Source code for idaes.dmf.codesearch

# Institute for the Design of Advanced Energy Systems Process Systems
# Engineering Framework (IDAES PSE Framework) Copyright (c) 2018-2019, by the
# software owners: The Regents of the University of California, through
# Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,  National Technology & Engineering
# Solutions of Sandia, LLC, Carnegie Mellon University, West Virginia
# University Research Corporation, et al. All rights reserved.
# Please see the files COPYRIGHT.txt and LICENSE.txt for full copyright and
# license information, respectively. Both files are also available online
# at the URL "".
Search through the code and index static information in the DMF.
# stdlib
import glob
import importlib
import inspect
import logging
import os
import pprint
import re

__author__ = 'Dan Gunter <>'

_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class Walker(object):
    def walk(self, visitor):
        """Interface for walkers.

            visitor (Visitor): Class whose `visit` method will be
                               called for each item.


[docs]class ModuleClassWalker(Walker): """Walk modules from a given root (e.g. 'idaes'), and visit all classes in those modules whose name matches a given pattern. Example usage:: walker = ModuleClassWalker(from_pkg=idaes, class_expr='_PropertyParameter.*') walker.walk(PrintMetadataVisitor()) # see below """ def __init__(self, from_path=None, from_pkg=None, class_expr=None, parent_class=None, suppress_warnings=False, exclude_testdirs=True, exclude_tests=True, exclude_init=True, exclude_setup=True, exclude_dirs=None): """Constructor. Create from either a path or package root, or both. If just one is given, the other is deduced. At least one must be given. Args: from_path (str): Path to start looking for modules. Overrides 'from_pkg'. from_pkg (module): Package from which to start looking for modules. The path of the package will depend on the Python environment and path. class_expr (str): Regular expression for the classes to find. parent_class (class): If given, filter for this parent class. Will match class_expr OR parent_class. suppress_warnings (bool): If True do not log any warning messages. exclude_testdirs (bool): If True (the default), exclude test dirs exclude_tests (bool): If True (the default), exclude test files exclude_init (bool): If True (the default), exclude exclude_setup (bool): If True (the default), exclude exclude_dirs (list): List of directory (regex) patterns to exclude. These will be prefixed with a directory separator (e.g. '/') but otherwise can be any path expression. """ if from_path: self._root = from_path if from_pkg: self._pkg = from_pkg.__name__ else: self._pkg = str(os.path.basename(self._root)) elif from_pkg: self._pkg = from_pkg.__name__ try: self._root = from_pkg.__path__[0] except AttributeError: raise IOError('Root directory cannot be deduced from' ' package "{}": no __path__ attribute.' .format(self._pkg)) else: raise ValueError('Missing arguments: either "from_pkg" or ' '"from_path" must be given') if not os.path.isdir(self._root): raise IOError('Root directory "{}"'.format(self._root)) self._expr = re.compile(class_expr) if class_expr else None self._warn = not suppress_warnings self._parent = parent_class # build regular expression of things to exclude expr_list, psep = [], os.path.sep if exclude_testdirs: expr_list.append('{sl}tests?{sl}'.format(sl=psep)) if exclude_tests: expr_list.append(r'tests?_.*.py') if exclude_init: expr_list.append(r'__init__\.py') if exclude_setup: expr_list.append(r'setup\.py') if exclude_dirs: for ed in exclude_dirs: expr_list.append('{sl}{d}'.format(sl=psep, d=ed)) self._exclude_expr = re.compile('|'.join(expr_list)) self._history = [] # print('@@ exclude expr={}'.format(self._exclude_expr.pattern))
[docs] def walk(self, visitor): modules = self._get_modules() self._visit_subclasses(modules, visitor.visit)
def get_indexed_classes(self): return self._history def _get_modules(self): _log.debug('getting modules from root: {}'.format(self._root)) # change file paths at 'root' to module paths from 'pkgroot' n, module_list = len(self._root), [] for f in self._python_files(): module_path = os.path.splitext(f[n + 1:])[0] module_path = module_path.replace(os.path.sep, '.') module_list.append(self._pkg + '.' + module_path) return module_list def _python_files(self): q = [self._root] while q: curdir = q.pop() for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(curdir, '*.py')): if not yield f for d in os.listdir(curdir): path = os.path.join(curdir, d) if os.path.isdir(path): q.append(path) def _visit_subclasses(self, modules, visit): for modname in modules: _log.debug('visit module: {}'.format(modname)) try: mod = importlib.import_module(modname) except Exception: if self._warn: _log.warn('Error during import of module: {}. Ignoring.' .format(modname)) continue for item in dir(mod): x = getattr(mod, item) if inspect.isclass(x): fullname = modname + '.' + x.__name__ if not self._expr and not self._parent: if visit(x): self._history.append(fullname) elif self._expr and self._expr.match(x.__name__): if visit(x): self._history.append(fullname) elif self._parent and issubclass(x, self._parent): if visit(x): self._history.append(fullname)
[docs]class Visitor(object): """Interface for the 'visitor' class passed to Walker subclasses' `walk()` method. """
[docs] def visit(self, obj): """Visit one object. Args: obj (object): Some object to operate on. Returns: True if visit succeeded, else False """ pass
[docs]class PropertyMetadataVisitor(Visitor): """Visit something implementing :class:`HasPropertyClassMetadata` and pass that metadata, as a dict, to the `visit_metadata()` method, which should be implemented by the subclass. """
[docs] def visit(self, obj): """Visit one object. Args: obj (idaes.core.property_base.HasPropertyClassMetadata): The object Returns: True if visit succeeded, else False """ result, meta = True, None try: meta = obj.get_metadata() except (AttributeError, TypeError) as err: module = obj.__module__ _log.debug('Cannot get metadata for {}.{}: {}' .format(module, obj.__name__, err)) result = False except NotImplementedError: module = obj.__module__ # if not module.startswith('idaes.core.'): _log.warn('{} in module "{}" does not define its metadata' .format(obj.__name__, module)) result = False if result: self.visit_metadata(obj, meta) return result
[docs] def visit_metadata(self, obj, meta): """Do something with the metadata. Args: obj (object): Object from which metadata was pulled, for context. meta (idaes.core.property_base.PropertyClassMetadata): The metadata Returns: None """ pass
[docs]class PrintPropertyMetadataVisitor(PropertyMetadataVisitor):
[docs] def visit_metadata(self, obj, meta): """Print the module and class of the object, and then the metadata dict, to standard output. """ meta_dict = { 'properties':, 'default_units': meta.default_units } print('----') print('{}: class {}'.format(obj.__module__, obj.__name__)) print(' metadata: {}'.format(pprint.pformat(meta_dict)))
# This is for testing class _TestClass(object): pass class _TestClass1(_TestClass): @classmethod def get_metadata(cls): return {'x': 1} class _TestClass2(_TestClass): @classmethod def get_metadata(cls): return {'x': 2} class _TestClass3(_TestClass): @classmethod def get_metadata(cls): return {'x': 3}