Source code for

# Institute for the Design of Advanced Energy Systems Process Systems
# Engineering Framework (IDAES PSE Framework) Copyright (c) 2018-2019, by the
# software owners: The Regents of the University of California, through
# Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,  National Technology & Engineering
# Solutions of Sandia, LLC, Carnegie Mellon University, West Virginia
# University Research Corporation, et al. All rights reserved.
# Please see the files COPYRIGHT.txt and LICENSE.txt for full copyright and
# license information, respectively. Both files are also available online
# at the URL "".
Ideal gas + Ideal/Non-ideal liquid property package.

VLE calucations assuming an ideal gas for the gas phase. For the liquid phase,
options include ideal liquid or non-ideal liquid using an activity
coefficient model; options include Non Random Two Liquid Model (NRTL) or the
Wilson model to compute the activity coefficient. This property package
supports the following combinations for gas-liquid mixtures:
1. Ideal (vapor) - Ideal (liquid)
2. Ideal (vapor) - NRTL (liquid)
3. Ideal (vapor) - Wilson (liquid)

This property package currently supports the flow_mol, temperature, pressure
and mole_frac_comp as state variables (mole basis). Support for other
combinations will be available in the future.

Please note that the parameters required to compute the activity coefficient
for the component needs to be provided by the user in the parameter block or
can be estimated by the user if VLE data is available. Please see the
documentation for more details.

SI units.


1. "The properties of gases and liquids by Robert C. Reid"
2. "Perry's Chemical Engineers Handbook by Robert H. Perry".
3. H. Renon and J.M. Prausnitz, "Local compositions in thermodynamic excess
   functions for liquid mixtures.", AIChE Journal Vol. 14, No.1, 1968.

# Import Pyomo libraries
from pyomo.environ import Constraint, log, NonNegativeReals, value, Var, exp,\
    Set, Expression, Param, sqrt, SolverFactory
from pyomo.common.config import ConfigValue, In

# Import IDAES cores
from idaes.core import (declare_process_block_class,
from idaes.core.util.initialization import (fix_state_vars,
from idaes.core.util.exceptions import ConfigurationError
from idaes.core.util.model_statistics import degrees_of_freedom
from idaes.core.util.constants import Constants as const
import idaes.logger as idaeslog

# Some more inforation about this module
__author__ = "Jaffer Ghouse"
__version__ = "0.0.2"

# Set up logger
_log = idaeslog.getLogger(__name__)

class ActivityCoeffParameterData(PhysicalParameterBlock):
    Property Parameter Block Class
    Contains parameters and indexing sets associated with properties for
    BTX system.
    # Config block for the _IdealStateBlock
    CONFIG = PhysicalParameterBlock.CONFIG()

    CONFIG.declare("activity_coeff_model", ConfigValue(
        domain=In(["Ideal", "NRTL", "Wilson"]),
        description="Flag indicating the activity coefficient model",
        doc="""Flag indicating the activity coefficient model to be used
for the non-ideal liquid, and thus corresponding constraints  should be
**default** - Ideal liquid.
**Valid values:** {
**"NRTL"** - Non Random Two Liquid Model,
**"Wilson"** - Wilson Liquid Model,}"""))

    CONFIG.declare("state_vars", ConfigValue(
        domain=In(["FTPz", "FcTP"]),
        description="Flag indicating the choice for state variables",
        doc="""Flag indicating the choice for state variables to be used
    for the state block, and thus corresponding constraints  should be
    **default** - FTPz
    **Valid values:** {
    **"FTPx"** - Total flow, Temperature, Pressure and Mole fraction,
    **"FcTP"** - Component flow, Temperature and Pressure}"""))

    CONFIG.declare("valid_phase", ConfigValue(
        default=("Vap", "Liq"),
        domain=In(["Liq", "Vap", ("Vap", "Liq"), ("Liq", "Vap")]),
        description="Flag indicating the valid phase",
        doc="""Flag indicating the valid phase for a given set of
conditions, and thus corresponding constraints  should be included,
**default** - ("Vap", "Liq").
**Valid values:** {
**"Liq"** - Liquid only,
**"Vap"** - Vapor only,
**("Vap", "Liq")** - Vapor-liquid equilibrium,
**("Liq", "Vap")** - Vapor-liquid equilibrium,}"""))

    def build(self):
        """Callable method for Block construction."""
        super(ActivityCoeffParameterData, self).build()

        self.state_block_class = ActivityCoeffStateBlock

        # List of valid phases in property package
        if self.config.valid_phase == ("Liq", "Vap") or \
                self.config.valid_phase == ("Vap", "Liq"):
            self.phase_list = Set(initialize=["Liq", "Vap"],
            if self.config.activity_coeff_model == "NRTL":
                # NRTL Model specific variables (values to be fixed by user
                # or need to be estimated based on VLE data)
                # See documentation for suggested or typical values.
                self.alpha = Var(self.component_list,
                                 doc="Non-randomness parameter for NRTL model")

                self.tau = Var(self.component_list,
                               doc="Binary interaction parameter "
                               "for NRTL model")
            if self.config.activity_coeff_model == "Wilson":
                # Wilson Model specific variables (values to be fixed by
                # user or need to be estimated based on VLE data)
                self.vol_mol_comp = Var(self.component_list,
                                        doc="Molar volume of component")

                self.tau = Var(self.component_list,
                               doc="Binary interaction parameter for "
                               "Wilson model")

        elif self.config.valid_phase == "Liq":
            self.phase_list = Set(initialize=["Liq"])
            self.phase_list = Set(initialize=["Vap"])

    def define_metadata(cls, obj):
        """Define properties supported and units."""
            {"flow_mol": {"method": None, "units": "mol/s"},
             "mole_frac_comp": {"method": None, "units": "no unit"},
             "temperature": {"method": None, "units": "K"},
             "pressure": {"method": None, "units": "Pa"},
             "flow_mol_phase": {"method": None, "units": "mol/s"},
             "density_mol": {"method": "_density_mol",
                             "units": "mol/m^3"},
             "pressure_sat": {"method": "_pressure_sat", "units": "Pa"},
             "mole_frac_phase_comp": {"method": "_mole_frac_phase",
                                      "units": "no unit"},
             "energy_internal_mol_phase_comp": {
                 "method": "_energy_internal_mol_phase_comp",
                 "units": "J/mol"},
             "energy_internal_mol_phase": {
                 "method": "_energy_internal_mol_phase",
                 "units": "J/mol"},
             "enth_mol_phase_comp": {"method": "_enth_mol_phase_comp",
                                     "units": "J/mol"},
             "enth_mol_phase": {"method": "_enth_mol_phase",
                                "units": "J/mol"},
             "entr_mol_phase_comp": {"method": "_entr_mol_phase_comp",
                                     "units": "J/mol"},
             "entr_mol_phase": {"method": "_entr_mol_phase",
                                "units": "J/mol"},
             "gibbs_mol_phase_comp": {"method": "_gibbs_mol_phase_comp",
                                      "units": "J/mol"},
             "temperature_bubble": {"method": "_temperature_bubble",
                                    "units": "K"},
             "temperature_dew": {"method": "_temperature_dew",
                                 "units": "K"},
             "pressure_bubble": {"method": "_pressure_bubble",
                                 "units": "Pa"},
             "pressure_dew": {"method": "_pressure_dew",
                              "units": "Pa"},
             "fug_vap": {"method": "_fug_vap", "units": "Pa"},
             "fug_liq": {"method": "_fug_liq", "units": "Pa"},
             'ds_form': {'method': '_ds_form', 'units': 'J/mol.K'}})

        obj.add_default_units({"time": "s",
                               "length": "m",
                               "mass": "g",
                               "amount": "mol",
                               "temperature": "K",
                               "energy": "J",
                               "holdup": "mol"})

class _ActivityCoeffStateBlock(StateBlock):
    This Class contains methods which should be applied to Property Blocks as a
    whole, rather than individual elements of indexed Property Blocks.

    def initialize(blk, state_args={}, hold_state=False,
                   state_vars_fixed=False, outlvl=idaeslog.NOTSET,
                   solver="ipopt", optarg={"tol": 1e-8}):
        Initialization routine for property package.
        Keyword Arguments:
            state_args : Dictionary with initial guesses for the state vars
                         chosen. Note that if this method is triggered
                         through the control volume, and if initial guesses
                         were not provided at the unit model level, the
                         control volume passes the inlet values as initial

                         If FTPz are chosen as state_vars, then keys for
                         the state_args dictionary are:
                         flow_mol, temperature, pressure and mole_frac_comp

                         If FcTP are chose as the state_vars, then keys for
                         the state_args dictionary are:
                         flow_mol_comp, temperature, pressure.

            outlvl : sets output level of initialization routine
            optarg : solver options dictionary object (default=None)
            solver : str indicating whcih solver to use during
                     initialization (default = "ipopt")
            hold_state : flag indicating whether the initialization routine
                         should unfix any state variables fixed during
                         initialization (default=False).
                         - True - states varaibles are not unfixed, and
                                 a dict of returned containing flags for
                                 which states were fixed during
                        - False - state variables are unfixed after
                                 initialization by calling the
                                 relase_state method
            state_vars_fixed: Flag to denote if state vars have already been
                              - True - states have already been fixed and
                                       initialization does not need to worry
                                       about fixing and unfixing variables.
                             - False - states have not been fixed. The state
                                       block will deal with fixing/unfixing.

            If hold_states is True, returns a dict containing flags for
            which states were fixed during initialization.
        # Deactivate the constraints specific for outlet block i.e.
        # when defined state is False
        init_log = idaeslog.getInitLogger(, outlvl, tag="properties")
        solve_log = idaeslog.getSolveLogger(, outlvl, tag="properties")

        for k in blk.keys():
            if (blk[k].config.defined_state is False) and \
                    (blk[k].params.config.state_vars == "FTPz"):

        # Fix state variables if not already fixed
        if state_vars_fixed is False:
            flags = fix_state_vars(blk, state_args)
            # Check when the state vars are fixed already result in dof 0
            for k in blk.keys():
                if degrees_of_freedom(blk[k]) != 0:
                    raise Exception("State vars fixed but degrees of freedom "
                                    "for state block is not zero during "

        if optarg is None:
            sopt = {"tol": 1e-8}
            sopt = optarg

        opt = SolverFactory("ipopt")
        opt.options = sopt

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Initialization sequence: Deactivating certain constraints
        # for 1st solve
        for k in blk.keys():
            for c in blk[k].component_objects(Constraint):
                if c.local_name in ["eq_total",

        # First solve for the active constraints that remain (p_sat, T_bubble,
        # T_dew). Valid only for a 2 phase block. If single phase,
        # no constraints are active.
        # NOTE: "k" is the last value from the previous for loop
        # only for the purpose of having a valid index. The assumption
        # here is that for all values of "k", the attribute exists.
        if (blk[k].config.has_phase_equilibrium) or \
                (blk[k].config.parameters.config.valid_phase ==
                    ("Liq", "Vap")) or \
                (blk[k].config.parameters.config.valid_phase ==
                    ("Vap", "Liq")):

            with idaeslog.solver_log(solve_log, idaeslog.DEBUG) as slc:
                res = solve_indexed_blocks(opt, [blk], tee=slc.tee)

            res="skipped""Initialization Step 1 {}.".format(idaeslog.condition(res)))

        # Continue initialization sequence and activate select constraints
        for k in blk.keys():
            for c in blk[k].component_objects(Constraint):
                if c.local_name in ["eq_total",
            if blk[k].config.parameters.config.activity_coeff_model \
                    != "Ideal":
                # assume ideal and solve

        # Second solve for the active constraints
        with idaeslog.solver_log(solve_log, idaeslog.DEBUG) as slc:
            res = solve_indexed_blocks(opt, [blk], tee=slc.tee)"Initialization Step 2 {}.".format(idaeslog.condition(res)))

        # Activate activity coefficient specific constraints
        for k in blk.keys():
            if blk[k].config.parameters.config.activity_coeff_model \
                    != "Ideal":
                for c in blk[k].component_objects(Constraint):
                    if c.local_name in ["eq_Gij_coeff",

        with idaeslog.solver_log(solve_log, idaeslog.DEBUG) as slc:
            res = solve_indexed_blocks(opt, [blk], tee=slc.tee)"Initialization Step 3 {}.".format(idaeslog.condition(res)))

        for k in blk.keys():
            if blk[k].config.parameters.config.activity_coeff_model \
                    != "Ideal":

        with idaeslog.solver_log(solve_log, idaeslog.DEBUG) as slc:
            res = solve_indexed_blocks(opt, [blk], tee=slc.tee)"Initialization Step 4 {}.".format(idaeslog.condition(res)))

        for k in blk.keys():
            for c in blk[k].component_objects(Constraint):
                if c.local_name in ["eq_enth_mol_phase",

        with idaeslog.solver_log(solve_log, idaeslog.DEBUG) as slc:
            res = solve_indexed_blocks(opt, [blk], tee=slc.tee)"Initialization Step 5 {}.".format(idaeslog.condition(res)))

        if state_vars_fixed is False:
            if hold_state is True:
                return flags
                blk.release_state(flags, outlvl=outlvl)"Initialization Complete: {}".format(idaeslog.condition(res)))

    def release_state(blk, flags, outlvl=idaeslog.NOTSET):
        Method to relase state variables fixed during initialization.
        Keyword Arguments:
            flags : dict containing information of which state variables
                    were fixed during initialization, and should now be
                    unfixed. This dict is returned by initialize if
            outlvl : sets output level of of logging
        init_log = idaeslog.getInitLogger(, outlvl, tag="properties")
        for k in blk.keys():
            if (not blk[k].config.defined_state and
                    blk[k].params.config.state_vars == "FTPz"):

        if flags is None:
            init_log.debug("No flags passed to release_state().")

        # Unfix state variables
        revert_state_vars(blk, flags)"State Released.")

[docs]@declare_process_block_class("ActivityCoeffStateBlock", block_class=_ActivityCoeffStateBlock) class ActivityCoeffStateBlockData(StateBlockData): """An example property package for ideal VLE."""
[docs] def build(self): """Callable method for Block construction.""" super(ActivityCoeffStateBlockData, self).build() # Check for valid phase indicator and consistent flags if self.config.has_phase_equilibrium and \ self.config.parameters.config.valid_phase in ["Vap", "Liq"]: raise ConfigurationError("Inconsistent inputs. Valid phase" " flag not set to VL for the state" " block but has_phase_equilibrium" " is set to True.") self._make_state_vars() self._make_vars() if not self.config.has_phase_equilibrium and \ self.config.parameters.config.valid_phase == "Liq": self._make_liq_phase_eq() if (self.config.has_phase_equilibrium) or \ (self.config.parameters.config.valid_phase == ("Liq", "Vap")) or \ (self.config.parameters.config.valid_phase == ("Vap", "Liq")): if self.config.parameters.config.activity_coeff_model == "NRTL": self._make_NRTL_eq() if self.config.parameters.config.activity_coeff_model == "Wilson": self._make_Wilson_eq() self._make_flash_eq() if not self.config.has_phase_equilibrium and \ self.config.parameters.config.valid_phase == "Vap": self._make_vap_phase_eq()
def _make_state_vars(self): """List the necessary state variable objects.""" if self.params.config.state_vars == "FTPz": self.flow_mol = Var(initialize=1.0, domain=NonNegativeReals, doc="Total molar flowrate [mol/s]") self.mole_frac_comp = Var( self.params.component_list, bounds=(0, 1), initialize=1 / len(self.params.component_list), doc="Mixture mole fraction") self.pressure = Var(initialize=101325, domain=NonNegativeReals, doc="State pressure [Pa]") self.temperature = Var(initialize=298.15, domain=NonNegativeReals, doc="State temperature [K]") else: self.flow_mol_comp = Var( self.params.component_list, initialize=1 / len(self.params.component_list), domain=NonNegativeReals, doc="Component molar flowrate [mol/s]") self.pressure = Var(initialize=101325, domain=NonNegativeReals, doc="State pressure [Pa]") self.temperature = Var(initialize=298.15, domain=NonNegativeReals, doc="State temperature [K]") def _make_vars(self): if self.params.config.state_vars == "FTPz": self.flow_mol_phase = Var(self.params.phase_list, initialize=0.5) else: self.flow_mol_phase_comp = Var(self.params.phase_list, self.params.component_list, initialize=0.5) def rule_mix_mole_frac(self, i): return self.flow_mol_comp[i] / \ sum(self.flow_mol_comp[i] for i in self.params.component_list) self.mole_frac_comp = Expression(self.params.component_list, rule=rule_mix_mole_frac) self.mole_frac_phase_comp = \ Var(self.params.phase_list, self.params.component_list, initialize=1 / len(self.params.component_list), bounds=(0, 1)) def _make_liq_phase_eq(self): if self.params.config.state_vars == "FTPz": def rule_total_mass_balance(self): return self.flow_mol_phase["Liq"] == self.flow_mol self.eq_total = Constraint(rule=rule_total_mass_balance) def rule_comp_mass_balance(self, i): return self.flow_mol * self.mole_frac_comp[i] == \ self.flow_mol_phase["Liq"] * \ self.mole_frac_phase_comp["Liq", i] self.eq_comp = Constraint(self.params.component_list, rule=rule_comp_mass_balance) if self.config.defined_state is False: # applied at outlet only self.eq_mol_frac_out = \ Constraint(expr=sum(self.mole_frac_comp[i] for i in self.params.component_list) == 1) else: def rule_comp_mass_balance(self, i): return self.flow_mol_comp[i] == \ self.flow_mol_phase_comp["Liq", i] self.eq_comp = Constraint(self.params.component_list, rule=rule_comp_mass_balance) def rule_mole_frac(self, i): return self.mole_frac_phase_comp["Liq", i] * \ sum(self.flow_mol_phase_comp["Liq", i] for i in self.params.component_list) == \ self.flow_mol_phase_comp["Liq", i] self.eq_mole_frac = Constraint(self.params.component_list, rule=rule_mole_frac) def _make_vap_phase_eq(self): if self.params.config.state_vars == "FTPz": def rule_total_mass_balance(self): return self.flow_mol_phase["Vap"] == self.flow_mol self.eq_total = Constraint(rule=rule_total_mass_balance) def rule_comp_mass_balance(self, i): return self.flow_mol * self.mole_frac_comp[i] == \ self.flow_mol_phase["Vap"] * \ self.mole_frac_phase_comp["Vap", i] self.eq_comp = Constraint(self.params.component_list, rule=rule_comp_mass_balance) if self.config.defined_state is False: # applied at outlet only self.eq_mol_frac_out = \ Constraint(expr=sum(self.mole_frac_comp[i] for i in self.params.component_list) == 1) else: def rule_comp_mass_balance(self, i): return self.flow_mol_comp[i] == \ self.flow_mol_phase_comp["Vap", i] self.eq_comp = Constraint(self.params.component_list, rule=rule_comp_mass_balance) def rule_mole_frac(self, i): return self.mole_frac_phase_comp["Vap", i] * \ sum(self.flow_mol_phase_comp["Vap", i] for i in self.params.component_list) == \ self.flow_mol_phase_comp["Vap", i] self.eq_mole_frac = Constraint(self.params.component_list, rule=rule_mole_frac) def _make_flash_eq(self): if self.params.config.state_vars == "FTPz": # Total mole balance def rule_total_mass_balance(self): return self.flow_mol_phase["Liq"] + \ self.flow_mol_phase["Vap"] == self.flow_mol self.eq_total = Constraint(rule=rule_total_mass_balance) # Component mole balance def rule_comp_mass_balance(self, i): return self.flow_mol * self.mole_frac_comp[i] == ( self.flow_mol_phase["Liq"] * self.mole_frac_phase_comp["Liq", i] + self.flow_mol_phase["Vap"] * self.mole_frac_phase_comp["Vap", i]) self.eq_comp = Constraint(self.params.component_list, rule=rule_comp_mass_balance) # sum of mole fractions constraint (sum(x_i)-sum(y_i)=0) def rule_mole_frac(self): return sum(self.mole_frac_phase_comp["Liq", i] for i in self.params.component_list) -\ sum(self.mole_frac_phase_comp["Vap", i] for i in self.params.component_list) == 0 self.eq_sum_mol_frac = Constraint(rule=rule_mole_frac) if self.config.defined_state is False: # applied at outlet only as complete state information unknown self.eq_mol_frac_out = \ Constraint(expr=sum(self.mole_frac_comp[i] for i in self.params.component_list) == 1) else: def rule_comp_mass_balance(self, i): return self.flow_mol_comp[i] == \ self.flow_mol_phase_comp["Liq", i] + \ self.flow_mol_phase_comp["Vap", i] self.eq_comp = Constraint(self.params.component_list, rule=rule_comp_mass_balance) def rule_mole_frac(self, p, i): return self.mole_frac_phase_comp[p, i] * \ sum(self.flow_mol_phase_comp[p, i] for i in self.params.component_list) == \ self.flow_mol_phase_comp[p, i] self.eq_mole_frac = Constraint(self.params.phase_list, self.params.component_list, rule=rule_mole_frac) # Smooth Flash Formulation # Please refer to Burgard et al., "A Smooth, Square Flash # Formulation for Equation Oriented Flowsheet Optimization", # Computer Aided Chemical Engineering 44, 871-876, 2018. self._temperature_equilibrium = \ Var(initialize=self.temperature.value, doc="Temperature for calculating " "phase equilibrium") self._t1 = Var(initialize=self.temperature.value, doc="Intermediate temperature for calculating " "the equilibrium temperature") self.eps_1 = Param(default=0.01, mutable=True, doc="Smoothing parameter for equilibrium " "temperature") self.eps_2 = Param(default=0.0005, mutable=True, doc="Smoothing parameter for equilibrium " "temperature") # Equation #13 in reference cited above # Approximation for max(temperature, temperature_bubble) def rule_t1(b): return b._t1 == 0.5 * \ (b.temperature + b.temperature_bubble + sqrt((b.temperature - b.temperature_bubble)**2 + b.eps_1**2)) self._t1_constraint = Constraint(rule=rule_t1) # Equation #14 in reference cited above # Approximation for min(_t1, temperature_dew) # TODO : Add option for supercritical extension def rule_teq(b): return b._temperature_equilibrium == 0.5 * \ (b._t1 + b.temperature_dew - sqrt((b._t1 - b.temperature_dew)**2 + b.eps_2**2)) self._teq_constraint = Constraint(rule=rule_teq) def rule_phase_eq(self, i): return self.fug_vap[i] == self.fug_liq[i] self.eq_phase_equilibrium = Constraint(self.params.component_list, rule=rule_phase_eq) def _make_NRTL_eq(self): # NRTL model variables self.Gij_coeff = Var(self.params.component_list, self.params.component_list, initialize=1.0, doc="Gij coefficient for use in NRTL model ") self.activity_coeff_comp = Var(self.params.component_list, initialize=1.0, doc="Activity coefficient of component") self.A = Var(self.params.component_list, initialize=1.0, doc="Intermediate variable to compute activity" " coefficient") self.B = Var(self.params.component_list, initialize=1.0, doc="Intermediate variable to compute activity" " coefficient") def rule_Gij_coeff(self, i, j): # i,j component if i != j: return self.Gij_coeff[i, j] == exp(-self.params.alpha[i, j] * self.params.tau[i, j]) else: self.Gij_coeff[i, j].fix(1) return Constraint.Skip self.eq_Gij_coeff = Constraint(self.params.component_list, self.params.component_list, rule=rule_Gij_coeff) # First sum part in the NRTL equation def rule_A(self, i): value_1 = sum(self.mole_frac_phase_comp["Liq", j] * self.params.tau[j, i] * self.Gij_coeff[j, i] for j in self.params.component_list) value_2 = sum(self.mole_frac_phase_comp["Liq", k] * self.Gij_coeff[k, i] for k in self.params.component_list) return self.A[i] == value_1 / value_2 self.eq_A = Constraint(self.params.component_list, rule=rule_A) # Second sum part in the NRTL equation def rule_B(self, i): value = sum((self.mole_frac_phase_comp["Liq", j] * self.Gij_coeff[i, j] / sum(self.mole_frac_phase_comp["Liq", k] * self.Gij_coeff[k, j] for k in self.params.component_list)) * (self.params.tau[i, j] - sum( self.mole_frac_phase_comp["Liq", m] * self.params.tau[m, j] * self.Gij_coeff[m, j] for m in self.params.component_list) / sum(self.mole_frac_phase_comp["Liq", k] * self.Gij_coeff[k, j] for k in self.params.component_list)) for j in self.params.component_list) return self.B[i] == value self.eq_B = Constraint(self.params.component_list, rule=rule_B) # Activity coefficient using NRTL def rule_activity_coeff(self, i): return log(self.activity_coeff_comp[i]) == self.A[i] + self.B[i] self.eq_activity_coeff = Constraint(self.params.component_list, rule=rule_activity_coeff) def _make_Wilson_eq(self): # Wilson model variables self.Gij_coeff = Var(self.params.component_list, self.params.component_list, initialize=1.0, doc="Gij coefficient for use in Wilson model ") self.activity_coeff_comp = Var(self.params.component_list, initialize=1.0, doc="Activity coefficient of component") self.A = Var(self.params.component_list, initialize=1.0, doc="Intermediate variable to compute activity" " coefficient") self.B = Var(self.params.component_list, initialize=1.0, doc="Intermediate variable to compute activity" " coefficient") def rule_Gij_coeff(self, i, j): # component i,j if i != j: return self.Gij_coeff[i, j] == \ (self.params.vol_mol_comp[i] / self.params.vol_mol_comp[j]) * exp(-self.params.tau[i, j]) else: self.Gij_coeff[i, j].fix(1) return Constraint.Skip self.eq_Gij_coeff = Constraint(self.params.component_list, self.params.component_list, rule=rule_Gij_coeff) # First sum part in Wilson equation def rule_A(self, i): value_1 = log(sum(self.mole_frac_phase_comp["Liq", j] * self.Gij_coeff[j, i] for j in self.params.component_list)) return self.A[i] == value_1 self.eq_A = Constraint(self.params.component_list, rule=rule_A) # Second sum part in Wilson equation def rule_B(self, i): value = sum((self.mole_frac_phase_comp["Liq", j] * self.Gij_coeff[i, j] / sum(self.mole_frac_phase_comp["Liq", k] * self.Gij_coeff[k, j] for k in self.params.component_list)) for j in self.params.component_list) return self.B[i] == value self.eq_B = Constraint(self.params.component_list, rule=rule_B) # Activity coefficient using Wilson equation def rule_activity_coeff(self, i): return log(self.activity_coeff_comp[i]) == \ 1 - self.A[i] - self.B[i] self.eq_activity_coeff = Constraint(self.params.component_list, rule=rule_activity_coeff) def _pressure_sat(self): self.pressure_sat = Var(self.params.component_list, initialize=101325, doc="vapor pressure ") def rule_reduced_temp(self, i): # reduced temperature is variable "x" in the documentation return (self.params.temperature_critical[i] - self._temperature_equilibrium) / \ self.params.temperature_critical[i] self._reduced_temp = Expression(self.params.component_list, rule=rule_reduced_temp) def rule_P_vap(self, j): return (1 - self._reduced_temp[j]) * \ log(self.pressure_sat[j] / self.params.pressure_critical[j]) == \ (self.params.pressure_sat_coeff[j, "A"] * self._reduced_temp[j] + self.params.pressure_sat_coeff[j, "B"] * self._reduced_temp[j]**1.5 + self.params.pressure_sat_coeff[j, "C"] * self._reduced_temp[j]**3 + self.params.pressure_sat_coeff[j, "D"] * self._reduced_temp[j]**6) self.eq_P_vap = Constraint(self.params.component_list, rule=rule_P_vap) def _fug_vap(self): def rule_fug_vap(self, i): return self.mole_frac_phase_comp["Vap", i] * self.pressure self.fug_vap = Expression(self.params.component_list, rule=rule_fug_vap) def _fug_liq(self): def rule_fug_liq(self, i): if self.config.parameters.config.\ activity_coeff_model == "Ideal": return self.mole_frac_phase_comp["Liq", i] * \ self.pressure_sat[i] else: return self.mole_frac_phase_comp["Liq", i] * \ self.activity_coeff_comp[i] * self.pressure_sat[i] self.fug_liq = Expression(self.params.component_list, rule=rule_fug_liq) def _density_mol(self): self.density_mol = Var(self.params.phase_list, doc="Molar density") def density_mol_calculation(self, p): if p == "Vap": return self.pressure == (self.density_mol[p] * const.gas_constant * self.temperature) elif p == "Liq": # TODO: Add a correlation to compute liq density _log.warning("Using a place holder for liquid density " "{}. Please provide value or expression to " "compute the liquid density".format( return self.density_mol[p] == 11.1E3 # mol/m3 try: # Try to build constraint self.density_mol_calculation = Constraint( self.params.phase_list, rule=density_mol_calculation) except AttributeError: # If constraint fails, clean up so that DAE can try again later self.del_component(self.density_mol) self.del_component(self.density_mol_calculation) raise def _energy_internal_mol_phase(self): self.energy_internal_mol_phase = Var( self.params.phase_list, doc="Phase molar specific internal energy [J/mol]") def rule_energy_internal_mol_phase(b, p): return b.energy_internal_mol_phase[p] == sum( b.energy_internal_mol_phase_comp[p, i] * b.mole_frac_phase_comp[p, i] for i in b.params.component_list) self.eq_energy_internal_mol_phase = Constraint( self.params.phase_list, rule=rule_energy_internal_mol_phase) def _energy_internal_mol_phase_comp(self): self.energy_internal_mol_phase_comp = Var( self.params.phase_list, self.params.component_list, doc="Phase-component molar specific internal energy [J/mol]") def rule_energy_internal_mol_phase_comp(b, p, j): if p == "Vap": return b.energy_internal_mol_phase_comp[p, j] == \ b.enth_mol_phase_comp[p, j] - \ const.gas_constant * \ (b.temperature - b.params.temperature_ref) else: return b.energy_internal_mol_phase_comp[p, j] == \ b.enth_mol_phase_comp[p, j] self.eq_energy_internal_mol_phase_comp = Constraint( self.params.phase_list, self.params.component_list, rule=rule_energy_internal_mol_phase_comp) def _enth_mol_phase(self): self.enth_mol_phase = Var( self.params.phase_list, doc="Phase molar specific enthalpies [J/mol]") def rule_enth_mol_phase(b, p): return b.enth_mol_phase[p] == sum( b.enth_mol_phase_comp[p, i] * b.mole_frac_phase_comp[p, i] for i in b.params.component_list) self.eq_enth_mol_phase = Constraint(self.params.phase_list, rule=rule_enth_mol_phase) def _enth_mol_phase_comp(self): self.enth_mol_phase_comp = Var(self.params.phase_list, self.params.component_list, doc="Phase-component molar specific " "enthalpies [J/mol]") def rule_enth_mol_phase_comp(b, p, j): if p == "Vap": return b._enth_mol_comp_vap(j) else: return b._enth_mol_comp_liq(j) self.eq_enth_mol_phase_comp = Constraint( self.params.phase_list, self.params.component_list, rule=rule_enth_mol_phase_comp) def _enth_mol_comp_liq(self, j): # Liquid phase comp enthalpy (J/mol) # 1E3 conversion factor to convert from J/kmol to J/mol return self.enth_mol_phase_comp["Liq", j] * 1E3 == \ 1e3*self.params.dh_form["Liq", j] + \ ((self.params.CpIG["Liq", j, "E"] / 5) * (self.temperature**5 - self.params.temperature_reference**5) + (self.params.CpIG["Liq", j, "D"] / 4) * (self.temperature**4 - self.params.temperature_reference**4) + (self.params.CpIG["Liq", j, "C"] / 3) * (self.temperature**3 - self.params.temperature_reference**3) + (self.params.CpIG["Liq", j, "B"] / 2) * (self.temperature**2 - self.params.temperature_reference**2) + self.params.CpIG["Liq", j, "A"] * (self.temperature - self.params.temperature_reference)) def _enth_mol_comp_vap(self, j): # Vapor phase component enthalpy (J/mol) return self.enth_mol_phase_comp["Vap", j] == \ self.params.dh_form["Vap", j] + \ ((self.params.CpIG["Vap", j, "E"] / 5) * (self.temperature**5 - self.params.temperature_reference**5) + (self.params.CpIG["Vap", j, "D"] / 4) * (self.temperature**4 - self.params.temperature_reference**4) + (self.params.CpIG["Vap", j, "C"] / 3) * (self.temperature**3 - self.params.temperature_reference**3) + (self.params.CpIG["Vap", j, "B"] / 2) * (self.temperature**2 - self.params.temperature_reference**2) + self.params.CpIG["Vap", j, "A"] * (self.temperature - self.params.temperature_reference)) def _entr_mol_phase(self): self.entr_mol_phase = Var( self.params.phase_list, doc="Phase molar specific enthropies [J/mol.K]") def rule_entr_mol_phase(self, p): return self.entr_mol_phase[p] == sum( self.entr_mol_phase_comp[p, i] * self.mole_frac_phase_comp[p, i] for i in self.params.component_list) self.eq_entr_mol_phase = Constraint(self.params.phase_list, rule=rule_entr_mol_phase) def _entr_mol_phase_comp(self): self.entr_mol_phase_comp = Var( self.params.phase_list, self.params.component_list, doc="Phase-component molar specific entropies [J/mol.K]") def rule_entr_mol_phase_comp(self, p, j): if p == "Vap": return self._entr_mol_comp_vap(j) else: return self._entr_mol_comp_liq(j) self.eq_entr_mol_phase_comp = Constraint( self.params.phase_list, self.params.component_list, rule=rule_entr_mol_phase_comp) def _entr_mol_comp_liq(self, j): # Liquid phase comp entropy (J/mol.K) # 1E3 conversion factor to convert from J/kmol.K to J/mol.K return self.entr_mol_phase_comp['Liq', j] * 1E3 == \ 1E3*self.params.ds_form["Liq", j] + ( ((self.params.CpIG['Liq', j, 'E'] / 4) * (self.temperature**4 - self.params.temperature_reference**4) + (self.params.CpIG['Liq', j, 'D'] / 3) * (self.temperature**3 - self.params.temperature_reference**3) + (self.params.CpIG['Liq', j, 'C'] / 2) * (self.temperature**2 - self.params.temperature_reference**2) + self.params.CpIG['Liq', j, 'B'] * (self.temperature - self.params.temperature_reference) + self.params.CpIG['Liq', j, 'A'] * log(self.temperature / self.params.temperature_reference))) def _entr_mol_comp_vap(self, j): # component molar entropy of vapor phase return self.entr_mol_phase_comp["Vap", j] == ( self.params.ds_form["Vap", j] + ((self.params.CpIG['Vap', j, 'E'] / 4) * (self.temperature**4 - self.params.temperature_reference**4) + (self.params.CpIG['Vap', j, 'D'] / 3) * (self.temperature**3 - self.params.temperature_reference**3) + (self.params.CpIG['Vap', j, 'C'] / 2) * (self.temperature**2 - self.params.temperature_reference**2) + self.params.CpIG['Vap', j, 'B'] * (self.temperature - self.params.temperature_reference) + self.params.CpIG['Vap', j, 'A'] * log(self.temperature / self.params.temperature_reference)) - const.gas_constant * log(self.mole_frac_phase_comp['Vap', j] * self.pressure / self.params.pressure_reference)) def _gibbs_mol_phase_comp(self): self.gibbs_mol_phase_comp = Var( self.params.phase_list, self.params.component_list, doc="Phase-component molar specific Gibbs energies [J/mol]") def rule_gibbs_mol_phase_comp(self, p, j): return self.gibbs_mol_phase_comp[p, j] == \ self.enth_mol_phase_comp[p, j] - \ self.temperature*self.entr_mol_phase_comp[p, j] self.eq_gibbs_mol_phase_comp = Constraint( self.params.phase_list, self.params.component_list, rule=rule_gibbs_mol_phase_comp)
[docs] def get_material_flow_terms(self, p, j): """Create material flow terms for control volume.""" if (p == "Vap") and (j in self.params.component_list): if self.params.config.state_vars == "FTPz": return self.flow_mol_phase["Vap"] * \ self.mole_frac_phase_comp["Vap", j] else: return self.flow_mol_phase_comp["Vap", j] elif (p == "Liq") and (j in self.params.component_list): if self.params.config.state_vars == "FTPz": return self.flow_mol_phase["Liq"] * \ self.mole_frac_phase_comp["Liq", j] else: return self.flow_mol_phase_comp["Liq", j] else: return 0
[docs] def get_enthalpy_flow_terms(self, p): """Create enthalpy flow terms.""" if p == "Vap": if self.params.config.state_vars == "FTPz": return self.flow_mol_phase["Vap"] * self.enth_mol_phase["Vap"] else: return sum(self.flow_mol_phase_comp["Vap", j] for j in self.params.component_list) * \ self.enth_mol_phase["Vap"] elif p == "Liq": if self.params.config.state_vars == "FTPz": return self.flow_mol_phase["Liq"] * self.enth_mol_phase["Liq"] else: return sum(self.flow_mol_phase_comp["Liq", j] for j in self.params.component_list) * \ self.enth_mol_phase["Liq"]
[docs] def get_material_density_terms(self, p, j): """Create material density terms.""" if p == "Liq": if j in self.params.component_list: return self.density_mol[p]*self.mole_frac_phase_comp["Liq", j] else: return 0 elif p == "Vap": if j in self.params.component_list: return self.density_mol[p]*self.mole_frac_phase_comp["Vap", j] else: return 0
[docs] def get_energy_density_terms(self, p): """Create enthalpy density terms.""" if p == "Liq": return self.density_mol[p] * self.energy_internal_mol_phase["Liq"] elif p == "Vap": return self.density_mol[p] * self.energy_internal_mol_phase["Vap"]
[docs] def get_material_flow_basis(self): """Declare material flow basis.""" return MaterialFlowBasis.molar
[docs] def define_state_vars(self): """Define state vars.""" if self.params.config.state_vars == "FTPz": return {"flow_mol": self.flow_mol, "mole_frac_comp": self.mole_frac_comp, "temperature": self.temperature, "pressure": self.pressure} else: return {"flow_mol_comp": self.flow_mol_comp, "temperature": self.temperature, "pressure": self.pressure}
[docs] def model_check(blk): """Model checks for property block.""" # Check temperature bounds if value(blk.temperature) < _log.error("{} Temperature set below lower bound." .format( if value(blk.temperature) > blk.temperature.ub: _log.error("{} Temperature set above upper bound." .format( # Check pressure bounds if value(blk.pressure) < _log.error("{} Pressure set below lower bound.".format( if value(blk.pressure) > blk.pressure.ub: _log.error("{} Pressure set above upper bound.".format(
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Bubble and Dew Points def _temperature_bubble(self): self.temperature_bubble = Var(initialize=298.15, doc="Bubble point temperature (K)") def rule_psat_bubble(m, j): return self.params.pressure_critical[j] * \ exp((self.params.pressure_sat_coeff[j, "A"] * (1 - self.temperature_bubble / self.params.temperature_critical[j]) + self.params.pressure_sat_coeff[j, "B"] * (1 - self.temperature_bubble / self.params.temperature_critical[j])**1.5 + self.params.pressure_sat_coeff[j, "C"] * (1 - self.temperature_bubble / self.params.temperature_critical[j])**3 + self.params.pressure_sat_coeff[j, "D"] * (1 - self.temperature_bubble / self.params.temperature_critical[j])**6) / (1 - (1 - self.temperature_bubble / self.params.temperature_critical[j]))) try: # Try to build expression self._p_sat_bubbleT = Expression(self.params.component_list, rule=rule_psat_bubble) def rule_temp_bubble(self): if self.config.parameters.config.activity_coeff_model == \ "Ideal": return sum(self.mole_frac_comp[i] * self._p_sat_bubbleT[i] for i in self.params.component_list) - \ self.pressure == 0 elif self.config.parameters.config.\ activity_coeff_model == "NRTL": # NRTL model variables def rule_Gij_coeff_bubble(self, i, j): if i != j: return exp(-self.params.alpha[i, j] * self.params.tau[i, j]) else: return 1 self.Gij_coeff_bubble = Expression( self.params.component_list, self.params.component_list, rule=rule_Gij_coeff_bubble) def rule_A_bubble(self, i): value_1 = sum(self.mole_frac_comp[j] * self.params.tau[j, i] * self.Gij_coeff_bubble[j, i] for j in self.params.component_list) value_2 = sum(self.mole_frac_comp[k] * self.Gij_coeff_bubble[k, i] for k in self.params.component_list) return value_1 / value_2 self.A_bubble = Expression(self.params.component_list, rule=rule_A_bubble) def rule_B_bubble(self, i): value = sum( (self.mole_frac_comp[j] * self.Gij_coeff_bubble[i, j] / sum(self.mole_frac_comp[k] * self.Gij_coeff_bubble[k, j] for k in self.params.component_list)) * (self.params.tau[i, j] - sum( self.mole_frac_comp[m] * self.params.tau[m, j] * self.Gij_coeff_bubble[m, j] for m in self.params.component_list) / sum(self.mole_frac_comp[k] * self.Gij_coeff_bubble[k, j] for k in self.params.component_list)) for j in self.params.component_list) return value self.B_bubble = Expression(self.params.component_list, rule=rule_B_bubble) def rule_activity_coeff_bubble(self, i): return exp(self.A_bubble[i] + self.B_bubble[i]) self.activity_coeff_comp_bubble = \ Expression(self.params.component_list, rule=rule_activity_coeff_bubble) return sum(self.mole_frac_comp[i] * self.activity_coeff_comp_bubble[i] * self._p_sat_bubbleT[i] for i in self.params.component_list) - \ self.pressure == 0 else: def rule_Gij_coeff_bubble(self, i, j): if i != j: return (self.params.vol_mol_comp[i] / self.params.vol_mol_comp[j]) * \ exp(-self.params.tau[i, j]) else: return 1 self.Gij_coeff_bubble = \ Expression(self.params.component_list, self.params.component_list, rule=rule_Gij_coeff_bubble) def rule_A_bubble(self, i): value_1 = log(sum( self.mole_frac_comp[j] * self.Gij_coeff_bubble[j, i] for j in self.params.component_list)) return value_1 self.A_bubble = Expression(self.params.component_list, rule=rule_A_bubble) def rule_B_bubble(self, i): value = sum((self.mole_frac_comp[j] * self.Gij_coeff_bubble[i, j] / sum(self.mole_frac_comp[k] * self.Gij_coeff_bubble[k, j] for k in self.params.component_list)) for j in self.params.component_list) return value self.B_bubble = Expression(self.params.component_list, rule=rule_B_bubble) def rule_activity_coeff_bubble(self, i): return exp(1 - self.A_bubble[i] - self.B_bubble[i]) self.activity_coeff_comp_bubble = \ Expression(self.params.component_list, rule=rule_activity_coeff_bubble) return sum(self.mole_frac_comp[i] * self.activity_coeff_comp_bubble[i] * self._p_sat_bubbleT[i] for i in self.params.component_list) - \ self.pressure == 0 self.eq_temperature_bubble = Constraint(rule=rule_temp_bubble) except AttributeError: # If expression fails, clean up so that DAE can try again later # Deleting only var/expression as expression construction will fail # first; if it passes then constraint construction will not fail. self.del_component(self.temperature_bubble) self.del_component(self._p_sat_bubbleT) def _temperature_dew(self): self.temperature_dew = Var(initialize=298.15, doc="Dew point temperature (K)") def rule_psat_dew(m, j): return self.params.pressure_critical[j] * \ exp((self.params.pressure_sat_coeff[j, "A"] * (1 - self.temperature_dew / self.params.temperature_critical[j]) + self.params.pressure_sat_coeff[j, "B"] * (1 - self.temperature_dew / self.params.temperature_critical[j])**1.5 + self.params.pressure_sat_coeff[j, "C"] * (1 - self.temperature_dew / self.params.temperature_critical[j])**3 + self.params.pressure_sat_coeff[j, "D"] * (1 - self.temperature_dew / self.params.temperature_critical[j])**6) / (1 - (1 - self.temperature_dew / self.params.temperature_critical[j]))) try: # Try to build expression self._p_sat_dewT = Expression(self.params.component_list, rule=rule_psat_dew) def rule_temp_dew(self): if self.config.parameters.config.activity_coeff_model == \ "Ideal": return self.pressure * \ sum(self.mole_frac_comp[i] / self._p_sat_dewT[i] for i in self.params.component_list) - 1 == 0 elif self.config.parameters.config.\ activity_coeff_model == "NRTL": # NRTL model variables def rule_Gij_coeff_dew(self, i, j): if i != j: return exp(-self.params.alpha[i, j] * self.params.tau[i, j]) else: return 1 self.Gij_coeff_dew = Expression( self.params.component_list, self.params.component_list, rule=rule_Gij_coeff_dew) def rule_A_dew(self, i): value_1 = sum(self.mole_frac_comp[j] * self.params.tau[j, i] * self.Gij_coeff_dew[j, i] for j in self.params.component_list) value_2 = sum(self.mole_frac_comp[k] * self.Gij_coeff_dew[k, i] for k in self.params.component_list) return value_1 / value_2 self.A_dew = Expression(self.params.component_list, rule=rule_A_dew) def rule_B_dew(self, i): value = sum( (self.mole_frac_comp[j] * self.Gij_coeff_dew[i, j] / sum(self.mole_frac_comp[k] * self.Gij_coeff_dew[k, j] for k in self.params.component_list)) * (self.params.tau[i, j] - sum( self.mole_frac_comp[m] * self.params.tau[m, j] * self.Gij_coeff_dew[m, j] for m in self.params.component_list) / sum(self.mole_frac_comp[k] * self.Gij_coeff_dew[k, j] for k in self.params.component_list)) for j in self.params.component_list) return value self.B_dew = Expression(self.params.component_list, rule=rule_B_dew) def rule_activity_coeff_dew(self, i): return exp(self.A_dew[i] + self.B_dew[i]) self.activity_coeff_comp_dew = \ Expression(self.params.component_list, rule=rule_activity_coeff_dew) return sum(self.mole_frac_comp[i] * self.pressure / (self.activity_coeff_comp[i] * self._p_sat_dewT[i]) for i in self.params.component_list) - 1 == 0 else: def rule_Gij_coeff_dew(self, i, j): if i != j: return (self.params.vol_mol_comp[i] / self.params.vol_mol_comp[j]) * \ exp(-self.params.tau[i, j]) else: return 1 self.Gij_coeff_dew = \ Expression(self.params.component_list, self.params.component_list, rule=rule_Gij_coeff_dew) def rule_A_dew(self, i): value_1 = log(sum( self.mole_frac_comp[j] * self.Gij_coeff_dew[j, i] for j in self.params.component_list)) return value_1 self.A_dew = Expression(self.params.component_list, rule=rule_A_dew) def rule_B_dew(self, i): value = sum((self.mole_frac_comp[j] * self.Gij_coeff_dew[i, j] / sum(self.mole_frac_comp[k] * self.Gij_coeff_dew[k, j] for k in self.params.component_list)) for j in self.params.component_list) return value self.B_dew = Expression(self.params.component_list, rule=rule_B_dew) def rule_activity_coeff_dew(self, i): return exp(1 - self.A_dew[i] - self.B_dew[i]) self.activity_coeff_comp_dew = \ Expression(self.params.component_list, rule=rule_activity_coeff_dew) return sum(self.mole_frac_comp[i] * self.pressure / (self.activity_coeff_comp[i] * self._p_sat_dewT[i]) for i in self.params.component_list) - 1 == 0 self.eq_temperature_dew = Constraint(rule=rule_temp_dew) except AttributeError: # If expression fails, clean up so that DAE can try again later # Deleting only var/expression as expression construction will fail # first; if it passes then constraint construction will not fail. self.del_component(self.temperature_dew) self.del_component(self._p_sat_dewT) def default_material_balance_type(self): return MaterialBalanceType.componentTotal def default_energy_balance_type(self): return EnergyBalanceType.enthalpyTotal