Source code for idaes.logger

# The Institute for the Design of Advanced Energy Systems Integrated Platform
# Framework (IDAES IP) was produced under the DOE Institute for the
# Design of Advanced Energy Systems (IDAES), and is copyright (c) 2018-2021
# by the software owners: The Regents of the University of California, through
# Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,  National Technology & Engineering
# Solutions of Sandia, LLC, Carnegie Mellon University, West Virginia University
# Research Corporation, et al.  All rights reserved.
# Please see the files and for full copyright and
# license information.
import idaes
import logging
import threading

from contextlib import contextmanager
from pyomo.common.tee import capture_output

# Throw the standard levels in here, just let you access it all in one place
CRITICAL = logging.CRITICAL  # 50
ERROR = logging.ERROR  # 40
WARNING = logging.WARNING  # 30
INFO_LOW = 21  # Most important info
INFO = logging.INFO  # 20  #Medium info (default)
INFO_HIGH = 19  # Less improtant important info
DEBUG = logging.DEBUG  # 10
NOTSET = logging.NOTSET  # 0

levelname = {  # the level name of all our extra info levels is "INFO"

class _TagFilter(logging.Filter):
    """Filter applied to IDAES loggers returned by this modulue."""

    def filter(record):
        """Add in the custom level name and let the record through"""
        if record.levelno in levelname:
            record.levelname = levelname[record.levelno]
        if record.levelno >= WARNING:
            return True
            if record.tag is None or record.tag in idaes.cfg.logger_tags:
                return True
        except AttributeError:
            return True
        return False

def __info_low(self, *args, **kwargs):
    self.log(INFO_LOW, *args, **kwargs)

def __info_high(self, *args, **kwargs):
    self.log(INFO_HIGH, *args, **kwargs)

def __add_methods(log, tag=None):
    # pylint: disable=assignment-from-no-return,no-value-for-parameter
    log = logging.LoggerAdapter(log, {"tag": tag})
    log.info_high = __info_high.__get__(log)
    log.info_low = __info_low.__get__(log)
    # hopefully adding this multiple times is not a problem
    return log

def _getLogger(name, logger_name="idaes", level=None, tag=None):
    assert tag in idaes.cfg.valid_logger_tags.union({None})
    if name.startswith("idaes."):
        name = name[6:]
    name = ".".join([logger_name, name])
    l = logging.getLogger(name)
    if level is not None:
    return __add_methods(logging.getLogger(name), tag)

def getIdaesLogger(name, level=None, tag=None):
    """Return an idaes logger.

        name: usually __name__
        level: standard IDAES logging level (default use IDAES config)
        tag: logger tag for filtering, see valid_log_tags()

    return _getLogger(name=name, logger_name="idaes", level=level, tag=tag)

getLogger = getIdaesLogger

[docs]def getSolveLogger(name, level=None, tag=None): """Get a solver logger Args: name: logger name is "idaes.solve." + name (if name starts with "idaes." it is removed before creating the logger name) level: Log level tag: logger tag for filtering, see valid_log_tags() Returns: logger """ return _getLogger(name=name, logger_name="idaes.solve", level=level, tag=tag)
[docs]def getInitLogger(name, level=None, tag=None): """Get a model initialization logger Args: name: Object name (usually Pyomo Component name) level: Log level tag: logger tag for filtering, see valid_log_tags() Returns: logger """ return _getLogger(name=name, logger_name="idaes.init", level=level, tag=tag)
[docs]def getModelLogger(name, level=None, tag=None): """Get a logger for an IDAES model. This function helps users keep their loggers in a standard location and use the IDAES logging config. Args: name: Name (usually __name__). Any starting 'idaes.' is stripped off, so if a model is part of the idaes package, 'idaes' won't be repeated. level: Standard Python logging level (default use IDAES config) tag: logger tag for filtering, see valid_log_tags() Returns: logger """ return _getLogger(name=name, logger_name="idaes.model", level=level, tag=tag)
[docs]def condition(res): """Get the solver termination condition to log. This isn't a specifc value that you can really depend on, just a message to pass on from the solver for the user's benefit. Sometimes the solve is in a try-except, so we'll handle None and str for those cases, where you don't have a real result.""" if res is None: return "Error, no result" elif isinstance(res, str): return res else: s = str(res.solver.termination_condition) try: if "ipopt" in str(res.solver.message).lower(): solver_message = " ".join(str(res.solver.message).split(" ")[2:]) return "{} - {}".format(s, solver_message) else: return "{} - {}".format(s, str(res.solver.message)) except: return s
def solver_capture_on(): """This function turns on the solver capture for the solver_log context manager. If this is on, solver output within the solver_log context is captured and sent to the logger. """ idaes.cfg.logger_capture_solver = True def solver_capture_off(): """This function turns off the solver capture for the solver_log context manager. If this is off, solver output within the solver_log context is just sent to stdout like normal. """ idaes.cfg.logger_capture_solver = False def solver_capture(): """Return True if solver capture is on or False otherwise.""" return idaes.cfg.logger_capture_solver
[docs]def log_tags(): """Returns a set of logging tags to be logged. Returns: (set) tags to be logged """ return idaes.cfg.logger_tags
[docs]def set_log_tags(tags): """Specify a set of tags to be logged Args: tags(iterable of str): Tags to log Returns: None """ for m in tags: if m not in idaes.cfg.valid_logger_tags.union({None}): raise ValueError("{} is not a valid logging tag".format(m)) idaes.cfg.logger_tags = set(tags)
[docs]def add_log_tag(tag): """Add a tag to the list of tags to log. Args: tag(str): Tag to log Returns: None """ if tag not in idaes.cfg.valid_logger_tags.union({None}): raise ValueError("{} is not a valid logging tag".format(tag)) idaes.cfg.logger_tags.add(tag)
[docs]def remove_log_tag(tag): """Remove a tag from the list of tags to log. Args: tag(str): Tag to no longer log Returns: None """ try: idaes.cfg.logger_tags.remove(tag) except ValueError: pass
[docs]def valid_log_tags(): """Returns a set of valid logging tag names. Returns: (set) valid tag names """ return idaes.cfg.valid_logger_tags.union({None})
[docs]def add_valid_log_tag(tag): """Add a tag name to the list of valid names. Args: tag(str): A tag name Returns: None """ assert isinstance(tag, str) idaes.cfg.valid_logger_tags.add(tag)
class IOToLogTread(threading.Thread): """This is a Thread class that can log solver messages and show them as they are produced, while the main thread is waiting on the solver to finish """ def __init__(self, stream, logger, sleep=1.0, level=logging.ERROR): super().__init__(daemon=True) self.log = logger self.level = level = stream self.sleep = sleep self.stop = threading.Event() self.pos = 0 def log_value(self): try: v =[self.pos :] except ValueError: self.stop.set() return self.pos += len(v) for l in v.split("\n"): if l: self.log.log(self.level, l.strip()) def run(self): while True: self.log_value() self.stop.wait(self.sleep) if self.stop.isSet(): self.log_value() self.pos = 0 return class SolverLogInfo(object): def __init__(self, tee=True, thread=None): self.tee = tee self.thread = thread @contextmanager def solver_log(logger, level=logging.ERROR): """Context manager to send solver output to a logger. This uses a separate thread to log solver output while the solver is running""" # wait 3 seconds to join thread. Should be plenty of time. In case # something goes horribly wrong though don't want to hang. The logging # thread is daemonic, so it will shut down with the main process even if it # stays around for some mysterious reason while the model is running. join_timeout = 3 tee = logger.isEnabledFor(level) if not solver_capture(): yield SolverLogInfo(tee=tee) else: with capture_output() as s: lt = IOToLogTread(s, logger=logger, level=level) lt.start() try: yield SolverLogInfo(tee=tee, thread=lt) except: lt.stop.set() lt.join(timeout=join_timeout) raise # thread should end when s is closed, but setting stop makes sure # the last of the output gets logged before closing s lt.stop.set() lt.join(timeout=join_timeout)