Source code for idaes.core.util.model_diagnostics

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# The Institute for the Design of Advanced Energy Systems Integrated Platform
# Framework (IDAES IP) was produced under the DOE Institute for the
# Design of Advanced Energy Systems (IDAES).
# Copyright (c) 2018-2023 by the software owners: The Regents of the
# University of California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
# National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, Carnegie Mellon
# University, West Virginia University Research Corporation, et al.
# All rights reserved.  Please see the files and
# for full copyright and license information.
This module contains a collection of tools for diagnosing modeling issues.

__author__ = "Alexander Dowling, Douglas Allan, Andrew Lee"

from operator import itemgetter

import pyomo.environ as pyo
from pyomo.core.expr.visitor import identify_variables
from pyomo.contrib.pynumero.interfaces.pyomo_nlp import PyomoNLP
from pyomo.contrib.pynumero.asl import AmplInterface
from pyomo.core.base.block import _BlockData
import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import svd
from scipy.sparse.linalg import svds, norm
from scipy.sparse import issparse, find

from idaes.core.util.model_statistics import (
import idaes.core.util.scaling as iscale
import idaes.logger as idaeslog

_log = idaeslog.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class DegeneracyHunter: """ Degeneracy Hunter is a collection of utility functions to assist in mathematical modeling in Pyomo. """ def __init__(self, block_or_jac, solver=None): """Initialize Degeneracy Hunter Object Args: block_or_jac: Pyomo model or Jacobian solver: Pyomo SolverFactory Notes: Passing a Jacobian to Degeneracy Hunter is current untested. """ block_like = False try: block_like = issubclass(block_or_jac.ctype, pyo.Block) except AttributeError: pass if block_like: # Add Pyomo model to the object self.block = block_or_jac # setup pynumero interface if not AmplInterface.available(): raise RuntimeError("Pynumero not available.") self.nlp = PyomoNLP(self.block) # Get the scaled Jacobian of equality constraints self.jac_eq = iscale.get_jacobian( self.block, equality_constraints_only=True )[0] # Create a list of equality constraint names self.eq_con_list = self.nlp.get_pyomo_equality_constraints() self.var_list = self.nlp.get_pyomo_variables() self.candidate_eqns = None elif type(block_or_jac) is np.array: raise NotImplementedError( "Degeneracy Hunter currently only supports analyzing a Pyomo model" ) # TODO: Need to refactor, document, and test support for Jacobian self.jac_eq = block_or_jac self.eq_con_list = None else: raise TypeError("Check the type for 'block_or_jac'") # number of equality constraints, variables self.n_eq = self.jac_eq.shape[0] self.n_var = self.jac_eq.shape[1] # Define default candidate equations (enumerate) candidate_eqns = range(self.n_eq) # Initialize solver if solver is None: # TODO: Test performance with open solvers such as cbc self.solver = pyo.SolverFactory("gurobi") self.solver.options = {"NumericFocus": 3} else: # TODO: Make this a custom exception following IDAES standards # assert type(solver) is SolverFactory, "Argument solver should be type SolverFactory" self.solver = solver # Create spot to store singular values self.s = None # Set constants for MILPs self.max_nu = 1e5 self.min_nonzero_nu = 1e-5
[docs] def check_residuals(self, tol=1e-5, print_level=1, sort=True): """ Method to return a ComponentSet of all Constraint components with a residual greater than a given threshold which appear in a model. Args: block: model to be studied tol: residual threshold for inclusion in ComponentSet print_level: controls to extend of output to the screen: * 0 - nothing printed * 1 - only name of constraint printed * 2 - each constraint is pretty printed * 3 - pretty print each constraint, then print value for included variable sort: sort residuals in descending order for printing Returns: A ComponentSet including all Constraint components with a residual greater than tol which appear in block """ if print_level > 0: residual_values = large_residuals_set(self.block, tol, True) else: return large_residuals_set(self.block, tol, False) print(" ") if len(residual_values) > 0: print("All constraints with residuals larger than", tol, ":") if print_level == 1: print("Count\tName\t|residual|") if sort: residual_values = dict( sorted(residual_values.items(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True) ) for i, (c, r) in enumerate(residual_values.items()): if print_level == 1: # Basic print statement. count, constraint, residual print(i, "\t", c, "\t", r) else: # Pretty print constraint print("\ncount =", i, "\t|residual| =", r) c.pprint() if print_level == 2: # print values and bounds for each variable in the constraint print("variable\tlower\tvalue\tupper") for v in identify_variables(c.body): self.print_variable_bounds(v) else: print("No constraints with residuals larger than", tol, "!") return residual_values.keys()
[docs] def check_variable_bounds( self, tol=1e-5, relative=False, skip_lb=False, skip_ub=False, verbose=True ): """ Return a ComponentSet of all variables within a tolerance of their bounds. Args: block: model to be studied tol: residual threshold for inclusion in ComponentSet (default = 1e-5) relative : Boolean, use relative tolerance (default = False) skip_lb: Boolean to skip lower bound (default = False) skip_ub: Boolean to skip upper bound (default = False) verbose: Boolean to toggle on printing to screen (default = True) Returns: A ComponentSet including all Constraint components with a residual greater than tol which appear in block """ vnbs = variables_near_bounds_set(self.block, tol, relative, skip_lb, skip_ub) if verbose: print(" ") if relative: s = "(relative)" else: s = "(absolute)" if len(vnbs) > 0: print("Variables within", tol, s, "of their bounds:") print("variable\tlower\tvalue\tupper") for v in vnbs: self.print_variable_bounds(v) else: print("No variables within", tol, s, "of their bounds.") return vnbs
[docs] def check_rank_equality_constraints(self, tol=1e-6, dense=False): """ Method to check the rank of the Jacobian of the equality constraints Args: tol: Tolerance for smallest singular value (default=1E-6) dense: If True, use a dense svd to perform singular value analysis, which tends to be slower but more reliable than svds Returns: Number of singular values less than tolerance (-1 means error) """ print("\nChecking rank of Jacobian of equality constraints...") print( "Model contains", self.n_eq, "equality constraints and", self.n_var, "variables.", ) counter = 0 if self.n_eq > 1: if self.s is None: self.svd_analysis(dense=dense) n = len(self.s) print("Smallest singular value(s):") for i in range(n): print("%.3E" % self.s[i]) if self.s[i] < tol: counter += 1 else: print(f"Only singular value: {norm(self.jac_eq,'fro')}") return counter
# TODO: Refactor, this should not be a staticmethod @staticmethod def _prepare_ids_milp(jac_eq, M=1e5): """ Prepare MILP to compute the irreducible degenerate set Args: jac_eq Jacobian of equality constraints [matrix] M: largest value for nu Returns: m_dh: Pyomo model to calculate irreducible degenerate sets """ n_eq = jac_eq.shape[0] n_var = jac_eq.shape[1] # Create Pyomo model for irreducible degenerate set m_dh = pyo.ConcreteModel() # Create index for constraints m_dh.C = pyo.Set(initialize=range(n_eq)) m_dh.V = pyo.Set(initialize=range(n_var)) # Add variables = pyo.Var(m_dh.C, bounds=(-M, M), initialize=1.0) m_dh.y = pyo.Var(m_dh.C, domain=pyo.Binary) # Constraint to enforce set is degenerate if issparse(jac_eq): m_dh.J = jac_eq.tocsc() def eq_degenerate(m_dh, v): # Find the columns with non-zero entries C_ = find(m_dh.J[:, v])[0] return sum(m_dh.J[c, v] *[c] for c in C_) == 0 else: m_dh.J = jac_eq def eq_degenerate(m_dh, v): return sum(m_dh.J[c, v] *[c] for c in m_dh.C) == 0 m_dh.degenerate = pyo.Constraint(m_dh.V, rule=eq_degenerate) def eq_lower(m_dh, c): return -M * m_dh.y[c] <=[c] m_dh.lower = pyo.Constraint(m_dh.C, rule=eq_lower) def eq_upper(m_dh, c): return[c] <= M * m_dh.y[c] m_dh.upper = pyo.Constraint(m_dh.C, rule=eq_upper) m_dh.obj = pyo.Objective(expr=sum(m_dh.y[c] for c in m_dh.C)) return m_dh # TODO: Refactor, this should not be a staticmethod @staticmethod def _prepare_find_candidates_milp(jac_eq, M=1e5, m_small=1e-5): """ Prepare MILP to find candidate equations for consider for IDS Args: jac_eq Jacobian of equality constraints [matrix] M: maximum value for nu m_small: smallest value for nu to be considered non-zero Returns: m_fc: Pyomo model to find candidates """ n_eq = jac_eq.shape[0] n_var = jac_eq.shape[1] # Create Pyomo model for irreducible degenerate set m_dh = pyo.ConcreteModel() # Create index for constraints m_dh.C = pyo.Set(initialize=range(n_eq)) m_dh.V = pyo.Set(initialize=range(n_var)) # Specify minimum size for nu to be considered non-zero m_dh.m_small = m_small # Add variables = pyo.Var(m_dh.C, bounds=(-M - m_small, M + m_small), initialize=1.0) m_dh.y_pos = pyo.Var(m_dh.C, domain=pyo.Binary) m_dh.y_neg = pyo.Var(m_dh.C, domain=pyo.Binary) m_dh.abs_nu = pyo.Var(m_dh.C, bounds=(0, M + m_small)) # Positive exclusive or negative def eq_pos_xor_negative(m, c): return m.y_pos[c] + m.y_neg[c] <= 1 m_dh.pos_xor_neg = pyo.Constraint(m_dh.C) # Constraint to enforce set is degenerate if issparse(jac_eq): m_dh.J = jac_eq.tocsc() def eq_degenerate(m_dh, v): if np.sum(np.abs(m_dh.J[:, v])) > 1e-6: # Find the columns with non-zero entries C_ = find(m_dh.J[:, v])[0] return sum(m_dh.J[c, v] *[c] for c in C_) == 0 else: # This variable does not appear in any constraint return pyo.Constraint.Skip else: m_dh.J = jac_eq def eq_degenerate(m_dh, v): if np.sum(np.abs(m_dh.J[:, v])) > 1e-6: return sum(m_dh.J[c, v] *[c] for c in m_dh.C) == 0 else: # This variable does not appear in any constraint return pyo.Constraint.Skip m_dh.pprint() m_dh.degenerate = pyo.Constraint(m_dh.V, rule=eq_degenerate) # When y_pos = 1, nu >= m_small # When y_pos = 0, nu >= - m_small def eq_pos_lower(m_dh, c): return[c] >= -m_small + 2 * m_small * m_dh.y_pos[c] m_dh.pos_lower = pyo.Constraint(m_dh.C, rule=eq_pos_lower) # When y_pos = 1, nu <= M + m_small # When y_pos = 0, nu <= m_small def eq_pos_upper(m_dh, c): return[c] <= M * m_dh.y_pos[c] + m_small m_dh.pos_upper = pyo.Constraint(m_dh.C, rule=eq_pos_upper) # When y_neg = 1, nu <= -m_small # When y_neg = 0, nu <= m_small def eq_neg_upper(m_dh, c): return[c] <= m_small - 2 * m_small * m_dh.y_neg[c] m_dh.neg_upper = pyo.Constraint(m_dh.C, rule=eq_neg_upper) # When y_neg = 1, nu >= -M - m_small # When y_neg = 0, nu >= - m_small def eq_neg_lower(m_dh, c): return[c] >= -M * m_dh.y_neg[c] - m_small m_dh.neg_lower = pyo.Constraint(m_dh.C, rule=eq_neg_lower) # Absolute value def eq_abs_lower(m_dh, c): return -m_dh.abs_nu[c] <=[c] m_dh.abs_lower = pyo.Constraint(m_dh.C, rule=eq_abs_lower) def eq_abs_upper(m_dh, c): return[c] <= m_dh.abs_nu[c] m_dh.abs_upper = pyo.Constraint(m_dh.C, rule=eq_abs_upper) # At least one constraint must be in the degenerate set m_dh.degenerate_set_nonempty = pyo.Constraint( expr=sum(m_dh.y_pos[c] + m_dh.y_neg[c] for c in m_dh.C) >= 1 ) # Minimize the L1-norm of nu m_dh.obj = pyo.Objective(expr=sum(m_dh.abs_nu[c] for c in m_dh.C)) return m_dh # TODO: Refactor, this should not be a staticmethod @staticmethod def _check_candidate_ids(ids_milp, solver, c, eq_con_list=None, tee=False): """Solve MILP to check if equation 'c' is a significant component in an irreducible degenerate set Args: ids_milp: Pyomo model to calculate IDS solver: Pyomo solver (must support MILP) c: index for the constraint to consider [integer] eq_con_list: names of equality constraints. If none, use elements of ids_milp (default=None) tee: Boolean, print solver output (default = False) Returns: ids: either None or dictionary containing the IDS """ # Fix weight on candidate equation[c].fix(1.0) # Solve MILP results = solver.solve(ids_milp, tee=tee)[c].unfix() if pyo.check_optimal_termination(results): # We found an irreducible degenerate set # Create empty dictionary ids_ = {} for i in ids_milp.C: # Check if constraint is included if ids_milp.y[i]() > 0.9: # If it is, save the value of nu if eq_con_list is None: name = i else: name = eq_con_list[i] ids_[name] =[i]() return ids_ else: return None # TODO: Refactor, this should not be a staticmethod @staticmethod def _find_candidate_eqs(candidates_milp, solver, eq_con_list=None, tee=False): """Solve MILP to generate set of candidate equations Arguments: candidates_milp: Pyomo model to calculate IDS solver: Pyomo solver (must support MILP) eq_con_list: names of equality constraints. If none, use elements of ids_milp (default=None) tee: Boolean, print solver output (default = False) Returns: candidate_eqns: either None or list of indicies degenerate_set: either None or dictionary containing the degenerate_set """ results = solver.solve(candidates_milp, tee=tee) if pyo.check_optimal_termination(results): # We found a degenerate set # Create empty dictionary ds_ = {} # Create empty list candidate_eqns = [] for i in candidates_milp.C: # Check if constraint is included if candidates_milp.abs_nu[i]() > candidates_milp.m_small * 0.99: # If it is, save the value of nu if eq_con_list is None: name = i else: name = eq_con_list[i] ds_[name] =[i]() candidate_eqns.append(i) return candidate_eqns, ds_ else: return None, None
[docs] def svd_analysis(self, n_sv=None, dense=False): """ Perform SVD analysis of the constraint Jacobian Args: n_sv: number of smallest singular values to compute dense: If True, use a dense svd to perform singular value analysis, which tends to be slower but more reliable than svds Returns: None Actions: Stores SVD results in object """ if n_sv is None: # Determine the number of singular values to compute # The "-1" is needed to avoid an error with svds n_sv = min(10, min(self.n_eq, self.n_var) - 1) if self.n_eq > 1: if n_sv >= min(self.n_eq, self.n_var): raise ValueError( f"For a {self.n_eq} by {self.n_var} system, svd_analysis " f"can compute at most {min(self.n_eq, self.n_var) - 1} " f"singular values and vectors, but {n_sv} were called for." ) if n_sv < 1: raise ValueError(f"Nonsense value for n_sv={n_sv} received.") print("Computing the", n_sv, "smallest singular value(s)") # Perform SVD # Recall J is a n_eq x n_var matrix # Thus U is a n_eq x n_eq matrix # And V is a n_var x n_var # (U or V may be smaller in economy mode) if dense: u, s, vT = svd(self.jac_eq.todense(), full_matrices=False) # Reorder singular values and vectors so that the singular # values are from least to greatest u = np.flip(u[:, -n_sv:], axis=1) s = np.flip(s[-n_sv:], axis=0) vT = np.flip(vT[-n_sv:, :], axis=0) else: # svds does not guarantee the order in which it generates # singular values, but typically generates them least-to-greatest. # Maybe the warning is for singular values of nearly equal # magnitude or a similar edge case? u, s, vT = svds(self.jac_eq, k=n_sv, which="SM") # , solver='lobpcg') # Save results self.u = u self.s = s self.v = vT.transpose() else: raise ValueError( "Model needs at least 2 equality constraints to perform svd_analysis." )
[docs] def underdetermined_variables_and_constraints(self, n_calc=1, tol=0.1, dense=False): """ Determines constraints and variables associated with the smallest singular values by having large components in the left and right singular vectors, respectively, associated with those singular values. Args: n_calc: The singular value, as ordered from least to greatest starting from 1, to calculate associated constraints and variables tol: Size below which to ignore constraints and variables in the singular vector dense: If True, use a dense svd to perform singular value analysis, which tends to be slower but more reliable than svds Returns: None """ if self.s is None: self.svd_analysis( n_sv=max(n_calc, min(10, min(self.n_eq, self.n_var) - 1)), dense=dense ) n_sv = len(self.s) if n_sv < n_calc: raise ValueError( "User wanted constraints and variables associated " f"with the {n_calc}-th smallest singular value, " f"but only {n_sv} small singular values have been " "calculated. Run svd_analysis again and specify " f"n_sv>={n_calc}." ) print("Column: Variable") for i in np.where(abs(self.v[:, n_calc - 1]) > tol)[0]: print(str(i) + ": " + self.var_list[i].name) print("") print("Row: Constraint") for i in np.where(abs(self.u[:, n_calc - 1]) > tol)[0]: print(str(i) + ": " + self.eq_con_list[i].name)
[docs] def find_candidate_equations(self, verbose=True, tee=False): """ Solve MILP to find a degenerate set and candidate equations Args: verbose: Print information to the screen (default=True) tee: Print solver output to screen (default=True) Returns: ds: either None or dictionary of candidate equations """ if verbose: print("*** Searching for a Single Degenerate Set ***") print("Building MILP model...") self.candidates_milp = self._prepare_find_candidates_milp( self.jac_eq, self.max_nu, self.min_nonzero_nu ) if verbose: print("Solving MILP model...") ce, ds = self._find_candidate_eqs( self.candidates_milp, self.solver, self.eq_con_list, tee ) if ce is not None: self.candidate_eqns = ce return ds
[docs] def find_irreducible_degenerate_sets(self, verbose=True, tee=False): """ Compute irreducible degenerate sets Args: verbose: Print information to the screen (default=True) tee: Print solver output to screen (default=True) Returns: irreducible_degenerate_sets: list of irreducible degenerate sets """ # If there are no candidate equations, find them! if not self.candidate_eqns: self.find_candidate_equations() irreducible_degenerate_sets = [] # Check if it is empty or None if self.candidate_eqns: if verbose: print("*** Searching for Irreducible Degenerate Sets ***") print("Building MILP model...") self.dh_milp = self._prepare_ids_milp(self.jac_eq, self.max_nu) # Loop over candidate equations for i, c in enumerate(self.candidate_eqns): if verbose: print("Solving MILP", i + 1, "of", len(self.candidate_eqns), "...") # Check if equation 'c' is a major element of an IDS ids_ = self._check_candidate_ids( self.dh_milp, self.solver, c, self.eq_con_list, tee ) if ids_ is not None: irreducible_degenerate_sets.append(ids_) if verbose: for i, s in enumerate(irreducible_degenerate_sets): print("\nIrreducible Degenerate Set", i) print("nu\tConstraint Name") for k, v in s.items(): print(v, "\t", k) else: print("No candidate equations. The Jacobian is likely full rank.") return irreducible_degenerate_sets
### Helper Functions # Note: This makes sense as a static method
[docs] @staticmethod def print_variable_bounds(v): """ Print variable, bounds, and value Args: v: variable Returns: None """ print(v, "\t\t",, "\t", v.value, "\t", v.ub)
[docs]def get_valid_range_of_component(component): """ Return the valid range for a component as specified in the model metadata. Args: component: Pyomo component to get valid range for Returns: valid range for component if found. This will either be a 2-tuple (low, high) or None. Raises: AttributeError if metadata object not found """ # Get metadata for component parent = component.parent_block() try: if hasattr(parent, "params"): meta = parent.params.get_metadata().properties else: meta = parent.get_metadata().properties except AttributeError: raise AttributeError(f"Could not find metadata for component {}") # Get valid range from metadata try: n, i = meta.get_name_and_index(component.parent_component().local_name) cmeta = getattr(meta, n)[i] valid_range = cmeta.valid_range except ValueError: # Assume no metadata for this property _log.debug(f"No metadata entry for component {}; returning None") valid_range = None return valid_range
[docs]def set_bounds_from_valid_range(component, descend_into=True): """ Set bounds on Pyomo components based on valid range recorded in model metadata. WARNING - this function will overwrite any bounds already set on the component/model. This function will iterate over component data objects in Blocks and indexed components. Args: component: Pyomo component to set bounds on. This can be a Block, Var or Param. descend_into: (optional) Whether to descend into components on child Blocks (default=True) Returns: None """ if component.is_indexed(): for k in component: set_bounds_from_valid_range(component[k]) elif isinstance(component, _BlockData): for i in component.component_data_objects( ctype=[pyo.Var, pyo.Param], descend_into=descend_into ): set_bounds_from_valid_range(i) elif not hasattr(component, "bounds"): raise TypeError( f"Component {} does not have bounds. Only Vars and Params have bounds." ) else: valid_range = get_valid_range_of_component(component) if valid_range is None: valid_range = (None, None) component.setlb(valid_range[0]) component.setub(valid_range[1])
[docs]def list_components_with_values_outside_valid_range(component, descend_into=True): """ Return a list of component objects with values outside the valid range specified in the model metadata. This function will iterate over component data objects in Blocks and indexed components. Args: component: Pyomo component to search for component outside of range on. This can be a Block, Var or Param. descend_into: (optional) Whether to descend into components on child Blocks (default=True) Returns: list of component objects found with values outside the valid range. """ comp_list = [] if component.is_indexed(): for k in component: comp_list.extend( list_components_with_values_outside_valid_range(component[k]) ) elif isinstance(component, _BlockData): for i in component.component_data_objects( ctype=[pyo.Var, pyo.Param], descend_into=descend_into ): comp_list.extend(list_components_with_values_outside_valid_range(i)) else: valid_range = get_valid_range_of_component(component) if valid_range is not None: cval = pyo.value(component) if cval is not None and (cval < valid_range[0] or cval > valid_range[1]): comp_list.append(component) return comp_list
[docs]def ipopt_solve_halt_on_error(model, options=None): """ Run IPOPT to solve model with debugging output enabled. This function calls IPOPT to solve the model provided with settings to halt on AMPL evaluation errors and report these with symbolic names. Args: model: Pyomo model to be solved. options: solver options to be passed to IPOPT Returns: Pyomo solver results dict """ if options is None: options = {} solver = pyo.SolverFactory("ipopt") solver.options = options solver.options["halt_on_ampl_error"] = "yes" return solver.solve(model, tee=True, symbolic_solver_labels=True)