Source code for idaes.core.util.misc

# Institute for the Design of Advanced Energy Systems Process Systems
# Engineering Framework (IDAES PSE Framework) Copyright (c) 2018-2020, by the
# software owners: The Regents of the University of California, through
# Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,  National Technology & Engineering
# Solutions of Sandia, LLC, Carnegie Mellon University, West Virginia
# University Research Corporation, et al. All rights reserved.
# Please see the files COPYRIGHT.txt and LICENSE.txt for full copyright and
# license information, respectively. Both files are also available online
# at the URL "".

This module contains miscellaneous utility functions for use in IDAES models.
import xml.dom.minidom

import pyomo.environ as pyo
from pyomo.core.base.expression import _GeneralExpressionData
from pyomo.core.base.plugin import ModelComponentFactory
from pyomo.core.base.indexed_component import (
    UnindexedComponent_set, )
from pyomo.core.base.util import disable_methods

# Author: Andrew Lee
def add_object_reference(self, local_name, remote_object):
    Method to create a reference in the local model to a remote Pyomo object.
    This method should only be used where Pyomo Reference objects are not
    suitable (such as for referencing scalar Pyomo objects where the None
    index is undesirable).

        local_name : name to use for local reference (str)
        remote_object : object to make a reference to

        object.__setattr__(self, local_name, remote_object)
    except AttributeError:
        raise AttributeError(
            "{} failed to construct reference to {} - remote "
            "object does not exist.".format(, remote_object)

# Author: Jaffer Ghouse
def extract_data(data_dict):
    General method that returns a rule to extract data from a python
    dictionary. This method allows the param block to have a database for
    a parameter but extract a subset of this data to initialize a Pyomo
    param object.

    def _rule_initialize(m, *args):
        if len(args) > 1:
            return data_dict[args]
            return data_dict[args[0]]

    return _rule_initialize

# Author: John Eslick
def TagReference(s, description=""):
    Create a Pyomo reference with an added description string attribute to
    describe the reference. The intended use for these references is to create
    a time-indexed reference to variables in a model corresponding to plant
    measurment tags.

        s: Pyomo time slice of a variable or expression
        description (str): A description the measurment

        A Pyomo Reference object with an added doc attribute
    r = pyo.Reference(s)
    r.description = description
    return r

# Author John Eslick
def svg_tag(
    Replace text in a SVG with tag values for the model. This works by looking
    for text elements in the SVG with IDs that match the tags or are in tag_map.

        tags: A dictionary where the key is the tag and the value is a Pyomo
            Refernce.  The refernce could be indexed. In yypical IDAES
            applications the references would be indexed by time.
        svg: a file pointer or a string continaing svg contents
        outfile: a file name to save the results, if None don't save
        idx: if None not indexed, otherwise an index in the indexing set of the
        tag_map: dictionary with svg id keys and tag values, to map svg ids to
        show_tags: Put tag labels of the diagram instead of numbers
        byte_encoding: If svg is given as a byte-array, use this encoding to
            convert it to a string.

        String for SVG
    if isinstance(svg, str):  # assume this is svg content string
    elif isinstance(svg, bytes):
        svg = svg.decode(byte_encoding)
    elif hasattr(svg, "read"):  # file-like object to svg
        svg =
        raise TypeError("SVG must either be a string or a file-like object")
    # Make tag map here because the tags may not make valid XML IDs if no
    # tag_map provided we'll go ahead and handle XML @ (maybe more in future)
    if tag_map is None:
        tag_map = dict()
        for tag in tags:
            new_tag = tag.replace("@", "_")
            tag_map[new_tag] = tag
    # Search for text in the svg that has an id in tags
    doc = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(svg)
    texts = doc.getElementsByTagName("text")
    for t in texts:
        id = t.attributes["id"].value
        if id in tag_map:
            # if it's multiline change last line
            tspan = t.getElementsByTagName("tspan")[-1].childNodes[0]
                if show_tags:
                    val = tag_map[id]
                elif idx is None:
                    val = pyo.value(tags[tag_map[id]], exception=False)
                    val = pyo.value(tags[tag_map[id]][idx], exception=False)
            except ZeroDivisionError:
                val = "Divide_by_0"
                tspan.nodeValue = "{:.4e}".format(val)
            except ValueError:  # whatever it is can't be scientific notation
                tspan.nodeValue = val

    new_svg = doc.toxml()
    # If outfile is provided save to a file
    if outfile is not None:
        with open(outfile, "w") as f:
    return new_svg

# Author: John Eslick
def copy_port_values(destination, source):
    Copy the variable values in the source port to the destination port. The
    ports must containt the same variables.

        (pyomo.Port): Copy values from this port
        (pyomo.Port): Copy values to this port

    for k, v in destination.vars.items():
        if isinstance(v, pyo.Var):
            for i in v:
                v[i].value = pyo.value(source.vars[k][i])

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Creating a Component derived from Pyomo's Expression to use in cases
# where an Expression could be mistaken for a Var.
# Author: Andrew Lee
[docs]class _GeneralVarLikeExpressionData(_GeneralExpressionData): """ An object derived from _GeneralExpressionData which implements methods for common APIs on Vars. Constructor Arguments: expr: The Pyomo expression stored in this expression. component: The Expression object that owns this data. Public Class Attributes: expr: The expression owned by this data. Private class attributes: _component: The expression component. """ # Define methods for common APIs on Vars in case user mistakes # an Expression for a Var @property def value(self): # Overload value so it behaves like a Var return pyo.value(self.expr) @value.setter def value(self, expr): # Overload value seter to prevent users changing the expression body raise TypeError( "%s is an Expression and does not have a value which can be set." % ( def setlb(self, val=None): raise TypeError( "%s is an Expression and can not have bounds. " "Use an inequality Constraint instead." % ( def setub(self, val=None): raise TypeError( "%s is an Expression and can not have bounds. " "Use an inequality Constraint instead." % ( def fix(self, val=None): raise TypeError( "%s is an Expression and can not be fixed. " "Use an equality Constraint instead." % ( def unfix(self): raise TypeError( "%s is an Expression and can not be unfixed." % (
[docs]@ModelComponentFactory.register( "Named expressions that can be used in places of variables.") class VarLikeExpression(pyo.Expression): """ A shared var-like expression container, which may be defined over a index. Constructor Arguments: initialize: A Pyomo expression or dictionary of expressions used to initialize this object. expr: A synonym for initialize. rule: A rule function used to initialize this object. """ _ComponentDataClass = _GeneralVarLikeExpressionData NoConstraint = (1000,) Skip = (1000,) def __new__(cls, *args, **kwds): if cls is not VarLikeExpression: return super(VarLikeExpression, cls).__new__(cls) if not args or (args[0] is UnindexedComponent_set and len(args) == 1): return super(VarLikeExpression, cls).__new__( AbstractSimpleVarLikeExpression) else: return super(VarLikeExpression, cls).__new__( IndexedVarLikeExpression)
[docs]class SimpleVarLikeExpression(_GeneralVarLikeExpressionData, VarLikeExpression): def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): _GeneralVarLikeExpressionData.__init__(self, expr=None, component=self) VarLikeExpression.__init__(self, *args, **kwds) # # From Pyomo: Leaving this method for backward compatibility reasons. # (probably should be removed) # Note: Doesn't seem to work without it #
[docs] def add(self, index, expr): """Add an expression with a given index.""" if index is not None: raise KeyError( "SimpleExpression object '%s' does not accept " "index values other than None. Invalid value: %s" % (, index)) if (type(expr) is tuple) and \ (expr == pyo.Expression.Skip): raise ValueError( "Expression.Skip can not be assigned " "to an Expression that is not indexed: %s" % ( self.set_value(expr) return self
@disable_methods({'set_value', 'is_constant', 'is_fixed', 'expr'}) class AbstractSimpleVarLikeExpression(SimpleVarLikeExpression): pass
[docs]class IndexedVarLikeExpression(VarLikeExpression): # # From Pyomo: Leaving this method for backward compatibility reasons # Note: It allows adding members outside of self._index. # This has always been the case. Not sure there is # any reason to maintain a reference to a separate # index set if we allow this. #
[docs] def add(self, index, expr): """Add an expression with a given index.""" if (type(expr) is tuple) and (expr == pyo.Expression.Skip): return None cdata = _GeneralVarLikeExpressionData(expr, component=self) self._data[index] = cdata return cdata
# Define methods for common APIs on Vars in case user mistakes # an Expression for a Var def setlb(self, val=None): raise TypeError( "%s is an Expression and can not have bounds. " "Use inequality Constraints instead." % ( def setub(self, val=None): raise TypeError( "%s is an Expression and can not have bounds. " "Use inequality Constraints instead." % ( def fix(self, val=None): raise TypeError( "%s is an Expression and can not be fixed. " "Use equality Constraints instead." % ( def unfix(self): raise TypeError( "%s is an Expression and can not be unfixed." % (