Source code for idaes.dmf.workspace

# Institute for the Design of Advanced Energy Systems Process Systems
# Engineering Framework (IDAES PSE Framework) Copyright (c) 2018-2019, by the
# software owners: The Regents of the University of California, through
# Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,  National Technology & Engineering
# Solutions of Sandia, LLC, Carnegie Mellon University, West Virginia
# University Research Corporation, et al. All rights reserved.
# Please see the files COPYRIGHT.txt and LICENSE.txt for full copyright and
# license information, respectively. Both files are also available online
# at the URL "".
Workspace classes and functions.
# stdlib
import logging
import os
from typing import List
import uuid
import yaml

# third-party
import jsonschema
import six

# local
from .errors import (

__author__ = 'Dan Gunter <>'

_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    "$schema": "",
    "id": "",
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
        "_id": {"description": "Unique workspace identifier", "type": "string"},
        "htmldocs": {
            "description": "HTML documentation paths",
            "type": "array",
            "items": {
                "type": "string",
                "description": "directory containing Sphinx HTML docs",
            "default": "{dmf_root}/docs/build/html",
        "description": {
            "description": "A human-readable description of the workspace",
            "type": "string",
        "name": {"description": "A short name for the workspace", "type": "string"},

[docs]class Fields(object): """Workspace configuration fields. """ DOC_HTML_PATH = 'htmldocs' # path to documentation html dir LOG_CONF = 'logging' # logging config
[docs]class Workspace(object): """DMF Workspace. In essence, a workspace is some information at the root of a directory tree, a database (currently file-based, so also in the directory tree) of *Resources*, and a set of files associated with these resources. **Workspace Configuration** When the DMF is initialized, the workspace is given as a path to a directory. In that directory is a special file named ``config.yaml``, that contains metadata about the workspace. The very existence of a file by that name is taken by the DMF code as an indication that the containing directory is a DMF workspace:: /path/to/dmf: Root DMF directory | +- config.yaml: Configuration file +- resourcedb.json: Resource metadata "database" (uses TinyDB) +- files: Data files for all resources The configuration file is a `YAML`_ formatted file .. _YAML: The configuration file defines the following key/value pairs: _id Unique identifier for the workspace. This is auto-generated by the library, of course. name Short name for the workspace. description Possibly longer text describing the workspace. created Date at which the workspace was created, as string in the ISO8601 format. modified Date at which the workspace was last modified, as string in the ISO8601 format. htmldocs Full path to the location of the built (not source) Sphinx HTML documentation for the `idaes_dmf` package. See DMF Help Configuration for more details. There are many different possible "styles" of formatting a list of values in YAML, but we prefer the simple block-indented style, where the key is on its own line and the values are each indented with a dash: .. code-block:: YAML _id: fe5372a7e51d498fb377da49704874eb created: '2018-07-16 11:10:44' description: A bottomless trashcan modified: '2018-07-16 11:10:44' name: Oscar the Grouch's Home htmldocs: - '{dmf_root}/doc/build/html/dmf' - '{dmf_root}/doc/build/html/models' Any paths in the workspace configuration, e.g., for the "htmldocs", can use two special variables that will take on values relative to the workspace location. This avoids hardcoded paths and makes the workspace more portable across environments. ``{ws_root}`` will be replaces with the path to the workspace directory, and ``{dmf_root}`` will be replaced with the path to the (installed) DMF package. The `config.yaml` file will allow keys and values it does not know about. These will be accessible, loaded into a Python dictionary, via the ``meta`` attribute on the :class:`Workspace` instance. This may be useful for passing additional user-defined information into the DMF at startup. """ #: Name of configuration file placed in WORKSPACE_DIR WORKSPACE_CONFIG = 'config.yaml' #: Name of ID field ID_FIELD = '_id' CONF_NAME = 'name' #: Configuration field for name CONF_DESC = 'description' #: Configuration field for description CONF_CREATED = 'created' #: Configuration field for created date CONF_MODIFIED = 'modified' #: Configuration field for modified date def __init__(self, path, create=False, add_defaults=False, html_paths=None): """Load or create a workspace rooted at `path` Args: (str) path: Path for root of workspace (bool) create: Create the workspace if it does not exist. (bool) add_defaults: Add default values to new config html_paths: One or more paths to HTML docs (or None) Raises: WorkspaceNotFoundError: if ws is not found (and create is false) WorkspaceConfNotFoundError: if ws config is not found (& ~create) WorkspaceConfMissingField: if there is no ID field. DMFError: Anything else """ path = os.path.abspath(path) self._wsdir = path self._conf = os.path.join(self._wsdir, self.WORKSPACE_CONFIG) self._cached_conf = None if create: # note: these raise OSError on failure try: os.mkdir(self._wsdir, 0o770) except OSError: if not os.path.exists(self._wsdir): raise WorkspaceCannotCreateError(self._wsdir) if os.path.exists(self._conf): raise WorkspaceError( 'existing configuration would be ' 'overwritten: {}'.format(self._conf) ) _log.warning( 'Using existing path for new DMF workspace: {}'.format(self._wsdir) ) try: self._create_new_config(add_defaults) except OSError as err: raise WorkspaceError( 'while creating new workspace ' 'configuration: {}'.format(err) ) else: # assert that the workspace exists try: assert os.path.isdir(self._wsdir) except AssertionError: raise WorkspaceNotFoundError(self._wsdir) try: assert os.path.isfile(self._conf) except AssertionError: raise WorkspaceConfNotFoundError(self._conf) self._install_dir = self._get_install_dir() try: self._id = self.meta[self.ID_FIELD] except KeyError: raise WorkspaceConfMissingField(path, self.ID_FIELD, 'ID field') if html_paths: self.set_doc_paths(html_paths) def _create_new_config(self, add_defaults): conf = open(self._conf, 'w') # create the file new_id = uuid.uuid4().hex # create new unique ID conf.write('{}: {}\n'.format(self.ID_FIELD, new_id)) # write ID conf.close() # flush and close if add_defaults: self._configure_defaults() def _configure_defaults(self): """Add default values to the workspace configuration. Note: this will *overwrite* any existing values! """ values = { key: val for key, (desc, val) in WorkspaceConfig() .get_fields(only_defaults=True) .items() } self.set_meta(values) @property def wsid(self): """Get workspace identifier (from config file). Returns: str: Unique identifier. """ return self._id @staticmethod def _get_install_dir(): fpath = os.path.realpath(__file__) fdir = os.path.dirname(fpath) idir = os.path.join(fdir, '..', '..') return os.path.abspath(idir)
[docs] def set_meta(self, values, remove=None): # type: (dict, list) -> None """Update metadata with new values. Args: values (dict): Values to add or change remove (list): Keys of values to remove. """ d = self._read_conf() if remove: for key in remove: if key in d: del d[key] else: _log.warning('Cannot remove "{}": no such key'.format(key)) d.update(values) self._write_conf(d) self._cached_conf = d
@property def meta(self): # type: () -> dict """Get metadata. This reads and parses the configuration. Therefore, one way to force a config refresh is to simply refer to this property, e.g.:: dmf = DMF(path='my-workspace') # ... do stuff that alters the config ... dmf.meta # re-read/parse the config Returns: (dict) Metadata for this workspace. """ # Re-read configuration from file d = self._read_conf() # In sections that contain paths, # substitute special variables in the values with # the paths for this workspace. if Fields.DOC_HTML_PATH in d: p = d[Fields.DOC_HTML_PATH] if isinstance(p, str): p = [p] d[Fields.DOC_HTML_PATH] = list(map(self._expand_path, p)) if Fields.LOG_CONF in d: # Look through logging configuration tree, and # replace paths in any value whose key is 'output'. stack = [(k, d) for k in d] while stack: key, p = stack.pop() if key == 'output': p[key] = self._expand_path(p[key]) elif isinstance(p[key], dict): for key2 in p[key].keys(): stack.append((key2, p[key])) # Return modified configuration metadata return d
[docs] def get_doc_paths(self): """Get paths to generated HTML Sphinx docs. Returns: (list) Paths or empty list if not found. """ paths = self.meta.get(Fields.DOC_HTML_PATH, []) if len(paths) and hasattr(paths, 'lower'): paths = [paths] # make a str into a list return paths
[docs] def set_doc_paths(self, paths: List[str], replace: bool = False): """Set paths to generated HTML Sphinx docs. Args: paths: New paths to add. replace: If True, replace any existing paths. Otherwise merge new paths with existing ones. """ existing_paths = self.get_doc_paths() if replace: new_paths = list(set(existing_paths + paths)) else: new_paths = paths if new_paths != existing_paths: self.set_meta({Fields.DOC_HTML_PATH: new_paths})
def _read_conf(self): #: type (None) -> dict if self._cached_conf is None: _log.debug('Load workspace configuration from "{}"'.format(self._conf)) conf = open(self._conf, 'r') try: contents = yaml.load(conf) except Exception as err: raise ParseError( 'Cannot load config file "{f}": {e}'.format(f=self._conf, e=err) ) if contents is None: # empty file contents = {} self._cached_conf = contents else: contents = self._cached_conf if isinstance(contents, str): raise ParseError('File contents cannot be simple str ({})'.format(contents)) else: return contents.copy() def _expand_path(self, path): # leave paths bracketed by _underscores_ alone if len(path) > 2 and path[0] == '_' and path[-1] == '_': return path return os.path.realpath( path.format(ws_root=self.root, dmf_root=self._install_dir) ) def _write_conf(self, contents): #: type (dict) -> None conf = open(self._conf, 'w') yaml.dump(contents, conf, default_flow_style=False) conf.close() @property def root(self): """Root path for this workspace. This is the path containing the configuration file. """ return self._wsdir @property def configuration_file(self): """Configuration file path. """ return self._conf @property def name(self): return self.meta.get(self.CONF_NAME, 'none') @property def description(self): return self.meta.get(self.CONF_DESC, 'none')
class WorkspaceConfig(object): DEFAULTS = {'string': '', 'number': 0, 'boolean': False, 'array': []} def __init__(self): self._schema = jsonschema.Draft4Validator(CONFIG_SCHEMA) def get_fields(self, only_defaults=False): """Get all possible metadata fields for workspace config. These values come out of the configuration schema. Keys starting with a leading underscore, like '_id', are skipped. Args: only_defaults: Only include fields that have a default value in the schema. Returns: dict: Keys are field name, values are (field description, value). The 'value' gives a default value. Its type is either a list, a number, bool, or a string; the list may be empty. """ prop = CONFIG_SCHEMA['properties'] result = {} for key, item in six.iteritems(prop): if key.startswith('_'): continue desc = item['description'] type_ = item['type'] # morph unknown types to string if type_ not in self.DEFAULTS: _log.warning( 'Unknown schema type "{}".' 'Using "string" instead'.format(type_) ) type_ = 'string' # figure out value type, look for default values default_value = None if type_ == 'array': itype = item['items']['type'] idesc = item['items']['description'] desc = '{}. Each item is a {}'.format(desc, idesc) type_ = itype if 'default' in item['items']: default_value = [item['items']['default']] elif 'default' in item: # default is comma-separated list default_value = item['default'].split(',') else: default_value = [] elif 'default' in item: default_value = item['default'] if default_value is None and only_defaults: continue if default_value is None: default_value = self.DEFAULTS[type_] result[key] = (desc, default_value) return result
[docs]def find_workspaces(root): """Find workspaces at or below 'root'. Args: root (str): Path to start at Returns: List[str]: paths, which are all workspace roots. """ w = [] # try all subdirectories of root for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(root): for dmfdir in dirnames: dmfpath = os.path.join(dirpath, dmfdir) conf_file = os.path.join(dmfpath, Workspace.WORKSPACE_CONFIG) if os.path.exists(conf_file): w.append(dmfpath) # also try root itself if os.path.exists(os.path.join(root, Workspace.WORKSPACE_CONFIG)): w.insert(0, root) return w