Source code for idaes.core.util.tables

# Institute for the Design of Advanced Energy Systems Process Systems
# Engineering Framework (IDAES PSE Framework) Copyright (c) 2018-2019, by the
# software owners: The Regents of the University of California, through
# Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,  National Technology & Engineering
# Solutions of Sandia, LLC, Carnegie Mellon University, West Virginia
# University Research Corporation, et al. All rights reserved.
# Please see the files COPYRIGHT.txt and LICENSE.txt for full copyright and
# license information, respectively. Both files are also available online
# at the URL "".

from pandas import DataFrame
from collections import OrderedDict
from pyomo.environ import value
from import Arc, Port

from idaes.core.util.exceptions import ConfigurationError

__author__ = "John Eslick, Andrew Lee"

[docs]def arcs_to_stream_dict(blk, descend_into=True): """ Creates a stream dictionary from the Arcs in a model, using the Arc names as keys. This can be used to automate the creation of the streams dictionary needed for the ``create_stream_table_dataframe()`` and ``stream_states_dict()`` functions. Args: blk (pyomo.environ._BlockData): Pyomo model to search for Arcs descend_into (bool): If True, search subblocks for Arcs as well. The default is True. Returns: Dictionary with Arc names as keys and the Arcs as values. """ return dict( (c.getname(), c) for c in blk.component_objects(Arc, descend_into=descend_into) )
[docs]def stream_states_dict(streams, time_point=0): """ Method to create a dictionary of state block representing stream states. This takes a dict with stream name keys and stream values. Args: streams : dict with name keys and stream values. Names will be used as display names for stream table, and streams may be Arcs, Ports or StateBlocks. time_point : point in the time domain at which to generate stream table (default = 0) Returns: A pandas DataFrame containing the stream table data. """ stream_dict = OrderedDict() def _stream_dict_add(sb, n, i=None): """add a line to the stream table""" if i is None: key = n else: key = "{}[{}]".format(n, i) stream_dict[key] = sb for n in streams.keys(): try: if isinstance(streams[n], Arc) and not streams[n].is_indexed(): # Use destination of Arc, as inlets are more likely (?) to be # fully-defined StateBlocks sb = _get_state_from_port(streams[n].destination, time_point) _stream_dict_add(sb, n) elif isinstance(streams[n], Arc): for i, a in streams[n].items(): sb = _get_state_from_port(a.destination, time_point) _stream_dict_add(sb, n, i) elif isinstance(streams[n], Port): sb = _get_state_from_port(streams[n], time_point) _stream_dict_add(sb, n) else: sb = streams[n][time_point] _stream_dict_add(sb, n) except (AttributeError, KeyError): raise TypeError( f"Unrecognised component provided in stream argument " f"{streams[n]}. get_stream_table_attributes only " f"supports Arcs, Ports or StateBlocks." ) return stream_dict
[docs]def create_stream_table_dataframe( streams, true_state=False, time_point=0, orient="columns" ): """ Method to create a stream table in the form of a pandas dataframe. Method takes a dict with name keys and stream values. Use an OrderedDict to list the streams in a specific order, otherwise the dataframe can be sorted later. Args: streams : dict with name keys and stream values. Names will be used as display names for stream table, and streams may be Arcs, Ports or StateBlocks. true_state : indicated whether the stream table should contain the display variables define in the StateBlock (False, default) or the state variables (True). time_point : point in the time domain at which to generate stream table (default = 0) orient : orientation of stream table. Accepted values are 'columns' (default) where streams are displayed as columns, or 'index' where stream are displayed as rows. Returns: A pandas DataFrame containing the stream table data. """ stream_attributes = OrderedDict() stream_states = stream_states_dict(streams=streams, time_point=time_point) for key, sb in stream_states.items(): stream_attributes[key] = {} if true_state: disp_dict = sb.define_state_vars() else: disp_dict = sb.define_display_vars() for k in disp_dict: for i in disp_dict[k]: if i is None: stream_attributes[key][k] = value(disp_dict[k][i]) else: stream_attributes[key][k + " " + str(i)] = value(disp_dict[k][i]) return DataFrame.from_dict(stream_attributes, orient=orient)
[docs]def stream_table_dataframe_to_string(stream_table, **kwargs): """ Method to print a stream table from a dataframe. Method takes any argument understood by DataFrame.to_string """ # Set some default values for keyword arguments na_rep = kwargs.pop("na_rep", "-") justify = kwargs.pop("justify", "center") float_format = kwargs.pop("float_format", lambda x: "{:#.5g}".format(x)) # Print stream table return stream_table.to_string( na_rep=na_rep, justify=justify, float_format=float_format, **kwargs )
def _get_state_from_port(port, time_point): # Check port for _state_block attribute try: if len(port._state_block) == 1: return port._state_block[0][time_point] else: return port._state_block[0][time_point, port._state_block[1]] except AttributeError: # Port was not created by IDAES add_port methods. Return exception for # the user to fix. raise ConfigurationError( f"Port {} does not have a _state_block attribute, " f"thus cannot determine StateBlock to use for collecting data." f" Please provide the associated StateBlock instead, or use " f"the IDAES add_port methods to create the Port." )
[docs]def generate_table(blocks, attributes, heading=None): """ Create a Pandas DataFrame that contains a list of user-defined attributes from a set of Blocks. Args: blocks (dict): A dictionary with name keys and BlockData objects for values. Any name can be associated with a block. Use an OrderedDict to show the blocks in a specific order, otherwise the dataframe can be sorted later. attributes (list or tuple of strings): Attributes to report from a Block, can be a Var, Param, or Expression. If an attribute doesn't exist or doesn't have a valid value, it will be treated as missing data. heading (list or tuple of srings): A list of strings that will be used as column headings. If None the attribute names will be used. Returns: (DataFrame): A Pandas dataframe containing a data table """ if heading is None: heading = attributes st = DataFrame(columns=heading) row = [None] * len(attributes) # not a big deal but save time on realloc for key, s in blocks.items(): for i, a in enumerate(attributes): try: v = getattr(s, a, None) v = value(v, exception=False) except ZeroDivisionError: v = None row[i] = v st.loc[key] = row return st