Source code for idaes.models.control.controller

# The Institute for the Design of Advanced Energy Systems Integrated Platform
# Framework (IDAES IP) was produced under the DOE Institute for the
# Design of Advanced Energy Systems (IDAES), and is copyright (c) 2018-2021
# by the software owners: The Regents of the University of California, through
# Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,  National Technology & Engineering
# Solutions of Sandia, LLC, Carnegie Mellon University, West Virginia University
# Research Corporation, et al.  All rights reserved.
# Please see the files and for full copyright and
# license information.
PID controller model module

__author__ = ["John Eslick", "Jinliang Ma"]

import enum
import pyomo.environ as pyo
import pyomo.dae as pyodae

from idaes.core import UnitModelBlockData, declare_process_block_class
from pyomo.common.config import ConfigValue, In
from idaes.core.util.exceptions import ConfigurationError
from idaes.core.util.math import smooth_bound

class ControllerType(enum.Enum):
    """Controller types."""

    P = 1
    PI = 2
    PD = 3
    PID = 4

class ControllerMVBoundType(enum.Enum):
    """Manipulated value bound type.

    NONE: No bound on manipulated value output.
    SMOOTH_BOUND: Use a smoothed version of mv = min(max(mv_unbound, ub), lb)
    LOGISTIC: Use a logistic function too keep mv between the bounds

    NONE = 1
    LOGISTIC = 3

[docs]@declare_process_block_class( "PIDController", doc="PID controller model block. To use this the model must be dynamic.", ) class PIDControllerData(UnitModelBlockData): CONFIG = UnitModelBlockData.CONFIG() CONFIG.declare( "process_var", ConfigValue( default=None, description="Process variable to be controlled", doc=( "A Pyomo Var, Expression, or Reference for the measured" " process variable. Should be indexed by time. Slices are okay." ), ), ) CONFIG.declare( "manipulated_var", ConfigValue( default=None, description="Manipulated variable", doc=( "A Pyomo Var, Reference to a Var, or something that can be" " used to construct a Reference to a Var for the controlled" " variable. The final Reference should be indexed by time." " Slices are okay." ), ), ) CONFIG.declare( "mv_bound_type", ConfigValue( default=ControllerMVBoundType.NONE, domain=In( [ ControllerMVBoundType.NONE, ControllerMVBoundType.SMOOTH_BOUND, ControllerMVBoundType.LOGISTIC, ] ), description="Type of bounds to apply to the manipulated variable (mv)).", doc=( """Type of bounds to apply to the manipulated variable output. If, bounds are applied, the model parameters **mv_lb** and **mv_ub** set the bounds. The **default** is ControllerMVBoundType.NONE. See the controller documentation for details on the mathematical formulation. The options are: **ControllerMVBoundType.NONE** no bounds, **ControllerMVBoundType.SMOOTH_BOUND** smoothed mv = min(max(mv_unbound, ub), lb), and **ControllerMVBoundType.LOGISTIC** logistic function to enforce bounds. """ ), ), ) CONFIG.declare( "calculate_initial_integral", ConfigValue( default=True, domain=bool, description="Calculate the initial integral term value if True", doc="Calculate the initial integral term value if True", ), ) CONFIG.declare( "type", ConfigValue( default=ControllerType.PI, domain=In( [ ControllerType.P, ControllerType.PI, ControllerType.PD, ControllerType.PID, ] ), description="Control type", doc="""Controller type. The **default** = ControllerType.PI and the options are: **ControllerType.P** Proportional, **ControllerType.PI** proportional and integral, **ControllerType.PD** proportional and derivative, and **ControllerType.PID** proportional, integral, and derivative """, ), )
[docs] def build(self): """ Build the PID block """ super().build() # Check for required config if self.config.process_var is None or self.config.manipulated_var is None: raise ConfigurationError("Controller config requires 'pv' and 'mv'") self.process_var = pyo.Reference(self.config.process_var) self.manipulated_var = pyo.Reference(self.config.manipulated_var) # Shorter pointers to time set information time_set = self.flowsheet().time time_units = self.flowsheet().time_units time_0 = time_set.first() # Type Check if not issubclass(self.process_var[time_0].ctype, (pyo.Var, pyo.Expression)): raise TypeError( f"process_var must reference a Var or Expression not {self.process_var[time_0].ctype}" ) if not issubclass(self.process_var[time_0].ctype, pyo.Var): raise TypeError( f"manipulated_var must reference a Var not {self.process_var[time_0].ctype}" ) # Get the appropriate units for various contoller varaibles mv_units = pyo.units.get_units(self.manipulated_var[time_0]) pv_units = pyo.units.get_units(self.process_var[time_0]) if mv_units is None: mv_units = pyo.units.dimensionless if pv_units is None: pv_units = pyo.units.dimensionless gain_p_units = mv_units / pv_units # Parameters self.mv_lb = pyo.Param( mutable=True, initialize=0.05, doc="Controller output lower bound", units=mv_units, ) self.mv_ub = pyo.Param( mutable=True, initialize=1, doc="Controller output upper bound", units=mv_units, ) self.smooth_eps = pyo.Param( mutable=True, initialize=1e-4, doc="Smoothing parameter for controller output limits when the bound" " type is SMOOTH_BOUND", units=mv_units, ) self.logistic_bound_k = pyo.Param( mutable=True, initialize=4, doc="Smoothing parameter for controller output limits when the bound" " type is LOGISTIC", units=mv_units, ) # Variable for basic controller settings may change with time. self.setpoint = pyo.Var( time_set, initialize=0.5, doc="Setpoint", units=pv_units ) self.gain_p = pyo.Var( time_set, initialize=0.1, doc="Gain for proportional part", units=gain_p_units, ) if self.config.type in [ControllerType.PI, ControllerType.PID]: self.gain_i = pyo.Var( time_set, initialize=0.1, doc="Gain for integral part", units=gain_p_units / time_units, ) if self.config.type in [ControllerType.PD, ControllerType.PID]: self.gain_d = pyo.Var( time_set, initialize=0.01, doc="Gain for derivative part", units=gain_p_units * time_units, ) self.mv_ref = pyo.Var( time_set, initialize=0.5, doc="Controller bias", units=mv_units, ) # Error expression or variable (variable required for derivative term) if self.config.type in [ControllerType.PD, ControllerType.PID]: self.error = pyo.Var( time_set, initialize=0, doc="Error variable", units=pv_units ) @self.Constraint(time_set, doc="Error constraint") def error_eqn(b, t): return b.error[t] == b.setpoint[t] - b.process_var[t] self.derivative_of_error = pyodae.DerivativeVar( self.error, wrt=self.flowsheet().time, initialize=0, units=pv_units / time_units, ) else: @self.Expression(time_set, doc="Error expression") def error(b, t): return b.setpoint[t] - b.process_var[t] # integral term written de_i(t)/dt = e(t) if self.config.type in [ControllerType.PI, ControllerType.PID]: self.integral_of_error = pyo.Var( time_set, initialize=0, doc="Integral term calculated from de_i(t)/dt = e(t)", units=pv_units * time_units, ) self.integral_of_error_dot = pyodae.DerivativeVar( self.integral_of_error, wrt=time_set, initialize=0, units=pv_units, doc="de_i(t)/dt", ) @self.Constraint(time_set, doc="de_i(t)/dt = e(t)") def error_from_integral_eqn(b, t): return b.error[t] == b.integral_of_error_dot[t] if self.config.calculate_initial_integral: t0 = time_set.first() @self.Constraint(doc="Calculate initial e_i based on output") def initial_integral_error_eqn(b): if self.config.type == ControllerType.PI: return ( self.integral_of_error[t0] == ( b.manipulated_var[t0] - b.mv_ref[t0] - b.gain_p[t0] * b.error[t0] ) / b.gain_i[t0] ) return ( self.integral_of_error[t0] == ( b.manipulated_var[t0] - b.mv_ref[t0] - b.gain_p[t0] * b.error[t0] - b.gain_d[t0] * b.derivative_of_error[t0] ) / b.gain_i[t0] ) @self.Expression(time_set, doc="Unbounded output for manipulated variable") def mv_unbounded(b, t): if self.config.type == ControllerType.PID: return ( b.mv_ref[t] + b.gain_p[t] * b.error[t] + b.gain_i[t] * b.integral_of_error[t] + b.gain_d[t] * b.derivative_of_error[t] ) elif self.config.type == ControllerType.PI: return ( b.mv_ref[t] + b.gain_p[t] * b.error[t] + b.gain_i[t] * b.integral_of_error[t] ) elif self.config.type == ControllerType.PD: return ( b.mv_ref[t] + b.gain_p[t] * b.error[t] + b.gain_d[t] * b.derivative_of_error[t] ) elif self.config.type == ControllerType.P: return b.mv_ref[t] + b.gain_p[t] * b.error[t] else: raise ConfigurationError( f"{self.config.type} is not a valid PID controller type" ) @self.Constraint(time_set, doc="Bounded output of manipulated variable") def mv_eqn(b, t): if self.config.mv_bound_type == ControllerMVBoundType.SMOOTH_BOUND: return b.manipulated_var[t] == smooth_bound( b.mv_unbounded[t], lb=b.mv_lb, ub=b.mv_ub, eps=b.smooth_eps ) elif self.config.mv_bound_type == ControllerMVBoundType.LOGISTIC: return ( (b.manipulated_var[t] - b.mv_lb) * ( 1 + pyo.exp( -b.logistic_bound_k / (b.mv_ub - b.mv_lb) * (b.mv_unbounded[t] - (b.mv_lb + b.mv_ub) / 2) ) ) ) == b.mv_ub - b.mv_lb return b.manipulated_var[t] == b.mv_unbounded[t] # deactivate the time 0 mv_eqn instead of skip, should be fine since # first time step always exists. self.mv_eqn[time_set.first()].deactivate()