Source code for idaes.apps.caprese.nmpc

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# Institute for the Design of Advanced Energy Systems Process Systems
# Engineering Framework (IDAES PSE Framework) Copyright (c) 2018-2019, by the
# software owners: The Regents of the University of California, through
# Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,  National Technology & Engineering
# Solutions of Sandia, LLC, Carnegie Mellon University, West Virginia
# University Research Corporation, et al. All rights reserved.
# Please see the files COPYRIGHT.txt and LICENSE.txt for full copyright and
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Class for performing NMPC simulations of IDAES flowsheets

from pyomo.environ import (Block, Constraint, Var, TerminationCondition,
        SolverFactory, Objective, NonNegativeReals, Reals, 
        TransformationFactory, Reference, value)
from pyomo.core.base.var import _GeneralVarData
from pyomo.core.base.range import remainder
from pyomo.kernel import ComponentSet, ComponentMap
from pyomo.dae import ContinuousSet, DerivativeVar
from pyomo.dae.flatten import flatten_dae_variables
from pyomo.dae.set_utils import is_explicitly_indexed_by, get_index_set_except
from pyomo.opt.solver import SystemCallSolver
from pyutilib.misc.config import ConfigDict, ConfigValue

from idaes.core import FlowsheetBlock
from idaes.core.util.model_statistics import (degrees_of_freedom, 
from idaes.core.util.dyn_utils import (get_activity_dict, deactivate_model_at,
        path_from_block, find_comp_in_block, find_comp_in_block_at_time)
from idaes.core.util.initialization import initialize_by_time_element
from idaes.apps.caprese.util import (initialize_by_element_in_range,
        find_slices_in_model, NMPCVarLocator, copy_values_at_time, 
        add_noise_at_time, ElementInitializationInputOption, 
        TimeResolutionOption, ControlInitOption, ControlPenaltyType,
        VariableCategory, validate_list_of_vardata, 
        validate_list_of_vardata_value_tuples, validate_solver,
        NMPCVarGroup, find_point_in_continuousset,
from idaes.apps.caprese.base_class import DynamicBase
import idaes.logger as idaeslog

from collections import OrderedDict
import time as timemodule
import enum
import pdb

__author__ = "Robert Parker and David Thierry"

[docs]class NMPCSim(DynamicBase): """ Main class for NMPC simulations of Pyomo models. """ # pyomo.common.config.add_docstring_list CONFIG = DynamicBase.CONFIG # TODO: How to document config values? CONFIG.declare( 'control_init_option', ConfigValue( default=ControlInitOption.FROM_INITIAL_CONDITIONS, domain=ControlInitOption.from_enum_or_string, doc='Option for how to initialize the controller model' ) ) CONFIG.declare( 'element_initialization_input_option', ConfigValue( default=ElementInitializationInputOption.SET_POINT, domain=ElementInitializationInputOption.from_enum_or_string, doc=('Option for how to fix inputs when initializing ' 'by time element') ) ) CONFIG.declare( 'time_resolution_option', ConfigValue( default=TimeResolutionOption.SAMPLE_POINTS, domain=TimeResolutionOption.from_enum_or_string, doc=('Option for specifying a time resolution in the ' 'objective function') ) ) CONFIG.declare( 'calculate_error', ConfigValue( default=True, domain=bool, doc=('Flag for whether or not to calculate set-point-error ' 'when simulating plant') ) ) CONFIG.declare( 'state_objective_weight_matrix_diagonal', ConfigValue( default=True, domain=bool, doc='Flag for whether state objective weights are diagonal' ) ) CONFIG.declare( 'control_objective_weight_matrix_diagonal', ConfigValue( default=True, domain=bool, doc='Flag for whether control objective weights are diagonal' ) ) CONFIG.declare( 'control_penalty_type', ConfigValue( default=ControlPenaltyType.ERROR, domain=ControlPenaltyType.from_enum_or_string, doc=('Type of control penalty that will be normed in ' 'objective functions') ) ) # TODO: Should I combine these into one config argument, then just override # for each's function if they need to change? CONFIG.declare( 'add_plant_noise', ConfigValue( default=True, domain=bool, doc='Flag for whether to add noise to state loaded from plant' ) ) CONFIG.declare( 'add_input_noise', ConfigValue( default=True, domain=bool, doc=('Flag for whether to add noise to inputs injected ' 'into plant') ) ) CONFIG.declare( 'noise_weights', ConfigValue( default=[], domain=list, doc=('List of weights to override weights for variance ' 'in noise function') ) ) # ^ TODO: Really this should be a list of vardata, value tuples CONFIG.declare( 'max_noise_weight', ConfigValue( default=1e6, domain=float, doc='Maximum value by which noise variance can be weighted' ) ) CONFIG.declare( 'noise_arguments', ConfigValue( default={}, domain=dict, doc='Extra arguments for noise function') ) CONFIG.declare( 'noise_sigma_0', ConfigValue( default=0.05, domain=float, doc=('Nominal value of variance that will be scaled by weights ' 'for each state') ) ) CONFIG.declare( 'setpoint', ConfigValue( default=[], domain=validate_list_of_vardata_value_tuples, doc=('User-specified list of VarDatas and their corresponding ' 'setpoints') ) ) CONFIG.declare('objective_weight_tolerance', ConfigValue( default=1e-6, domain=float, doc=('Minimum delta between nominal and set-point that will ' 'be used to calculate objective function weights') ) ) CONFIG.declare('objective_weight_override', ConfigValue( default=[], domain=validate_list_of_vardata_value_tuples, doc=('User-specified objective weight values for given ' 'variables that take precedence over calculated values') ) ) CONFIG.declare('objective_state_categories', ConfigValue( default=[VariableCategory.DIFFERENTIAL], domain=list, doc=('Variable categories that will be penalized as ' 'states in the objective function'), ) ) CONFIG.declare('sample_time', ConfigValue( default=1, domain=float, doc='Time period over which inputs will be held' ) ) CONFIG.declare('inputs_at_t0', ConfigValue( default=[], domain=validate_list_of_vardata, doc=('List of VarData objects corresponding to the inputs ' 'at time.first() in the plant model') ) ) CONFIG.declare('user_objective_name', ConfigValue( default='user_objective', domain=str, doc=('Name for the objective function created from the ' 'set-point provided by the user') ) ) CONFIG.declare('full_state_objective_name', ConfigValue( default='tracking_objective', domain=str, doc=('Name for full-state objective function calculated ' 'from that provided by the user') ) ) @classmethod def get_namespace_name(cls): return '_NMPC_NAMESPACE' def __init__(self, plant_model=None, plant_time_set=None, controller_model=None, controller_time_set=None, inputs_at_t0=None, sample_time=None, **kwargs): """Constructor method. Accepts plant and controller models needed for NMPC simulation, as well as time sets (Pyomo Sets) in each model Inputs at the first time point in the plant model are also required. Models provided are added to the NMPCSim instance as attributes. This constructor solves for consistent initial conditions in the plant and controller and performs categorization into lists of differential, derivative, algebraic, input, fixed, and scalar variables, which are added as attributes to a _NMPC_NAMESPACE Block on each model. Args: plant_model : Plant Pyomo model, NMPC of which will be simulated. Currently this must contain the entire timespan it is desired to simulate. plant_time_set : Set to treat as time in the plant model controller_model : Model to be used to calculate control inputs for the plant. Control inputs in controller must exist in the plant, and initial condition variables in the plant must exist in the controller. controller_time_set : Set to treat as time in the controller model inputs_at_t0 : List of VarData objects containing the variables to be treated as control inputs, at time.first(). solver : Solver to be used for verification of consistent initial conditions, will also be used as the default solver if another is not provided for initializing or solving the optimal control problem. outlvl : IDAES logger output level. Default is idaes.logger.NOTSET. To see solver output, use idaes.logger.DEBUG. sample_time : Length of time each control input will be held for. This must be an integer multiple of the (finite element) discretization spacing in both the plant and controller models. Default is to use the controller model's discretization spacing. """ self.config = self.CONFIG(kwargs) super(NMPCSim, self).__init__(plant_model, plant_time_set, controller_model, controller_time_set, inputs_at_t0, **kwargs) # Should I provide solver and outlvl as explicit args here? self.config.sample_time = sample_time self.config.inputs_at_t0 = inputs_at_t0 # Maybe include a kwarg for require_steady - if False, set-point is not # forced to be a steady state # TODO: validate_time_set function init_log = idaeslog.getInitLogger('nmpc', level=self.config.outlvl) self.solve_initial_conditions(self.plant) # TODO: move into own function # possibly a DAE utility # - check for consistency of initial conditions # - if not consistent, tell user to go run dae.solve_initial_conditions # Only need to manipulate bounds of controller model. Assume the # bounds in the plant model should remain in place for simulation. # (Should probably raise a warning if bounds are present...) for categ, vargroup in self.controller._NMPC_NAMESPACE.category_dict.items(): self.set_bounds_from_initial(vargroup) # ^ This may be removed in favor of strip_bounds transformation # Validate inputs in the plant model and initial conditions # in the control model. # TODO: allow user to specify this if names don't match self.plant._NMPC_NAMESPACE.controller_ic_vars = find_slices_in_model( self.plant, self.plant_time, self.controller, self.controller_time, self.plant._NMPC_NAMESPACE.var_locator, self.controller._NMPC_NAMESPACE.ic_vars) self.controller._NMPC_NAMESPACE.plant_input_vars = find_slices_in_model( self.controller, self.controller_time, self.plant, self.plant_time, self.controller._NMPC_NAMESPACE.var_locator, self.plant._NMPC_NAMESPACE.input_vars.varlist) self.validate_fixedness(self.plant, self.controller) # TODO: remove. Place in solve_initial_conditions method if it exists. # If desired ('strict mode') check for consistency. ##################### copy_values_at_time(self.controller._NMPC_NAMESPACE.ic_vars, self.plant._NMPC_NAMESPACE.controller_ic_vars, self.controller_time.first(), self.plant_time.first()) # Should strip bounds before this IC solve, since the controller # model should have bounds self.strip_controller_bounds = TransformationFactory( 'contrib.strip_var_bounds') self.strip_controller_bounds.apply_to(self.controller, reversible=True) # Controller model has already been categorized... No need # to provide init_controller_inputs self.solve_initial_conditions(self.controller) self.strip_controller_bounds.revert(self.controller) # TODO: Should not be solving initial conditions of the controller # They will be overridden by steady state solve ##################### self.sample_time = self.config.sample_time self.validate_sample_time(self.sample_time, self.controller, self.plant) # Flag for whether controller has been initialized # by a previous solve self.controller_solved = False # Maps sample times in plant model to the normalized state error # This error will be defined by: # <(x_pred-x_meas), Q(x_pred-x_meas)> # where Q is the positive semi-definite matrix defining the norm # used in the objective function. # # Currently only diagonal matrices Q are supported, and values of None # are interpreted as zeros self.state_error = {} # Should I set state_error[0] = 0? Probably not, in case there is for # instance some measurement noise. # Remember: Need to calculate weight matrices before populating this.
[docs] def add_namespace_to(self, model, time): """Adds the _NMPC_NAMESPACE block a model with a given time set. All necessary model-specific attributes, including constraints and objectives, will be added to this block. Args: model : Model to which to add the namespace time : Set to treat as time in the given model """ name = '_NMPC_NAMESPACE' # Not _CAPRESE_NAMESPACE as I might want to add a similar # namespace for MHE if hasattr(model, name): raise ValueError('%s already exists on model. Please fix this.' % name) model.add_component(name, Block()) super(NMPCSim, self).add_namespace_to(model, time)
[docs] def validate_sample_time(self, sample_time, *models, **kwargs): """Makes sure sample points, or integer multiple of sample time-offsets from time.first() lie on finite element boundaries, and that horizon of each model is an integer multiple of sample time. Assembles a list of sample points and a dictionary mapping sample points to the number of finite elements in the preceding sampling period, and adds them as attributes to _NMPC_NAMESPACE. Args: sample_time: Sample time to check models: List of flowsheet models to check """ config = self.config(kwargs) tolerance = config.continuous_set_tolerance for model in models: time = model._NMPC_NAMESPACE.get_time() horizon_length = time.last() - time.first() # TODO: This should probably be a DAE utility min_spacing = horizon_length for t in time: if t == time.first(): continue prev = time.prev(t) if t - prev < min_spacing: min_spacing = t - prev # Sanity check: assert min_spacing > 0 # Required so only one point can satisfy equality to tolerance if tolerance >= min_spacing/2: raise ValueError( 'ContinuousSet tolerance is larger than half the minimum ' 'spacing. An element of this set will not necessarily be ' 'unique within this tolerance.') off_by = abs(remainder(horizon_length, sample_time)) if off_by > tolerance: raise ValueError( 'Sampling time must be an integer divider of ' 'horizon length within tolerance %f' % tolerance) n_samples = round(horizon_length/sample_time) model._NMPC_NAMESPACE.samples_per_horizon = n_samples finite_elements = time.get_finite_elements() sample_points = [] sample_no = 1 fe_per = 0 fe_per_sample_dict = {} for t in finite_elements: if t == time.first(): continue fe_per += 1 time_since = t - time.first() sp = sample_no*sample_time diff = abs(sp-time_since) if diff < tolerance: sample_points.append(t) sample_no += 1 fe_per_sample_dict[sample_no] = fe_per fe_per = 0 if time_since > sp: raise ValueError( 'Could not find a time point for the %ith ' 'sample point' % sample_no) assert len(sample_points) == n_samples # Here sample_points excludes time.first() model._NMPC_NAMESPACE.fe_per_sample = fe_per_sample_dict model._NMPC_NAMESPACE.sample_points = sample_points
[docs] def validate_slices(self, tgt_model, src_model, src_time, src_slices): """ Given list of time-only slices in a source model, attempts to find each of them in the target model and returns a list of the found slices in the same order. Expects to find a var_locator ComponentMap attribute in the _NMPC_NAMESPACE of the target model. Args: tgt_model : Model to search for time-slices src_model : Model containing the slices to search for src_slices : List of time-only slices of variables in the source model Returns: List of time-only slices to same-named variables in the target model """ t0 = src_time.first() tgt_slices = [] locator = tgt_model._NMPC_NAMESPACE.var_locator for _slice in src_slices: init_vardata = _slice[t0] tgt_vardata = find_comp_in_block(tgt_model, src_model, init_vardata) tgt_container = locator[tgt_vardata].group.varlist location = locator[tgt_vardata].location tgt_slices.append(tgt_container[location]) return tgt_slices
[docs] def validate_fixedness(self, *models): """ Makes sure that assumptions regarding fixedness for different points in time are valid. Differential, algebraic, and derivative variables may be fixed only at t0, only if they are initial conditions. Fixed variables must be fixed at all points in time, except possibly initial conditions. Expects to find "alg," "diff," "deriv," and "fixed" vars on each model's _NMPC_NAMESPACE, as well as a var_locator ComponentMap. Args: models: Models for which to validate fixedness """ for model in models: time = model._NMPC_NAMESPACE.get_time() t0 = time.first() locator = model._NMPC_NAMESPACE.var_locator # Appropriate for this function to have categories specified for _slice in (model._NMPC_NAMESPACE.alg_vars.varlist + model._NMPC_NAMESPACE.diff_vars.varlist + model._NMPC_NAMESPACE.deriv_vars.varlist): var0 = _slice[t0] if locator[var0].is_ic: assert var0.fixed for t in time: if t == t0: continue assert not _slice[t].fixed else: for t in time: assert not _slice[t].fixed for var in model._NMPC_NAMESPACE.fixed_vars.varlist: for t in time: # Fixed vars, e.g. those used in boundary conditions, # may "overlap" with initial conditions. It is up to the user # to make sure model has appropriate number of degrees of # freedom if t == t0: continue assert var[t].fixed
# TODO: option to skip this step by user specification of input pairs
[docs] def validate_initial_inputs(self, tgt_model, src_model, src_inputs=None, **kwargs): """Uses initial inputs in the source model to find variables of the same name in a target model. Args: tgt_model : Flowsheet model to search for input variables src_model : Flowsheet model containing inputs to search for src_inputs : List of input variables at the initial time point to find in target model. If not provided, the initial_inputs attribute will be used. Returns: List of variables (time-only slices) in the target model corresponding to the inputs in the source model """ config = self.config(kwargs) outlvl = config.outlvl log = idaeslog.getInitLogger('nmpc', level=outlvl) # src_time only necessary to find inputs if not provided? src_time = src_model._NMPC_NAMESPACE.get_time() if src_inputs is not None: # If source inputs are not specified, assume they # already exist in src_model try: t0 = src_time.first() src_inputs = [v[t0] for v in src_model._NMPC_NAMESPACE.input_vars] except AttributeError: msg = ('Error validating inputs. Either provide src_inputs ' 'or categorize_inputs in the source model first.') idaeslog.error(msg) raise tgt_inputs = [] for inp in src_inputs: local_parent = tgt_model for r in path_from_block(inp, src_model, include_comp=True): try: local_parent = getattr(local_parent, r[0])[r[1]] except AttributeError: msg = (f'Error validating input {}.' 'Could not find component {r[0]} in block ' '{}.') log.error(msg) raise except KeyError: msg = (f'Error validating {}.' 'Could not find key {r[1]} in component ' '{getattr(local_parent, r[0]).name}.') log.error(msg) raise tgt_inputs.append(local_parent) return tgt_inputs
[docs] def validate_models(self, m1, m2): """ Makes sure the two models are instances of Pyomo Blocks and do not have the same top-level model. Args: m1 : First model (Pyomo Block) m2 : Second model (Pyomo Block) Returns: True if models are valid """ if not (isinstance(m1, Block) and isinstance(m2, Block)): raise ValueError( 'Provided models must be Blocks') if m1.model() is m2.model(): raise ValueError( 'Provided models must not live in the same top-level' 'ConcreteModel') return True
[docs] def transfer_current_plant_state_to_controller(self, t_plant, **kwargs): """Transfers values of the initial condition variables at a specified time in the plant model to the initial time point of the controller model, adding noise if desired. Args: t_plant: Time point in plant model whose values will be transferred """ # Would like to pass "noise_args" in as a bundle here. This can # probably be done with config blocks somehow. # TODO: allow specification of noise args config = self.config(kwargs) time = self.controller_time t0 = time.first() copy_values_at_time(self.controller._NMPC_NAMESPACE.ic_vars, self.plant._NMPC_NAMESPACE.controller_ic_vars, t0, t_plant) # Apply noise to new initial conditions add_noise = config.add_plant_noise noise_weights = config.noise_weights noise_sig_0 = config.noise_sigma_0 noise_args = config.noise_arguments max_noise_weight = config.max_noise_weight locator = self.controller._NMPC_NAMESPACE.var_locator if add_noise: if not noise_weights: noise_weights = [] for var in self.controller._NMPC_NAMESPACE.ic_vars: info = locator[var[t0]] loc = info.location obj_weight =[loc] if obj_weight is not None and obj_weight != 0: noise_weights.append(min(1/obj_weight, max_noise_weight)) else: noise_weights.append(None) add_noise_at_time(self.controller._NMPC_NAMESPACE.ic_vars, t0, weights=noise_weights, sigma_0=noise_sig_0, **noise_args)
[docs] def inject_control_inputs_into_plant(self, t_plant, **kwargs): """Injects input variables from the first sampling time in the controller model to the sampling period in the plant model that starts at the specified time, adding noise if desired. Args: t_plant : First time point in plant model where inputs will be applied. """ # config args for control_input_noise config = self.config(kwargs) tolerance = config.continuous_set_tolerance sample_time = self.config.sample_time # Send inputs to plant that were calculated for the end # of the first sample t_controller = find_point_in_continuousset( self.controller_time.first() + sample_time, self.controller_time, tolerance) assert t_controller in self.controller_time time = self.plant_time plant_sample_end = find_point_in_continuousset( t_plant + sample_time, time, tolerance) assert plant_sample_end in time plant_sample = [t for t in time if t > t_plant and t<= plant_sample_end] assert plant_sample_end in plant_sample # len(plant_sample) should be ncp*nfe_per_sample, assuming the expected # sample_time is passed in add_noise = config.add_input_noise noise_weights = config.noise_weights noise_sig_0 = config.noise_sigma_0 noise_args = config.noise_arguments max_noise_weight = config.max_noise_weight # Need to get proper weights for plant's input vars locator = self.controller._NMPC_NAMESPACE.var_locator if add_noise: if not noise_weights: noise_weights = [] for var in self.controller._NMPC_NAMESPACE.plant_input_vars: info = locator[var[t_controller]] loc = info.location obj_weight =[loc] if obj_weight is not None and obj_weight != 0: noise_weights.append(min(1/obj_weight, max_noise_weight)) else: # By default, if state is not penalized in objective, # noise will not be applied to it here. # This may be incorrect, but user will have to override, # by providing their own weights, as I don't see a good # way of calculating a weight noise_weights.append(None) add_noise_at_time(self.controller._NMPC_NAMESPACE.plant_input_vars, t_controller, weights=noise_weights, sigma_0=noise_sig_0, **noise_args) #add_noise_at_time(self.plant.input_vars, # t_plant+sample_time, # weights=noise_weights, # sigma_0=noise_sig_0, # **noise_args) # Slight bug in logic here: noise is applied to plant variables, # but only controller variables have bounds. # Alternatives: add bounds to plant variables (undesirable) # apply noise to controller variables (maybe okay...) # ^ can always record nominal values, then revert # noise after it's copied into plant... # Right now I apply noise to controller model, and don't revert copy_values_at_time(self.plant._NMPC_NAMESPACE.input_vars.varlist, self.controller._NMPC_NAMESPACE.plant_input_vars, plant_sample, t_controller)
[docs] def solve_initial_conditions(self, model, **kwargs): """Function to solve for consistent initial conditions in the provided flowsheet model. Args: model : Flowsheet model whose initial conditions are solved """ # Later include option to skip solve for consistent initial conditions # # Will only work as written for "True" initial conditions since # it doesn't try to deactivate discretization equations or fix # derivative/differential variables. config = self.config(kwargs) # TODO: activity_dict should be a ComponentMap was_originally_active = get_activity_dict(model) solver = config.solver outlvl = config.outlvl init_log = idaeslog.getInitLogger('nmpc', level=outlvl) solver_log = idaeslog.getSolveLogger('nmpc', level=outlvl) toplevel = model.model() time = model._NMPC_NAMESPACE.get_time() t0 = time.first() non_initial_time = [t for t in time] non_initial_time.remove(t0) deactivated = deactivate_model_at(model, time, non_initial_time, outlvl=idaeslog.ERROR) # Proper to specify input_vars here for _slice in model._NMPC_NAMESPACE.input_vars.varlist: vardata = _slice[t0] if vardata.model() is not toplevel: raise ValueError( f"Trying to fix an input that does not belong to model" " {}. Are 'initial_inputs' arguments" " contained in the proper model?") if vardata.value == None: raise ValueError( "Trying to solve for consistent initial conditions with " "an input of value None. Inputs must have valid values " "to solve for consistent initial conditions") else: vardata.fix() if degrees_of_freedom(model) != 0: raise ValueError( f"Non-zero degrees of freedom in model {}" " when solving for consistent initial conditions. Have the " "right number of initial conditions been fixed?") with idaeslog.solver_log(solver_log, level=idaeslog.DEBUG) as slc: results = solver.solve(model, tee=slc.tee) if results.solver.termination_condition == TerminationCondition.optimal: 'Successfully solved for consistent initial conditions') else: init_log.error('Failed to solve for consistent initial conditions') raise ValueError( f'Falied to solve {} for consistent initial conditions') if was_originally_active is not None: for t in non_initial_time: for comp in deactivated[t]: if was_originally_active[id(comp)]: comp.activate()
[docs] def get_inconsistent_initial_conditions(self, model, time, tol=1e-6, **kwargs): """Finds equations of a model at the first time point (or in a block that is at the first time point) that are not satisfied to within a tolerance. Args: model : Pyomo model (or Block) to check for inconsistency time : Set to treat as time tol : Tolerance within which a constraint will be considered consistent Returns: List of constraint data objects found to be inconsistent """ config = self.config(kwargs) outlvl = config.outlvl t0 = time.first() inconsistent = [] init_log = idaeslog.getInitLogger('nmpc', outlvl) for con in model.component_objects(Constraint, active=True): if not is_explicitly_indexed_by(con, time): continue info = get_index_set_except(con, time) non_time_set = info['set_except'] index_getter = info['index_getter'] for non_time_index in non_time_set: index = index_getter(non_time_index, t0) try: condata = con[index] except KeyError: # To allow Constraint/Block.Skip msg = '%s has no index %s' % (, str(index)) init_log.warning(msg) continue if (value(condata.body) - value(condata.upper) > tol or value(condata.lower) - value(condata.body) > tol): inconsistent.append(con[index]) return inconsistent
[docs] def calculate_full_state_setpoint(self, setpoint, require_steady=True, **kwargs): """Given a user-defined setpoint, i.e. a list of VarData, value tuples, calculates a full-state setpoint to be used in the objective function of the dynamic optimization problem. This is done by solving a single- time point optimization problem with the user's setpoint in the objective function. The solve is performed in the first time point blocks/constraints of the controller model. The procedure is: i. Populate controller setpoint attributes with user-defined values ii. Record which constraints were originally active iii. Deactivate constraints except at time.first() iv. Check for consistent initial conditions. Attempt to solve for constraint satisfaction if necessary v. Populate reference attributes with (now consistent) initial conditions vi. Calculate objective weights for values provided by user vii. Add objective function based on these weights and setpoint values viii. Unfix initial conditions and fix inputs (and derivatives if steady-state is required) ix. Solve "projected" optimization problem x. Refix initial conditions (unfix derivatives if they were fixed) xi. Deactivate just-created objective xii. Transfer variable values to setpoint attributes xiii. Reactivate model at non-initial time Args: setpoint : List of VarData, value tuples to be used in the objective function of the single-time point optimization problem require_steady : Bool telling whether or not to fix derivatives to zero when performing optimization """ config = self.config(kwargs) solver = config.solver outlvl = config.outlvl init_log = idaeslog.getInitLogger('nmpc', outlvl) solver_log = idaeslog.getSolveLogger('nmpc', outlvl) user_objective_name = config.user_objective_name # Categories of variables whose set point values will be added to controller categories = [VariableCategory.DIFFERENTIAL, VariableCategory.ALGEBRAIC, VariableCategory.DERIVATIVE, VariableCategory.INPUT, VariableCategory.SCALAR] controller = self.controller time = self.controller_time t0 = time.first() category_dict = controller._NMPC_NAMESPACE.category_dict locator = controller._NMPC_NAMESPACE.var_locator # Clear any previous existing setpoint values in these variables for categ in categories: group = category_dict[categ] for i in range(group.n_vars): group.set_setpoint(i, None) # Populate appropriate setpoint values from argument for vardata, value in setpoint: info = locator[vardata] categ = info.category loc = info.location group = category_dict[categ] group.set_setpoint(loc, value) was_originally_active = ComponentMap([(comp, for comp in controller.component_data_objects((Constraint, Block))]) non_initial_time = [t for t in time if t != time.first()] deactivated = deactivate_model_at(controller, time, non_initial_time, outlvl) inconsistent = self.get_inconsistent_initial_conditions(controller, time, outlvl=idaeslog.ERROR) if inconsistent: dof = degrees_of_freedom(controller) if dof > 0: idaeslog.warning( 'Positive degrees of freedom in controller model with ' 'inconsistent initial conditions. ' 'Fixing inputs in an attempt to remedy.') for var in controller._NMPC_NAMESPACE.input_vars: var[t0].fix() dof = degrees_of_freedom(controller) if dof != 0: msg = ('Nonzero degrees of freedom in initial conditions ' 'of controller model after fixing inputs.') idaeslog.error(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) elif dof < 0: msg = ('Negative degrees of freedom in controller model with ' 'inconsistent initial conditions.') idaeslog.error(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg)'Initial conditions are inconsistent. Solving') with idaeslog.solver_log(solver_log, level=idaeslog.DEBUG) as slc: results = solver.solve(controller, tee=slc.tee) if results.solver.termination_condition == TerminationCondition.optimal: 'Successfully solved for consistent initial conditions') else: msg = 'Failed to solve for consistent initial conditions' init_log.error(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) # populate reference list from consistent values for categ, vargroup in category_dict.items(): if categ == VariableCategory.SCALAR: for i, var in enumerate(vargroup): vargroup.set_reference(i, var.value) else: for i, var in enumerate(vargroup): vargroup.set_reference(i, var[t0].value) override = config.objective_weight_override tolerance = config.objective_weight_tolerance self.construct_objective_weights(controller, objective_weight_override=override, objective_weight_tolerance=tolerance, categories=[VariableCategory.DIFFERENTIAL, VariableCategory.ALGEBRAIC, VariableCategory.DERIVATIVE, VariableCategory.INPUT]) # Save user set-point and weights as attributes of namespace # in case they are required later user_setpoint = [] user_setpoint_vars = [] user_sp_weights = [] for var, value in setpoint: user_setpoint.append(value) user_setpoint_vars.append(var) loc = locator[var].location user_sp_weights.append(locator[var].group.weights[loc]) controller._NMPC_NAMESPACE.user_setpoint_weights = user_sp_weights controller._NMPC_NAMESPACE.user_setpoint = user_setpoint controller._NMPC_NAMESPACE.user_setpoint_vars = user_setpoint_vars # Add an objective function that only involves variables at t0 self.add_objective_function(controller, control_penalty_type=ControlPenaltyType.ERROR, name=user_objective_name, objective_state_categories=[ VariableCategory.DIFFERENTIAL, VariableCategory.ALGEBRAIC, ], time_resolution_option=TimeResolutionOption.INITIAL_POINT) temp_objective = getattr(controller._NMPC_NAMESPACE, user_objective_name) # Fix/unfix variables as appropriate # Order matters here. If a derivative is used as an IC, we still want # it to be fixed if steady state is required. for var in controller._NMPC_NAMESPACE.ic_vars: var[t0].unfix() for var in category_dict[VariableCategory.INPUT]: var[t0].unfix() if require_steady == True: for var in category_dict[VariableCategory.DERIVATIVE]: var[t0].fix(0.0) # Solve single-time point optimization problem assert degrees_of_freedom(controller) == controller._NMPC_NAMESPACE.n_input_vars'Solving for full-state setpoint values') with idaeslog.solver_log(solver_log, level=idaeslog.DEBUG) as slc: results = solver.solve(controller, tee=slc.tee) if results.solver.termination_condition == TerminationCondition.optimal: 'Successfully solved for full state setpoint values') else: msg = 'Failed to solve for full state setpoint values' init_log.error(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) # Revert changes. Again, order matters if require_steady == True: for var in category_dict[VariableCategory.DERIVATIVE]: var[t0].unfix() for var in controller._NMPC_NAMESPACE.ic_vars: var[t0].fix() # Deactivate objective that was just created temp_objective.deactivate() # Transfer setpoint values and reset initial values for categ in categories: vargroup = category_dict[categ] if categ == VariableCategory.SCALAR: for i, var in enumerate(vargroup): vargroup.set_setpoint(i, var.value) var.set_value(vargroup.reference[i]) else: for i, var in enumerate(vargroup): vargroup.set_setpoint(i, var[t0].value) var[t0].set_value(vargroup.reference[i]) # Reactivate components that were deactivated for t, complist in deactivated.items(): for comp in complist: if was_originally_active[comp]: comp.activate()
[docs] def add_setpoint_to_controller(self, objective_name='tracking_objective', **kwargs): """User-facing function for the addition of a setpoint to the controller. Assumes the controller model's setpoint attributes have been populated with desired values. This function first calculates weights, then adds an objective function based on those weights and existing setpoint values. Args: objective_name : Name to use for the objective function added """ # TODO: allow user to specify a steady state to use without having # called create_steady_state_setpoint config = self.config(kwargs) weight_override = config.objective_weight_override weight_tolerance = config.objective_weight_tolerance objective_state_categories = config.objective_state_categories time_resolution_option = config.time_resolution_option outlvl = config.outlvl #objective_name = config.full_state_objective_name self.construct_objective_weights(self.controller, objective_weight_override=weight_override, objective_weight_tolerance=weight_tolerance, categories=[ VariableCategory.DIFFERENTIAL, VariableCategory.ALGEBRAIC, VariableCategory.DERIVATIVE, VariableCategory.INPUT, ]) # TODO: set point changes. self.add_objective_function(self.controller, # control_penalty_type=ControlPenaltyType.ACTION, # NOTE: Leaving this commented here in case this breaks something control_penalty_type=config.control_penalty_type, objective_state_categories=objective_state_categories, time_resolution_option=time_resolution_option, name=objective_name)
[docs] def set_reference_values_from_initial(self, vargroup, t0=None): """Sets the values in the reference list of an NMPCVarGroup from the values of the group's variables at t0 Args: vargroup : NMPCVarGroup instance whose reference values to set t0 : Point in time at which variable values will be used to set reference values """ if vargroup.is_scalar: raise ValueError( 'No way to get initial conditions for a scalar component') else: if t0 is None: t0 = vargroup.t0 for i in range(vargroup.n_vars): vargroup.reference[i] = vargroup.varlist[i][t0].value
[docs] def construct_objective_weights(self, model, categories=[VariableCategory.DIFFERENTIAL, VariableCategory.ALGEBRAIC, VariableCategory.DERIVATIVE, VariableCategory.INPUT], **kwargs): """Constructs the objective weight values for the specified variable categories of a specified model. Weights are calculated for each variable in each group by taking the difference between the initial value and the setpoint value, making sure it is above a tolerance, and taking its reciprocal. Weights can be overridden by a list of VarData, value tuples passed in as the "objective_weight_override" config argument. Args: model : Model whose variables will be accessed to calculate weights, and whose weight attributes will be set. categories : List of VariableCategory enum items for which to calculate weights. Default is DIFFERENTIAL, ALGEBRAIC, DERIVATIVE, and INPUT """ config = self.config(kwargs) override = config.objective_weight_override tol = config.objective_weight_tolerance # Variables to override must be VarData objects in the model # for whose objective function we are calculating weights category_dict = model._NMPC_NAMESPACE.category_dict weights_to_override = {} for ow_tpl in override: locator = model._NMPC_NAMESPACE.var_locator[ow_tpl[0]] weights_to_override[(locator.category, locator.location)] = \ ow_tpl[1] # Given a vardata here, need to know its location so I know which # weight to override # Attempt to construct weight for each type of setpoint for categ in categories: vargroup = category_dict[categ] reference = vargroup.reference setpoint = vargroup.setpoint weights = vargroup.weights # construct the diagonal matrix (list). for loc, sp_value in enumerate(setpoint): # This assumes the vardata in sp is the same one # provided by the user. But these could differ by time # index... # Need to check by location, category here if (categ, loc) in weights_to_override: weights[loc] = weights_to_override[categ, loc] continue # If value is None, but variable was provided as override, # weight can still be non-None. This is okay. if sp_value is None or reference[loc] is None: weights[loc] = None continue diff = abs(reference[loc] - sp_value) if diff > tol: weight = 1./diff else: weight = 1./tol weights[loc] = weight
[docs] def add_objective_function(self, model, name='objective', state_weight=1, control_weight=1, **kwargs): """Adds an objective function based on already calculated weights and setpoint values to the _NMPC_NAMESPACE of a model. Args: model : Model to which to add objective function name : Name of objective function to add state_weight : Additional weight factor to apply to each state term in the objective function. Intended for a user that wants to weigh states and controls differently control_weight : Addtional weight factor to apply to each control term in the objective function. Intended for a user that wants to weigh states and controls differently """ config = self.config(kwargs) outlvl = config.outlvl init_log = idaeslog.getInitLogger('nmpc', level=outlvl) time_resolution = config.time_resolution_option state_categories = config.objective_state_categories # Q and R are p.s.d. matrices that weigh the state and # control norms in the objective function Q_diagonal = config.state_objective_weight_matrix_diagonal R_diagonal = config.control_objective_weight_matrix_diagonal # User may want to penalize control action, i.e. ||u_i - u_{i-1}||, # or control error (from set point), i.e. ||u_i - u*|| # Valid values are ACTION or ERROR control_penalty_type = config.control_penalty_type if not (control_penalty_type == ControlPenaltyType.ERROR or control_penalty_type == ControlPenaltyType.ACTION or control_penalty_type == ControlPenaltyType.NONE): raise ValueError( "control_penalty_type argument must be 'ACTION' or 'ERROR'") if not Q_diagonal or not R_diagonal: raise NotImplementedError('Q and R must be diagonal for now.') category_dict = model._NMPC_NAMESPACE.category_dict states = [] Q_entries = [] sp_states = [] for categ in state_categories: if (categ == VariableCategory.INPUT and control_penalty_type != ControlPenaltyType.NONE): raise ValueError( '''INPUT variable cannot be penalized as both states and controls. Either set control_penalty_type to ControlPenaltyType.NONE or omit VariableCategory.INPUT from objective_state_categories.''' ) vargroup = category_dict[categ] states += vargroup.varlist Q_entries += vargroup.weights sp_states += vargroup.setpoint input_group = category_dict[VariableCategory.INPUT] controls = input_group.varlist R_entries = input_group.weights sp_controls = input_group.setpoint mod_time = model._NMPC_NAMESPACE.get_time() t0 = mod_time.first() # NOTE: t0 is now omitted from objective function, unless # INITIAL_POINT option is used if time_resolution == TimeResolutionOption.COLLOCATION_POINTS: time = [t for t in mod_time if t != mod_time.first()] if time_resolution == TimeResolutionOption.FINITE_ELEMENTS: time = [t for t in mod_time.get_finite_elements() if t != mod_time.first()] if time_resolution == TimeResolutionOption.SAMPLE_POINTS: sample_time = self.sample_time time = model._NMPC_NAMESPACE.sample_points if time_resolution == TimeResolutionOption.INITIAL_POINT: time = [t0] state_term = sum(Q_entries[i]*(states[i][t] - sp_states[i])**2 for i in range(len(states)) if (Q_entries[i] is not None and sp_states[i] is not None) for t in time) # TODO: With what time resolution should states/controls be penalized? # I think they should be penalized every sample point if control_penalty_type == ControlPenaltyType.ERROR: control_term = sum(R_entries[i]*(controls[i][t] - sp_controls[i])**2 for i in range(len(controls)) if (R_entries[i] is not None and sp_controls[i] is not None) for t in time) elif control_penalty_type == ControlPenaltyType.ACTION: # Override time list to be the list of sample points, # as these are the only points control action can be # nonzero action_time = model._NMPC_NAMESPACE.sample_points time_len = len(action_time) if time_len == 1: init_log.warning( 'Warning: Control action penalty specfied ' 'for a model with a single time point.' 'Control term in objective function will be empty.') control_term = sum(R_entries[i]* (controls[i][action_time[k]] - controls[i][action_time[k-1]])**2 for i in range(len(controls)) if (R_entries[i] is not None and sp_controls[i] is not None) for k in range(1, time_len)) elif control_penalty_type == ControlPenaltyType.NONE: control_term = 0 # Note: This term is only non-zero at the boundary between sampling # times. Could use this info to make the expression more compact obj_expr = state_term + control_term # TODO: Deactivate existing objectives obj = Objective(expr=obj_expr) model._NMPC_NAMESPACE.add_component(name, obj)
[docs] def set_bounds_from_initial(self, vargroup): """ Builds lists of lower bound, upper bound tuples as attributes of the input model, based on the current bounds (and domains) of differential, algebraic, and input variables. Args: model : Model whose variables will be checked for bounds. """ varlist = vargroup.varlist if not vargroup.is_scalar: t0 = vargroup.index_set.first() for i, var in enumerate(varlist): if not vargroup.is_scalar: # Just assume these (t0) are the bounds/domain I want lb = var[t0].lb ub = var[t0].ub domain = var[t0].domain else: lb = ub = var.ub domain = var.domain if (domain == NonNegativeReals and lb is None): lb = 0 elif (domain == NonNegativeReals and lb < 0): lb = 0 vargroup.set_lb(i, lb) vargroup.set_ub(i, ub)
[docs] def transfer_bounds(self, tgt_group, src_group): """ Transfers bounds from source model's bound lists to target model's differential, algebraic, and input variables, and sets domain to Reals. Args: tgt_model : Model whose variables bounds will be transferred to src_model : Model whose bound lists will be used to set bounds. """ n_vars = tgt_group.n_vars for i in range(n_vars): tgt_group.set_lb(i,[i]) tgt_group.set_ub(i, src_group.ub[i]) tgt_group.set_domain(i, Reals)
[docs] def constrain_control_inputs_piecewise_constant(self, **kwargs): """Function to add piecewise constant (PWC) constraints to controller model. Requires model's _NMPC_NAMESPACE to know about input vars and to have as an attribute a sample points list. """ config = self.config(kwargs) sample_time = config.sample_time outlvl = config.outlvl init_log = idaeslog.getInitLogger('nmpc', outlvl)'Adding piecewise-constant constraints') model = self.controller # If sample_time is overwritten here, assume that the # provided sample_time should be used going forward # (in input injection, plant simulation, and controller initialization) if sample_time != self.config.sample_time: self.validate_sample_time(sample_time, self.controller, self.plant) self.config.sample_time = sample_time time = model._NMPC_NAMESPACE.get_time() # This rule will not be picklable as it is not declared # at module namespace # Can access sample_time as attribute of namespace block, # then rule can be located outside of class input_indices = [i for i in range(model._NMPC_NAMESPACE.input_vars.n_vars)] def pwc_rule(ns, t, i): # Unless t is at the boundary of a sample, require # input[t] == input[t_next] if t in ns.sample_points: return Constraint.Skip # ^ Here, the constraint will be applied at t == 0 t_next = inputs = ns.input_vars.varlist _slice = inputs[i] return _slice[t_next] == _slice[t] name = 'pwc_constraint' pwc_constraint = Constraint(time, input_indices, rule=pwc_rule) model._NMPC_NAMESPACE.add_component(name, pwc_constraint) pwc_constraint_list = [Reference(pwc_constraint[:, i]) for i in input_indices] model._NMPC_NAMESPACE.pwc_constraint_list = pwc_constraint_list
[docs] def initialize_control_problem(self, **kwargs): """Function to initialize the controller model before solving the optimal control problem. Possible strategies are to use the initial conditions, to perform a simulation, or to use the results of the previous solve. Initialization from a previous (optimization) solve can only be done if an optimization solve has been performed since the last initialization. The strategy may be passed in as the control_init_option keyword (config) argument, otherwise the default will be used. """ config = self.config(kwargs) strategy = config.control_init_option solver = config.solver input_type = config.element_initialization_input_option time = self.controller_time if strategy == ControlInitOption.FROM_PREVIOUS: self.initialize_from_previous_sample(self.controller, **kwargs) elif strategy == ControlInitOption.BY_TIME_ELEMENT: self.initialize_by_solving_elements(self.controller, self.controller_time, input_type=input_type, **kwargs) elif strategy == ControlInitOption.FROM_INITIAL_CONDITIONS: self.initialize_from_initial_conditions(self.controller, **kwargs) # Add check that initialization did not violate bounds/equalities? self.controller_solved = False
[docs] def initialize_by_solving_elements(self, model, time, input_type=ElementInitializationInputOption.SET_POINT, objective_name='tracking_objective', **kwargs): """Initializes the controller model by solving (a square simulation for) each time element. Args: model : Model to initialize time : Set to treat as time input_type : ElementInitializationInputOption enum item telling how to fix the inputs for the simulation """ config = self.config(kwargs) tol = config.tolerance objective = getattr(model._NMPC_NAMESPACE, objective_name) namespace = model._NMPC_NAMESPACE # Strip bounds before simulation as square solves will be performed strip_controller_bounds = TransformationFactory( 'contrib.strip_var_bounds') strip_controller_bounds.apply_to(model, reversible=True) input_vars = model._NMPC_NAMESPACE.input_vars if input_type == ElementInitializationInputOption.SET_POINT: for i, _slice in enumerate(input_vars.varlist): for t in time: if t != time.first(): _slice[t].fix(input_vars.setpoint[i]) else: _slice[t].fix() elif input_type == ElementInitializationInputOption.INITIAL_CONDITIONS: for i, _slice in enumerate(input_vars.varlist): t0 = time.first() for t in time: _slice[t].fix(_slice[t0].value) else: raise ValueError('Unrecognized input option') # The above should ensure that all inputs are fixed and the # model has no dof upon simulation # Deactivate objective function # Here I assume the name of the objective function. # TODO: ObjectiveType Enum and objective_dict objective.deactivate() model._NMPC_NAMESPACE.pwc_constraint.deactivate() initialize_by_element_in_range(self.controller, self.controller_time, time.first(), time.last(), dae_vars=self.controller._NMPC_NAMESPACE.dae_vars, time_linking_variables=self.controller._NMPC_NAMESPACE.diff_vars) objective.activate() model._NMPC_NAMESPACE.pwc_constraint.activate() for _slice in self.controller._NMPC_NAMESPACE.input_vars: for t in time: _slice[t].unfix() # TODO: Check that no bounds are violated after square solves strip_controller_bounds.revert(self.controller) timelist = list(time) for cat, group in namespace.category_dict.items(): if (cat == VariableCategory.FIXED or cat == VariableCategory.INPUT or cat == VariableCategory.SCALAR): continue violated = get_violated_bounds_at_time(group, timelist, tol) if violated: raise ValueError( 'Bounds violated after solving elements: %s' % str(violated))
[docs] def initialize_from_previous_sample(self, model, categories=[VariableCategory.DIFFERENTIAL, VariableCategory.ALGEBRAIC, VariableCategory.DERIVATIVE, VariableCategory.INPUT], **kwargs): """Re-initializes values of variables in model to the values one sampling time in the future. Values for the last sampling time are currently set to values in the steady state model, assumed to be the set point. Args: model : Flowsheet model to initialize categories : List of VariableCategory enum items to initialize. Default contains DIFFERENTIAL, ALGEBRAIC, DERIVATIVE, and INPUT """ # Should only do this if controller is initialized # from a prior solve. if not self.controller_solved: raise ValueError config = self.config(kwargs) sample_time = config.sample_time tolerance = config.continuous_set_tolerance # TODO # Should initialize dual variables here too. time = model._NMPC_NAMESPACE.get_time() category_dict = model._NMPC_NAMESPACE.category_dict # TODO: have some attribute for steady time # Or better yet, don't use a steady_model at all for categ in categories: varlist = category_dict[categ].varlist for i, _slice in enumerate(varlist): for t in time: # If not in last sample: if (time.last() - t) >= sample_time: t_next = find_point_in_continuousset( t + sample_time, time, tolerance=tolerance) _slice[t].set_value(_slice[t_next].value) else: _slice[t].set_value(category_dict[categ].setpoint[i])
[docs] def initialize_from_initial_conditions(self, model, categories=[VariableCategory.DERIVATIVE, VariableCategory.DIFFERENTIAL, VariableCategory.ALGEBRAIC], **kwargs): """ Set values of differential, algebraic, and derivative variables to their values at the initial conditions. An implicit assumption here is that the initial conditions are consistent. Args: model : Flowsheet model whose variables are initialized categories : List of VariableCategory enum items to initialize. Default contains DERIVATIVE, DIFFERENTIAL, and ALGEBRAIC. """ config = self.config(kwargs) time = model._NMPC_NAMESPACE.get_time() cat_dict = model._NMPC_NAMESPACE.category_dict for categ in categories: varlist = cat_dict[categ].varlist for v in varlist: v[:].set_value(v[0].value)
[docs] def solve_control_problem(self, **kwargs): """Function for solving optimal control problem, which calculates control inputs for the plant. """ config = self.config(kwargs) solver = config.solver outlvl = config.outlvl init_log = idaeslog.getInitLogger('nmpc', level=outlvl) s_log = idaeslog.getSolveLogger('nmpc', level=outlvl) time = self.controller_time for _slice in self.controller._NMPC_NAMESPACE.input_vars: for t in time: _slice[t].unfix() # ^ Maybe should fix inputs at time.first()? # Also, this should be redundant as inputs have been unfixed # after initialization assert (degrees_of_freedom(self.controller) == self.controller._NMPC_NAMESPACE.n_input_vars* (self.controller._NMPC_NAMESPACE.samples_per_horizon)) with idaeslog.solver_log(s_log, idaeslog.DEBUG) as slc: results = solver.solve(self.controller, tee=slc.tee) if results.solver.termination_condition == TerminationCondition.optimal:'Successfully solved optimal control problem') self.controller_solved = True else: init_log.error('Failed to solve optimal control problem') raise ValueError
[docs] def simulate_plant(self, t_start, **kwargs): """Function for simulating plant model for one sampling period after inputs have been assigned from solve of controller model. Args: t_start : Beginning of timespan over which to simulate """ config = self.config(kwargs) sample_time = self.config.sample_time # ^ Use self.config here, as I don't want user to override sample_time # at this point. How to throw an error if they do? - use immutable param # TODO calculate_error = config.calculate_error outlvl = config.outlvl init_log = idaeslog.getInitLogger('nmpc', level=outlvl) tol = config.continuous_set_tolerance t_end = t_start + sample_time assert t_start in self.plant_time t_end = find_point_in_continuousset(t_end, self.plant_time, tol) assert t_end in self.plant_time initialize_by_element_in_range(self.plant, self.plant_time, t_start, t_end, dae_vars=self.plant._NMPC_NAMESPACE.dae_vars, time_linking_vars=self.plant._NMPC_NAMESPACE.diff_vars, outlvl=outlvl) msg = ('Successfully simulated plant over the sampling period ' 'beginning at ' + str(t_start)) tc1 = self.controller_time.first() + sample_time if self.controller_solved and calculate_error: self.state_error[t_end] = self.calculate_error_between_states( self.controller, self.plant, tc1, t_end)
[docs] def calculate_error_between_states(self, mod1, mod2, t1, t2, Q_matrix=[], categories=[VariableCategory.DIFFERENTIAL], **kwargs): """ Calculates the normalized (by the weighting matrix already calculated) error between the differential variables in different models and at different points in time. Args: mod1 : First flowsheet model mod2 : Second flowsheet model (may be same as the first) t1 : Time point of interest in first model t2 : Time point of interest in second model Q_matrix : List of weights by which to weigh the error for each state. Default is to use the same weights calculated for the controller objective function. """ config = self.config(kwargs) Q_diagonal = config.state_objective_weight_matrix_diagonal if not Q_diagonal: raise ValueError('Only diagonal weighting matrices are supported') # Grab the weighting matrix from the controller model regardless of what # mod1 and mod2 are. This can be overwritten if desired. # TODO: allow option to override weights # As the default, weights are taken from model 1 # Used to specify variables other than differential to use for # error calculation varlist_1 = [] varlist_2 = [] weight_matrix_provided = bool(Q_matrix) for categ in categories: varlist_1 += mod1._NMPC_NAMESPACE.category_dict[categ].varlist varlist_2 += mod2._NMPC_NAMESPACE.category_dict[categ].varlist if not weight_matrix_provided: Q_matrix += self.controller._NMPC_NAMESPACE.category_dict[categ].weights assert len(varlist_1) == len(varlist_2) n = len(varlist_1) assert t1 in mod1._NMPC_NAMESPACE.get_time() assert t2 in mod2._NMPC_NAMESPACE.get_time() error = sum(Q_matrix[i]*(varlist_1[i][t1].value - varlist_2[i][t2].value)**2 for i in range(n) if Q_matrix[i] is not None) return error