idaes get-examples: Fetch example scripts and Jupyter Notebooks

This page lists the options for the idaes “get-examples” subcommand. This is invoked like:

idaes [general options] get-examples [subcommand options]

general options

The following general options from the idaes base command affect the get-examples subcommand. They should be placed before the “get-examples” subcommand, on the command-line.

  • -v/–verbose
  • -q/–quiet

See the idaes command for details.

idaes get-examples

This subcommand fetches example scripts and Jupyter Notebooks from a given release in Github. and puts them in a directory of the users’ choosing. If the user does not specify a directory, the default is examples.



Show the help message and exit.

-d,--dir TEXT

Select the installation target directory. See example usage for several examples of this option.

-I, --no-install

Do not install examples into ‘idaes_examples’ package. Examples are installed by default so they can be imported directly from Python. Not installing them might cause some tests, which import the examples, to fail.

-l, --list-releases

List all available released versions, and stop. This lets people browse the releases and select one. By default, the release that matches the version of the currently installed “idaes” package is used. See also the –unstable option.

-N, --no-download

Do not download anything. If the –no-install option is also given, this means the command will essentially do nothing. Or, looked at another way, this option means that only action will be the installation of the “idaes_examples” package from the selected directory.

-U, --unstable

Allow and list unstable/pre-release versions. This applies to both download and the –list-releases option. Unstable releases are marked with “rcN” or similar suffixes.

-V, --version TEXT

Version of examples to download. The default version, which is shown for the –help option, is the same as the version of the IDAES PSE toolkit for which the idaes command is installed. If the version to install is unstable (ends with “rcN”) then you will need to add the –unstable option to avoid errors.

example usage

idaes get-examples
Download examples from release matching release for the idaes command, install them in the examples subdirectory of this directory, and install the modules found under examples/src as a package named idaes_examples. The examples directory must not exist, i.e. the program will refuse to overwrite the contents of an existing directory.
idaes get-examples -d /tmp/examples
Same as above, but put downloaded code in /tmp/examples instead.
idaes get-examples -d /tmp/examples -I
Download to /tmp/examples, but do not install.
idaes get-examples -d /tmp/examples -N
Install the examples found under /tmp/examples.
idaes get-examples –version 1.4.2-pre
Download examples from release 1.4.2-pre, install them in the examples subdirectory of this directory, and install the modules found under examples/src as a package named idaes_examples.
idaes get-examples –list-releases
List available releases of the examples in Github repository, idaes/examples-pse. Do not attempt to download or install anything.
idaes get-examples –list-releases –unstable
Same as above, but include non-stable releases.