# Institute for the Design of Advanced Energy Systems Process Systems
# Engineering Framework (IDAES PSE Framework) Copyright (c) 2018-2019, by the
# software owners: The Regents of the University of California, through
# Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, National Technology & Engineering
# Solutions of Sandia, LLC, Carnegie Mellon University, West Virginia
# University Research Corporation, et al. All rights reserved.
# Please see the files COPYRIGHT.txt and LICENSE.txt for full copyright and
# license information, respectively. Both files are also available online
# at the URL "https://github.com/IDAES/idaes-pse".
Functions for saving and loading Pyomo objects to json
# Changes the divide behavior to not do integer division
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import #disable implicit relative imports
from pyomo.environ import *
from pyomo.network import Port, Arc
from pyomo.dae import *
from pyomo.core.base.component import ComponentData
import json
import datetime
import time
import gzip
# Some more inforation about this module
__author__ = "John Eslick"
__format_version__ = 3
def _set_active(o, d):
Set if component is active, used for read active attribute callback.
o: object whoes attribute is to be set
d: attribute value
if d:
def _set_fixed(o, d):
Set if variable is fixed, used for read fixed attribute callback.
o: object whoes attribute is to be set
d: attribute value
if d:
def _get_value(o):
Get object value attribute callback.
o: object whoes attribute is to be set
d: attribute value
return value(o, exception=False)
def _set_value(o, d):
Set object value attribute callback. This doen't allow the value of an
immutable paramter to be set (which would raise an exeption in Pyomo)
o: object whoes attribute is to be set
d: attribute value
if isinstance(o, Param) and not o._mutable:
return #ignore requests to set immutable params
o.value = d
except AttributeError:
o = d # this would be an indexed parameter
def _set_lb(o, d):
Set variable lower bound, used for read lb attribute callback.
o: object whoes attribute is to be set
d: attribute value
def _set_ub(o, d):
Set variable upper bound, use for read ub attribute callback.
o: object whoes attribute is to be set
d: attribute value
def _only_fixed(o, d):
Returns a list of attributes to read for a variable, only whether it is
fixed for non-fixed variables and if it is fixed and the value for fixed
variables. The allows you to set up a serializer that only reads fixed
variable values.
o: Pyomo component being loaded
d: State dictionary for the component o.
An attribute list to read. Loads fixed for either fixed or un-fixed
variables, but only reads in values for unfixed variables. This is
useful for intialization functions.
if d["fixed"]:
return ("value", "fixed")
return ("fixed",)
[docs]class Counter(object):
This is a counter object, which is an easy way to pass an interger pointer
around between methods.
def __init__(self):
self.count = 0
[docs]class StoreSpec(object):
A StoreSpec object tells the serializer functions what to read or write.
The default settings will produce a StoreSpec configured to load/save the
typical attributes required to load/save a model state.
classes: A list of classes to save. Each class is represented by a
list (or tupple) containing the following elements: (1) class
(compared using isinstance) (2) attribute list or None, an emptry
list store the object, but none of its attributes, None will not
store objects of this class type (3) optional load filter function.
The load filter function returns a list of attributes to read based
on the state of an object and its saved state. The allows, for
example, loading values for unfixed variables, or only loading
values whoes current value is less than one. The filter function
only applies to load not save. Filter functions take two arguments
(a) the object (current state) and (b) the dictionary containing the
saved state of an object. More specific classes should come before
more general classes. For example if an obejct is a HeatExchanger
and a UnitModel, and HeatExchanger is listed first, it will follow
the HeatExchanger settings. If UnitModel is listed first in the
classes list, it will follow the UnitModel settings.
data_classes: This takes the same form as the classes argument.
This is for component data classes.
skip_classes: This is a list of classes to skip. If a class appears
in the skip list, but also appears in the classes argument, the
classes argument will override skip_classes. The use for this is to
specifically exclude certain classes that would get caught by more
general classes (e.g. UnitModel is in the class list, but you want
to exclude HeatExchanger which is derived from UnitModel).
ignore_missing: If True will ignore a component or attribute that exists
in the model, but not in the stored state. If false an excpetion
will be raised for things in the model that should be loaded but
aren't in the stored state. Extra items in the stored state will not
raise an exception regaurdless of this argument.
suffix: If True store suffixes and component ids. If false, don't store
suffix_filter: None to store all siffixes if suffix=True, or a list of
suffixes to store if suffix=True
def __init__(
(Param, ("_mutable",)),
(Var, ()),
(Component, ("active",))),
("fixed", "stale", "value", "lb", "ub")),
(pyomo.core.base.param._ParamData, ("value",)),
(int, ("value",)),
(float, ("value",)),
(pyomo.core.base.component.ComponentData, ("active",))),
skip_classes=(ExternalFunction, Set, Port, Expression, RangeSet),
(see above)
# Callbacks are used for attributes that cannont be directly get or set
self.write_cbs={ # Write callbacks (writing state so get attr)
self.read_cbs={ # Reads callbacks (reading in state so set attr)
"_mutable": None,
# Add skip classes to classes list, with None as attr list to skip
skip_classes2 = [] #need to put skips at front of list
self.classes = [i[0] for i in classes]
for i in skip_classes:
if i not in self.classes:
skip_classes2.append((i, None))
classes = skip_classes2 + list(classes) # comined classes with skips
# Create lists of classes, attribute lists, and filter functions
# Can get class index from class list the use it to get associated items
self.classes = [i[0] for i in classes]
self.data_classes = [i[0] for i in data_classes]
self.class_attrs = [i[1] for i in classes]
self.data_class_attrs = [i[1] for i in data_classes]
# Create filter function lists, use None if not supplied
self.class_filter = []
for i in classes:
if len(i) < 3:
self.data_class_filter = []
for i in data_classes:
if len(i) < 3:
self.ignore_missing = ignore_missing
self.include_suffix = suffix
self.suffix_filter = suffix_filter
[docs] def set_read_callback(self, attr, cb=None):
Set a callback to set an attribute, when reading from json or dict.
self.read_cbs[attr] = cb
[docs] def set_write_callback(self, attr, cb=None):
Set a callback to get an attribute, when writing to json or dict.
self.write_cbs[attr] = cb
[docs] def get_class_attr_list(self, o):
Look up what attributes to save/load for an Component object.
o: Object to look up attribute list for.
A list of attributes and a filter function for object type
alist = [] # Attributes to store
ff = None # Load filter function
for i, cl in enumerate(self.classes):
if isinstance(o, cl):
alist = self.class_attrs[i]
ff = self.class_filter[i]
return (alist, ff)
[docs] def get_data_class_attr_list(self, o):
Look up what attributes to save/load for an ComponentData object.
o: Object to look up attribute list for.
A list of attributes and a filter function for object type
alist = [] # Attributes to store
ff = None # Load filter function
for i, cl in enumerate(self.data_classes):
if isinstance(o, cl):
alist = self.data_class_attrs[i]
ff = self.data_class_filter[i]
return (alist, ff)
[docs] @classmethod
def bound(cls):
"""Returns a StoreSpec object to store variable bounds only."""
return cls(classes=((Var, ()),),
data_classes=((pyomo.core.base.var._VarData, ("lb", "ub")),),
[docs] @classmethod
def value(cls):
"""Returns a StoreSpec object to store variable values only."""
return cls(
classes=((Var, ()),),
data_classes=((pyomo.core.base.var._VarData, ("value",)),),
[docs] @classmethod
def isfixed(cls):
"""Returns a StoreSpec object to store if variables are fixed."""
return cls(
classes=((Var, ()),),
data_classes=((pyomo.core.base.var._VarData, ("fixed",)),),
def suffix(cls, suffix_filter=None):
return cls(
classes=((Suffix, ()),),
[docs] @classmethod
def value_isfixed(cls, only_fixed):
Return a StoreSpec object to store variable values and if fixed.
only_fixed: Only load fixed variable values
if only_fixed:
return cls(
classes=((Var, ()),),
("value", "fixed"), _only_fixed),),
return cls(
classes=((Var, ()),),
("value", "fixed")),),
[docs] @classmethod
def value_isfixed_isactive(cls, only_fixed):
Retur a StoreSpec object to store variable values, if variables are
fixed and if components are active.
only_fixed: Only load fixed variable values
if only_fixed:
return cls(
classes=((Var, ()), (Param, ()), (Component, ("active",))),
(pyomo.core.base.var._VarData, ("value", "fixed"), _only_fixed),
(pyomo.core.base.param._ParamData, ("value",)),
(pyomo.core.base.component.ComponentData, ("active",))))
return cls(
(Var, ()),
(Param, ()),
(Component, ("active",))),
(pyomo.core.base.var._VarData, ("value", "fixed")),
(pyomo.core.base.param._ParamData, ("value",)),
(pyomo.core.base.component.ComponentData, ("active",))))
def _may_have_subcomponents(o):
o: an object.
True if the object has a callable component_objects method, otherwise
if hasattr(o, "component_objects"):
if hasattr(o.component_objects, "__call__"):
return True
def _write_component(sd, o, wts, count=None, lookup={}, suffixes=[]):
Writes a component state to the save dictionary under a key given by the
components name.
sd: dictionary to to save the object into, will create a key that is the
object name (not fully qualified)
o: object to save
wts: a StoreSpec object indicating what object attributes to write
count: count the number of Pyomo componets written also used for ids
lookup: is a lookup table for compoent ids from components
suffixes: is a list of suffixes, that we are delaying writing
# Get list of attributes to save, also returns ff, which is a filter
# function and only used in reading stuff back in.
alist, ff = wts.get_class_attr_list(o)
if alist is None: return #alist is none means skip this component type
# Get the componet name, doesn't need to be fully quified or unique because
# we are storing the state in a hierarchy structure
oname = o.getname(fully_qualified=False)
# Create a dictionary for this component, if storing suffixes assign it
# a sequential id number and create a lookup table that takes the component
# and returns its id for use later in writing suffix data
sd[oname] = {"__type__":str(type(o))}
if wts.include_suffix:
sd[oname]["__id__"] = count.count
lookup[id(o)] = count.count #used python id() here for efficency
if count is not None: count.count += 1 # incriment the componet counter
for a in alist: # store the desired attributes
if a in wts.write_cbs:
if wts.write_cbs[a] is None:
sd[oname][a] = getattr(o, a, None)
sd[oname][a] = wts.write_cbs[a](o)
sd[oname][a] = getattr(o, a, None)
sd[oname]["data"] = {} # create a dict for compoent data and subcomponents
if isinstance(o, Suffix): # if is a suffix, make a list and delay writing
if wts.include_suffix: # data until all compoents have an assigned id
if wts.suffix_filter is None or oname in wts.suffix_filter:
{'sd':sd[oname]["data"], 'o':o, 'wts':wts, 'lookup':lookup})
else: # if not suffix go ahead and write the data
_write_component_data(sd=sd[oname]["data"], o=o, wts=wts, lookup=lookup,
count=count, suffixes=suffixes)
def _write_component_data(sd, o, wts, count=None, lookup={}, suffixes=[]):
Iterate through the component data and write to the sd dictionary. The keys
for the data items are added to the dictionary. If the component has
subcomponents they are written by a recursive call to _write_component under
the __pyomo_components__ key.
sd: dictionary to to save the object into, will create keys that are the
data object indexes repn.
o: object to save
wts: a StoreSpec object indicating what object attributes to write
count: count the number of Pyomo componets written also used for ids
lookup: is a lookup table for compoent ids from components
suffixes: is a list of suffixes, that we are delaying writing
if wts.include_suffix and isinstance(o, Suffix):
# make special provision for writing suffixes.
for key in o:
el = o[key]
sd[lookup[id(key)]] = el # Asssume keys are Pyomo model components
else: # rest of compoents with normal componet data structure
frst = True # on first item when true
item_keys = o.keys()
except AttributeError:
item_keys = [None]
for key in item_keys:
if key is None and isinstance(o, ComponentData) \
and not isinstance(o, Component):
el = o
el = o[key]
if frst: # assume all item are same type, use first to get alist
alist, ff = wts.get_data_class_attr_list(el) # get attributes
if alist is None: return # if None then skip writing
frst = False # done with first only stuff
edict = {"__type__":str(type(el))}
if wts.include_suffix: # if writing suffixes give data compoents an id
edict["__id__"] = count.count
lookup[id(el)] = count.count # and add to lookup table
if count is not None: count.count += 1 # inciment component counter
sd[repr(key)] = edict # stick item dict into component data dict
for a in alist: # store desired attributes
if a in wts.write_cbs:
if wts.write_cbs[a] is None:
edict[a] = getattr(el, a)
edict[a] = wts.write_cbs[a](el)
edict[a] = getattr(el, a)
hascomps = False # Has sub-components (like a Block would have)
if _may_have_subcomponents(el): # block or block like component
for o2 in el.component_objects(descend_into=False):
# loop through sub-components
if not hascomps: # if here it does have sub-components
cdict = {} # so store those in __pyomo_components__
edict["__pyomo_components__"] = cdict
hascomps = True # only make __pyomo_components__ dict once
# write each sub-component
_write_component(sd=cdict, o=o2, wts=wts, count=count,
lookup=lookup, suffixes=suffixes)
[docs]def component_data_to_dict(o, wts):
Component data to a dict.
el = o
alist, ff = wts.get_data_class_attr_list(el) # get attributes
if alist is None: return # if None then skip writing
edict = {} # if not writing suffixes don't need ids
for a in alist: # store desired attributes
edict[a] = getattr(el, a)
hascomps = False # Has sub-components (like a Block would have)
if _may_have_subcomponents(el): # block or block like component
for o2 in el.component_objects(descend_into=False):
# loop through sub-components
if not hascomps: # if here it does have sub-components
cdict = {} # so store those in __pyomo_components__
edict["__pyomo_components__"] = cdict
hascomps = True # only make __pyomo_components__ dict once
# write each sub-component
_write_component(sd=cdict, o=o2, wts=wts)
return edict
[docs]def to_json(o, fname=None, human_read=False, wts=None, metadata={}, gz=False,
return_dict=False, return_json_string=False):
Save the state of a model to a Python dictionary, and optionally dump it
to a json file. To load a model state, a model with the same structure must
exist. The model itself cannot be recreated from this.
o: The Pyomo component object to save. Usually a Pyomo model, but could
also be a subcomponent of a model (usually a sub-block).
fname: json file name to save model state, if None only create
python dict
gz: If fname is given and gv is True gzip the json file. The default is
human_read: if True, add indents and spacing to make the json file more
readable, if false cut out whitespace and make as compact as
metadata: A dictionary of addtional metadata to add.
wts: is What To Save, this is a StoreSpec object that specifies what
object types and attributes to save. If None, the default is used
which saves the state of the compelte model state.
metadata: addtional metadata to save beyond the standard format_version,
date, and time.
return_dict: default is False if true returns a dictionary representation
return_json_string: default is False returns a json string
If return_dict is True returns a dictionary serialization of the Pyomo
component. If return_dict is False and return_json_string is True
returns a json string dump of the dict. If fname is given the dictionary
is also written to a json file. If gz is True and fname is given, writes
a gzipped json file.
suffixes = []
lookup = {}
count = Counter()
start_time = time.time()
if wts is None:
wts = StoreSpec()
now = datetime.datetime.now()
# first write the component
_write_component(sd, o, wts, count, suffixes=suffixes, lookup=lookup)
for s in suffixes:
pdict = {}
sd["__metadata__"]["__performance__"] = pdict
pdict["n_components"] = count.count
dict_time = time.time()
pdict["etime_make_dict"] = dict_time - start_time
# This returns the dict but if fname is specified also save to json file
dump_kw = {'indent': 2} if human_read else {'separators': (',', ':')}
if fname is not None:
if gz:
with gzip.open(fname, 'w') as f:
f.write(json.dumps(sd, **dump_kw).encode('utf-8'))
with open(fname, "w") as f:
json.dump(sd, f, **dump_kw)
file_time = time.time()
# unfortunatly I can't write how long it took to write the file in the file
pdict["etime_write_file"] = file_time - dict_time
if return_dict:
# In interactive environments returning the dict can cuase it to print
# an extreemly large amount of stuff. So added this option to make sure
# it's really what you want.
return sd
elif return_json_string:
return json.dumps(sd, **dump_kw)
return None
def _read_component(sd, o, wts, lookup={}, suffixes={}):
Read a component dictionary into a model
alist, ff = wts.get_class_attr_list(o)
if alist is None: return
oname = o.getname(fully_qualified=False)
odict = sd[oname]
except KeyError as e:
if wts.ignore_missing:
if ff is not None:
alist = ff(o, odict)
if wts.include_suffix:
lookup[odict['__id__']] = o
for a in alist:
if a in wts.read_cbs:
if wts.read_cbs[a] is None:
wts.read_cbs[a](o, odict[a])
setattr(o, a, odict[a])
except KeyError as e:
if wts.ignore_missing:
if isinstance(o, Suffix):
if wts.include_suffix: # make a dict of suffixes to read at the end
if wts.suffix_filter is None or oname in wts.suffix_filter:
suffixes[odict['__id__']] = odict["data"] # is populated
else: # read nonsufix component data
_read_component_data(odict["data"], o, wts,
lookup=lookup, suffixes=suffixes)
def _read_component_data(sd, o, wts, lookup={}, suffixes={}):
Read a Pyomo component's data in from a dict.
sd: dictionary to read from
o: Pyomo component whoes data to read
wts: StoreSpec object specifying what to read in
lookup: a lookup table for id to componet for reading suffixes
suffixes: a list of suffixes put off reading until end
alist = [] # list of attributes to read
c = 0 # counter of data items in component
item_keys = o.keys()
except AttributeError:
item_keys = [None]
for key in item_keys:
if key is None and isinstance(o, ComponentData) \
and not isinstance(o, Component):
el = o
el = o[key]
if c == 0: # if first data item assume all itmes are same and get alist
alist, ff = wts.get_data_class_attr_list(el) #ff is fileter function
if alist is None: return #skip reading this type
c += 1
try: # get data from dict
edict = sd[repr(key)]
except KeyError as e: # data was missing either ignore or raise except
if wts.ignore_missing:
return # if ignore missing option its okay
raise(e) # else raise exception
if ff is not None: # if a filer function was given, use it to make a
# new a list based on the model and whats stored for the state
# this lets you contionally load things, for example only load
# values for unfixed variables.
alist = ff(o, edict)
if wts.include_suffix: # if loading suffixes make lookup table id to item
lookup[edict['__id__']] = el
for a in alist: # read in desired attributes
if a in wts.read_cbs:
if wts.read_cbs[a] is None:
wts.read_cbs[a](el, edict[a])
else: # directly set an attribute
setattr(el, a, edict[a])
except KeyError as e: # attribute missing
if wts.ignore_missing:
return # if ignore option then is okay
raise(e) # otherwise raise an exception
if _may_have_subcomponents(el) and "__pyomo_components__" in edict:
# read sub-components of block-like
for o2 in el.component_objects(descend_into=False):
# recursive read here
_read_component(edict["__pyomo_components__"], o2, wts,
lookup=lookup, suffixes=suffixes)
[docs]def component_data_from_dict(sd, o, wts):
Component data to a dict.
el = o
alist = [] # list of attributes to read
alist, ff = wts.get_data_class_attr_list(el) #ff is fileter function
if alist is None: return #skip reading this type
edict = sd
if ff is not None:
alist = ff(o, edict)
for a in alist: # read in desired attributes
if a in wts.read_cbs: # use a callback
wts.read_cbs[a](el, edict[a])
else: # directly set an attribute
setattr(el, a, edict[a])
except KeyError as e: # attribute missing
if wts.ignore_missing:
return # if ignore option then is okay
raise(e) # otherwise raise an exception
if _may_have_subcomponents(el): # read sub-components of block-like
for o2 in el.component_objects(descend_into=False):
# recursive read here
_read_component(edict["__pyomo_components__"], o2, wts)
def _read_suffixes(lookup, suffixes):
Go through the list of suffixes and read the data back in.
lookup: a lookup table to go from id to component
suffixes: a dictionary with suffix id keys and value dict value
for uid in suffixes:
d = suffixes[uid]
s = lookup[uid] # suffixes keys are ids, so get suffix component
for key in d: # set values from value dict
kc = lookup[int(key)] # use int because json turn keys to string
except KeyError:
s[kc] = d[key]
[docs]def from_json(o, sd=None, fname=None, s=None, wts=None, gz=False):
Load the state of a Pyomo component state from a dictionary, json file, or
json string. Must only specify one of sd, fname, or s as a non-None value.
This works by going through the model and loading the state of each
sub-compoent of o. If the saved state contains extra information, it is
ignored. If the save state doesn't contain an enetry for a model component
that is to be loaded an error will be raised, unless ignore_missing = True.
o: Pyomo component to for which to load state
sd: State dictionary to load, if None, check fname and s
fname: JSON file to load, only used if sd is None
s: JSON string to load only used if both sd and fname are None
wts: StoreSpec object specifying what to load
gz: If True assume the file specified by fname is gzipped. The default is
Dictionary with some perfomance information. The keys are
"etime_load_file", how long in seconds it took to load the json file
"etime_read_dict", how long in seconds it took to read models state
"etime_read_suffixes", how long in seconds it took to read suffixes
# keeping track of elapsed time. want to make sure I don't do anything
# that's too slow.
start_time = time.time()
# Get the model state dict from one of three sources
if sd is not None: # Existing Python dict (for in-memory stuff).
elif fname is not None: # Read in from a json file
if gz:
with gzip.open(fname, 'r') as f:
fr = f.read()
sd = json.loads(fr)
with open(fname, "r") as f:
sd = json.load(f) #json file
elif s is not None: # Use a json string (not really sure if useful)
sd=json.loads(s) #json string
else: # Didn't specify at least one source
raise Exception("Need to specify a data source to load from")
dict_time = time.time() # To calculate how long it took to read file
if wts is None: # if no StoreSpec object given use the default, which should
wts = StoreSpec() # be the typlical save everything important
lookup = {} # A dict to use for a lookup tables
suffixes={} # A list of suffixes delayed to end so lookup is complete
# Read toplevel componet (is recursive)
_read_component(sd, o, wts, lookup=lookup, suffixes=suffixes)
read_time = time.time() # to calc time to read model state minus suffixes
# Now read in the suffixes
_read_suffixes(lookup, suffixes)
suffix_time = time.time() # to calculate time to read suffixes
pdict = {} # return some perfomance information, to make sure not too slow
pdict["etime_load_file"] = dict_time - start_time
pdict["etime_read_dict"] = read_time - dict_time
pdict["etime_read_suffixes"] = suffix_time - read_time
return pdict