Source code for idaes.core.components

# Institute for the Design of Advanced Energy Systems Process Systems
# Engineering Framework (IDAES PSE Framework) Copyright (c) 2018-2020, by the
# software owners: The Regents of the University of California, through
# Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,  National Technology & Engineering
# Solutions of Sandia, LLC, Carnegie Mellon University, West Virginia
# University Research Corporation, et al. All rights reserved.
# Please see the files COPYRIGHT.txt and LICENSE.txt for full copyright and
# license information, respectively. Both files are also available online
# at the URL "".
IDAES Component objects

@author: alee
from pyomo.environ import Set, Param, Var, units as pyunits
from pyomo.common.config import ConfigBlock, ConfigValue
from pyomo.core.base.units_container import _PyomoUnit

from .process_base import (declare_process_block_class,
from .phases import PhaseType as PT
from .util.config import list_of_phase_types
from .util.exceptions import ConfigurationError
from idaes.core.util.misc import set_param_from_config
import idaes.logger as idaeslog

# Set up logger
_log = idaeslog.getLogger(__name__)

class ComponentData(ProcessBlockData):
    CONFIG = ConfigBlock()

    CONFIG.declare("valid_phase_types", ConfigValue(
            doc="List of valid PhaseTypes (Enums) for this Component."))

    CONFIG.declare("elemental_composition", ConfigValue(
            description="Elemental composition of component",
            doc="Dict containing elemental composition in the form element "
                ": stoichiometry"))

    CONFIG.declare("henry_component", ConfigValue(
            description="Phases in which component follows Henry's Law",
            doc="Dict indicating phases in which component follows Herny's "
                "Law (keys) with values indicating form of law."))

    CONFIG.declare("dens_mol_liq_comp", ConfigValue(
        description="Method to use to calculate liquid phase molar density"))
    CONFIG.declare("cp_mol_liq_comp", ConfigValue(
        description="Method to calculate liquid component specific heats"))
    CONFIG.declare("cp_mol_ig_comp", ConfigValue(
        description="Method to calculate ideal gas component specific heats"
    CONFIG.declare("enth_mol_liq_comp", ConfigValue(
        description="Method to calculate liquid component molar enthalpies"))
    CONFIG.declare("enth_mol_ig_comp", ConfigValue(
        description="Method to calculate ideal gas component molar enthalpies"
    CONFIG.declare("entr_mol_liq_comp", ConfigValue(
        description="Method to calculate liquid component molar entropies"))
    CONFIG.declare("entr_mol_ig_comp", ConfigValue(
        description="Method to calculate ideal gas component molar entropies"))
    CONFIG.declare("pressure_sat_comp", ConfigValue(
        description="Method to use to calculate saturation pressure"))

    CONFIG.declare("phase_equilibrium_form", ConfigValue(
        description="Form of phase equilibrium constraints for component"))

    CONFIG.declare("parameter_data", ConfigValue(
        description="Dict containing initialization data for parameters"))

    CONFIG.declare("_component_list_exists", ConfigValue(
            doc="Internal config argument indicating whether component_list "
            "needs to be populated."))
    CONFIG.declare("_electrolyte", ConfigValue(
            doc="Internal config argument indicating whether electrolyte "
            "component_lists needs to be populated."))

    def build(self):
        super(ComponentData, self).build()

        # If the component_list does not exist, add reference to new Component
        # The IF is mostly for backwards compatability, to allow for old-style
        # property packages where the component_list already exists but we
        # need to add new Component objects
        if not self.config._component_list_exists:
            if not self.config._electrolyte:

        base_units = self.parent_block().get_metadata().default_units
        if isinstance(base_units["mass"], _PyomoUnit):
            # Backwards compatability check
            p_units = (base_units["mass"] /
                       base_units["length"] /
            # Backwards compatability check
            p_units = None

        # Create Param for molecular weight if provided
        if "mw" in self.config.parameter_data:
            if isinstance(self.config.parameter_data["mw"], tuple):
                mw_init = pyunits.convert_value(
                _log.debug("{} no units provided for parameter mw - assuming "
                           "default units".format(
                mw_init = self.config.parameter_data["mw"]
   = Param(initialize=mw_init,

        # Create Vars for common parameters
        param_dict = {"pressure_crit": p_units,
                      "temperature_crit": base_units["temperature"],
                      "omega": None}
        for p, u in param_dict.items():
            if p in self.config.parameter_data:
                self.add_component(p, Var(units=u))
                set_param_from_config(self, p)

    def is_solute(self):
        raise TypeError(
            "{} Generic Component objects do not support is_solute() method. "
            "Use a Solvent or Solute Component instead."

    def is_solvent(self):
        raise TypeError(
            "{} Generic Component objects do not support is_solvent() method. "
            "Use a Solvent or Solute Component instead."

    def __add_to_component_list(self):
        Method to add reference to new Component in component_list
        parent = self.parent_block()
            comp_list = getattr(parent, "component_list")
        except AttributeError:
            # Parent does not have a component_list yet, so create one
            parent.component_list = Set(initialize=[self.local_name],

    def _add_to_electrolyte_component_list(self):
        Special case method for adding references to new Component in
        component_lists for electrolyte systems,

        New Component types should overload this method
        parent = self.parent_block()

    def _is_phase_valid(self, phase):
        # If no valid phases assigned, assume all are valid
        if self.config.valid_phase_types is None:
            return True

        # Check for behaviour of phase, and see if that is a valid behaviour
        # for component.
        elif phase.is_liquid_phase():
            # Check if this is an aqueous phase
            if phase.is_aqueous_phase():
                if (self._is_aqueous_phase_valid() and
                        PT.aqueousPhase in self.config.valid_phase_types):
                    return True
                    return False
            elif PT.liquidPhase in self.config.valid_phase_types:
                return True
                return False
        elif (phase.is_vapor_phase() and
                PT.vaporPhase in self.config.valid_phase_types):
            return True
        elif (phase.is_solid_phase() and
                PT.solidPhase in self.config.valid_phase_types):
            return True
            return False

    def _is_aqueous_phase_valid(self):
        # Method to indicate if a component type is stable in the aqueous phase
        # General components may not appear in aqueous phases
        return False

# TODO : What about LLE systems where a species is a solvent in one liquid
# phase, but a solute in another?
class SoluteData(ComponentData):
    Component type for species which should be considered as solutes in

    def is_solute(self):
        return True

    def is_solvent(self):
        return False

    def _is_aqueous_phase_valid(self):
        return True

    def _add_to_electrolyte_component_list(self):
        Special case method for adding references to new Component in
        component_lists for electrolyte systems,

        New Component types should overload this method
        parent = self.parent_block()

# TODO : What about LLE systems where a species is a solvent in one liquid
# phase, but a solute in another?
class SolventData(ComponentData):
    Component type for species which should be considered as solvents in

    def is_solute(self):
        return False

    def is_solvent(self):
        return True

    def _is_aqueous_phase_valid(self):
        return True

    def _add_to_electrolyte_component_list(self):
        Special case method for adding references to new Component in
        component_lists for electrolyte systems,

        New Component types should overload this method
        parent = self.parent_block()

class IonData(SoluteData):
    Component type for ionic species. These can exist only in AqueousPhases,
    and are always solutes.
    CONFIG = SoluteData.CONFIG()

    # Remove valid_phase_types argument, as ions are aqueous phase only

    CONFIG.declare("charge", ConfigValue(
            doc="Charge of ionic species."))

    def _is_phase_valid(self, phase):
        return phase.is_aqueous_phase()

    def _is_aqueous_phase_valid(self):
        return True

    def _add_to_electrolyte_component_list(self):
        Special case method for adding references to new Component in
        component_lists for electrolyte systems,

        New Component types should overload this method
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "{} The IonData component class is inteded as a base class for "
            "the AnionData and CationData classes, and should not be used "

class AnionData(IonData):
    Component type for anionic species. These can exist only in AqueousPhases,
    and are always solutes.
    CONFIG = IonData.CONFIG()

    def build(self):

        # Validate charge config argument
        if self.config.charge is None:
            raise ConfigurationError(
                "{} was not provided with a value for charge."
        elif self.config.charge >= 0:
            raise ConfigurationError(
                "{} received invalid value for charge configuration argument."
                " Anions must have a negative charge.".format(

    def _add_to_electrolyte_component_list(self):
        Special case method for adding references to new Component in
        component_lists for electrolyte systems,

        New Component types should overload this method
        parent = self.parent_block()

class CationData(IonData):
    Component type for cationic species. These can exist only in AqueousPhases,
    and are always solutes.
    CONFIG = IonData.CONFIG()

    def build(self):

        # Validate charge config argument
        if self.config.charge is None:
            raise ConfigurationError(
                "{} was not provided with a value for charge."
        elif self.config.charge <= 0:
            raise ConfigurationError(
                "{} received invalid value for charge configuration argument."
                " Cations must have a positive charge.".format(

    def _add_to_electrolyte_component_list(self):
        Special case method for adding references to new Component in
        component_lists for electrolyte systems,

        New Component types should overload this method
        parent = self.parent_block()

class ApparentData(SoluteData):
    Component type for apparent species. Apparent species are those compunds
    that are not stable in aqueous phases and immediately dissociate, however
    they may be stable in other phases (e.g. salts).

    def _is_aqueous_phase_valid(self):
        return True

    def _add_to_electrolyte_component_list(self):
        Special case method for adding references to new Component in
        component_lists for electrolyte systems,

        New Component types should overload this method
        parent = self.parent_block()

__all_components__ = [Component, Solute, Solvent, Ion, Anion, Cation, Apparent]