Source code for idaes.core.util.dyn_utils

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# Institute for the Design of Advanced Energy Systems Process Systems
# Engineering Framework (IDAES PSE Framework) Copyright (c) 2018-2019, by the
# software owners: The Regents of the University of California, through
# Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,  National Technology & Engineering
# Solutions of Sandia, LLC, Carnegie Mellon University, West Virginia
# University Research Corporation, et al. All rights reserved.
# Please see the files COPYRIGHT.txt and LICENSE.txt for full copyright and
# license information, respectively. Both files are also available online
# at the URL "".
This module contains utility functions for dynamic IDAES models.

from pyomo.environ import Block, Constraint, Var
from pyomo.dae import ContinuousSet, DerivativeVar
from pyomo.kernel import ComponentSet

from idaes.core import FlowsheetBlock
from collections import Counter
import idaes.logger as idaeslog

__author__ = "Robert Parker"

[docs]def is_explicitly_indexed_by(comp, *sets): """ Function for determining whether a pyomo component is indexed by a set or group of sets. Args: comp : some Pyomo component, possibly indexed sets : Pyomo Sets to check indexing by Returns: A bool that is True if comp is directly indexed each set in sets. """ if not comp.is_indexed(): return False n_sets = len(sets) if n_sets == 0: raise ValueError('Must provide at least one set') s_dim = [s.dimen for s in sets] total_s_dim = sum(s_dim) c_dim = comp.dim() if c_dim < total_s_dim: # Cannot be indexed as such if dimension is too low return False elif n_sets == 1 and s_dim[0] == c_dim: # This is the only way the index_set is one of the sets provided. # Otherwise index_set is a _SetProduct return comp.index_set() is sets[0] elif c_dim >= total_s_dim: # Assume the only way to be indexed by all sets is if # we're indexed by a _SetProduct containing all sets if not hasattr(comp.index_set(), 'set_tuple'): return False # Convert set_tuple to a python:set so a different # pyomo:Set with the same elements will not be conflated. set_set = ComponentSet(comp.index_set().set_tuple) return all([s in set_set for s in sets])
[docs]def is_implicitly_indexed_by(comp, s, stop_at=None): """ Function for determining whether a component is contained in a block that is indexed by a particular set. Args: comp : Component whose parent blocks are checked s : Set for which indices are checked stop_at : Block at which to stop searching if reached, regardless of whether or not it is indexed by s Returns: Bool that is true if comp is contained in a block indexed by s """ parent = comp.parent_block() # Stop when top-level block has been reached while parent is not None: # If we have reached our stopping point, quit. if parent is stop_at: return False # Look at the potentially-indexed block containing our component parent = parent.parent_component() # Check again for the stopping point in case an IndexedBlock was used if parent is stop_at: return False # Check potentially-indexed block for index s: if is_explicitly_indexed_by(parent, s): return True # Continue up the tree, checking the parent block of our # potentially-indexed block: else: parent = parent.parent_block() # Return False if top-level block was reached return False
[docs]def get_index_set_except(comp, *sets): """ Function for getting indices of a component over a product of its indexing sets other than those specified. Indices for the specified sets can be used to construct indices of the proper dimension for the original component via the index_getter function. Args: comp : Component whose indexing sets are to be manipulated sets : Sets to omit from the set_except product Returns: A dictionary. Maps 'set_except' to a Pyomo Set or SetProduct of comp's index set, excluding those in sets. Maps 'index_getter' to a function that returns an index of the proper dimension for comp, given an element of set_except and a value for each set excluded. These values must be provided in the same order their Sets were provided in the sets argument. """ n_set = len(sets) s_set = ComponentSet(sets) total_s_dim = sum([s.dimen for s in sets]) info = {} if not is_explicitly_indexed_by(comp, *sets): msg = ( + ' is not indexed by at least one of ' + str([ for s in sets])) raise ValueError(msg) index_set = comp.index_set() if hasattr(index_set, 'set_tuple'): set_tuple = index_set.set_tuple counter = Counter([id(_) for _ in set_tuple]) for s in sets: if counter[id(s)] != 1: msg = 'Cannot omit sets that appear multiple times' raise ValueError(msg) # Need to know the location of each set within comp's index_set # location will map: # location_in_comp_index_set -> location_in_sets location = {} other_ind_sets = [] for ind_loc, ind_set in enumerate(set_tuple): found_set = False for s_loc, s_set in enumerate(sets): if ind_set is s_set: location[ind_loc] = s_loc found_set = True break if not found_set: other_ind_sets.append(ind_set) else: # If index_set has not set_tuple, it must be a SimpleSet, and # len(sets) == 1. Location in sets and in comp's indexing set # are the same. location = {0: 0} other_ind_sets = [] if comp.dim() == total_s_dim: # comp indexed by all sets and having this dimension # is sufficient to know that comp is only indexed by # Sets in *sets # In this case, return the trivial set_except and index_getter # Problem: cannot construct location without a set tuple # is that a problem with this syntax? # Here len(newvals) should == 1 info['set_except'] = [None] # index_getter returns an index corresponding to the values passed to # it, re-ordered according to order of indexing sets in component. info['index_getter'] = (lambda incomplete_index, *newvals: newvals[0] if len(newvals) <= 1 else tuple([newvals[location[i]] for i in location])) return info # Now may assume other_ind_sets is nonempty. if len(other_ind_sets) == 1: set_except = other_ind_sets[0] elif len(other_ind_sets) >= 2: set_except = other_ind_sets[0].cross(*other_ind_sets[1:]) else: raise ValueError('Did not expect this to happen') index_getter = (lambda incomplete_index, *newvals: _complete_index(location, incomplete_index, *newvals)) info['set_except'] = set_except info['index_getter'] = index_getter return info
def _complete_index(loc, index, *newvals): """ Function for inserting new values into a partial index. Used by get_index_set_except function to construct the index_getter function for completing indices of a particular component with particular sets excluded. Args: loc : Dictionary mapping location in the new index to location in newvals index : Partial index newvals : New values to insert into index. Can be scalars or tuples (for higher-dimension sets) Returns: An index (tuple) with values from newvals inserted in locations specified by loc """ if type(index) is not tuple: index = (index,) keys = sorted(loc.keys()) if len(keys) != len(newvals): raise ValueError('Wrong number of values to complete index') for i in sorted(loc.keys()): newval = newvals[loc[i]] if type(newval) is not tuple: newval = (newval,) index = index[0:i] + newval + index[i:] return index
[docs]def get_activity_dict(b): """ Function that builds a dictionary telling whether or not each ConstraintData and BlockData object in a model is active. Uses the objects' ids as the hash. Args: b : A Pyomo Block to be searched for active components Returns: A dictionary mapping id of constraint and block data objects to a bool indicating if they are active """ return {id(con): for con in b.component_data_objects((Constraint, Block))}
[docs]def deactivate_model_at(b, cset, pts, outlvl=idaeslog.NOTSET): """ Finds any block or constraint in block b, indexed explicitly (and not implicitly) by cset, and deactivates it at points specified. Implicitly indexed components are excluded because one of their parent blocks will be deactivated, so deactivating them too would be redundant. Args: b : Block to search cset : ContinuousSet of interest pts : Value or list of values, in ContinuousSet, to deactivate at Returns: A dictionary mapping points in pts to lists of component data that have been deactivated there """ if not type(pts) is list: pts = [pts] for pt in pts: if not pt in cset: msg = str(pt) + ' is not in ContinuousSet ' + raise ValueError(msg) deactivated = {pt: [] for pt in pts} visited = set() for comp in b.component_objects([Block, Constraint], active=True): # Record components that have been visited in case component_objects # contains duplicates (due to references) if id(comp) in visited: continue visited.add(id(comp)) if (is_explicitly_indexed_by(comp, cset) and not is_implicitly_indexed_by(comp, cset)): info = get_index_set_except(comp, cset) non_cset_set = info['set_except'] index_getter = info['index_getter'] for non_cset_index in non_cset_set: for pt in pts: index = index_getter(non_cset_index, pt) try: comp[index].deactivate() deactivated[pt].append(comp[index]) except KeyError: # except KeyError to allow Constraint/Block.Skip msg = ( + ' has no index ' + str(index)) init_log = idaeslog.getInitLogger(__name__, outlvl) init_log.warning(msg) continue return deactivated
[docs]def deactivate_constraints_unindexed_by(b, time): """ Searches block b for and constraints not indexed by time and deactivates them. Args: b : Block to search time : Set with respect to which to find unindexed constraints Returns: List of constraints deactivated """ conlist = [] visited = set() for comp in b.component_objects(Constraint, active=True): if id(comp) in visited: continue visited.add(id(comp)) if (not is_explicitly_indexed_by(comp, time) and not is_implicitly_indexed_by(comp, time)): for index in comp: compdata = comp[index] if compdata.deactivate() conlist.append(compdata) return conlist
[docs]def fix_vars_unindexed_by(b, time): """ Searches block b for variables not indexed by time and fixes them. Args: b : Block to search time : Set with respect to which to find unindexed variables Returns: List of variables fixed """ varlist = [] visited = set() for var in b.component_objects(Var): if id(var) in visited: continue visited.add(id(var)) if (not is_explicitly_indexed_by(var, time) and not is_implicitly_indexed_by(var, time)): for index in var: vardata = var[index] if (not vardata.fixed and vardata.value is not None): # Can't fix a variable with a value of None, but this # should be called after a solve, so any variable with # value of None is stale and won't be sent to solver, # so it doesn't need to be fixed to maintain correct # degrees of freedom vardata.fix() varlist.append(vardata) return varlist
[docs]def get_derivatives_at(b, time, pts): """ Finds derivatives with respect to time at points specified. No distinction made for multiple derivatives or mixed partials. Args: b : Block to search for derivatives time : ContinuousSet to look for derivatives with respect to pts : Value or list of values in time set at which to return derivatives Returns Dictionary mapping time points to lists of derivatives at those points """ if not type(pts) is list: pts = [pts] dvdict = {pt: [] for pt in pts} visited = set() for var in b.component_objects(Var): if id(var) in visited: continue visited.add(id(var)) if not isinstance(var, DerivativeVar): continue if time not in ComponentSet(var.get_continuousset_list()): continue info = get_index_set_except(var, time) non_time_set = info['set_except'] index_getter = info['index_getter'] for pt in pts: for non_time_index in non_time_set: index = index_getter(non_time_index, pt) dvdict[pt].append(var[index]) return dvdict
# TODO: should be able to replace this function everywhere # with getname and find_component # ^ not true. Cannot call find_component from a BlockData object # Or on a name containing a decimal index # component looks like a similar substitue for BlockDatas, but # cannot seem to call on names including indices at all
[docs]def path_from_block(comp, blk, include_comp=False): """ Returns a list of tuples with (local_name, index) pairs required to locate comp from blk Args: comp : Component(Data) object to locate blk : Block(Data) to locate comp from include_comp : Bool of whether or not to include the local_name, index of the component itself Returns: A list of string, index tuples that can be used to locate comp from blk """ parent_data = comp.parent_block() route = [] # Walk up the hierarchy tree until blk is reached while parent_data != blk: parent_obj = parent_data.parent_component() # Record the local name and index required to locate the current block # from the parent_component of its parent_block # Pre-pend to the existing (name, index) list route = [(parent_obj.local_name, parent_data.index())] + route # If top-levelmodel has been reached, break # (This should not happen) if parent_data.parent_block() == None: break parent_data = parent_data.parent_block() # Append comp's name and index to the list if desired: if include_comp: if hasattr(comp, 'index'): route.append((comp.parent_component().local_name, comp.index())) else: route.append((comp.parent_component().local_name, None)) return route
[docs]def copy_non_time_indexed_values(fs_tgt, fs_src, copy_fixed=True): """ Function to set the values of all variables that are not (implicitly or explicitly) indexed by time to their values in a different flowsheet. Args: fs_tgt : Flowsheet into which values will be copied. fs_src : Flowsheet from which values will be copied. copy_fixed : Bool marking whether or not to copy over fixed variables in the target flowsheet. Returns: None """ time_tgt = fs_tgt.time var_visited = set() for var_tgt in fs_tgt.component_objects(Var, descend_into=False): if id(var_tgt) in var_visited: continue var_visited.add(id(var_tgt)) if is_explicitly_indexed_by(var_tgt, time_tgt): continue var_src = fs_src.find_component(var_tgt.local_name) # ^ this find_component is fine because var_tgt is a Var not VarData # and its local_name is used for index in var_tgt: if not copy_fixed and var_tgt[index].fixed: continue var_tgt[index].set_value(var_src.value) blk_visited = set() for blk_tgt in fs_tgt.component_objects(Block): if id(blk_tgt) in blk_visited: continue blk_visited.add(id(blk_tgt)) if (is_implicitly_indexed_by(blk_tgt, time_tgt) or is_explicitly_indexed_by(blk_tgt, time_tgt)): continue # block is not even implicitly indexed by time for b_index in blk_tgt: var_visited = set() for var_tgt in blk_tgt[b_index].component_objects(Var, descend_into=False): if id(var_tgt) in var_visited: continue var_visited.add(id(var_tgt)) if is_explicitly_indexed_by(var_tgt, time_tgt): continue # can't used find_component(local_name) here because I might # have decimal indices local_parent = fs_src for r in path_from_block(var_tgt, fs_tgt): local_parent = getattr(local_parent, r[0])[r[1]] var_src = getattr(local_parent, var_tgt.local_name) for index in var_tgt: if not copy_fixed and var_tgt[index].fixed: continue var_tgt[index].set_value(var_src[index].value)
[docs]def copy_values_at_time(fs_tgt, fs_src, t_target, t_source, copy_fixed=True, outlvl=idaeslog.NOTSET): """ Function to set the values of all (explicitly or implicitly) time-indexed variables in a flowsheet to similar values (with the same name) but at different points in time and (potentially) in different flowsheets. Args: fs_tgt : Target flowsheet, whose variables' values will get set fs_src : Source flowsheet, whose variables' values will be used to set those of the target flowsheet. Could be the target flowsheet t_target : Target time point t_source : Source time point copy_fixed : Bool of whether or not to copy over fixed variables in target model outlvl : IDAES logger output level Returns: None """ time_target = fs_tgt.time var_visited = set() for var_target in fs_tgt.component_objects(Var): if id(var_target) in var_visited: continue var_visited.add(id(var_target)) if not is_explicitly_indexed_by(var_target, time_target): continue n = var_target.index_set().dimen local_parent = fs_src varname = var_target.getname(fully_qualified=True, relative_to=fs_tgt) # Calling find_component here makes the assumption that fs_src # is not indexed var_source = fs_src.find_component(varname) if var_source is None: # Log a warning msg = ('Warning copying values: ' + varname + ' does not exist in source block ' + init_log = idaeslog.getInitLogger(__name__, outlvl) init_log.warning(msg) continue if n == 1: if not copy_fixed and var_target[t_target].fixed: continue var_target[t_target].set_value(var_source[t_source].value) elif n >= 2: index_info = get_index_set_except(var_target, time_target) non_time_index_set = index_info['set_except'] index_getter = index_info['index_getter'] for non_time_index in non_time_index_set: source_index = index_getter(non_time_index, t_source) target_index = index_getter(non_time_index, t_target) if not copy_fixed and var_target[target_index].fixed: continue var_target[target_index].set_value( var_source[source_index].value) blk_visited = set() for blk_target in fs_tgt.component_objects(Block): if id(blk_target) in blk_visited: continue blk_visited.add(id(blk_target)) if not is_explicitly_indexed_by(blk_target, time_target): continue n = blk_target.index_set().dimen blkname = blk_target.getname(fully_qualified=True, relative_to=fs_tgt) blk_source = fs_src.find_component(blkname) if blk_source is None: # log warning msg = ('Warning copying values: ' + blkname + ' does not exist in source' + init_log = idaeslog.getInitLogger(__name__, outlvl) init_log.warning(msg) continue if n == 1: target_index = t_target source_index = t_source var_visited = set() for var_target in blk_target[target_index].component_data_objects(Var): if id(var_target) in var_visited: continue var_visited.add(id(var_target)) if not copy_fixed and var_target.fixed: continue # Here, find_component will not work from BlockData object local_parent = blk_source[source_index] for r in path_from_block(var_target, blk_target[target_index]): local_parent = getattr(local_parent, r[0])[r[1]] var_source = getattr(local_parent, var_target.parent_component().local_name)[ var_target.index()] var_target.set_value(var_source.value) elif n >= 2: index_info = get_index_set_except(blk_target, time_target) non_time_index_set = index_info['set_except'] index_getter = index_info['index_getter'] for non_time_index in non_time_index_set: source_index = index_getter(non_time_index, t_source) target_index = index_getter(non_time_index, t_target) var_visited = set() for var_target in blk_target[target_index].component_data_objects(Var): if id(var_target) in var_visited: continue var_visited.add(id(var_target)) if not copy_fixed and var_target.fixed: continue local_parent = blk_source[source_index] for r in path_from_block(var_target, blk_target[target_index]): local_parent = getattr(local_parent, r[0])[r[1]] var_source = getattr(local_parent, var_target.parent_component().local_name)[ var_target.index()] var_target.set_value(var_source.value)