1D Control Volume Class¶
The ControlVolume1DBlock block is used for systems with one spatial dimension where material flows parallel to the spatial domain. Examples of these types of unit operations include plug flow reactors and pipes. ControlVolume1DBlock blocks are discretized along the length domain and contain one StateBlock and one ReactionBlock (if applicable) at each point in the domain (including the inlet and outlet).
(*args, **kwargs)¶ ControlVolume1DBlock is a specialized Pyomo block for IDAES control volume blocks discretized in one spatial direction, and contains instances of ControlVolume1DBlockData.
ControlVolume1DBlock should be used for any control volume with a defined volume and distinct inlets and outlets where there is a single spatial domain parallel to the material flow direction. This encompases unit operations such as plug flow reactors and pipes.
Parameters: - rule (function) – A rule function or None. Default rule calls build().
- concrete (bool) – If True, make this a toplevel model. Default - False.
- ctype (str) – Pyomo ctype of the block. Default - “Block”
- default (dict) –
Default ProcessBlockData config
- Keys
- dynamic
- Indicates whether this model will be dynamic, default - useDefault. Valid values: { useDefault - get flag from parent, True - set as a dynamic model, False - set as a steady-state model}
- has_holdup
- Indicates whether holdup terms should be constructed or not. Must be True if dynamic = True, default - False. Valid values: { True - construct holdup terms, False - do not construct holdup terms}
- property_package
- Property parameter object used to define property calculations, default - useDefault. Valid values: { useDefault - use default package from parent model or flowsheet, PropertyParameterObject - a PropertyParameterBlock object.}
- property_package_args
- A ConfigBlock with arguments to be passed to a property block(s) and used when constructing these, default - None. Valid values: { see property package for documentation.}
- reaction_package
- Reaction parameter object used to define reaction calculations, default - None. Valid values: { None - no reaction package, ReactionParameterBlock - a ReactionParameterBlock object.}
- reaction_package_args
- A ConfigBlock with arguments to be passed to a reaction block(s) and used when constructing these, default - None. Valid values: { see reaction package for documentation.}
- auto_construct
- If set to True, this argument will trigger the auto_construct method which will attempt to construct a set of material, energy and momentum balance equations based on the parent unit’s config block. The parent unit must have a config block which derives from CONFIG_Base, default - False. Valid values: { True - use automatic construction, False - do not use automatic construciton.}
- area_definition
- Argument defining whether area variable should be spatially variant or not. default - DistributedVars.uniform. Valid values: { DistributedVars.uniform - area does not vary across spatial domian, DistributedVars.variant - area can vary over the domain and is indexed by time and space.}
- transformation_method
- Method to use to transform domain. Must be a method recognised by the Pyomo TransformationFactory.
- transformation_scheme
- Scheme to use when transformating domain. See Pyomo documentation for supported schemes.
- finite_elements
- Number of finite elements to use in transformation (equivalent to Pyomo nfe argument).
- collocation_points
- Number of collocation points to use (equivalent to Pyomo ncp argument).
- initialize (dict) – ProcessBlockData config for individual elements. Keys are BlockData indexes and values are dictionaries described under the “default” argument above.
- idx_map (function) – Function to take the index of a BlockData element and return the index in the initialize dict from which to read arguments. This can be provided to overide the default behavior of matching the BlockData index exactly to the index in initialize.
Returns: (ControlVolume1DBlock) New instance
(component)[source]¶ 1-Dimensional ControlVolume Class
This class forms the core of all 1-D IDAES models. It provides methods to build property and reaction blocks, and add mass, energy and momentum balances. The form of the terms used in these constraints is specified in the chosen property package.
(length_domain=None, length_domain_set=[0.0, 1.0], flow_direction=<FlowDirection.forward: 1>)[source]¶ Method to create spatial domain and volume Var in ControlVolume.
Parameters: - - (length_domain_set) – domain for the ControlVolume. If not provided, a new ContinuousSet will be created (default=None). ContinuousSet should be normalized to run between 0 and 1.
- - – a new ContinuousSet if length_domain is not provided (default = [0.0, 1.0]).
- - argument indicating direction of material flow (flow_direction) –
- relative to length domain. Valid values:
- FlowDirection.forward (default), flow goes from 0 to 1.
- FlowDirection.backward, flow goes from 1 to 0
Returns: None
(has_rate_reactions=False, has_equilibrium_reactions=False, has_phase_equilibrium=False, has_mass_transfer=False, custom_molar_term=None, custom_mass_term=None)[source]¶ This method constructs a set of 1D material balances indexed by time, length, phase and component.
Parameters: - has_rate_reactions – whether default generation terms for rate reactions should be included in material balances
- has_equilibrium_reactions – whether generation terms should for chemical equilibrium reactions should be included in material balances
- has_phase_equilibrium – whether generation terms should for phase equilibrium behaviour should be included in material balances
- has_mass_transfer – whether generic mass transfer terms should be included in material balances
- custom_molar_term – a Pyomo Expression representing custom terms to be included in material balances on a molar basis. Expression must be indexed by time, length domain, phase list and component list
- custom_mass_term – a Pyomo Expression representing custom terms to be included in material balances on a mass basis. Expression must be indexed by time, length domain, phase list and component list
Returns: Constraint object representing material balances
(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶ Method for adding energy balances (including kinetic energy) indexed by phase to the control volume.
See specific control volume documentation for details.
(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶ Method for adding enthalpy balances indexed by phase to the control volume.
See specific control volume documentation for details.
(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶ Method for adding momentum balances indexed by phase to the control volume.
See specific control volume documentation for details.
(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶ Method for adding pressure balances indexed by phase to the control volume.
See specific control volume documentation for details.
(has_equilibrium=None)[source]¶ This method constructs the reaction block for the control volume.
Parameters: - has_equilibrium – indicates whether equilibrium calculations will be required in reaction block
- package_arguments – dict-like object of arguments to be passed to reaction block as construction arguments
Returns: None
(information_flow=<FlowDirection.forward: 1>, has_phase_equilibrium=None)[source]¶ This method constructs the state blocks for the control volume.
Parameters: - information_flow – a FlowDirection Enum indicating whether information flows from inlet-to-outlet or outlet-to-inlet
- has_phase_equilibrium – indicates whether equilibrium calculations will be required in state blocks
- package_arguments – dict-like object of arguments to be passed to state blocks as construction arguments
Returns: None
(has_rate_reactions=False, has_equilibrium_reactions=False, has_phase_equilibrium=False, has_mass_transfer=False, custom_molar_term=None, custom_mass_term=None)[source]¶ This method constructs a set of 1D material balances indexed by time length and component.
Parameters: - has_rate_reactions – whether default generation terms for rate reactions should be included in material balances
- has_equilibrium_reactions – whether generation terms should for chemical equilibrium reactions should be included in material balances
- has_phase_equilibrium – whether generation terms should for phase equilibrium behaviour should be included in material balances
- has_mass_transfer – whether generic mass transfer terms should be included in material balances
- custom_molar_term – a Pyomo Expression representing custom terms to be included in material balances on a molar basis. Expression must be indexed by time, length domain and component list
- custom_mass_term – a Pyomo Expression representing custom terms to be included in material balances on a mass basis. Expression must be indexed by time, length domain and component list
Returns: Constraint object representing material balances
(has_rate_reactions=False, has_equilibrium_reactions=False, has_phase_equilibrium=False, has_mass_transfer=False, custom_elemental_term=None)[source]¶ This method constructs a set of 1D element balances indexed by time and length.
Parameters: - - whether default generation terms for rate (has_rate_reactions) – reactions should be included in material balances
- - whether generation terms should for (has_equilibrium_reactions) – chemical equilibrium reactions should be included in material balances
- - whether generation terms should for phase (has_phase_equilibrium) – equilibrium behaviour should be included in material balances
- - whether generic mass transfer terms should be (has_mass_transfer) – included in material balances
- - a Pyomo Expression representing custom (custom_elemental_term) – terms to be included in material balances on a molar elemental basis. Expression must be indexed by time, length and element list
Returns: Constraint object representing material balances
(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶ Method for adding a total energy balance (including kinetic energy) to the control volume.
See specific control volume documentation for details.
(has_heat_of_reaction=False, has_heat_transfer=False, has_work_transfer=False, custom_term=None)[source]¶ This method constructs a set of 1D enthalpy balances indexed by time and phase.
Parameters: - - whether terms for heat of reaction should (has_heat_of_reaction) – be included in enthalpy balance
- - whether terms for heat transfer should be (has_heat_transfer) – included in enthalpy balances
- - whether terms for work transfer should be (has_work_transfer) – included in enthalpy balances
- - a Pyomo Expression representing custom terms to (custom_term) – be included in enthalpy balances. Expression must be indexed by time, length and phase list
Returns: Constraint object representing enthalpy balances
(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶ Method for adding a total material balance to the control volume.
See specific control volume documentation for details.
(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶ Method for adding a total momentum balance to the control volume.
See specific control volume documentation for details.
(has_pressure_change=False, custom_term=None)[source]¶ This method constructs a set of 1D pressure balances indexed by time.
Parameters: - - whether terms for pressure change should be (has_pressure_change) – included in enthalpy balances
- - a Pyomo Expression representing custom terms to (custom_term) – be included in pressure balances. Expression must be indexed by time and length domain
Returns: Constraint object representing pressure balances
()[source]¶ Method to apply DAE transformation to the Control Volume length domain. Transformation applied will be based on the Control Volume configuration arguments.
(state_args=None, outlvl=0, optarg=None, solver='ipopt', hold_state=True)[source]¶ Initialisation routine for 1D control volume (default solver ipopt)
Keyword Arguments: - state_args – a dict of arguments to be passed to the property package(s) to provide an initial state for initialization (see documentation of the specific property package) (default = {}).
- outlvl – sets output level of initialisation routine. Valid values: 0 - no output (default), 1 - return solver state for each step in routine, 2 - include solver output infomation (tee=True)
- optarg – solver options dictionary object (default=None)
- solver – str indicating whcih solver to use during initialization (default = ‘ipopt’)
- hold_state – flag indicating whether the initialization routine should unfix any state variables fixed during initialization, default - True. Valid values: True - states variables are not unfixed, and a dict of returned containing flags for which states were fixed during initialization, False - state variables are unfixed after initialization by calling the release_state method.
Returns: If hold_states is True, returns a dict containing flags for which states were fixed during initialization else the release state is triggered.
()[source]¶ This method executes the model_check methods on the associated state blocks (if they exist). This method is generally called by a unit model as part of the unit’s model_check method.
Parameters: None – Returns: None
(flags, outlvl=0)[source]¶ Method to release state variables fixed during initialisation.
Keyword Arguments: - flags – dict containing information of which state variables were fixed during initialization, and should now be unfixed. This dict is returned by initialize if hold_state = True.
- outlvl – sets output level of logging
Returns: None
ControlVolume1DBlock Equations¶
This section documents the variables and constraints created by each of the methods provided by the ControlVolume0DBlock class.
- \(t\) indicates time index
- \(x\) indicates spatial (length) index
- \(p\) indicates phase index
- \(j\) indicates component index
- \(e\) indicates element index
- \(r\) indicates reaction name index
Most terms within the balance equations written by ControlVolume1DBlock are on a basis of per unit length (e.g. \(mol/m \cdot s\)).
The add_geometry method creates the normalized length domain for the control volume (or a reference to an external domain). All constraints in ControlVolume1DBlock assume a normalized length domain, with values between 0 and 1.
This method also adds variables and constraints to describe the geometry of the control volume. ControlVolume1DBlock does not support varying dimensions of the control volume with time at this stage.
Variable Name | Symbol | Indices | Conditions |
length_domain | \(x\) | None | None |
volume | \(V\) | None | None |
area | \(A\) | None | None |
length | \(L\) | None | None |
Material balances are written for each component in each phase (e.g. separate balances for liquid water and steam). Physical property packages may include information to indicate that certain species do not appear in all phases, and material balances will not be written in these cases (if has_holdup is True holdup terms will still appear for these species, however these will be set to 0).
Variable Name | Symbol | Indices | Conditions |
material_holdup | \(M_{t,x,p,j}\) | t, x, p, j | has_holdup = True |
phase_fraction | \(\phi_{t,x,p}\) | t, x, p | has_holdup = True |
material_accumulation | \(\frac{\partial M_{t,x,p,j}}{\partial t}\) | t, x, p, j | dynamic = True |
_flow_terms | \(F_{t, x, p, j}\) | t, x, p, j | None |
material_flow_dx | \(\frac{\partial F_{t,x,p,j}}{\partial x}\) | t, x, p, j | None |
rate_reaction_generation | \(N_{kinetic,t,x,p,j}\) | t, x, p ,j | has_rate_reactions = True |
rate_reaction_extent | \(X_{kinetic,t,x,r}\) | t, x, r | has_rate_reactions = True |
equilibrium_reaction_generation | \(N_{equilibrium,t,x,p,j}\) | t, x, p ,j | has_equilibrium_reactions = True |
equilibrium_reaction_extent | \(X_{equilibrium,t,x,r}\) | t, x, r | has_equilibrium_reactions = True |
phase_equilibrium_generation | \(N_{pe,t,x,p,j}\) | t, x, p ,j | has_phase_equilibrium = True |
mass_transfer_term | \(N_{transfer,t,x,p,j}\) | t, x, p ,j | has_mass_transfer = True |
material_balances(t, x, p, j):
\(fd\) is a flow direction term, which allows for material flow to be defined in either direction. If material flow is defined as forward, \(fd = -1\), otherwise \(fd = 1\).
The \(N_{custom, t, x, p, j}\) term allows the user to provide custom terms (variables or expressions) in both mass and molar basis which will be added into the material balances, which will be converted as necessary to the same basis as the material balance (by multiplying or dividing by the component molecular weight). The basis of the material balance is determined by the physical property package, and if undefined (or not mass or mole basis), an Exception will be returned.
material_flow_linking_constraints(t, x, p, j):
This constraint is an internal constraint used to link the extensive material flow terms in the StateBlocks into a single indexed variable. This is required as Pyomo.DAE requires a single indexed variable to create the associated DerivativeVars and their numerical expansions.
If has_holdup is True, material_holdup_calculation(t, x, p, j):
where \(\rho_{t, x, p ,j}\) is the density of component \(j\) in phase \(p\) at time \(t\) and location \(x\).
If dynamic is True:
Numerical discretization of the derivative terms, \(\frac{\partial M_{t,x,p,j}}{\partial t}\), will be performed by Pyomo.DAE.
If has_rate_reactions is True, rate_reaction_stoichiometry_constraint(t, x, p, j):
where \(\alpha_{r, p. j}\) is the stoichiometric coefficient of component \(j\) in phase \(p\) for reaction \(r\) (as defined in the PhysicalParameterBlock).
If has_equilibrium_reactions argument is True, equilibrium_reaction_stoichiometry_constraint(t, x, p, j):
where \(\alpha_{r, p. j}\) is the stoichiometric coefficient of component \(j\) in phase \(p\) for reaction \(r\) (as defined in the PhysicalParameterBlock).
Material balances are written for each component across all phases (e.g. one balance for both liquid water and steam). Physical property packages may include information to indicate that certain species do not appear in all phases, and material balances will not be written in these cases (if has_holdup is True holdup terms will still appear for these species, however these will be set to 0).
Variable Name | Symbol | Indices | Conditions |
material_holdup | \(M_{t,x,p,j}\) | t, x, p, j | has_holdup = True |
phase_fraction | \(\phi_{t,x,p}\) | t, x, p | has_holdup = True |
material_accumulation | \(\frac{\partial M_{t,x,p,j}}{\partial t}\) | t, x, p, j | dynamic = True |
_flow_terms | \(F_{t, x, p, j}\) | t, x, p, j | None |
material_flow_dx | \(\frac{\partial F_{t,x,p,j}}{\partial x}\) | t, x, p, j | None |
rate_reaction_generation | \(N_{kinetic,t,x,p,j}\) | t, x, p ,j | has_rate_reactions = True |
rate_reaction_extent | \(X_{kinetic,t,x,r}\) | t, x, r | has_rate_reactions = True |
equilibrium_reaction_generation | \(N_{equilibrium,t,x,p,j}\) | t, x, p ,j | has_equilibrium_reactions = True |
equilibrium_reaction_extent | \(X_{equilibrium,t,x,r}\) | t, x, r | has_equilibrium_reactions = True |
mass_transfer_term | \(N_{transfer,t,x,p,j}\) | t, x, p ,j | has_mass_transfer = True |
material_balances(t, x, p, j):
\(fd\) is a flow direction term, which allows for material flow to be defined in either direction. If material flow is defined as forward, \(fd = -1\), otherwise \(fd = 1\).
The \(N_{custom, t, x, j}\) term allows the user to provide custom terms (variables or expressions) in both mass and molar basis which will be added into the material balances, which will be converted as necessary to the same basis as the material balance (by multiplying or dividing by the component molecular weight). The basis of the material balance is determined by the physical property package, and if undefined (or not mass or mole basis), an Exception will be returned.
material_flow_linking_constraints(t, x, p, j):
This constraint is an internal constraint used to link the extensive material flow terms in the StateBlocks into a single indexed variable. This is required as Pyomo.DAE requires a single indexed variable to create the associated DerivativeVars and their numerical expansions.
If has_holdup is True, material_holdup_calculation(t, x, p, j):
where \(\rho_{t, x, p ,j}\) is the density of component \(j\) in phase \(p\) at time \(t\) and location \(x\).
If dynamic is True:
Numerical discretization of the derivative terms, \(\frac{\partial M_{t,x,p,j}}{\partial t}\), will be performed by Pyomo.DAE.
If has_rate_reactions is True, rate_reaction_stoichiometry_constraint(t, x, p, j):
where \(\alpha_{r, p. j}\) is the stoichiometric coefficient of component \(j\) in phase \(p\) for reaction \(r\) (as defined in the PhysicalParameterBlock).
If has_equilibrium_reactions argument is True, equilibrium_reaction_stoichiometry_constraint(t, x, p, j):
where \(\alpha_{r, p. j}\) is the stoichiometric coefficient of component \(j\) in phase \(p\) for reaction \(r\) (as defined in the PhysicalParameterBlock).
Material balances are written for each element in the mixture.
Variable Name | Symbol | Indices | Conditions |
element_holdup | \(M_{t,x,e}\) | t, x, e | has_holdup = True |
phase_fraction | \(\phi_{t,x,p}\) | t, x, p | has_holdup = True |
element_accumulation | \(\frac{\partial M_{t,x,e}}{\partial t}\) | t, x, e | dynamic = True |
elemental_mass_transfer_term | \(N_{transfer,t,x,e}\) | t, x, e | has_mass_transfer = True |
elemental_flow_term | \(F_{t,x,e}\) | t, x, e | None |
elemental_flow_constraint(t, x, e):
where \(n_{j, e}\) is the number of moles of element \(e\) in component \(j\).
element_balances(t, x, e):
\(fd\) is a flow direction term, which allows for material flow to be defined in either direction. If material flow is defined as forward, \(fd = -1\), otherwise \(fd = 1\).
The \(N_{custom, t, x, e}\) term allows the user to provide custom terms (variables or expressions) which will be added into the material balances.
If has_holdup is True, elemental_holdup_calculation(t, x, e):
where \(\rho_{t, x, p ,j}\) is the density of component \(j\) in phase \(p\) at time \(t\) and location \(x\).
If dynamic is True:
Numerical discretization of the derivative terms, \(\frac{\partial M_{t,x,p,j}}{\partial t}\), will be performed by Pyomo.DAE.
A single enthalpy balance is written for the entire mixture at each point in the spatial domain.
Variable Name | Symbol | Indices | Conditions |
enthalpy_holdup | \(E_{t,x,p}\) | t, x, p | has_holdup = True |
phase_fraction | \(\phi_{t,x,p}\) | t, x, p | has_holdup = True |
enthalpy_accumulation | \(\frac{\partial E_{t,x,p}}{\partial t}\) | t, x, p | dynamic = True |
_enthalpy_flow | \(H_{t,x,p}\) | t, x, p | None |
enthalpy_flow_dx | \(\frac{\partial H_{t,x,p}}{\partial x}\) | t, x, p | None |
heat | \(Q_{t,x}\) | t, x | has_heat_transfer = True |
work | \(W_{t,x}\) | t, x | has_work_transfer = True |
heat_of_reaction(t, x):
where \(Q_{rxn, t, x}\) is the total enthalpy released by both kinetic and equilibrium reactions, and \(\Delta H_{rxn, r}\) is the specific heat of reaction for reaction \(r\).
Parameter Name | Symbol | Default Value |
scaling_factor_energy | \(s_{energy}\) | 1E-6 |
\(fd\) is a flow direction term, which allows for material flow to be defined in either direction. If material flow is defined as forward, \(fd = -1\), otherwise \(fd = 1\).
The \(E_{custom, t, x}\) term allows the user to provide custom terms which will be added into the energy balance.
enthalpy_flow_linking_constraints(t, x, p):
This constraint is an internal constraint used to link the extensive enthalpy flow terms in the StateBlocks into a single indexed variable. This is required as Pyomo.DAE requires a single indexed variable to create the associated DerivativeVars and their numerical expansions.
If has_holdup is True, enthalpy_holdup_calculation(t, x, p):
where \(h_{t, x, p}\) is the enthalpy density (specific enthalpy) of phase \(p\) at time \(t\) and location \(x\).
If dynamic is True:
Numerical discretization of the derivative terms, \(\frac{\partial E_{t,x,p}}{\partial t}\), will be performed by Pyomo.DAE.
A single pressure balance is written for the entire mixture at all points in the spatial domain.
Variable Name | Symbol | Indices | Conditions |
pressure | \(P_{t,x}\) | t, x | None |
pressure_dx | \(\frac{\partial P_{t,x}}{\partial x}\) | t, x | None |
deltaP | \(\Delta P_{t,x}\) | t, x | has_pressure_change = True |
Parameter Name | Symbol | Default Value |
scaling_factor_pressure | \(s_{pressure}\) | 1E-4 |
pressure_balance(t, x):
\(fd\) is a flow direction term, which allows for material flow to be defined in either direction. If material flow is defined as forward, \(fd = -1\), otherwise \(fd = 1\).
The \(\Delta P_{custom, t, x}\) term allows the user to provide custom terms which will be added into the pressure balance.
pressure_linking_constraint(t, x):
This constraint is an internal constraint used to link the pressure terms in the StateBlocks into a single indexed variable. This is required as Pyomo.DAE requires a single indexed variable to create the associated DerivativeVars and their numerical expansions.