Source code for idaes.core.util.model_statistics

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# Institute for the Design of Advanced Energy Systems Process Systems
# Engineering Framework (IDAES PSE Framework) Copyright (c) 2018-2020, by the
# software owners: The Regents of the University of California, through
# Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,  National Technology & Engineering
# Solutions of Sandia, LLC, Carnegie Mellon University, West Virginia
# University Research Corporation, et al. All rights reserved.
# Please see the files COPYRIGHT.txt and LICENSE.txt for full copyright and
# license information, respectively. Both files are also available online
# at the URL "".
This module contains utility functions for reporting structural statistics of
IDAES models.

__author__ = "Andrew Lee"

import sys

from pyomo.environ import Block, Constraint, Expression, Objective, Var, value
from pyomo.dae import DerivativeVar
from pyomo.core.expr.current import identify_variables
from pyomo.core.kernel.component_set import ComponentSet

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Block methods
[docs]def total_blocks_set(block): """ Method to return a ComponentSet of all Block components in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: A ComponentSet including all Block components in block (including block itself) """ total_blocks_set = ComponentSet( block.component_data_objects( ctype=Block, active=None, descend_into=True)) total_blocks_set.add(block) return total_blocks_set
[docs]def number_total_blocks(block): """ Method to return the number of Block components in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: Number of Block components in block (including block itself) """ b = 1 # Start at 1 to include main model for o in block.component_data_objects( ctype=Block, active=None, descend_into=True): b += 1 return b
[docs]def activated_blocks_set(block): """ Method to return a ComponentSet of all activated Block components in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: A ComponentSet including all activated Block components in block (including block itself) """ block_set = ComponentSet() if block_set.add(block) for b in block.component_data_objects( ctype=Block, active=True, descend_into=True): block_set.add(b) return block_set
[docs]def number_activated_blocks(block): """ Method to return the number of activated Block components in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: Number of activated Block components in block (including block itself) """ b = 0 if b = 1 for o in block.component_data_objects( ctype=Block, active=True, descend_into=True): b += 1 return b
[docs]def deactivated_blocks_set(block): """ Method to return a ComponentSet of all deactivated Block components in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: A ComponentSet including all deactivated Block components in block (including block itself) """ # component_data_objects active=False does not seem to work as expected # Use difference of total and active block sets return total_blocks_set(block) - activated_blocks_set(block)
[docs]def number_deactivated_blocks(block): """ Method to return the number of deactivated Block components in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: Number of deactivated Block components in block (including block itself) """ # component_data_objects active=False does not seem to work as expected # Use difference of total and active block sets return number_total_blocks(block) - number_activated_blocks(block)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Basic Constraint methods
[docs]def total_constraints_set(block): """ Method to return a ComponentSet of all Constraint components in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: A ComponentSet including all Constraint components in block """ return ComponentSet(activated_block_component_generator( block, ctype=Constraint))
[docs]def number_total_constraints(block): """ Method to return the total number of Constraint components in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: Number of Constraint components in block """ tc = 0 for c in activated_block_component_generator(block, ctype=Constraint): tc += 1 return tc
[docs]def activated_constraints_generator(block): """ Generator which returns all activated Constraint components in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: A generator which returns all activated Constraint components block """ for c in activated_block_component_generator(block, ctype=Constraint): if yield c
[docs]def activated_constraints_set(block): """ Method to return a ComponentSet of all activated Constraint components in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: A ComponentSet including all activated Constraint components in block """ return ComponentSet(activated_constraints_generator(block))
[docs]def number_activated_constraints(block): """ Method to return the number of activated Constraint components in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: Number of activated Constraint components in block """ tc = 0 for c in activated_constraints_generator(block): tc += 1 return tc
[docs]def deactivated_constraints_generator(block): """ Generator which returns all deactivated Constraint components in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: A generator which returns all deactivated Constraint components block """ for c in activated_block_component_generator(block, ctype=Constraint): if not yield c
[docs]def deactivated_constraints_set(block): """ Method to return a ComponentSet of all deactivated Constraint components in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: A ComponentSet including all deactivated Constraint components in block """ return ComponentSet(deactivated_constraints_generator(block))
[docs]def number_deactivated_constraints(block): """ Method to return the number of deactivated Constraint components in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: Number of deactivated Constraint components in block """ tc = 0 for c in deactivated_constraints_generator(block): tc += 1 return tc
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Equality Constraints
[docs]def total_equalities_generator(block): """ Generator which returns all equality Constraint components in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: A generator which returns all equality Constraint components block """ for c in activated_block_component_generator(block, ctype=Constraint): if (c.upper is not None and c.lower is not None and c.upper == c.lower): yield c
[docs]def total_equalities_set(block): """ Method to return a ComponentSet of all equality Constraint components in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: A ComponentSet including all equality Constraint components in block """ return ComponentSet(total_equalities_generator(block))
[docs]def number_total_equalities(block): """ Method to return the total number of equality Constraint components in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: Number of equality Constraint components in block """ tc = 0 for c in total_equalities_generator(block): tc += 1 return tc
[docs]def activated_equalities_generator(block): """ Generator which returns all activated equality Constraint components in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: A generator which returns all activated equality Constraint components block """ for c in block.component_data_objects( Constraint, active=True, descend_into=True): if (c.upper is not None and c.lower is not None and c.upper == c.lower): yield c
[docs]def activated_equalities_set(block): """ Method to return a ComponentSet of all activated equality Constraint components in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: A ComponentSet including all activated equality Constraint components in block """ return ComponentSet(activated_equalities_generator(block))
[docs]def number_activated_equalities(block): """ Method to return the number of activated equality Constraint components in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: Number of activated equality Constraint components in block """ tc = 0 for o in activated_equalities_generator(block): tc += 1 return tc
[docs]def deactivated_equalities_generator(block): """ Generator which returns all deactivated equality Constraint components in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: A generator which returns all deactivated equality Constraint components block """ for c in total_equalities_generator(block): if not yield c
[docs]def deactivated_equalities_set(block): """ Method to return a ComponentSet of all deactivated equality Constraint components in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: A ComponentSet including all deactivated equality Constraint components in block """ return ComponentSet(deactivated_equalities_generator(block))
[docs]def number_deactivated_equalities(block): """ Method to return the number of deactivated equality Constraint components in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: Number of deactivated equality Constraint components in block """ tc = 0 for c in deactivated_equalities_generator(block): tc += 1 return tc
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Inequality Constraints
[docs]def total_inequalities_generator(block): """ Generator which returns all inequality Constraint components in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: A generator which returns all inequality Constraint components block """ for c in activated_block_component_generator(block, ctype=Constraint): if c.upper is None or c.lower is None: yield c
[docs]def total_inequalities_set(block): """ Method to return a ComponentSet of all inequality Constraint components in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: A ComponentSet including all inequality Constraint components in block """ return ComponentSet(total_inequalities_generator(block))
[docs]def number_total_inequalities(block): """ Method to return the total number of inequality Constraint components in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: Number of inequality Constraint components in block """ c = 0 for o in total_inequalities_generator(block): c += 1 return c
[docs]def activated_inequalities_generator(block): """ Generator which returns all activated inequality Constraint components in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: A generator which returns all activated inequality Constraint components block """ for c in block.component_data_objects( Constraint, active=True, descend_into=True): if c.upper is None or c.lower is None: yield c
[docs]def activated_inequalities_set(block): """ Method to return a ComponentSet of all activated inequality Constraint components in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: A ComponentSet including all activated inequality Constraint components in block """ return ComponentSet(activated_inequalities_generator(block))
[docs]def number_activated_inequalities(block): """ Method to return the number of activated inequality Constraint components in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: Number of activated inequality Constraint components in block """ c = 0 for o in activated_inequalities_generator(block): c += 1 return c
[docs]def deactivated_inequalities_generator(block): """ Generator which returns all deactivated inequality Constraint components in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: A generator which returns all indeactivated equality Constraint components block """ for c in total_inequalities_generator(block): if not yield c
[docs]def deactivated_inequalities_set(block): """ Method to return a ComponentSet of all deactivated inequality Constraint components in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: A ComponentSet including all deactivated inequality Constraint components in block """ return ComponentSet(deactivated_inequalities_generator(block))
[docs]def number_deactivated_inequalities(block): """ Method to return the number of deactivated inequality Constraint components in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: Number of deactivated inequality Constraint components in block """ c = 0 for o in deactivated_inequalities_generator(block): c += 1 return c
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Basic Variable Methods # Always use ComponentSets for Vars to avoid duplication of References # i.e. number methods should alwys use the ComponentSet, not a generator
[docs]def variables_set(block): """ Method to return a ComponentSet of all Var components in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: A ComponentSet including all Var components in block """ return ComponentSet(block.component_data_objects( ctype=Var, active=True, descend_into=True))
[docs]def number_variables(block): """ Method to return the number of Var components in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: Number of Var components in block """ return len(variables_set(block))
[docs]def fixed_variables_generator(block): """ Generator which returns all fixed Var components in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: A generator which returns all fixed Var components block """ for v in block.component_data_objects( ctype=Var, active=True, descend_into=True): if v.fixed: yield v
[docs]def fixed_variables_set(block): """ Method to return a ComponentSet of all fixed Var components in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: A ComponentSet including all fixed Var components in block """ return ComponentSet(fixed_variables_generator(block))
[docs]def number_fixed_variables(block): """ Method to return the number of fixed Var components in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: Number of fixed Var components in block """ return len(fixed_variables_set(block))
[docs]def unfixed_variables_generator(block): """ Generator which returns all unfixed Var components in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: A generator which returns all unfixed Var components block """ for v in block.component_data_objects( ctype=Var, active=True, descend_into=True): if not v.fixed: yield v
[docs]def unfixed_variables_set(block): """ Method to return a ComponentSet of all unfixed Var components in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: A ComponentSet including all unfixed Var components in block """ return ComponentSet(unfixed_variables_generator(block))
[docs]def number_unfixed_variables(block): """ Method to return the number of unfixed Var components in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: Number of unfixed Var components in block """ return len(unfixed_variables_set(block))
[docs]def variables_near_bounds_generator(block, tol=1e-4): """ Generator which returns all Var components in a model which have a value within tol (relative) of a bound. Args: block : model to be studied tol : relative tolerance for inclusion in generator (default = 1e-4) Returns: A generator which returns all Var components block that are close to a bound """ for v in block.component_data_objects( ctype=Var, active=True, descend_into=True): # To avoid errors, check that v has a value if v.value is None: continue # First, determine absolute tolerance to apply to bounds if v.ub is not None and is not None: # Both upper and lower bounds, apply tol to (upper - lower) atol = value((v.ub -*tol) elif v.ub is not None: # Only upper bound, apply tol to bound value atol = abs(value(v.ub*tol)) elif is not None: # Only lower bound, apply tol to bound value atol = abs(value(*tol)) else: continue if v.ub is not None and value(v.ub - v.value) <= atol: yield v elif is not None and value(v.value - <= atol: yield v
[docs]def variables_near_bounds_set(block, tol=1e-4): """ Method to return a ComponentSet of all Var components in a model which have a value within tol (relative) of a bound. Args: block : model to be studied tol : relative tolerance for inclusion in generator (default = 1e-4) Returns: A ComponentSet including all Var components block that are close to a bound """ return ComponentSet(variables_near_bounds_generator(block, tol))
[docs]def number_variables_near_bounds(block, tol=1e-4): """ Method to return the number of all Var components in a model which have a value within tol (relative) of a bound. Args: block : model to be studied tol : relative tolerance for inclusion in generator (default = 1e-4) Returns: Number of components block that are close to a bound """ return len(variables_near_bounds_set(block, tol))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Variables in Constraints
[docs]def variables_in_activated_constraints_set(block): """ Method to return a ComponentSet of all Var components which appear within a Constraint in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: A ComponentSet including all Var components which appear within activated Constraints in block """ var_set = ComponentSet() for c in block.component_data_objects( ctype=Constraint, active=True, descend_into=True): for v in identify_variables(c.body): var_set.add(v) return var_set
[docs]def number_variables_in_activated_constraints(block): """ Method to return the number of Var components that appear within active Constraints in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: Number of Var components which appear within active Constraints in block """ return len(variables_in_activated_constraints_set(block))
[docs]def variables_in_activated_equalities_set(block): """ Method to return a ComponentSet of all Var components which appear within an equality Constraint in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: A ComponentSet including all Var components which appear within activated equality Constraints in block """ var_set = ComponentSet() for c in activated_equalities_generator(block): for v in identify_variables(c.body): var_set.add(v) return var_set
[docs]def number_variables_in_activated_equalities(block): """ Method to return the number of Var components which appear within activated equality Constraints in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: Number of Var components which appear within activated equality Constraints in block """ return len(variables_in_activated_equalities_set(block))
[docs]def variables_in_activated_inequalities_set(block): """ Method to return a ComponentSet of all Var components which appear within an inequality Constraint in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: A ComponentSet including all Var components which appear within activated inequality Constraints in block """ var_set = ComponentSet() for c in activated_inequalities_generator(block): for v in identify_variables(c.body): var_set.add(v) return var_set
[docs]def number_variables_in_activated_inequalities(block): """ Method to return the number of Var components which appear within activated inequality Constraints in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: Number of Var components which appear within activated inequality Constraints in block """ return len(variables_in_activated_inequalities_set(block))
[docs]def variables_only_in_inequalities(block): """ Method to return a ComponentSet of all Var components which appear only within inequality Constraints in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: A ComponentSet including all Var components which appear only within inequality Constraints in block """ return (variables_in_activated_inequalities_set(block) - variables_in_activated_equalities_set(block))
[docs]def number_variables_only_in_inequalities(block): """ Method to return the number of Var components which appear only within activated inequality Constraints in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: Number of Var components which appear only within activated inequality Constraints in block """ return len(variables_only_in_inequalities(block))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Fixed Variables in Constraints
[docs]def fixed_variables_in_activated_equalities_set(block): """ Method to return a ComponentSet of all fixed Var components which appear within an equality Constraint in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: A ComponentSet including all fixed Var components which appear within activated equality Constraints in block """ var_set = ComponentSet() for v in variables_in_activated_equalities_set(block): if v.fixed: var_set.add(v) return var_set
[docs]def number_fixed_variables_in_activated_equalities(block): """ Method to return the number of fixed Var components which appear within activated equality Constraints in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: Number of fixed Var components which appear within activated equality Constraints in block """ return len(fixed_variables_in_activated_equalities_set(block))
[docs]def unfixed_variables_in_activated_equalities_set(block): """ Method to return a ComponentSet of all unfixed Var components which appear within an activated equality Constraint in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: A ComponentSet including all unfixed Var components which appear within activated equality Constraints in block """ var_set = ComponentSet() for v in variables_in_activated_equalities_set(block): if not v.fixed: var_set.add(v) return var_set
[docs]def number_unfixed_variables_in_activated_equalities(block): """ Method to return the number of unfixed Var components which appear within activated equality Constraints in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: Number of unfixed Var components which appear within activated equality Constraints in block """ return len(unfixed_variables_in_activated_equalities_set(block))
[docs]def fixed_variables_only_in_inequalities(block): """ Method to return a ComponentSet of all fixed Var components which appear only within activated inequality Constraints in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: A ComponentSet including all fixed Var components which appear only within activated inequality Constraints in block """ var_set = ComponentSet() for v in variables_only_in_inequalities(block): if v.fixed: var_set.add(v) return var_set
[docs]def number_fixed_variables_only_in_inequalities(block): """ Method to return the number of fixed Var components which only appear within activated inequality Constraints in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: Number of fixed Var components which only appear within activated inequality Constraints in block """ return len(fixed_variables_only_in_inequalities(block))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Unused and un-Transformed Variables
[docs]def unused_variables_set(block): """ Method to return a ComponentSet of all Var components which do not appear within any activated Constraint in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: A ComponentSet including all Var components which do not appear within any Constraints in block """ return variables_set(block) - variables_in_activated_constraints_set(block)
[docs]def number_unused_variables(block): """ Method to return the number of Var components which do not appear within any activated Constraint in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: Number of Var components which do not appear within any activagted Constraints in block """ return len(unused_variables_set(block))
[docs]def fixed_unused_variables_set(block): """ Method to return a ComponentSet of all fixed Var components which do not appear within any activated Constraint in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: A ComponentSet including all fixed Var components which do not appear within any Constraints in block """ var_set = ComponentSet() for v in unused_variables_set(block): if v.fixed: var_set.add(v) return var_set
[docs]def number_fixed_unused_variables(block): """ Method to return the number of fixed Var components which do not appear within any activated Constraint in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: Number of fixed Var components which do not appear within any activated Constraints in block """ return len(fixed_unused_variables_set(block))
[docs]def derivative_variables_set(block): """ Method to return a ComponentSet of all DerivativeVar components which appear in a model. Users should note that DerivativeVars are converted to ordinary Vars when a DAE transformation is applied. Thus, this method is useful for detecting any DerivativeVars which were do transformed. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: A ComponentSet including all DerivativeVar components which appear in block """ return ComponentSet(block.component_data_objects( ctype=DerivativeVar, active=True, descend_into=True))
[docs]def number_derivative_variables(block): """ Method to return the number of DerivativeVar components which appear in a model. Users should note that DerivativeVars are converted to ordinary Vars when a DAE transformation is applied. Thus, this method is useful for detecting any DerivativeVars which were do transformed. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: Number of DerivativeVar components which appear in block """ return len(derivative_variables_set(block))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Objective methods
[docs]def total_objectives_generator(block): """ Generator which returns all Objective components in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: A generator which returns all Objective components block """ for o in activated_block_component_generator(block, ctype=Objective): yield o
[docs]def total_objectives_set(block): """ Method to return a ComponentSet of all Objective components which appear in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: A ComponentSet including all Objective components which appear in block """ return ComponentSet(total_objectives_generator(block))
[docs]def number_total_objectives(block): """ Method to return the number of Objective components which appear in a model Args: block : model to be studied Returns: Number of Objective components which appear in block """ c = 0 for o in total_objectives_generator(block): c += 1 return c
[docs]def activated_objectives_generator(block): """ Generator which returns all activated Objective components in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: A generator which returns all activated Objective components block """ for o in activated_block_component_generator(block, ctype=Objective): if yield o
[docs]def activated_objectives_set(block): """ Method to return a ComponentSet of all activated Objective components which appear in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: A ComponentSet including all activated Objective components which appear in block """ return ComponentSet(activated_objectives_generator(block))
[docs]def number_activated_objectives(block): """ Method to return the number of activated Objective components which appear in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: Number of activated Objective components which appear in block """ c = 0 for o in activated_objectives_generator(block): c += 1 return c
[docs]def deactivated_objectives_generator(block): """ Generator which returns all deactivated Objective components in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: A generator which returns all deactivated Objective components block """ for o in activated_block_component_generator(block, ctype=Objective): if not yield o
[docs]def deactivated_objectives_set(block): """ Method to return a ComponentSet of all deactivated Objective components which appear in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: A ComponentSet including all deactivated Objective components which appear in block """ return ComponentSet(deactivated_objectives_generator(block))
[docs]def number_deactivated_objectives(block): """ Method to return the number of deactivated Objective components which appear in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: Number of deactivated Objective components which appear in block """ c = 0 for o in deactivated_objectives_generator(block): c += 1 return c
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Expression methods # Always use ComponentsSets here to avoid duplication of References
[docs]def expressions_set(block): """ Method to return a ComponentSet of all Expression components which appear in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: A ComponentSet including all Expression components which appear in block """ return ComponentSet(block.component_data_objects( ctype=Expression, active=True, descend_into=True))
[docs]def number_expressions(block): """ Method to return the number of Expression components which appear in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: Number of Expression components which appear in block """ return len(expressions_set(block))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Other model statistics
[docs]def degrees_of_freedom(block): """ Method to return the degrees of freedom of a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: Number of degrees of freedom in block. """ return (number_unfixed_variables_in_activated_equalities(block) - number_activated_equalities(block))
[docs]def large_residuals_set(block, tol=1e-5): """ Method to return a ComponentSet of all Constraint components with a residual greater than a given threshold which appear in a model. Args: block : model to be studied tol : residual threshold for inclusion in ComponentSet Returns: A ComponentSet including all Constraint components with a residual greater than tol which appear in block """ large_residuals_set = ComponentSet() for c in block.component_data_objects( ctype=Constraint, active=True, descend_into=True): if and value(c.lower - c.body()) > tol: large_residuals_set.add(c) elif and value(c.body() - c.upper) > tol: large_residuals_set.add(c) return large_residuals_set
[docs]def number_large_residuals(block, tol=1e-5): """ Method to return the number Constraint components with a residual greater than a given threshold which appear in a model. Args: block : model to be studied tol : residual threshold for inclusion in ComponentSet Returns: Number of Constraint components with a residual greater than tol which appear in block """ lr = 0 for c in block.component_data_objects( ctype=Constraint, active=True, descend_into=True): if and value(c.lower - c.body()) > tol: lr += 1 elif and value(c.body() - c.upper) > tol: lr += 1 return lr
[docs]def active_variables_in_deactivated_blocks_set(block): """ Method to return a ComponentSet of any Var components which appear within an active Constraint but belong to a deacitvated Block in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: A ComponentSet including any Var components which belong to a deacitvated Block but appear in an activate Constraint in block """ var_set = ComponentSet() block_set = activated_blocks_set(block) for v in variables_in_activated_constraints_set(block): if v.parent_block() not in block_set: var_set.add(v) return var_set
[docs]def number_active_variables_in_deactivated_blocks(block): """ Method to return the number of Var components which appear within an active Constraint but belong to a deacitvated Block in a model. Args: block : model to be studied Returns: Number of Var components which belong to a deacitvated Block but appear in an activate Constraint in block """ return len(active_variables_in_deactivated_blocks_set(block))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Reporting methods
[docs]def report_statistics(block, ostream=None): """ Method to print a report of the model statistics for a Pyomo Block Args: block : the Block object to report statistics from ostream : output stream for printing (defaults to sys.stdout) Returns: Printed output of the model statistics """ if ostream is None: ostream = sys.stdout tab = " "*4 header = '='*72 if == "unknown": name_str = "" else: name_str = f"- {}" ostream.write("\n") ostream.write(header+"\n") ostream.write(f"Model Statistics {name_str} \n") ostream.write("\n") ostream.write(f"Degrees of Freedom: " f"{degrees_of_freedom(block)} \n") ostream.write("\n") ostream.write(f"Total No. Variables: " f"{number_variables(block)} \n") ostream.write(f"{tab}No. Fixed Variables: " f"{number_fixed_variables(block)}" f"\n") ostream.write( f"{tab}No. Unused Variables: " f"{number_unused_variables(block)} (Fixed):" f"{number_fixed_unused_variables(block)})" f"\n") nv_alias = number_variables_only_in_inequalities nfv_alias = number_fixed_variables_only_in_inequalities ostream.write( f"{tab}No. Variables only in Inequalities:" f" {nv_alias(block)}" f" (Fixed: {nfv_alias(block)}) \n") ostream.write("\n") ostream.write( f"Total No. Constraints: " f"{number_total_constraints(block)} \n") ostream.write( f"{tab}No. Equality Constraints: " f"{number_total_equalities(block)}" f" (Deactivated: " f"{number_deactivated_equalities(block)})" f"\n") ostream.write( f"{tab}No. Inequality Constraints: " f"{number_total_inequalities(block)}" f" (Deactivated: " f"{number_deactivated_inequalities(block)})" f"\n") ostream.write("\n") ostream.write( f"No. Objectives: " f"{number_total_objectives(block)}" f" (Deactivated: " f"{number_deactivated_objectives(block)})" f"\n") ostream.write("\n") ostream.write( f"No. Blocks: {number_total_blocks(block)}" f" (Deactivated: " f"{number_deactivated_blocks(block)}) \n") ostream.write(f"No. Expressions: " f"{number_expressions(block)} \n") ostream.write(header+"\n") ostream.write("\n")
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Common sub-methods
[docs]def activated_block_component_generator(block, ctype): """ Generator which returns all the components of a given ctype which exist in activated Blocks within a model. Args: block : model to be studied ctype : type of Pyomo component to be returned by generator. Returns: A generator which returns all components of ctype which appear in activated Blocks in block """ # Yield local components first for c in block.component_data_objects(ctype=ctype, active=None, descend_into=False): yield c # Then yield components in active sub-blocks for b in block.component_data_objects( ctype=Block, active=True, descend_into=True): for c in b.component_data_objects(ctype=ctype, active=None, descend_into=False): yield c