output' in subconf: dest = subconf['output'] if dest == '_stdout_': h = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stdout) elif dest == '_stderr_': h = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stderr) else: try: h = logging.FileHandler(dest) except IOError: raise ValueError( 'Cannot open output file "{}" for ' 'logger "{}"'.format(dest, lognm) ) log.addHandler(h) log.setLevel(logging.NOTSET) if 'level' in subconf: levelnm = subconf['level'].lower() level = self._levelnames.get(levelnm, None) if level is None: opt = ', '.join(self._levelnames.keys()) raise ValueError( 'Bad level "{}" for logger "{}". Must be ' 'one of: {}'.format(levelnm, lognm, opt) ) log.setLevel(level) if 'format' in subconf: fmt = logging.Formatter(subconf['format']) if log.hasHandlers(): for h in log.handlers: h.setFormatter(fmt) @staticmethod def _get_logger(name=None): """Get a logger by absolute or short-hand name. """ if name is None: fullname = 'idaes' # idaes.<whatever> just use name as-is elif re.match(r'idaes\.[a-zA-Z_.]+', name): fullname = name # .<whatever>, root at idaes elif re.match(r'\.[a-zA-Z_.]+', name): fullname = 'idaes' + name # some special names elif name in ('dmf', 'core', 'models', 'ui'): fullname = 'idaes.' + name # when in doubt just take value as-is else: fullname = name return logging.getLogger(fullname) def _validate_conf(self, c): if self.CONF_HELP_PATH not in c: _log.warning( 'Path to built HTML documentation is not set. ' 'The DMF "help" command will not work. To set ' 'this path, set "{}" in the DMF configuration file.'.format( self.CONF_HELP_PATH ) ) @default(CONF_DB_FILE) def _default_db_file(self): return self.meta.get(self.CONF_DB_FILE, 'resourcedb.json') @default(CONF_DATA_DIR) def _default_res_dir(self): return self.meta.get(self.CONF_DATA_DIR, 'files') @observe(CONF_DB_FILE, CONF_DATA_DIR, CONF_HELP_PATH) def _observe_setting(self, change): if change['type'] != 'change': return values = {change['name']: change['new']} self.set_meta(values) @property def datafiles_path(self): return self._datafile_path
[docs] def add(self, rsrc): """Add a resource and associated files. If the resource has 'datafiles', there are some special values that cause those files to be copied and possibly the original removed at this point. There are attributes `do_copy` and `is_tmp` on the resource, and also potentially keys of the same name in the datafiles themselves. If present, the datafile key/value pairs will override the attributes in the resource. For `do_copy`, the original file will be copied into the DMF workspace. If `do_copy` is True, then if `is_tmp` is also True the original file will be removed (after the copy is made, of course). Args: rsrc (resource.Resource): The resource Returns: (str) Resource ID Raises: DMFError, DuplicateResourceError """ # Copy files as necessary # Note: this updates paths in the Resource, so should come first if 'datafiles' in rsrc.v: self._copy_files(rsrc) # Add resource try: self._db.put(rsrc) except errors.DuplicateResourceError as err: _log.error('Cannot add resource: {}'.format(err)) raise return
def _copy_files(self, rsrc): if rsrc.v.get('datafiles_dir', None): # If there is a datafiles_dir, use it ddir = rsrc.v['datafiles_dir'] else: # If no datafiles_dir, create a random subdir of the DMF # configured `_datafile_path`. The subdir prevents name # collisions across resources. random_subdir = uuid.uuid4().hex ddir = os.path.join(self._datafile_path, random_subdir) try: mkdir_p(ddir) except os.error as err: raise errors.DMFError('Cannot make dir "{}": {}'.format(ddir, err)) for datafile in rsrc.v['datafiles']: if 'do_copy' in datafile: do_copy = datafile['do_copy'] else: do_copy = rsrc.do_copy if do_copy: # The `do_copy` flag says do a copy of this datafile from its # current path, say /a/path/to/file, into the resource's # datafile-dir, say /a/dir/for/resources/, resulting in # e.g. /a/dir/for/resources/file. filepath = datafile['path'] filedir, filename = os.path.split(filepath) copydir = os.path.join(ddir, filename) _log.debug( 'Copying datafile "{}" to directory "{}"'.format(filepath, copydir) ) try: shutil.copy2(filepath, copydir) except (IOError, OSError) as err: msg = ( 'Cannot copy datafile from "{}" to DMF ' 'directory "{}": {}'.format(filepath, copydir, err) ) _log.error(msg) raise errors.DMFError(msg) # The `is_tmp` flag means to remove the original resource file # after the copy is done. if 'is_tmp' in datafile: is_tmp = datafile['is_tmp'] else: is_tmp = rsrc.is_tmp if is_tmp: _log.debug( 'Temporary datafile flag is on, removing ' 'original datafile "{}"'.format(filepath) ) try: os.unlink(filepath) except OSError as err: _log.error( 'Removing temporary datafile "{}": {}'.format(filepath, err) ) if 'is_tmp' in datafile: # remove this directive del datafile['is_tmp'] datafile['path'] = filename datafile['is_copy'] = True if 'do_copy' in datafile: # remove this directive del datafile['do_copy'] else: datafile['is_copy'] = False # For idempotence, turn off these flags post-copy rsrc.do_copy = rsrc.is_tmp = False # Make sure datafiles dir is in sync rsrc.v['datafiles_dir'] = ddir def count(self): return len(self._db)
[docs] def fetch_one(self, rid, id_only=False): """Fetch one resource, from its identifier. Args: rid (str): Resource identifier id_only (bool): If true, return only the identifier of each resource; otherwise a Resource object is returned. Returns: (resource.Resource) The found resource, or None if no match """ item = self._db.find_one({resource.Resource.ID_FIELD: rid}, id_only=id_only) if item is None: return None elif id_only: return item else: return self._postproc_resource(item)
[docs] def find(self, filter_dict=None, id_only=False, re_flags=0): """Find and return resources matching the filter. The filter syntax is a subset of the MongoDB filter syntax. This means that it is represented as a dictionary, where each key is an attribute or nested attribute name, and each value is the value against which to match. There are six possible types of values: 1. scalar string or number (int, float): Match resources that have this exact value for the given attribute. 2. special scalars "@<value>": - "@true"/"@false": boolean (bare True/False will test existence) 3. date, as datetime.datetime or pendulum.Pendulum instance: Match resources that have this exact date for the given attribute. 4. list: Match resources that have a list value for this attribute, and for which any of the values in the provided list are in the resource's corresponding value. If a '!' is appended to the key name, then this will be interpreted as a directive to only match resources for which *all* values in the provided list are present. 5. dict: This is an inequality, with one or more key/value pairs. The key is the type of inequality and the value is the numeric value for that range. All keys begin with '$'. The possible inequalities are: - "$lt": Less than (<) - "$le": Less than or equal (<=) - "$gt": Greater than (>) - "$ge": Greater than or equal (>=) - "$ne": Not equal to (!=) 6. Boolean True means does the field exist, and False means does it *not* exist. 7. Regular expression, string "~<expr>" and `re_flags` for flags (understood: re.IGNORECASE) Args: filter_dict (dict): Search filter. id_only (bool): If true, return only the identifier of each resource; otherwise a Resource object is returned. re_flags (int): Flags for regex filters Returns: (list of int|Resource) Depending on the value of `id_only`. """ return ( self._postproc_resource(r) for r in self._db.find( filter_dict=filter_dict, id_only=id_only, flags=re_flags ) )
[docs] def find_by_id(self, identifier: str, id_only=False) -> Generator: """Find resources by their identifier or identifier prefix. """ if len(identifier) == resource.Resource.ID_LENGTH: for rsrc in self._db.find( {resource.Resource.ID_FIELD: identifier}, id_only=id_only ): yield rsrc else: regex, flags = f"{identifier}[a-z]*", re.IGNORECASE for rsrc in self._db.find( {resource.Resource.ID_FIELD: '~' + regex}, flags=flags, id_only=id_only ): yield rsrc
[docs] def remove(self, identifier=None, filter_dict=None, update_relations=True): """Remove one or more resources, from its identifier or a filter. Unless told otherwise, this method will scan the DB and remove all relations that involve this resource. Args: identifier (str): Identifier for a resource. filter_dict (dict): Filter to use instead of identifier update_relations (bool): If True (the default), scan the DB and remove all relations that involve this identifier. """ if not any((identifier, filter_dict)): return None id_list, rid_list = None, None if identifier: # sanity check identifier type if not hasattr(identifier, "lower"): raise TypeError( f"identifier argument is not a string. type={type(identifier)}" ) identifier = str(identifier) id_one = self.fetch_one(identifier, id_only=True) id_list = None if id_one is None else [id_one] rid_list = [identifier] else: id_list = list(self.find(filter_dict=filter_dict, id_only=True)) if id_list: rid_list = [] for i in id_list: rsrc = self._db.get(i) rid_list.append( if not id_list: 'Cannot remove resource-id={} filter={}: Not found'.format( identifier, filter_dict ) ) return self._db.delete(idlist=id_list, internal_ids=True) # If requested, remove deleted resources from all the relations # where it was a subject or object if update_relations: # look at all resources in DB for rsrc in self.find(): # for each one figure out which relations to keep keep = [] for rel in rsrc.v['relations']: # if none of the removed resource ids are present, keep it if rel['identifier'] not in rid_list: keep.append(rel) # if we didn't keep all the relations, update the resource if len(keep) < len(rsrc.v['relations']): rsrc.v['relations'] = keep # save back to DMF self.update(rsrc)
[docs] def update(self, rsrc, sync_relations=False, upsert=False): """Update/insert stored resource. Args: rsrc (resource.Resource): Resource instance sync_relations (bool): If True, and if resource exists in the DB, then the "relations" attribute of the provided resource will be changed to the stored value. upsert (bool): If true, and the resource is not in the DMF, then insert it. If false, and the resource is not in the DMF, then do nothing. Returns: bool: True if the resource was updated or added, False if nothing was done. Raises: errors.DMFError: If the input resource was invalid. """ did_update = False # sanity-check input if not isinstance(rsrc, resource.Resource): raise TypeError('Resource type expected, got: {}'.format(type(rsrc))) # synchronize relations if sync_relations: _log.debug("synchronize relations") db_rsrc = self.fetch_one( if db_rsrc is not None: rsrc.v['relations'] = db_rsrc.v['relations'] # update or insert new values try: self._db.update(, rsrc.v) except KeyError: if upsert: self._db.put(rsrc) did_update = True else: raise except ValueError as err: raise errors.DMFError('Bad value for new resource: {}'.format(err)) return did_update
def _postproc_resource(self, r): """Perform any additional changes to resources retrieved before passing them up to the application. """ return r def __str__(self): return 'DMF config="{}"'.format(self._conf)
def get_propertydb_table(rsrc): from idaes.dmf import propdata return propdata.PropertyTable.load(rsrc.datafiles[0].fullpath)