Source code for idaes.gas_solid_contactors.unit_models.moving_bed

# The Institute for the Design of Advanced Energy Systems Integrated Platform
# Framework (IDAES IP) was produced under the DOE Institute for the
# Design of Advanced Energy Systems (IDAES), and is copyright (c) 2018-2021
# by the software owners: The Regents of the University of California, through
# Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,  National Technology & Engineering
# Solutions of Sandia, LLC, Carnegie Mellon University, West Virginia University
# Research Corporation, et al.  All rights reserved.
# Please see the files and for full copyright and
# license information.
IDAES Moving Bed Model.

The moving bed model is a 1D axially discretized model with a gas and
solid phase and a counter-current flow direction. The model captures
the gas-solid interaction between both phases through reaction, mass
and heat transfer.

Equations written in this model were derived from:
A. Ostace, A. Lee, C.O. Okoli, A.P. Burgard, D.C. Miller, D. Bhattacharyya,
Mathematical modeling of a moving-bed reactor for chemical looping combustion
of methane, in: M.R. Eden, M. Ierapetritou, G.P. Towler (Eds.),13th Int. Symp.
Process Syst. Eng. (PSE 2018), Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering 2018,
pp. 325–330 , San Diego, CA.

Property package contains temperature and pressure variables.
Property package contains minimum fluidization velocity.

from __future__ import division

# Import Python libraries
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Import Pyomo libraries
from pyomo.environ import (Var, Param, Reals, value, SolverFactory,
                           TransformationFactory, Constraint,
from pyomo.common.config import ConfigBlock, ConfigValue, In
from pyomo.util.calc_var_value import calculate_variable_from_constraint
from pyomo.dae import ContinuousSet

# Import IDAES cores
from idaes.core import (ControlVolume1DBlock,
from idaes.core.util.config import (is_physical_parameter_block,
from idaes.core.util.exceptions import (ConfigurationError,
from idaes.core.util.tables import create_stream_table_dataframe
from idaes.core.control_volume1d import DistributedVars
from idaes.core.util.constants import Constants as constants
from idaes.core.util.math import smooth_abs
import idaes.logger as idaeslog
from idaes.core.util import get_solver

__author__ = "Chinedu Okoli", "Anca Ostace"

# Set up logger
_log = idaeslog.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@declare_process_block_class("MBR") class MBRData(UnitModelBlockData): """Standard Moving Bed Unit Model Class.""" # Create template for unit level config arguments CONFIG = UnitModelBlockData.CONFIG() # Unit level config arguments CONFIG.declare("finite_elements", ConfigValue( default=10, domain=int, description="Number of finite elements length domain", doc="""Number of finite elements to use when discretizing length domain (default=20)""")) CONFIG.declare("length_domain_set", ConfigValue( default=[0.0, 1.0], domain=list, description="Number of finite elements length domain", doc="""length_domain_set - (optional) list of point to use to initialize a new ContinuousSet if length_domain is not provided (default = [0.0, 1.0])""")) CONFIG.declare("transformation_method", ConfigValue( default="dae.finite_difference", description="Method to use for DAE transformation", doc="""Method to use to transform domain. Must be a method recognised by the Pyomo TransformationFactory, **default** - "dae.finite_difference". **Valid values:** { **"dae.finite_difference"** - Use a finite difference transformation method, **"dae.collocation"** - use a collocation transformation method}""")) CONFIG.declare("transformation_scheme", ConfigValue( default=None, domain=In([None, "BACKWARD", "FORWARD", "LAGRANGE-RADAU"]), description="Scheme to use for DAE transformation", doc="""Scheme to use when transforming domain. See Pyomo documentation for supported schemes, **default** - None. **Valid values:** { **None** - defaults to "BACKWARD" for finite difference transformation method, and to "LAGRANGE-RADAU" for collocation transformation method, **"BACKWARD"** - Use a finite difference transformation method, **"FORWARD""** - use a finite difference transformation method, **"LAGRANGE-RADAU""** - use a collocation transformation method}""")) CONFIG.declare("collocation_points", ConfigValue( default=3, domain=int, description="Number of collocation points per finite element", doc="""Number of collocation points to use per finite element when discretizing length domain (default=3)""")) CONFIG.declare("flow_type", ConfigValue( default="counter_current", domain=In(['counter_current']), description="Flow configuration of Moving Bed", doc="""Flow configuration of Moving Bed - counter_current: gas side flows from 0 to 1 solid side flows from 1 to 0""")) CONFIG.declare("material_balance_type", ConfigValue( default=MaterialBalanceType.componentTotal, domain=In(MaterialBalanceType), description="Material balance construction flag", doc="""Indicates what type of mass balance should be constructed, **default** - MaterialBalanceType.componentTotal. **Valid values:** { **MaterialBalanceType.none** - exclude material balances, **MaterialBalanceType.componentPhase** - use phase component balances, **MaterialBalanceType.componentTotal** - use total component balances, **MaterialBalanceType.elementTotal** - use total element balances, **** - use total material balance.}""")) CONFIG.declare("energy_balance_type", ConfigValue( default=EnergyBalanceType.enthalpyTotal, domain=In(EnergyBalanceType), description="Energy balance construction flag", doc="""Indicates what type of energy balance should be constructed, **default** - EnergyBalanceType.enthalpyTotal. **Valid values:** { **EnergyBalanceType.none** - exclude energy balances, **EnergyBalanceType.enthalpyTotal** - single enthalpy balance for material, **EnergyBalanceType.enthalpyPhase** - enthalpy balances for each phase, **EnergyBalanceType.energyTotal** - single energy balance for material, **EnergyBalanceType.energyPhase** - energy balances for each phase.}""")) CONFIG.declare("momentum_balance_type", ConfigValue( default=MomentumBalanceType.pressureTotal, domain=In(MomentumBalanceType), description="Momentum balance construction flag", doc="""Indicates what type of momentum balance should be constructed, **default** - MomentumBalanceType.pressureTotal. **Valid values:** { **MomentumBalanceType.none** - exclude momentum balances, **MomentumBalanceType.pressureTotal** - single pressure balance for material, **MomentumBalanceType.pressurePhase** - pressure balances for each phase, **MomentumBalanceType.momentumTotal** - single momentum balance for material, **MomentumBalanceType.momentumPhase** - momentum balances for each phase.}""")) CONFIG.declare("has_pressure_change", ConfigValue( default=True, domain=In([True, False]), description="Pressure change term construction flag", doc="""Indicates whether terms for pressure change should be constructed, **default** - False. **Valid values:** { **True** - include pressure change terms, **False** - exclude pressure change terms.}""")) CONFIG.declare("pressure_drop_type", ConfigValue( default="simple_correlation", domain=In(["simple_correlation", "ergun_correlation"]), description="Construction flag for type of pressure drop", doc="""Indicates what type of pressure drop correlation should be used, **default** - "simple_correlation". **Valid values:** { **"simple_correlation"** - Use a simplified pressure drop correlation, **"ergun_correlation"** - Use the ergun equation.}""")) # Create template for phase specific config arguments _PhaseTemplate = UnitModelBlockData.CONFIG() _PhaseTemplate.declare("has_equilibrium_reactions", ConfigValue( default=False, domain=In([True, False]), description="Equilibrium reaction construction flag", doc="""Indicates whether terms for equilibrium controlled reactions should be constructed, **default** - True. **Valid values:** { **True** - include equilibrium reaction terms, **False** - exclude equilibrium reaction terms.}""")) _PhaseTemplate.declare("property_package", ConfigValue( default=None, domain=is_physical_parameter_block, description="Property package to use for control volume", doc="""Property parameter object used to define property calculations (default = 'use_parent_value') - 'use_parent_value' - get package from parent (default = None) - a ParameterBlock object""")) _PhaseTemplate.declare("property_package_args", ConfigValue( default={}, domain=dict, description="Arguments for constructing gas property package", doc="""A dict of arguments to be passed to the PropertyBlockData and used when constructing these (default = 'use_parent_value') - 'use_parent_value' - get package from parent (default = None) - a dict (see property package for documentation)""")) _PhaseTemplate.declare("reaction_package", ConfigValue( default=None, domain=is_reaction_parameter_block, description="Reaction package to use for control volume", doc="""Reaction parameter object used to define reaction calculations, **default** - None. **Valid values:** { **None** - no reaction package, **ReactionParameterBlock** - a ReactionParameterBlock object.}""")) _PhaseTemplate.declare("reaction_package_args", ConfigBlock( implicit=True, implicit_domain=ConfigBlock, description="Arguments to use for constructing reaction packages", doc="""A ConfigBlock with arguments to be passed to a reaction block(s) and used when constructing these, **default** - None. **Valid values:** { see reaction package for documentation.}""")) # Create individual config blocks for gas and solid sides CONFIG.declare("gas_phase_config", _PhaseTemplate(doc="gas phase config arguments")) CONFIG.declare("solid_phase_config", _PhaseTemplate(doc="solid phase config arguments")) # =========================================================================
[docs] def build(self): """ Begin building model (pre-DAE transformation). Args: None Returns: None """ # Call to build default attributes super(MBRData, self).build() # Consistency check for transformation method and transformation scheme if (self.config.transformation_method == "dae.finite_difference" and self.config.transformation_scheme is None): self.config.transformation_scheme = "BACKWARD" elif (self.config.transformation_method == "dae.collocation" and self.config.transformation_scheme is None): self.config.transformation_scheme = "LAGRANGE-RADAU" elif (self.config.transformation_method == "dae.finite_difference" and self.config.transformation_scheme != "BACKWARD" and self.config.transformation_scheme != "FORWARD"): raise ConfigurationError("{} invalid value for " "transformation_scheme argument. " "Must be ""BACKWARD"" or ""FORWARD"" " "if transformation_method is" " ""dae.finite_difference""." .format( elif (self.config.transformation_method == "dae.collocation" and self.config.transformation_scheme != "LAGRANGE-RADAU"): raise ConfigurationError("{} invalid value for " "transformation_scheme argument." "Must be ""LAGRANGE-RADAU"" if " "transformation_method is" " ""dae.collocation""." .format( # Set flow directions for the control volume blocks # Gas flows from 0 to 1, solid flows from 1 to 0 # An if statement is used here despite only one option to allow for # future extensions to other flow configurations if self.config.flow_type == "counter_current": set_direction_gas = FlowDirection.forward set_direction_solid = FlowDirection.backward else: raise BurntToast( "{} encountered unrecognized argument " "for flow type. Please contact the IDAES" " developers with this bug.".format( # Set arguments for gas sides if homoogeneous reaction block if self.config.gas_phase_config.reaction_package is not None: has_rate_reaction_gas_phase = True else: has_rate_reaction_gas_phase = False # Set arguments for gas and solid sides if heterogeneous reaction block if self.config.solid_phase_config.reaction_package is not None: has_rate_reaction_solid_phase = True has_mass_transfer_gas_phase = True else: has_rate_reaction_solid_phase = False has_mass_transfer_gas_phase = False # Set heat transfer terms if self.config.energy_balance_type != EnergyBalanceType.none: has_heat_transfer = True else: has_heat_transfer = False # Set heat of reaction terms if (self.config.energy_balance_type != EnergyBalanceType.none and self.config.gas_phase_config.reaction_package is not None): has_heat_of_reaction_gas_phase = True else: has_heat_of_reaction_gas_phase = False if (self.config.energy_balance_type != EnergyBalanceType.none and self.config.solid_phase_config. reaction_package is not None): has_heat_of_reaction_solid_phase = True else: has_heat_of_reaction_solid_phase = False # Create a unit model length domain self.length_domain = ContinuousSet( bounds=(0.0, 1.0), initialize=self.config.length_domain_set, doc="Normalized length domain") # ========================================================================= """ Build Control volume 1D for gas phase and populate gas control volume""" self.gas_phase = ControlVolume1DBlock(default={ "transformation_method": self.config.transformation_method, "transformation_scheme": self.config.transformation_scheme, "finite_elements": self.config.finite_elements, "collocation_points": self.config.collocation_points, "dynamic": self.config.dynamic, "has_holdup": self.config.has_holdup, "area_definition": DistributedVars.variant, "property_package": self.config.gas_phase_config.property_package, "property_package_args": self.config.gas_phase_config.property_package_args, "reaction_package": self.config.gas_phase_config.reaction_package, "reaction_package_args": self.config.gas_phase_config.reaction_package_args}) self.gas_phase.add_geometry( length_domain=self.length_domain, length_domain_set=self.config.length_domain_set, flow_direction=set_direction_gas) self.gas_phase.add_state_blocks( information_flow=set_direction_gas, has_phase_equilibrium=False) if self.config.gas_phase_config.reaction_package is not None: self.gas_phase.add_reaction_blocks( has_equilibrium=self.config.gas_phase_config. has_equilibrium_reactions) self.gas_phase.add_material_balances( balance_type=self.config.material_balance_type, has_phase_equilibrium=False, has_mass_transfer=has_mass_transfer_gas_phase, has_rate_reactions=has_rate_reaction_gas_phase) self.gas_phase.add_energy_balances( balance_type=self.config.energy_balance_type, has_heat_transfer=has_heat_transfer, has_heat_of_reaction=has_heat_of_reaction_gas_phase) self.gas_phase.add_momentum_balances( balance_type=self.config.momentum_balance_type, has_pressure_change=self.config.has_pressure_change) # ========================================================================= """ Build Control volume 1D for solid phase and populate solid control volume""" # Set argument for heterogeneous reaction block self.solid_phase = ControlVolume1DBlock(default={ "transformation_method": self.config.transformation_method, "transformation_scheme": self.config.transformation_scheme, "finite_elements": self.config.finite_elements, "collocation_points": self.config.collocation_points, "dynamic": self.config.dynamic, "has_holdup": self.config.has_holdup, "area_definition": DistributedVars.variant, "property_package": self.config.solid_phase_config.property_package, "property_package_args": self.config.solid_phase_config.property_package_args, "reaction_package": self.config.solid_phase_config.reaction_package, "reaction_package_args": self.config.solid_phase_config.reaction_package_args}) self.solid_phase.add_geometry( length_domain=self.length_domain, length_domain_set=self.config.length_domain_set, flow_direction=set_direction_solid) self.solid_phase.add_state_blocks( information_flow=set_direction_solid, has_phase_equilibrium=False) if self.config.solid_phase_config.reaction_package is not None: # TODO - a generalization of the heterogeneous reaction block # The heterogeneous reaction block does not use the # add_reaction_blocks in control volumes as control volumes are # currently setup to handle only homogeneous reaction properties. # Thus appending the heterogeneous reaction block to the # solid state block is currently hard coded here. tmp_dict = dict(**self.config.solid_phase_config. reaction_package_args) tmp_dict["gas_state_block"] = tmp_dict["solid_state_block"] = tmp_dict["has_equilibrium"] = (self.config.solid_phase_config. has_equilibrium_reactions) tmp_dict["parameters"] = (self.config.solid_phase_config. reaction_package) self.solid_phase.reactions = ( self.config.solid_phase_config.reaction_package. reaction_block_class( self.flowsheet().time, self.length_domain, doc="Reaction properties in control volume", default=tmp_dict)) self.solid_phase.add_material_balances( balance_type=self.config.material_balance_type, has_phase_equilibrium=False, has_mass_transfer=False, has_rate_reactions=has_rate_reaction_solid_phase) self.solid_phase.add_energy_balances( balance_type=self.config.energy_balance_type, has_heat_transfer=has_heat_transfer, has_heat_of_reaction=has_heat_of_reaction_solid_phase) self.solid_phase.add_momentum_balances( balance_type=MomentumBalanceType.none, has_pressure_change=False) # ========================================================================= """ Add ports""" # Add Ports for gas side self.add_inlet_port(name="gas_inlet", block=self.gas_phase) self.add_outlet_port(name="gas_outlet", block=self.gas_phase) # Add Ports for solid side self.add_inlet_port(name="solid_inlet", block=self.solid_phase) self.add_outlet_port(name="solid_outlet", block=self.solid_phase) # ========================================================================= """ Add performace equation method""" self._apply_transformation() self._make_performance()
# ========================================================================= def _apply_transformation(self): """ Method to apply DAE transformation to the Control Volume length domain. Transformation applied will be based on the Control Volume configuration arguments. """ if self.config.finite_elements is None: raise ConfigurationError( "{} was not provided a value for the finite_elements" " configuration argument. Please provide a valid value." .format( if self.config.transformation_method == "dae.finite_difference": self.discretizer = TransformationFactory( self.config.transformation_method) self.discretizer.apply_to(self, wrt=self.length_domain, nfe=self.config.finite_elements, scheme=self.config.transformation_scheme) elif self.config.transformation_method == "dae.collocation": self.discretizer = TransformationFactory( self.config.transformation_method) self.discretizer.apply_to( self, wrt=self.length_domain, nfe=self.config.finite_elements, ncp=self.config.collocation_points, scheme=self.config.transformation_scheme) def _make_performance(self): """ Constraints for unit model. Args: None Returns: None """ # local aliases used to shorten object names gas_phase = self.config.gas_phase_config solid_phase = self.config.solid_phase_config # Declare Mutable Parameters self.eps = Param(mutable=True, default=1e-8, doc='Smoothing Factor for Smooth IF Statements') # Unit Model variables self.bed_diameter = Var(domain=Reals, initialize=1, doc='Reactor diameter [m]') self.bed_area = Var(domain=Reals, initialize=1, doc='Reactor cross-sectional area [m2]') self.bed_height = Var(domain=Reals, initialize=1, doc='Bed length [m]') # Phase specific variables self.velocity_superficial_gas = Var( self.flowsheet().time, self.length_domain, domain=Reals, initialize=0.05, doc='Gas superficial velocity [m/s]') self.velocity_superficial_solid = Var( self.flowsheet().time, domain=Reals, initialize=0.005, doc='Solid superficial velocity [m/s]') # Dimensionless numbers, mass and heat transfer coefficients self.Re_particle = Var(self.flowsheet().time, self.length_domain, domain=Reals, initialize=1.0, doc='Particle Reynolds number [-]') self.Pr = Var(self.flowsheet().time, self.length_domain, domain=Reals, initialize=1.0, doc='Prandtl number of gas in bed [-]') self.Nu_particle = Var(self.flowsheet().time, self.length_domain, domain=Reals, initialize=1.0, doc='Particle Nusselt number [-]') self.gas_solid_htc = Var(self.flowsheet().time, self.length_domain, domain=Reals, initialize=1.0, doc='Gas-solid heat transfer coefficient' '[kJ/(m2Ks)]') # Fixed variables (these are parameters that can be estimated) self.bed_voidage = Var(domain=Reals, initialize=0.4, doc="Bed voidage [-]") self.bed_voidage.fix() # ========================================================================= # Add performance equations # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Geometry contraints # Bed area @self.Constraint(doc="Bed area") def bed_area_eqn(b): return b.bed_area == ( constants.pi*(0.5*b.bed_diameter)**2) # Area of gas side, and solid side @self.Constraint(self.flowsheet().time, self.length_domain, doc="Gas side area") def gas_phase_area(b, t, x): return (b.gas_phase.area[t, x] == b.bed_area*b.bed_voidage) @self.Constraint(self.flowsheet().time, self.length_domain, doc="Solid side area") def solid_phase_area(b, t, x): return (b.solid_phase.area[t, x] == b.bed_area*(1-b.bed_voidage)) # Length of gas side, and solid side @self.Constraint(doc="Gas side length") def gas_phase_length(b): return (b.gas_phase.length == b.bed_height) @self.Constraint(doc="Solid side length") def solid_phase_length(b): return (b.solid_phase.length == b.bed_height) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Hydrodynamic contraints # Gas superficial velocity @self.Constraint(self.flowsheet().time, self.length_domain, doc="Gas superficial velocity") def gas_super_vel(b, t, x): return (b.velocity_superficial_gas[t, x] * b.bed_area *[t, x].dens_mol ==[t, x].flow_mol) # Solid superficial velocity @self.Constraint(self.flowsheet().time, self.length_domain, doc="Solid superficial velocity") # This equation uses inlet values to compute the constant solid # superficial velocity, and then computes the solid particle density # through the rest of the bed. def solid_super_vel(b, t, x): return (b.velocity_superficial_solid[t] * b.bed_area *[t, x].dens_mass_particle ==[t, x].flow_mass) # Gas side pressure drop calculation if (self.config.has_pressure_change and self.config.pressure_drop_type == "simple_correlation"): # Simplified pressure drop @self.Constraint(self.flowsheet().time, self.length_domain, doc="Gas side pressure drop calculation -" "simplified pressure drop") def gas_phase_config_pressure_drop(b, t, x): return b.gas_phase.deltaP[t, x]*1e5 == -0.2*( b.velocity_superficial_gas[t, x] * ([t, x].dens_mass_particle -[t, x].dens_mass)) elif (self.config.has_pressure_change and self.config.pressure_drop_type == "ergun_correlation"): # Ergun equation @self.Constraint(self.flowsheet().time, self.length_domain, doc="Gas side pressure drop calculation -" "ergun equation") def gas_phase_config_pressure_drop(b, t, x): return (1e2*-b.gas_phase.deltaP[t, x]*1e5 == 1e2*( 150*(1 - b.bed_voidage) ** 2 *[t, x].visc_d * (b.velocity_superficial_gas[t, x] + b.velocity_superficial_solid[t]) / ([t, x]. _params.particle_dia ** 2 * b.bed_voidage ** 3)) + 1e2*( 1.75*[t, x].dens_mass * (1 - b.bed_voidage) * (b.velocity_superficial_gas[t, x] + b.velocity_superficial_solid[t]) ** 2 / ([t, x]._params.particle_dia * b.bed_voidage**3))) # The above expression has no absolute values - assumes: # (velocity_superficial_gas + velocity_superficial_solid) > 0 else: raise BurntToast( "{} encountered unrecognized argument for " "the pressure drop correlation. Please contact the IDAES" " developers with this bug.".format( # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Reaction contraints # Build homogeneous reaction constraints if gas_phase.reaction_package is not None: # Gas side rate reaction extent @self.Constraint(self.flowsheet().time, self.length_domain, gas_phase.reaction_package.rate_reaction_idx, doc="Gas side rate reaction extent") def gas_phase_config_rxn_ext(b, t, x, r): return 1e3*b.gas_phase.rate_reaction_extent[t, x, r] == 1e3*( b.gas_phase.reactions[t, x].reaction_rate[r] * b.gas_phase.area[t, x]) # Build hetereogeneous reaction constraints if solid_phase.reaction_package is not None: # Solid side rate reaction extent @self.Constraint(self.flowsheet().time, self.length_domain, solid_phase.reaction_package.rate_reaction_idx, doc="Solid side rate reaction extent") def solid_phase_config_rxn_ext(b, t, x, r): return 1e3*b.solid_phase.rate_reaction_extent[t, x, r] == 1e3*( b.solid_phase.reactions[t, x].reaction_rate[r] * b.solid_phase.area[t, x]) # Gas side heterogeneous rate reaction generation @self.Constraint(self.flowsheet().time, self.length_domain, gas_phase.property_package.phase_list, gas_phase.property_package.component_list, doc='Gas side heterogeneous' 'rate reaction generation') def gas_comp_hetero_rxn(b, t, x, p, j): return 1e3*b.gas_phase.mass_transfer_term[t, x, p, j] == 1e3*( sum(b.solid_phase.reactions[t, x]. rate_reaction_stoichiometry[r, p, j] * b.solid_phase.reactions[t, x].reaction_rate[r] for r in ( solid_phase.reaction_package.rate_reaction_idx) ) * b.solid_phase.area[t, x]) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- if self.config.energy_balance_type != EnergyBalanceType.none: # Solid phase - gas to solid heat transfer @self.Constraint(self.flowsheet().time, self.length_domain, doc="Solid phase - gas to solid heat transfer") def solid_phase_heat_transfer(b, t, x): return (b.solid_phase.heat[t, x] *[t, x]._params.particle_dia == 6 * b.gas_solid_htc[t, x] * ([t, x].temperature -[t, x].temperature) * b.solid_phase.area[t, x]) # Dimensionless numbers, mass and heat transfer coefficients # Particle Reynolds number @self.Constraint(self.flowsheet().time, self.length_domain, doc="Particle Reynolds number") def reynolds_number_particle(b, t, x): return (b.Re_particle[t, x] *[t, x].visc_d == b.velocity_superficial_gas[t, x] *[t, x]._params.particle_dia *[t, x].dens_mass) # Prandtl number @self.Constraint(self.flowsheet().time, self.length_domain, doc="Prandtl number of gas in bed") def prandtl_number(b, t, x): return (b.Pr[t, x] *[t, x].therm_cond ==[t, x].cp_mass *[t, x].visc_d) # Particle Nusselt number @self.Constraint(self.flowsheet().time, self.length_domain, doc="Particle Nusselt number") def nusselt_number_particle(b, t, x): return (b.Nu_particle[t, x] ** 3 == (2.0 + 1.1 * (smooth_abs(b.Re_particle[t, x], b.eps) ** 0.6) ** 3) * b.Pr[t, x]) # Gas-solid heat transfer coefficient @self.Constraint(self.flowsheet().time, self.length_domain, doc="Gas-solid heat transfer coefficient") def gas_solid_htc_eqn(b, t, x): return (1e-3*b.gas_solid_htc[t, x] *[t, x]._params.particle_dia == 1e-3 * b.Nu_particle[t, x] *[t, x].therm_cond) # Gas phase - gas to solid heat transfer @self.Constraint(self.flowsheet().time, self.length_domain, doc="Gas phase - gas to solid heat transfer") def gas_phase_heat_transfer(b, t, x): return (b.gas_phase.heat[t, x] *[t, x]._params.particle_dia == -6 * b.gas_solid_htc[t, x] * ([t, x].temperature -[t, x].temperature) * b.solid_phase.area[t, x]) elif self.config.energy_balance_type == EnergyBalanceType.none: # If energy balance is none fix gas and solid temperatures to inlet @self.Constraint( self.flowsheet().time, self.length_domain, doc="Isothermal gas phase constraint") def isothermal_gas_phase(b, t, x): if x == self.length_domain.first(): return Constraint.Skip else: return ([t, x].temperature == b.gas_inlet.temperature[t]) @self.Constraint( self.flowsheet().time, self.length_domain, doc="Isothermal solid phase constraint") def isothermal_solid_phase(b, t, x): if x == self.length_domain.last(): return Constraint.Skip else: return ([t, x].temperature == b.solid_inlet.temperature[t]) # ========================================================================= # Model initialization routine
[docs] def initialize(blk, gas_phase_state_args=None, solid_phase_state_args=None, outlvl=idaeslog.NOTSET, solver=None, optarg=None): """ Initialisation routine for MB unit. Keyword Arguments: gas_phase_state_args : a dict of arguments to be passed to the property package(s) to provide an initial state for initialization (see documentation of the specific property package) (default = None). solid_phase_state_args : a dict of arguments to be passed to the property package(s) to provide an initial state for initialization (see documentation of the specific property package) (default = None). outlvl : sets output level of initialisation routine optarg : solver options dictionary object (default=None, use default solver options) solver : str indicating which solver to use during initialization (default = None, use default solver) Returns: None """ # Set up logger for initialization and solve init_log = idaeslog.getInitLogger(, outlvl, tag="unit") solve_log = idaeslog.getSolveLogger(, outlvl, tag="unit") # Create solver opt = get_solver(solver, optarg) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # local aliases used to shorten object names gas_phase = blk.config.gas_phase_config solid_phase = blk.config.solid_phase_config # Keep all unit model geometry constraints, derivative_var constraints, # and property block constraints active. Additionaly, in control # volumes - keep conservation linking constraints and # holdup calculation (for dynamic flowsheets) constraints active geometry_constraints_terms = ["bed_area_eqn", "solid_phase_area", "gas_phase_area", "gas_phase_length", "solid_phase_length"] endswith_terms = ("_disc_eq", "linking_constraint", "linking_constraints", "_holdup_calculation") startswith_terms = ("properties") for c in blk.component_objects(Constraint, descend_into=True): if not c.parent_block().local_name.startswith(startswith_terms) \ and not c.local_name.endswith(endswith_terms) \ and c.local_name not in geometry_constraints_terms: c.deactivate() # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Initialize thermophysical property constraints'Initialize Thermophysical Properties') # Initialize gas_phase block gas_phase_flags = state_args=gas_phase_state_args, outlvl=outlvl, optarg=optarg, solver=solver, hold_state=True) # Initialize solid_phase properties block solid_phase_flags = state_args=solid_phase_state_args, outlvl=outlvl, optarg=optarg, solver=solver, hold_state=True) init_log.info_high("Initialization Step 1 Complete.") # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Initialize hydrodynamics (gas velocity) for t in blk.flowsheet().time: for x in blk.length_domain: calculate_variable_from_constraint( blk.velocity_superficial_gas[t, x], blk.gas_super_vel[t, x]) blk.gas_super_vel.activate()'Initialize Hydrodynamics') with idaeslog.solver_log(solve_log, idaeslog.DEBUG) as slc: results = opt.solve(blk, tee=slc.tee) if results.solver.termination_condition \ == TerminationCondition.optimal: init_log.info_high( "Initialization Step 2 {}.".format( idaeslog.condition(results)) ) else: _log.warning('{} Initialisation Step 2 Failed.' .format( # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Initialize mass balance - no reaction and no pressure drop # Unfix material balance state variables (including particle porosity) # but keep other states fixed gas_phase_flags) solid_phase_flags) for t in blk.flowsheet().time: for x in blk.length_domain:[t, x].pressure.fix()[t, x].temperature.fix()[t, x].temperature.fix() blk.gas_phase.material_balances.activate() if gas_phase.reaction_package is not None: for t in blk.flowsheet().time: gas_rxn_gen = blk.gas_phase.rate_reaction_generation for x in blk.length_domain: for p in gas_phase.property_package.phase_list: for j in gas_phase.property_package.component_list: (gas_rxn_gen[t, x, p, j].fix(0.0)) blk.solid_phase.material_balances.activate() blk.solid_super_vel.activate() if solid_phase.reaction_package is not None: for t in blk.flowsheet().time: solid_rxn_gen = blk.solid_phase.rate_reaction_generation for x in blk.length_domain: for p in solid_phase.property_package.phase_list: for j in solid_phase.property_package.component_list: (solid_rxn_gen[t, x, p, j].fix(0.0)) # Gas side heterogeneous rate reaction generation for x in blk.length_domain: for p in gas_phase.property_package.phase_list: for j in gas_phase.property_package.component_list: (blk.gas_phase.mass_transfer_term[t, x, p, j].fix( 0.0))'Initialize Mass Balances') init_log.info_high('initialize mass balances - no reactions ' 'and no pressure drop') with idaeslog.solver_log(solve_log, idaeslog.DEBUG) as slc: results = opt.solve(blk, tee=slc.tee) if results.solver.termination_condition \ == TerminationCondition.optimal: init_log.info_high( "Initialization Step 3a {}.".format( idaeslog.condition(results)) ) else: _log.warning('{} Initialisation Step 3a Failed.' .format( # Initialize mass balance - with reaction and no pressure drop if gas_phase.reaction_package is not None: # local aliases used to shorten object names gas_rxn_gen = blk.gas_phase.rate_reaction_generation gas_phase_stoichiometry_eqn = ( blk.gas_phase.rate_reaction_stoichiometry_constraint) # Initialize reaction property package blk.gas_phase.reactions.activate() for t in blk.flowsheet().time: for x in blk.length_domain: obj = blk.gas_phase.reactions[t, x] for c in obj.component_objects( Constraint, descend_into=False): c.activate() blk.gas_phase.reactions.initialize(outlvl=outlvl, optarg=optarg, solver=solver) for t in blk.flowsheet().time: for x in blk.length_domain: for r in gas_phase.reaction_package.rate_reaction_idx: calculate_variable_from_constraint( blk.gas_phase.rate_reaction_extent[t, x, r], blk.gas_phase_config_rxn_ext[t, x, r]) for p in gas_phase.property_package.phase_list: for j in gas_phase.property_package.component_list: (gas_rxn_gen[t, x, p, j].unfix()) if not ( (blk.gas_phase.config.transformation_scheme != "FORWARD" and x == blk.length_domain.first()) or (blk.gas_phase.config.transformation_scheme == "FORWARD" and x == blk.length_domain.last())): calculate_variable_from_constraint( gas_rxn_gen[t, x, p, j], gas_phase_stoichiometry_eqn[t, x, p, j]) gas_phase_stoichiometry_eqn.activate() blk.gas_phase_config_rxn_ext.activate() if solid_phase.reaction_package is not None: # local aliases used to shorten object names solid_rxn_gen = blk.solid_phase.rate_reaction_generation solid_phase_stoichiometry_eqn = ( blk.solid_phase.rate_reaction_stoichiometry_constraint) gas_mass_transfer_term = blk.gas_phase.mass_transfer_term # Initialize reaction property package blk.solid_phase.reactions.activate() for t in blk.flowsheet().time: for x in blk.length_domain: obj = blk.solid_phase.reactions[t, x] for c in obj.component_objects( Constraint, descend_into=False): c.activate() blk.solid_phase.reactions.initialize(outlvl=outlvl, optarg=optarg, solver=solver) for t in blk.flowsheet().time: for x in blk.length_domain: for p in gas_phase.property_package.phase_list: for j in gas_phase.property_package.component_list: (gas_mass_transfer_term[t, x, p, j].unfix()) calculate_variable_from_constraint( gas_mass_transfer_term[t, x, p, j], blk.gas_comp_hetero_rxn[t, x, p, j]) for x in blk.length_domain: for r in solid_phase.reaction_package.rate_reaction_idx: calculate_variable_from_constraint( blk.solid_phase.rate_reaction_extent[t, x, r], blk.solid_phase_config_rxn_ext[t, x, r]) for p in solid_phase.property_package.phase_list: for j in solid_phase.property_package.component_list: (solid_rxn_gen[t, x, p, j].unfix()) if not ( (blk.solid_phase.config.transformation_scheme != "FORWARD" and x == blk.length_domain.first()) or (blk.solid_phase.config.transformation_scheme == "FORWARD" and x == blk.length_domain.last())): calculate_variable_from_constraint( solid_rxn_gen[t, x, p, j], solid_phase_stoichiometry_eqn[t, x, p, j]) blk.gas_comp_hetero_rxn.activate() blk.solid_phase.rate_reaction_stoichiometry_constraint.activate() blk.solid_phase_config_rxn_ext.activate() if (gas_phase.reaction_package is not None or solid_phase.reaction_package is not None): init_log.info_high('initialize mass balances - with reactions ' 'and no pressure drop') with idaeslog.solver_log(solve_log, idaeslog.DEBUG) as slc: results = opt.solve(blk, tee=slc.tee) if results.solver.termination_condition \ == TerminationCondition.optimal: init_log.info_high( "Initialization Step 3b {}.".format( idaeslog.condition(results)) ) else: _log.warning('{} Initialisation Step 3b Failed.' .format( # Initialize mass balance - with pressure drop for t in blk.flowsheet().time: for x in blk.length_domain: # Unfix all pressure variables except at the inlet if ([t, x].config.defined_state is False):[t, x].pressure.unfix() blk.gas_phase.pressure_balance.activate() # Set scaling factors for pressure balance equation blk.gas_phase.scaling_factor_pressure = 1e2 if blk.config.has_pressure_change: blk.gas_phase_config_pressure_drop.activate() for t in blk.flowsheet().time: for x in blk.length_domain: calculate_variable_from_constraint( blk.gas_phase.deltaP[t, x], blk.gas_phase_config_pressure_drop[t, x]) init_log.info_high('initialize mass balances - with reactions ' 'and pressure drop') with idaeslog.solver_log(solve_log, idaeslog.DEBUG) as slc: results = opt.solve(blk, tee=slc.tee) if results.solver.termination_condition \ == TerminationCondition.optimal: init_log.info_high( "Initialization Step 3c {}.".format( idaeslog.condition(results)) ) else: _log.warning('{} Initialisation Step 3c Failed.' .format( # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Initialize energy balance if blk.config.energy_balance_type != EnergyBalanceType.none: # Initialize dimensionless numbers, # mass and heat transfer coefficients for t in blk.flowsheet().time: for x in blk.length_domain: calculate_variable_from_constraint( blk.Re_particle[t, x], blk.reynolds_number_particle[t, x]) calculate_variable_from_constraint( blk.Pr[t, x], blk.prandtl_number[t, x]) calculate_variable_from_constraint( blk.Nu_particle[t, x], blk.nusselt_number_particle[t, x]) calculate_variable_from_constraint( blk.gas_solid_htc[t, x], blk.gas_solid_htc_eqn[t, x]) calculate_variable_from_constraint( blk.gas_phase.heat[t, x], blk.gas_phase_heat_transfer[t, x]) calculate_variable_from_constraint( blk.solid_phase.heat[t, x], blk.solid_phase_heat_transfer[t, x]) # Unfix temperatures for t in blk.flowsheet().time: for x in blk.length_domain: # Unfix all gas temperature variables except at the inlet if ([t, x].config.defined_state is False):[t, x].temperature.unfix() for x in blk.length_domain: # Unfix all solid temperature variables except at the inlet if ([t, x].config.defined_state is False):[t, x].temperature.unfix() blk.reynolds_number_particle.activate() blk.prandtl_number.activate() blk.nusselt_number_particle.activate() blk.gas_solid_htc_eqn.activate() # Activate gas phase energy balance equations blk.gas_phase_heat_transfer.activate() blk.gas_phase.enthalpy_balances.activate() # Activate solid phase energy balance equations blk.solid_phase_heat_transfer.activate() blk.solid_phase.enthalpy_balances.activate()'Initialize Energy Balances') with idaeslog.solver_log(solve_log, idaeslog.DEBUG) as slc: results = opt.solve(blk, tee=slc.tee) if results.solver.termination_condition \ == TerminationCondition.optimal: init_log.info_high( "Initialization Step 4 {}.".format( idaeslog.condition(results)) ) else: _log.warning('{} Initialisation Step 4 Failed.' .format( # Initialize energy balance if blk.config.energy_balance_type == EnergyBalanceType.none: for t in blk.flowsheet().time: for x in blk.length_domain: # Unfix all gas temperature variables except at the inlet if ([t, x].config.defined_state is False):[t, x].temperature.unfix() for x in blk.length_domain: # Unfix all solid temperature variables except at the inlet if ([t, x].config.defined_state is False):[t, x].temperature.unfix() blk.isothermal_gas_phase.activate() blk.isothermal_solid_phase.activate()'Initialize Energy Balances') with idaeslog.solver_log(solve_log, idaeslog.DEBUG) as slc: results = opt.solve(blk, tee=slc.tee) if results.solver.termination_condition \ == TerminationCondition.optimal: init_log.info_high( "Initialization Step 4 {}.".format( idaeslog.condition(results)) ) else: _log.warning('{} Initialisation Step 4 Failed.' .format(
[docs] def results_plot(blk): ''' Plot method for common moving bed variables Variables plotted: Tg : Temperature in gas phase Ts : Temperature in solid phase vg : Superficial gas velocity P : Pressure in gas phase Ftotal : Total molar flowrate of gas Mtotal : Total mass flowrate of solid Cg : Concentration of gas components in the gas phase y_frac : Mole fraction of gas components in the gas phase x_frac : Mass fraction of solid components in the solid phase ''' print() print('================================= Reactor plots ===============' '==================') # local aliases used to shorten object names gas_phase = blk.config.gas_phase_config solid_phase = blk.config.solid_phase_config Tg = [] Ts = [] P = [] Ftotal = [] Mtotal = [] vg = [] for t in blk.flowsheet().time: for x in blk.gas_phase.length_domain: vg.append(value(blk.velocity_superficial_gas[t, x])) fig_vg = plt.figure(1) plt.plot(blk.gas_phase.length_domain, vg, label='vg') plt.legend(loc=0, ncol=2) plt.grid() plt.xlabel("Bed height [-]") plt.ylabel("Superficial gas velocity [m/s]") fig_vg.savefig('superficial_vel.png') # Pressure profile for t in blk.flowsheet().time: for x in blk.gas_phase.length_domain: P.append([t, x].pressure.value) fig_P = plt.figure(2) plt.plot(blk.gas_phase.length_domain, P, label='P') plt.legend(loc=0, ncol=2) plt.grid() plt.xlabel("Bed height [-]") plt.ylabel("Total Pressure [bar]") fig_P.savefig('Pressure.png') # Temperature profile for t in blk.flowsheet().time: for x in blk.gas_phase.length_domain: Tg.append([t, x].temperature.value) for x in blk.solid_phase.length_domain: Ts.append([t, x].temperature.value) fig_T = plt.figure(3) plt.plot(blk.gas_phase.length_domain, Tg, label='Tg') plt.plot(blk.solid_phase.length_domain, Ts, label='Ts') plt.legend(loc=0, ncol=2) plt.grid() plt.xlabel("Bed height [-]") plt.ylabel("Temperature [K]") fig_T.savefig('Temperature.png') # Bulk gas phase total molar flow rate for t in blk.flowsheet().time: for x in blk.gas_phase.length_domain: Ftotal.append([t, x].flow_mol.value) fig_Ftotal = plt.figure(4) plt.plot(blk.gas_phase.length_domain, Ftotal) plt.grid() plt.xlabel("Bed height [-]") plt.ylabel("Total molar gas flow rate [mol/s]") fig_Ftotal.savefig('Total_gas_flow.png') # Bulk solid phase total mass flow rate for t in blk.flowsheet().time: for x in blk.solid_phase.length_domain: Mtotal.append([t, x].flow_mass.value) fig_Mtotal = plt.figure(5) plt.plot(blk.solid_phase.length_domain, Mtotal) plt.grid() plt.xlabel("Bed height [-]") plt.ylabel("Solid total mass flow rate [kg/s]") fig_Mtotal.savefig('Total_solid_flow.png') # Gas phase mole fractions for t in blk.flowsheet().time: for j in gas_phase.property_package.component_list: y_frac = [] for x in blk.gas_phase.length_domain: y_frac.append(value([t, x].mole_frac_comp[j])) fig_y = plt.figure(6) plt.plot(blk.gas_phase.length_domain, y_frac, label=j) plt.legend(loc=0, ncol=len(gas_phase.property_package.component_list)) plt.grid() plt.xlabel("Bed height [-]") plt.ylabel("y_frac [-]") fig_y.savefig('Gas_mole_fractions.png') # Solid phase mass fractions for t in blk.flowsheet().time: for j in solid_phase.property_package.component_list: x_frac = [] for x in blk.solid_phase.length_domain: x_frac.append(value([t, x].mass_frac_comp[j])) fig_x = plt.figure(7) plt.plot(blk.solid_phase.length_domain, x_frac, label=j) plt.legend(loc=0, ncol=len( solid_phase.property_package.component_list)) plt.grid() plt.xlabel("Bed height [-]") plt.ylabel("x_frac [-]") fig_x.savefig('Solid_mass_fractions.png') # Gas phase concentrations for t in blk.flowsheet().time: for j in gas_phase.property_package.component_list: Cg = [] for x in blk.gas_phase.length_domain: Cg.append([t, x]. dens_mol_comp[j].value) fig_Cg = plt.figure(8) plt.plot(blk.gas_phase.length_domain, Cg, label=j) plt.legend(loc=0, ncol=len(gas_phase.property_package.component_list)) plt.grid() plt.xlabel("Bed height [-]") plt.ylabel("Concentration [mol/m3]") fig_Cg.savefig('Gas_concentration.png')
def _get_stream_table_contents(self, time_point=0): return create_stream_table_dataframe( { "Gas Inlet": self.gas_inlet, "Gas Outlet": self.gas_outlet, "Solid Inlet": self.solid_inlet, "Solid Outlet": self.solid_outlet, }, time_point=time_point, )