Source code for idaes.core.util.config

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# Institute for the Design of Advanced Energy Systems Process Systems
# Engineering Framework (IDAES PSE Framework) Copyright (c) 2018-2019, by the
# software owners: The Regents of the University of California, through
# Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,  National Technology & Engineering
# Solutions of Sandia, LLC, Carnegie Mellon University, West Virginia
# University Research Corporation, et al. All rights reserved.
# Please see the files COPYRIGHT.txt and LICENSE.txt for full copyright and
# license information, respectively. Both files are also available online
# at the URL "".
This module contains utility functions useful for validating arguments to
IDAES modeling classes. These functions are primarily designed to be used as
the `domain` argument in ConfigBlocks.

__author__ = "Andrew Lee"

from pyomo.environ import Set
from pyomo.dae import ContinuousSet
from import Port
from idaes.core import useDefault
from idaes.core.util.exceptions import ConfigurationError
import logging

_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def is_physical_parameter_block(val): '''Domain validator for property package attributes Args: val : value to be checked Returns: ConfigurationError if val is not an instance of PhysicalParameterBlock or useDefault ''' from idaes.core.property_base import PhysicalParameterBlock if isinstance(val, PhysicalParameterBlock) or val == useDefault: return val else: _log.error("Property package argument {} should == useDefault or " "be an instance of PhysicalParameterBlock".format(val)) raise ConfigurationError( """Property package argument should be an instance of a PhysicalParameterBlock or useDefault""")
[docs]def is_reaction_parameter_block(val): '''Domain validator for reaction package attributes Args: val : value to be checked Returns: ConfigurationError if val is not an instance of ReactionParameterBlock ''' from idaes.core.reaction_base import ReactionParameterBlock if isinstance(val, ReactionParameterBlock): return val else: raise ConfigurationError( """Reaction package argument should be an instance of a ReactionParameterBlock""")
[docs]def is_state_block(val): '''Domain validator for state block as an argument Args: val : value to be checked Returns: ConfigurationError if val is not an instance of StateBlock or None ''' from idaes.core.property_base import StateBlock if (isinstance(val, StateBlock) or val is None): return val else: raise ConfigurationError( """State block should be an instance of a StateBlock or None""")
[docs]def list_of_floats(arg): '''Domain validator for lists of floats Args: arg : argument to be cast to list of floats and validated Returns: List of strings ''' try: # Assume arg is iterable lst = [float(i) for i in arg] except TypeError: # arg is not iterable lst = [float(arg)] return lst
[docs]def list_of_strings(arg): '''Domain validator for lists of strings Args: arg : argument to be cast to list of strings and validated Returns: List of strings ''' if isinstance(arg, dict): raise ConfigurationError("Invalid argument type (dict). " "Expected a list of strings, or something " "that can be cast to a list of strings") try: # Assume arg is iterable if isinstance(arg, str): lst = [arg] else: lst = [str(i) for i in arg] except TypeError: # arg is not iterable lst = [str(arg)] return lst
[docs]def is_port(arg): '''Domain validator for ports Args: arg : argument to be checked as a Port Returns: Port object or Exception ''' if not isinstance(arg, Port): raise ConfigurationError('Invalid argument type. Expected an instance ' 'of a Pyomo Port object') return arg
[docs]def is_time_domain(arg): '''Domain validator for time domains Args: arg : argument to be checked as a time domain (i.e. Set or ContinuousSet) Returns: Set, ContinuousSet or Exception ''' if not isinstance(arg, (Set, ContinuousSet)): raise ConfigurationError('Invalid argument type. Expected an instance ' 'of a Pyomo Set or ContinuousSet object') return arg
[docs]def is_transformation_method(arg): '''Domain validator for transformation methods Args: arg : argument to be checked for membership in recognized strings Returns: Recognised string or Exception ''' if arg in ["dae.finite_difference", "dae.collocation"]: return arg else: raise ConfigurationError( 'Invalid value provided for transformation_method. ' 'Please check the value and spelling of the argument provided.' )
[docs]def is_transformation_scheme(arg): '''Domain validator for transformation scheme Args: arg : argument to be checked for membership in recognized strings Returns: Recognised string or Exception ''' if arg in ["BACKWARD", "FORWARD", "LAGRANGE-RADAU", "LAGRANGE-LEGENDRE"]: return arg else: raise ConfigurationError( 'Invalid value provided for transformation_scheme. ' 'Please check the value and spelling of the argument provided.' )