# Institute for the Design of Advanced Energy Systems Process Systems
# Engineering Framework (IDAES PSE Framework) Copyright (c) 2018-2019, by the
# software owners: The Regents of the University of California, through
# Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, National Technology & Engineering
# Solutions of Sandia, LLC, Carnegie Mellon University, West Virginia
# University Research Corporation, et al. All rights reserved.
# Please see the files COPYRIGHT.txt and LICENSE.txt for full copyright and
# license information, respectively. Both files are also available online
# at the URL "https://github.com/IDAES/idaes-pse".
This module contains the base class for constructing flowsheet models in the
IDAES modeling framework.
from __future__ import division, print_function
import logging
import pyomo.environ as pe
from pyomo.dae import ContinuousSet
from pyomo.network import Arc
from pyomo.common.config import ConfigValue, In
from idaes.core import (ProcessBlockData, declare_process_block_class,
UnitModelBlockData, useDefault)
from idaes.core.util.config import (is_physical_parameter_block,
from idaes.core.util.exceptions import DynamicError
from idaes.core.util.tables import create_stream_table_dataframe
# Some more information about this module
__author__ = "John Eslick, Qi Chen, Andrew Lee"
__all__ = ['FlowsheetBlock', 'FlowsheetBlockData']
# Set up logger
_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]@declare_process_block_class("FlowsheetBlock", doc="""
FlowsheetBlock is a specialized Pyomo block for IDAES flowsheet models, and
contains instances of FlowsheetBlockData.""")
class FlowsheetBlockData(ProcessBlockData):
The FlowsheetBlockData Class forms the base class for all IDAES process
flowsheet models. The main purpose of this class is to automate the tasks
common to all flowsheet models and ensure that the necessary attributes of
a flowsheet model are present.
The most signfiicant role of the FlowsheetBlockData class is to
automatically create the time domain for the flowsheet.
# Create Class ConfigBlock
CONFIG = ProcessBlockData.CONFIG()
CONFIG.declare("dynamic", ConfigValue(
domain=In([useDefault, True, False]),
description="Dynamic model flag",
doc="""Indicates whether this model will be dynamic,
**default** - useDefault.
**Valid values:** {
**useDefault** - get flag from parent or False,
**True** - set as a dynamic model,
**False** - set as a steady-state model.}"""))
CONFIG.declare("time", ConfigValue(
description="Flowsheet time domain",
doc="""Pointer to the time domain for the flowsheet. Users may provide
an existing time domain from another flowsheet, otherwise the flowsheet will
search for a parent with a time domain or create a new time domain and
reference it here."""))
CONFIG.declare("time_set", ConfigValue(
description="Set of points for initializing time domain",
doc="""Set of points for initializing time domain. This should be a
list of floating point numbers,
**default** - [0]."""))
CONFIG.declare("default_property_package", ConfigValue(
description="Default property package to use in flowsheet",
doc="""Indicates the default property package to be used by models
within this flowsheet if not otherwise specified,
**default** - None.
**Valid values:** {
**None** - no default property package,
**a ParameterBlock object**.}"""))
[docs] def build(self):
General build method for FlowsheetBlockData. This method calls a number
of sub-methods which automate the construction of expected attributes
of flowsheets.
Inheriting models should call `super().build`.
super(FlowsheetBlockData, self).build()
# Set up dynamic flag and time domain
[docs] def is_flowsheet(self):
Method which returns True to indicate that this component is a
return True
# TODO [Qi]: this should be implemented as a transformation
[docs] def model_check(self):
This method runs model checks on all unit models in a flowsheet.
This method searches for objects which inherit from UnitModelBlockData
and executes the model_check method if it exists.
_log.info("Executing model checks.")
for o in self.component_objects(descend_into=False):
if isinstance(o, UnitModelBlockData):
except AttributeError:
_log.warning('{} Model/block has no model check. To '
'correct this, add a model_check method to '
'the associated unit model class'
[docs] def stream_table(self, true_state=False, time_point=0, orient='columns'):
Method to generate a stream table by iterating over all Arcs in the
true_state : whether the state variables (True) or display
variables (False, default) from the StateBlocks should
be used in the stream table.
time_point : point in the time domain at which to create stream
table (default = 0)
orient : whether stream should be shown by columns ("columns") or
rows ("index")
A pandas dataframe containing stream table information
dict_arcs = {}
for a in self.component_objects(ctype=Arc, descend_into=False):
dict_arcs[a.local_name] = a
return create_stream_table_dataframe(dict_arcs,
def _get_stream_table_contents(self, time_point=0):
Calls stream_table method and returns result
return self.stream_table(time_point)
def _setup_dynamics(self):
# Look for parent flowsheet
fs = self.flowsheet()
# Check the dynamic flag, and retrieve if necessary
if self.config.dynamic == useDefault:
if fs is None:
# No parent, so default to steady-state and warn user
_log.warning('{} is a top level flowhseet, but dynamic flag '
'set to useDefault. Dynamic '
'flag set to False by default'
self.config.dynamic = False
# Get dynamic flag from parent flowsheet
self.config.dynamic = fs.config.dynamic
# Check for case when dynamic=True, but parent dynamic=False
elif self.config.dynamic is True:
if fs is not None and fs.config.dynamic is False:
raise DynamicError(
'{} trying to declare a dynamic model within '
'a steady-state flowsheet. This is not '
'supported by the IDAES framework. Try '
'creating a dynamic flowsheet instead, and '
'declaring some models as steady-state.'
if self.config.time is not None:
# Validate user provided time domain
if (self.config.dynamic is True and
not isinstance(self.config.time, ContinuousSet)):
raise DynamicError(
'{} was set as a dynamic flowsheet, but time domain '
'provided was not a ContinuousSet.'.format(self.name))
# If no parent flowsheet, set up time domain
if fs is None:
# Create time domain
if self.config.dynamic:
# Check if time_set has at least two points
if len(self.config.time_set) < 2:
# Check if time_set is at default value
if self.config.time_set == [0.0]:
# If default, set default end point to be 1.0
self.config.time_set = [0.0, 1.0]
# Invalid user input, raise Excpetion
raise DynamicError(
"Flowsheet provided with invalid "
"time_set attribute - must have at "
"least two values (start and end).")
# For dynamics, need a ContinuousSet
self.time = ContinuousSet(initialize=self.config.time_set)
# For steady-state, use an ordered Set
self.time = pe.Set(initialize=self.config.time_set,
# Set time config argument as reference to time domain
self.config.time = self.time
# Set time config argument to parent time
self.config.time = fs.config.time