Source code for idaes.ui.fsvis.fsvis

# Institute for the Design of Advanced Energy Systems Process Systems
# Engineering Framework (IDAES PSE Framework) Copyright (c) 2018-2020, by the
# software owners: The Regents of the University of California, through
# Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,  National Technology & Engineering
# Solutions of Sandia, LLC, Carnegie Mellon University, West Virginia
# University Research Corporation, et al. All rights reserved.
# Please see the files COPYRIGHT.txt and LICENSE.txt for full copyright and
# license information, respectively. Both files are also available online
# at the URL "".

# stdlib
from collections import namedtuple
from pathlib import Path
import sys
import time
from typing import Optional, Union, Tuple
import webbrowser

# package
from idaes import logger
from .model_server import FlowsheetServer
from . import persist, errors

# Logging
_log = logger.getLogger(__name__)

# Module globals
web_server = None

#: Maximum number of saved versions of the same `save` file.
#: Set to zero if you want to allow any number.

# Classes and functions

#: Return value for `visualize()` function. This namedtuple has three
#: attributes that can be accessed by position or name:
#: - store = :class:`idaes.ui.fsvis.persist.DataStore` object (with a ``.filename`` attribute)
#: - port = Port number (integer) where web server is listening
#: - server = :class:`idaes.ui.fsvis.model_server.FlowsheetServer` object for the web server thread
VisualizeResult = namedtuple("VisualizeResult", ["store", "port", "server"])

[docs]def visualize( flowsheet, name: str = "flowsheet", save: Optional[Union[Path, str, bool]] = None, save_dir: Optional[Path] = None, overwrite: bool = False, browser: bool = True, port: Optional[int] = None, log_level: int = logger.WARNING, quiet: bool = False, loop_forever: bool = False, ) -> VisualizeResult: """Visualize the flowsheet in a web application. The web application is started in a separate thread and this function returns immediately. Also open a browser window to display the visualization app. The URL is printed unless ``quiet`` is True. Args: flowsheet: IDAES flowsheet to visualize name: Name of flowsheet to display as the title of the visualization save: Where to save the current flowsheet layout and values. If this argument is not specified, "``name``.json" will be used (if this file already exists, a "-`<version>`" number will be added between the name and the extension). If the value given is the boolean 'False', then nothing will be saved. The boolean 'True' value is treated the same as unspecified. save_dir: If this argument is given, and ``save`` is not given or a relative path, then it will be used as the directory to save the default or given file. The current working directory is the default. If ``save`` is given and an absolute path, this argument is ignored. overwrite: If True, and the file given by ``save`` exists, overwrite instead of creating a new numbered file. browser: If true, open a browser port: Start listening on this port. If not given, find an open port. log_level: An IDAES logging level, which is a superset of the built-in :mod:`logging` module levels. See the :mod:`idaes.logger` module for details quiet: If True, suppress printing any messages to standard output (console) loop_forever: If True, don't return but instead loop until a Control-C is received. Useful when invoking this function at the end of a script. Returns: See :data:`VisualizeResult` Raises: :mod:`idaes.ui.fsvis.errors.VisualizerSaveError`: if the data storage at 'save_as' can't be opened :mod:`idaes.ui.fsvis.errors.VisualizerError`: Any other errors RuntimeError: If too many versions of the save file already exist. See :data:`MAX_SAVED_VERSIONS`. """ global web_server # Initialize IDAES logging _init_logging(log_level) # Start the web server if web_server is None: web_server = FlowsheetServer(port=port) web_server.start() if not quiet: print("Started visualization server") else:"Using HTTP server on localhost, port {web_server.port}") # Set up save location use_default = False if save is None or save is True: save_path = _pick_default_save_location(name, save_dir) use_default = True elif save is False: save_path = None else: try: save_path = Path(save) except TypeError as err: raise errors.VisualizerSaveError( save, f"Cannot convert 'save' value to Path object: {err}" ) if save_dir is not None and not save_path.is_absolute(): save_path = save_dir / save_path # Create datastore for save location if save_path is None: datastore = persist.MemoryDataStore() else: # deal with duplicate names try: save_path = _handle_existing_save_path( name, save_path, max_versions=MAX_SAVED_VERSIONS, overwrite=overwrite ) except errors.TooManySavedVersions as err: raise RuntimeError(f"In visualize(): {err}") datastore = persist.DataStore.create(save_path) if use_default: if not quiet: cwd = save_path.parent.absolute() print( f"Saving flowsheet to default file '{}' in current directory ({cwd})" ) else: if not quiet: print(f"Saving flowsheet to {str(datastore)}") # Add our flowsheet to it try: new_name = web_server.add_flowsheet(name, flowsheet, datastore) except (errors.ProcessingError, errors.DatastoreError) as err: raise errors.VisualizerError(f"Cannot add flowsheet: {err}") if new_name != name: _log.warning(f"Flowsheet name changed: old='{name}' new='{new_name}'") if not quiet: print(f"Flowsheet name changed to '{new_name}'") name = new_name # Open a browser window for the UI url = f"http://localhost:{web_server.port}/app?id={name}" if browser: success = if success: _log.debug(f"Flowsheet opened in browser window") else: _log.warning(f"Could not open flowsheet URL '{url}' in browser") if not quiet: print("Error: Unable to open flowsheet in web browser.") if not quiet: print(f"Flowsheet visualization at: {url}") if loop_forever: _loop_forever(quiet) return VisualizeResult(store=datastore, port=web_server.port, server=web_server)
def _loop_forever(quiet): try: if not quiet: print("Type ^C to stop the program") while True: time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: if not quiet: print("Program stopped") def _pick_default_save_location(name, save_dir): """Pick a default save location.""" if not save_dir: save_dir = Path(".") save_path = save_dir / f"{name}.json" return save_path def _handle_existing_save_path(name, save_path, max_versions=10, overwrite=None): """Set up for overwrite/versioning for existing save paths.""" save_dir = save_path.parent # Handle simple cases: overwrite, and no existing file if overwrite: if save_path.exists(): _log.warning("Overwriting existing save file '{save_path}'")"w") # blank file return save_path elif not save_path.exists(): return save_path # Find the next version that does not exist"Save file {save_path} exists. Creating new version") counter = 0 if max_versions == 0: max_versions = sys.maxsize # millions of years of file-creating fun while save_path.exists() and counter < max_versions: counter += 1 save_file = f"{name}-{counter}.json" save_path = save_dir / save_file # Edge case: too many NAME-#.json files for this NAME if counter == max_versions: why = f"Found {max_versions} numbered files of form '{name}-<num>.json'. That's too many." _log.error(why) raise errors.TooManySavedVersions(why) # Return new (versioned) path"Created new version for save file: {save_path}") return save_path def _init_logging(lvl): ui_logger = logger.getIdaesLogger("ui", level=lvl, tag="ui") ui_logger.setLevel(lvl)