Source code for idaes.dmf.tabular

# Institute for the Design of Advanced Energy Systems Process Systems
# Engineering Framework (IDAES PSE Framework) Copyright (c) 2018-2019, by the
# software owners: The Regents of the University of California, through
# Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,  National Technology & Engineering
# Solutions of Sandia, LLC, Carnegie Mellon University, West Virginia
# University Research Corporation, et al. All rights reserved.
# Please see the files COPYRIGHT.txt and LICENSE.txt for full copyright and
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Tabular data handling
# standard
import abc
import csv
import json
import logging
import re
# third-party
import jsonschema
    import pandas as pd
    import numpy as np
except ImportError:
    np, pd = None, None
# local
from . import errors
from .util import get_file

__author__ = 'Dan Gunter <>'

_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Fields(object): """Constants for field names. """ DATA, META = 'data', 'meta' DTYPE, AUTH, INFO, TITLE, DATE = \ 'datatype', 'authors', 'info', 'title', 'date' VALS, ROWS = 'values', 'rows' #: Keys for data mapping DATA_NAME = 'name' DATA_UNITS = 'units' DATA_VALUES = 'values' DATA_ERRORS = 'errors' DATA_ERRTYPE = 'error_type' # Used during parsing COLTYPE = 'type'
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Schemas DATA_SCHEMA_DEF = { "type": "object", "properties": { "name": { "type": "string", "examples": [ "Density", "r" ] }, "units": { "type": "string", "examples": [ "mPa-s", "K" ] }, "values": { "description": "Column of numeric values", "type": "array", "items": { "type": "number" }, "examples": ["[2.6, 6.21]"] }, "error_type": { "description": "Type for error values", "type": "string" }, "errors": { "description": "Column of numeric errors", "type": "array", "items": { "type": "number" }, "examples": [ "[0.001, 0.035]" ] }, "type": { "description": "Type of column", "enum": ["state", "property"] } }, "required": [ "name", "units", "values" ], "additionalProperties": False } METADATA_SCHEMA_DEF = { "type": "object", "properties": { "datatype": { "description": "name of the data type", "type": "string", "examples": ["MEA"] }, "info": { "description": "Additional information about the source " "(i.e. publication)", "type": "string", "examples": [ "J. Chem. Eng. Data, 2009, Vol 54, pg. 3096-30100"] }, "notes": { "description": "Free-form text with notes about the data", "type": "string", "examples": ["r is MEA weight fraction in aqueous soln."] }, "authors": { "description": "Author list in format Last1, First1, Last2," " First2, etc.", "type": "string", "examples": ["Amundsen, T.G., Lars, E.O., Eimer, D.A."] }, "title": { "description": "Title of the source (e.g. publication" " title)", "type": "string", "examples": [ "Density and Viscosity of Monoethanolamine + .etc."] }, "date": { "description": "Date of source data", "type": "string", "examples": ["2009"] } }, "required": [ "datatype", "authors", "title", "date" ], "additionalProperties": True } TABLE_SCHEMA = { "$schema": "", "id": "", "type": "object", "properties": { "meta": { "description": "List of information about the data source", "type": "array", "items": METADATA_SCHEMA_DEF }, "data": { "description": "Measured data columns", "type": "array", "items": DATA_SCHEMA_DEF } }, "required": ["meta", "data"], "additionalProperties": False } COLUMN_SCHEMA = { "$schema": "", "id": "", "type": "array", "items": DATA_SCHEMA_DEF, } # Schemas # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class TabularObject(object): """Abstract Property data class. """ __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def as_dict(self): """Return Python dict representation. """ pass
[docs]class Table(TabularObject): """Tabular data and metadata together (at last!) """ _validator = jsonschema.Draft4Validator(TABLE_SCHEMA) def __init__(self, data=None, metadata=None): """Wrapper object for data + metadata of properties. Args: data (list|TabularData): Raw data dictionaries metadata (dict|list|Metadata): Metadata dictionar(ies) """ if isinstance(data, list): self._data = TabularData(data) elif isinstance(data, TabularData): self._data = data else: raise TypeError('Expected list or TabularData object for: {}' .format(data)) self._meta = [] if metadata: if isinstance(metadata, list) or isinstance(metadata, tuple): for m in metadata: self.add_metadata(m) else: self.add_metadata(metadata) def __iter__(self): yield 'data', self._data.as_list() yield 'meta', [m.as_dict() for m in self._meta] def add_metadata(self, m): if isinstance(m, dict): obj = Metadata(values=m) elif isinstance(m, Metadata): obj = m else: raise TypeError('Expected dict or Metadata object for: {}' .format(m)) self._meta.append(obj) @property def data(self): return self._data @property def metadata(self): return self._meta
[docs] def as_dict(self): """Represent as a Python dictionary. Returns: (dict) Dictionary representation """ return {k: v for k, v in self}
[docs] def dump(self, fp, **kwargs): """Dump to file as JSON. Convenience method, equivalent to converting to a dict and calling :meth:`json.dump`. Args: fp (file): Write output to this file **kwargs: Keywords passed to json.dump() Returns: see json.dump() """ return json.dump(self.as_dict(), fp, **kwargs)
[docs] def dumps(self, **kwargs): """Dump to string as JSON. Convenience method, equivalent to converting to a dict and calling :meth:`json.dumps`. Args: **kwargs: Keywords passed to json.dumps() Returns: (str) JSON-formatted data """ return json.dumps(self.as_dict(), **kwargs)
def __str__(self): return self.dumps()
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, file_or_path, validate=True): """Create from JSON input. Args: file_or_path (file or str): Filename or file object from which to read the JSON-formatted data. validate (bool): If true, apply validation to input JSON data. Example input:: { "meta": [{ "datatype": "MEA", "info": "J. Chem. Eng. Data, 2009, Vol 54, pg. 3096-30100", "notes": "r is MEA weight fraction in aqueous soln.", "authors": "Amundsen, T.G., Lars, E.O., Eimer, D.A.", "title": "Density and Viscosity of Monoethanolamine + etc." }], "data": [ { "name": "Viscosity Value", "units": "mPa-s", "values": [2.6, 6.2], "error_type": "absolute", "errors": [0.06, 0.004], "type": "property" } ] } """ fp = get_file(file_or_path) d = json.load(fp) if validate: cls._validate_json(d) metalist = d[Fields.META] meta = [Metadata(m) for m in metalist] data = TabularData(d[Fields.DATA]) tbl = Table(data=data) for m in meta: tbl.add_metadata(m) return tbl
@classmethod def _validate_json(cls, d): # print('@@ validating:\n----\n{}\n-----'.format(d)) try: cls._validator.validate(d) except jsonschema.ValidationError as err: raise errors.DataFormatError('tabulardata', str(err))
[docs]class TabularData(object): """Class representing tabular data that knows how to construct itself from a CSV file. You can build objects from multiple CSV files as well. See the property database section of the API docs for details, or read the code in :meth:`add_csv` and the tests in :mod:`idaes_dmf.propdb.tests.test_mergecsv`. """ embedded_units = r'(.*)\((.*)\)' _validator = jsonschema.Draft4Validator(COLUMN_SCHEMA) def __init__(self, data, error_column=False): """Construct from a list. [ { "name": "Density Data", "units": "g/cm^3", "values": [1.0053, 1.0188, .., ], "errors": [.00005, .., .00005], "error_type": "absolute" }, ...etc... ] Args: data (list): Input dictionary error_column (bool): Whether there are error columns Returns: TabularData: New instance. Raises: TypeError: Bad type for `data` ValueError: Bad value for `data` """ if not isinstance(data, list): raise TypeError('Expected list of dicts, got {}' .format(type(data))) if len(data) == 0: raise ValueError('Input data must have at least one column') try: self._validator.validate(data) except jsonschema.ValidationError as err: raise ValueError(str(err)) self._data = data self._nrows = self._get_nrows() self._errcol = error_column @property def columns(self): return self._data def __len__(self): return self._nrows
[docs] def names(self): """Get column names. Returns: list[str]: List of column names. """ return [v[Fields.DATA_NAME] for v in self.columns]
@property def num_columns(self): """Number of columns in this table. A "column" is defined as data + error. So if there are two columns of data, each with an associated error column, then `num_columns` is 2 (not 4). Returns: int: Number of columns. """ return len(self.columns) @property def num_rows(self): """Number of rows in this table. obj.num_rows is a synonym for len(obj) Returns: int: Number of rows. """ return self._nrows def _get_nrows(self): n = 0 for v in self.columns: vals = v[Fields.DATA_VALUES] if n == 0: n = len(vals) elif len(vals) != n: raise ValueError('Column "{}" length {} != {}' .format(v[Fields.DATA_NAME], len(vals), n)) return n
[docs] def get_column(self, key): """Get an object for the given named column. Args: key (str): Name of column Returns: (TabularColumn) Column object. Raises: KeyError: No column by that name. """ result = None for v in self.columns: if v[Fields.DATA_NAME] == key: result = Column(key, v) break if result is None: name_list = ', '.join(self.names()) raise KeyError('Bad column name "{}", not in ({})'.format( key, name_list)) return result
[docs] def get_column_index(self, key): """Get an index for the given named column. Args: key (str): Name of column Returns: (int) Column number. Raises: KeyError: No column by that name. """ # print('@@ get column index for name: {}'.format(key)) for i, v in enumerate(self.columns): if v[Fields.DATA_NAME] == key: return i raise KeyError('Bad column name "{}", not in ({})'.format( key, ', '.join(self.names())))
[docs] def as_list(self): """Export the data as a list. Output will be in same form as data passed to constructor. Returns: (list) List of dicts """ return self._data
[docs] def as_arr(self): """Export property data as arrays. Returns: (values[M,N], errors[M,N]) Two arrays of floats, each with M columns having N values. Raises: ValueError if the columns are not all the same length """ values, errvals = [], [] # extract columns for v in self.columns: values.append(v[Fields.DATA_VALUES]) errvals.append(v[Fields.DATA_ERRORS]) return values, errvals
[docs] def values_dataframe(self): """Get values as a dataframe. Returns: (pd.DataFrame) Pandas dataframe for values. Raises: ImportError: If `pandas` or `numpy` were never successfully imported. """ return self._get_dataframe(Fields.DATA_VALUES)
[docs] def errors_dataframe(self): """Get errors as a dataframe. Returns: pd.DataFrame: Pandas dataframe for values. Raises: ImportError: If `pandas` or `numpy` were never successfully imported. """ return self._get_dataframe(Fields.DATA_ERRORS)
def _get_dataframe(self, field): self._check_pandas_import() a1, names = [], [] a1.extend([v[field] for v in self.columns]) names.extend([v[Fields.DATA_NAME] for v in self.columns]) a2 = np.array(a1).transpose() return pd.DataFrame(a2, columns=names) @staticmethod def _check_pandas_import(): if pd is None: raise ImportError('Failed to import Pandas and/or Numpy packages ' 'at module load. Cannot return a Pandas ' 'Dataframe without Pandas.')
[docs] @staticmethod def from_csv(file_or_path, error_column=False): """Import the CSV data. Expected format of the files is a header plus data rows. Header: Index-column, Column-name(1), Error-column(1), \ Column-name(2), Error-column(2), .. Data: <index>, <val>, <errval>, <val>, <errval>, .. Column-name is in the format "Name (units)" Error-column is in the format "<type> Error", where "<type>" is the error type. Args: file_or_path (file-like or str): Input file error_column (bool): If True, look for an error column after each value column. Otherwise, all columns are assumed to be values. Returns: TabularData: New table of data """ input_file = get_file(file_or_path) csv_file = csv.reader(input_file) row = next(csv_file) names, data = TabularData._parse_csv_headers(row, error_column=error_column) for row in csv_file: # print('@@ parse csv row: {}'.format(row)) TabularData._parse_csv_row(data, row, error_column=error_column) obj = TabularData(data, error_column=error_column) return obj
@classmethod def _parse_csv_headers(cls, headers, error_column=None): """Parse a row of CSV headers which are pairs of columns like "<name> [(units)], <error-type> Error". Returns: (names, data). Names is a list of all the column names. Data is a list of property/state objects. """ if error_column: if len(headers) < 3: raise ValueError('Less than 3 columns') if len(headers) % 2 != 1: raise ValueError('Number of columns must be odd') else: if len(headers) < 2: raise ValueError('Less than 2 columns') data = [] all_names = [] # Add new item for each value/error pair in column headers column_step = 2 if error_column else 1 for i in range(1, len(headers), column_step): errhdr = '' if error_column: hdr, errhdr = headers[i], headers[i + 1] else: hdr = headers[i] m = re.match(cls.embedded_units, hdr) name, units = m.groups() if m else (hdr, '') name = name.strip() # ignore extra ws for column names if error_column: errtype = errhdr.strip().split()[0].lower() else: errtype = 'none' item = {Fields.DATA_NAME: name, Fields.DATA_UNITS: units, Fields.DATA_VALUES: [], Fields.DATA_ERRORS: [], Fields.DATA_ERRTYPE: errtype} data.append(item) all_names.append(name) return all_names, data @classmethod def _parse_csv_row(cls, data, row, error_column=None): """Add data in row to dict in data, which has the form returned by `_parse_csv_headers`. Rows are laid out like this: id, state-value1, state-error1, state-value2, state-error2, ..., \ prop-value1, prop-error1, prop-value2, prop-error2, ... The number of state-value/error column pairs is equal to `nstates`. """ rowlen = len(row) # check that the row has the right number of columns if error_column: expected_rowlen = 2 * len(data) + 1 else: expected_rowlen = len(data) + 1 if rowlen != expected_rowlen: raise ValueError('CSV row, expected {:d} columns, got {:d}' .format(expected_rowlen, rowlen)) # iterate over the values in the row, adding each to # the appropriate values in data['states'] or data['properties'] column_step = 2 if error_column else 1 for i in range(1, rowlen, column_step): value = row[i] value = float(value) if value else float('nan') # add value and error to the property column c = data[(i - 1) // column_step] c[Fields.DATA_VALUES].append(value) if error_column: error = row[i + 1] error = float(error) if error else float('nan') c[Fields.DATA_ERRORS].append(error)
[docs]class Metadata(object): """Class to import metadata. """ # generic line regular expression line_expr = re.compile(r'\s*(\w+)\s*,\s*(.*)\s*') # source line regular expression source_expr = re.compile(r'\s*(.*)\s*,\s*"(.*)"\s*,\s*(.*)\s*') def __init__(self, values=None): if values is None: values = {} self._meta = values @property def datatype(self): return self._meta.get(Fields.DTYPE, '') @datatype.setter def datatype(self, value): self._meta[Fields.DTYPE] = value @property def author(self): """Publication author(s).""" return self._meta[Fields.AUTH] @property def date(self): """Publication date""" return self._meta.get(Fields.DATE, '1970-01-01') @property def title(self): """Publication title.""" return self._meta[Fields.TITLE] @property def info(self): """Publication venue, etc.""" return self._meta[Fields.INFO] @property def source(self): """Full publication info.""" return '{},"{}",{}'.format(, self.title, def as_dict(self): return self._meta
[docs] @staticmethod def from_csv(file_or_path): """Import metadata from simple text format. Example input:: Source,Han, J., Jin, J., Eimer, D.A., Melaaen, M.C.,"Density of \ Water(1) + Monoethanolamine(2) + CO2(3) from (298.15 to 413.15) K\ and Surface Tension of Water(1) + Monethanolamine(2) from ( \ 303.15 to 333.15)K", J. Chem. Eng. Data, 2012, Vol. 57, \ pg. 1095-1103" Retrieval,"J. Morgan, date unknown" Notes,r is MEA weight fraction in aqueous soln. (CO2-free basis) Args: file_or_path (str or file): Input file Returns: (PropertyMetadata) New instance """ meta = {} f = get_file(file_or_path) got_source = False for line in f: line = line.strip() if len(line) == 0 or line[0] == '#': continue m = Metadata.line_expr.match(line) if m is None: raise ValueError('Cannot parse metadata from: {}'.format(line)) label, info = m.groups() label = label.lower() if label == 'source': meta.update(Metadata._parse_source(info)) got_source = True else: meta[label] = info if not got_source: raise ValueError('"source" is required') return Metadata(meta)
@staticmethod def _parse_source(s): m = Metadata.source_expr.match(s) if m is None: raise ValueError('Cannot parse source: {}'.format(s)) auth, title, rest = m.groups() date_match =',\s*(\d\d\d\d(?:-\d\d(?:-\d\d)))', rest) date = if date_match else '1970-01-01' return {Fields.AUTH: auth, Fields.DATE: date, Fields.TITLE: title, Fields.INFO: rest}
[docs]class Column(object): """Generic, abstract column """ type_name = 'generic' def __init__(self, name, data): = name self.units = data[Fields.DATA_UNITS] self.values = data[Fields.DATA_VALUES] self.entity_type = self.type_name if Fields.DATA_ERRORS in data: self.errors = data[Fields.DATA_ERRORS] self.error_type = data[Fields.DATA_ERRTYPE] def data(self): return { Fields.DATA_UNITS: self.units, Fields.DATA_VALUES: self.values, Fields.DATA_ERRORS: self.errors, Fields.DATA_ERRTYPE: self.error_type } def __len__(self): return len(self.values)