Source code for idaes.unit_models.separator

# Institute for the Design of Advanced Energy Systems Process Systems
# Engineering Framework (IDAES PSE Framework) Copyright (c) 2018-2019, by the
# software owners: The Regents of the University of California, through
# Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,  National Technology & Engineering
# Solutions of Sandia, LLC, Carnegie Mellon University, West Virginia
# University Research Corporation, et al. All rights reserved.
# Please see the files COPYRIGHT.txt and LICENSE.txt for full copyright and
# license information, respectively. Both files are also available online
# at the URL "".
General purpose separator block for IDAES models

import logging
from enum import Enum
from pandas import DataFrame

from pyomo.environ import (Constraint,
from import Port
from pyomo.common.config import ConfigBlock, ConfigValue, In

from idaes.core import (declare_process_block_class,
from idaes.core.util.config import (is_physical_parameter_block,
from idaes.core.util.exceptions import (BurntToast,
from idaes.core.util.tables import create_stream_table_dataframe
from idaes.core.util.misc import add_object_reference

__author__ = "Andrew Lee"

# Set up logger
_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Enumerate options for balances
[docs]class SplittingType(Enum): totalFlow = 1 phaseFlow = 2 componentFlow = 3 phaseComponentFlow = 4
[docs]class EnergySplittingType(Enum): equal_temperature = 1 equal_molar_enthalpy = 2 enthalpy_split = 3
[docs]@declare_process_block_class("Separator") class SeparatorData(UnitModelBlockData): """ This is a general purpose model for a Separator block with the IDAES modeling framework. This block can be used either as a stand-alone Separator unit operation, or as a sub-model within another unit operation. This model creates a number of StateBlocks to represent the outgoing streams, then writes a set of phase-component material balances, an overall enthalpy balance (2 options), and a momentum balance (2 options) linked to a mixed-state StateBlock. The mixed-state StateBlock can either be specified by the user (allowing use as a sub-model), or created by the Separator. When being used as a sub-model, Separator should only be used when a set of new StateBlocks are required for the streams to be separated. It should not be used to separate streams to go to mutiple ControlVolumes in a single unit model - in these cases the unit model developer should write their own splitting equations. """ CONFIG = ConfigBlock() CONFIG.declare("dynamic", ConfigValue( domain=In([False]), default=False, description="Dynamic model flag - must be False", doc="""Indicates whether this model will be dynamic or not, **default** = False. Product blocks are always steady-state.""")) CONFIG.declare("has_holdup", ConfigValue( default=False, domain=In([False]), description="Holdup construction flag - must be False", doc="""Product blocks do not contain holdup, thus this must be False.""")) CONFIG.declare("property_package", ConfigValue( default=useDefault, domain=is_physical_parameter_block, description="Property package to use for mixer", doc="""Property parameter object used to define property calculations, **default** - useDefault. **Valid values:** { **useDefault** - use default package from parent model or flowsheet, **PropertyParameterObject** - a PropertyParameterBlock object.}""")) CONFIG.declare("property_package_args", ConfigBlock( implicit=True, description="Arguments to use for constructing property packages", doc="""A ConfigBlock with arguments to be passed to a property block(s) and used when constructing these, **default** - None. **Valid values:** { see property package for documentation.}""")) CONFIG.declare("outlet_list", ConfigValue( domain=list_of_strings, description="List of outlet names", doc="""A list containing names of outlets, **default** - None. **Valid values:** { **None** - use num_outlets argument, **list** - a list of names to use for outlets.}""")) CONFIG.declare("num_outlets", ConfigValue( domain=int, description="Number of outlets to unit", doc="""Argument indicating number (int) of outlets to construct, not used if outlet_list arg is provided, **default** - None. **Valid values:** { **None** - use outlet_list arg instead, or default to 2 if neither argument provided, **int** - number of outlets to create (will be named with sequential integers from 1 to num_outlets).}""")) CONFIG.declare("split_basis", ConfigValue( default=SplittingType.totalFlow, domain=SplittingType, description="Basis for splitting stream", doc="""Argument indicating basis to use for splitting mixed stream, **default** - SplittingType.totalFlow. **Valid values:** { **SplittingType.totalFlow** - split based on total flow (split fraction indexed only by time and outlet), **SplittingType.phaseFlow** - split based on phase flows (split fraction indexed by time, outlet and phase), **SplittingType.componentFlow** - split based on component flows (split fraction indexed by time, outlet and components), **SplittingType.phaseComponentFlow** - split based on phase-component flows ( split fraction indexed by both time, outlet, phase and components).}""")) CONFIG.declare("material_balance_type", ConfigValue( default=MaterialBalanceType.useDefault, domain=In(MaterialBalanceType), description="Material balance construction flag", doc="""Indicates what type of mass balance should be constructed, **default** - MaterialBalanceType.useDefault. **Valid values:** { **MaterialBalanceType.useDefault - refer to property package for default balance type **MaterialBalanceType.none** - exclude material balances, **MaterialBalanceType.componentPhase** - use phase component balances, **MaterialBalanceType.componentTotal** - use total component balances, **MaterialBalanceType.elementTotal** - use total element balances, **** - use total material balance.}""")) CONFIG.declare("has_phase_equilibrium", ConfigValue( default=False, domain=In([True, False]), description="Calculate phase equilibrium in mixed stream", doc="""Argument indicating whether phase equilibrium should be calculated for the resulting mixed stream, **default** - False. **Valid values:** { **True** - calculate phase equilibrium in mixed stream, **False** - do not calculate equilibrium in mixed stream.}""")) CONFIG.declare("energy_split_basis", ConfigValue( default=EnergySplittingType.equal_temperature, domain=EnergySplittingType, description="Type of constraint to write for energy splitting", doc="""Argument indicating basis to use for splitting energy this is not used for when ideal_separation == True. **default** - EnergySplittingType.equal_temperature. **Valid values:** { **EnergySplittingType.equal_temperature** - outlet temperatures equal inlet **EnergySplittingType.equal_molar_enthalpy** - oulet molar enthalpies equal inlet, **EnergySplittingType.enthalpy_split** - apply split fractions to enthalpy flows. Does not work with component or phase-component splitting.}""")) CONFIG.declare("ideal_separation", ConfigValue( default=False, domain=In([True, False]), description="Ideal splitting flag", doc="""Argument indicating whether ideal splitting should be used. Ideal splitting assumes perfect spearation of material, and attempts to avoid duplication of StateBlocks by directly partitioning outlet flows to ports, **default** - False. **Valid values:** { **True** - use ideal splitting methods. Cannot be combined with has_phase_equilibrium = True, **False** - use explicit splitting equations with split fractions.}""")) CONFIG.declare("ideal_split_map", ConfigValue( domain=dict, description="Ideal splitting partitioning map", doc="""Dictionary containing information on how extensive variables should be partitioned when using ideal splitting (ideal_separation = True). **default** - None. **Valid values:** { **dict** with keys of indexing set members and values indicating which outlet this combination of keys should be partitioned to. E.g. {("Vap", "H2"): "outlet_1"}}""")) CONFIG.declare("mixed_state_block", ConfigValue( domain=is_state_block, description="Existing StateBlock to use as mixed stream", doc="""An existing state block to use as the source stream from the Separator block, **default** - None. **Valid values:** { **None** - create a new StateBlock for the mixed stream, **StateBlock** - a StateBock to use as the source for the mixed stream.}""")) CONFIG.declare("construct_ports", ConfigValue( default=True, domain=In([True, False]), description="Construct inlet and outlet Port objects", doc="""Argument indicating whether model should construct Port objects linked the mixed state and all outlet states, **default** - True. **Valid values:** { **True** - construct Ports for all states, **False** - do not construct Ports."""))
[docs] def build(self): """ General build method for SeparatorData. This method calls a number of sub-methods which automate the construction of expected attributes of unit models. Inheriting models should call `super().build`. Args: None Returns: None """ # Call super(SeparatorData, self).build() self._validate_config_arguments() # Call setup methods from ControlVolumeBlockData self._get_property_package() self._get_indexing_sets() # Create list of inlet names outlet_list = self.create_outlet_list() if self.config.mixed_state_block is None: mixed_block = self.add_mixed_state_block() else: mixed_block = self.get_mixed_state_block() # Add inlet port self.add_inlet_port_objects(mixed_block) # Construct splitter based on ideal_separation argument if self.config.ideal_separation: # Use ideal partitioning method self.partition_outlet_flows(mixed_block, outlet_list) else: # Otherwise, Build StateBlocks for outlet outlet_blocks = self.add_outlet_state_blocks(outlet_list) # Add split fractions self.add_split_fractions(outlet_list) # Construct splitting equations self.add_material_splitting_constraints(mixed_block) self.add_energy_splitting_constraints(mixed_block) self.add_momentum_splitting_constraints(mixed_block) # Construct outlet port objects self.add_outlet_port_objects(outlet_list, outlet_blocks)
def _validate_config_arguments(self): if self.config.has_phase_equilibrium and self.config.ideal_separation: raise ConfigurationError( """{} recieved arguments has_phase_equilibrium = True and ideal_separation = True. These arguments are incompatible with each other, and you should choose one or the other.""" .format(
[docs] def create_outlet_list(self): """ Create list of outlet stream names based on config arguments. Returns: list of strings """ if (self.config.outlet_list is not None and self.config.num_outlets is not None): # If both arguments provided and not consistent, raise Exception if len(self.config.outlet_list) != self.config.num_outlets: raise ConfigurationError( "{} Separator provided with both outlet_list and " "num_outlets arguments, which were not consistent (" "length of outlet_list was not equal to num_outlets). " "Please check your arguments for consistency, and " "note that it is only necessry to provide one of " "these arguments.".format( elif (self.config.outlet_list is None and self.config.num_outlets is None): # If no arguments provided for outlets, default to num_outlets = 2 self.config.num_outlets = 2 # Create a list of names for outlet StateBlocks if self.config.outlet_list is not None: outlet_list = self.config.outlet_list else: outlet_list = ['outlet_' + str(n) for n in range(1, self.config.num_outlets+1)] return outlet_list
[docs] def add_outlet_state_blocks(self, outlet_list): """ Construct StateBlocks for all outlet streams. Args: list of strings to use as StateBlock names Returns: list of StateBlocks """ # Setup StateBlock argument dict tmp_dict = dict(**self.config.property_package_args) tmp_dict["has_phase_equilibrium"] = False tmp_dict["parameters"] = self.config.property_package tmp_dict["defined_state"] = False # Create empty list to hold StateBlocks for return outlet_blocks = [] # Create an instance of StateBlock for all outlets for o in outlet_list: o_obj = self.config.property_package.state_block_class( self.flowsheet().config.time, doc="Material properties at outlet", default=tmp_dict) setattr(self, o+"_state", o_obj) outlet_blocks.append(getattr(self, o+"_state")) return outlet_blocks
[docs] def add_mixed_state_block(self): """ Constructs StateBlock to represent mixed stream. Returns: New StateBlock object """ # Setup StateBlock argument dict tmp_dict = dict(**self.config.property_package_args) tmp_dict["has_phase_equilibrium"] = False tmp_dict["parameters"] = self.config.property_package tmp_dict["defined_state"] = True self.mixed_state = self.config.property_package.state_block_class( self.flowsheet().config.time, doc="Material properties of mixed stream", default=tmp_dict) return self.mixed_state
[docs] def get_mixed_state_block(self): """ Validates StateBlock provided in user arguments for mixed stream. Returns: The user-provided StateBlock or an Exception """ # Sanity check to make sure method is not called when arg missing if self.config.mixed_state_block is None: raise BurntToast("{} get_mixed_state_block method called when " "mixed_state_block argument is None. This should " "not happen.".format( # Check that the user-provided StateBlock uses the same prop pack if (self.config.mixed_state_block[ self.flowsheet().config.time.first()].config.parameters != self.config.property_package): raise ConfigurationError( "{} StateBlock provided in mixed_state_block argument " " does not come from the same property package as " "provided in the property_package argument. All " "StateBlocks within a Separator must use the same " "property package.".format( return self.config.mixed_state_block
[docs] def add_inlet_port_objects(self, mixed_block): """ Adds inlet Port object if required. Args: a mixed state StateBlock object Returns: None """ if self.config.construct_ports is True: self.add_port(name="inlet", block=mixed_block, doc="Inlet Port")
[docs] def add_outlet_port_objects(self, outlet_list, outlet_blocks): """ Adds outlet Port objects if required. Args: a list of outlet StateBlock objects Returns: None """ if self.config.construct_ports is True: # Add ports for p in outlet_list: o_state = getattr(self, p+"_state") self.add_port(name=p, block=o_state, doc="Outlet Port")
[docs] def add_split_fractions(self, outlet_list): """ Creates outlet Port objects and tries to partiton mixed stream flows between these Args: StateBlock representing the mixed flow to be split a list of names for outlets Returns: None """ self.outlet_idx = Set(initialize=outlet_list) if self.config.split_basis == SplittingType.totalFlow: sf_idx = [self.flowsheet().config.time, self.outlet_idx] sf_sum_idx = [self.flowsheet().config.time] elif self.config.split_basis == SplittingType.phaseFlow: sf_idx = [self.flowsheet().config.time, self.outlet_idx, self.config.property_package.phase_list] sf_sum_idx = [self.flowsheet().config.time, self.config.property_package.phase_list] elif self.config.split_basis == SplittingType.componentFlow: sf_idx = [self.flowsheet().config.time, self.outlet_idx, self.config.property_package.component_list] sf_sum_idx = [self.flowsheet().config.time, self.config.property_package.component_list] elif self.config.split_basis == SplittingType.phaseComponentFlow: sf_idx = [self.flowsheet().config.time, self.outlet_idx, self.config.property_package.phase_list, self.config.property_package.component_list] sf_sum_idx = [self.flowsheet().config.time, self.config.property_package.phase_list, self.config.property_package.component_list] else: raise BurntToast("{} split_basis has unexpected value. This " "should not happen.".format( # Create split fraction variable self.split_fraction = Var(*sf_idx, initialize=0.5, doc="Outlet split fractions") # Add constraint that split fractions sum to 1 def sum_sf_rule(b, t, *args): return 1 == sum(b.split_fraction[t, o, args] for o in self.outlet_idx) self.sum_split_frac = Constraint(*sf_sum_idx, rule=sum_sf_rule)
[docs] def add_material_splitting_constraints(self, mixed_block): """ Creates constraints for splitting the material flows """ def sf(t, o, p, j): if self.config.split_basis == SplittingType.totalFlow: return self.split_fraction[t, o] elif self.config.split_basis == SplittingType.phaseFlow: return self.split_fraction[t, o, p] elif self.config.split_basis == SplittingType.componentFlow: return self.split_fraction[t, o, j] elif self.config.split_basis == SplittingType.phaseComponentFlow: return self.split_fraction[t, o, p, j] mb_type = self.config.material_balance_type if mb_type == MaterialBalanceType.useDefault: t_ref = self.flowsheet().time.first() mb_type = \ mixed_block[t_ref].default_material_balance_type() if mb_type == MaterialBalanceType.componentPhase: if self.config.has_phase_equilibrium is True: # Get units from property package units = {} for u in ['holdup', 'time']: try: units[u] = (self.config.property_package .get_metadata().default_units[u]) except KeyError: units[u] = '-' try: self.phase_equilibrium_generation = Var( self.flowsheet().config.time, self.outlet_idx, self.config.property_package.phase_equilibrium_idx, domain=Reals, doc="Amount of generation in unit by phase " "equilibria [{}/{}]" .format(units['holdup'], units['time'])) except AttributeError: raise PropertyNotSupportedError( "{} Property package does not contain a list of phase " "equilibrium reactions (phase_equilibrium_idx), thus " "does not support phase equilibrium." .format( # Define terms to use in mixing equation def phase_equilibrium_term(b, t, o, p, j): if self.config.has_phase_equilibrium: sd = {} sblock = mixed_block[t] for r in b.config.property_package.phase_equilibrium_idx: if sblock._params.phase_equilibrium_list[r][0] == j: if sblock._params \ .phase_equilibrium_list[r][1][0] == p: sd[r] = 1 elif sblock._params \ .phase_equilibrium_list[r][1][1] == p: sd[r] = -1 else: sd[r] = 0 else: sd[r] = 0 return sum(b.phase_equilibrium_generation[t, o, r]*sd[r] for r in b.config.property_package.phase_equilibrium_idx) else: return 0 @self.Constraint(self.flowsheet().config.time, self.outlet_idx, self.config.property_package.phase_list, self.config.property_package.component_list, doc="Material splitting equations") def material_splitting_eqn(b, t, o, p, j): o_block = getattr(self, o+"_state") return (sf(t, o, p, j) * mixed_block[t].get_material_flow_terms(p, j) == o_block[t].get_material_flow_terms(p, j) - phase_equilibrium_term(b, t, o, p, j)) elif mb_type == MaterialBalanceType.componentTotal: @self.Constraint(self.flowsheet().config.time, self.outlet_idx, self.config.property_package.component_list, doc="Material splitting equations") def material_splitting_eqn(b, t, o, j): o_block = getattr(self, o+"_state") return (sum(sf(t, o, p, j) * mixed_block[t].get_material_flow_terms(p, j) for p in b.config.property_package.phase_list) == sum(o_block[t].get_material_flow_terms(p, j) for p in b.config.property_package.phase_list)) elif mb_type == @self.Constraint(self.flowsheet().config.time, self.outlet_idx, doc="Material splitting equations") def material_splitting_eqn(b, t, o): o_block = getattr(self, o+"_state") return ( sum(sum(sf(t, o, p, j) * mixed_block[t].get_material_flow_terms(p, j) for j in b.config.property_package.component_list) for p in b.config.property_package.phase_list) == sum(sum(o_block[t].get_material_flow_terms(p, j) for j in b.config.property_package.component_list) for p in b.config.property_package.phase_list)) elif mb_type == MaterialBalanceType.elementTotal: raise ConfigurationError("{} Separators do not support elemental " "material balances.".format( elif mb_type == MaterialBalanceType.none: pass else: raise BurntToast("{} Separator received unrecognised value for " "material_balance_type. This should not happen, " "please report this bug to the IDAES developers." .format(
[docs] def add_energy_splitting_constraints(self, mixed_block): """ Creates constraints for splitting the energy flows - done by equating temperatures in outlets. """ if self.config.energy_split_basis == \ EnergySplittingType.equal_temperature: @self.Constraint(self.flowsheet().config.time, self.outlet_idx, doc="Temperature equality constraint") def temperature_equality_eqn(b, t, o): o_block = getattr(self, o+"_state") return mixed_block[t].temperature == o_block[t].temperature elif self.config.energy_split_basis == \ EnergySplittingType.equal_molar_enthalpy: @self.Constraint(self.flowsheet().config.time, self.outlet_idx, doc="Molar enthalpy equality constraint") def molar_enthalpy_equality_eqn(b, t, o): o_block = getattr(self, o+"_state") return mixed_block[t].enth_mol == o_block[t].enth_mol elif self.config.energy_split_basis == \ EnergySplittingType.enthalpy_split: # Validate split fraction type if (self.config.split_basis == SplittingType.phaseComponentFlow or self.config.split_basis == SplittingType.componentFlow): raise ConfigurationError( "{} Cannot use energy_split_basis == enthalpy_split " "with split_basis == component or phaseComponent." .format( def sf(t, o, p): if self.config.split_basis == SplittingType.totalFlow: return self.split_fraction[t, o] elif self.config.split_basis == SplittingType.phaseFlow: return self.split_fraction[t, o, p] @self.Constraint(self.flowsheet().config.time, self.outlet_idx, doc="Molar enthalpy splitting constraint") def molar_enthalpy_splitting_eqn(b, t, o): o_block = getattr(self, o+"_state") return (sum(mixed_block[t].get_enthalpy_flow_terms(p) * sf(t, o, p) for p in b.config.property_package.phase_list) == sum(o_block[t].get_enthalpy_flow_terms(p) for p in b.config.property_package.phase_list)) else: raise BurntToast("{} received unrecognised value for " "energy_split_basis. This should never happen, so" " please contact the IDAES developers with this " "bug.".format(
[docs] def add_momentum_splitting_constraints(self, mixed_block): """ Creates constraints for splitting the momentum flows - done by equating pressures in outlets. """ @self.Constraint(self.flowsheet().config.time, self.outlet_idx, doc="Pressure equality constraint") def pressure_equality_eqn(b, t, o): o_block = getattr(self, o+"_state") return mixed_block[t].pressure == o_block[t].pressure
[docs] def partition_outlet_flows(self, mb, outlet_list): """ Creates outlet Port objects and tries to partiton mixed stream flows between these Args: StateBlock representing the mixed flow to be split a list of names for outlets Returns: None """ # Check arguments if self.config.construct_ports is False: raise ConfigurationError("{} cannot have and ideal separator " "(ideal_separation = True) with " "construct_ports = False." .format( if self.config.split_basis == SplittingType.totalFlow: raise ConfigurationError("{} cannot do an ideal separation based " "on total flow.".format( if self.config.ideal_split_map is None: raise ConfigurationError("{} was not provided with an " "ideal_split_map argument which is " "necessary for doing an ideal_separation." .format( # Validate split map split_map = self.config.ideal_split_map idx_list = [] if self.config.split_basis == SplittingType.phaseFlow: for p in self.config.property_package.phase_list: idx_list.append((p)) if len(idx_list) != len(split_map): raise ConfigurationError( "{} ideal_split_map does not match with " "split_basis chosen. ideal_split_map must" " have a key for each combination of indices." .format( for k in idx_list: if k not in split_map: raise ConfigurationError( "{} ideal_split_map does not match with " "split_basis chosen. ideal_split_map must" " have a key for each combination of indices." .format( elif self.config.split_basis == SplittingType.componentFlow: for j in self.config.property_package.component_list: idx_list.append((j)) if len(idx_list) != len(split_map): raise ConfigurationError( "{} ideal_split_map does not match with " "split_basis chosen. ideal_split_map must" " have a key for each component." .format( elif self.config.split_basis == SplittingType.phaseComponentFlow: for p in self.config.property_package.phase_list: for j in self.config.property_package.component_list: idx_list.append((p, j)) if len(idx_list) != len(split_map): raise ConfigurationError( "{} ideal_split_map does not match with " "split_basis chosen. ideal_split_map must" " have a key for each phase-component pair." .format( # Check that no. outlets matches split_basis if len(outlet_list) != len(idx_list): raise ConfigurationError( "{} Cannot perform ideal separation. Must have one " "outlet for each possible combination of the " "chosen split_basis." .format( # Create tolerance Parameter for 0 flow outlets self.eps = Param(default=1e-8, mutable=True) # Get list of port members s_vars = mb[self.flowsheet().config.time.first()].define_port_members() # Add empty Port objects for o in outlet_list: p_obj = Port(noruleinit=True, doc="Outlet Port") setattr(self, o, p_obj) # Iterate over members to create References or Expressions for s in s_vars: # Get local variable name of component l_name = s_vars[s].local_name if l_name == "pressure" or l_name == "temperature": # Assume outlets same as mixed flow - make Reference e_obj = Reference(mb[:].component(l_name)) elif (l_name.startswith("mole_frac") or l_name.startswith("mass_frac")): # Mole and mass frac need special handling if "_phase" in l_name: def e_rule(b, t, p, j): if self.config.split_basis == \ SplittingType.phaseFlow: return s_vars[s][p, j] elif self.config.split_basis == \ SplittingType.componentFlow: if split_map[j] == o: return 1 else: return self.eps elif self.config.split_basis == \ SplittingType.phaseComponentFlow: for ps in self.config.property_package \ .phase_list: if split_map[ps, j] == o: return 1 return self.eps else: raise BurntToast( "{} This should not happen. Please " "report this bug to the IDAES " "developers.".format( e_obj = Expression( self.flowsheet().config.time, self.config.property_package.phase_list, self.config.property_package.component_list, rule=e_rule) else: if self.config.split_basis == \ SplittingType.componentFlow: def e_rule(b, t, j): if split_map[j] == o: return 1 # else: return self.eps elif self.config.split_basis == \ SplittingType.phaseComponentFlow: def e_rule(b, t, j): if any(split_map[p, j] == o for p in self.config.property_package .phase_list): return 1 # else: return self.eps else: def e_rule(b, t, j): mfp = mb[t].component( l_name.replace("_comp", "_phase_comp")) if mfp is None: raise AttributeError( "{} Cannot use ideal splitting with " "this property package. Package uses " "indexed port member {} which does not" " have the correct indexing sets, and " "an equivalent variable with correct " "indexing sets is not available." .format(, s)) for p in self.config.property_package \ .phase_list: if self.config.split_basis == \ SplittingType.phaseFlow: s_check = split_map[p] else: raise BurntToast( "{} This should not happen. Please" " report this bug to the IDAES " "developers.".format( if s_check == o: return mfp[p, j] # else: return self.eps e_obj = Expression( self.flowsheet().config.time, self.config.property_package.component_list, rule=e_rule) elif l_name.endswith("_phase_comp"): def e_rule(b, t, p, j): if self.config.split_basis == \ SplittingType.phaseFlow: s_check = split_map[p] elif self.config.split_basis == \ SplittingType.componentFlow: s_check = split_map[j] elif self.config.split_basis == \ SplittingType.phaseComponentFlow: s_check = split_map[p, j] else: raise BurntToast( "{} This should not happen. Please" " report this bug to the IDAES " "developers.".format( if s_check == o: return mb[t].component(l_name)[p, j] else: return self.eps e_obj = Expression( self.flowsheet().config.time, self.config.property_package.phase_list, self.config.property_package.component_list, rule=e_rule) elif l_name.endswith("_phase"): if self.config.split_basis == \ SplittingType.phaseFlow: def e_rule(b, t, p): if split_map[p] == o: return mb[t].component(l_name)[p] else: return self.eps else: def e_rule(b, t, p): mfp = mb[t].component(l_name+"_comp") if mfp is None: raise AttributeError( "{} Cannot use ideal splitting with this " "property package. Package uses indexed " "port member {} which does not have the " "correct indexing sets, and an equivalent " "variable with correct indexing sets is " "not available." .format(, s)) for j in self.config.property_package \ .component_list: if self.config.split_basis == \ SplittingType.componentFlow: s_check = split_map[j] elif self.config.split_basis == \ SplittingType.phaseComponentFlow: s_check = split_map[p, j] else: raise BurntToast( "{} This should not happen. Please" " report this bug to the IDAES " "developers.".format( if s_check == o: return mfp[p, j] # else: return self.eps e_obj = Expression(self.flowsheet().config.time, self.config.property_package.phase_list, rule=e_rule) elif l_name.endswith("_comp"): if self.config.split_basis == \ SplittingType.componentFlow: def e_rule(b, t, j): if split_map[j] == o: return mb[t].component(l_name)[j] else: return self.eps else: def e_rule(b, t, j): mfp = mb[t].component( "{0}_phase{1}" .format(l_name[:-5], l_name[-5:])) if mfp is None: raise AttributeError( "{} Cannot use ideal splitting with this " "property package. Package uses indexed " "port member {} which does not have the " "correct indexing sets, and an equivalent " "variable with correct indexing sets is " "not available." .format(, s)) for p in self.config.property_package.phase_list: if self.config.split_basis == \ SplittingType.phaseFlow: s_check = split_map[p] elif self.config.split_basis == \ SplittingType.phaseComponentFlow: s_check = split_map[p, j] else: raise BurntToast( "{} This should not happen. Please" " report this bug to the IDAES " "developers.".format( if s_check == o: return mfp[p, j] # else: return self.eps e_obj = Expression( self.flowsheet().config.time, self.config.property_package.component_list, rule=e_rule) else: def e_rule(b, t): try: if self.config.split_basis == \ SplittingType.phaseFlow: ivar = mb[t].component(l_name+"_phase") if ivar is not None: for p in self.config \ .property_package.phase_list: if split_map[p] == o: return ivar[p] else: continue else: ivar = mb[t].component( l_name+"_phase_comp") if ivar is not None: for p in self.config \ .property_package.phase_list: if split_map[p] == o: return sum( ivar[p, j] for j in self.config .property_package .component_list) else: continue else: raise AttributeError elif self.config.split_basis == \ SplittingType.componentFlow: ivar = mb[t].component(l_name+"_comp") if ivar is not None: for j in self.config.property_package \ .component_list: if split_map[j] == o: return ivar[j] else: continue else: ivar = mb[t].component(l_name + "_phase_comp") if ivar is not None: for j in self.config.property_package \ .component_list: if split_map[j] == o: return sum( ivar[p, j] for p in self.config .property_package .phase_list) else: continue else: raise AttributeError elif self.config.split_basis == \ SplittingType.phaseComponentFlow: ivar = mb[t].component(l_name+"_phase_comp") if ivar is not None: for p in self.config.property_package \ .phase_list: for j in self.config.property_package \ .component_list: if split_map[p, j] == o: return ivar[p, j] else: continue else: raise AttributeError else: # Unrecognised split tupe raise BurntToast( "{} received unrecognised value for " "split_basis argumnet. This should never " "happen, so please contact the IDAES " "developers with this bug." .format( except: # If cannot find equivalent var, raise exception raise AttributeError( "{} Cannot use ideal splitting with this " "property package. Package uses unindexed " "port member {} which does not have an " "equivalent indexed form." .format(, s)) e_obj = Expression(self.flowsheet().config.time, rule=e_rule) # Add Reference/Expression object to Separator model object setattr(self, "_"+o+"_"+l_name+"_ref", e_obj) # Add member to Port object p_obj.add(e_obj, s)
[docs] def model_check(blk): """ This method executes the model_check methods on the associated state blocks (if they exist). This method is generally called by a unit model as part of the unit's model_check method. Args: None Returns: None """ # Try property block model check for t in blk.flowsheet().config.time: try: if blk.config.mixed_state_block is None: blk.mixed_state[t].model_check() else: blk.config.mixed_state_block.model_check() except AttributeError: _log.warning('{} Separator inlet state block has no ' 'model check. To correct this, add a ' 'model_check method to the associated ' 'StateBlock class.'.format( try: outlet_list = blk.create_outlet_list() for o in outlet_list: o_block = getattr(blk, o+"_state") o_block[t].model_check() except AttributeError: _log.warning('{} Separator outlet state block has no ' 'model checks. To correct this, add a model_check' ' method to the associated StateBlock class.' .format(
[docs] def initialize(blk, outlvl=0, optarg={}, solver='ipopt', hold_state=False): ''' Initialisation routine for separator (default solver ipopt) Keyword Arguments: outlvl : sets output level of initialisation routine. **Valid values:** **0** - no output (default), **1** - return solver state for each step in routine, **2** - include solver output infomation (tee=True) optarg : solver options dictionary object (default=None) solver : str indicating whcih solver to use during initialization (default = 'ipopt') hold_state : flag indicating whether the initialization routine should unfix any state variables fixed during initialization, **default** - False. **Valid values:** **True** - states variables are not unfixed, and a dict of returned containing flags for which states were fixed during initialization, **False** - state variables are unfixed after initialization by calling the release_state method. Returns: If hold_states is True, returns a dict containing flags for which states were fixed during initialization. ''' # Set solver options if outlvl > 1: stee = True else: stee = False opt = SolverFactory(solver) opt.options = optarg # Initialize mixed state block if blk.config.mixed_state_block is not None: mblock = blk.config.mixed_state_block else: mblock = blk.mixed_state flags = mblock.initialize(outlvl=outlvl-1, optarg=optarg, solver=solver, hold_state=True) if blk.config.ideal_separation: # If using ideal splitting, initialisation should be complete return flags # Initialize outlet StateBlocks outlet_list = blk.create_outlet_list() for o in outlet_list: # Get corresponding outlet StateBlock o_block = getattr(blk, o+"_state") for t in blk.flowsheet().config.time: # Calculate values for state variables s_vars = o_block[t].define_state_vars() for v in s_vars: m_var = getattr(mblock[t], s_vars[v].local_name) if "flow" in v: # If a "flow" variable, is extensive # Apply split fraction try: for k in s_vars[v]: if (k is None or blk.config.split_basis == SplittingType.totalFlow): s_vars[v][k].value = value( m_var[k]*blk.split_fraction[(t, o)]) else: s_vars[v][k].value = value( m_var[k]*blk.split_fraction[ (t, o) + k]) except KeyError: raise KeyError( "{} state variable and split fraction " "indexing sets do not match. The in-built" " initialization routine for Separators " "relies on the split fraction and state " "variable indexing sets matching to " "calculate initial guesses for extensive " "variables. In other cases users will " "need to provide their own initial " "guesses".format( else: # Otherwise intensive, equate to mixed stream for k in s_vars[v]: s_vars[v][k].value = m_var[k].value # Call initialization routine for outlet StateBlock o_block.initialize(outlvl=outlvl-1, optarg=optarg, solver=solver, hold_state=False) if blk.config.mixed_state_block is None: results = opt.solve(blk, tee=stee) if outlvl > 0: if results.solver.termination_condition == \ TerminationCondition.optimal:'{} Initialisation Complete.'.format( else: _log.warning('{} Initialisation Failed.'.format( else:'{} Initialisation Complete.'.format( if hold_state is True: return flags else: blk.release_state(flags, outlvl=outlvl-1)
[docs] def release_state(blk, flags, outlvl=0): ''' Method to release state variables fixed during initialisation. Keyword Arguments: flags : dict containing information of which state variables were fixed during initialization, and should now be unfixed. This dict is returned by initialize if hold_state = True. outlvl : sets output level of logging Returns: None ''' if blk.config.mixed_state_block is None: mblock = blk.mixed_state else: mblock = blk.config.mixed_state_block mblock.release_state(flags, outlvl=outlvl-1)
def _get_performance_contents(self, time_point=0): if hasattr(self, "split_fraction"): for k in self.split_fraction.keys(): if k[0] == time_point: var_dict = {f"Split Fraction [{str(k[1:])}]": self.split_fraction[k]} return {"vars": var_dict} else: return {} def _get_stream_table_contents(self, time_point=0): outlet_list = self.create_outlet_list() if not self.config.ideal_separation: io_dict = {} if self.config.mixed_state_block is None: io_dict["Inlet"] = self.mixed_state else: io_dict["Inlet"] = self.config.mixed_state_block for o in outlet_list: io_dict[o] = getattr(self, o+"_state") return create_stream_table_dataframe( io_dict, time_point=time_point) else: stream_attributes = {} for n in outlet_list+["inlet"]: port_obj = getattr(self, n) stream_attributes[n] = {} for k in port_obj.vars: for i in port_obj.vars[k]: if isinstance(i, float): stream_attributes[n][k] = value( port_obj.vars[k][time_point]) else: if len(i) == 2: kname = str(i[1]) else: kname = str(i[1:]) stream_attributes[n][k+" "+kname] = \ value(port_obj.vars[k][time_point, i[1:]]) return DataFrame.from_dict(stream_attributes, orient="columns")