Source code for idaes.dmf.resourcedb

# Institute for the Design of Advanced Energy Systems Process Systems
# Engineering Framework (IDAES PSE Framework) Copyright (c) 2018-2019, by the
# software owners: The Regents of the University of California, through
# Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,  National Technology & Engineering
# Solutions of Sandia, LLC, Carnegie Mellon University, West Virginia
# University Research Corporation, et al. All rights reserved.
# Please see the files COPYRIGHT.txt and LICENSE.txt for full copyright and
# license information, respectively. Both files are also available online
# at the URL "".
Resource database.
# system
from datetime import datetime
import logging
import re

# third party
import pendulum
from tinydb import TinyDB, Query

# local
from . import errors
from .resource import Resource
from .resource import Triple, triple_from_resource_relations

__author__ = 'Dan Gunter <>'

_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ResourceDB(object): """A database interface to all the resources within a given DMF workspace. """ def __init__(self, dbfile=None, connection=None): """Initialize from DMF and given configuration field. Args: dbfile (str): DB location connection: If non-empty, this is an existing connection that should be re-used, instead of trying to connect to the location in `dbfile`. Raises: ValueError, if dbfile and connection are both None """ self._db = None self._gr = None if connection is not None: self._db = connection elif dbfile is not None: try: db = TinyDB(dbfile) except IOError: raise errors.FileError('Cannot open resource DB "{}"'.format(dbfile)) # turn off caching, otherwise update() does not work properly self._db = db.table('resources', cache_size=0) def __len__(self): return len(self._db)
[docs] def find(self, filter_dict, id_only=False, flags=0): """Find and return records based on the provided filter. Args: filter_dict (dict): Search filter. For syntax, see docs in :meth:`.dmf.DMF.find`. id_only (bool): If true, return only the identifier of each resource; otherwise a Resource object is returned. flags (int): Flag values for, e.g., regex searches Returns: generator of int|Resource, depending on the value of `id_only` """ def as_resource(_r): _log.debug(f"as_resource: id_={_r['id_']}") rsrc = Resource(value=_r) rsrc.v['doc_id'] = _r.doc_id return rsrc # with no filter, do a find-all if not filter_dict: for r in self._db.all(): if id_only: yield r.eid else: yield as_resource(r) return filter_expr = self._create_filter_expr(filter_dict, flags) # return results for query _log.debug('Find resources matching: {}'.format(filter_expr)) results = for r in results: if id_only: yield r.eid else: _log.debug(f"got resource: {r}") yield as_resource(r)
@classmethod def _create_filter_expr(cls, filter_dict, flags=0): # convert filter to expression for TinyDB q = Query() filter_expr = None def fadd(c): """Update filter, or set to 1st condition, & return new value.""" return c if filter_expr is None else filter_expr & c for k, v in filter_dict.items(): if not k: continue # XXX: Issue a warning? # strip off list-query operator qry_all = False if isinstance(v, list) and k.endswith('!'): k, qry_all = k[:-1], True # Get the query[field1][field2][..][fieldN] object qry = q for field in k.split('.'): qry = qry[field] # A list value means find these value(s) in the # list value of the record. By default, any matching # value is a match. If the key has a '!' appended, then # require all values for a match. if isinstance(v, list): if len(v) > 0: # if values are dicts, nest a query # XXX: this only works one level deep # XXX: only one nested query is used/allowed if isinstance(v[0], dict): list_expr = None for list_k, list_v in v[0].items(): list_qry = Query() for field in list_k.split('.'): list_qry = list_qry[field] list_cond = cls._expr_to_query( list_qry, list_v, flags=flags ) if list_expr is None: list_expr = list_cond else: list_expr = list_expr & list_cond # otherwise, simply put the values in there else: list_expr = tuple(v) # add nested "query" (or value tuple) if qry_all: cond = qry.all(list_expr) else: cond = qry.any(list_expr) else: cond = cls._expr_to_query(qry, v, flags=flags) filter_expr = fadd(cond) return filter_expr @classmethod def _expr_to_query(cls, qry, v, flags=None): """Get a query from a filter expr. There are two types of non-list values: 1. equality is just {key: value} 2. inequalities are {key: {op: value, ...}} operators are "$<shell test op>", such as "$lt", just like in MongoDB; see _op_cond() method for details. """ result = None if isinstance(v, dict): for op_key, op_value in v.items(): tv = cls._value_transform(op_value) cond = cls._op_cond(qry, op_key, tv) result = cond if result is None else result & cond else: tv = cls._value_transform(v) if v is True: result = qry.exists() elif tv is False: result = ~qry.exists() elif hasattr(tv, "match"): # regex result = qry.matches(tv.pattern, flags=flags) else: result = qry == tv return result @staticmethod def _value_transform(v): # transform dates into timestamps if isinstance(v, datetime) or isinstance(v, pendulum.Pendulum): if isinstance(v, datetime): pv = pendulum.create( v.year, v.month,, v.hour, v.minute, v.second, v.microsecond, v.tzname(), ) else: pv = v return pv.timestamp() # support for special string '@' values elif isinstance(v, str) and len(v) > 0 and v[0] == '@': if v == '@true': return True if v == '@false': return False return v # for a regex, return a Python regex obj elif isinstance(v, str) and len(v) > 0 and v[0] == '~': return re.compile(v[1:]) # default is no transformation else: return v @staticmethod def _op_cond(query, op, value): # sanity check that operator is truthy if not op: raise ValueError(f"empty operator for value `{value}`") # just a clumsy switch statement.. if op == '$gt': cond = query > value elif op == '$ge': cond = query >= value elif op == '$lt': cond = query < value elif op == '$le': cond = query <= value elif op == '$ne': cond = query != value else: raise ValueError('Unexpected operator: {}'.format(op)) return cond
[docs] def find_one(self, *args, **kwargs): """Same as `find()`, but returning only first value or None. """ result = None for value in self.find(*args, **kwargs): result = value break return result
[docs] def get(self, identifier): """Get a resource by identifier. Args: identifier: Internal identifier Returns: (Resource) A resource or None """ def as_resource(_r): rsrc = Resource(value=_r) rsrc.v['doc_id'] = _r.doc_id return rsrc item = self._db.get(doc_id=identifier) if item is None: return None return as_resource(item)
[docs] def put(self, resource): """Put this resource into the database. Args: resource (Resource): The resource to add Returns: None Raises: errors.DuplicateResourceError: If there is already a resource in the database with the same "id". """ _log.debug(f"put resource id={}") # check for same id qry = Query() if self._db.contains(qry.id_ == raise errors.DuplicateResourceError("put", # add resource self._db.insert(resource.v)
[docs] def delete(self, id_=None, idlist=None, filter_dict=None, internal_ids=False): """Delete one or more resources with given identifiers. Args: id_ (Union[str,int]): If given, delete this id. idlist (list): If given, delete ids in this list filter_dict (dict): If given, perform a search and delete ids it finds. internal_ids (bool): If True, treat identifiers as numeric (internal) identifiers. Otherwise treat them as resource (string) indentifiers. Returns: (list[str]) Identifiers """ if internal_ids: doc_ids = idlist if idlist else [id_] self._db.remove(doc_ids=doc_ids) else: ID = Resource.ID_FIELD if filter_dict: cond = self._create_filter_expr(filter_dict) elif id_: cond = self._create_filter_expr({ID: id_}) elif idlist: cond = self._create_filter_expr({ID: [idlist]}) else: return self._db.remove(cond=cond)
[docs] def update(self, id_, new_dict): """Update the identified resource with new values. Args: id_ (int): Identifier of resource to update new_dict (dict): New dictionary of resource values Returns: None Raises: ValueError: If new resource is of wrong type KeyError: If old resource is not found """ _log.debug("update.start") id_cond = {Resource.ID_FIELD: id_} old = self.find_one(id_cond) if old is None: raise KeyError('Cannot find resource id={}'.format(id_)) T = Resource.TYPE_FIELD if old.v[T] != new_dict[T]: raise ValueError( 'New resource type="{}" does not ' 'match current resource type "{}"'.format(new_dict[T], old.v[T]) ) _log.debug(f"update old resource: {old.v}") changed = {} for k, v in new_dict.items(): if k not in old.v: changed[k] = v elif old.v[k] != v: changed[k] = v _log.debug(f"update resource {id_} with new values: {changed}") self._db.update(changed, self._create_filter_expr(id_cond))