Source code for idaes.dmf.ui.flowsheet_serializer

# Institute for the Design of Advanced Energy Systems Process Systems
# Engineering Framework (IDAES PSE Framework) Copyright (c) 2018-2019, by the
# software owners: The Regents of the University of California, through
# Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,  National Technology & Engineering
# Solutions of Sandia, LLC, Carnegie Mellon University, West Virginia
# University Research Corporation, et al. All rights reserved.
# Please see the files COPYRIGHT.txt and LICENSE.txt for full copyright and
# license information, respectively. Both files are also available online
# at the URL "".
from collections import defaultdict
import json
import os

from idaes.core import UnitModelBlockData
from idaes.dmf.ui.link_position_mapping import link_position_mapping
from idaes.dmf.ui.icon_mapping import icon_mapping

# from pyomo.environ import Block
from import SimplePort
from import SimpleArc

[docs]class FileBaseNameExistsError(Exception): pass
class FlowsheetSerializer: def __init__(self): self.unit_models = {} self.arcs = [] self.ports = {} self.edges = defaultdict(list) self.orphaned_ports = {} def serialize(self, flowsheet, file_base_name, overwrite=False): """ Serializes the flowsheet and saves it to a file that can be read by the idaes-model-vis jupyter lab extension. :param flowsheet: The flowsheet to save. Usually fetched from the model. :param file_base_name: The file prefix to the .idaes.vis file produced. The file is created/saved in the directory that you ran from Jupyter Lab. :param overwrite: Boolean to overwrite an existing file_base_name.idaes.vis. If True, the existing file with the same file_base_name will be overwritten. This will cause you to lose any saved layout. If False and there is an existing file with that file_base_name, you will get an error message stating that you cannot save a file to the file_base_name (and therefore overwriting the saved layout). If there is not an existing file with that file_base_name then it saves as normal. Defaults to False. :return: None Usage example: m = ConcreteModel() m.fs = FlowsheetBlock(...) ... serializer = FlowsheetSerializer(), "output_file") """ vis_file_name = file_base_name + ".idaes.vis" if os.path.isfile(vis_file_name) and overwrite is False: msg = ( f"{vis_file_name} already exists. If you wish to overwrite " f"this file call save() with overwrite=True. " "WARNING: If you overwrite the file, you will lose " "your saved layout." ) raise FileBaseNameExistsError(msg) else: print(f"Creating {vis_file_name}") self.serialize_flowsheet(flowsheet) out_json = self._construct_output_json() with open(vis_file_name, "w") as out_file: json.dump(out_json, out_file) def _construct_output_json(self): out_json = {} out_json["cells"] = [] x_pos = 50 y_pos = 50 for component, unit_attrs in self.unit_models.items(): try: self.create_image_json( out_json, x_pos, y_pos, unit_attrs["name"], icon_mapping[unit_attrs["type"]], unit_attrs["name"], unit_attrs["type"], ) except KeyError: self.create_image_json(out_json, x_pos, y_pos, unit_attrs["name"], "default", unit_attrs["name"], unit_attrs["type"]) x_pos += 50 y_pos += 50 id_counter = 0 for source, dests in self.edges.items(): umst = self.unit_models[source]["type"] # alias for dest in dests: try: if hasattr(source, "vap_outlet"): # TODO Figure out how to denote different outlet types. Need to # deal with multiple input/output offsets for arc in self.arcs: if ( self.ports[arc.dest] == dest and arc.source == source.vap_outlet ): source_anchor = link_position_mapping[umst][ "top_outlet_anchor" ] elif ( self.ports[arc.dest] == dest and arc.source == source.liq_outlet ): source_anchor = link_position_mapping[umst][ "bottom_outlet_anchor" ] elif "top_outlet_anchor" in link_position_mapping[umst]: source_anchor = \ link_position_mapping[umst]["top_outlet_anchor"] else: source_anchor = link_position_mapping[umst]["outlet_anchors"] # TODO figure out offsets when mutiple things come # from/into the same side: # source_anchor["args"]["dy"] = str(100/(len(dests) + 1)) + "%" except KeyError: source_anchor = link_position_mapping["default"]["outlet_anchors"] # TODO figure out offsets when mutiple things come from/into the # same side: # source_anchor["args"]["dy"] = str(100/(len(dests) + 1)) + "%" try: unit_type = self.unit_models[dest]["type"] dest_anchor = \ link_position_mapping[unit_type]["inlet_anchors"] except KeyError: dest_anchor = link_position_mapping["default"]["inlet_anchors"] self.create_link_json( out_json, source_anchor, dest_anchor, source.getname(), dest.getname(), id_counter ) id_counter += 1 """ TODO: We need a better way to define the inlets and outlets of the flowsheet rather than just assuming the orphaned ports are inlets and outlets. For now we are commenting out the orphaned port stuff. num_open_inlets = 0 for orphan_port in self.orphaned_ports: unit_model_name = "" try: if num_open_inlets <= 0: num_open_inlets = len(self.ports[orphan_port].create_inlet_list()) - len(self.edges[self.ports[orphan_port]]) except AttributeError: num_open_inlets = 0 if num_open_inlets > 0: icon_type = "feed" else: icon_type = "product" self.create_image_json(out_json, x_pos, y_pos, "inlet" + str(id_counter), icon_mapping[icon_type], "", icon_type) x_pos += 50 y_pos += 50 try: dest_anchor = link_position_mapping[self.unit_models[ self.ports[orphan_port]] ["type"]]["inlet_anchors"] except KeyError: dest_anchor = link_position_mapping["default"]["inlet_anchors"] if icon_type == "feed": source_anchor = link_position_mapping[icon_type]["outlet_anchors"] try: dest_anchor = link_position_mapping[self.unit_models[ self.ports[orphan_port]]["type"]]["inlet_anchors"] except KeyError: dest_anchor = link_position_mapping["default"]["inlet_anchors"] source_id = "inlet" + str(id_counter) dest_id = self.ports[orphan_port].getname() else: try: source_anchor = link_position_mapping[self.unit_models[self.ports [orphan_port]]["type"]]["inlet_anchors"] except KeyError: source_anchor = link_position_mapping["default"]["inlet_anchors"] dest_anchor = link_position_mapping[icon_type]["outlet_anchors"] source_id = self.ports[orphan_port].getname() dest_id = "inlet" + str(id_counter) self.create_link_json(out_json, source_anchor, dest_anchor, source_id, dest_id, id_counter) id_counter += 1 num_open_inlets -= 1 """ return out_json def serialize_flowsheet(self, flowsheet): for component in flowsheet.component_objects(descend_into=False): # TODO try using component_objects(ctype=X) if isinstance(component, UnitModelBlockData): self.unit_models[component] = { "name": component.getname(), "type": component._orig_module.split(".")[-1] } for subcomponent in component.component_objects(descend_into=True): if isinstance(subcomponent, SimplePort): self.ports[subcomponent] = component elif isinstance(component, SimpleArc): self.arcs.append(component) self.edges = defaultdict(list) # self.orphaned_ports = set(self.ports.keys()) for arc in self.arcs: self.edges[self.ports[arc.source]].append(self.ports[arc.dest]) # self.orphaned_ports.discard(arc.source) # self.orphaned_ports.discard(arc.dest) def create_image_json(self, out_json, x_pos, y_pos, id, image, label, title): entry = {} entry["type"] = "standard.Image" # for now, just tile the positions diagonally # TODO Make the default positioning better entry["position"] = {"x": x_pos, "y": y_pos} # TODO Set the width and height depending on the icon rather than default entry["size"] = {"width": 50, "height": 50} entry["angle"] = 0 entry["id"] = id entry["z"] = (1,) entry["attrs"] = { "image": {"xlinkHref": image}, "label": {"text": label}, "root": {"title": title}, } # out_json["model"]["cells"].append(entry) out_json["cells"].append(entry) def create_link_json( self, out_json, source_anchor, dest_anchor, source_id, dest_id, link_id ): entry = { "type": "standard.Link", "source": {"anchor": source_anchor, "id": source_id}, "target": {"anchor": dest_anchor, "id": dest_id}, "router": {"name": "orthogonal", "padding": 10}, "connector": {"name": "jumpover", "attrs": {"line": {"stroke": "#6FB1E1"}}}, "id": link_id, "z": 2, # "labels": [], } out_json["cells"].append(entry) def get_unit_models(self): return self.unit_models def get_ports(self): return self.ports def get_edges(self): return self.edges