Source code for idaes.core.dmf.tables

# The Institute for the Design of Advanced Energy Systems Integrated Platform
# Framework (IDAES IP) was produced under the DOE Institute for the
# Design of Advanced Energy Systems (IDAES), and is copyright (c) 2018-2021
# by the software owners: The Regents of the University of California, through
# Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,  National Technology & Engineering
# Solutions of Sandia, LLC, Carnegie Mellon University, West Virginia University
# Research Corporation, et al.  All rights reserved.
# Please see the files and for full copyright and
# license information.
Table handling for DMF.

The main class defined here is :class:`Table`. It provides constructor methods
for reading from Excel and CSV files. There is a convention defined for
indicating units in column headers so that this code can split the unit from
the column name. Other methods are defined for adding and extracting tables
from DMF :class:`idaes.core.dmf.resource.Resource` objects.

In the simplest case, you would create a new DMF resource for a CSV table like this::

    from idaes.core.dmf.resource import Resource
    resource = Resource()
    # you can now save this resource in the DMF

Then you could retrieve and use that table like this::

    # retrieve resource from the DMF
    table = resource.tables["my_file.csv"]
    dataframe =    # Pandas dataframe
    units = table.units       # Units extracted from header row (strings)

See also, on the DMF Resource class:

    * :meth:`idaes.core.dmf.resource.Resource.add_table`
    * :attr:`idaes.core.dmf.resource.Resource.tables`

# stdlib
from typing import List, Tuple, Dict
import re

# ext
import pandas as pd

# Local
from idaes.core.dmf.resource import Resource

__authors__ = ["Dan Gunter (LBNL)"]
__author__ = __authors__[0]

class DataFormatError(Exception):
    def __init__(self, source, problem):
        message = f"in {source}: {problem}"
        super().__init__(self, message)

[docs]class Table: """Represent a table stored in the DMF. Tables are expected to have a header row with optional units, which if present are encoded in [square brackets]. Whitespace is ignored between the column name and the units. For example:: T [C], P [bar], G0/RT H2O, G0/RT NaCl [-], A phi [(kg/mol^0.5] 0, 1, -23.4638, -13.836, 0.3767 """ def __init__(self): """Create new, empty, table. Use :meth:`read_csv` or :meth:`read_excel` to populate the table with data. """ self._data = pd.DataFrame({}) self._units = {} self._filepath = None self._desc = "" @property def data(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Pandas dataframe for data.""" return self._data @property def units_dict(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """Units as a dict keyed by table column name.""" return self._units.copy() @property def units_list(self) -> List[str]: """Units in order of table columns.""" return [self._units[c] for c in self._data.columns] #: Shorthand for getting list of units units = units_list @property def description(self): return self._desc @description.setter def description(self, value): self._desc = value
[docs] @staticmethod def read_table(filepath, inline: bool, file_format: str) -> "Table": """Determine the input file type, then construct a new Table object by calling one of :meth:`Table.read_csv` or :meth:`Table.read_excel`. Args: filepath: Any valid first argument to pandas `read_csv` inline: If True, read the whole table in; otherwise just get the column names and units from the header row. file_format: One of 'infer', 'csv', or 'excel'. For 'infer', use the file extension (and only the extension) to determine if it's a CSV or Excel file. Returns: Constructed Table object Raises: IOError: If the input cannot be read or parsed """ fmt = file_format.lower() name = if fmt == "infer": if name.endswith(".csv"): fmt = "csv" elif name.endswith(".xls") or name.endswith(".xlsx"): fmt = "excel" else: raise ValueError(f"Cannot infer file format for '{name}'") elif fmt not in ("csv", "excel"): raise ValueError(f"Unknown file format '{fmt}'; must be csv or excel") # create a new table to work with table = Table() # set up keywords to read only header row if we are not including data inline kwargs = {} if not inline: kwargs["nrows"] = 0 # read the table (or at least its header) try: if fmt == "csv": table.read_csv(filepath, **kwargs) elif fmt == "excel": table.read_excel(filepath, **kwargs) except Exception as err: raise IOError(f"Cannot read '{filepath}': {err}") return table
[docs] def read_csv(self, filepath, **kwargs) -> None: """Read the table from a CSV file using pandas' `read_csv()`. See `Pandas read_csv docs <>`_ for details. Existing table will be replaced. Args: filepath: Any valid first argument to pandas `read_csv` kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to pandas `read_csv` Returns: None """ self._data = pd.read_csv(filepath, **kwargs) self._extract_units() self._filepath = filepath
[docs] def read_excel(self, filepath, **kwargs) -> None: """Read the table from a CSV file using pandas' `read_excel()`. See `Pandas read_excel docs <>`_ for details. Existing table will be replaced. Args: filepath: Any valid first argument to pandas `read_excel` **kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to pandas `read_excel` Returns: None Raises: ValueError: if more than one Excel sheet is returned DataFormatError: if the input data or header is invalid """ # Workaround for older versions of Python/Pandas (python 3.6): # set engine explicitly to openpyxl for *.xlsx files v = [int(_) for _ in pd.__version__.split(".")] if v[0] <= 1 and v[1] <= 1: # version < 1.2.0 from io import BufferedIOBase, RawIOBase import os # if it's a file and has xlsx extension, set engine if not isinstance(filepath, (BufferedIOBase, RawIOBase)): ext = os.path.splitext(str(filepath))[-1] if ext == ".xlsx": kwargs["engine"] = "openpyxl" data = pd.read_excel(filepath, **kwargs) if isinstance(data, dict): raise ValueError( f"Read from excel file must return a single sheet, " f"but sheet_name='{kwargs.get('sheet_name', '?')}' " f"returned {len(data)} sheets: {list(data.keys())}" ) self._data = data self._extract_units() self._filepath = filepath
def _extract_units(self): new_names, units_dict = {}, {} for name in self._data.columns: base_name, units = self._split_units(name) new_names[name] = base_name units_dict[base_name] = units self._data.rename(columns=new_names, inplace=True) self._units = units_dict #: Regular expression for extracting units from column names. #: In plain English, the following forms are expected for a #: column name: "Name", "Name[Units]", "Longer Name With $% Chars [ Units ]" #: For both the Name and the Units, any sequence of characters valid #: in the current encoding are acceptable (except, of course, a "[" #: in the name, which means start-of-units) UNITS_REGEX = r""" (?P<name>[^[]+) # column name (?:\s*\[ # start of [units] section (?P<units>.*?) # column units \])? # end of [units] section, which is optional """ @classmethod def _split_units(cls, name) -> Tuple[str, str]: m = re.match(cls.UNITS_REGEX, name, flags=re.X) if m is None: raise DataFormatError( name, "No recognized column name. Expected syntax is " "'name' or 'name [units]'", ) new_name ="name").strip() unit ="units") if unit == "-" or unit is None: unit = "" # normalize empty units to empty string else: unit = unit.strip() # note: may also end up return new_name, unit
[docs] def add_to_resource(self, rsrc: Resource): """Add the current table, inline, to the given resource. Args: rsrc: A DMF :class:`Resource` instance Returns: None """[Resource.TABLE_FIELD] = self.as_dict()
[docs] @classmethod def from_resource(cls, rsrc: Resource) -> Dict[str, "Table"]: """Get an instance of this class from data in the given resource. Args: rsrc: A DMF :class:`Resource` instance Returns: Dictionary of tables in resource. If there is only one inline table, the dictionary is of length one with only key "" (empty string). If there are multiple tables referenced by file the dictionary keys are the (relative) file names. If there are no tables in this resource, raises KeyError. Raises: KeyError: if there are no tables in this resource """ data = rsrc.v["data"] if Resource.TABLE_FIELD in data: # Single inline resource table_ = cls.from_dict(data[Resource.TABLE_FIELD]) return {"": table_} elif Resource.TABLE_INFO_FIELD in data: # One or more files tables = {} for idx, path in enumerate(rsrc.get_datafiles()): table_ = cls.read_table(path, True, "infer") table_.description = rsrc.v[Resource.DATAFILES_FIELD][idx].get( "desc", "" ) tables[] = table_ return tables else: raise KeyError("No table in resource")
[docs] def as_dict(self, values=True) -> Dict: """Get the representation of this table as a dict. Args: values: If True, include the values in the dict. Otherwise only include the units for each column. Returns: Dictionary with the structure accepted by :meth:`from_dict`. If the "values" argument is False, that key will be missing from the dict for each column. """ header = list(self._data.columns) d = {} for column in header: d[column] = {"units": self._units[column]} if values: d[column]["values"] = list(self._data[column]) return d
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, data: Dict) -> "Table": # unquote in Py3.7+ see PEP563 """Create a new Table object from a dictionary of data and units. Args: data: Dictionary with the following structure:: { 'column-name-1': { 'units': 'unit', 'values': [ value, value, .. ] }, 'column-name-2': { 'units': 'unit', 'values': [ value, value, .. ] }, ...etc... } Returns: :class:`Table` object """ tbl = Table() dataframe_dict = {} for column, info in data.items(): dataframe_dict[column] = info.get("values", []) tbl._units[column] = info.get("units", "") tbl._data = pd.DataFrame(dataframe_dict) return tbl