Source code for idaes.surrogate.helmet.Plotting

# Institute for the Design of Advanced Energy Systems Process Systems
# Engineering Framework (IDAES PSE Framework) Copyright (c) 2018-2019, by the
# software owners: The Regents of the University of California, through
# Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,  National Technology & Engineering
# Solutions of Sandia, LLC, Carnegie Mellon University, West Virginia
# University Research Corporation, et al. All rights reserved.
# Please see the files COPYRIGHT.txt and LICENSE.txt for full copyright and
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"""HELMET Plotting capabilities"""

import scipy.stats as stats
import numpy as np
import math

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import cm
import matplotlib
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import pandas as pd

from . import (

font = {"size": 12}
matplotlib.rc("font", **font)
not_parsed = True

CVValuesn, SNDValues = [], []
critT, critD, critP, acc, R, M, Rm = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
molecule = ""
triple = 0

global props
props = ["PVT", "CV", "CP", "SND"]
markers = [".", ",","o","v","^", "<", ">", "1","2", "3","4","8","s", "p","P","*","x","X","D","d","|","_"];

[docs]def molData(fluidData, Dmolecule, RVal): """ Shared data about the molecule and ideas gas constant R """ global critT, critP, critD, M, triple, acc, R, Rm, molecule molecule = Dmolecule (critT, critP, critD, M, triple, acc) = fluidData R = RVal Rm = RVal
# View Ancillary Regressions
[docs]def viewAnc(): """ Plots all the ancillary equations for saturated density and vapor pressure""" plotPV() plotDV() plotDL()
[docs]def plotPV(): """Plot vapor pressure""" global critT, critP, critD, M, triple, acc, R, Rm, S DataImport.PV(molecule) Values = DataImport.Values DataToWrite = [] T = [] D = [] for x in Values: D.append(float(x[0])) T.append(float(x[1])) manVal = DataManipulation.PV(x) DataToWrite.append(manVal) Dcalc = [] for i, t in zip(DataToWrite, T): PVf = AncillaryEquations.getPV() PV = np.exp(PVf.f(i[0], i[1])) * critP Dcalc.append(PV) fig = plt.figure() fig.suptitle("Vapor Pressure Data", fontsize=20, fontweight="bold") ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.scatter(T, D, s=10, edgecolor="r", facecolor="w", marker="o", label="data") ax.scatter(T, Dcalc[:], s=10, c="g", marker="o", label="calculated") ax.set_ylabel("Pressure (MPa)", fontsize=20) ax.set_xlabel("Temperature (K)", fontsize=20) ax.legend(loc="upper right", fontsize=20)
[docs]def plotDV(): """Plot saturated vapor density""" global critT, critP, critD, M, triple, acc, R, Rm, S DataImport.DV(molecule) Values = DataImport.DVValues DataToWrite = [] T = [] D = [] for x in Values: D.append(float(x[0])) T.append(float(x[1])) manVal = DataManipulation.DV(x) DataToWrite.append(manVal) Dcalc = [] DV = AncillaryEquations.getDV() for i, t in zip(DataToWrite, T): Dc = float(critD) Ts = 1 - float(t) / float(critT) Dcalc.append(np.exp(DV.f(Ts)) * Dc) fig = plt.figure() fig.suptitle("Saturated Vapor Density", fontsize=20, fontweight="bold") ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.scatter(T, D, s=10, edgecolor="r", facecolor="w", marker="o", label="data") ax.scatter(T, Dcalc[:], s=10, c="g", marker="o", label="calculated") ax.set_ylabel("Density (dM)", fontsize=20) ax.set_xlabel("Temperature (K)", fontsize=20) ax.legend(loc="upper right", fontsize=20)
[docs]def plotDL(): """Plot saturate liquid density""" global critT, critP, critD, M, triple, acc, R, Rm, molecule DataImport.DL(molecule) Values = DataImport.DLValues DataToWrite = [] T = [] D = [] for x in Values: D.append(float(x[0])) T.append(float(x[1])) manVal = DataManipulation.DL(x) DataToWrite.append(manVal) Dcalc = [] for i, t in zip(DataToWrite, T): Dc = critD DL = AncillaryEquations.getDL() Dcalc.append((DL.f(float(i[0])) + 1) * (Dc)) fig = plt.figure() fig.suptitle("Saturated Liquid Density", fontsize=20, fontweight="bold") ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.scatter(T, D, s=10, edgecolor="r", facecolor="w", marker="o", label="data") ax.scatter(T, Dcalc[:], s=10, c="g", marker="o", label="calculated") ax.set_ylabel("Density (dM)", fontsize=20) ax.set_xlabel("Temperature (K)", fontsize=20) ax.legend(loc="upper right", fontsize=20)
# View Data
[docs]def viewData(): """ View imported data """ global props if "PVT" in props: plotPVT() if "CV" in props: plotCV() if "CP" in props: plotCP() if "SND" in props: plotSND()
[docs]def plotPVT(): """ Plot Pressure-Volume-Temperature data """ DataImport.PVT(molecule) PVTValues = DataImport.PVTValues PVTnp = np.asarray(PVTValues) T = PVTnp[:, 2] D = PVTnp[:, 1] P = PVTnp[:, 0] fig = plt.figure() fig.suptitle("Pressure Data", fontsize=20, fontweight="bold") ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection="3d") ax.scatter(T, D, P, s=20, c=D, marker="o", label="data") # Plot Labels ax.set_zlabel("Pressure", fontsize=12) ax.set_ylabel("Density", fontsize=12) ax.set_xlabel("Temperature (K)", fontsize=12) ax.legend(loc="upper right", fontsize=15)
[docs]def plotCV(): """ Plot isochoric heat capacity """ DataImport.CV(molecule) CVValues = DataImport.CVValues DT = [] for x in CVValues: Tau = float(critT) / float(x[1]) Delta = float(x[0]) / float(critD) CVValuesn.append((Delta, Tau, float(x[2]))) DT.append((Delta, Tau)) CVnp = np.asarray(CVValuesn) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection="3d") ax.scatter( CVnp[:, 1], CVnp[:, 0], CVnp[:, 2], s=20, c="b", marker="o", label="NIST data" ) fig.suptitle("Isochoric Heat Capacity Data", fontsize=20, fontweight="bold") ax.legend(loc="upper right", fontsize=15) ax.set_zlabel("Isochoric Heat Capacity", fontsize=12) ax.set_ylabel("Reduced Density", fontsize=12) ax.set_xlabel("Inverse Reduced Temperature", fontsize=12)
[docs]def plotCP(): """ Plot isobaric heat capacity """ DataImport.CP(molecule) CPValues = DataImport.CPValues CPValuesn = [] DT = [] for x in CPValues: Theta = float(critT) / float(x[1]) De = float(x[0]) / float(critD) z = float(x[2]) CPValuesn.append((De, Theta, z, float(x[0]))) DT.append((De, Theta)) CPnp = np.asarray(CPValuesn) T = CPnp[:, 1] D = CPnp[:, 0] CP = CPnp[:, 2] fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection="3d") ax.scatter(T, D, CP, s=20, c=T, marker="o", label="NIST data") fig.suptitle("Isobaric Heat Capacity Data", fontsize=20, fontweight="bold") ax.legend(loc="upper right") ax.set_zlabel("$C_p$", fontsize=12) ax.set_ylabel(r"$\delta$", fontsize=12) ax.set_xlabel("$ \\tau $", fontsize=12)
[docs]def plotSND(): """ Plot speed of sound data """ DataImport.SND(molecule) Values = DataImport.SNDValues WS = [] for x in Values: Theta = float(critT) / float(x[1]) Delta = float(x[0]) / float(critD) z = float(x[2]) WS.append([Theta, Delta, z]) SNDnp = np.asarray(WS) T = SNDnp[:, 0] D = SNDnp[:, 1] w = SNDnp[:, 2] w = (w ** 2) / R / 1000 * M / T * float(critT) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection="3d") ax.scatter(T, D, w, s=25, c="r", marker="o", label="NIST data") ax.legend(loc="upper right", fontsize=15) fig.suptitle("Speed of Sound Data", fontsize=20, fontweight="bold") ax.set_zlabel("Dimensionless Speed of Sound", fontsize=12) ax.set_ylabel(r"$\delta$", fontsize=15) ax.set_xlabel("$\\tau$", fontsize=15)
# View Regressed Equation
[docs]def sseCombo(lstFile=None, plot = False, report=False, surface=cm.coolwarm): """Plot regressed equation and data. Calculates statistical anlaysis metrics""" Y = [] Beta = [] parseGAMS.parser(lstFile) Y = parseGAMS.indexes[0] Beta = [float(b) for b in parseGAMS.betas[0]] BasisFunctions.formCustomBasis() parseGAMS.writeEquation(Y, Beta) saveFig = False showGraph = plot objZ, objCV, objCP, objSND = 0, 0, 0, 0 if 'PVT' in props: objZ = ssePVT(Y, Beta, saveFig, showGraph, report) if 'CV' in props: objCV = sseCV(Y, Beta, saveFig, showGraph, report) if 'CP' in props: objCP = sseCP(Y, Beta, saveFig, showGraph, report) if 'SND' in props: objSND = sseSND(Y, Beta, saveFig, showGraph, report) if showGraph: HelmetSurface(Y, Beta, showGraph, surface)
[docs]def ssePVT(PVT1=[], PVT1Vals=[], saveFig=False, show=True, report=False): """Plots and metrics for Pressure-volume-temperature data""" Y, Beta = PVT1, PVT1Vals BasisFunctions.formCustomBasis() DT = [] PlaceHolder = [] Z = [] DataImport.PVT(molecule) PVTValues = DataImport.PVTValues DataToWrite = [] for x in PVTValues: manVal = DataManipulation.PVT(x) DataToWrite.append(manVal) for x in DataToWrite: Pval = BasisFunctions.drdRes(x[0], x[1], Y, Beta) PlaceHolder.append(Pval) Z.append(x[2]) PVTnp = np.asarray(PVTValues) P = [] DT = [] for x in PVTValues: P.append(float(x[0])) T = float(critT) / float(x[2]) D = float(x[1]) / float(critD) DT.append((D, T)) anp = np.asarray(DT) D = anp[:, 0] T = anp[:, 1] Zvar = np.var(Z) Ze = [(y - x) for x, y in zip(Z, PlaceHolder)] Z = [(y - x) ** 2 for x, y in zip(Z, PlaceHolder)] PlaceHolder = [1 + x for x in PlaceHolder] PlaceHolder = [ y * R / 1000 * float(x[2]) * float(x[1]) for x, y in zip(PVTValues, PlaceHolder) ] Ta = PVTnp[:, 2] Pa = np.array(P) delPcalc = (Pa - PlaceHolder) / Pa AAD = np.mean(delPcalc) critVal = BasisFunctions.drdRes(1, 1, Y, Beta) d2rdv = BasisFunctions.d2rdRes(1, 1, Y, Beta) d3rdv = BasisFunctions.d3rdRes(1, 1, Y, Beta) if report: print("Critical Values", critVal) CritPressureCalc = (critVal + 1) * R / 1000 * float(critT) * float(critD) if report: print("Critical Pressures", float(critP), CritPressureCalc) CritFirstDeriv = 1 + 2 * critVal + d2rdv CritSecondDeriv = 2 * critVal + 4 * d2rdv + d3rdv if report: print("First Deriv", 0, CritFirstDeriv) print("Second Deriv", 0, CritSecondDeriv) errors = [(m - x) ** 2 for m, x in zip(Pa, PlaceHolder)] sseCalc = sum(errors) avgY = sum(Pa) / len(Pa) sseTotal = sum((Pa - avgY) ** 2) R2calc = 1 - sseCalc / sseTotal meanRes = np.mean(Pa - PlaceHolder) residuals = [m - x for m, x in zip(Pa, PlaceHolder)] S2 = sum((residuals - meanRes) ** 2) / (len(residuals) - 1) S20 = sum(np.array(residuals) ** 2) / (len(residuals) - 1) tscore = meanRes / np.sqrt(S2 + S20) if report: print("Pressure ----------------------") print("SSE for Fit %f" % sseCalc) print("Average residual %f" % np.mean(Pa - PlaceHolder)) print("R2 calculated is %f" % R2calc) RMSE = np.sqrt(np.mean(errors)) print("RMSE calculated is %f" % RMSE) print("AAD is %f, %f, %f" % (min(delPcalc), AAD, max(delPcalc))) print("t value %f, df %f" % (tscore, len(residuals))) print(stats.ttest_1samp(residuals, 0)) if show or saveFig: fig2 = plt.figure() fig2.suptitle('%s Pressure Volume Temperature Regression'% molecule) # Pressure Parity Plot ax2 = fig2.add_subplot(131) # ax2.set_title("%s PVT Regression" % molecule) ax2.set_xlabel("Observed pressure (MPa)") ax2.set_ylabel("Calculated pressure (MPa)") ax2.plot( [0, max(max(Pa), max(PlaceHolder))], [0, max(max(Pa), max(PlaceHolder))], c="b", label="$R^2 = %.3f$" % R2calc, ) ax2.set_xlim([0, 120]) ax2.set_ylim([0, 120]) ax2.scatter( Pa, PlaceHolder, c="w", s=10, edgecolor="k", label="Developed equation\n (multivariable)" ) ax2.legend(loc="upper left") # Pressure Data Plot ax = fig2.add_subplot(132) ax.scatter( Ta, Pa, s=25, c="r", marker="o", edgecolor="k", label="%s data" % molecule ) ax.scatter( Ta, PlaceHolder, s=20, c="b", marker="o", edgecolor="k", label="Developed equation" ) # ax.set_title('Data Fit'); # ax1.set_title('Residuals') ax.set_ylabel("Pressure (MPa)") ax.set_xlabel("Temperature (K)") ax.legend(loc="upper right") # Residuals Plot ax4 = fig2.add_subplot(133) ax4.scatter(T, Pa - PlaceHolder, c=residuals, edgecolor="k") ax4.set_xlabel("Temperature (K)") ax4.set_ylabel("Residuals") # 3d Plot fig3 = plt.figure() fig3.suptitle('%s Pressure Volume Temperature Regression'% molecule) ax3 = fig3.add_subplot(111, projection="3d") ax3.scatter(D, T, Pa, edgecolor="k", label="Data") ax3.scatter(D, T, PlaceHolder, edgecolor="k", label="Regression") ax3.set_xlabel("Reduced Density") ax3.set_ylabel("Inverse Reduced Temperature") ax3.set_zlabel("Pressure (MPa)") # figAAD = plt.figure() # axAAD = figAAD.add_subplot(111) # PVTAAD = [ (x-y)/x for x, y in zip(Pa,PlaceHolder)] # SAAD = [ x[0] for x in zip(Sources,PVTAAD) if abs(x[1]) >1] # TAAD = [ x[0] for x in zip(T,PVTAAD) if abs(x[1]) >1] # PVTAAD = [ x[1] for x in zip(T,PVTAAD) if abs(x[1]) >1] # df = pd.DataFrame(dict(x=TAAD, y=PVTAAD, label=SAAD)) # groups = df.groupby('label') # i = 0 # for name, group in groups: # axAAD.scatter(group.x, group.y, label=name, marker=markers[i]) # i+=1 # # axAAD.scatter(TAAD, PVTAAD, label=SAAD) # axAAD.legend(loc="right") if saveFig: fig2.savefig("%sPics/%sPVT.eps" % (molecule, molecule)) fig3.savefig("%sPics/%sPVTR2.eps" % (molecule, molecule)) if show: if report: print("VARZ: ", Zvar) # l-1 norm sseZ1 = [abs(x) for x in Ze] # l-2 norm sseZ2 = [x ** 2 for x in Ze] # print "SSEZ2: ", np.sum(sseZ1) return [np.sum(sseZ1) / Zvar, np.sum(sseZ2) / Zvar, np.sum(sseZ1), np.sum(sseZ2)]
[docs]def sseCV(Y =[], Beta=[], saveFig=False, show=True, report=False): """Plots and metrics for isochoric heat capacity""" DT = [] CVValuesn = [] PlaceHolder = [] global DataToWrite CVValues = [] try: DataImport.CV(molecule) CVValues = DataImport.CVValues except Exception: print("Error plotting CV") return else: pass CVValues = DataImport.CVValues DataToWrite = [] for x in CVValues: manVal = DataManipulation.CV(x) DataToWrite.append(manVal) BasisFunctions.formCustomBasis() for x in DataToWrite: val = BasisFunctions.rTTRes(x[0], x[1], Y, Beta) itt_val = BasisFunctions.iTT(x[0], x[1]) CVR = val + itt_val PlaceHolder.append(CVR) for x in CVValues: Tau = float(critT) / float(x[1]) Delta = float(x[0])/float(critD) CVValuesn.append((Delta, Tau, float(x[2]))) DT.append((Delta, Tau)) PlaceHolder = [-z * R for T, z in zip(DT, PlaceHolder)] CVnp = np.asarray(CVValuesn) T = CVnp[:, 1] CV = CVnp[:, 2] if show or saveFig: fig = plt.figure() fig.suptitle('%s Isochoric Heat Capacity Regression'%molecule) ax = fig.add_subplot(121) ax.scatter( T, CV, s=10, c="b", edgecolors="k", marker="s", label="%s data" % molecule ) ax.scatter( T, PlaceHolder, s=10, c="r", marker="o", edgecolors="k", label="Developed equation", ) ax.legend(loc="upper left") ax.set_ylabel("Isochoric Heat Capacity") ax.set_xlabel("Temperature (K)") delCVcalc = (CV - PlaceHolder) / (CV) AAD = np.mean(delCVcalc) sseCalc = sum((CV - PlaceHolder) ** 2) avgY = sum(CV) / len(CV) sseTotal = sum((CV - avgY) ** 2) R2calc = 1 - sseCalc / sseTotal errors = (CV - PlaceHolder) ** 2 meanRes = np.mean(CV - PlaceHolder) residuals = [m - x for m, x in zip(CV, PlaceHolder)] S2 = sum((residuals - meanRes) ** 2) / (len(residuals) - 1) S20 = sum(np.array(residuals) ** 2) / (len(residuals) - 1) t = meanRes / np.sqrt(S2 + S20) if report: print("Isochoric Heat Capacity --------------------------") print("SSE for Fit %f" % sseCalc) print("Average residual %f" % np.mean(CV - PlaceHolder)) RMSE = np.sqrt(np.mean(errors)) print("RMSE calculated is %f" % RMSE) # print "SSE total %f" % sseTotal; print("R2 calculated is %f" % R2calc) print("AAD is %f, %f, %f" % (min(delCVcalc), AAD, max(delCVcalc))) print("t value %f, df %i" % (t, len(residuals))) print(stats.ttest_1samp(residuals, 0)) # Parity Plot # fig2 = plt.figure() ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122) ax2.set_xlabel(r"$C_V/(J/(mol\cdot K))$ observed") ax2.set_ylabel(r"$C_V/(J/(mol\cdot K))$ calculated") maxCV = math.ceil(max(max(CV),max(PlaceHolder))) ax2.plot([0, maxCV], [0, maxCV], label="$R^2 = %.3f$" % R2calc, color="b") # ax2.plot([0,550], [0,550], label='$R^2 = %.3f$' %R2calc, color='b') ax2.scatter( CV, PlaceHolder, edgecolors="k", facecolors="none", label="Developed equation", ) # ax2.set_xlim([0,550]) # ax2.set_ylim([0,550]) ax2.legend(loc="upper left") # fig3 = plt.figure() # ax3 = fig3.add_subplot(111, projection='3d'); # ax3.scatter(D, T, CV, edgecolor = 'k', label ='Data') # ax3.scatter(D,T, PlaceHolder, edgecolor='k', label='Regression') # ax3.set_xlabel('Delta'); # ax3.set_ylabel('Tau'); # ax3.set_zlabel('Pressure') if saveFig: fig.savefig("%sPics/%sCV.eps" % (molecule, molecule)) # fig2.savefig('%sPics/%sCVR2.eps' %(molecule,molecule)) if show: CVR = [x / R for x in CV] PR = [x / R for x in PlaceHolder] # l-1 norm sseCV1 = [abs(x - y) for x, y in zip(CVR, PR)] # l-2 norm sseCV2 = [(x - y) ** 2 for x, y in zip(CVR, PR)] if report: print("VARCV: ", np.var(CVR)) return [sum(sseCV1) / np.var(CVR), sum(sseCV2) / np.var(CVR)]
[docs]def sseCP(CP1=[], CP1Vals=[], saveFig=False, show=True, report=False): """Plots and calculates metrics for isobaric heat capacity""" global molecule Y = CP1 Beta = CP1Vals BasisFunctions.formCustomBasis() DataImport.CP(molecule) CPValues = DataImport.CPValues CPValuesn = [] DT = [] rD = [] rDD = [] rTD = [] PlaceHolder = [] for x in CPValues: Theta = float(critT) / float(x[1]) De = float(x[0]) / float(critD) z = float(x[2]) CPValuesn.append((De, Theta, z, float(x[0]))) DT.append((De, Theta)) for x in DT: val = BasisFunctions.rTTRes(x[0], x[1], Y, Beta) itt_val = BasisFunctions.iTT(x[0], x[1]) CPR = val + itt_val PlaceHolder.append(CPR) val = BasisFunctions.drdRes(x[0], x[1], Y, Beta) rD.append(val) rDD.append(BasisFunctions.d2rdRes(x[0], x[1], Y, Beta)) rTD.append(BasisFunctions.dtrdtRes(x[0], x[1], Y, Beta)) CPnp = np.asarray(CPValuesn) T = CPnp[:, 1] D = CPnp[:, 0] CP = CPnp[:, 2] dPD = [1 + 2 * y + z for x, y, z in zip(DT, rD, rDD)] # 10 to 10^-2 dPT = [1 + y - z for x, y, z in zip(DT, rD, rTD)] # 10^-1 CPcalc = [-x + (y ** 2) / z for x, y, z in zip(PlaceHolder, dPT, dPD)] CPcalc = [x * R for x in CPcalc] errors = (CP - CPcalc) ** 2 delCPcalc = (CP - CPcalc) / CP AAD = np.mean(delCPcalc) sseCalc = sum((CP - CPcalc) ** 2) avgY = sum(CP) / len(CP) sseTotal = sum((CP - avgY) ** 2) R2calc = 1 - sseCalc / sseTotal meanRes = np.mean(CP - CPcalc) residuals = [m - x for m, x in zip(CP, CPcalc)] S2 = sum((residuals - meanRes) ** 2) / (len(residuals) - 1) S20 = sum(np.array(residuals) ** 2) / (len(residuals) - 1) t = meanRes / np.sqrt(S2 + S20) if report: print("Isobaric Heat Capacity ---------------------------") print("SSE for Fit %f" % sseCalc) print("Average residual %f" % np.mean(CP - CPcalc)) RMSE = np.sqrt(np.mean(errors)) print("RMSE calculated is %f" % RMSE) # print "SSE total %f" % sseTotal; print("R2 calculated is %f" % R2calc) print("AAD is %f, %f, %f" % (min(delCPcalc), AAD, max(delCPcalc))) print("t value %f, df %i" % (t, len(residuals))) print(stats.ttest_1samp(residuals, 0)) if show or saveFig: fig2 = plt.figure() fig2.suptitle("%s Isobaric Heat Capacity Regression"%molecule) # Parity Plot ax2 = fig2.add_subplot(131) ax2.set_xlabel(r"$C_P/(J/(mol\cdot K))$ observed") ax2.set_ylabel(r"$C_P/(J/(mol\cdot K))$ calculated") minCP = math.floor(min(min(CP),min(CPcalc))) maxCP = math.ceil(max(max(CP),max(CPcalc))) ax2.plot([minCP, maxCP], [minCP, maxCP], label="$R^2 = %.3f$" % R2calc, color="b") ax2.set_xlim([minCP, maxCP]) ax2.set_ylim([minCP, maxCP]) ax2.scatter( CP, CPcalc, edgecolors="k", facecolors="none", label="Developed equation\n (multivariable)", ) ax2.legend(loc="upper right") # Scatter Plot ax = fig2.add_subplot(132) ax.scatter( T, CP, s=15, c="r", marker="s", edgecolors="k", label="%s data (NIST)" % molecule, ) ax.scatter( T, CPcalc, s=15, c="b", marker="o", edgecolors="k", label="Developed equation", ) ax.set_ylabel(r"$C_P/(J/(mol\cdot K))$") ax.set_xlabel("Inverse Reduced Temperature") ax.legend(loc="upper right") ax.set_xlim((0.8, 3.4)) ax.set_ylim((0, 900)) ax4 = fig2.add_subplot(133) ax4.scatter( D, CP, s=15, c="r", marker="s", edgecolors="k", label="%s data (NIST)" % molecule, ) ax4.scatter( D, CPcalc, s=15, c="b", marker="o", edgecolors="k", label="Developed equation", ) ax4.set_ylabel(r"$C_P/(J/(mol\cdot K))$") ax4.set_xlabel("Reduced Density") ax4.legend(loc="upper right") # ax4.set_title("%s Isobaric Heat Capacity Regression" % molecule) ax.legend(loc="upper right") fig3 = plt.figure() ax3 = fig3.add_subplot(111, projection="3d") ax3.scatter(D, T, CP, edgecolor="k", label="Data") ax3.scatter(D, T, CPcalc, edgecolor="k", label="Regression") ax3.set_xlabel("Reduced Density") ax3.set_ylabel("Inverse Reduced Temperature") ax3.set_zlabel("Pressure") ax3.set_title("%s Isobaric Heat Capacity Data" % molecule) ax3.legend() if saveFig: fig2.savefig("%sPics/%sCP.eps" % (molecule, molecule)) if show: CPR = [x / R for x in CP] # l -1 norm sseCP1 = [abs(x / R - y / R) for x, y in zip(CP, CPcalc)] # l-2 norm sseCP2 = [(x / R - y / R) ** 2 for x, y in zip(CP, CPcalc)] if report: print("VARCP: ", np.var(CPR)) return [sum(sseCP1) / np.var(CPR), sum(sseCP2) / np.var(CPR)]
[docs]def sseSND(SND1=[], SND1Vals=[], saveFig=False, show=True, report=False): """Plots and calculates metrics for speed of sound """ Y = SND1 Beta = SND1Vals BasisFunctions.formCustomBasis() DataImport.SND(molecule) Values = DataImport.SNDValues DT = [] WS = [] rD = [] rDD = [] rTD = [] rTT = [] PlaceHolder = [] SNDValues = [] for x in Values: Theta = float(critT) / float(x[1]) D = float(x[0]) / float(critD) z = float(x[2]) SNDValues.append((D, float(x[1]), z, float(x[0]))) DT.append((D, Theta)) WS.append(z) SNDnp = np.asarray(SNDValues) T = SNDnp[:, 1] D = SNDnp[:, 0] w = SNDnp[:, 2] for x in DT: val = BasisFunctions.rTTRes(x[0], x[1], Y, Beta) itt_val = BasisFunctions.iTT(x[0], x[1]) # was not negative, but .iTT returns - itt CPR = val + itt_val PlaceHolder.append(CPR) val = BasisFunctions.drdRes(x[0], x[1], Y, Beta) rD.append(val) rDD.append(BasisFunctions.d2rdRes(x[0], x[1], Y, Beta)) rTD.append(BasisFunctions.dtrdtRes(x[0], x[1], Y, Beta)) rTT.append(BasisFunctions.rTTRes(x[0], x[1], Y, Beta)) dPD = [1 + 2 * x + y for x, y in zip(rD, rDD)] # 10 to 10^-2 dPT = [1 + x - y for x, y in zip(rD, rTD)] # 10^-1 Dwcalc = [x - (y ** 2) / z for x, y, z in zip(dPD, dPT, PlaceHolder)] Dwcalc = [x for x in Dwcalc] w = (w ** 2) / R / 1000 * M / T * float(critT) WS = [(x ** 2) / R / 1000 * M * y[1] / float(critT) for x, y in zip(WS, DT)] We = WS Wes = Dwcalc WSn = np.asarray(WS) Dw = np.asarray(Dwcalc) delWcalc = [(d - w) / d for d, w in zip(WS, Dwcalc)] AAD = np.mean(delWcalc) sseCalc = sum((WSn - Dw) ** 2) avgY = sum(WSn) / len(WSn) sseTotal = sum((WSn - avgY) ** 2) R2calc = 1 - sseCalc / sseTotal errors = [(d - w) ** 2 for d, w in zip(WS, Dwcalc)] residual = [d - w for d, w in zip(WS, Dwcalc)] meanRes = np.mean(residual) residuals = [m - x for m, x in zip(WS, Dwcalc)] S2 = sum((residuals - meanRes) ** 2) / (len(residuals) - 1) S20 = sum(np.array(residuals) ** 2) / (len(residuals) - 1) t = meanRes / np.sqrt(S2 + S20) if report: print("Speed of Sound ----------------------------") print("SSE for Fit %f" % sseCalc) print("Average residual %f" % np.mean(residual)) RMSE = np.sqrt(np.mean(errors)) print("RMSE calculated is %f" % RMSE) # print "SSE total %f" % sseTotal; print("R2 calculated is %f" % R2calc) print("AAD is %f, %f, %f" % (min(delWcalc), AAD, max(delWcalc))) print("t value %f, df %i" % (t, len(residuals))) print(stats.ttest_1samp(residuals, 0)) if show or saveFig: fig2 = plt.figure() fig2.suptitle("%s Speed of Sound Regression"%molecule) # Parity Plot ax2 = fig2.add_subplot(121) ax2.set_xlabel("Speed of sound observed") ax2.set_ylabel("Speed of sound calculated") minSND = math.floor(min(min(WS),min(Dwcalc))) maxSND = math.ceil(max(max(WS),max(Dwcalc))) ax2.plot([minSND, maxSND], [minSND, maxSND], label="$R^2 = %.3f$" % R2calc, color="b") ax2.set_xlim([minSND, maxSND]) ax2.set_ylim([minSND, maxSND]) ax2.scatter( WS, Dwcalc, facecolors="none", edgecolors="k", label="Developed equation\n (multivariable)", ) ax2.legend(loc="upper right") ax = fig2.add_subplot(122) ax.scatter( T, WS, s=25, c="r", marker="s", edgecolors="k", label="%s data" % molecule ) ax.scatter( T, Dwcalc, s=20, c="b", marker="o", edgecolors="k", label="Developed equation", ) ax.set_xlabel("Inverse reduced temperature") ax.set_ylabel("Speed of sound") ax.legend(loc="upper right") ax.set_xlim(min(T)*0.8, max(T)*1.1) ax.set_ylim(min(WS)*0.8, max(WS)*1.1) fig3 = plt.figure() fig3.suptitle("%s Speed of Sound Regression"%molecule) ax3 = fig3.add_subplot(111, projection="3d") ax3.scatter(D, T, WS, edgecolor="k", label="Data") ax3.scatter(D, T, Dwcalc, edgecolor="k", label="Regression") ax3.set_xlabel("Reduced Density") ax3.set_ylabel("Inverse Reduced Temperature") ax3.set_zlabel("Speed of sound") if saveFig: fig2.savefig("%sPics/%sSND.eps" % (molecule, molecule)) fig3.savefig("%sPics/%sSNDR2.eps" % (molecule, molecule)) if show: if report: print("VAR", np.var(We)) # l-1 norm sseW1 = [abs(x - y) for x, y in zip(Wes, We)] # l-2 norm sseW2 = [(x - y) ** 2 for x, y in zip(Wes, We)] return [sum(sseW1) / np.var(We), sum(sseW2) / np.var(We)]
[docs]def HelmetSurface(Y=[], Beta=[], show = True, surface=cm.coolwarm): """Plots Helmholtz Surface""" global critT, critP, critD, M, triple, acc, R, Rm, molecule BasisFunctions.formCustomBasis() # print(Y, Beta) fig = plt.figure() fig.suptitle("%s Helmholtz Energy Surface"%molecule) ax = fig.gca(projection="3d") D = np.arange(0.1, 2, 0.005) T = np.arange(0.1, 2, 0.005) D, T = np.meshgrid(D, T) PlaceHolder = np.zeros((len(D), len(T))) for i in range(len(D)): for j in range(len(D)): # print i,j, D[i,j], T[i,j] val = BasisFunctions.arBY(D[i, j], T[i, j], Y, Beta) itt_val = BasisFunctions.idealBY(D[i, j], T[i, j], Y, Beta) Helm = val + itt_val PlaceHolder[i, j] = Helm ax.plot_surface( D, T, PlaceHolder, cmap=surface, linewidth=0, antialiased=False ) ax.xaxis.labelpad = 5 ax.yaxis.labelpad = 5 ax.zaxis.labelpad = 5 ax.set_xlabel("Reduced density") ax.set_ylabel("Inverse reduced temperature") ax.set_zlabel("Helmholtz energy") ax.set_xticks([0.25, 0.75, 1.25, 1.75]) ax.set_yticks([0.25, 0.75, 1.25, 1.75]) # ax.set_zticks([-2, 0, 2])