Source code for idaes.core.util.homotopy

# Institute for the Design of Advanced Energy Systems Process Systems
# Engineering Framework (IDAES PSE Framework) Copyright (c) 2018-2019, by the
# software owners: The Regents of the University of California, through
# Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,  National Technology & Engineering
# Solutions of Sandia, LLC, Carnegie Mellon University, West Virginia
# University Research Corporation, et al. All rights reserved.
# Please see the files COPYRIGHT.txt and LICENSE.txt for full copyright and
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IDAES Homotopy meta-solver routine.

__author__ = "Andrew Lee"

import logging

from pyomo.environ import (Block,
from pyomo.core.base.var import _VarData
from pyomo.contrib.parmest.ipopt_solver_wrapper import ipopt_solve_with_stats

from idaes.core.util.model_serializer import to_json, from_json
from idaes.core.util.model_statistics import degrees_of_freedom
from idaes.core.util.exceptions import ConfigurationError
import idaes.logger as idaeslog

_log = idaeslog.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def homotopy(model, variables, targets, max_solver_iterations=50, max_solver_time=10, step_init=0.1, step_cut=0.5, iter_target=4, step_accel=0.5, max_step=1, min_step=0.05, max_eval=200): """ Homotopy meta-solver routine using Ipopt as the non-linear solver. This routine takes a model along with a list of fixed variables in that model and a list of target values for those variables. The routine then tries to iteratively move the values of the fixed variables to their target values using an adaptive step size. Args: model : model to be solved variables : list of Pyomo Var objects to be varied using homotopy. Variables must be fixed. targets : list of target values for each variable max_solver_iterations : maximum number of solver iterations per homotopy step (default=50) max_solver_time : maximum cpu time for the solver per homotopy step (default=10) step_init : initial homotopy step size (default=0.1) step_cut : factor by which to reduce step size on failed step (default=0.5) step_accel : acceleration factor for adjusting step size on successful step (default=0.5) iter_target : target number of solver iterations per homotopy step (default=4) max_step : maximum homotopy step size (default=1) min_step : minimum homotopy step size (default=0.05) max_eval : maximum number of homotopy evaluations (both successful and unsuccessful) (default=200) Returns: Termination Condition : A Pyomo TerminationCondition Enum indicating how the meta-solver terminated (see documentation) Solver Progress : a fraction indication how far the solver progressed from the initial values to the target values Number of Iterations : number of homotopy evaluations before solver terminated """ eps = 1e-3 # Tolerance for homotopy step convergence to 1 # Get model logger _log = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Validate model is an instance of Block if not isinstance(model, Block): raise TypeError("Model provided was not a valid Pyomo model object " "(instance of Block). Please provide a valid model.") if degrees_of_freedom(model) != 0: raise ConfigurationError( "Degrees of freedom in model are not equal to zero. Homotopy " "should not be used on probelms which are not well-defined.") # Validate variables and targets if len(variables) != len(targets): raise ConfigurationError( "Number of variables and targets do not match.") for i in range(len(variables)): v = variables[i] t = targets[i] if not isinstance(v, _VarData): raise TypeError("Variable provided ({}) was not a valid Pyomo Var " "component.".format(v)) # Check that v is part of model parent = v.parent_block() while parent != model: if parent is None: raise ConfigurationError("Variable {} is not part of model" .format(v)) parent = parent.parent_block() # Check that v is fixed if not v.fixed: raise ConfigurationError( "Homotopy metasolver provided with unfixed variable {}." "All variables must be fixed.".format( # Check bounds on v (they don't really matter, but check for sanity) if v.ub is not None: if v.value > v.ub: raise ConfigurationError( "Current value for variable {} is greater than the " "upper bound for that variable. Please correct this " "before continuing.".format( if t > v.ub: raise ConfigurationError( "Target value for variable {} is greater than the " "upper bound for that variable. Please correct this " "before continuing.".format( if is not None: if v.value < raise ConfigurationError( "Current value for variable {} is less than the " "lower bound for that variable. Please correct this " "before continuing.".format( if t < raise ConfigurationError( "Target value for variable {} is less than the " "lower bound for that variable. Please correct this " "before continuing.".format( # TODO : Should we be more restrictive on these values to avoid users # TODO : picking numbers that are less likely to solve (but still valid)? # Validate homotopy parameter selections if not 0.05 <= step_init <= 0.8: raise ConfigurationError("Invalid value for step_init ({}). Must lie " "between 0.05 and 0.8.".format(step_init)) if not 0.1 <= step_cut <= 0.9: raise ConfigurationError("Invalid value for step_cut ({}). Must lie " "between 0.1 and 0.9.".format(step_cut)) if step_accel < 0: raise ConfigurationError("Invalid value for step_accel ({}). Must be " "greater than or equal to 0." .format(step_accel)) if iter_target < 1: raise ConfigurationError("Invalid value for iter_target ({}). Must be " "greater than or equal to 1." .format(iter_target)) if not isinstance(iter_target, int): raise ConfigurationError("Invalid value for iter_target ({}). Must be " "an an integer.".format(iter_target)) if not 0.05 <= max_step <= 1: raise ConfigurationError("Invalid value for max_step ({}). Must lie " "between 0.05 and 1." .format(max_step)) if not 0.01 <= min_step <= 0.1: raise ConfigurationError("Invalid value for min_step ({}). Must lie " "between 0.01 and 0.1." .format(min_step)) if not min_step <= max_step: raise ConfigurationError("Invalid argumnets: step_min must be less " "or equal to step_max.") if not min_step <= step_init <= max_step: raise ConfigurationError("Invalid arguments: step_init must lie " "between min_step and max_step.") if max_eval < 1: raise ConfigurationError("Invalid value for max_eval ({}). Must be " "greater than or equal to 1." .format(step_accel)) if not isinstance(max_eval, int): raise ConfigurationError("Invalid value for max_eval ({}). Must be " "an an integer.".format(iter_target)) # Create solver object solver_obj = SolverFactory('ipopt') # Perform initial solve of model to confirm feasible initial solution results, solved, sol_iter, sol_time, sol_reg = ipopt_solve_with_stats( model, solver_obj, max_solver_iterations, max_solver_time) if not solved: _log.exception("Homotopy Failed - initial solution infeasible.") return TerminationCondition.infeasible, 0, 0 elif sol_reg != "-": _log.warning( "Homotopy - initial solution converged with regularization.") return TerminationCondition.other, 0, 0 else:"Homotopy - initial point converged") # Set up homotopy variables # Get initial values and deltas for all variables v_init = [] for i in range(len(variables)): v_init.append(variables[i].value) n_0 = 0.0 # Homotopy progress variable s = step_init # Set step size to step_init iter_count = 0 # Counter for homotopy iterations # Save model state to dict # TODO : for very large models, it may be necessary to dump this to a file current_state = to_json(model, return_dict=True) while n_0 < 1.0: iter_count += 1 # Increase iter_count regardless of success or failure # Calculate next n value given current step size if n_0 + s >= 1.0-eps: n_1 = 1.0 else: n_1 = n_0 + s"Homotopy Iteration {}. Next Step: {} (Current: {})" .format(iter_count, n_1, n_0)) # Update values for all variables using n_1 for i in range(len(variables)): variables[i].fix(targets[i]*n_1 + v_init[i]*(1-n_1)) # Solve model at new state results, solved, sol_iter, sol_time, sol_reg = ipopt_solve_with_stats( model, solver_obj, max_solver_iterations, max_solver_time) # Check solver output for convergence if solved: # Step succeeded - accept current state current_state = to_json(model, return_dict=True) # Update n_0 to accept current step n_0 = n_1 # Check solver iterations and calculate next step size s_proposed = s*(1 + step_accel*(iter_target/sol_iter-1)) if s_proposed > max_step: s = max_step elif s_proposed < min_step: s = min_step else: s = s_proposed else: # Step failed - reload old state from_json(model, current_state) # Try to cut back step size if s > min_step: # Step size can be cut s = max(min_step, s*step_cut) else: # Step is already at minimum size, terminate homotopy _log.exception( "Homotopy failed - could not converge at minimum step " "size. Current progress is {}".format(n_0)) return TerminationCondition.minStepLength, n_0, iter_count if iter_count >= max_eval: # Use greater than or equal to to be safe _log.exception("Homotopy failed - maximum homotopy iterations " "exceeded. Current progress is {}".format(n_0)) return TerminationCondition.maxEvaluations, n_0, iter_count if sol_reg == "-":"Homotopy successful - converged at target values in {} " "iterations.".format(iter_count)) return TerminationCondition.optimal, n_0, iter_count else: _log.exception( "Homotopy failed - converged at target values with " "regularization in {} iterations.".format(iter_count)) return TerminationCondition.other, n_0, iter_count