Source code for idaes.surrogate.helmet.BasisFunctions

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Basis functions for generating the multiparameter equation of state
import numpy as np
import sympy as sy

drd_vals = []
ar_vals = []
ai_vals = []
itt_val = 0
rtt_vals = []
dtrdt_vals = []
d2rd_vals = []
d3rd_vals = []
d4rd_vals = []
d5rd_Vals = []
critT, critD, critP, acc, R, M, Rm = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
molecule = ""
coeffs = []
indexes = []

[docs]def molData(fluidData, Dmolecule, RVal): """ Passing of the Data from the main module ::module:: MPEOSDeveloperModule :param fluidData: (critT, critP, critD, M, triple, acc). :type fluidData: array :param Dmolecule: Name of the molecule of interest. :type Dmolecule: str. :param RVal: Gas Constant. :type RVal: int. """ global critT, critP, critD, M, triple, acc, R, Rm, molecule molecule = Dmolecule (critT, critP, critD, M, triple, acc) = fluidData R = RVal Rm = RVal
[docs]def formCustomBasis(LemJac=False): """ Basis Functions developed a bank of terms based on literature (Lemmon, Span, Wagner) """ global coeffs, indexes coeffs = [] if LemJac: for i in range(1, 9): for j in range(1, 13): # 12 coeffs.append([i, j / 8.0, 0, 0]) indexes.append(len(coeffs)) for i in range(1, 6): for j in range(1, 24): # 24 coeffs.append([i, j / 8.0, 1, 0]) for i in range(1, 6): for j in range(1, 30): # 30 coeffs.append([i, j / 8.0, 2, 0]) for i in range(2, 5): for j in range(24, 38): # 38 coeffs.append([i, j / 2.0, 3, 0]) indexes.append(len(coeffs)) for i in range(1, 6): for j in range(1, 24): # 24 for m in range(1, 7): coeffs.append([i, j / 8.0, 1, m / 2]) for i in range(1, 6): for j in range(1, 30): # 24 for m in range(1, 7): coeffs.append([i, j / 8.0, 2, m / 2]) for i in range(2, 5): for j in range(24, 38): # 38 for m in range(1, 7): coeffs.append([i, j / 2.0, 3, m / 2]) indexes.append(len(coeffs)) else: for i in range(1, 9): for j in range(1, 13): # 12 coeffs.append([i, j / 8.0, 0, 0]) indexes.append(len(coeffs)) for i in range(1, 6): for j in range(1, 24): # 24 coeffs.append([i, j / 8.0, 1, 0]) for i in range(1, 6): for j in range(1, 30): # 24 coeffs.append([i, j / 8.0, 2, 0]) for i in range(2, 5): for j in range(24, 38): # 38 coeffs.append([i, j / 2.0, 3, 0]) indexes.append(len(coeffs))
[docs]def getTerm(Y): """ Prints index and basis function based on Y index""" for y in Y: print(y) d, t, c, m = coeffs[y - 1] print("Delta^%f Tau^%f np.exp(-Delta^%f) np.exp(-Tau^%f)" % (d, t, c, m))
[docs]def idealBY(D, T, Y, Beta): """Ideal Helmholtz contribution""" # TOLUENE if molecule == "TOL": a = [3.5241174832, 1.1360823464] c = [4.0, 0, 0] # B = [ # 0.96464, # -2.7855, # 0.86712, # -0.18860, # 0.11804, # 0.0025181, # 0.57196, # -0.029287, # -0.43351, # -0.12540, # -0.028207, # 0.014076, # ] v = [1.6994, 8.0577, 17.059, 8.4567, 8.6423] u = [190, 797, 1619, 3072, 7915] # Carbon Monoxide if molecule == "CO": a = [-3.3728318564, 3.3683460039] c = [3.5, 0.22311e-6, 1.5] # B = [ # 0.90554, # -2.4515, # 0.53149, # 0.024173, # 0.072156, # 0.00018818, # 0.19405, # -0.043268, # -0.12778, # -0.027896, # -0.03414, # 0.016329, # ] v = [1.0128] u = [3089] # Water if molecule == "H2O": a = [-8.32044648201, 6.6832105268] c = [3.00632 + 1, 0, 0] v = [0.012436, 0.97315, 1.27950, 0.96956, 0.24873] u = [ 1.2878967 * float(critT), 3.53734222 * float(critT), 7.74073708 * float(critT), 9.24437796 * float(critT), 27.5075105 * float(critT), ] if c[2] > 0: idealA = ( a[0] + a[1] * T + np.log(D) + (c[0] - 1) * np.log(T) - c[1] * (critT) ** c[2] / (c[2] * (c[2] + 1)) * T ** (-c[2]) ) else: idealA = a[0] + a[1] * T + np.log(D) + (c[0] - 1) * np.log(T) for uit, vi in zip(u, v): ui = uit / float(critT) idealA = idealA + vi * np.log(1 - np.exp(-ui * T)) ai_vals = idealA return ai_vals
[docs]def arBY(D, T, Y, Beta): """Residual Helmholtz contribution""" global drd_vals global coeffs # drd_vals = []; val = 0 # print len(Y) if type(Y) is not int: for x, y in zip(Y, Beta): x = x - 1 [d, t, c, m] = coeffs[x] if c == 0: try: val += y * (D ** d) * (T ** t) pass except Exception: print("Term", x, d, t, T, D) elif m == 0: val = np.exp(-D ** c) * (D ** (d)) * (T ** t) else: val = np.exp(-D ** c) * (D ** (d)) * (T ** t) * np.exp(-T ** m) return val
[docs]def drd(D, T): """Partial derivative with respect to density""" global drd_vals global coeffs drd_vals = [] for d, t, c, m in coeffs: val = 0 if c == 0: val = d * (D ** d) * (T ** t) elif m == 0: val = np.exp(-D ** c) * ((D ** (d)) * (T ** t) * (d - c * (D ** c))) else: val = ( np.exp(-D ** c) * (D ** (d)) * (T ** t) * np.exp(-T ** m) * (d - c * (D ** c)) ) drd_vals.append(val)
[docs]def d2rd(D, T): """Partial derivative with respect to density twice""" global d2rd_vals global coeffs d2rd_vals = [] for d, t, c, m in coeffs: val = 0 if c == 0: val = d * (d - 1) * (D ** d) * (T ** t) elif m == 0: val = np.exp(-D ** c) * ( (D ** (d)) * (T ** t) * ((d - c * (D ** c)) * (d - 1 - c * (D ** c)) - (c ** 2) * (D ** c)) ) else: val = np.exp(-D ** c) * ( (D ** (d)) * (T ** t) * np.exp(-T ** m) * ((d - c * (D ** c)) * (d - 1 - c * (D ** c)) - (c ** 2) * (D ** c)) ) d2rd_vals.append(val)
[docs]def d2rdt(D, T): """Partial derivative with respect to density twice and temperature""" global d2rdt_vals global coeffs for d, t, c, m in coeffs: val = 0 if c == 0: val = d * (d - 1) * t * (D ** d) * (T ** t) elif m == 0: val = np.exp(-D ** c) * ( (D ** (d)) * (T ** t) * ((d - c * (D ** c)) * (d - 1 - c * (D ** c)) - (c ** 2) * (D ** c)) ) else: val = ( np.exp(-D ** c) * ( (D ** (d)) * (T ** t) * np.exp(-T ** m) * ( (d - c * (D ** c)) * (d - 1 - c * (D ** c)) - (c ** 2) * (D ** c) ) ) * (t - m * (T ** m)) ) d2rdt_vals.append(val)
[docs]def d3rd(D, T): """Third partial derivative with respect to density""" global d3rd_vals global coeffs d3rd_vals = [] # i = 1 for d, t, c, m in coeffs: val = 0 if c == 0: val = d * (d - 1) * (d - 2) * (D ** d) * (T ** t) elif m == 0: # val = (D**(d))*(T**t)*exp(-(D**c))*(d*(d-1)*(d-2) + (D**c)*(-2*c + 6*d*c-3*(d**2)*c - 3*d*(c**2) + 3*(c**2) - (c**3)) + (D**(2*c))*(3*d*(c**2) -3*(c**2) + 3*(c**3)) - (c**3)*(D**(3*c))) val = ( (D ** (d)) * (T ** (t)) * np.exp(-(D ** c)) * ( (d - c * (D ** c)) * (d - 1 - c * (D ** c)) * (d - 2 - c * (D ** c)) + (3 * d - 3 + c - 3 * c * (D ** c)) * (-(c ** 2) * (D ** (c))) ) ) else: val = ( (D ** (d)) * (T ** t) * np.exp(-(T ** m)) * np.exp(-(D ** c)) * ( d * (d - 1) * (d - 2) + (D ** c) * ( -2 * c + 6 * d * c - 3 * (d ** 2) * c - 3 * d * (c ** 2) + 3 * (c ** 2) - (c ** 3) ) + (D ** (2 * c)) * (3 * d * (c ** 2) - 3 * (c ** 2) + 3 * (c ** 3)) - (c ** 3) * (D ** (3 * c)) ) ) d3rd_vals.append(val)
[docs]def d4rd(D, T): """Fourth partial derivative with respect to density""" global d4rd_vals global coeffs d4rd_vals = [] # i = 1 for d, t, c, m in coeffs: val = 0 if c == 0: val = d * (d - 1) * (d - 2) * (d - 3) * (D ** d) * (T ** t) elif m == 0: # val = (D**(d))*(T**t)*exp(-(D**c))*(d*(d-1)*(d-2) + (D**c)*(-2*c + 6*d*c-3*(d**2)*c - 3*d*(c**2) + 3*(c**2) - (c**3)) + (D**(2*c))*(3*d*(c**2) -3*(c**2) + 3*(c**3)) - (c**3)*(D**(3*c))) val = ( (D ** (d)) * (T ** (t)) * np.exp(-(D ** c)) * ( (d - c * (D ** c)) * (d - 1 - c * (D ** c)) * (d - 2 - c * (D ** c)) * (d - 3 - c * (D ** c)) + ( 6 * (c ** 2) * D ** (2 * c) - 7 * (c ** 2) * (D ** c) + (c ** 2) - 12 * c * d * (D ** c) + 4 * c * d + 18 * c * (D ** c) - 6 * c + 6 * d ** 2 - 18 * d + 11 ) * (-(c ** 2) * (D ** (c))) ) ) else: val = ( (D ** (d)) * (T ** t) * np.exp(-(T ** m)) * np.exp(-(D ** c)) * ( d * (d - 1) * (d - 2) + (D ** c) * ( -2 * c + 6 * d * c - 3 * (d ** 2) * c - 3 * d * (c ** 2) + 3 * (c ** 2) - (c ** 3) ) + (D ** (2 * c)) * (3 * d * (c ** 2) - 3 * (c ** 2) + 3 * (c ** 3)) - (c ** 3) * (D ** (3 * c)) ) ) val = 0 d4rd_vals.append(val)
[docs]def d5rd(D, T): """Fifth partial derivative with respect to density""" global d5rd_vals global coeffs d5rd_vals = [] for d, t, c, m in coeffs: val = 0 if c == 0: val = d * (d - 1) * (d - 2) * (d - 3) * (d - 4) * (D ** d) * (T ** t) elif m == 0: x, y = sy.symbols("x, y") expr = x ** d * y ** t * sy.exp(-(x ** c)) f_prime = expr.diff(x, 5) val = f_prime.subs([(x, D), (y, T)]) * (D ** 5) else: val = ( (D ** (d)) * (T ** t) * np.exp(-(T ** m)) * np.exp(-(D ** c)) * ( d * (d - 1) * (d - 2) + (D ** c) * ( -2 * c + 6 * d * c - 3 * (d ** 2) * c - 3 * d * (c ** 2) + 3 * (c ** 2) - (c ** 3) ) + (D ** (2 * c)) * (3 * d * (c ** 2) - 3 * (c ** 2) + 3 * (c ** 3)) - (c ** 3) * (D ** (3 * c)) ) ) val = 0 d5rd_vals.append(val)
[docs]def dtrdt(D, T): """Second partial derivative with respect to density and temperature""" global dtrdt_vals global coeffs dtrdt_vals = [] for d, t, c, m in coeffs: val = 0 if c == 0: val = d * t * (D ** d) * (T ** t) elif m == 0: val = np.exp(-D ** c) * ((D ** (d)) * (T ** t) * (d - c * (D ** c))) else: val = ( np.exp(-D ** c) * ((D ** (d)) * (T ** t) * (d - c * (D ** c))) * np.exp(-T ** m) * (t - m * (T ** m)) ) dtrdt_vals.append(val)
[docs]def rTT(D, T): """Second partial derivative with respect to temperature""" global rtt_vals global coeffs rtt_vals = [] for d, t, c, m in coeffs: val = 0 if c == 0: val = t * (t - 1) * (D ** d) * (T ** (t)) elif m == 0: val = np.exp(-D ** c) * ((D ** (d)) * (T ** (t))) * t * (t - 1) else: # NOT DONE val = np.exp(-D ** c) * (D ** (d)) * (T ** t) * np.exp(-T ** t) rtt_vals.append(val)
[docs]def d3rdRes(D, T, Y, Beta): """Third partial derivative with respect to density""" global d3rd_vals global coeffs d3rd_vals = [] val = 0 for x, y in zip(Y, Beta): x = x - 1 [d, t, c, m] = coeffs[x] if c == 0: val += y * d * (d - 1) * (d - 2) * (D ** d) * (T ** t) elif m == 0: # TODO val += ( y * np.exp(-D ** c) * (D ** (d)) * (T ** t) * ( d * (d - 1) * (d - 2) + c * (D ** c) * (-2 + 6 * d - 3 * (d ** 2) - 3 * d * c + 3 * c - (c ** 2)) + (D ** (2 * c)) * (3 * d * (c ** 2) - 3 * (c ** 2) + 3 * (c ** 3)) - (c ** 3) * (D ** (3 * c)) ) ) else: val += ( y * np.exp(-D ** c) * (D ** (d)) * (T ** t) * np.exp(-T ** m) * ( d * (d - 1) * (d - 2) + c * (D ** c) * (-2 + 6 * d - 3 * (d ** 2) - 3 * d * c + 3 * c - (c ** 2)) + (D ** (2 * c)) * (3 * d * (c ** 2) - 3 * (c ** 2) + 3 * (c ** 3)) - (c ** 3) * (D ** (3 * c)) ) ) # print val return val
# PVT derivatives
[docs]def drdRes(D, T, Y, Beta): """ Calculates the partial derivaties w.r.t. density Inputs: D - Delta T - Tau Y - index of basis Function (int or array) Beta - weighting (float or array) """ global drd_vals global coeffs val = 0 if type(Y) is not int: for x, y in zip(Y, Beta): x = x - 1 [d, t, c, m] = coeffs[x] if c == 0: try: val += y * d * (D ** d) * (T ** t) pass except Exception: print("Term", x, d, t, T, D) elif m == 0: val += y * np.exp(-D ** c) * ((D ** (d)) * (T ** t) * (d - c * (D ** c))) else: val += ( y * np.exp(-D ** c) * (D ** (d)) * (T ** t) * np.exp(-T ** m) * (d - c * (D ** c)) ) return val else: x = Y - 1 y = Beta [d, t, c, m] = coeffs[x] if c == 0: val += y * d * (D ** d) * (T ** t) elif m == 0: val += y * np.exp(-D ** c) * ((D ** (d)) * (T ** t) * (d - c * (D ** c))) else: val += ( y * np.exp(-D ** c) * (D ** (d)) * (T ** t) * np.exp(-T ** m) * (d - c * (D ** c)) ) return val
# CV derivatives
[docs]def iTT(D, T): """Ideal helmholtz contribution second partial derivative with respect to temperature""" global itt_val # TOLUENE if molecule == "TOL": # a = [3.5241174832, 1.1360823464] c = [4.0, 0, 0] # B = [.96464, -2.7855, 0.86712, -0.18860, 0.11804, 0.0025181, 0.57196, -0.029287, -0.43351, -0.12540, -0.028207, 0.014076]; v = [1.6994, 8.0577, 17.059, 8.4567, 8.6423] u = [190, 797, 1619, 3072, 7915] # Carbon Monoxide if molecule == "CO": # a = [-3.3728318564, 3.3683460039] c = [3.5, 0.22311e-6, 1.5] # B = [0.90554, -2.4515, 0.53149, 0.024173, 0.072156, 0.00018818, 0.19405, -0.043268, -0.12778, -0.027896, -0.03414, 0.016329] v = [1.0128] u = [3089] # Carbon Dioxide if molecule == "CO2": # a = [8.37304456, -3.70454304, 2.5] c = [2.5 + 1, 0, 0] v = [1.99427042, 0.62105248, 0.41195293, 1.04028922, 0.08327678] u = [ 3.15163 * float(critT), 6.11190 * float(critT), 6.77708 * float(critT), 11.32384 * float(critT), 27.0 * float(critT), ] # Water if molecule == "H2O": # a = [-8.32044648201, 6.6832105268] c = [3.00632 + 1, 0, 0] v = [0.012436, 0.97315, 1.27950, 0.96956, 0.24873] u = [ 1.2878967 * float(critT), 3.53734222 * float(critT), 7.74073708 * float(critT), 9.24437796 * float(critT), 27.5075105 * float(critT), ] itt_val = 0 if c[2] != 0: itt_val = -(c[0] - 1) - c[1] * (critT ** c[2]) / (c[2] * (c[2] + 1)) * ( T ** (-c[2]) ) * (-c[2]) * (-c[2] - 1) # /T**2; else: itt_val = -(c[0] - 1) for uit, vi in zip(u, v): ui = uit / float(critT) itt_val = itt_val - vi * ((ui) ** 2) * (T ** 2) * np.exp(-ui * T) * ( (1 - np.exp(-ui * T)) ** (-2) ) return itt_val
[docs]def rTTRes(D, T, Y, Beta): """Residual helmholtz contribution second partial derivative with respect to temperature""" global rtt_vals global coeffs val = 0 if type(Y) is int: x = Y - 1 y = Beta [d, t, c, m] = coeffs[x] if c == 0: value = t * (t - 1) * (D ** d) * (T ** (t)) elif m == 0: value = np.exp(-D ** c) * ((D ** (d)) * (T ** (t))) * t * (t - 1) else: value = ( np.exp(-D ** c) * ((D ** (d)) * (T ** (t))) * ((t - m * (T ** m)) * (t - 1 - m * (T ** m)) - (m ** 2) * (T ** m)) ) val = y * value else: for x, y in zip(Y, Beta): x = x - 1 [d, t, c, m] = coeffs[x] if c == 0: value = t * (t - 1) * (D ** d) * (T ** (t)) elif m == 0: value = np.exp(-D ** c) * ((D ** (d)) * (T ** (t))) * t * (t - 1) else: value = ( np.exp(-D ** c) * ((D ** (d)) * (T ** (t))) * ( (t - m * (T ** m)) * (t - 1 - m * (T ** m)) - (m ** 2) * (T ** m) ) ) val += y * value return val
[docs]def d2rdRes(D, T, Y, Beta): """Residual helmholtz contribution second partial derivative with respect to density""" global d2rd_vals global coeffs val = 0 d2rd_vals = [] if type(Y) is int: x = Y - 1 y = Beta [d, t, c, m] = coeffs[x] if c == 0: val = y * d * (d - 1) * (D ** d) * (T ** t) elif m != 0: # TODO val = np.exp(-D ** c) * (D ** (d)) * (T ** t) * np.exp(-T ** t) else: val = ( y * np.exp(-D ** c) * ( (D ** (d)) * (T ** t) * ( (d - c * (D ** c)) * (d - 1 - c * (D ** c)) - (c ** 2) * (D ** c) ) ) ) else: for x, y in zip(Y, Beta): x = x - 1 [d, t, c, m] = coeffs[x] if c == 0: val += y * d * (d - 1) * (D ** d) * (T ** t) elif m == 0: # TODO val += ( y * np.exp(-D ** c) * ( (D ** (d)) * (T ** t) * ( (d - c * (D ** c)) * (d - 1 - c * (D ** c)) - (c ** 2) * (D ** c) ) ) ) else: val += ( y * np.exp(-D ** c) * ( (D ** (d)) * (T ** t) * np.exp(-T ** m) * ( (d - c * (D ** c)) * (d - 1 - c * (D ** c)) - (c ** 2) * (D ** c) ) ) ) return val
[docs]def dtrdtRes(D, T, Y, Beta): """Residual helmholtz contribution second partial derivative with respect to density and temperature""" global dtrdt_vals global coeffs val = 0 dtrdt_vals = [] if type(Y) is int: x = Y - 1 y = Beta [d, t, c, m] = coeffs[x] if c == 0: val = y * d * t * (D ** d) * (T ** t) elif m == 0: # TODO val = y * t * np.exp(-D ** c) * ((D ** (d)) * (T ** t) * (d - c * (D ** c))) else: val = ( y * t * np.exp(-D ** c) * ((D ** (d)) * (T ** t) * np.exp(-T ** m) * (d - c * (D ** c))) * (t - m * (T ** m)) ) else: for x, y in zip(Y, Beta): x = x - 1 [d, t, c, m] = coeffs[x] if c == 0: val += y * d * t * (D ** d) * (T ** t) elif m == 0: val += ( y * t * np.exp(-D ** c) * ((D ** (d)) * (T ** t) * (d - c * (D ** c))) ) else: val += ( y * t * np.exp(-D ** c) * ((D ** (d)) * (T ** t) * np.exp(-T ** m) * (d - c * (D ** c))) * (t - m * (T ** m)) ) return val
[docs]def d2rdrtRes(D, T, Y, Beta): """Residual helmholtz contribution third partial derivative with respect to density(2) and temperature(1)""" global d2rd_vals global coeffs val = 0 d2rd_vals = [] if type(Y) is int: x = Y - 1 y = Beta [d, t, c, m] = coeffs[x] if c == 0: val = y * d * (d - 1) * (D ** d) * t * (T ** t) elif m != 0: val = ( np.exp(-D ** c) * (D ** (d)) * (T ** t) * np.exp(-T ** t) * (t - m * (T ** m)) ) else: val = ( y * np.exp(-D ** c) * ( (D ** (d)) * (T ** t) * ( (d - c * (D ** c)) * (d - 1 - c * (D ** c)) - (c ** 2) * (D ** c) ) ) * t ) else: for x, y in zip(Y, Beta): x = x - 1 [d, t, c, m] = coeffs[x] if c == 0: val += y * d * (d - 1) * (D ** d) * t * (T ** t) elif m == 0: val += ( y * np.exp(-D ** c) * ( (D ** (d)) * (T ** t) * ( (d - c * (D ** c)) * (d - 1 - c * (D ** c)) - (c ** 2) * (D ** c) ) ) * t ) else: val += ( y * np.exp(-D ** c) * ( (D ** (d)) * (T ** t) * np.exp(-T ** m) * ( (d - c * (D ** c)) * (d - 1 - c * (D ** c)) - (c ** 2) * (D ** c) ) ) * (t - m * (T ** m)) ) return val