# Institute for the Design of Advanced Energy Systems Process Systems
# Engineering Framework (IDAES PSE Framework) Copyright (c) 2018-2019, by the
# software owners: The Regents of the University of California, through
# Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, National Technology & Engineering
# Solutions of Sandia, LLC, Carnegie Mellon University, West Virginia
# University Research Corporation, et al. All rights reserved.
# Please see the files COPYRIGHT.txt and LICENSE.txt for full copyright and
# license information, respectively. Both files are also available online
# at the URL "https://github.com/IDAES/idaes-pse".
Base class for unit models
from __future__ import absolute_import # disable implicit relative imports
from __future__ import division, print_function
import logging
from pyomo.environ import Reference, SolverFactory
from pyomo.network import Port
from pyomo.opt import TerminationCondition
from pyomo.common.config import ConfigValue, In
from .process_base import (declare_process_block_class,
from .property_base import StateBlock
from .control_volume_base import ControlVolumeBlockData, FlowDirection
from idaes.core.util.exceptions import (BurntToast,
from idaes.core.util.tables import create_stream_table_dataframe
__author__ = "John Eslick, Qi Chen, Andrew Lee"
__all__ = ['UnitModelBlockData', 'UnitModelBlock']
# Set up logger
_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class UnitModelBlockData(ProcessBlockData):
This is the class for process unit operations models. These are models that
would generally appear in a process flowsheet or superstructure.
# Create Class ConfigBlock
CONFIG = ProcessBlockData.CONFIG()
CONFIG.declare("dynamic", ConfigValue(
domain=In([useDefault, True, False]),
description="Dynamic model flag",
doc="""Indicates whether this model will be dynamic or not,
**default** = useDefault.
**Valid values:** {
**useDefault** - get flag from parent (default = False),
**True** - set as a dynamic model,
**False** - set as a steady-state model.}"""))
CONFIG.declare("has_holdup", ConfigValue(
domain=In([useDefault, True, False]),
description="Holdup construction flag",
doc="""Indicates whether holdup terms should be constructed or not.
Must be True if dynamic = True,
**default** - False.
**Valid values:** {
**True** - construct holdup terms,
**False** - do not construct holdup terms}"""))
[docs] def build(self):
General build method for UnitModelBlockData. This method calls a number
of sub-methods which automate the construction of expected attributes
of unit models.
Inheriting models should call `super().build`.
super(UnitModelBlockData, self).build()
# Set up dynamic flag and time domain
[docs] def model_check(blk):
This is a general purpose initialization routine for simple unit
models. This method assumes a single ControlVolume block called
controlVolume and tries to call the model_check method of the
controlVolume block. If an AttributeError is raised, the check is
More complex models should overload this method with a model_check
suited to the particular application, especially if there are multiple
ControlVolume blocks present.
# Run control volume block model checks
except AttributeError:
[docs] def add_port(blk, name=None, block=None, doc=None):
This is a method to build Port objects in a unit model and
connect these to a specified StateBlock.
Keyword Args:
name = name to use for Port object.
block = an instance of a StateBlock to use as the source to
populate the Port object
doc = doc string for Port object
A Pyomo Port object and associated components.
# Validate block object
if not isinstance(block, StateBlock):
raise ConfigurationError("{} block object provided to add_port "
"method is not an instance of a "
"StateBlock object. IDAES port objects "
"should only be associated with "
# Create empty Port
p = Port(noruleinit=True, doc=doc)
setattr(blk, name, p)
p._state_block = (block, )
# Get dict of Port members and names
member_list = block[
# Create References for port members
for s in member_list:
if not member_list[s].is_indexed():
slicer = block[:].component(member_list[s].local_name)
slicer = block[:].component(member_list[s].local_name)[...]
r = Reference(slicer)
setattr(blk, "_"+name+"_"+s+"_ref", r)
# Add Reference to Port
p.add(r, s)
return p
[docs] def add_inlet_port(blk, name=None, block=None, doc=None):
This is a method to build inlet Port objects in a unit model and
connect these to a specified control volume or state block.
The name and block arguments are optional, but must be used together.
i.e. either both arguments are provided or neither.
Keyword Args:
name = name to use for Port object (default = "inlet").
block = an instance of a ControlVolume or StateBlock to use as the
source to populate the Port object. If a ControlVolume is
provided, the method will use the inlet state block as
defined by the ControlVolume. If not provided, method will
attempt to default to an object named control_volume.
doc = doc string for Port object (default = "Inlet Port")
A Pyomo Port object and associated components.
if block is None:
# Check that name is None
if name is not None:
raise ConfigurationError(
"{} add_inlet_port was called without a block argument"
" but a name argument was provided. Either both "
"a name and a block must be provided or neither."
name = "inlet"
# Try for default ControlVolume name
block = blk.control_volume
except AttributeError:
raise ConfigurationError(
"{} add_inlet_port was called without a block argument"
" but no default ControlVolume exists "
"(control_volume). Please provide block to which the "
"Port should be associated.".format(blk.name))
# Check that name is not None
if name is None:
raise ConfigurationError(
"{} add_inlet_port was called with a block argument, "
"but a name argument was not provided. Either both "
"a name and a block must be provided or neither."
if doc is None:
doc = "Inlet Port"
# Create empty Port
p = Port(noruleinit=True, doc=doc)
setattr(blk, name, p)
# Get dict of Port members and names
if isinstance(block, ControlVolumeBlockData):
member_list = (block.properties_in[
p._state_block = (block.properties_in, )
except AttributeError:
member_list = (block.properties[
block.flowsheet().config.time.first(), 0]
if block._flow_direction == FlowDirection.forward:
p._state_block = (block.properties,
elif block._flow_direction == FlowDirection.backward:
p._state_block = (block.properties,
except AttributeError:
raise PropertyPackageError(
"{} property package does not appear to have "
"implemented a define_port_memebers method. "
"Please contact the developer of the property "
elif isinstance(block, StateBlock):
member_list = block[
p._state_block = (block, )
raise ConfigurationError(
"{} block provided to add_inlet_port "
"method was not an instance of a "
"ControlVolume or a StateBlock."
# Create References for port members
for s in member_list:
if not member_list[s].is_indexed():
if isinstance(block, ControlVolumeBlockData):
slicer = block.properties_in[:].component(
except AttributeError:
if block._flow_direction == FlowDirection.forward:
_idx = block.length_domain.first()
elif block._flow_direction == FlowDirection.backward:
_idx = block.length_domain.last()
raise BurntToast(
"{} flow_direction argument received "
"invalid value. This should never "
"happen, so please contact the IDAES "
"developers with this bug."
slicer = (block.properties[:, _idx]
elif isinstance(block, StateBlock):
slicer = block[:].component(member_list[s].local_name)
raise ConfigurationError(
"{} block provided to add_inlet_port "
"method was not an instance of a "
"ControlVolume or a StateBlock."
if isinstance(block, ControlVolumeBlockData):
slicer = block.properties_in[:].component(
except AttributeError:
if block._flow_direction == FlowDirection.forward:
_idx = block.length_domain.first()
elif block._flow_direction == FlowDirection.backward:
_idx = block.length_domain.last()
raise BurntToast(
"{} flow_direction argument received "
"invalid value. This should never "
"happen, so please contact the IDAES "
"developers with this bug."
slicer = (block.properties[:, _idx].component(
elif isinstance(block, StateBlock):
slicer = block[:].component(member_list[s].local_name)[...]
raise ConfigurationError(
"{} block provided to add_inlet_port "
"method was not an instance of a "
"ControlVolume or a StateBlock."
r = Reference(slicer)
setattr(blk, "_"+name+"_"+s+"_ref", r)
# Add Reference to Port
p.add(r, s)
return p
[docs] def add_outlet_port(blk, name=None, block=None, doc=None):
This is a method to build outlet Port objects in a unit model and
connect these to a specified control volume or state block.
The name and block arguments are optional, but must be used together.
i.e. either both arguments are provided or neither.
Keyword Args:
name = name to use for Port object (default = "outlet").
block = an instance of a ControlVolume or StateBlock to use as the
source to populate the Port object. If a ControlVolume is
provided, the method will use the outlet state block as
defined by the ControlVolume. If not provided, method will
attempt to default to an object named control_volume.
doc = doc string for Port object (default = "Outlet Port")
A Pyomo Port object and associated components.
if block is None:
# Check that name is None
if name is not None:
raise ConfigurationError(
"{} add_outlet_port was called without a block "
"argument but a name argument was provided. Either "
"both a name and a block must be provided or neither."
name = "outlet"
# Try for default ControlVolume name
block = blk.control_volume
except AttributeError:
raise ConfigurationError(
"{} add_outlet_port was called without a block "
"argument but no default ControlVolume exists "
"(control_volume). Please provide block to which the "
"Port should be associated.".format(blk.name))
# Check that name is not None
if name is None:
raise ConfigurationError(
"{} add_outlet_port was called with a block argument, "
"but a name argument was not provided. Either both "
"a name and a block must be provided or neither."
if doc is None:
doc = "Outlet Port"
# Create empty Port
p = Port(noruleinit=True, doc=doc)
setattr(blk, name, p)
# Get dict of Port members and names
if isinstance(block, ControlVolumeBlockData):
member_list = (block.properties_out[
p._state_block = (block.properties_out, )
except AttributeError:
member_list = (block.properties[
block.flowsheet().config.time.first(), 0]
if block._flow_direction == FlowDirection.forward:
p._state_block = (block.properties,
elif block._flow_direction == FlowDirection.backward:
p._state_block = (block.properties,
except AttributeError:
raise PropertyPackageError(
"{} property package does not appear to have "
"implemented a define_port_members method. "
"Please contact the developer of the property "
elif isinstance(block, StateBlock):
member_list = block[
p._state_block = (block, )
raise ConfigurationError(
"{} block provided to add_inlet_port "
"method was not an instance of a "
"ControlVolume or a StateBlock."
# Create References for port members
for s in member_list:
if not member_list[s].is_indexed():
if isinstance(block, ControlVolumeBlockData):
slicer = block.properties_out[:].component(
except AttributeError:
if block._flow_direction == FlowDirection.forward:
_idx = block.length_domain.last()
elif block._flow_direction == FlowDirection.backward:
_idx = block.length_domain.first()
raise BurntToast(
"{} flow_direction argument received "
"invalid value. This should never "
"happen, so please contact the IDAES "
"developers with this bug."
slicer = (block.properties[:, _idx]
elif isinstance(block, StateBlock):
slicer = block[:].component(member_list[s].local_name)
raise ConfigurationError(
"{} block provided to add_inlet_port "
"method was not an instance of a "
"ControlVolume or a StateBlock."
# Need to use slice notation on indexed comenent as well
if isinstance(block, ControlVolumeBlockData):
slicer = block.properties_out[:].component(
except AttributeError:
if block._flow_direction == FlowDirection.forward:
_idx = block.length_domain.last()
elif block._flow_direction == FlowDirection.backward:
_idx = block.length_domain.first()
raise BurntToast(
"{} flow_direction argument received "
"invalid value. This should never "
"happen, so please contact the IDAES "
"developers with this bug."
slicer = (block.properties[:, _idx].component(
elif isinstance(block, StateBlock):
slicer = block[:].component(member_list[s].local_name)[...]
raise ConfigurationError(
"{} block provided to add_inlet_port "
"method was not an instance of a "
"ControlVolume or a StateBlock."
r = Reference(slicer)
setattr(blk, "_"+name+"_"+s+"_ref", r)
# Add Reference to Port
p.add(r, s)
return p
def _get_stream_table_contents(self, time_point=0):
Assume unit has standard configuration of 1 inlet and 1 outlet.
Developers should overload this as appropriate.
return create_stream_table_dataframe({"Inlet": self.inlet,
"Outlet": self.outlet},
except AttributeError:
raise ConfigurationError(
f"Unit model {self.name} does not have the standard Port "
f"names (inet and outlet). Please contact the unit model "
f"developer to develop a unit specific stream table.")
[docs] def initialize(blk, state_args=None, outlvl=0,
solver='ipopt', optarg={'tol': 1e-6}):
This is a general purpose initialization routine for simple unit
models. This method assumes a single ControlVolume block called
controlVolume, and first initializes this and then attempts to solve
the entire unit.
More complex models should overload this method with their own
initialization routines,
Keyword Arguments:
state_args : a dict of arguments to be passed to the property
package(s) to provide an initial state for
initialization (see documentation of the specific
property package) (default = {}).
outlvl : sets output level of initialisation routine
* 0 = no output (default)
* 1 = return solver state for each step in routine
* 2 = return solver state for each step in subroutines
* 3 = include solver output infomation (tee=True)
optarg : solver options dictionary object (default={'tol': 1e-6})
solver : str indicating which solver to use during
initialization (default = 'ipopt')
# Set solver options
if outlvl > 3:
stee = True
stee = False
opt = SolverFactory(solver)
opt.options = optarg
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Initialize control volume block
flags = blk.control_volume.initialize(outlvl=outlvl-1,
if outlvl > 0:
_log.info('{} Initialisation Step 1 Complete.'.format(blk.name))
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Solve unit
results = opt.solve(blk, tee=stee)
except ValueError:
results = None
if outlvl > 0:
if (results is not None and
results.solver.termination_condition ==
_log.info('{} Initialisation Step 2 Complete.'
_log.warning('{} Initialisation Step 2 Failed.'
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Release Inlet state
blk.control_volume.release_state(flags, outlvl-1)
if outlvl > 0:
_log.info('{} Initialisation Complete.'.format(blk.name))