Source code for idaes.power_generation.carbon_capture.mea_solvent_system.unit_models.column

# Institute for the Design of Advanced Energy Systems Process Systems
# Engineering Framework (IDAES PSE Framework) Copyright (c) 2018-2019, by the
# software owners: The Regents of the University of California, through
# Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,  National Technology & Engineering
# Solutions of Sandia, LLC, Carnegie Mellon University, West Virginia
# University Research Corporation, et al. All rights reserved.
# Please see the files COPYRIGHT.txt and LICENSE.txt for full copyright and
# license information, respectively. Both files are also available online
# at the URL "".
IDAES First Generation (GEN1) MEA Rate-Based Packed Column.

Detailed model equations can be found in the supplimentary information
of the paper :
Akula, Paul; Eslick, John; Bhattacharyya, Debangsu; Miller, David
"Model Development, Validation, and Part-Load Optimization of a
MEA-Based Post-Combustion CO2 Capture Process
Under Part-Load and Variable Capture Operation,
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research,2021. (submitted)


# Import Python libraries and third-party
import numpy as np
import warnings
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from enum import Enum

# Import Pyomo libraries
from pyomo.environ import (Constraint, Expression, Param, Reals, NonNegativeReals,
                           value, Var, exp, SolverFactory, SolverStatus,
                           units as pyunits)
from pyomo.common.config import ConfigBlock, ConfigValue, In

# Import IDAES Libraries
from idaes.core.util.constants import Constants as CONST
from idaes.core import (ControlVolume1DBlock, UnitModelBlockData,
from idaes.core.util import get_solver
from idaes.core.util.config import is_physical_parameter_block
from idaes.generic_models.unit_models.heat_exchanger_1D import \
    HeatExchangerFlowPattern as FlowPattern
from idaes.core.util.misc import add_object_reference
from idaes.core.util.exceptions import ConfigurationError
from idaes.core.control_volume1d import DistributedVars
import idaes.logger as idaeslog

__author__ = "Paul Akula, John Eslick"

# Set up logger
_log = idaeslog.getLogger(__name__)

class ProcessType(Enum):
    absorber = 1
    stripper = 2

[docs]@declare_process_block_class("PackedColumn") class PackedColumnData(UnitModelBlockData): """ Standard Continous Differential Contactor (CDC) Model Class. """ # Configuration template for unit level arguments applicable to both phases CONFIG = UnitModelBlockData.CONFIG() # Configuration template for phase specific arguments _PhaseCONFIG = ConfigBlock() CONFIG.declare("area_definition", ConfigValue( default=DistributedVars.variant, domain=In(DistributedVars), description="Argument for defining form of area variable", doc="""Argument defining whether area variable should be spatially variant or not. **default** - DistributedVars.uniform. **Valid values:** { DistributedVars.uniform - area does not vary across spatial domian, DistributedVars.variant - area can vary over the domain and is indexed by time and space.}""")) CONFIG.declare("finite_elements", ConfigValue( default=10, domain=int, description="Number of finite elements length domain", doc="""Number of finite elements to use when discretizing length domain (default=20)""")) CONFIG.declare("length_domain_set", ConfigValue( default=[0.0, 1.0], domain=list, description="Number of finite elements length domain", doc="""length_domain_set - (optional) list of point to use to initialize a new ContinuousSet if length_domain is not provided (default = [0.0, 1.0])""")) CONFIG.declare("transformation_method", ConfigValue( default="dae.finite_difference", description="Method to use for DAE transformation", doc="""Method to use to transform domain. Must be a method recognised by the Pyomo TransformationFactory, **default** - "dae.finite_difference". **Valid values:** { **"dae.finite_difference"** - Use a finite difference transformation method, **"dae.collocation"** - use a collocation transformation method}""")) CONFIG.declare("collocation_points", ConfigValue( default=3, domain=int, description="Number of collocation points per finite element", doc="""Number of collocation points to use per finite element when discretizing length domain (default=3)""")) CONFIG.declare("flow_type", ConfigValue( default=FlowPattern.countercurrent, domain=In(FlowPattern), description="Flow configuration of PackedColumn", doc="""PackedColumn flow pattern, **default** - FlowPattern.countercurrent. **Valid values:** { **FlowPattern.countercurrent** - countercurrent flow, **FlowPattern.cocurrent** - cocurrent flow}""")) CONFIG.declare("process_type", ConfigValue( default=ProcessType.absorber, domain=In(ProcessType), description="Flag indicating the type of process", doc="""Flag indicating either absorption or stripping process. **default** - ProcessType.absorber. **Valid values:** { **ProcessType.absorber** - absorption process, **ProcessType.stripper** - stripping process.}""")) CONFIG.declare("packing_specific_area", ConfigValue( default=250, domain=float, description="Specific surface area of packing (m^2/m^3)", doc="Surface area of packing per unit volume of column(default= 250 m2/m3)")) CONFIG.declare("packing_void_fraction", ConfigValue( default=0.97, domain=float, description="Void fraction of the packing", doc="Packing porosity or void fraction (default= 0.97 )")) CONFIG.declare("fix_column_pressure", ConfigValue( default=True, domain=In([True, False]), description="Indicates whether the column pressure should be fixed", doc="""Indicates whether the column pressure should be fixed or not. The momentum balances are not added when this is True. **default** - True. **Valid values:** { **True** - fix the column pressure and do not add momentum balances, **False** -Do not fix the column pressure and add momentum balances}""")) CONFIG.declare("column_pressure", ConfigValue( default=107650, domain=float, description="fixed column pressure in Pa", doc="Fixed column operating pressure in Pa")) # Populate the phase side template to default values _PhaseCONFIG.declare("has_pressure_change", ConfigValue( default=False, domain=In([True, False]), description="Pressure change term construction flag", doc="""Indicates whether terms for pressure change should be constructed, **default** - False. **Valid values:** { **True** - include pressure change terms, **False** - exclude pressure change terms.}""")) _PhaseCONFIG.declare("pressure_drop_type", ConfigValue( default=None, domain=In(["Billet_Schultes_correlation", "Stichlmair_Fair_Bravo_correlation", "GPDC-Kister"]), description="Construction flag for type of pressure drop", doc="""Indicates what type of pressure drop correlation should be used, **default**- None. **Valid values:** { **None** - set pressure drop to zero, **"Stichlmair_Fair_Bravo_correlation"** - Use the Stichlmair_Fair_Bravo_correlation model **"GPDC-Kister"** - Use the Generalized Pressure Drop Correlation of Kister 2007 **"Billet_Schultes_correlation"** - Use the Billet_Schultes_correlation model}""")) _PhaseCONFIG.declare("property_package", ConfigValue( default=None, domain=is_physical_parameter_block, description="Property package to use for control volume", doc="""Property parameter object used to define property calculations (default = 'use_parent_value') - 'use_parent_value' - get package from parent (default = None) - a ParameterBlock object""")) _PhaseCONFIG.declare("property_package_args", ConfigValue( default={}, description="Arguments for constructing vapor property package", doc="""A dict of arguments to be passed to the PropertyBlockData and used when constructing these (default = 'use_parent_value') - 'use_parent_value' - get package from parent (default = None) - a dict (see property package for documentation) """)) _PhaseCONFIG.declare("transformation_scheme", ConfigValue( default="BACKWARD", description="Scheme to use for DAE transformation", doc="""Scheme to use when transformating domain. See Pyomo documentation for supported schemes, **default** - "BACKWARD". **Valid values:** { **"BACKWARD"** - Use a BACKWARD finite difference transformation method, **"FORWARD""** - Use a FORWARD finite difference transformation method, **"LAGRANGE-RADAU""** - use a collocation transformation method}""")) # Create individual config blocks for vapor(gas) and liquid sides CONFIG.declare("vapor_side", _PhaseCONFIG(doc="vapor side config arguments")) CONFIG.declare("liquid_side", _PhaseCONFIG(doc="liquid side config arguments")) # ==========================================================================
[docs] def build(self): """ Begin building model (pre-DAE transformation). Args: None Returns: None """ # Call to build default attributes super(PackedColumnData, self).build() # ========================================================================== """ Set argument values for vapor and liquid sides""" # Set flow directions for the control volume blocks # Gas flows from 0 to 1, Liquid flows from 1 to 0 if self.config.flow_type == FlowPattern.countercurrent: set_direction_vapor = FlowDirection.forward set_direction_liquid = FlowDirection.backward else: raise NotImplementedError( "{} Packed Column class has implemented only counter-current " "flow pattern. Please contact the " "developer of the unit model you are using.".format( # ========================================================================== """ Build Control volume 1D for vapor phase and populate vapor control volume""" self.vapor_phase = ControlVolume1DBlock(default={ "transformation_method": self.config.transformation_method, "transformation_scheme": self.config.vapor_side.transformation_scheme, "finite_elements": self.config.finite_elements, "collocation_points": self.config.collocation_points, "dynamic": self.config.dynamic, "has_holdup": self.config.has_holdup, "area_definition": self.config.area_definition, "property_package": self.config.vapor_side.property_package, "property_package_args": self.config.vapor_side.property_package_args}) self.vapor_phase.add_geometry(flow_direction=set_direction_vapor, length_domain_set=self.config.length_domain_set) self.vapor_phase.add_state_blocks( information_flow=set_direction_vapor, has_phase_equilibrium=False) self.vapor_phase.add_material_balances( balance_type=MaterialBalanceType.componentTotal, has_phase_equilibrium=False, has_mass_transfer=True) self.vapor_phase.add_energy_balances( balance_type=EnergyBalanceType.enthalpyTotal, has_heat_transfer=True) if not self.config.fix_column_pressure: self.vapor_phase.add_momentum_balances( balance_type=MomentumBalanceType.pressureTotal, has_pressure_change=self.config.vapor_side.has_pressure_change) # TO DO : remove this warning when there is support for deltaP warnings.warn("""{} WARNING! WARNING!! WARNING!!! control volume class has not implemented a method for pressure drop. Constraint for deltaP must be provided if has_pressure_change is set to True""".format( # consistency check if (self.config.vapor_side.has_pressure_change and self.config.fix_column_pressure): raise ConfigurationError( " has_pressure_change is set to {} " " while fix_colume_pressure is set to {}. " " Set fix_column_pressure to False if has_pressure_change is True." .format(self.config.vapor_side.has_pressure_change, self.config.fix_column_pressure)) # TO DO # pressure drop calculation # Correlations for pressure drop and flooding required for design cases if (self.config.vapor_side.has_pressure_change and self.config.vapor_side.pressure_drop_type == "Stichlmair_Fair_Bravo_correlation"): raise NotImplementedError( "{} control volume class has not implemented a method for " "pressure drop. Please contact the " "developer of the property_package you are using." .format( if (self.config.vapor_side.has_pressure_change and self.config.vapor_side.pressure_drop_type == "GPDC-Kister"): raise NotImplementedError( "{} control volume class has not implemented a method for " "pressure drop. Please contact the " "developer of the property_package you are using." .format( self.vapor_phase.apply_transformation() # ========================================================================== """ Build Control volume 1D for liquid phase and populate liquid control volume """ self.liquid_phase = ControlVolume1DBlock(default={ "transformation_method": self.config.transformation_method, "transformation_scheme": self.config.liquid_side.transformation_scheme, "finite_elements": self.config.finite_elements, "collocation_points": self.config.collocation_points, "dynamic": self.config.dynamic, "has_holdup": self.config.has_holdup, "area_definition": self.config.area_definition, "property_package": self.config.liquid_side.property_package, "property_package_args": self.config.liquid_side.property_package_args}) self.liquid_phase.add_geometry(flow_direction=set_direction_liquid, length_domain_set=self.config. length_domain_set) self.liquid_phase.add_state_blocks( information_flow=set_direction_liquid, has_phase_equilibrium=False) self.liquid_phase.add_material_balances( balance_type=MaterialBalanceType.componentTotal, has_phase_equilibrium=False, has_mass_transfer=True) self.liquid_phase.add_energy_balances( balance_type=EnergyBalanceType.enthalpyTotal, has_heat_transfer=True) self.liquid_phase.apply_transformation() # Add Ports for vapor side self.add_inlet_port(name="vapor_inlet", block=self.vapor_phase) self.add_outlet_port(name="vapor_outlet", block=self.vapor_phase) # Add Ports for liquid side self.add_inlet_port(name="liquid_inlet", block=self.liquid_phase) self.add_outlet_port(name="liquid_outlet", block=self.liquid_phase) # ========================================================================== """ Add performace equation method""" self._make_performance()
def _make_performance(self): """ Constraints for unit model. Args: None Returns: None """ # ====================================================================== # Aliases for Sets vap_comp = self.config.vapor_side.property_package.component_list liq_comp = self.config.liquid_side.property_package.component_list dcomp = self.config.liquid_side.property_package.component_list_d vapor_phase_list_ref = self.config.vapor_side.property_package.phase_list liquid_phase_list_ref = self.config.liquid_side.property_package.phase_list # Add object reference - time add_object_reference(self, "t", self.flowsheet().config.time) # Packing parameters self.eps_ref = Param(initialize=self.config.packing_void_fraction, units=None, doc="Packing void space m3/m3") self.a_ref = Param(initialize=self.config.packing_specific_area, units=pyunits.m**2 / pyunits.m**3, doc="Packing specific surface area m2/m3") self.dh_ref = Expression(expr= 4 * self.eps_ref /self.a_ref, doc="Hydraulic diameter") # specific constants for volumetric mass transfer coefficients # reference: Billet and Schultes, 1999 self.Cv_ref = Var(initialize=0.357, doc='''Vapor packing specific constant in Billet and Schultes' (1999) volumetric mass transfer coefficient correlation''') self.Cl_ref = Var(initialize=0.5, doc='''Liquid packing specific constant in Billet and Schultes' (1999) volumetric mass transfer coefficient correlation''') self.Cv_ref.fix() self.Cl_ref.fix() # Add object references - others R_ref = CONST.gas_constant # Unit Model Parameters/sets self.zi = Param(self.vapor_phase.length_domain, mutable=True, doc='''Integer indexing parameter required for transfer across boundaries of a given volume element''') # Set the integer indices for i, x in enumerate(self.vapor_phase.length_domain, 1): self.zi[x] = i # Continuation parameters for initialization self._homotopy_par_m = Param(initialize=0, mutable=True, units=None, doc='''Continuation parameter to turn on mass transfer terms gradually''') self._homotopy_par_h = Param(initialize=0, mutable=True, units=None, doc='''Continuation parameter to turn on heat transfer terms gradually''') # fixed column pressure if self.config.fix_column_pressure: self.column_pressure = Param(initialize=self.config.column_pressure, mutable=True, units=pyunits.Pa, doc='Fixed operating pressure of column') # Interfacial area parameters self.area_interfacial_parA = Var(initialize=0.6486, units=None, doc='''Interfacial area parameter A''') self.area_interfacial_parB = Var(initialize=0.12, units=None, doc='''Interfacial area parameter B''') self.area_interfacial_parA.fix(0.6486) self.area_interfacial_parB.fix(0.12) # Holdup parameters self.holdup_parA = Var(initialize=24.2355, units=None, doc='''holdup parameter A''') self.holdup_parB = Var(initialize=0.6471, units=None, doc='''holdup parameter B''') self.holdup_parA.fix(24.2355) self.holdup_parB.fix(0.6471) # Unit Model Variables # Geometry self.diameter_column = Var(domain=Reals, initialize=0.1, units=pyunits.m, doc='Column diameter') self.area_column = Var(domain=Reals, initialize=0.5, units=pyunits.m**2, doc='Column cross-sectional area') self.length_column = Var(domain=Reals, initialize=4.9, units=pyunits.m, doc='Column length') # Hydrodynamics self.velocity_vap = Var(self.t, self.vapor_phase.length_domain, domain=NonNegativeReals, initialize=2, units=pyunits.m / pyunits.s, doc='Vapor superficial velocity') self.velocity_liq = Var(self.t, self.liquid_phase.length_domain, units=pyunits.m / pyunits.s, domain=NonNegativeReals, initialize=0.01, doc='Liquid superficial velocity') # mass and heat transfer terms # mass transfer self.pressure_equil = Var(self.t, self.vapor_phase.length_domain, dcomp, domain=NonNegativeReals, initialize=500, units=pyunits.Pa, doc='''Equilibruim pressure of diffusing components at the interface ''') self.N_v = Var(self.t, self.liquid_phase.length_domain, dcomp, domain=Reals, initialize=0.0, units=pyunits.mol / (pyunits.s * pyunits.m), doc='''Moles of diffusing species transfered into liquid ''') self.enhancement_factor = Var(self.t, self.liquid_phase.length_domain, units=None, domain=NonNegativeReals, initialize=160, doc='Enhancement factor') self.yi_MEA = Var(self.t, self.liquid_phase.length_domain, domain=NonNegativeReals, initialize=0.5, units=None, doc='''Dimensionless concentration of MEA at interface ''') self.yeq_CO2 = Var(self.t, self.liquid_phase.length_domain, domain=NonNegativeReals, initialize=0.5, units=None, doc='''Dimensionless concentration of CO2 in equilibruim with the bulk''') # heat transfer self.heat_vap = Var(self.t, self.vapor_phase.length_domain, domain=Reals, initialize=0.0, units=pyunits.J / (pyunits.s * pyunits.m), doc='Heat transfer rate in vapor phase') self.heat_liq = Var(self.t, self.vapor_phase.length_domain, domain=Reals, initialize=0.0, units=pyunits.J / (pyunits.s * pyunits.m), doc='Heat transfer rate in liquid phase') # ===================================================================== # Add performance equations # Inter-facial Area model ([m2/m3]): # reference: Tsai correlation,regressed by Chinen et al. 2018 def rule_interfacial_area(blk, t, x): if x == self.vapor_phase.length_domain.first(): return Expression.Skip else: return blk.a_ref * blk.area_interfacial_parA * ([t, x].dens_mass /[t, x].surf_tens * (blk.velocity_liq[t, x])**(4.0 / 3.0))**blk.area_interfacial_parB self.area_interfacial = Expression(self.t, self.vapor_phase.length_domain, rule=rule_interfacial_area, doc='Specific inter-facial area') # liquid holdup model # reference: Tsai correlation,regressed by Chinen et al. 2018 def rule_holdup_liq(blk, t, x): return blk.holdup_parA * (blk.velocity_liq[t, x] * ([t, x].visc_d /[t, x].dens_mass) ** (0.333))**blk.holdup_parB self.holdup_liq = Expression(self.t, self.liquid_phase.length_domain, rule=rule_holdup_liq, doc='Volumetric liquid holdup [-]') # vapor holdup model # reference: Tsai correlation,regressed by Chinen et al. 2018 def rule_holdup_vap(blk, t, x): return blk.eps_ref - blk.holdup_liq[t, x] self.holdup_vap = Expression(self.t, self.vapor_phase.length_domain, rule=rule_holdup_vap, doc='Volumetric vapor holdup [-]') # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Geometry contraints # Column area [m2] @self.Constraint(doc="Column cross-sectional area") def column_cross_section_area(blk): return blk.area_column == (CONST.pi * 0.25 * (blk.diameter_column)**2) # Area of control volume : vapor side and liquid side control_volume_area_definition = ''' column_area * phase_holdup. The void fraction of the vapor phase (volumetric vapor holdup) and that of the liquid phase(volumetric liquid holdup) are lumped into the definition of the cross-sectional area of the vapor-side and liquid-side control volume respectively. Hence, the cross-sectional area of the control volume changes with time and space. ''' if self.config.dynamic: @self.Constraint(self.t, self.vapor_phase.length_domain, doc=control_volume_area_definition) def vapor_side_area(bk, t, x): return bk.vapor_phase.area[t, x] == bk.area_column * bk.holdup_vap[t, x] @self.Constraint(self.t, self.liquid_phase.length_domain, doc=control_volume_area_definition) def liquid_side_area(bk, t, x): return bk.liquid_phase.area[t, x] == bk.area_column * bk.holdup_liq[t, x] else: self.vapor_phase.area.fix(value(self.area_column)) self.liquid_phase.area.fix(value(self.area_column)) # if column pressure is fixed if self.config.fix_column_pressure: @self.Constraint(self.t, self.vapor_phase.length_domain, doc='Sets the fixed column pressure') def vapor_side_pressure(bk, t, x): if x == self.vapor_phase.length_domain.first(): return Constraint.Skip else: return bk.column_pressure == \[t, x].pressure @self.Constraint(self.t, self.liquid_phase.length_domain, doc='Sets the fixed column pressure') def liquid_side_pressure(bk, t, x): if x == self.liquid_phase.length_domain.last(): return Constraint.Skip else: return[t, x].pressure == \ bk.column_pressure else: @self.Constraint(self.t, self.liquid_phase.length_domain, doc='''Mechanical equilibruim: vapor-side pressure equal liquid -side pressure''') def mechanical_equil(bk, t, x): return[t, x].pressure == \[t, x].pressure # Length of control volume : vapor side and liquid side @self.Constraint(doc="Vapor side length") def vapor_side_length(blk): return blk.vapor_phase.length == blk.length_column @self.Constraint(doc="Liquid side length") def liquid_side_length(blk): return blk.liquid_phase.length == blk.length_column # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Hydrodynamic contraints # Vapor superficial velocity @self.Constraint(self.t, self.vapor_phase.length_domain, doc="Vapor superficial velocity") def eq_velocity_vap(blk, t, x): return blk.velocity_vap[t, x] * blk.area_column * \[t, x].conc_mol == \[t, x].flow_mol # Liquid superficial velocity @self.Constraint(self.t, self.liquid_phase.length_domain, doc="Liquid superficial velocity") def eq_velocity_liq(blk, t, x): return blk.velocity_liq[t, x] * blk.area_column * \[t, x].conc_mol == \[t, x].flow_mol # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Mass transfer coefficients, Billet and Schultes (1999) correlation, # where parameters are regressed by Chinen et al. (2018). # vapor mass transfer coefficients for diffusing components [mol/m2.s.Pa] def rule_mass_transfer_coeff_vap(blk, t, x, j): if x == self.vapor_phase.length_domain.first(): return Expression.Skip else: return 1 /\ (R_ref *[t, x].temperature) *\ blk.Cv_ref / (blk.holdup_vap[t, x])**0.5 *\ (blk.a_ref / blk.dh_ref)**0.5 *\ ([t, x].diffus[j])**(2 / 3) *\ ([t, x].visc_d /[t, x].dens_mass)**(1 / 3) *\ ((blk.velocity_vap[t, x] *[t, x].dens_mass) / (blk.a_ref *[t, x].visc_d))**(3 / 4) self.k_v = Expression(self.t, self.vapor_phase.length_domain, dcomp, rule=rule_mass_transfer_coeff_vap, doc=' Vapor mass transfer coefficient ') # mass transfer coefficients of CO2 in liquid phase [m/s] def rule_mass_transfer_coeff_CO2(blk, t, x): if x == self.liquid_phase.length_domain.last(): return Expression.Skip else: return blk.Cl_ref * 12**(1 / 6) * (blk.velocity_liq[t, x] *[t, x].diffus['CO2'] / (blk.dh_ref * blk.holdup_liq[t, x]))**0.5 self.k_l_CO2 = Expression(self.t, self.liquid_phase.length_domain, rule=rule_mass_transfer_coeff_CO2, doc='''CO2 mass transfer coefficient in solvent''') # mass tranfer terms def rule_phi(blk, t, x): if x == self.vapor_phase.length_domain.first(): return Expression.Skip else: zb = self.vapor_phase.length_domain[self.zi[x].value - 1] return blk.enhancement_factor[t, zb] * blk.k_l_CO2[t, zb] / blk.k_v[t, x, 'CO2'] self.phi = Expression(self.t, self.vapor_phase.length_domain, rule=rule_phi, doc='''CO2 Equilibruim partial pressure intermediate term''') # Equilibruim partial pressure of diffusing components at interface @self.Constraint(self.t, self.vapor_phase.length_domain, dcomp, doc='''Equilibruim partial pressure of diffusing components at interface''') def pressure_at_interface(blk, t, x, j): if x == self.vapor_phase.length_domain.first(): return blk.pressure_equil[t, x, j] == 0.0 else: zb = self.vapor_phase.length_domain[self.zi[x].value - 1] if j == 'H2O': return blk.pressure_equil[t, x, j] == ([t, zb].vol_mol *[t, zb].conc_mol_comp_true[j] *[t, zb].pressure_sat[j]) elif j == 'CO2': return blk.pressure_equil[t, x, j] == ( ([t, x].mole_frac_comp[j] *[t, x].pressure + blk.phi[t, x] *[t, zb].conc_mol_comp_true[j]) / (1 + blk.phi[t, x] /[t, zb].henry_N2O_analogy)) # mass transfer of diffusing components def rule_mass_transfer(blk, t, x, j): if x == self.vapor_phase.length_domain.first(): return blk.N_v[t, x, j] == 0.0 else: return blk.N_v[t, x, j] == (blk.k_v[t, x, j] * blk.area_interfacial[t, x] * blk.area_column * ([t, x].mole_frac_comp[j] *[t, x].pressure - blk.pressure_equil[t, x, j])) * blk._homotopy_par_m self.mass_transfer = Constraint(self.t, self.vapor_phase.length_domain, dcomp, rule=rule_mass_transfer, doc="mass transfer to liquid") # mass tranfer term handle # liquid side @self.Constraint(self.t, self.liquid_phase.length_domain, liquid_phase_list_ref, liq_comp, doc="mass transfer to liquid") def liquid_phase_mass_transfer_handle(blk, t, x, p, j): if x == self.liquid_phase.length_domain.last(): return blk.liquid_phase.mass_transfer_term[t, x, p, j] == 0.0 else: zf = self.vapor_phase.length_domain[self.zi[x].value + 1] if j == 'MEA': return blk.liquid_phase.mass_transfer_term[t, x, p, j] == \ 0.0 else: return blk.liquid_phase.mass_transfer_term[t, x, p, j] == \ blk.N_v[t, zf, j] # vapor side @self.Constraint(self.t, self.vapor_phase.length_domain, vapor_phase_list_ref, vap_comp, doc="mass transfer from vapor") def vapor_phase_mass_transfer_handle(blk, t, x, p, j): if x == self.vapor_phase.length_domain.first(): return blk.vapor_phase.mass_transfer_term[t, x, p, j] == 0.0 else: if j in ['N2', 'O2']: return blk.vapor_phase.mass_transfer_term[t, x, p, j] == \ 0.0 else: return blk.vapor_phase.mass_transfer_term[t, x, p, j] == \ -blk.N_v[t, x, j] # Heat transfer coefficients, Chilton Colburn analogy # Vapor-liquid heat transfer coefficient [J/m2.s.K] def rule_heat_transfer_coeff(blk, t, x): if x == self.vapor_phase.length_domain.first(): return Expression.Skip else: return blk.k_v[t, x, 'CO2'] *\[t, x].pressure *\[t, x].cp_mol_mean *\ ([t, x].therm_cond / ([t, x].conc_mol *[t, x].cp_mol_mean *[t, x].diffus['CO2']))**(2 / 3) self.h_v = Expression(self.t, self.vapor_phase.length_domain, rule=rule_heat_transfer_coeff, doc='''vap-liq heat transfer coefficient''') # Vapor-liquid heat transfer coefficient modified by Ackmann factor [J/m.s.K] def rule_heat_transfer_coeff_Ack(blk, t, x): if x == self.vapor_phase.length_domain.first(): return Expression.Skip else: Ackmann_factor =\ ([t, x].cp_mol_comp_mean['CO2'] * blk.N_v[t, x, 'CO2'] +[t, x].cp_mol_comp_mean['H2O'] * blk.N_v[t, x, 'H2O']) return Ackmann_factor /\ (1 - exp(-Ackmann_factor / (blk.h_v[t, x] * blk.area_interfacial[t, x] * blk.area_column))) self.h_v_Ack = Expression(self.t, self.vapor_phase.length_domain, rule=rule_heat_transfer_coeff_Ack, doc='''vap-liq heat transfer coefficient corrected by Ackmann factor''') # heat transfer vapor side [J/s.m] @self.Constraint(self.t, self.vapor_phase.length_domain, doc="heat transfer - vapor side ") def vapor_phase_heat_transfer(blk, t, x): if x == self.vapor_phase.length_domain.first(): return blk.heat_vap[t, x] == 0 else: zb = self.vapor_phase.length_domain[value(self.zi[x]) - 1] return blk.heat_vap[t, x] == blk.h_v_Ack[t, x] * \ ([t, zb].temperature -[t, x].temperature) * \ blk._homotopy_par_h # heat transfer liquid side [J/s.m] @self.Constraint(self.t, self.liquid_phase.length_domain, doc="heat transfer - liquid side ") def liquid_phase_heat_transfer(blk, t, x): if x == self.liquid_phase.length_domain.last(): return blk.heat_liq[t, x] == 0 else: zf = self.vapor_phase.length_domain[value(self.zi[x]) + 1] return blk.heat_liq[t, x] == blk.heat_vap[t, zf] + \ ([t, x].habs * blk.N_v[t, zf, 'CO2'] -[t, x].hvap * blk.N_v[t, zf, 'H2O']) *\ blk._homotopy_par_h # heat transfer handle # vapor heat transfer handle @self.Constraint(self.t, self.vapor_phase.length_domain, doc="vapor - heat transfer handle") def vapor_phase_heat_transfer_handle(blk, t, x): return blk.vapor_phase.heat[t, x] == blk.heat_vap[t, x] # liquid heat transfer handle @self.Constraint(self.t, self.liquid_phase.length_domain, doc="liquid - heat transfer handle") def liquid_phase_heat_transfer_handle(blk, t, x): return blk.liquid_phase.heat[t, x] == -blk.heat_liq[t, x] # Enhancement factor model # reference: Jozsef Gaspar,Philip Loldrup Fosbol, (2015) # self.yi_MEA[z] is equivalent to sqrt(yi_MEA) in the document def rule_conc_mol_comp_interface_CO2(blk, t, x): if x == self.liquid_phase.length_domain.last(): return Expression.Skip else: zf = self.liquid_phase.length_domain[self.zi[x].value + 1] return blk.pressure_equil[t, zf, 'CO2'] /\[t, x].henry_N2O_analogy self.conc_mol_comp_CO2_eq = Expression(self.t, self.liquid_phase.length_domain, rule=rule_conc_mol_comp_interface_CO2, doc='''Concentration of CO2 at the interface ]''') def rule_Hatta(blk, t, x): if x == self.liquid_phase.length_domain.last(): return Expression.Skip else: return ([t, x].k2_rxn *[t, x].conc_mol_comp_true['MEA'] *[t, x].diffus['CO2'])**0.5 /\ blk.k_l_CO2[t, x] self.Hatta = Expression(self.t, self.liquid_phase.length_domain, rule=rule_Hatta, doc='Hatta number') def rule_yb_CO2(blk, t, x): if x == self.liquid_phase.length_domain.last(): return Expression.Skip else: return[t, x].conc_mol_comp_true['CO2'] /\ blk.conc_mol_comp_CO2_eq[t, x] self.yb_CO2 = Expression(self.t, self.liquid_phase.length_domain, rule=rule_yb_CO2, doc='''Dimensionless concentration of CO2, Driving force term where Absortion implies yb_CO2 < 1 and Desorption impies yb_CO2 > 1 ''') def rule_instantaneous_E(blk, t, x): if x == self.liquid_phase.length_domain.last(): return Expression.Skip else: return 1 + ([t, x].diffus['MEA'] *[t, x].conc_mol_comp_true['MEA']) /\ (2 *[t, x].diffus['CO2'] * blk.conc_mol_comp_CO2_eq[t, x]) self.instant_E = Expression(self.t, self.liquid_phase.length_domain, rule=rule_instantaneous_E, doc='Instantaneous Enhancement factor') def rule_yi_MEACOO(blk, t, x): if x == self.liquid_phase.length_domain.last(): return Expression.Skip else: return 1 + \ ([t, x].diffus['MEA'] *[t, x].conc_mol_comp_true['MEA']) * \ (1 - blk.yi_MEA[t, x] * blk.yi_MEA[t, x]) / \ (2 *[t, x].diffus['MEACOO-'] *[t, x].conc_mol_comp_true['MEACOO-']) self.yi_MEACOO = Expression(self.t, self.liquid_phase.length_domain, rule=rule_yi_MEACOO, doc='Dimensionless concentration of MEACOO-') def rule_yi_MEAH(blk, t, x): if x == self.liquid_phase.length_domain.last(): return Expression.Skip else: return 1 + \ ([t, x].diffus['MEA'] *[t, x].conc_mol_comp_true['MEA']) * \ (1 - blk.yi_MEA[t, x] * blk.yi_MEA[t, x]) / \ (2 *[t, x].diffus['MEA+'] *[t, x].conc_mol_comp_true['MEA+']) self.yi_MEAH = Expression(self.t, self.liquid_phase.length_domain, rule=rule_yi_MEAH, doc='Dimensionless concentration of MEA+') @self.Constraint(self.t, self.liquid_phase.length_domain, doc='''dimensionless concentration of CO2 at equilibruim with the bulk ''') def yeq_CO2_eqn(blk, t, x): if x == self.liquid_phase.length_domain.last(): return blk.yeq_CO2[t, x] == 0.0 else: return blk.yeq_CO2[t, x] * blk.yi_MEA[t, x]**4 == \ blk.yb_CO2[t, x] * blk.yi_MEAH[t, x] * blk.yi_MEACOO[t, x] @self.Constraint(self.t, self.liquid_phase.length_domain, doc='''Enhancement factor model Eqn 1 ''') def E1_eqn(blk, t, x): if x == self.liquid_phase.length_domain.last(): return blk.enhancement_factor[t, x] == 1 else: return (blk.enhancement_factor[t, x] - 1) * (1 - blk.yb_CO2[t, x]) == \ (blk.instant_E[t, x] - 1) * (1 - blk.yi_MEA[t, x]**2) @self.Constraint(self.t, self.liquid_phase.length_domain, doc='''Enhancement factor model Eqn 2 ''') def E2_eqn(blk, t, x): if x == self.liquid_phase.length_domain.last(): return blk.yi_MEA[t, x] == 0 else: return blk.enhancement_factor[t, x] * (1 - blk.yb_CO2[t, x]) == \ blk.Hatta[t, x] * blk.yi_MEA[t, x] * \ (1 - blk.yeq_CO2[t, x]) @self.Constraint(self.t, self.liquid_phase.length_domain, doc='Enhancement factor lower bound ') def E3_eqn(blk, t, x): if x == self.liquid_phase.length_domain.last(): return Constraint.Skip else: return 1 - blk.enhancement_factor[t, x] <= 0.0 if self.config.dynamic: self.fix_initial_condition() # ========================================================================== # Model initialization routine
[docs] def initialize(blk, vapor_phase_state_args=None, liquid_phase_state_args=None, state_vars_fixed=False, homotopy_steps_m=None, homotopy_steps_h=None, outlvl=idaeslog.NOTSET, solver=None, optarg=None): """ Column initialization. Arguments: state_args : a dict of arguments to be passed to the property package(s) to provide an initial state for initialization (see documentation of the specific property package) (default = None). homotopy_steps_m : List of continuations steps between 0 and 1 for turning mass transfer constrainst gradually homotopy_steps_h : List of continuations steps between 0 and 1 for turning heat transfer constraints gradually optarg : solver options dictionary object (default=None, use default solver options) solver : str indicating which solver to use during initialization (default = None, use IDAES default solver) """ # Set up logger for initialization and solve init_log = idaeslog.getInitLogger(, outlvl, tag="unit") solve_log = idaeslog.getSolveLogger(, outlvl, tag="unit") # Set solver options # TODO: Work out why using default solver here doubles test run time opt = get_solver(solver, optarg) if homotopy_steps_m is None: homotopy_steps_m = [0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1] if homotopy_steps_h is None: homotopy_steps_h = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1] dynamic_constraints = [ "vapor_side_area", "liquid_side_area", "eq_velocity_vap", "eq_velocity_liq", "E1_eqn", "E2_eqn", "pressure_at_interface", "mass_transfer", "liquid_phase_mass_transfer_handle", "vapor_phase_mass_transfer_handle", "vapor_phase_heat_transfer", "liquid_phase_heat_transfer", "vapor_phase_heat_transfer_handle", "liquid_phase_heat_transfer_handle", "yeq_CO2_eqn", "material_balances", "material_flow_linking_constraints", "material_holdup_calculation", "enthalpy_flow_linking_constraint", "energy_holdup_calculation", "material_flow_dx_disc_eq", "enthalpy_flow_dx_disc_eq", "pressure_dx_disc_eq", "enthalpy_balances", "material_accumulation_disc_eq", "energy_accumulation_disc_eq", "mechanical_equil", "pressure_balance"] # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Deactivate unit model level constraints (asides geometry constraints) for c in blk.component_objects(Constraint, descend_into=True): if c.local_name in dynamic_constraints: c.deactivate() # Fix some variables # Hydrodynamics - velocity blk.velocity_liq.fix() blk.velocity_vap.fix() # interface pressure blk.pressure_equil.fix() # flux blk.N_v.fix(0.0) blk.vapor_phase.mass_transfer_term.fix(0.0) blk.liquid_phase.mass_transfer_term.fix(0.0) # Enhancement factor model blk.enhancement_factor.fix() blk.yi_MEA.fix() blk.yeq_CO2.fix() # heat transfer blk.heat_vap.fix(0.0) blk.heat_liq.fix(0.0) blk.vapor_phase.heat.fix(0.0) blk.liquid_phase.heat.fix(0.0) # area blk.vapor_phase.area.fix(value(blk.area_column)) blk.liquid_phase.area.fix(value(blk.area_column)) # other variables # Pressure_dx if not blk.config.fix_column_pressure: blk.vapor_phase.pressure_dx[:, :].fix(0.0) # vapor side flow terms blk.vapor_phase._enthalpy_flow.fix(1.0) blk.vapor_phase.enthalpy_flow_dx[:, :, :].fix(0.0) blk.vapor_phase._flow_terms.fix(1.0) blk.vapor_phase.material_flow_dx[:, :, :, :].fix(0.0) # liquid side flow terms blk.liquid_phase._enthalpy_flow.fix(1.0) blk.liquid_phase.enthalpy_flow_dx[:, :, :].fix(0.0) blk.liquid_phase._flow_terms.fix(1.0) blk.liquid_phase.material_flow_dx[:, :, :, :].fix(0.0) # accumulation terms # fix accumulation terms to zero and holdup to 1 if blk.config.dynamic: # liquid blk.liquid_phase.energy_holdup[:, :, :].fix(1.0) blk.liquid_phase.energy_accumulation[:, :, :].fix(0.0) blk.liquid_phase.material_holdup[:, :, :, :].fix(1.0) blk.liquid_phase.material_accumulation[:, :, :, :].fix(0.0) # vapor blk.vapor_phase.energy_holdup[:, :, :].fix(1.0) blk.vapor_phase.energy_accumulation[:, :, :].fix(0.0) blk.vapor_phase.material_holdup[:, :, :, :].fix(1.0) blk.vapor_phase.material_accumulation[:, :, :, :].fix(0.0) blk.unfix_initial_condition() # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # get values for state variables for initialization if vapor_phase_state_args is None: if blk.config.process_type == ProcessType.absorber: vapor_phase_state_args = { 'flow_mol': blk.vapor_inlet.flow_mol[0].value, 'temperature': blk.vapor_inlet.temperature[0].value, 'pressure': blk.vapor_inlet.pressure[0].value, 'mole_frac_comp': {'H2O': blk.vapor_inlet.mole_frac_comp[0, 'H2O'].value, 'CO2': blk.vapor_inlet.mole_frac_comp[0, 'CO2'].value, 'N2': blk.vapor_inlet.mole_frac_comp[0, 'N2'].value, 'O2': blk.vapor_inlet.mole_frac_comp[0, 'O2'].value}} elif blk.config.process_type == ProcessType.stripper: vapor_phase_state_args = { 'flow_mol': blk.vapor_inlet.flow_mol[0].value, 'temperature': blk.vapor_inlet.temperature[0].value, 'pressure': blk.vapor_inlet.pressure[0].value, 'mole_frac_comp': {'H2O': blk.vapor_inlet.mole_frac_comp[0, 'H2O'].value, 'CO2': blk.vapor_inlet.mole_frac_comp[0, 'CO2'].value}} if liquid_phase_state_args is None: liquid_phase_state_args = { 'flow_mol': blk.liquid_inlet.flow_mol[0].value, 'temperature': blk.liquid_inlet.temperature[0].value, 'pressure': blk.vapor_inlet.pressure[0].value, 'mole_frac_comp': {'H2O': blk.liquid_inlet.mole_frac_comp[0, 'H2O'].value, 'CO2': blk.liquid_inlet.mole_frac_comp[0, 'CO2'].value, 'MEA': blk.liquid_inlet.mole_frac_comp[0, 'MEA'].value}}"STEP 1: Property Package initialization") # Initialize vapor_phase block vflag = state_args=vapor_phase_state_args, state_vars_fixed=False, outlvl=outlvl, optarg=optarg, solver=solver, hold_state=True) # Initialize liquid_phase properties block lflag = state_args=liquid_phase_state_args, state_vars_fixed=False, outlvl=outlvl, optarg=optarg, solver=solver, hold_state=True)"STEP 2: Steady-State ISOTHERMAL MASS BALANCE") init_log.info_high('No mass transfer ') init_log.info_high('No heat transfer') # unfix flow variable terms # vapor side[:, :].temperature.fix() if not blk.config.fix_column_pressure:[:, :].pressure.fix() blk.vapor_phase._flow_terms[:, :, :, :].unfix() blk.vapor_phase.material_flow_dx[:, :, :, :].unfix() # liquid-side[:, :].temperature.fix() if not blk.config.fix_column_pressure:[:, :].pressure.fix() blk.liquid_phase._flow_terms[:, :, :, :].unfix() blk.liquid_phase.material_flow_dx[:, :, :, :].unfix() # activate mass balance related equations # liquid control volume for c in [ "material_balances", "material_flow_linking_constraints", "material_flow_dx_disc_eq"]: getattr(blk.liquid_phase, c).activate() # vapor control volume for c in [ "material_balances", "material_flow_linking_constraints", "material_flow_dx_disc_eq"]: getattr(blk.vapor_phase, c).activate() # solve for a small length if stripper if (blk.config.process_type == ProcessType.stripper): _specified_length = value(blk.length_column) blk.length_column.fix(0.6) with idaeslog.solver_log(solve_log, idaeslog.DEBUG) as slc: res = opt.solve(blk, tee=slc.tee) init_log.info_high("Step 2: {}.".format(idaeslog.condition(res))) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------'STEP 3: Add Mass tranfer terms') init_log.info_high('(3a) Velocities & Interface pressure') init_log.info_high('(3b) Enhancement factor') # Initialize : Velocities, Interface pressure, Enhancement factor # velocity blk.velocity_vap.unfix() blk.velocity_liq.unfix() blk.eq_velocity_vap.activate() blk.eq_velocity_liq.activate() for t in blk.t: for x in blk.vapor_phase.length_domain: blk.velocity_vap[t, x].value = value([t, x].flow_mol / (blk.area_column *[t, x].conc_mol)) for x in blk.liquid_phase.length_domain: blk.velocity_liq[t, x].value = value([t, x].flow_mol / (blk.area_column *[t, x].conc_mol)) # Interface pressure blk.pressure_equil.unfix() blk.pressure_at_interface.activate() blk.enhancement_factor.fix(1) with idaeslog.solver_log(solve_log, idaeslog.DEBUG) as slc: res = opt.solve(blk, tee=slc.tee) init_log.info_high("Step 3a: {}.".format(idaeslog.condition(res))) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Enhancement factor model blk.enhancement_factor.unfix() for t in blk.t: for x in blk.liquid_phase.length_domain: blk.enhancement_factor[t, x].value = 100 blk.yi_MEA.unfix() blk.yeq_CO2.unfix() blk.E1_eqn.activate() blk.E2_eqn.activate() blk.yeq_CO2_eqn.activate() with idaeslog.solver_log(solve_log, idaeslog.DEBUG) as slc: res = opt.solve(blk, tee=slc.tee) init_log.info_high("Step 3 complete: {}.".format(idaeslog.condition(res))) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------'STEP 4: Isothermal chemical absoption') init_log.info_high("Homotopy steps: ") init_log.info_high("No mass transfer (0.0) --> (1.0) mass transfer") # ISOTHERMAL CHEMICAL ABSORPTION blk.N_v.unfix() blk.vapor_phase.mass_transfer_term.unfix() blk.liquid_phase.mass_transfer_term.unfix() blk.mass_transfer.activate() blk.vapor_phase_mass_transfer_handle.activate() blk.liquid_phase_mass_transfer_handle.activate() for i in homotopy_steps_m:'homotopy step -->{0:5.2f}'.format(i)) blk._homotopy_par_m = i with idaeslog.solver_log(solve_log, idaeslog.DEBUG) as slc: res = opt.solve(blk, tee=slc.tee) if res.solver.status != SolverStatus.warning: print('') init_log.info_high("Step 4 complete: {}.".format(idaeslog.condition(res))) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- if not blk.config.fix_column_pressure: for c in ["mechanical_equil"]: getattr(blk, c).activate() for c in ["pressure_balance", "pressure_dx_disc_eq"]: getattr(blk.vapor_phase, c).activate() blk.vapor_phase.pressure_dx[:, :].unfix() # Unfix pressure for t in blk.t: for x in blk.vapor_phase.length_domain: # Unfix all vapor pressure variables except at the inlet if ([t, x].config.defined_state is False):[t, x].pressure.unfix() for x in blk.liquid_phase.length_domain:[t, x].pressure.unfix() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------'STEP 5: Adiabatic chemical absoption') init_log.info_high("Homotopy steps:") init_log.info_high("Isothermal (0.0) --> (1.0) Adiabatic ") # Unfix temperature for t in blk.t: for x in blk.vapor_phase.length_domain: # Unfix all vapor temperature variables except at the inlet if ([t, x].config.defined_state is False):[t, x].temperature.unfix() for x in blk.liquid_phase.length_domain: # Unfix all liquid temperature variables except at the inlet if ([t, x].config.defined_state is False):[t, x].temperature.unfix() # unfix heat transfer terms blk.heat_vap.unfix() blk.heat_liq.unfix() blk.vapor_phase.heat.unfix() blk.liquid_phase.heat.unfix() # unfix enthalpy flow variable terms blk.vapor_phase._enthalpy_flow[:, :, :].unfix() blk.vapor_phase.enthalpy_flow_dx[:, :, :].unfix() blk.liquid_phase._enthalpy_flow[:, :, :].unfix() blk.liquid_phase.enthalpy_flow_dx[:, :, :].unfix() # activate steady-state energy balance related equations # unit model for c in [ "vapor_phase_heat_transfer", "liquid_phase_heat_transfer", "vapor_phase_heat_transfer_handle", "liquid_phase_heat_transfer_handle"]: getattr(blk, c).activate() # liquid control volume for c in [ "enthalpy_flow_linking_constraint", "enthalpy_flow_dx_disc_eq", "enthalpy_balances"]: getattr(blk.liquid_phase, c).activate() # vapor control volume for c in [ "enthalpy_flow_linking_constraint", "enthalpy_flow_dx_disc_eq", "enthalpy_balances"]: getattr(blk.vapor_phase, c).activate() for i in homotopy_steps_h:'homotopy step -->{0:5.2f}'.format(i)) blk._homotopy_par_h = i with idaeslog.solver_log(solve_log, idaeslog.DEBUG) as slc: res = opt.solve(blk, tee=slc.tee) init_log.info_high("Step 5 complete: {}.".format(idaeslog.condition(res))) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # scale up at this if stripper if (blk.config.process_type == ProcessType.stripper): packing_height = np.linspace(0.6, _specified_length, num=10) init_log.info_high('SCALEUP Stripper height') for L in packing_height: blk.length_column.fix(L) print('Packing height = {:6.2f}'.format(L)) with idaeslog.solver_log(solve_log, idaeslog.DEBUG) as slc: res = opt.solve(blk, tee=slc.tee) init_log.info_high("Scaleup: {}.".format(idaeslog.condition(res))) if not blk.config.dynamic:'STEADY-STATE INITIALIZATION COMPLETE') if blk.config.dynamic:'STEP 6: unfix Accumulation and Holdup terms') init_log.info_high("6a Holdup calculations") init_log.info_high("6b Include Accumulation terms") # activate holdup constraints # unit model for c in [ "vapor_side_area", "liquid_side_area"]: getattr(blk, c).activate() # liquid control volume for c in [ "material_holdup_calculation", "energy_holdup_calculation"]: getattr(blk.liquid_phase, c).activate() # vapor control volume for c in [ "material_holdup_calculation", "energy_holdup_calculation"]: getattr(blk.vapor_phase, c).activate() # unfix holdup terms blk.vapor_phase.energy_holdup[:, :, :].unfix() blk.vapor_phase.material_holdup[:, :, :, :].unfix() blk.liquid_phase.energy_holdup[:, :, :].unfix() blk.liquid_phase.material_holdup[:, :, :, :].unfix() # unfix CV1D area lumped with phase volumetric holdup fraction blk.vapor_phase.area.unfix() blk.liquid_phase.area.unfix() with idaeslog.solver_log(solve_log, idaeslog.DEBUG) as slc: res = opt.solve(blk, tee=slc.tee) init_log.info_high("Step 6a complete: {}.".format( idaeslog.condition(res))) # Step 6b: # unfix accumulation terms(derivative variables) blk.vapor_phase.energy_accumulation[:, :, :].unfix() blk.vapor_phase.material_accumulation[:, :, :, :].unfix() blk.liquid_phase.energy_accumulation[:, :, :].unfix() blk.liquid_phase.material_accumulation[:, :, :, :].unfix() # activate constraints for accumulation terms # liquid control volume for c in [ "material_accumulation_disc_eq", "energy_accumulation_disc_eq"]: getattr(blk.liquid_phase, c).activate() # vapor control volume for c in [ "material_accumulation_disc_eq", "energy_accumulation_disc_eq"]: getattr(blk.vapor_phase, c).activate() blk.fix_initial_condition() with idaeslog.solver_log(solve_log, idaeslog.DEBUG) as slc: res = opt.solve(blk, tee=slc.tee) init_log.info_high("Step 6 complete: {}.".format( idaeslog.condition(res)))'INITIALIZATION COMPLETE')
[docs] def fix_initial_condition(blk): """ Initial condition for material and enthalpy balance. Mass balance : Initial condition is determined by fixing n-1 mole fraction and the total molar flowrate Energy balance :Initial condition is determined by fixing the temperature. """ vap_comp = blk.config.vapor_side.property_package.component_list liq_comp = blk.config.liquid_side.property_package.component_list for x in blk.vapor_phase.length_domain: if x != 0:[0, x].temperature.fix()[0, x].flow_mol.fix() for j in vap_comp: if (x != 0 and j != 'CO2'):[0, x].mole_frac_comp[j].fix() for x in blk.liquid_phase.length_domain: if x != 1:[0, x].temperature.fix()[0, x].flow_mol.fix() for j in liq_comp: if (x != 1 and j != 'CO2'):[0, x].mole_frac_comp[j].fix()
[docs] def unfix_initial_condition(blk): """ Function to unfix initial condition for material and enthalpy balance. """ vap_comp = blk.config.vapor_side.property_package.component_list liq_comp = blk.config.liquid_side.property_package.component_list for x in blk.vapor_phase.length_domain: if x != 0:[0, x].temperature.unfix()[0, x].flow_mol.unfix() for j in vap_comp: if (x != 0 and j != 'CO2'):[0, x].mole_frac_comp[j].unfix() for x in blk.liquid_phase.length_domain: if x != 1:[0, x].temperature.unfix()[0, x].flow_mol.unfix() for j in liq_comp: if (x != 1 and j != 'CO2'):[0, x].mole_frac_comp[j].unfix()
[docs] def make_steady_state_column_profile(blk): """ Steady-state Plot function for Temperature and CO2 Pressure profile. """ normalised_column_height = [x for x in blk.vapor_phase.length_domain] simulation_time = [t for t in blk.t] # final time tf = simulation_time[-1] CO2_profile = [] liquid_temperature_profile = [] # APPEND RESULTS for x in blk.vapor_phase.length_domain: CO2_profile.append( value(1e-3 *[tf, x].pressure *[tf, x].mole_frac_comp['CO2'])) liquid_temperature_profile.append( value([tf, x].temperature)) # plot properties fontsize = 18 labelsize = 18 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 7)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) ax1.set_title('Steady-state column profile', fontsize=16, fontweight='bold') # plot primary axis lab1 = ax1.plot(normalised_column_height, CO2_profile, linestyle='--', mec="b", mfc="None", color='b', label='CO$_{2}$ partial pressure [kPa]', marker='o') ax1.tick_params(axis='y', labelcolor='b', direction='in', labelsize=labelsize) ax1.tick_params(axis='x', direction='in', labelsize=labelsize) ax1.set_xlabel('Normalise column height from bottom', fontsize=fontsize) ax1.set_ylabel('P$_{CO_{2}}$ [ kPa]', color='b', fontweight='bold', fontsize=fontsize) # plot secondary axis ax2 = ax1.twinx() lab2 = ax2.plot(normalised_column_height, liquid_temperature_profile, color='g', linestyle='-', label='Liquid temperature profile', marker='s') ax2.set_ylabel('T$_{liq}$ [ K ] ', color='g', fontweight='bold', fontsize=fontsize) ax2.tick_params(axis='y', labelcolor='g', direction='in', labelsize=labelsize) # get the labels lab_1 = lab1 + lab2 labels_1 = [l.get_label() for l in lab_1] ax1.legend(lab_1, labels_1, loc='lower center', fontsize=fontsize) fig.tight_layout() # show graph
[docs] def make_dynamic_column_profile(blk): """ Dynamic Plot function for Temperature and CO2 Pressure profile. """ normalised_column_height = [x for x in blk.vapor_phase.length_domain] simulation_time = [t for t in blk.t] fluegas_flow = [value(blk.vapor_inlet.flow_mol[t]) for t in blk.t] # final time tf = simulation_time[-1] nf = len(simulation_time) # mid-time if nf % 2 == 0: tm = int(nf / 2) else: tm = int(nf / 2 + 1) CO2_profile_mid = [] CO2_profile_fin = [] liquid_temperature_profile_mid = [] liquid_temperature_profile_fin = [] # APPEND RESULTS for x in blk.vapor_phase.length_domain: CO2_profile_mid.append( value(1e-3 *[tm, x].pressure *[tm, x].mole_frac_comp['CO2'])) CO2_profile_fin.append( value(1e-3 *[tf, x].pressure *[tf, x].mole_frac_comp['CO2'])) liquid_temperature_profile_mid.append( value([tm, x].temperature)) liquid_temperature_profile_fin.append( value([tf, x].temperature)) # plot properties fontsize = 18 labelsize = 18 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 7)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211) ax1.set_title('Column profile @ {0:6.2f} & {1:6.2f} sec'.format(tm, tf), fontsize=16, fontweight='bold') # plot primary axis lab1 = ax1.plot(normalised_column_height, CO2_profile_mid, linestyle='--', color='b', label='CO$_{2}$ partial pressure [kPa] @ %d' % tm) lab2 = ax1.plot(normalised_column_height, CO2_profile_fin, linestyle='-', color='b', label='CO$_{2}$ partial pressure [kPa] @ %d' % tf) ax1.tick_params(axis='y', labelcolor='b', direction='in', labelsize=labelsize) ax1.tick_params(axis='x', direction='in', labelsize=labelsize) ax1.set_xlabel('Normalise column height from bottom', fontsize=fontsize) ax1.set_ylabel('P$_{CO_{2}}$ [ kPa]', color='b', fontweight='bold', fontsize=fontsize) # plot secondary axis ax2 = ax1.twinx() lab3 = ax2.plot(normalised_column_height, liquid_temperature_profile_mid, color='g', linestyle='--', label='Liquid temperature profile @ {0:6.1f}'.format(tm)) lab4 = ax2.plot(normalised_column_height, liquid_temperature_profile_fin, color='g', linestyle='-', label='Liquid temperature profile @ {0:6.1f}'.format(tf)) ax2.set_ylabel('T$_{liq}$ [ K ] ', color='g', fontweight='bold', fontsize=fontsize) ax2.tick_params(axis='y', labelcolor='g', direction='in', labelsize=labelsize) # get the labels lab_1 = lab1 + lab2 + lab3 + lab4 labels_1 = [l.get_label() for l in lab_1] ax1.legend(lab_1, labels_1, fontsize=fontsize) # plot flowgas flow ax3 = fig.add_subplot(212) ax3.plot(simulation_time, fluegas_flow, linestyle='--', mec="g", mfc="None", color='g', label='Fluegas flow [mol/s]', marker='o') ax3.tick_params(labelsize=labelsize) ax3.set_xlabel('Simulation time (sec)', fontsize=fontsize) ax3.set_ylabel(' Fv [ mol/s]', color='b', fontweight='bold', fontsize=fontsize) ax3.legend(['Fluegas flow [mol/s]'], fontsize=fontsize) fig.tight_layout()