Source code for idaes.generic_models.unit_models.separator

# The Institute for the Design of Advanced Energy Systems Integrated Platform
# Framework (IDAES IP) was produced under the DOE Institute for the
# Design of Advanced Energy Systems (IDAES), and is copyright (c) 2018-2021
# by the software owners: The Regents of the University of California, through
# Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,  National Technology & Engineering
# Solutions of Sandia, LLC, Carnegie Mellon University, West Virginia University
# Research Corporation, et al.  All rights reserved.
# Please see the files and for full copyright and
# license information.
General purpose separator block for IDAES models

from enum import Enum
from pandas import DataFrame

from pyomo.environ import (
from import Port
from pyomo.common.config import ConfigBlock, ConfigValue, In

from idaes.core import (
from idaes.core.util.config import (
from idaes.core.util.exceptions import (
from idaes.core.util import get_solver
from idaes.core.util.tables import create_stream_table_dataframe
from idaes.core.util.misc import VarLikeExpression
from idaes.core.util.model_statistics import degrees_of_freedom
import idaes.logger as idaeslog
import idaes.core.util.scaling as iscale

__author__ = "Andrew Lee"

# Set up logger
_log = idaeslog.getLogger(__name__)

# Enumerate options for balances
class SplittingType(Enum):
    totalFlow = 1
    phaseFlow = 2
    componentFlow = 3
    phaseComponentFlow = 4

class EnergySplittingType(Enum):
    equal_temperature = 1
    equal_molar_enthalpy = 2
    enthalpy_split = 3

[docs]@declare_process_block_class("Separator") class SeparatorData(UnitModelBlockData): """ This is a general purpose model for a Separator block with the IDAES modeling framework. This block can be used either as a stand-alone Separator unit operation, or as a sub-model within another unit operation. This model creates a number of StateBlocks to represent the outgoing streams, then writes a set of phase-component material balances, an overall enthalpy balance (2 options), and a momentum balance (2 options) linked to a mixed-state StateBlock. The mixed-state StateBlock can either be specified by the user (allowing use as a sub-model), or created by the Separator. When being used as a sub-model, Separator should only be used when a set of new StateBlocks are required for the streams to be separated. It should not be used to separate streams to go to mutiple ControlVolumes in a single unit model - in these cases the unit model developer should write their own splitting equations. """ CONFIG = ConfigBlock() CONFIG.declare( "dynamic", ConfigValue( domain=In([False]), default=False, description="Dynamic model flag - must be False", doc="""Indicates whether this model will be dynamic or not, **default** = False. Product blocks are always steady-state.""", ), ) CONFIG.declare( "has_holdup", ConfigValue( default=False, domain=In([False]), description="Holdup construction flag - must be False", doc="""Product blocks do not contain holdup, thus this must be False.""", ), ) CONFIG.declare( "property_package", ConfigValue( default=useDefault, domain=is_physical_parameter_block, description="Property package to use for mixer", doc="""Property parameter object used to define property calculations, **default** - useDefault. **Valid values:** { **useDefault** - use default package from parent model or flowsheet, **PropertyParameterObject** - a PropertyParameterBlock object.}""", ), ) CONFIG.declare( "property_package_args", ConfigBlock( implicit=True, description="Arguments to use for constructing property packages", doc="""A ConfigBlock with arguments to be passed to a property block(s) and used when constructing these, **default** - None. **Valid values:** { see property package for documentation.}""", ), ) CONFIG.declare( "outlet_list", ConfigValue( domain=list_of_strings, description="List of outlet names", doc="""A list containing names of outlets, **default** - None. **Valid values:** { **None** - use num_outlets argument, **list** - a list of names to use for outlets.}""", ), ) CONFIG.declare( "num_outlets", ConfigValue( domain=int, description="Number of outlets to unit", doc="""Argument indicating number (int) of outlets to construct, not used if outlet_list arg is provided, **default** - None. **Valid values:** { **None** - use outlet_list arg instead, or default to 2 if neither argument provided, **int** - number of outlets to create (will be named with sequential integers from 1 to num_outlets).}""", ), ) CONFIG.declare( "split_basis", ConfigValue( default=SplittingType.totalFlow, domain=SplittingType, description="Basis for splitting stream", doc="""Argument indicating basis to use for splitting mixed stream, **default** - SplittingType.totalFlow. **Valid values:** { **SplittingType.totalFlow** - split based on total flow (split fraction indexed only by time and outlet), **SplittingType.phaseFlow** - split based on phase flows (split fraction indexed by time, outlet and phase), **SplittingType.componentFlow** - split based on component flows (split fraction indexed by time, outlet and components), **SplittingType.phaseComponentFlow** - split based on phase-component flows ( split fraction indexed by both time, outlet, phase and components).}""", ), ) CONFIG.declare( "material_balance_type", ConfigValue( default=MaterialBalanceType.useDefault, domain=In(MaterialBalanceType), description="Material balance construction flag", doc="""Indicates what type of mass balance should be constructed, **default** - MaterialBalanceType.useDefault. **Valid values:** { **MaterialBalanceType.useDefault - refer to property package for default balance type **MaterialBalanceType.none** - exclude material balances, **MaterialBalanceType.componentPhase** - use phase component balances, **MaterialBalanceType.componentTotal** - use total component balances, **MaterialBalanceType.elementTotal** - use total element balances, **** - use total material balance.}""", ), ) CONFIG.declare( "has_phase_equilibrium", ConfigValue( default=False, domain=In([True, False]), description="Calculate phase equilibrium in mixed stream", doc="""Argument indicating whether phase equilibrium should be calculated for the resulting mixed stream, **default** - False. **Valid values:** { **True** - calculate phase equilibrium in mixed stream, **False** - do not calculate equilibrium in mixed stream.}""", ), ) CONFIG.declare( "energy_split_basis", ConfigValue( default=EnergySplittingType.equal_temperature, domain=EnergySplittingType, description="Type of constraint to write for energy splitting", doc="""Argument indicating basis to use for splitting energy this is not used for when ideal_separation == True. **default** - EnergySplittingType.equal_temperature. **Valid values:** { **EnergySplittingType.equal_temperature** - outlet temperatures equal inlet **EnergySplittingType.equal_molar_enthalpy** - oulet molar enthalpies equal inlet, **EnergySplittingType.enthalpy_split** - apply split fractions to enthalpy flows. Does not work with component or phase-component splitting.}""", ), ) CONFIG.declare( "ideal_separation", ConfigValue( default=False, domain=In([True, False]), description="Ideal splitting flag", doc="""Argument indicating whether ideal splitting should be used. Ideal splitting assumes perfect spearation of material, and attempts to avoid duplication of StateBlocks by directly partitioning outlet flows to ports, **default** - False. **Valid values:** { **True** - use ideal splitting methods. Cannot be combined with has_phase_equilibrium = True, **False** - use explicit splitting equations with split fractions.}""", ), ) CONFIG.declare( "ideal_split_map", ConfigValue( domain=dict, description="Ideal splitting partitioning map", doc="""Dictionary containing information on how extensive variables should be partitioned when using ideal splitting (ideal_separation = True). **default** - None. **Valid values:** { **dict** with keys of indexing set members and values indicating which outlet this combination of keys should be partitioned to. E.g. {("Vap", "H2"): "outlet_1"}}""", ), ) CONFIG.declare( "mixed_state_block", ConfigValue( domain=is_state_block, description="Existing StateBlock to use as mixed stream", doc="""An existing state block to use as the source stream from the Separator block, **default** - None. **Valid values:** { **None** - create a new StateBlock for the mixed stream, **StateBlock** - a StateBock to use as the source for the mixed stream.}""", ), ) CONFIG.declare( "construct_ports", ConfigValue( default=True, domain=In([True, False]), description="Construct inlet and outlet Port objects", doc="""Argument indicating whether model should construct Port objects linked the mixed state and all outlet states, **default** - True. **Valid values:** { **True** - construct Ports for all states, **False** - do not construct Ports.""", ), )
[docs] def build(self): """ General build method for SeparatorData. This method calls a number of sub-methods which automate the construction of expected attributes of unit models. Inheriting models should call `super().build`. Args: None Returns: None """ # Call super(SeparatorData, self).build() self._validate_config_arguments() # Call setup methods from ControlVolumeBlockData self._get_property_package() self._get_indexing_sets() # Create list of inlet names outlet_list = self.create_outlet_list() if self.config.mixed_state_block is None: mixed_block = self.add_mixed_state_block() else: mixed_block = self.get_mixed_state_block() # Add inlet port self.add_inlet_port_objects(mixed_block) # Construct splitter based on ideal_separation argument if self.config.ideal_separation: # Use ideal partitioning method self.partition_outlet_flows(mixed_block, outlet_list) else: # Otherwise, Build StateBlocks for outlet outlet_blocks = self.add_outlet_state_blocks(outlet_list) # Add split fractions self.add_split_fractions(outlet_list, mixed_block) # Construct splitting equations self.add_material_splitting_constraints(mixed_block) self.add_energy_splitting_constraints(mixed_block) self.add_momentum_splitting_constraints(mixed_block) # Construct outlet port objects self.add_outlet_port_objects(outlet_list, outlet_blocks)
def _validate_config_arguments(self): if self.config.has_phase_equilibrium and self.config.ideal_separation: raise ConfigurationError( """{} recieved arguments has_phase_equilibrium = True and ideal_separation = True. These arguments are incompatible with each other, and you should choose one or the other.""" .format( )
[docs] def create_outlet_list(self): """ Create list of outlet stream names based on config arguments. Returns: list of strings """ if (self.config.outlet_list is not None and self.config.num_outlets is not None): # If both arguments provided and not consistent, raise Exception if len(self.config.outlet_list) != self.config.num_outlets: raise ConfigurationError( "{} Separator provided with both outlet_list and " "num_outlets arguments, which were not consistent (" "length of outlet_list was not equal to num_outlets). " "Please check your arguments for consistency, and " "note that it is only necessry to provide one of " "these arguments.".format( ) elif (self.config.outlet_list is None and self.config.num_outlets is None): # If no arguments provided for outlets, default to num_outlets = 2 self.config.num_outlets = 2 # Create a list of names for outlet StateBlocks if self.config.outlet_list is not None: outlet_list = self.config.outlet_list else: outlet_list = [ "outlet_" + str(n) for n in range(1, self.config.num_outlets + 1) ] return outlet_list
[docs] def add_outlet_state_blocks(self, outlet_list): """ Construct StateBlocks for all outlet streams. Args: list of strings to use as StateBlock names Returns: list of StateBlocks """ # Setup StateBlock argument dict tmp_dict = dict(**self.config.property_package_args) tmp_dict["has_phase_equilibrium"] = False tmp_dict["defined_state"] = False # Create empty list to hold StateBlocks for return outlet_blocks = [] # Create an instance of StateBlock for all outlets for o in outlet_list: o_obj = self.config.property_package.build_state_block( self.flowsheet().time, doc="Material properties at outlet", default=tmp_dict, ) setattr(self, o + "_state", o_obj) outlet_blocks.append(getattr(self, o + "_state")) return outlet_blocks
[docs] def add_mixed_state_block(self): """ Constructs StateBlock to represent mixed stream. Returns: New StateBlock object """ # Setup StateBlock argument dict tmp_dict = dict(**self.config.property_package_args) tmp_dict["has_phase_equilibrium"] = False tmp_dict["defined_state"] = True self.mixed_state = self.config.property_package.build_state_block( self.flowsheet().time, doc="Material properties of mixed stream", default=tmp_dict, ) return self.mixed_state
[docs] def get_mixed_state_block(self): """ Validates StateBlock provided in user arguments for mixed stream. Returns: The user-provided StateBlock or an Exception """ # Sanity check to make sure method is not called when arg missing if self.config.mixed_state_block is None: try: return self.mixed_state except AttributeError: raise BurntToast( f"{} get_mixed_state_block method called when the " "mixed_state_block argument is None, and no mixed_state " "block is contained in seperator. This should not happen." ) # Check that the user-provided StateBlock uses the same prop pack if ( self.config.mixed_state_block[ self.flowsheet().time.first() ].config.parameters != self.config.property_package ): raise ConfigurationError( "{} StateBlock provided in mixed_state_block argument " " does not come from the same property package as " "provided in the property_package argument. All " "StateBlocks within a Separator must use the same " "property package.".format( ) return self.config.mixed_state_block
[docs] def add_inlet_port_objects(self, mixed_block): """ Adds inlet Port object if required. Args: a mixed state StateBlock object Returns: None """ if self.config.construct_ports is True: self.add_port(name="inlet", block=mixed_block, doc="Inlet Port")
[docs] def add_outlet_port_objects(self, outlet_list, outlet_blocks): """ Adds outlet Port objects if required. Args: a list of outlet StateBlock objects Returns: None """ if self.config.construct_ports is True: # Add ports for p in outlet_list: o_state = getattr(self, p + "_state") self.add_port(name=p, block=o_state, doc="Outlet Port")
[docs] def add_split_fractions(self, outlet_list, mixed_block): """ Creates outlet Port objects and tries to partiton mixed stream flows between these Args: StateBlock representing the mixed flow to be split a list of names for outlets Returns: None """ self.outlet_idx = Set(initialize=outlet_list) pc_set = mixed_block.phase_component_set if self.config.split_basis == SplittingType.totalFlow: sf_idx = [self.flowsheet().time, self.outlet_idx] sf_sum_idx = [self.flowsheet().time] elif self.config.split_basis == SplittingType.phaseFlow: sf_idx = [ self.flowsheet().time, self.outlet_idx, mixed_block.phase_list, ] sf_sum_idx = [ self.flowsheet().time, mixed_block.phase_list, ] elif self.config.split_basis == SplittingType.componentFlow: sf_idx = [ self.flowsheet().time, self.outlet_idx, mixed_block.component_list, ] sf_sum_idx = [ self.flowsheet().time, mixed_block.component_list, ] elif self.config.split_basis == SplittingType.phaseComponentFlow: sf_idx = [ self.flowsheet().time, self.outlet_idx, pc_set, ] sf_sum_idx = [ self.flowsheet().time, pc_set, ] else: raise BurntToast( "{} split_basis has unexpected value. This " "should not happen.".format( ) # Create split fraction variable self.split_fraction = Var( *sf_idx, initialize=0.5, doc="Outlet split fractions") # Add constraint that split fractions sum to 1 def sum_sf_rule(b, t, *args): return 1 == sum(b.split_fraction[t, o, args] for o in self.outlet_idx) self.sum_split_frac = Constraint(*sf_sum_idx, rule=sum_sf_rule)
[docs] def add_material_splitting_constraints(self, mixed_block): """ Creates constraints for splitting the material flows """ pc_set = mixed_block.phase_component_set def sf(t, o, p, j): if self.config.split_basis == SplittingType.totalFlow: return self.split_fraction[t, o] elif self.config.split_basis == SplittingType.phaseFlow: return self.split_fraction[t, o, p] elif self.config.split_basis == SplittingType.componentFlow: return self.split_fraction[t, o, j] elif self.config.split_basis == SplittingType.phaseComponentFlow: return self.split_fraction[t, o, p, j] mb_type = self.config.material_balance_type if mb_type == MaterialBalanceType.useDefault: t_ref = self.flowsheet().time.first() mb_type = mixed_block[t_ref].default_material_balance_type() if mb_type == MaterialBalanceType.componentPhase: if self.config.has_phase_equilibrium is True: # Get units from property package units_meta = self.config.property_package.get_metadata() flow_basis = mixed_block[ self.flowsheet().time.first()].get_material_flow_basis() if flow_basis == MaterialFlowBasis.molar: flow_units = units_meta.get_derived_units("flow_mole") elif flow_basis == MaterialFlowBasis.mass: flow_units = units_meta.get_derived_units("flow_mass") else: # Let this pass for now with no units flow_units = None try: self.phase_equilibrium_generation = Var( self.flowsheet().time, self.outlet_idx, self.config.property_package.phase_equilibrium_idx, domain=Reals, doc="Amount of generation in unit by phase equilibria", units=flow_units ) except AttributeError: raise PropertyNotSupportedError( "{} Property package does not contain a list of phase " "equilibrium reactions (phase_equilibrium_idx), thus " "does not support phase equilibrium.".format( ) # Define terms to use in mixing equation def phase_equilibrium_term(b, t, o, p, j): if self.config.has_phase_equilibrium: sd = {} sblock = mixed_block[t] for r in b.config.property_package.phase_equilibrium_idx: if sblock.params.phase_equilibrium_list[r][0] == j: if sblock.params.phase_equilibrium_list[r][1][0] == p: sd[r] = 1 elif sblock.params.phase_equilibrium_list[r][1][1] == p: sd[r] = -1 else: sd[r] = 0 else: sd[r] = 0 return sum( b.phase_equilibrium_generation[t, o, r] * sd[r] for r in b.config.property_package.phase_equilibrium_idx ) else: return 0 @self.Constraint( self.flowsheet().time, self.outlet_idx, pc_set, doc="Material splitting equations", ) def material_splitting_eqn(b, t, o, p, j): o_block = getattr(self, o + "_state") return sf(t, o, p, j) * mixed_block[t].get_material_flow_terms( p, j ) == (o_block[t].get_material_flow_terms(p, j) - phase_equilibrium_term(b, t, o, p, j)) elif mb_type == MaterialBalanceType.componentTotal: @self.Constraint( self.flowsheet().time, self.outlet_idx, mixed_block.component_list, doc="Material splitting equations", ) def material_splitting_eqn(b, t, o, j): o_block = getattr(self, o + "_state") return sum( sf(t, o, p, j) * mixed_block[t].get_material_flow_terms(p, j) for p in mixed_block.phase_list if (p, j) in pc_set ) == sum( o_block[t].get_material_flow_terms(p, j) for p in o_block.phase_list if (p, j) in pc_set ) elif mb_type == @self.Constraint( self.flowsheet().time, self.outlet_idx, doc="Material splitting equations", ) def material_splitting_eqn(b, t, o): o_block = getattr(self, o + "_state") return sum( sum( sf(t, o, p, j) * mixed_block[t].get_material_flow_terms(p, j) for j in mixed_block.component_list if (p, j) in pc_set ) for p in mixed_block.phase_list ) == sum( sum( o_block[t].get_material_flow_terms(p, j) for j in mixed_block.component_list if (p, j) in pc_set ) for p in o_block.phase_list ) elif mb_type == MaterialBalanceType.elementTotal: raise ConfigurationError( "{} Separators do not support elemental " "material balances.".format( ) elif mb_type == MaterialBalanceType.none: pass else: raise BurntToast( "{} Separator received unrecognised value for " "material_balance_type. This should not happen, " "please report this bug to the IDAES developers." .format( )
[docs] def add_energy_splitting_constraints(self, mixed_block): """ Creates constraints for splitting the energy flows - done by equating temperatures in outlets. """ if self.config.energy_split_basis == \ EnergySplittingType.equal_temperature: @self.Constraint( self.flowsheet().time, self.outlet_idx, doc="Temperature equality constraint", ) def temperature_equality_eqn(b, t, o): o_block = getattr(self, o + "_state") return mixed_block[t].temperature == o_block[t].temperature elif self.config.energy_split_basis == \ EnergySplittingType.equal_molar_enthalpy: @self.Constraint( self.flowsheet().time, self.outlet_idx, doc="Molar enthalpy equality constraint", ) def molar_enthalpy_equality_eqn(b, t, o): o_block = getattr(self, o + "_state") return mixed_block[t].enth_mol == o_block[t].enth_mol elif self.config.energy_split_basis == \ EnergySplittingType.enthalpy_split: # Validate split fraction type if ( self.config.split_basis == SplittingType.phaseComponentFlow or self.config.split_basis == SplittingType.componentFlow ): raise ConfigurationError( "{} Cannot use energy_split_basis == enthalpy_split " "with split_basis == component or phaseComponent." .format( ) def sf(t, o, p): if self.config.split_basis == SplittingType.totalFlow: return self.split_fraction[t, o] elif self.config.split_basis == SplittingType.phaseFlow: return self.split_fraction[t, o, p] @self.Constraint( self.flowsheet().time, self.outlet_idx, doc="Molar enthalpy splitting constraint", ) def molar_enthalpy_splitting_eqn(b, t, o): o_block = getattr(self, o + "_state") return sum( mixed_block[t].get_enthalpy_flow_terms(p) * sf(t, o, p) for p in mixed_block.phase_list ) == sum( o_block[t].get_enthalpy_flow_terms(p) for p in o_block.phase_list ) else: raise BurntToast( "{} received unrecognised value for " "energy_split_basis. This should never happen, so" " please contact the IDAES developers with this " "bug.".format( )
[docs] def add_momentum_splitting_constraints(self, mixed_block): """ Creates constraints for splitting the momentum flows - done by equating pressures in outlets. """ @self.Constraint( self.flowsheet().time, self.outlet_idx, doc="Pressure equality constraint", ) def pressure_equality_eqn(b, t, o): o_block = getattr(self, o + "_state") return mixed_block[t].pressure == o_block[t].pressure
[docs] def partition_outlet_flows(self, mb, outlet_list): """ Creates outlet Port objects and tries to partiton mixed stream flows between these Args: StateBlock representing the mixed flow to be split a list of names for outlets Returns: None """ # Check arguments if self.config.construct_ports is False: raise ConfigurationError( "{} cannot have and ideal separator " "(ideal_separation = True) with " "construct_ports = False.".format( ) if self.config.split_basis == SplittingType.totalFlow: raise ConfigurationError( "{} cannot do an ideal separation based " "on total flow. Either use ideal_separation = False or a " "different separation basis.".format( ) if self.config.ideal_split_map is None: raise ConfigurationError( "{} was not provided with an " "ideal_split_map argument which is " "necessary for doing an ideal_separation.".format( ) # Validate split map split_map = self.config.ideal_split_map idx_list = [] if self.config.split_basis == SplittingType.phaseFlow: for p in mb.phase_list: idx_list.append((p)) if len(idx_list) != len(split_map): raise ConfigurationError( "{} ideal_split_map does not match with " "split_basis chosen. ideal_split_map must" " have a key for each combination of indices." .format( ) for k in idx_list: if k not in split_map: raise ConfigurationError( "{} ideal_split_map does not match with " "split_basis chosen. ideal_split_map must" " have a key for each combination of indices." .format( ) elif self.config.split_basis == SplittingType.componentFlow: for j in mb.component_list: idx_list.append((j)) if len(idx_list) != len(split_map): raise ConfigurationError( "{} ideal_split_map does not match with " "split_basis chosen. ideal_split_map must" " have a key for each component.".format( ) elif self.config.split_basis == SplittingType.phaseComponentFlow: for p in mb.phase_list: for j in mb.component_list: idx_list.append((p, j)) if len(idx_list) != len(split_map): raise ConfigurationError( "{} ideal_split_map does not match with " "split_basis chosen. ideal_split_map must" " have a key for each phase-component pair." .format( ) # Check that no. outlets matches split_basis if len(outlet_list) != len(idx_list): raise ConfigurationError( "{} Cannot perform ideal separation. Must have one " "outlet for each possible combination of the " "chosen split_basis.".format( ) # Get units metadata units_meta = self.config.property_package.get_metadata() flow_basis = mb[ self.flowsheet().time.first()].get_material_flow_basis() if flow_basis == MaterialFlowBasis.molar: flow_units = units_meta.get_derived_units("flow_mole") elif flow_basis == MaterialFlowBasis.mass: flow_units = units_meta.get_derived_units("flow_mass") else: # Let this pass for now with no units flow_units = None # Create tolerance Parameter for 0 flow outlets self.eps = Param(default=1e-8, mutable=True, units=flow_units) # Get list of port members s_vars = mb[self.flowsheet().time.first()].define_port_members() # Get phase component list(s) pc_set = mb.phase_component_set # Add empty Port objects for o in outlet_list: p_obj = Port(noruleinit=True, doc="Outlet Port") setattr(self, o, p_obj) # Iterate over members to create References or Expressions for s in s_vars: # Get local variable name of component l_name = s_vars[s].local_name if l_name == "pressure" or l_name == "temperature": # Assume outlets same as mixed flow - make Reference e_obj = Reference(mb[:].component(l_name)) elif (l_name.startswith("mole_frac") or l_name.startswith("mass_frac")): # Mole and mass frac need special handling if "_phase" in l_name: def e_rule(b, t, p, j): if (p, j) in pc_set: if self.config.split_basis == \ SplittingType.phaseFlow: return s_vars[s][p, j] elif self.config.split_basis == \ SplittingType.componentFlow: if split_map[j] == o: return 1 else: return self.eps elif ( self.config.split_basis == SplittingType.phaseComponentFlow ): for ps in mb.phase_list: if split_map[ps, j] == o: return 1 else: return self.eps else: raise BurntToast( "{} This should not happen. Please " "report this bug to the IDAES " "developers.".format( ) e_obj = VarLikeExpression( self.flowsheet().time, pc_set, rule=e_rule, ) else: if self.config.split_basis == \ SplittingType.componentFlow: def e_rule(b, t, j): if split_map[j] == o: return 1 # else: return self.eps elif ( self.config.split_basis == SplittingType.phaseComponentFlow ): def e_rule(b, t, j): if any( split_map[p, j] == o for p in mb.phase_list ): return 1 # else: return self.eps else: def e_rule(b, t, j): mfp = mb[t].component( l_name.replace("_comp", "_phase_comp") ) if mfp is None: raise AttributeError( "{} Cannot use ideal splitting with " "this property package. Package uses " "indexed port member {} which cannot " "be partitioned. Please set " "configuration argument " "ideal_separation = False for this " "property package." .format(, s) ) for p in mb.phase_list: if ( self.config.split_basis == SplittingType.phaseFlow ): s_check = split_map[p] else: raise BurntToast( "{} This should not happen. Please" " report this bug to the IDAES " "developers.".format( ) if s_check == o and (p, j) in pc_set: return mfp[p, j] # else: return self.eps e_obj = VarLikeExpression( self.flowsheet().time, mb.component_list, rule=e_rule, ) elif l_name.endswith("_phase_comp"): def e_rule(b, t, p, j): if self.config.split_basis == SplittingType.phaseFlow: s_check = split_map[p] elif self.config.split_basis == \ SplittingType.componentFlow: s_check = split_map[j] elif ( self.config.split_basis == SplittingType.phaseComponentFlow ): s_check = split_map[p, j] else: raise BurntToast( "{} This should not happen. Please" " report this bug to the IDAES " "developers.".format( ) if s_check == o: return mb[t].component(l_name)[p, j] else: return self.eps e_obj = VarLikeExpression( self.flowsheet().time, pc_set, rule=e_rule, ) elif l_name.endswith("_phase"): if self.config.split_basis == SplittingType.phaseFlow: def e_rule(b, t, p): if split_map[p] == o: return mb[t].component(l_name)[p] else: return self.eps else: def e_rule(b, t, p): mfp = mb[t].component(l_name + "_comp") if mfp is None: raise AttributeError( "{} Cannot use ideal splitting with " "this property package. Package uses " "indexed port member {} which cannot " "be partitioned. Please set " "configuration argument " "ideal_separation = False for this " "property package." .format(, s) ) for j in mb.component_list: if ( self.config.split_basis == SplittingType.componentFlow ): s_check = split_map[j] elif ( self.config.split_basis == SplittingType.phaseComponentFlow ): s_check = split_map[p, j] else: raise BurntToast( "{} This should not happen. Please" " report this bug to the IDAES " "developers.".format( ) if s_check == o: return mfp[p, j] # else: return self.eps e_obj = VarLikeExpression( self.flowsheet().time, mb.phase_list, rule=e_rule, ) elif l_name.endswith("_comp"): if self.config.split_basis == SplittingType.componentFlow: def e_rule(b, t, j): if split_map[j] == o: return mb[t].component(l_name)[j] else: return self.eps else: def e_rule(b, t, j): mfp = mb[t].component( "{0}_phase{1}".format(l_name[:-5], l_name[-5:]) ) if mfp is None: raise AttributeError( "{} Cannot use ideal splitting with " "this property package. Package uses " "indexed port member {} which cannot " "be partitioned. Please set " "configuration argument " "ideal_separation = False for this " "property package." .format(, s) ) for p in mb.phase_list: if (p, j) in pc_set: if self.config.split_basis == \ SplittingType.phaseFlow: s_check = split_map[p] elif ( self.config.split_basis == SplittingType.phaseComponentFlow ): s_check = split_map[p, j] else: raise BurntToast( "{} This should not happen. Please" " report this bug to the IDAES " "developers.".format( ) if s_check == o: return mfp[p, j] # else: return self.eps e_obj = VarLikeExpression( self.flowsheet().time, mb.component_list, rule=e_rule, ) else: def e_rule(b, t): try: if self.config.split_basis == \ SplittingType.phaseFlow: ivar = mb[t].component(l_name + "_phase") if ivar is not None: for p in mb.phase_list: if split_map[p] == o: return ivar[p] else: continue else: ivar = mb[t].component(l_name + "_phase_comp") if ivar is not None: for ( p ) in mb.phase_list: if split_map[p] == o: return sum( ivar[p, j] for j in mb.component_list if (p, j) in pc_set ) else: continue else: raise AttributeError elif self.config.split_basis == \ SplittingType.componentFlow: ivar = mb[t].component(l_name + "_comp") if ivar is not None: for ( j ) in mb.component_list: if split_map[j] == o: return ivar[j] else: continue else: ivar = mb[t].component(l_name + "_phase_comp") if ivar is not None: for ( j ) in ( mb.component_list ): if split_map[j] == o: return sum( ivar[p, j] for p in mb.phase_list if (p, j) in pc_set ) else: continue else: raise AttributeError elif ( self.config.split_basis == SplittingType.phaseComponentFlow ): ivar = mb[t].component(l_name + "_phase_comp") if ivar is not None: for p in mb.phase_list: for ( j ) in ( mb.component_list ): if split_map[p, j] == o and (p, j) in pc_set: return ivar[p, j] else: continue else: raise AttributeError else: # Unrecognised split tupe raise BurntToast( "{} received unrecognised value for " "split_basis argument. This should never " "happen, so please contact the IDAES " "developers with this bug." .format( ) except: # If cannot find equivalent var, raise exception raise AttributeError( "{} Cannot use ideal splitting with this " "property package. Package uses unindexed " "port member {} which does not have an " "equivalent indexed form.".format(, s) ) e_obj = VarLikeExpression(self.flowsheet().time, rule=e_rule) # Add Reference/Expression object to Separator model object setattr(self, "_" + o + "_" + l_name + "_ref", e_obj) # Add member to Port object p_obj.add(e_obj, s)
[docs] def model_check(blk): """ This method executes the model_check methods on the associated state blocks (if they exist). This method is generally called by a unit model as part of the unit's model_check method. Args: None Returns: None """ # Try property block model check for t in blk.flowsheet().time: try: if blk.config.mixed_state_block is None: blk.mixed_state[t].model_check() else: blk.config.mixed_state_block.model_check() except AttributeError: _log.warning( "{} Separator inlet state block has no " "model check. To correct this, add a " "model_check method to the associated " "StateBlock class.".format( ) try: outlet_list = blk.create_outlet_list() for o in outlet_list: o_block = getattr(blk, o + "_state") o_block[t].model_check() except AttributeError: _log.warning( "{} Separator outlet state block has no " "model checks. To correct this, add a model_check" " method to the associated StateBlock class." .format( )
[docs] def initialize( blk, outlvl=idaeslog.NOTSET, optarg=None, solver=None, hold_state=False ): """ Initialization routine for separator Keyword Arguments: outlvl : sets output level of initialization routine optarg : solver options dictionary object (default=None, use default solver options) solver : str indicating which solver to use during initialization (default = None, use default solver) hold_state : flag indicating whether the initialization routine should unfix any state variables fixed during initialization, **default** - False. **Valid values:** **True** - states variables are not unfixed, and a dict of returned containing flags for which states were fixed during initialization, **False** - state variables are unfixed after initialization by calling the release_state method. Returns: If hold_states is True, returns a dict containing flags for which states were fixed during initialization. """ init_log = idaeslog.getInitLogger(, outlvl, tag="unit") solve_log = idaeslog.getSolveLogger(, outlvl, tag="unit") # Create solver opt = get_solver(solver, optarg) # Initialize mixed state block if blk.config.mixed_state_block is not None: mblock = blk.config.mixed_state_block else: mblock = blk.mixed_state flags = mblock.initialize( outlvl=outlvl, optarg=optarg, solver=solver, hold_state=True, ) # Solve for split fractions only component_status = {} for c in blk.component_objects((Block, Constraint)): for i in c: if not c[i].local_name == "sum_split_frac": # Record current status of components to restore later component_status[c[i]] = c[i].active c[i].deactivate() if degrees_of_freedom(blk) != 0: with idaeslog.solver_log(solve_log, idaeslog.DEBUG) as slc: res = opt.solve(blk, tee=slc.tee) "Initialization Step 1 Complete: {}" .format(idaeslog.condition(res)) ) for c, s in component_status.items(): if s: c.activate() if blk.config.ideal_separation: # If using ideal splitting, initialization should be complete return flags # Initialize outlet StateBlocks outlet_list = blk.create_outlet_list() # Premises for initializing outlet states: # 1. Intensive states remain unchanged - this is either a valid premise # or the actual state is impossible to calcuate without solving the # full separator model. # 2. Extensive states are use split fractions if index matches, or # average of split fractions for outlet otherwise props = blk.config.property_package for o in outlet_list: # Get corresponding outlet StateBlock o_block = getattr(blk, o + "_state") # Create dict to store fixed status of state variables o_flags = {} for t in blk.flowsheet().time: # Calculate values for state variables s_vars = o_block[t].define_state_vars() for v in s_vars: for k in s_vars[v]: # Record whether variable was fixed or not o_flags[t, v, k] = s_vars[v][k].fixed # If fixed, use current value # otherwise calculate guess from mixed state and fix if not s_vars[v][k].fixed: m_var = getattr(mblock[t], s_vars[v].local_name) if "flow" in v: # If a "flow" variable, is extensive # Apply split fraction if (blk.config.split_basis == SplittingType.totalFlow): # All flows split by outlet s_vars[v][k].fix( value(m_var[k] * blk.split_fraction[(t, o)])) elif "_phase_comp" in v: # Need to match indices, but use split frac if (blk.config.split_basis == SplittingType.phaseComponentFlow): s_vars[v][k].fix( value(m_var[k] * blk.split_fraction[(t, o)+k])) elif (blk.config.split_basis == SplittingType.phaseFlow): s_vars[v][k].fix(value( m_var[k] * blk.split_fraction[(t, o)+k[0]])) elif (blk.config.split_basis == SplittingType.componentFlow): s_vars[v][k].fix(value( m_var[k] * blk.split_fraction[(t, o)+k[1]])) else: raise BurntToast( "{} encountered unrecognised " "SplittingType. This should not " "occur - please send this bug to " "the IDAES developers." .format( elif "_phase" in v: if (blk.config.split_basis == SplittingType.phaseComponentFlow): # Need average split fraction avg_split = value(sum( blk.split_fraction[t, o, k, j] for j in mblock.component_list) / len(mblock.component_list)) s_vars[v][k].fix( value(m_var[k] * avg_split)) elif (blk.config.split_basis == SplittingType.phaseFlow): s_vars[v][k].fix(value( m_var[k] * blk.split_fraction[(t, o)+k])) elif (blk.config.split_basis == SplittingType.componentFlow): # Need average split fraction avg_split = value(sum( blk.split_fraction[t, o, j] for j in mblock.component_list) / len(mblock.component_list)) s_vars[v][k].fix(value( m_var[k] * avg_split)) else: raise BurntToast( "{} encountered unrecognised " "SplittingType. This should not " "occur - please send this bug to " "the IDAES developers." .format( elif "_comp" in v: if (blk.config.split_basis == SplittingType.phaseComponentFlow): # Need average split fraction avg_split = value(sum( blk.split_fraction[t, o, p, k] for p in mblock.phase_list) / len(mblock.phase_list)) s_vars[v][k].fix( value(m_var[k] * avg_split)) elif (blk.config.split_basis == SplittingType.phaseFlow): # Need average split fraction avg_split = value(sum( blk.split_fraction[t, o, p] for p in mblock.phase_list) / len(mblock.phase_list)) s_vars[v][k].fix(value( m_var[k] * avg_split)) elif (blk.config.split_basis == SplittingType.componentFlow): s_vars[v][k].fix(value( m_var[k] * blk.split_fraction[(t, o)+k])) else: raise BurntToast( "{} encountered unrecognised " "SplittingType. This should not " "occur - please send this bug to " "the IDAES developers." .format( else: # Assume unindexed extensive state # Need average split if (blk.config.split_basis == SplittingType.phaseComponentFlow): # Need average split fraction avg_split = value(sum( blk.split_fraction[t, o, p, j] for (p, j) in mblock.phase_component_set) / len(mblock.phase_component_set)) elif (blk.config.split_basis == SplittingType.phaseFlow): # Need average split fraction avg_split = value(sum( blk.split_fraction[t, o, p] for p in mblock.phase_list) / len(mblock.phase_list)) elif (blk.config.split_basis == SplittingType.componentFlow): # Need average split fraction avg_split = value(sum( blk.split_fraction[t, o, j] for j in mblock.component_list) / len(mblock.component_list)) else: raise BurntToast( "{} encountered unrecognised " "SplittingType. This should not " "occur - please send this bug to " "the IDAES developers." .format( s_vars[v][k].fix(value( m_var[k] * avg_split)) else: # Otherwise intensive, equate to mixed stream s_vars[v][k].fix(m_var[k].value) # Call initialization routine for outlet StateBlock o_block.initialize( outlvl=outlvl, optarg=optarg, solver=solver, hold_state=False, ) # Revert fixed status of variables to what they were before for t in blk.flowsheet().time: s_vars = o_block[t].define_state_vars() for v in s_vars: for k in s_vars[v]: s_vars[v][k].fixed = o_flags[t, v, k] if blk.config.mixed_state_block is None: with idaeslog.solver_log(solve_log, idaeslog.DEBUG) as slc: res = opt.solve(blk, tee=slc.tee) "Initialization Step 2 Complete: {}" .format(idaeslog.condition(res)) ) else:"Initialization Complete.") if hold_state is True: return flags else: blk.release_state(flags, outlvl=outlvl)
[docs] def release_state(blk, flags, outlvl=idaeslog.NOTSET): """ Method to release state variables fixed during initialization. Keyword Arguments: flags : dict containing information of which state variables were fixed during initialization, and should now be unfixed. This dict is returned by initialize if hold_state = True. outlvl : sets output level of logging Returns: None """ init_log = idaeslog.getInitLogger(, outlvl, tag="unit") if blk.config.mixed_state_block is None: mblock = blk.mixed_state else: mblock = blk.config.mixed_state_block mblock.release_state(flags, outlvl=outlvl)
def calculate_scaling_factors(self): mb_type = self.config.material_balance_type mixed_state = self.get_mixed_state_block() if mb_type == MaterialBalanceType.useDefault: t_ref = self.flowsheet().time.first() mb_type = mixed_state[t_ref].default_material_balance_type() super().calculate_scaling_factors() if hasattr(self, "temperature_equality_eqn"): for (t, i), c in self.temperature_equality_eqn.items(): s = iscale.get_scaling_factor( mixed_state[t].temperature, default=1, warning=True) iscale.constraint_scaling_transform(c, s) if hasattr(self, "pressure_equality_eqn"): for (t, i), c in self.pressure_equality_eqn.items(): s = iscale.get_scaling_factor( mixed_state[t].pressure, default=1, warning=True) iscale.constraint_scaling_transform(c, s) if hasattr(self, "material_splitting_eqn"): if mb_type == MaterialBalanceType.componentPhase: for (t, o, p, j), c in self.material_splitting_eqn.items(): flow_term = mixed_state[t].get_material_flow_terms(p, j) s = iscale.get_scaling_factor(flow_term, default=1) iscale.constraint_scaling_transform(c, s) elif mb_type == MaterialBalanceType.componentTotal: for (t, o, j), c in self.material_splitting_eqn.items(): for i, p in enumerate(mixed_state.phase_list): ft = mixed_state[t].get_material_flow_terms(p, j) if i == 0: s = iscale.get_scaling_factor(ft, default=1) else: _s = iscale.get_scaling_factor(ft, default=1) s = _s if _s < s else s iscale.constraint_scaling_transform(c, s) elif mb_type == pc_set = mixed_state.phase_component_set for (t, o), c in self.material_splitting_eqn.items(): for i, (p, j) in enumerate(pc_set): ft = mixed_state[t].get_material_flow_terms(p, j) if i == 0: s = iscale.get_scaling_factor(ft, default=1) else: _s = iscale.get_scaling_factor(ft, default=1) s = _s if _s < s else s iscale.constraint_scaling_transform(c, s) def _get_performance_contents(self, time_point=0): if hasattr(self, "split_fraction"): for k in self.split_fraction.keys(): if k[0] == time_point: var_dict = { f"Split Fraction [{str(k[1:])}]": self.split_fraction[k] } return {"vars": var_dict} else: return {} def _get_stream_table_contents(self, time_point=0): outlet_list = self.create_outlet_list() if not self.config.ideal_separation: io_dict = {} if self.config.mixed_state_block is None: io_dict["Inlet"] = self.mixed_state else: io_dict["Inlet"] = self.config.mixed_state_block for o in outlet_list: io_dict[o] = getattr(self, o + "_state") return create_stream_table_dataframe(io_dict, time_point=time_point) else: stream_attributes = {} for n in outlet_list + ["inlet"]: port_obj = getattr(self, n) stream_attributes[n] = {} for k in port_obj.vars: for i in port_obj.vars[k]: if isinstance(i, float): stream_attributes[n][k] = value( port_obj.vars[k][time_point] ) else: if len(i) == 2: kname = str(i[1]) else: kname = str(i[1:]) stream_attributes[n][k + " " + kname] = value( port_obj.vars[k][time_point, i[1:]] ) return DataFrame.from_dict(stream_attributes, orient="columns")