MEA Packed Column

The first generation (GEN 1) rate-based IDAES Packed Column model represents a unit operation for MEA-based post-combustion carbon capture for both absorption and stripping processes. The contactor model uses an enhancement factor model that is superior to the Hatta number approximation and more accurate over a wide range of operating conditions. The vapor and liquid streams flow in a counter-current arrangement as shown in Figure 1(A). For more information on the Column model see Akula et al. (2021).

Schematic diagram of packed column unit

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of : (A) Packed column (B) Packed column structure in IDAES

Degrees of Freedom

Once the configuration parameters (construction arguments of the PackedColumn Class) have been specified, the remaining degrees of freedom for the PackedColumn are the operating and design parameters as listed in the Specification Table below. The indexed components for mole_frac_comp depend on the phase and process_type as follows:

  • Vapor phase:
    • absorption process: H2O, CO2, N2, O2.

    • stripping process: H2O, CO2.

  • Liquid phase:
    • all process types: H2O, MEA and CO2.

Due to the reactions in the liquid phase, the apparent species (H2O, MEA and CO2) are reconstituted from the true species (H2O, MEA, CO2, MEA+, MEACOO-, HCO3-) in the speciation model based on the kinetics below:

\[\mathrm{CO_2 + 2MEA \leftrightharpoons MEA^{+} + MEACOO^{-}}\]
\[\mathrm{CO_2 + MEA + H_2O \leftrightharpoons MEA^{+} + HCO^{-}_{3}}\]


Variable Name



Configuration parameters


Flag indicating either absorption or stripping process



Specific surface area of packing



Void fraction of the packing



Indicates whether the column pressure should be fixed



Value of fixed column pressure


Design parameters


Column diameter



Column length


Operating parameters


Vapor/Gas inlet total molar flowrate



Vapor/Gas inlet temperature



Vapor/Gas inlet pressure



Vapor/Gas inlet mole fraction indexed by component



Liquid inlet total molar flowrate



Liquid inlet temperature



Liquid inlet pressure



Liquid inlet mole fraction indexed by component


Model Structure

The PackedColumn unit model consists of two ControlVolume1D Blocks (named vapor_phase and liquid_phase), each with one Inlet Port (named vapor_inlet and liquid_inlet) and one Outlet Port (named vapor_outlet and liquid_outlet) as shown in Figure 1(B). The vapor_phase ControlVolume1D Block uses the Vapor Phase Property Methods while the liquid_phase ControlVolume1D Block block uses the Liquid Phase Property Methods. Both property packages are built off of the Physical Property Package Class.

Additional Constraints (Performance Equations)

The PackedColumn unit writes additional Constraints beyond those written by the ControlVolume1D Blocks to describe the reactive absorption / desorption process for post-combustion carbon capture using MEA solvent.


The PackedColumn unit uses two homotopy/continuation parameters ( \(\lambda_{1}\), \(\lambda_{2}\)) as shown in Figure 2 to initalize the column in steady-state mode (this is extended over the entire time horizon for dynamic simulation while fixing the accumulation terms to zero). The functions, \(g_{1}(x)\), \(g_{2}(x)\), \(f(x)\), describe the Constraints when the homotopy parameters become zero or unity. The initialization routine uses the user-provided inputs to initialize the properties and then first solves only the material balance equations by turning off the heat and mass transfer rates Constraints. Then, the isothermal chemical absorption continuation parameter, \(\lambda_{1}\), is used to turn on the mass transfer Constraints gradually with values ranging from 0 to 1. Subsequently, the adiabatic chemical absorption continuation parameter, \(\lambda_{2}\), is used to turn on the heat transfer equations gradually with values ranging from 0 to 1 to finish initializing the PackedColumn. Lastly, for dynamic simulation, the accumulation terms are computed to initialize the dynamic column.

Column Initialization Strategy

Figure 2. Packed Column Initialization Strategy

PackedColumn Class

class idaes.power_generation.carbon_capture.mea_solvent_system.unit_models.column.PackedColumn(*args, **kwds)
  • rule (function) – A rule function or None. Default rule calls build().

  • concrete (bool) – If True, make this a toplevel model. Default - False.

  • ctype (str) – Pyomo ctype of the block. Default - “Block”

  • default (dict) –

    Default ProcessBlockData config


    Indicates whether this model will be dynamic or not, default = useDefault. Valid values: { useDefault - get flag from parent (default = False), True - set as a dynamic model, False - set as a steady-state model.}


    Indicates whether holdup terms should be constructed or not. Must be True if dynamic = True, default - False. Valid values: { useDefault - get flag from parent (default = False), True - construct holdup terms, False - do not construct holdup terms}


    Argument defining whether area variable should be spatially variant or not. default - DistributedVars.uniform. Valid values: { DistributedVars.uniform - area does not vary across spatial domian, DistributedVars.variant - area can vary over the domain and is indexed by time and space.}


    Number of finite elements to use when discretizing length domain (default=20)


    length_domain_set - (optional) list of point to use to initialize a new ContinuousSet if length_domain is not provided (default = [0.0, 1.0])


    Method to use to transform domain. Must be a method recognised by the Pyomo TransformationFactory, default - “dae.finite_difference”. Valid values: { “dae.finite_difference” - Use a finite difference transformation method, “dae.collocation” - use a collocation transformation method}


    Number of collocation points to use per finite element when discretizing length domain (default=3)


    PackedColumn flow pattern, default - FlowPattern.countercurrent. Valid values: { FlowPattern.countercurrent - countercurrent flow, FlowPattern.cocurrent - cocurrent flow}


    Flag indicating either absorption or stripping process. default - ProcessType.absorber. Valid values: { ProcessType.absorber - absorption process, ProcessType.stripper - stripping process.}


    Surface area of packing per unit volume of column(default= 250 m2/m3)


    Packing porosity or void fraction (default= 0.97 )


    Indicates whether the column pressure should be fixed or not. The momentum balances are not added when this is True. default - True. Valid values: { True - fix the column pressure and do not add momentum balances, False -Do not fix the column pressure and add momentum balances}


    Fixed column operating pressure in Pa


    vapor side config arguments


    Indicates whether terms for pressure change should be constructed, default - False. Valid values: { True - include pressure change terms, False - exclude pressure change terms.}


    Indicates what type of pressure drop correlation should be used, default- None. Valid values: { None - set pressure drop to zero, “Stichlmair_Fair_Bravo_correlation” - Use the Stichlmair_Fair_Bravo_correlation model “GPDC- Kister” - Use the Generalized Pressure Drop Correlation of Kister 2007 “Billet_Schultes_correlation” - Use the Billet_Schultes_correlation model}


    Property parameter object used to define property calculations (default = ‘use_parent_value’) - ‘use_parent_value’ - get package from parent (default = None) - a ParameterBlock object


    A dict of arguments to be passed to the PropertyBlockData and used when constructing these (default = ‘use_parent_value’) - ‘use_parent_value’ - get package from parent (default = None) - a dict (see property package for documentation)


    Scheme to use when transformating domain. See Pyomo documentation for supported schemes, default - “BACKWARD”. Valid values: { “BACKWARD” - Use a BACKWARD finite difference transformation method, “FORWARD”” - Use a FORWARD finite difference transformation method, “LAGRANGE-RADAU”” - use a collocation transformation method}


    liquid side config arguments


    Indicates whether terms for pressure change should be constructed, default - False. Valid values: { True - include pressure change terms, False - exclude pressure change terms.}


    Indicates what type of pressure drop correlation should be used, default- None. Valid values: { None - set pressure drop to zero, “Stichlmair_Fair_Bravo_correlation” - Use the Stichlmair_Fair_Bravo_correlation model “GPDC- Kister” - Use the Generalized Pressure Drop Correlation of Kister 2007 “Billet_Schultes_correlation” - Use the Billet_Schultes_correlation model}


    Property parameter object used to define property calculations (default = ‘use_parent_value’) - ‘use_parent_value’ - get package from parent (default = None) - a ParameterBlock object


    A dict of arguments to be passed to the PropertyBlockData and used when constructing these (default = ‘use_parent_value’) - ‘use_parent_value’ - get package from parent (default = None) - a dict (see property package for documentation)


    Scheme to use when transformating domain. See Pyomo documentation for supported schemes, default - “BACKWARD”. Valid values: { “BACKWARD” - Use a BACKWARD finite difference transformation method, “FORWARD”” - Use a FORWARD finite difference transformation method, “LAGRANGE-RADAU”” - use a collocation transformation method}

  • initialize (dict) – ProcessBlockData config for individual elements. Keys are BlockData indexes and values are dictionaries described under the “default” argument above.

  • idx_map (function) – Function to take the index of a BlockData element and return the index in the initialize dict from which to read arguments. This can be provided to overide the default behavior of matching the BlockData index exactly to the index in initialize.


(PackedColumn) New instance

PackedColumnData Class

class idaes.power_generation.carbon_capture.mea_solvent_system.unit_models.column.PackedColumnData(component)[source]

Standard Continous Differential Contactor (CDC) Model Class.


Begin building model (pre-DAE transformation).






Initial condition for material and enthalpy balance.

Mass balance : Initial condition is determined by fixing n-1 mole fraction and the total molar flowrate

Energy balance :Initial condition is determined by fixing the temperature.

initialize(vapor_phase_state_args=None, liquid_phase_state_args=None, state_vars_fixed=False, homotopy_steps_m=None, homotopy_steps_h=None, outlvl=0, solver=None, optarg=None)[source]

Column initialization.

  • state_args – a dict of arguments to be passed to the property package(s) to provide an initial state for initialization (see documentation of the specific property package) (default = None).

  • homotopy_steps_m – List of continuations steps between 0 and 1 for turning mass transfer constrainst gradually

  • homotopy_steps_h – List of continuations steps between 0 and 1 for turning heat transfer constraints gradually

  • optarg – solver options dictionary object (default=None, use default solver options)

  • solver – str indicating which solver to use during initialization (default = None, use IDAES default solver)


Dynamic Plot function for Temperature and CO2 Pressure profile.


Steady-state Plot function for Temperature and CO2 Pressure profile.


Function to unfix initial condition for material and enthalpy balance.


  1. Akula, P., J. Eslick, D. Bhattacharyya and D. C. Miller (2021). “Model Development, Validation, and Optimization of an MEA-Based Post-Combustion CO2 Capture Process under Part-Load and Variable Capture Operations.” Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research.

  2. Eslick, J. C., Akula, P. T., Bhattacharyya, D., & Miller, D. C. (2018). Simultaneous parameter estimation in reactive-solvent-based processes. In Computer Aided Chemical Engineering (Vol. 44, pp. 901-906). Elsevier.