Source code for idaes.power_generation.carbon_capture.mea_solvent_system.unit_models.phe

# Institute for the Design of Advanced Energy Systems Process Systems
# Engineering Framework (IDAES PSE Framework) Copyright (c) 2018-2019, by the
# software owners: The Regents of the University of California, through
# Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,  National Technology & Engineering
# Solutions of Sandia, LLC, Carnegie Mellon University, West Virginia
# University Research Corporation, et al. All rights reserved.
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Let P = number of passes(same for both fluids)
if P is even PHE is in counter-current mode
if P is odd PHE  is in co-current mode
Hot and cold fluids flow alternatively in the channels.
Divider plates may be used to partition the passes in separate sections.
The heat transfer area  of a single plate depends on the total heat transfer area
as specified by the manufacturer and the total number of active plates.

Detailed model equations can be found in the paper :
Akula, P., Eslick, J., Bhattacharyya, D. and Miller, D.C., 2019.
Modelling and Parameter Estimation of a Plate Heat Exchanger
as Part of a Solvent-Based Post-Combustion CO2 Capture System.
In Computer Aided Chemical Engineering (Vol. 47, pp. 47-52). Elsevier.


# Import Pyomo libraries
from pyomo.environ import Param, RangeSet, Constraint, Expression,\
    SolverFactory, value, Var, exp, units as pyunits
from pyomo.common.config import ConfigBlock, ConfigValue

# Import IDAES cores
from idaes.core import (ControlVolume0DBlock,
from idaes.core.util.config import is_physical_parameter_block
from idaes.core.util.exceptions import ConfigurationError
from idaes.core.util import get_solver
import idaes.logger as idaeslog

__author__ = "Paul Akula"

# Set up logger
_log = idaeslog.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@declare_process_block_class("PHE") class PHEData(UnitModelBlockData): """Plate Heat Exchanger(PHE) Unit Model.""" CONFIG = UnitModelBlockData.CONFIG() # Configuration template for fluid specific arguments _SideCONFIG = ConfigBlock() CONFIG.declare("passes", ConfigValue( default=4, domain=int, description="Number of passes", doc="""Number of passes of the fluids through the heat exchanger""")) CONFIG.declare("channel_list", ConfigValue( default=[12, 12, 12, 12], domain=list, description="Number of channels for each pass", doc="""Number of channels to be used in each pass where a channel is the space between two plates with a flowing fluid""")) CONFIG.declare("divider_plate_number", ConfigValue( default=0, domain=int, description="Number of divider plates in heat exchanger", doc="""Divider plates are used to create separate partitions in the unit. Each pass can be separated by a divider plate""")) CONFIG.declare("port_diameter", ConfigValue( default=0.2045, domain=float, description="Diameter of the ports on the plate [m]", doc="""Diameter of the ports on the plate for fluid entry/exit into a channel""")) CONFIG.declare("plate_thermal_cond", ConfigValue( default=16.2, domain=float, description="Thermal conductivity [W/m.K]", doc="""Thermal conductivity of the plate material [W/m.K]""")) CONFIG.declare("total_area", ConfigValue( default=114.3, domain=float, description="Total heat transfer area [m2]", doc="""Total heat transfer area as specifed by the manufacturer""")) CONFIG.declare("plate_thickness", ConfigValue( default=0.0006, domain=float, description="Plate thickness [m]", doc="""Plate thickness""")) CONFIG.declare("plate_vertical_dist", ConfigValue( default=1.897, domain=float, description="Vertical distance between centers of ports [m].", doc="""Vertical distance between centers of ports.(Top and bottom ports) (approximately equals to the plate length)""")) CONFIG.declare("plate_horizontal_dist", ConfigValue( default=0.409, domain=float, description="Horizontal distance between centers of ports [m].", doc="""Horizontal distance between centers of ports(Left and right ports)""")) CONFIG.declare("plate_pact_length", ConfigValue( default=0.381, domain=float, description="Compressed plate pact length [m].", doc="""Compressed plate pact length. Length between the Head and the Follower""")) CONFIG.declare("surface_enlargement_factor", ConfigValue( default=None, domain=float, description="Surface enlargement factor", doc="""Surface enlargement factor is the ratio of single plate area (obtained from the total area) to the projected plate area""")) CONFIG.declare("plate_gap", ConfigValue( default=None, domain=float, description="Mean channel spacing or gap bewteen two plates [m]", doc="""The plate gap is the distance between two adjacent plates that forms a flow channel """)) _SideCONFIG.declare("property_package", ConfigValue( default=useDefault, domain=is_physical_parameter_block, description="Property package to use ", doc="""Property parameter object used to define property calculations **default** - useDefault. **Valid values:** { **useDefault** - use default package from parent model or flowsheet, **PhysicalParameterObject** - a PhysicalParameterBlock object.}""")) _SideCONFIG.declare("property_package_args", ConfigBlock( implicit=True, description="Arguments to use for constructing property package", doc="""A ConfigBlock with arguments to be passed to property block(s) and used when constructing these, **default** - None. **Valid values:** { see property package for documentation.}""")) # Create individual config blocks for hot and cold sides CONFIG.declare("hot_side", _SideCONFIG(doc="Hot fluid config arguments")) CONFIG.declare("cold_side", _SideCONFIG(doc="Cold fluid config arguments"))
[docs] def build(self): # Call to setup model super(PHEData, self).build() # Consistency check for number of passes and channels in each pass for i in self.config.channel_list: if not isinstance(i, int): raise ConfigurationError("number of channels ({}) must be" " an integer".format(i)) if (self.config.passes != len(self.config.channel_list)): raise ConfigurationError( "The number of elements in the channel list: {} " " does not match the number of passes ({}) given. " "Please provide as integers, the number of channels of each pass".format( self.config.channel_list, self.config.passes)) # ====================================================================== # Build hot-side Control Volume (Lean Solvent) self.hot_side = ControlVolume0DBlock(default={ "dynamic": self.config.dynamic, "has_holdup": self.config.has_holdup, "property_package": self.config.hot_side.property_package, "property_package_args": self.config.hot_side.property_package_args}) self.hot_side.add_state_blocks(has_phase_equilibrium=False) self.hot_side.add_material_balances( balance_type=MaterialBalanceType.componentTotal, has_mass_transfer=False, has_phase_equilibrium=False, has_rate_reactions=False) self.hot_side.add_momentum_balances( balance_type=MomentumBalanceType.pressureTotal, has_pressure_change=True) # Energy balance is based on the effectiveness Number of Transfer units # (E-NTU method) and inluded as performance equations. Hence the control # volume energy balances are not added. # ====================================================================== # Build cold-side Control Volume(Rich solvent) self.cold_side = ControlVolume0DBlock(default={ "dynamic": self.config.dynamic, "has_holdup": self.config.has_holdup, "property_package": self.config.cold_side.property_package, "property_package_args": self.config.cold_side.property_package_args}) self.cold_side.add_state_blocks(has_phase_equilibrium=False) self.cold_side.add_material_balances( balance_type=MaterialBalanceType.componentTotal, has_mass_transfer=False, has_phase_equilibrium=False, has_rate_reactions=False) self.cold_side.add_momentum_balances( balance_type=MomentumBalanceType.pressureTotal, has_pressure_change=True) # ====================================================================== # Add Ports to control volumes # hot-side self.add_inlet_port(name="hot_inlet", block=self.hot_side, doc='inlet Port') self.add_outlet_port(name="hot_outlet", block=self.hot_side, doc='outlet Port') # cold-side self.add_inlet_port(name="cold_inlet", block=self.cold_side, doc='inlet Port') self.add_outlet_port(name="cold_outlet", block=self.cold_side, doc='outlet Port') # ====================================================================== # Add performace equation method self._make_params() self._make_performance_method()
def _make_params(self): self.P = Param(initialize=self.config.passes, units=None, doc="Total number of passes for hot or cold fluid") self.PH = RangeSet(self.P, doc="Set of hot fluid passes") self.PC = RangeSet(self.P, doc="Set of cold fluid passes(equal to PH)") self.plate_thermal_cond = Param(mutable=True, initialize=self.config.plate_thermal_cond, units=pyunits.W / pyunits.m / pyunits.K, doc="Plate thermal conductivity") self.plate_thick = Param(mutable=True, initialize=self.config.plate_thickness, units=pyunits.m, doc="Plate thickness") self.port_dia = Param(mutable=True, initialize=self.config.port_diameter, units=pyunits.m, doc=" Port diameter of plate ") self.Np = Param(self.PH, units=None, doc="Number of channels in each pass", mutable=True) # Number of channels in each pass for i in self.PH: self.Np[i].value = self.config.channel_list[i - 1] # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Assign plate specifications # effective plate length & width _effective_plate_length = self.config.plate_vertical_dist - \ self.config.port_diameter _effective_plate_width = self.config.plate_horizontal_dist + \ self.config.port_diameter self.plate_length = Expression(expr=_effective_plate_length) self.plate_width = Expression(expr=_effective_plate_width) # Area of single plate _total_active_plate_number = 2 * sum(self.config.channel_list) - 1 -\ self.config.divider_plate_number self.plate_area = Expression(expr=self.config.total_area / _total_active_plate_number, doc="Heat transfer area of single plate") # Plate gap if self.config.plate_gap is None: _total_plate_number = 2 * sum(self.config.channel_list) + 1 +\ self.config.divider_plate_number _plate_pitch = self.config.plate_pact_length / _total_plate_number _plate_gap = _plate_pitch - self.config.plate_thickness else: _plate_gap = self.config.plate_gap self.plate_gap = Expression(expr=_plate_gap) # Surface enlargement factor if self.config.surface_enlargement_factor is None: _projected_plate_area = _effective_plate_length * _effective_plate_width _surface_enlargement_factor = self.plate_area / _projected_plate_area else: _surface_enlargement_factor = self.config.surface_enlargement_factor self.surface_enlargement_factor = Expression(expr=_surface_enlargement_factor) # Channel equivalent diameter self.channel_dia = Expression(expr=2 * self.plate_gap / _surface_enlargement_factor , doc=" Channel equivalent diameter") # heat transfer parameters self.param_a = Var(initialize=0.3, bounds=(0.2, 0.4), units=None, doc='Nusselt parameter') self.param_b = Var(initialize=0.663, bounds=(0.3, 0.7), units=None, doc='Nusselt parameter') self.param_c = Var(initialize=1 / 3.0, bounds=(1e-5, 2), units=None, doc='Nusselt parameter') self.param_a.fix(0.4) self.param_b.fix(0.663) self.param_c.fix(0.333) def _make_performance_method(self): solvent_list = self.config.hot_side.property_package.component_list_solvent def rule_trh(blk, t): return (blk.hot_side.properties_out[t].temperature / blk.hot_side.properties_in[t].temperature) self.trh = Expression(self.flowsheet().config.time, rule=rule_trh, doc='Ratio of hot outlet temperature to hot' 'inlet temperature') def rule_trc(blk, t): return (blk.cold_side.properties_out[t].temperature / blk.cold_side.properties_in[t].temperature) self.trc = Expression(self.flowsheet().config.time, rule=rule_trc, doc='Ratio of cold outlet temperature to cold' ' inlet temperature') def rule_cp_comp_hot(blk, t, j): return 1e3 * ( blk.hot_side.properties_in[t]._params.cp_param[j, 1] + blk.hot_side.properties_in[t]._params.cp_param[j, 2] / 2 * blk.hot_side.properties_in[t].temperature * (blk.trh[t] + 1) + blk.hot_side.properties_in[t]._params.cp_param[j, 3] / 3 * (blk.hot_side.properties_in[t].temperature**2) * (blk.trh[t]**2 + blk.trh[t] + 1) + blk.hot_side.properties_in[t]._params.cp_param[j, 4] / 4 * (blk.hot_side.properties_in[t].temperature**3) * (blk.trh[t] + 1) * (blk.trh[t]**2 + 1) + blk.hot_side.properties_in[t]._params.cp_param[j, 5] / 5 * (blk.hot_side.properties_in[t].temperature**4) * (blk.trh[t]**4 + blk.trh[t]**3 + blk.trh[t]**2 + blk.trh[t] + 1)) self.cp_comp_hot = Expression(self.flowsheet().config.time, solvent_list, rule=rule_cp_comp_hot, doc='Component mean specific heat capacity' ' btw inlet and outlet' ' of hot-side temperature') def rule_cp_hot(blk, t): return sum(blk.cp_comp_hot[t, j] * blk.hot_side.properties_in[t].mass_frac_co2_free[j] for j in solvent_list) self.cp_hot = Expression(self.flowsheet().config.time, rule=rule_cp_hot, doc='Hot-side mean specific heat capacity on' 'free CO2 basis') def rule_cp_comp_cold(blk, t, j): return 1e3 * ( blk.cold_side.properties_in[t]._params.cp_param[j, 1] + blk.cold_side.properties_in[t]._params.cp_param[j, 2] / 2 * blk.cold_side.properties_in[t].temperature * (blk.trc[t] + 1) + blk.cold_side.properties_in[t]._params.cp_param[j, 3] / 3 * (blk.cold_side.properties_in[t].temperature**2) * (blk.trc[t]**2 + blk.trc[t] + 1) + blk.cold_side.properties_in[t]._params.cp_param[j, 4] / 4 * (blk.cold_side.properties_in[t].temperature**3) * (blk.trc[t] + 1) * (blk.trc[t]**2 + 1) + blk.cold_side.properties_in[t]._params.cp_param[j, 5] / 5 * (blk.cold_side.properties_in[t].temperature**4) * (blk.trc[t]**4 + blk.trc[t]**3 + blk.trc[t]**2 + blk.trc[t] + 1)) self.cp_comp_cold = Expression(self.flowsheet().config.time, solvent_list, rule=rule_cp_comp_cold, doc='Component mean specific heat capacity' 'btw inlet and outlet' ' of cold-side temperature') def rule_cp_cold(blk, t): return sum(blk.cp_comp_cold[t, j] * blk.cold_side.properties_in[t].mass_frac_co2_free[j] for j in solvent_list) self.cp_cold = Expression(self.flowsheet().config.time, rule=rule_cp_cold, doc='Cold-side mean specific heat capacity' 'on free CO2 basis') # Model Variables self.Th_in = Var(self.flowsheet().config.time, self.PH, initialize=393, units=pyunits.K, doc="Hot Temperature IN of pass") self.Th_out = Var(self.flowsheet().config.time, self.PH, initialize=325, units=pyunits.K, doc="Hot Temperature OUT of pass") self.Tc_in = Var(self.flowsheet().config.time, self.PH, initialize=320, units=pyunits.K, doc="Cold Temperature IN of pass") self.Tc_out = Var(self.flowsheet().config.time, self.PH, initialize=390, units=pyunits.K, doc="Cold Temperature OUT of pass") # ====================================================================== # PERFORMANCE EQUATIONS # mass flow rate in kg/s def rule_mh_in(blk, t): return blk.hot_side.properties_in[t].flow_mol *\ blk.hot_side.properties_in[t].mw self.mh_in = Expression(self.flowsheet().config.time, rule=rule_mh_in, doc='Hotside mass flow rate [kg/s]') def rule_mc_in(blk, t): return blk.cold_side.properties_in[t].flow_mol *\ blk.cold_side.properties_in[t].mw self.mc_in = Expression(self.flowsheet().config.time, rule=rule_mc_in, doc='Coldside mass flow rate [kg/s]') # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # port mass velocity[kg/m2.s] def rule_Gph(blk, t): return (4 * blk.mh_in[t] * 7) / (22 * blk.port_dia**2) self.Gph = Expression(self.flowsheet().config.time, rule=rule_Gph, doc='Hotside port mass velocity[kg/m2.s]') def rule_Gpc(blk, t): return (4 * blk.mc_in[t] * 7) / (22 * blk.port_dia**2) self.Gpc = Expression(self.flowsheet().config.time, rule=rule_Gpc, doc='Coldside port mass velocity[kg/m2.s]') # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Reynold & Prandtl numbers def rule_Re_h(blk, t, p): return blk.mh_in[t] * blk.channel_dia /\ (blk.Np[p] * blk.plate_width * blk.plate_gap * blk.hot_side.properties_in[t].visc_d) self.Re_h = Expression(self.flowsheet().config.time, self.PH, rule=rule_Re_h, doc='Hotside Reynolds number') def rule_Re_c(blk, t, p): return blk.mc_in[t] * blk.channel_dia /\ (blk.Np[p] * blk.plate_width * blk.plate_gap * blk.cold_side.properties_in[t].visc_d) self.Re_c = Expression(self.flowsheet().config.time, self.PH, rule=rule_Re_c, doc='Coldside Reynolds number') def rule_Pr_h(blk, t): return blk.cp_hot[t] * blk.hot_side.properties_in[t].visc_d /\ blk.hot_side.properties_in[t].thermal_cond self.Pr_h = Expression(self.flowsheet().config.time, rule=rule_Pr_h, doc='Hotside Prandtl number') def rule_Pr_c(blk, t): return blk.cp_cold[t] * blk.cold_side.properties_in[t].visc_d /\ blk.cold_side.properties_in[t].thermal_cond self.Pr_c = Expression(self.flowsheet().config.time, rule=rule_Pr_c, doc='Coldside Prandtl number') # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Film heat transfer coefficients def rule_hotside_transfer_coef(blk, t, p): return (blk.hot_side.properties_in[t].thermal_cond / blk.channel_dia * blk.param_a * blk.Re_h[t, p]**blk.param_b * blk.Pr_h[t]**blk.param_c) self.h_hot = Expression(self.flowsheet().config.time, self.PH, rule=rule_hotside_transfer_coef, doc='Hotside heat transfer coefficient') def rule_coldside_transfer_coef(blk, t, p): return (blk.cold_side.properties_in[t].thermal_cond / blk.channel_dia * blk.param_a * blk.Re_c[t, p]**blk.param_b * blk.Pr_c[t]**blk.param_c) self.h_cold = Expression(self.flowsheet().config.time, self.PH, rule=rule_coldside_transfer_coef, doc='Coldside heat transfer coefficient') # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Friction factor calculation def rule_fric_h(blk, t): return 18.29 * blk.Re_h[t, 1]**(-0.652) self.fric_h = Expression(self.flowsheet().config.time, rule=rule_fric_h, doc='Hotside friction factor') def rule_fric_c(blk, t): return 1.441 * self.Re_c[t, 1]**(-0.206) self.fric_c = Expression(self.flowsheet().config.time, rule=rule_fric_c, doc='Coldside friction factor') # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # pressure drop calculation def rule_hotside_dP(blk, t): return (2 * blk.fric_h[t] * (blk.plate_length + blk.port_dia) * blk.P * blk.Gph[t]**2) /\ (blk.hot_side.properties_in[t].dens_mass * blk.channel_dia) + 1.4 * blk.P * blk.Gph[t]**2 * 0.5 /\ blk.hot_side.properties_in[t].dens_mass + \ blk.hot_side.properties_in[t].dens_mass * \ 9.81 * (blk.plate_length + blk.port_dia) self.dP_h = Expression(self.flowsheet().config.time, rule=rule_hotside_dP, doc='Hotside pressure drop [Pa]') def rule_coldside_dP(blk, t): return (2 * blk.fric_c[t] * (blk.plate_length + blk.port_dia) * blk.P * blk.Gpc[t]**2) /\ (blk.cold_side.properties_in[t].dens_mass * blk.channel_dia) +\ 1.4 * (blk.P * blk.Gpc[t]**2 * 0.5 / blk.cold_side.properties_in[t].dens_mass) + \ blk.cold_side.properties_in[t].dens_mass * \ 9.81 * (blk.plate_length + blk.port_dia) self.dP_c = Expression(self.flowsheet().config.time, rule=rule_coldside_dP, doc='Coldside pressure drop [Pa]') def rule_eq_deltaP_hot(blk, t): return blk.hot_side.deltaP[t] == -blk.dP_h[t] self.eq_deltaP_hot = Constraint(self.flowsheet().config.time, rule=rule_eq_deltaP_hot) def rule_eq_deltaP_cold(blk, t): return blk.cold_side.deltaP[t] == -blk.dP_c[t] self.eq_deltaP_cold = Constraint(self.flowsheet().config.time, rule=rule_eq_deltaP_cold) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Overall heat transfer coefficients def rule_U(blk, t, p): return 1.0 /\ (1.0 / blk.h_hot[t, p] + blk.plate_gap / blk.plate_thermal_cond + 1.0 / blk.h_cold[t, p]) self.U = Expression(self.flowsheet().config.time, self.PH, rule=rule_U, doc='Overall heat transfer coefficient') # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # capacitance of hot and cold fluid def rule_Caph(blk, t, p): return blk.mh_in[t] * blk.cp_hot[t] / blk.Np[p] self.Caph = Expression(self.flowsheet().config.time, self.PH, rule=rule_Caph, doc='Hotfluid capacitance rate') def rule_Capc(blk, t, p): return blk.mc_in[t] * blk.cp_cold[t] / blk.Np[p] self.Capc = Expression(self.flowsheet().config.time, self.PH, rule=rule_Capc, doc='Coldfluid capacitance rate') # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # min n max capacitance and capacitance ratio def rule_Cmin(blk, t, p): return 0.5 * (blk.Caph[t, p] + blk.Capc[t, p] - ((blk.Caph[t, p] - blk.Capc[t, p])**2 + 0.00001)**0.5) self.Cmin = Expression(self.flowsheet().config.time, self.PH, rule=rule_Cmin, doc='Minimum capacitance rate') def rule_Cmax(blk, t, p): return 0.5 * (blk.Caph[t, p] + blk.Capc[t, p] + ((blk.Caph[t, p] - blk.Capc[t, p])**2 + 0.00001)**0.5) self.Cmax = Expression(self.flowsheet().config.time, self.PH, rule=rule_Cmax, doc='Maximum capacitance rate') def rule_CR(blk, t, p): return blk.Cmin[t, p] / blk.Cmax[t, p] self.CR = Expression(self.flowsheet().config.time, self.PH, rule=rule_CR, doc='Capacitance ratio') # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Number of Transfer units for sub heat exchanger def rule_NTU(blk, t, p): return blk.U[t, p] * blk.plate_area / blk.Cmin[t, p] self.NTU = Expression(self.flowsheet().config.time, self.PH, rule=rule_NTU, doc='Number of Transfer Units') # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # effectiveness of sub-heat exchangers def rule_Ecf(blk, t, p): if blk.P.value % 2 == 0: return (1 - exp(-blk.NTU[t, p] * (1 - blk.CR[t, p]))) / \ (1 - blk.CR[t, p] * exp(-blk.NTU[t, p] * (1 - blk.CR[t, p]))) elif blk.P.value % 2 == 1: return (1 - exp(-blk.NTU[t, p] * (1 + blk.CR[t, p]))) / (1 + blk.CR[t, p]) self.Ecf = Expression(self.flowsheet().config.time, self.PH, rule=rule_Ecf, doc='Effectiveness for sub-HX') # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Energy balance equations for hot fluid in sub-heat exhanger def rule_Ebh_eq(blk, t, p): return blk.Th_out[t, p] == blk.Th_in[t, p] -\ blk.Ecf[t, p] * blk.Cmin[t, p] / blk.Caph[t, p] * \ (blk.Th_in[t, p] - blk.Tc_in[t, p]) self.Ebh_eq = Constraint(self.flowsheet().config.time, self.PH, rule=rule_Ebh_eq, doc='Hot fluid sub-heat exchanger energy balance') # Hot fluid exit temperature def rule_Tout_hot(blk, t): return blk.Th_out[t, blk.P.value] ==\ blk.hot_side.properties_out[t].temperature self.Tout_hot_eq = Constraint(self.flowsheet().config.time, rule=rule_Tout_hot, doc='Hot fluid exit temperature') # Energy balance equations for cold fluid in sub-heat exhanger def rule_Ebc_eq(blk, t, p): return blk.Tc_out[t, p] == blk.Tc_in[t, p] + \ blk.Ecf[t, p] * blk.Cmin[t, p] / blk.Capc[t, p] * \ (blk.Th_in[t, p] - blk.Tc_in[t, p]) self.Ebc_eq = Constraint(self.flowsheet().config.time, self.PH, rule=rule_Ebc_eq, doc='Cold fluid sub-heat exchanger energy balance') # Cold fluid exit temperature def rule_Tout_cold(blk, t): return blk.Tc_out[t, 1] ==\ blk.cold_side.properties_out[t].temperature self.Tout_cold_eq = Constraint(self.flowsheet().config.time, rule=rule_Tout_cold, doc='Cold fluid exit temperature') # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Energy balance boundary conditions def rule_hot_BCIN(blk, t): return blk.Th_in[t, 1] == \ blk.hot_side.properties_in[t].temperature self.hot_BCIN = Constraint(self.flowsheet().config.time, rule=rule_hot_BCIN, doc='Hot fluid inlet boundary conditions') def rule_cold_BCIN(blk, t): return blk.Tc_in[t, blk.P.value] ==\ blk.cold_side.properties_in[t].temperature self.cold_BCIN = Constraint(self.flowsheet().config.time, rule=rule_cold_BCIN, doc='Cold fluid inlet boundary conditions') Pset = [i for i in range(1, self.P.value)] def rule_hot_BC(blk, t, p): return blk.Th_out[t, p] == blk.Th_in[t, p + 1] self.hot_BC = Constraint(self.flowsheet().config.time, Pset, rule=rule_hot_BC, doc='Hot fluid boundary conditions: change of pass') def rule_cold_BC(blk, t, p): return blk.Tc_out[t, p + 1] == blk.Tc_in[t, p] self.cold_BC = Constraint(self.flowsheet().config.time, Pset, rule=rule_cold_BC, doc='Cold fluid boundary conditions: change of pass') # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Energy transferred def rule_QH(blk, t): return blk.mh_in[t] * blk.cp_hot[t] *\ (blk.hot_side.properties_in[t].temperature - blk.hot_side.properties_out[t].temperature) self.QH = Expression(self.flowsheet().config.time, rule=rule_QH, doc='Heat lost by hot fluid') def rule_QC(blk, t): return blk.mc_in[t] * blk.cp_cold[t] *\ (blk.cold_side.properties_out[t].temperature - blk.cold_side.properties_in[t].temperature) self.QC = Expression(self.flowsheet().config.time, rule=rule_QH, doc='Heat gain by cold fluid')
[docs] def initialize(blk, hotside_state_args=None, coldside_state_args=None, outlvl=idaeslog.NOTSET, solver=None, optarg=None): ''' Initialisation routine for PHE unit (default solver ipopt) Keyword Arguments: state_args : a dict of arguments to be passed to the property package(s) to provide an initial state for initialization (see documentation of the specific property package) (default = {}). outlvl : sets output level of initialization routine optarg : solver options dictionary object (default=None, use default solver options) solver : str indicating which solver to use during initialization (default = None) Returns: None ''' # Set solver options init_log = idaeslog.getInitLogger(, outlvl, tag='unit') solve_log = idaeslog.getSolveLogger(, outlvl, tag="unit") # Create solver opt = get_solver(solver, optarg) hotside_state_args = { 'flow_mol': value(blk.hot_inlet.flow_mol[0]), 'temperature': value(blk.hot_inlet.temperature[0]), 'pressure': value(blk.hot_inlet.pressure[0]), 'mole_frac_comp': {'H2O': value(blk.hot_inlet.mole_frac_comp[0, 'H2O']), 'CO2': value(blk.hot_inlet.mole_frac_comp[0, 'CO2']), 'MEA': value(blk.hot_inlet.mole_frac_comp[0, 'MEA'])}} coldside_state_args = { 'flow_mol': value(blk.cold_inlet.flow_mol[0]), 'temperature': value(blk.cold_inlet.temperature[0]), 'pressure': value(blk.cold_inlet.pressure[0]), 'mole_frac_comp': {'H2O': value(blk.cold_inlet.mole_frac_comp[0, 'H2O']), 'CO2': value(blk.cold_inlet.mole_frac_comp[0, 'CO2']), 'MEA': value(blk.cold_inlet.mole_frac_comp[0, 'MEA'])}} # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Initialize the INLET properties'STEP 1: PROPERTY INITIALIZATION') init_log.info_high("INLET Properties initialization") blk.hot_side.properties_in.initialize( state_args=hotside_state_args, outlvl=outlvl, optarg=optarg, solver=solver, hold_state=True) blk.cold_side.properties_in.initialize( state_args=coldside_state_args, outlvl=outlvl, optarg=optarg, solver=solver, hold_state=True) # Initialize the OUTLET properties init_log.info_high("OUTLET Properties initialization") blk.hot_side.properties_out.initialize( state_args=hotside_state_args, outlvl=outlvl, optarg=optarg, solver=solver, hold_state=False) blk.cold_side.properties_out.initialize( state_args=coldside_state_args, outlvl=outlvl, optarg=optarg, solver=solver, hold_state=False) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------'STEP 2: PHE INITIALIZATION') with idaeslog.solver_log(solve_log, idaeslog.DEBUG) as slc: res = opt.solve(blk, tee=slc.tee) init_log.info_high("STEP 2 Complete: {}.".format(idaeslog.condition(res)))'INITIALIZATION COMPLETED')