Source code for idaes.config

import pyomo.common.config
import logging.config
import toml
import os
import importlib

_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

default_config = """
default_binary_url = ""
use_idaes_solvers = true
  required = ["idaes"]
  optional = []
  version = 1
  disable_existing_loggers = false
    format = "%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(name)s - %(message)s"
    datefmt = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
    class = "logging.StreamHandler"
    formatter = "f1"
    stream = "ext://sys.stdout"
    level = "INFO"
    propagate = true
    handlers = ["console"]
    level = 5
    propagate = false
    handlers = ["console"]
    level = "INFO"
    propagate = false
    handlers = ["console"]

def new_idaes_config_block():
    _config = pyomo.common.config.ConfigBlock("idaes", implicit=False)
            description="Logging configuration dictionary",
            doc="This stores the logging configuration. See the Python "
            "logging.config.dictConfig() documentation for details.",
            description="Plugin search configuration",
            doc="Plugin search configuration",
            description="Modules with required plugins",
            doc="This is a string list of modules from which to load plugins. "
            "This will look in {module}.plugins for things to load. Exceptions"
            "raised while attempting to load these plugins are considered fatal. "
            "This is used for core plugins.",
            description="Modules with optional plugins to load",
            doc="This is a string list of modules from which to load plugins. "
            "This will look in {module}.plugins for things to load. Exceptions "
            "raised while attempting to load these plugins will be logged but "
            "are nonfatal. This is used for contrib plugins.",

            description="Add the IDAES bin directory to the path.",
            doc="Add the IDAES bin directory to the path such that solvers provided "
            "by IDAES will be used in preference to previously installed solvers.",

            description="URL from which to download binaries by default",
    return _config

[docs]def read_config(read_config, write_config): """Read either a TOML formatted config file or a configuration dictionary. Args: config: A config file path or dict Returns: None """ config_file = None if read_config is None: return elif isinstance(read_config, dict): pass # don't worry this catches ConfigBlock too it seems else: config_file = read_config try: with open(config_file, "r") as f: write_config = toml.load(f) except IOError: # don't require config file _log.debug("Config file {} not found (this is okay)".format(read_config)) return write_config.set_value(read_config) logging.config.dictConfig(write_config["logging"]) if config_file is not None: _log.debug("Read config {}".format(config_file))
[docs]def create_dir(d): """Create a directory if it doesn't exist. Args: d(str): directory path to create Retruns: None """ if os.path.exists(d): return else: os.mkdir(d)
[docs]def import_packages(packages, optional=True): """Import plugin package, condensed from Args: packages: list of packages in which to look for plugins optional: true, log ImportError but continue; false, raise if ImportError Returns: None """ for name in packages: pname = name + '.plugins' # look in plugins sub-package try: pkg = importlib.import_module(pname) except ImportError as e: _log.exception("failed to import plugin: {}".format(pname)) if not optional: raise e if hasattr(pkg, 'load'): # run load function for a module if it exists pkg.load()