Minimal installation¶
To make it easier to use basic functionality and try the IDAES PSE Toolkit, we have compiled these “minimal” instructions, that only allow one to use the free IPOPT solver with MUMPS. This will not be appropriate for some models. We are working on an easy installer with better solvers, but for now you will need to use the full install instructions in the next sections if this is not sufficient for your needs.
Minimal install with IPOPT/MUMPS for Windows¶
Install Miniconda [2]
- Download:
- Install anaconda from the downloaded file in (1).
- Open the Anaconda powershell (Start -> “Anaconda Powershell Prompt”).
- In the Anaconda Powershell, follow the Generic minimal install with IPOPT/MUMPS instructions.
Minimal install with IPOPT/MUMPS for Linux¶
Install Miniconda [2]
- Download:
- For the next steps, open a terminal window
- Run the script you downloaded in (1).
- Follow the Generic minimal install with IPOPT/MUMPS instructions.
[2] | (1, 2) Miniconda is a product from Anaconda that contains their package manager, “Conda” (and not much else). This is the package manager we will use here for setting up the software development environment and installing IDAES’ software (package) dependencies. |
Generic minimal install with IPOPT/MUMPS¶
Once you have Conda installed, the remaining steps, performed in either the Anaconda Powershell (Prompt) or a Linux terminal, are the same.
Isolate the IDAES installation (from other Python packages)
Create an environment with Python = 3.6 or above:
conda create -n myenv "python>=3.6"
Activate the environment you created:
conda activate myenv
Install a git client
Install the git client:
conda install -c anaconda git
Install IPOPT
Install IPOPT from “conda-forge”:
conda install -c conda-forge ipopt
Check if the installation worked by checking for the ipopt version:
ipopt -v
Download IDAES source code and install required packages
Go to the idaes-pse releases page,, and look at the most recent release. Under the section labeled “Assets” there will be a zip file. Download that file and extract the contents in any location of your choice.
In the Linux terminal or Anaconda Powershell, navigate to the folder you created in the previous step.
Install the packages required for IDAES using the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Install IDAES
In the folder where the idaes source code was downloaded, run the file:
python develop
Run tests on unit models:
pytest idaes/unit_models
You should see the tests run and all should pass to ensure the installation worked. You can report problems on the Github issues page (Please try to be specific about the command and the offending output.)
Launch the Jupyter Notebook
Navigate to examples and run Jupyter notebook:
cd examples jupyter notebook
Open a web browser to the URL that is printed from the previous command.