Source code for idaes.surrogate.pysmo.kriging

# Institute for the Design of Advanced Energy Systems Process Systems
# Engineering Framework (IDAES PSE Framework) Copyright (c) 2018-2020, by the
# software owners: The Regents of the University of California, through
# Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,  National Technology & Engineering
# Solutions of Sandia, LLC, Carnegie Mellon University, West Virginia
# University Research Corporation, et al. All rights reserved.
# Please see the files COPYRIGHT.txt and LICENSE.txt for full copyright and
# license information, respectively. Both files are also available online
# at the URL "".

__author__ = "Oluwamayowa Amusat"

# Imports from the python standard library
import os.path
import pprint
# Imports from third parties
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pickle
from pyomo.core import Param, exp
from scipy.optimize import basinhopping
import scipy.optimize as opt
# Imports from IDAES namespace
from idaes.surrogate.pysmo.sampling import FeatureScaling as fs

class MyBounds(object):
    The Class MyBounds tests whether the reguularization parameter value is within the expected range.
     The class is initialized with the preset valies in __init__; the __call__ function returns Booleans indicating whether the regularization parameter value is acceptable.
     The results of the __call__ function is fed into the Basinhopping algorithm using the accept_test parameter.
    def __init__(self, xmax=[1], xmin=[1e-6]):
        self.xmax = np.array(xmax)
        self.xmin = np.array(xmin)

    def __call__(self, **kwargs):
        x = kwargs["x_new"]
        tmax = bool(x[-1] <= self.xmax)
        tmin = bool(x[-1] >= self.xmin)
        return tmax and tmin

[docs]class KrigingModel: """ The KrigingModel class trains a Kriging model for a training data set. The class must first be initialized by calling **KrigingModel**. Model training is then carried out by calling the ``training`` method. **KrigingModel** is able to generate either an interpolating or a regressing Kriging model depending on the settings used during initialization.. **Example:** .. code-block:: python # Initialize the class >>> d = KrigingModel(training_data, numerical_gradients=True, regularization=True)) >>> p = d.get_feature_vector() # Train Kriging model and predict output for an test data x_test >>> >>> predictions = d.predict_output(x_test) Args: XY_data (NumPy Array or Pandas Dataframe) : The dataset for Kriging training. **XY_data** is expected to contain both the features (X) and output (Y) information, with the output values (Y) in the last column. Further details about the optional inputs may be found under the ``__init__`` method. """
[docs] def __init__(self, XY_data, numerical_gradients=True, regularization=True, fname=None, overwrite=False): """ Initialization of **KrigingModel** class. Args: XY_data (NumPy Array or Pandas Dataframe) : The dataset for Kriging training. **XY_data** is expected to contain feature and output data, with the output values (y) in the last column. Keyword Args: numerical_gradients(bool) : Whether or not numerical gradients should be used in training. This choice determines the algorithm used to solve the problem. - numerical_gradients = True: The problem is solved with BFGS using central differencing with a step size of :math:`10^{-6}` to evaluate numerical gradients. - numerical_gradients = False: The problem is solved with Basinhopping, a stochastic optimization algorithm. regularization(bool) : This option determines whether or not regularization is considered during Kriging training. Default is True. - When regularization is turned off, the model generates an interpolating kriging model. Returns: self object with the input information and settings. Raises: ValueError: - The input dataset is of the wrong type (not a NumPy array or Pandas Dataframe) Exception: - numerical_gradients is not boolean Exception: - regularization is not boolean **Example:** .. code-block:: python # Initialize Kriging class with no numerical gradients - solution algorithm will be Basinhopping >>> d = KrigingModel(XY_data, numerical_gradients=False) """ if not isinstance(overwrite, bool): raise Exception('overwrite must be boolean.') self.overwrite = overwrite if fname is None: fname = 'solution.pickle' self.filename = 'solution.pickle' elif not isinstance(fname, str) or os.path.splitext(fname)[-1].lower() != '.pickle': raise Exception('fname must be a string with extension ".pickle". Please correct.') if os.path.exists(fname) and overwrite is True: # Explicit overwrite done by user print('Warning:', fname, 'already exists; previous file will be overwritten.\n') self.filename = fname elif os.path.exists(fname) and overwrite is False: # User is not overwriting self.filename = os.path.splitext(fname)[0]+'_v_'+"%m-%d-%y_%H%M%S") +'.pickle' print('Warning:', fname, 'already exists; results will be saved to "', self.filename,'".\n') # self.filename = 'solution.pickle' elif os.path.exists(fname) is False: self.filename = fname # Check data types and shapes if isinstance(XY_data, pd.DataFrame): xy_data = XY_data.values self.x_data_columns = list(XY_data.columns)[:-1] elif isinstance(XY_data, np.ndarray): xy_data = XY_data self.x_data_columns = list(range(XY_data.shape[1] - 1)) else: raise ValueError('Pandas dataframe or numpy array required for "XY_data".') self.x_data = xy_data[:, :-1].reshape(xy_data.shape[0], xy_data.shape[1]-1) self.y_data = xy_data[:, -1].reshape(xy_data.shape[0], 1) self.num_vars = self.x_data.shape[1] + 1 # thetas and reg parameter only x_data_scaled, self.x_data_min, self.x_data_max = fs.data_scaling_minmax(self.x_data) self.x_data_scaled = x_data_scaled.reshape(self.x_data.shape) if isinstance(numerical_gradients, bool): self.num_grads = numerical_gradients else: raise Exception('numerical_gradients must be boolean.') if isinstance(regularization, bool): self.regularization = regularization else: raise Exception('Choice of regularization must be boolean.') # Results self.optimal_weights = None self.optimal_p = None self.optimal_mean = None self.optimal_variance = None self.regularization_parameter = None self.optimal_covariance_matrix = None self.covariance_matrix_inverse = None self.optimal_y_mu = None self.output_predictions = None self.training_R2 = None self.training_rmse = None
@staticmethod def covariance_matrix_generator(x, theta, reg_param, p): """ The covariance_matrix_generator method generates the regularized co-variance matrix for a Kriging model Args: x : scaled features data theta : Kriging weights reg_param : regularization parameter p : Kriging exponent, fixed at 2 for smoothness. Returns: cov_matrix : Regularized co-variance matrix """ distance_matrix = np.zeros((x.shape[0], x.shape[0])) for i in range(0, x.shape[0]): distance_matrix[i, :] = (np.matmul(((np.abs(x[i, :] - x)) ** p), theta)).transpose() cov_matrix = np.exp(-1 * distance_matrix) cov_matrix = cov_matrix + reg_param * np.eye(cov_matrix.shape[0]) # Regularization parameter addition, see Forrester book return cov_matrix @staticmethod def covariance_inverse_generator(x): """ The covariance_inverse_generator method generates the inverse of the regularized co-variance matrix for a Kriging model Args: x : Regularized co-variance matrix Returns: inverse_x : Inverse of regularized co-variance matrix """ try: inverse_x = np.linalg.inv(x) except np.linalg.LinAlgError as LAE: inverse_x = np.linalg.pinv(x) return inverse_x @staticmethod def kriging_mean(cov_inv, y): """ The kriging_mean method calculates the MLE estimate of the mean. Args: cov_inv (NumPy Array) : Inverse of the co-variance matrix y (NumPy Array) : Output values of the training data Returns: kriging_mean : MLE estimate of the Kriging mean Reference: [1] Forrester et al.'s book "Engineering Design via Surrogate Modelling: A Practical Guide", """ ones_vec = np.ones((y.shape[0], 1)) kriging_mean = np.matmul(np.matmul(ones_vec.transpose(), cov_inv), y) / np.matmul(np.matmul(ones_vec.transpose(), cov_inv), ones_vec) # kriging_mean = np.matmul(ones_vec.transpose(), np.matmul(cov_inv, y)) / np.matmul(ones_vec.transpose(), np.matmul(cov_inv, ones_vec)) return kriging_mean @staticmethod def y_mu_calculation(y, mu): """ The y_mu_calculation method calculates the deviation of each output value from the MLE estimate of the mean, mu """ y_mu = y - mu * np.ones((y.shape[0], 1)) return y_mu @staticmethod def kriging_sd(cov_inv, y_mu, ns): """ The kriging_sd method calculates the MLE estimate of the Kriging variance. Args: cov_inv (NumPy Array) : Inverse of the co-variance matrix y_mu (NumPy Array) : Deviation of y from the Kriging mean estimate (y-mean) Returns: kriging_sd : MLE estimate of the Kriging variance Reference: [1] Forrester et al.'s book "Engineering Design via Surrogate Modelling: A Practical Guide", """ sigma_sq = np.matmul(np.matmul(y_mu.transpose(), cov_inv), y_mu) / ns # sigma_sq = np.matmul(y_mu.transpose(), np.matmul(cov_inv, y_mu)) / ns return sigma_sq @staticmethod def print_fun(x, f, accepted): print("at minimum %.4f accepted %d" % (f, int(accepted))) def objective_function(self, var_vector, x, y, p): """ The objective_function method calculates the concentrated likelihood function Args: var_vector(NumPy Array) : Numpy array containing the Kriging paramaters (Kriging weights and regularization parameter) x(NumPy Array) : Scaled version of input features/variables y(NumPy Array) : Output variable y (unscaled) p(float) : Kriging model exponent (fixed to 2) to ensure model smoothness Returns: conc_log_like(float) : Concentrated likelihood value. Function incurs a large penalty (10000) when co-variance matrix is non-positive definite Reference: [1] Forrester et al.'s book "Engineering Design via Surrogate Modelling: A Practical Guide", """ theta = var_vector[:-1] reg_param = var_vector[-1] theta = 10 ** theta # Assumes log(theta) provided ns = y.shape[0] cov_mat = self.covariance_matrix_generator(x, theta, reg_param, p) try: # Check Cholesky factorization L = np.linalg.cholesky(cov_mat) lndetcov = 2 * np.sum(np.log(np.abs(np.diag(L)))) # Approximation to 2nd term from Forrester book, making use of the Ch. factorization cov_inv = self.covariance_inverse_generator(cov_mat) km = self.kriging_mean(cov_inv, y) y_mu = self.y_mu_calculation(y, km) ssd = self.kriging_sd(cov_inv, y_mu, ns) # log_like = (0.5 * ns * np.log(ssd)) + (0.5 * np.log(np.abs(np.linalg.det(cov_mat)))) log_like = (0.5 * ns * np.log(ssd)) + (0.5 * lndetcov) conc_log_like = log_like[0, 0] except: # When Cholesky fails - non-positive definite covariance matrix conc_log_like = 1e4 return conc_log_like def numerical_gradient(self, var_vector, x, y, p): """ The numerical_gradient method calculates numerical gradients for the Kriging hyperparameters via central differencing, grad(theta) = (f(theta + eps) - f(theta - eps))/(2 * eps) Args: var_vector(NumPy Array) : Numpy array containing the Kriging paramaters (Kriging weights and regularization parameter) x(NumPy Array) : Scaled version of input features/variables y(NumPy Array) : Output variable y (unscaled) p(float) : Kriging model exponent (fixed to 2) to ensure model smoothness Returns: grad_vec(NumPy Array) : Array of the gradients of the variables in var_vector """ eps = 1e-6 grad_vec = np.zeros(len(var_vector), ) for i in range(0, len(var_vector)): var_vector_plus = np.copy(var_vector) var_vector_plus[i] = var_vector[i] + eps var_vector_minus = np.copy(var_vector) var_vector_minus[i] = var_vector[i] - eps # of = self.objective_function(var_vector, x, y, p) of_plus = self.objective_function(var_vector_plus, x, y, p) of_minus = self.objective_function(var_vector_minus, x, y, p) grad_current = (of_plus - of_minus) / (2 * eps) grad_vec[i, ] = grad_current if self.regularization is False: grad_vec[-1, ] = 0 return grad_vec def parameter_optimization(self, p): """ Parameter (theta) optimization using BFGS or Basinhopping algorithm. This is the core of the Kriging Class. Algorithm used will depend on whether the numerical_gradients was set to True or False. """ initial_value_list = np.random.randn(self.num_vars - 1, ) initial_value_list = initial_value_list.tolist() initial_value_list.append(1e-4) initial_value = np.array(initial_value_list) initial_value = initial_value.reshape(initial_value.shape[0], 1) # Create bounds for variables. All logthetas btw (-4, 4), reg param between (1e-9, 0.1) bounds = [] for i in range(0, len(initial_value_list)): if i == len(initial_value_list) - 1: if self.regularization is True: bounds.append((1e-6, 0.1)) else: bounds.append((1e-10, 1e-10)) else: bounds.append((-3, 3)) bounds = tuple(bounds) if self.num_grads: print('Optimizing kriging parameters using L-BFGS-B algorithm...') other_args = (self.x_data_scaled, self.y_data, p) #opt_results = opt.minimize(self.objective_function, initial_value, args=other_args, method='L-BFGS-B', jac=self.numerical_gradient, bounds=bounds, options={'gtol': 1e-7}) #, 'disp': True}) opt_results1 = opt.minimize(self.objective_function, initial_value, args=other_args, method='tnc', jac=self.numerical_gradient, bounds=bounds, options={'gtol': 1e-7}) opt_results2 = opt.minimize(self.objective_function, initial_value, args=other_args, method='L-BFGS-B', jac=self.numerical_gradient, bounds=bounds, options={'gtol': 1e-7}) # , 'disp': True}) if < opt_results = opt_results1 else: opt_results = opt_results2 else: print('Optimizing Kriging parameters using Basinhopping algorithm...') other_args = {"args": (self.x_data_scaled, self.y_data, p), 'bounds': bounds} # other_args = {"args": (self.x_data, self.y_data, p)} mybounds = MyBounds() # Bounds on regularization parameter opt_results = basinhopping(self.objective_function, initial_value_list, minimizer_kwargs=other_args, niter=250, disp=True, accept_test=mybounds) # , interval=5) return opt_results def optimal_parameter_evaluation(self, var_vector, p): """ The optimal_parameter_evaluation method evaluates the values of all the parameters of the final Kriging model. For an input set of Kriging parameters var_vector and p, it: (1) Generates the covariance matrix by calling covariance_matrix_generator (2) Finds the co-variance matrix inverse (3) Evaluates the Kriging mean and variance (4) Evaluates the deviation of each training point from the Kriging mean Args: var_vector : Optimal Kriging parameters (weights + regularization parameter) p : Krigng exponents Returns: theta : Optimal Kriging weights for each variable reg_param : Optimal regularization parameter mean : Final MLE estimate of the mean variance : Final MLE estimate of the variance cov_mat : Co-variance matrix of the final model cov_inv : Inverse of final co-variance matrix y_mu : Deviation of each output value in the training data from the Kriging mean. """ theta = var_vector[:-1] reg_param = var_vector[-1] theta = 10 ** theta # Assumes log(theta) provided. Ensures that theta is always positive ns = self.y_data.shape[0] cov_mat = self.covariance_matrix_generator(self.x_data_scaled, theta, reg_param, p) cov_inv = self.covariance_inverse_generator(cov_mat) mean = self.kriging_mean(cov_inv, self.y_data) y_mu = self.y_mu_calculation(self.y_data, mean) variance = self.kriging_sd(cov_inv, y_mu, ns) print('\nFinal results\n================\nTheta:', theta, '\nMean:', mean, '\nRegularization parameter:', reg_param) return theta, reg_param, mean, variance, cov_mat, cov_inv, y_mu @staticmethod def error_calculation(theta, p, mean, cov_inv, y_mu, x, y_data): """ This method calculates the SSE and RMSE errors between the actual and predicted output values, ss_error = sum of squared errors / number of samples rmse_error = sqrt(sum of squared errors / number of samples) Args: theta : Kriging weights p : Kriging exponents mean : MLE estimate of the Kriging mean cov_inv : Inverse of the co-variance matrix of the current solution y_mu : Deviation of y valuers from the mean estimate x : Input test data y_data : Actual outputs corresponding to input test data x Returns: ss_error : The average sum of squared errors rmse_error : The root-mean-squared error (RMSE) y_prediction : Predicted values of y """ y_prediction = np.zeros((x.shape[0], 1)) for i in range(0, x.shape[0]): cmt = (np.matmul(((np.abs(x[i, :] - x)) ** p), theta)).transpose() cov_matrix_tests = np.exp(-1 * cmt) y_prediction[i, 0] = mean + np.matmul(np.matmul(cov_matrix_tests.transpose(), cov_inv), y_mu) ss_error = (1 / y_data.shape[0]) * (np.sum((y_data - y_prediction) ** 2)) rmse_error = np.sqrt(ss_error) return ss_error, rmse_error, y_prediction
[docs] @staticmethod def r2_calculation(y_true, y_predicted): """ ``r2_calculation`` returns the :math:`R^{2}` as a measure-of-fit between the true and predicted values of the output variable. Args: y_true(NumPy Array) : Vector of actual values of the output variable y_predicted(NumPy Array) : Vector of predictions for the output variable based on the surrogate Returns: float : :math:`R^{2}` measure-of-fit between actual and predicted data """ y_true = y_true.reshape(y_true.shape[0], 1) y_predicted = y_predicted.reshape(y_predicted.shape[0], 1) input_y_mean = np.mean(y_true, axis=0) ss_total = np.sum((y_true - input_y_mean) ** 2) ss_residual = np.sum((y_predicted - y_true) ** 2) r_square = 1 - (ss_residual / ss_total) return r_square
[docs] def predict_output(self, x_pred): """ The ``predict_output`` method generates output predictions for input data x_pred based a previously trained Kriging model. Args: x_pred(NumPy Array) : Array of designs for which the output is to be evaluated/predicted. Returns: NumPy Array : Output variable predictions based on the Kriging model. """ x_pred_scaled = ((x_pred - self.x_data_min) / (self.x_data_max - self.x_data_min)) x_pred = x_pred_scaled.reshape(x_pred.shape) if x_pred.ndim == 1: x_pred = x_pred.reshape(1, len(x_pred)) y_pred = np.zeros((x_pred.shape[0], 1)) for i in range(0, x_pred.shape[0]): cmt = (np.matmul(((np.abs(x_pred[i, :] - self.x_data_scaled)) ** self.optimal_p), self.optimal_weights)).transpose() cov_matrix_tests = np.exp(-1 * cmt) y_pred[i, 0] = self.optimal_mean + np.matmul(np.matmul(cov_matrix_tests.transpose(), self.covariance_matrix_inverse), self.optimal_y_mu) return y_pred
[docs] def training(self): """ Main function for Kriging training. To train the Kriging model: (1) The Kriging exponent :math:`\\tau_{i}` is fixed at 2. (2) The optimal Kriging hyperparameters :math:`\\left(\mu,\sigma^{2},\\theta_{1},\ldots,\\theta_{n}\\right)` are evaluated by calling the ``optimal_parameter_evaluation`` method using either BFGS or Basinhopping. (3) The training predictions, prediction errors and r-square coefficient of fit are evaluated by calling the functions ``error_calculation`` and ``self.r2_calculation`` (4) A results object is generated by calling the ``ResultsReport`` class. Returns: tuple : self object (**results**) containing the all information about the best Kriging model obtained, including: - the Kriging model hyperparameters (**results.optimal_weights**), - when relevant, the optimal regularization parameter found :math:`\lambda` (**results.regularization_parameter**), - the Kriging mean (**results.optimal_mean**), - the Kriging variance (**results.optimal_variance**), - the Kriging model regularized co-variance matrix (**results.optimal_covariance_matrix**), - the inverse of the co-variance matrix (**results.covariance_matrix_inverse**), - the RBF predictions for the training data (**results.output_predictions**), - the RMSE of the training output predictions (**results.training_rmse**), and - the :math:`R^{2}` value on the training data (**results.R2**) """ # Create p values, for now fixed at p=2. Arraying p makes the code significantly (at least 7x slower) p = 2 # Solve optimization problem bh_results = self.parameter_optimization(p) # Calculate other variables and parameters optimal_theta, optimal_reg_param, optimal_mean, optimal_variance, optimal_cov_mat, opt_cov_inv, optimal_ymu = self.optimal_parameter_evaluation(bh_results.x, p) # Training performance training_ss_error, rmse_error, y_training_predictions = self.error_calculation(optimal_theta, p, optimal_mean, opt_cov_inv, optimal_ymu, self.x_data_scaled, self.y_data) r2_training = self.r2_calculation(self.y_data, y_training_predictions) # Return results self.optimal_weights = optimal_theta self.optimal_p = p self.optimal_mean = optimal_mean self.optimal_variance = optimal_variance self.regularization_parameter = optimal_reg_param self.optimal_covariance_matrix = optimal_cov_mat self.covariance_matrix_inverse = opt_cov_inv self.optimal_y_mu = optimal_ymu self.output_predictions = y_training_predictions self.training_R2 = r2_training self.training_rmse = rmse_error self.pickle_save({'model' : self}) return self
[docs] def generate_expression(self, variable_list): """ The ``generate_expression`` method returns the Pyomo expression for the Kriging model trained. The expression is constructed based on the supplied list of variables **variable_list** and the results of the previous Kriging training process. Args: variable_list(list) : List of input variables to be used in generating expression. This can be the a list generated from the output of ``get_feature_vector``. The user can also choose to supply a new list of the appropriate length. Returns: Pyomo Expression : Pyomo expression of the Kriging model based on the variables provided in **variable_list** """ t1 = np.array([variable_list]) phi_var = [] for i in range(0, self.x_data.shape[0]): curr_term = sum(self.optimal_weights[j] * ( ((t1[0, j] - self.x_data_min[0, j])/(self.x_data_max[0, j] - self.x_data_min[0, j])) - self.x_data_scaled[i, j]) ** self.optimal_p for j in range(0, self.x_data.shape[1])) curr_term = exp(-curr_term) phi_var.append(curr_term) phi_var_array = np.asarray(phi_var) phi_inv_times_y_mu = np.matmul(self.covariance_matrix_inverse, self.optimal_y_mu) phi_inv_times_y_mu = phi_inv_times_y_mu.reshape(phi_inv_times_y_mu.shape[0], ) kriging_expr = self.optimal_mean[0,0] kriging_expr += sum(w * t for w, t in zip(np.nditer(phi_inv_times_y_mu), np.nditer(phi_var_array, flags=['refs_ok']) )) return kriging_expr
[docs] def get_feature_vector(self): """ The ``get_feature_vector`` method generates the list of regression features from the column headers of the input dataset. Returns: Pyomo IndexedParam : An indexed parameter list of the variables supplied in the original data """ p = Param(self.x_data_columns, mutable=True, initialize=0) p.index_set().construct() p.construct() self.feature_list = p return p
def pickle_save(self, solutions): """ The poly_training method saves the results of the run in a pickle object. It saves an object with two elements: the setup (index[0]) and the results (index[1]). """ try: filehandler = open(self.filename, 'wb') pickle.dump(solutions, filehandler) print('\nResults saved in ', str(self.filename)) except: raise IOError('File could not be saved.') @staticmethod def pickle_load(solution_file): """ pickle_load loads the results of a saved run 'file.obj'.]) Input arguments: solution_file : Pickle object file containing previous solution to be loaded. """ try: filehandler = open(solution_file, 'rb') return pickle.load(filehandler) except: raise Exception('File could not be loaded.') def parity_residual_plots(self): """ inputs: Returns: """ fig1 = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 9), tight_layout=True) ax = fig1.add_subplot(121) ax.plot(self.y_data, self.y_data, '-') ax.plot(self.y_data, self.output_predictions, 'o') ax.set_xlabel(r'True data', fontsize=12) ax.set_ylabel(r'Surrogate values', fontsize=12) ax.set_title(r'Parity plot', fontsize=12) ax2 = fig1.add_subplot(122) ax2.plot(self.y_data, self.y_data - self.output_predictions, 's', mfc='w', mec='m', ms=6) ax2.axhline(y=0, xmin=0, xmax=1) ax2.set_xlabel(r'True data', fontsize=12) ax2.set_ylabel(r'Residuals', fontsize=12) ax2.set_title(r'Residual plot', fontsize=12) return def _report(self): ## Will only work with Python > 3.5 variable_headers = self.get_feature_vector() var_list = [] for i in variable_headers: var_list.append(variable_headers[i]) eqn = self.generate_expression(var_list) double_line = "=" * 120 s = (f"\n{double_line}" f"\nResults of Kriging run:\n" f"\nKriging mean : {self.optimal_mean}\n" f"Kriging variance : {self.optimal_variance}\n" f"Kriging weights : {self.optimal_weights}\n" f"Regularization parameter : {self.regularization_parameter}\n" f"Number of terms in Kriging model : {self.optimal_y_mu.size + 1}\n" f"\nKriging Expression:\n" f"--------------------\n" f"\n{eqn}\n" f"--------------------------\n" f"\nModel training errors:" f"\n-----------------------\n" f"Mean Squared Error (MSE) : {self.training_rmse ** 2}\n" f"Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) : {self.training_rmse}\n" f"Goodness of fit (R2) : {self.training_R2}\n" f"\n{double_line}" ) return(s) def print_report(self): s = self._report() print(s) def _repr_pretty_(self, p, cycle=False): s = self._report() p.text(s)