Source code for idaes.surrogate.alamopy.multos

# Institute for the Design of Advanced Energy Systems Process Systems
# Engineering Framework (IDAES PSE Framework) Copyright (c) 2018-2019, by the
# software owners: The Regents of the University of California, through
# Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,  National Technology & Engineering
# Solutions of Sandia, LLC, Carnegie Mellon University, West Virginia
# University Research Corporation, et al. All rights reserved.
# Please see the files COPYRIGHT.txt and LICENSE.txt for full copyright and
# license information, respectively. Both files are also available online
# at the URL "".
# These subroutines ensure compatibility across linux and windows operating systems

import os
import platform
import subprocess

[docs]def deletefile(*fname): "Deletes files" tos = platform.platform() currentDirectory = os.getcwd() if 'Windows' in tos: for name in fname: os.system("del %s/" % currentDirectory + name) else: for name in fname: os.system("rm %s/" % currentDirectory + name)
[docs]def movefile(*fname): "Moves files" tos = platform.platform() if 'Windows' in tos: for name in fname: os.system("move " + name) else: for name in fname: os.system("mv " + name)
[docs]def copyfile(outf, inf): "Copies files" tos = platform.platform() if 'Windows' in tos: os.system("copy " + inf + ' ' + outf) else: os.system("cp " + inf + ' ' + outf)
[docs]def catfile(outf, *fname): "Concatenates files" tos = platform.platform() if 'Windows' in tos: ostr = '' for name in fname: ostr += "echo " + name + ' >> ' + outf + ' & ' ostr = ostr[:-3] os.system(ostr) else: ostr = 'cat ' for name in fname: ostr += name + ' ' ostr += '> ' + outf os.system(ostr)
[docs]def has_alamo(): """Checks for ALAMO """ try: s = subprocess.check_output(["alamo"]) if b"Licensing error" in s: _alamo_ok = False else: _alamo_ok = True except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, FileNotFoundError): _alamo_ok = False return _alamo_ok