Source code for idaes.generic_models.unit_models.pressure_changer

# Institute for the Design of Advanced Energy Systems Process Systems
# Engineering Framework (IDAES PSE Framework) Copyright (c) 2018-2019, by the
# software owners: The Regents of the University of California, through
# Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,  National Technology & Engineering
# Solutions of Sandia, LLC, Carnegie Mellon University, West Virginia
# University Research Corporation, et al. All rights reserved.
# Please see the files COPYRIGHT.txt and LICENSE.txt for full copyright and
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Standard IDAES pressure changer model.

# Import Python libraries
from enum import Enum

# Import Pyomo libraries
from pyomo.environ import SolverFactory, value, Var, Expression, Constraint
from pyomo.opt import TerminationCondition
from pyomo.common.config import ConfigBlock, ConfigValue, In

# Import IDAES cores
from idaes.core import (
from idaes.core.util.config import is_physical_parameter_block
from idaes.core.util.misc import add_object_reference
from idaes.core.util.exceptions import BalanceTypeNotSupportedError, BurntToast
import idaes.logger as idaeslog

__author__ = "Emmanuel Ogbe, Andrew Lee"
_log = idaeslog.getLogger(__name__)

class ThermodynamicAssumption(Enum):
    isothermal = 1
    isentropic = 2
    pump = 3
    adiabatic = 4

[docs]@declare_process_block_class("PressureChanger") class PressureChangerData(UnitModelBlockData): """ Standard Compressor/Expander Unit Model Class """ CONFIG = UnitModelBlockData.CONFIG() CONFIG.declare( "material_balance_type", ConfigValue( default=MaterialBalanceType.useDefault, domain=In(MaterialBalanceType), description="Material balance construction flag", doc="""Indicates what type of mass balance should be constructed, **default** - MaterialBalanceType.useDefault. **Valid values:** { **MaterialBalanceType.useDefault - refer to property package for default balance type **MaterialBalanceType.none** - exclude material balances, **MaterialBalanceType.componentPhase** - use phase component balances, **MaterialBalanceType.componentTotal** - use total component balances, **MaterialBalanceType.elementTotal** - use total element balances, **** - use total material balance.}""", ), ) CONFIG.declare( "energy_balance_type", ConfigValue( default=EnergyBalanceType.useDefault, domain=In(EnergyBalanceType), description="Energy balance construction flag", doc="""Indicates what type of energy balance should be constructed, **default** - EnergyBalanceType.useDefault. **Valid values:** { **EnergyBalanceType.useDefault - refer to property package for default balance type **EnergyBalanceType.none** - exclude energy balances, **EnergyBalanceType.enthalpyTotal** - single enthalpy balance for material, **EnergyBalanceType.enthalpyPhase** - enthalpy balances for each phase, **EnergyBalanceType.energyTotal** - single energy balance for material, **EnergyBalanceType.energyPhase** - energy balances for each phase.}""", ), ) CONFIG.declare( "momentum_balance_type", ConfigValue( default=MomentumBalanceType.pressureTotal, domain=In(MomentumBalanceType), description="Momentum balance construction flag", doc="""Indicates what type of momentum balance should be constructed, **default** - MomentumBalanceType.pressureTotal. **Valid values:** { **MomentumBalanceType.none** - exclude momentum balances, **MomentumBalanceType.pressureTotal** - single pressure balance for material, **MomentumBalanceType.pressurePhase** - pressure balances for each phase, **MomentumBalanceType.momentumTotal** - single momentum balance for material, **MomentumBalanceType.momentumPhase** - momentum balances for each phase.}""", ), ) CONFIG.declare( "has_phase_equilibrium", ConfigValue( default=False, domain=In([True, False]), description="Phase equilibrium construction flag", doc="""Indicates whether terms for phase equilibrium should be constructed, **default** = False. **Valid values:** { **True** - include phase equilibrium terms **False** - exclude phase equilibrium terms.}""", ), ) CONFIG.declare( "compressor", ConfigValue( default=True, domain=In([True, False]), description="Compressor flag", doc="""Indicates whether this unit should be considered a compressor (True (default), pressure increase) or an expander (False, pressure decrease).""", ), ) CONFIG.declare( "thermodynamic_assumption", ConfigValue( default=ThermodynamicAssumption.isothermal, domain=In(ThermodynamicAssumption), description="Thermodynamic assumption to use", doc="""Flag to set the thermodynamic assumption to use for the unit. - ThermodynamicAssumption.isothermal (default) - ThermodynamicAssumption.isentropic - ThermodynamicAssumption.pump - ThermodynamicAssumption.adiabatic""", ), ) CONFIG.declare( "property_package", ConfigValue( default=useDefault, domain=is_physical_parameter_block, description="Property package to use for control volume", doc="""Property parameter object used to define property calculations, **default** - useDefault. **Valid values:** { **useDefault** - use default package from parent model or flowsheet, **PropertyParameterObject** - a PropertyParameterBlock object.}""", ), ) CONFIG.declare( "property_package_args", ConfigBlock( implicit=True, description="Arguments to use for constructing property packages", doc="""A ConfigBlock with arguments to be passed to a property block(s) and used when constructing these, **default** - None. **Valid values:** { see property package for documentation.}""", ), )
[docs] def build(self): """ Args: None Returns: None """ # Call super(PressureChangerData, self).build() # Add a control volume to the unit including setting up dynamics. self.control_volume = ControlVolume0DBlock( default={ "dynamic": self.config.dynamic, "has_holdup": self.config.has_holdup, "property_package": self.config.property_package, "property_package_args": self.config.property_package_args, } ) # Add geomerty variables to control volume if self.config.has_holdup: self.control_volume.add_geometry() # Add inlet and outlet state blocks to control volume self.control_volume.add_state_blocks( has_phase_equilibrium=self.config.has_phase_equilibrium ) # Add mass balance # Set has_equilibrium is False for now # TO DO; set has_equilibrium to True self.control_volume.add_material_balances( balance_type=self.config.material_balance_type, has_phase_equilibrium=self.config.has_phase_equilibrium, ) # Add energy balance self.control_volume.add_energy_balances( balance_type=self.config.energy_balance_type, has_work_transfer=True ) # add momentum balance self.control_volume.add_momentum_balances( balance_type=self.config.momentum_balance_type, has_pressure_change=True ) # Add Ports self.add_inlet_port() self.add_outlet_port() # Set Unit Geometry and holdup Volume if self.config.has_holdup is True: add_object_reference(self, "volume", self.control_volume.volume) # Construct performance equations # Set references to balance terms at unit level # Add Work transfer variable 'work' as necessary add_object_reference(self, "work_mechanical", # Add Momentum balance variable 'deltaP' as necessary add_object_reference(self, "deltaP", self.control_volume.deltaP) # Set reference to scaling factor for pressure in control volume add_object_reference(self, "sfp", self.control_volume.scaling_factor_pressure) # Set reference to scaling factor for energy in control volume add_object_reference(self, "sfe", self.control_volume.scaling_factor_energy) # Performance Variables self.ratioP = Var( self.flowsheet().config.time, initialize=1.0, doc="Pressure Ratio" ) # Pressure Ratio @self.Constraint(self.flowsheet().config.time, doc="Pressure ratio constraint") def ratioP_calculation(b, t): return ( self.sfp * b.ratioP[t] * b.control_volume.properties_in[t].pressure == self.sfp * b.control_volume.properties_out[t].pressure ) # Construct equations for thermodynamic assumption if self.config.thermodynamic_assumption == ThermodynamicAssumption.isothermal: self.add_isothermal() elif self.config.thermodynamic_assumption == ThermodynamicAssumption.isentropic: self.add_isentropic() elif self.config.thermodynamic_assumption == ThermodynamicAssumption.pump: self.add_pump() elif self.config.thermodynamic_assumption == ThermodynamicAssumption.adiabatic: self.add_adiabatic()
[docs] def add_pump(self): """ Add constraints for the incompressible fluid assumption Args: None Returns: None """ self.work_fluid = Var( self.flowsheet().config.time, initialize=1.0, doc="Work required to increase the pressure of the liquid", ) self.efficiency_pump = Var( self.flowsheet().config.time, initialize=1.0, doc="Pump efficiency" ) @self.Constraint(self.flowsheet().config.time, doc="Pump fluid work constraint") def fluid_work_calculation(b, t): return b.work_fluid[t] == ( ( b.control_volume.properties_out[t].pressure - b.control_volume.properties_in[t].pressure ) * b.control_volume.properties_out[t].flow_vol ) # Actual work @self.Constraint( self.flowsheet().config.time, doc="Actual mechanical work calculation" ) def actual_work(b, t): if b.config.compressor: return b.sfe * b.work_fluid[t] == b.sfe * ( b.work_mechanical[t] * b.efficiency_pump[t] ) else: return b.sfe * b.work_mechanical[t] == b.sfe * ( b.work_fluid[t] * b.efficiency_pump[t] )
[docs] def add_isothermal(self): """ Add constraints for isothermal assumption. Args: None Returns: None """ # Isothermal constraint @self.Constraint( self.flowsheet().config.time, doc="For isothermal condition: Equate inlet and " "outlet temperature", ) def isothermal(b, t): return ( b.control_volume.properties_in[t].temperature == b.control_volume.properties_out[t].temperature )
[docs] def add_adiabatic(self): """ Add constraints for adiabatic assumption. Args: None Returns: None """ # Isothermal constraint @self.Constraint( self.flowsheet().config.time, doc="For isothermal condition: Equate inlet and " "outlet enthalpy", ) def adiabatic(b, t): return ( b.control_volume.properties_in[t].enth_mol == b.control_volume.properties_out[t].enth_mol )
[docs] def add_isentropic(self): """ Add constraints for isentropic assumption. Args: None Returns: None """ # Get indexing sets from control volume # Add isentropic variables self.efficiency_isentropic = Var( self.flowsheet().config.time, initialize=0.8, doc="Efficiency with respect to an " "isentropic process [-]", ) self.work_isentropic = Var( self.flowsheet().config.time, initialize=0.0, doc="Work input to unit if isentropic " "process [-]", ) # Build isentropic state block tmp_dict = dict(**self.config.property_package_args) tmp_dict["has_phase_equilibrium"] = self.config.has_phase_equilibrium tmp_dict["parameters"] = self.config.property_package tmp_dict["defined_state"] = False self.properties_isentropic = self.config.property_package.state_block_class( self.flowsheet().config.time, doc="isentropic properties at outlet", default=tmp_dict, ) # Connect isentropic state block properties @self.Constraint( self.flowsheet().config.time, doc="Pressure for isentropic calculations" ) def isentropic_pressure(b, t): return ( b.sfp * b.properties_isentropic[t].pressure == b.sfp * b.control_volume.properties_out[t].pressure ) # This assumes isentropic composition is the same as outlet self.add_state_material_balances(self.config.material_balance_type, self.properties_isentropic, self.control_volume.properties_out) # This assumes isentropic entropy is the same as inlet @self.Constraint(self.flowsheet().config.time, doc="Isentropic assumption") def isentropic(b, t): return ( b.properties_isentropic[t].entr_mol == b.control_volume.properties_in[t].entr_mol ) # Isentropic work @self.Constraint( self.flowsheet().config.time, doc="Calculate work of isentropic process" ) def isentropic_energy_balance(b, t): return b.sfe * b.work_isentropic[t] == b.sfe * ( sum( b.properties_isentropic[t].get_enthalpy_flow_terms(p) for p in b.config.property_package.phase_list ) - sum( b.control_volume.properties_in[t].get_enthalpy_flow_terms(p) for p in b.config.property_package.phase_list ) ) # Actual work @self.Constraint( self.flowsheet().config.time, doc="Actual mechanical work calculation" ) def actual_work(b, t): if b.config.compressor: return b.sfe * b.work_isentropic[t] == b.sfe * ( b.work_mechanical[t] * b.efficiency_isentropic[t] ) else: return b.sfe * b.work_mechanical[t] == b.sfe * ( b.work_isentropic[t] * b.efficiency_isentropic[t] )
[docs] def model_check(blk): """ Check that pressure change matches with compressor argument (i.e. if compressor = True, pressure should increase or work should be positive) Args: None Returns: None """ if blk.config.compressor: # Compressor # Check that pressure does not decrease if any( blk.deltaP[t].fixed and (value(blk.deltaP[t]) < 0.0) for t in blk.flowsheet().config.time ): _log.warning("{} Compressor set with negative deltaP.".format( if any( blk.ratioP[t].fixed and (value(blk.ratioP[t]) < 1.0) for t in blk.flowsheet().config.time ): _log.warning( "{} Compressor set with ratioP less than 1.".format( ) if any( blk.control_volume.properties_out[t].pressure.fixed and ( value(blk.control_volume.properties_in[t].pressure) > value(blk.control_volume.properties_out[t].pressure) ) for t in blk.flowsheet().config.time ): _log.warning( "{} Compressor set with pressure decrease.".format( ) # Check that work is not negative if any( blk.work_mechanical[t].fixed and (value(blk.work_mechanical[t]) < 0.0) for t in blk.flowsheet().config.time ): _log.warning( "{} Compressor maybe set with negative work.".format( ) else: # Expander # Check that pressure does not increase if any( blk.deltaP[t].fixed and (value(blk.deltaP[t]) > 0.0) for t in blk.flowsheet().config.time ): _log.warning( "{} Expander/turbine set with positive deltaP.".format( ) if any( blk.ratioP[t].fixed and (value(blk.ratioP[t]) > 1.0) for t in blk.flowsheet().config.time ): _log.warning( "{} Expander/turbine set with ratioP greater " "than 1.".format( ) if any( blk.control_volume.properties_out[t].pressure.fixed and ( value(blk.control_volume.properties_in[t].pressure) < value(blk.control_volume.properties_out[t].pressure) ) for t in blk.flowsheet().config.time ): _log.warning( "{} Expander/turbine maybe set with pressure ", "increase.".format(, ) # Check that work is not positive if any( blk.work_mechanical[t].fixed and (value(blk.work_mechanical[t]) > 0.0) for t in blk.flowsheet().config.time ): _log.warning( "{} Expander/turbine set with positive work.".format( ) # Run holdup block model checks blk.control_volume.model_check() # Run model checks on isentropic property block try: for t in blk.flowsheet().config.time: blk.properties_in[t].model_check() except AttributeError: pass
[docs] def initialize( blk, state_args=None, routine=None, outlvl=idaeslog.NOTSET, solver="ipopt", optarg={"tol": 1e-6}, ): """ General wrapper for pressure changer initialization routines Keyword Arguments: routine : str stating which initialization routine to execute * None - use routine matching thermodynamic_assumption * 'isentropic' - use isentropic initialization routine * 'isothermal' - use isothermal initialization routine state_args : a dict of arguments to be passed to the property package(s) to provide an initial state for initialization (see documentation of the specific property package) (default = {}). outlvl : sets output level of initialization routine optarg : solver options dictionary object (default={'tol': 1e-6}) solver : str indicating whcih solver to use during initialization (default = 'ipopt') Returns: None """ if routine is None: # Use routine for specific type of unit routine = blk.config.thermodynamic_assumption # Call initialization routine if routine is ThermodynamicAssumption.isentropic: blk.init_isentropic( state_args=state_args, outlvl=outlvl, solver=solver, optarg=optarg ) else: # Call the general initialization routine in UnitModelBlockData super(PressureChangerData, blk).initialize( state_args=state_args, outlvl=outlvl, solver=solver, optarg=optarg )
[docs] def init_isentropic(blk, state_args, outlvl, solver, optarg): """ Initialization routine for unit (default solver ipopt) Keyword Arguments: state_args : a dict of arguments to be passed to the property package(s) to provide an initial state for initialization (see documentation of the specific property package) (default = {}). outlvl : sets output level of initialization routine optarg : solver options dictionary object (default={'tol': 1e-6}) solver : str indicating whcih solver to use during initialization (default = 'ipopt') Returns: None """ init_log = idaeslog.getInitLogger(, outlvl, tag="unit") solve_log = idaeslog.getSolveLogger(, outlvl, tag="unit") # Set solver options opt = SolverFactory(solver) opt.options = optarg # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Initialize holdup block flags = blk.control_volume.initialize( outlvl=outlvl, optarg=optarg, solver=solver, state_args=state_args, ) init_log.info_high("Initialization Step 1 Complete.") # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Initialize Isentropic block # Set state_args from inlet state if state_args is None: state_args = {} state_dict = blk.control_volume.properties_in[ blk.flowsheet().config.time.first() ].define_port_members() for k in state_dict.keys(): if state_dict[k].is_indexed(): state_args[k] = {} for m in state_dict[k].keys(): state_args[k][m] = state_dict[k][m].value else: state_args[k] = state_dict[k].value blk.properties_isentropic.initialize( outlvl=outlvl, optarg=optarg, solver=solver, state_args=state_args, ) init_log.info_high("Initialization Step 2 Complete.") # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Solve for isothermal conditions if isinstance( blk.properties_isentropic[blk.flowsheet().config.time.first()].temperature, Var, ): blk.properties_isentropic[:].temperature.fix() elif isinstance( blk.properties_isentropic[blk.flowsheet().config.time.first()].enth_mol, Var, ): blk.properties_isentropic[:].enth_mol.fix() elif isinstance( blk.properties_isentropic[blk.flowsheet().config.time.first()].temperature, Expression, ): def tmp_rule(b, t): return blk.properties_isentropic[t].temperature == \ blk.control_volume.properties_in[t].temperature blk.tmp_init_constraint = Constraint( blk.flowsheet().config.time, rule=tmp_rule) blk.isentropic.deactivate() with idaeslog.solver_log(solve_log, idaeslog.DEBUG) as slc: res = opt.solve(blk, tee=slc.tee) init_log.info_high("Initialization Step 3 {}.".format(idaeslog.condition(res))) if isinstance( blk.properties_isentropic[blk.flowsheet().config.time.first()].temperature, Var, ): blk.properties_isentropic[:].temperature.unfix() elif isinstance( blk.properties_isentropic[blk.flowsheet().config.time.first()].enth_mol, Var, ): blk.properties_isentropic[:].enth_mol.unfix() elif isinstance( blk.properties_isentropic[blk.flowsheet().config.time.first()].temperature, Expression, ): blk.del_component(blk.tmp_init_constraint) blk.isentropic.activate() # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Solve unit with idaeslog.solver_log(solve_log, idaeslog.DEBUG) as slc: res = opt.solve(blk, tee=slc.tee) init_log.info_high("Initialization Step 4 {}.".format(idaeslog.condition(res))) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Release Inlet state blk.control_volume.release_state(flags, outlvl + 1) "Initialization Complete: {}".format(idaeslog.condition(res)) )
def _get_performance_contents(self, time_point=0): var_dict = {} if hasattr(self, "deltaP"): var_dict["Mechanical Work"] = self.work_mechanical[time_point] if hasattr(self, "deltaP"): var_dict["Pressure Change"] = self.deltaP[time_point] if hasattr(self, "ratioP"): var_dict["Pressure Ratio"] = self.ratioP[time_point] if hasattr(self, "efficiency_pump"): var_dict["Efficiency"] = self.efficiency_pump[time_point] if hasattr(self, "efficiency_isentropic"): var_dict["Isentropic Efficiency"] = self.efficiency_isentropic[time_point] return {"vars": var_dict}
@declare_process_block_class("Turbine", doc="Isentropic turbine model") class TurbineData(PressureChangerData): # Pressure changer with isentropic turbine options CONFIG = PressureChangerData.CONFIG() CONFIG.compressor = False CONFIG.get("compressor")._default = False CONFIG.get("compressor")._domain = In([False]) CONFIG.thermodynamic_assumption = ThermodynamicAssumption.isentropic CONFIG.get("thermodynamic_assumption")._default = ThermodynamicAssumption.isentropic @declare_process_block_class("Compressor", doc="Isentropic turbine model") class CompressorData(PressureChangerData): # Pressure changer with isentropic turbine options CONFIG = PressureChangerData.CONFIG() CONFIG.compressor = True CONFIG.get("compressor")._default = True CONFIG.get("compressor")._domain = In([True]) CONFIG.thermodynamic_assumption = ThermodynamicAssumption.isentropic CONFIG.get("thermodynamic_assumption")._default = ThermodynamicAssumption.isentropic @declare_process_block_class("Pump", doc="Isentropic turbine model") class PumpData(PressureChangerData): # Pressure changer with isentropic turbine options CONFIG = PressureChangerData.CONFIG() CONFIG.compressor = True CONFIG.get("compressor")._default = True CONFIG.get("compressor")._domain = In([True]) CONFIG.thermodynamic_assumption = ThermodynamicAssumption.pump CONFIG.get("thermodynamic_assumption")._default = ThermodynamicAssumption.pump