IDAES Framework ConfigurationΒΆ

The IDAES framework can be configured with configuration files in TOML format. Supplying a configuration file is optional. Currently this file sets logging configuration and modules that should be searched for plugins. The configuration is done when first importing any idaes.* module. The IDAES framework will first attempt to read a user-level configuration file at %LOCALAPPDATA%\idaes\idaes.conf on Windows or $HOME/.idaes/idaes.conf on other operating systems (e.g. Linux or Mac). Next if an idaes.conf file exists in the working directory it will be read. Configuration files in the working directory will override settings in the user-level configuration file. The user level configuration file will override default settings. Not all setting need to be set in a configuration file.

An example configuration file is given below with the default settings.

  required = []
  optional = []
  version = 1
  disable_existing_loggers = false
    format = "%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(name)s - %(message)s"
    datefmt = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
    class = "logging.StreamHandler"
    formatter = "f1"
    stream = "ext://sys.stderr"
    level = "INFO"
    handlers = ["console"]

The Python dictConfig method is used to set up the logger. The required and optional elements under plugins are string lists of modules to search for Pyomo style plugins. Any failure to import plugins in the required modules will raise an exception, while any failure to import optional plugins will only result in the exception being logged and execution continuing.