Source code for idaes.surrogate.helmet.GAMSWrite

# Institute for the Design of Advanced Energy Systems Process Systems
# Engineering Framework (IDAES PSE Framework) Copyright (c) 2018-2019, by the
# software owners: The Regents of the University of California, through
# Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,  National Technology & Engineering
# Solutions of Sandia, LLC, Carnegie Mellon University, West Virginia
# University Research Corporation, et al. All rights reserved.
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GAMS writer for the regression
import sys
from . import (

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

global props, sample, sample_ratio
props = []
sample = False
sample_ratio = 5

global num_terms
molecule, data_name, runFile = "", "", ""
constraints = 0
Combination = False
max_time = 1000
num_terms = 12
Rm = 8.314472
critT, critP, critD, M, triple, acc = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

# General
[docs]def molData(Dfluids, Dmolecule, Ddata_name, Dterms, Dmax_time): """ Passing of the Data from the main module ::module:: MPEOSDeveloperModule :param Dmolecule: Name of molecule of interest :type Dmolecule: str :param Ddata_name: Name of Data files :type Ddata_name: str. :param Dmax_time: Running time limit for the GAMS file. :type Dmax_time: int. """ global molecule, data_name, max_time, constraints global critT, critP, critD, M, triple, acc global num_terms (critT, critP, critD, M, triple, acc) = Dfluids molecule = Dmolecule max_time = Dmax_time num_terms = Dterms data_name = Ddata_name
# print "Constraints", Dconstraints # constraints = Dconstraints;
[docs]def openFile(data_name, ending=".gms"): """ Opens the GAMS file based on the data set :param data_name: name of the molecule :type data_name: str """ global textFile name = molecule + data_name + ending print("Creating file: %s" % name) try: textFile = open(name, "w") except Exception: print("couldn't open the file Something wrong") sys.exit(0)
[docs]def closeFile(): """ Closes the GAMS file""" textFile.close() print("Closing File")
[docs]def getTextFile(): "Returns name of the current textFile" global textFile return textFile
[docs]def setCombination(isCombination): "Sets the regression as multiple properties" global Combination Combination = isCombination
[docs]def getRunFile(): "Returns the gams file name" global runFile return runFile
[docs]def setNumberTerms(numterms): "Set number of basis functions allowed in regression" global num_terms num_terms = numterms
# Data Import def importData(): global props global sample, sample_ratio if "PVT" in props: DataImport.PVT(molecule, sample=sample) # DataImport.samplePVT6(molecule); #TOL if "CV" in props: DataImport.CV(molecule) if "CP" in props: DataImport.CP(molecule, sample=sample) # DataImport.sampleCP1(molecule); # DataImport.sampleCP2(molecule); # DataImport.sampleCP3(molecule); #TOL if "SND" in props: DataImport.SND(molecule, sample=sample) # GDX file
[docs]def GenerateGDXGamsFiledtlmv(): """ Generates a gams file that creates a data .gdx file Creates Combination of PVT, CV, CP, and SND GAMS file. (Titles precoded in). """ global Combination, data_name, props Combination = True LemJac = False BasisFunctions.formCustomBasis(LemJac) terms = len(BasisFunctions.coeffs) openFile(runFile) indexes = {} PVTValues, CVValues, CPValues, SNDValues = [], [], [], [] dataPoints = 0 if "PVT" in props: PVTValues = DataImport.PVTValues indexes["PVT"] = DataImport.PVTindexes if "CV" in props: CVValues = DataImport.CVValues indexes["CV"] = DataImport.CVindexes if "CP" in props: CPValues = DataImport.CPValues indexes["CP"] = DataImport.CPindexes if "SND" in props: SNDValues = DataImport.SNDValues indexes["SND"] = DataImport.SNDindexes props = indexes.keys() dataPoints = [len(PVTValues), len(CVValues), len(CPValues), len(SNDValues)] writeGamsHeaderdtl(dataPoints, terms, "", ["PVT", "CV", "CP", "SND"], indexes) textFile.write("$Offlisting\n") GAMSDataWrite.writeExp(textFile) DataToWrite = [] if "PVT" in props: for x in PVTValues: manVal = DataManipulation.PVT(x) DataToWrite.append(manVal) GAMSDataWrite.PVTdt(textFile, DataToWrite, Combination) if "CV" in props: DataToWrite = [] for x in CVValues: manVal = DataManipulation.CV(x) DataToWrite.append(manVal) GAMSDataWrite.CVdt(textFile, DataToWrite, Combination) if "CP" in props: DataToWrite = [] for x in CPValues: manVal = DataManipulation.CP(x) DataToWrite.append(manVal) GAMSDataWrite.CPdt(textFile, DataToWrite, Combination) if "SND" in props: DataToWrite = [] for x in SNDValues: manVal = DataManipulation.SND(x) DataToWrite.append(manVal) GAMSDataWrite.SNDdt(textFile, DataToWrite, Combination) textFile.write("$Onlisting\n") listProps = "" for p in props: listProps = "%s %s," % (listProps, p) for val, r in zip(indexes[p], ["G", "L", "C", "LD", "MD", "HD"]): if val > 0: listProps = "%s %s%s," % (listProps, p, r) if DataImport.isothermIndex != 0: listProps = "%s IT," % (listProps) textFile.write( "execute_unload '%sData.gdx', p, i, j, itt, delta,tau,d,t,l, %s z;\n" % (molecule, listProps) )
# GDX Header
[docs]def writeGamsHeaderdtl(num_points, terms, kset, pset, regions=None): """ Writes the GAMS file Header including the number of terms and data points as well as different thermodynamic properties. :param num_points: number of data points :type num_points: int :param terms: number of basis functions :type terms: int :param kset: what is this :param pset: what is this .. todo:: What is the kset and pset? """ # print num_points global Combination global props # print "Combination", Combination textFile.write("$offdigit\n$offsymxref offsymlist\n") if len(num_points) >= 1: textFile.write("set i /1 * %d/" % max(num_points)) for data, prop in zip(num_points, pset): if prop in props: textFile.write("\n %s(i) /1 * %d/" % (prop, data)) if regions[prop] is not None: prevx = 0 # print regions[prop] for x, r in zip(regions[prop], ["G", "L", "C", "LD", "MD", "HD"]): if x > 1: if r == "HD": textFile.write( "\n %s%s(i) /%d * %d/" % (prop, r, prevx + 1, x) ) else: textFile.write( "\n %s%s(i) /%d * %d/" % (prop, r, prevx + 1, x) ) prevx = x elif x >0: if r == "HD": textFile.write( "\n %s%s(i) /%d/" % (prop, r, x) ) else: textFile.write( "\n %s%s(i) /%d/" % (prop, r, x) ) prevx = x if DataImport.isothermIndex != 0 and prop == "PVT": textFile.write( "\n %s(i) /%d * %d/" % ("IT", 1, DataImport.isothermIndex) ) if len(DataImport.InSatValues) > 0 and prop == "PVT": # 5/9 textFile.write( "\n %s(i) /%d * %d/" % ("IS", 1, len(DataImport.InSatValues)) ) textFile.write(";\n") else: textFile.write("set i /1 * %d/" % max(num_points)) prevx = 0 if prop in props and regions is not None: for x, r in zip(regions, ["G", "L", "C", "LD", "MD", "HD"]): if x > 0: # print x # print regions if r == "HD": textFile.write("\n %s(i) /%d * %d/" % (r, prevx + 1, x)) else: textFile.write("\n %s(i) /%d * %d/" % (r, prevx + 1, x)) prevx = x if DataImport.isothermIndex != 0: textFile.write( "\n %s(i) /%d * %d/" % ("IT", 1, DataImport.isothermIndex) ) textFile.write(";\n") textFile.write("set j /1* %d/" % terms) prevx = 1 textFile.write(";\n") if Combination: propString = "Crit" for p in pset: if propString == "": propString = propString + "%s" % p else: propString = propString + ", %s" % p textFile.write("set p /%s/;\n" % propString) # textFile.write("parameters z(p, i), xijk(p, i,j, k),crit(p,i,j,k), isoT(p,i,j,k);\n parameters betalo(j), betaup(j);\n") textFile.write( "parameters z(p, i), d(j), l(j), t(j), delta(p,i), tau(p,i), itt(p,i);\n" ) else: textFile.write( "parameters z(i), d(j), l(j), t(j), delta(i), tau(i), itt(i);\n" )
# GAMS Shells
[docs]def GenerateGamsShell(): """ Generates the multiparameter equation of state regression through gams. Imports the molecule data.gdx file Creates Combination of PVT, CV, CP, and SND GAMS file. (Title precoded in). """ global Combination global data_name global props Combination = True BasisFunctions.formCustomBasis() terms = len(BasisFunctions.coeffs) openFile(runFile) indexes = {} PVTValues, CVValues, CPValues, SNDValues = [], [], [], [] if "PVT" in props: PVTValues = DataImport.PVTValues indexes["PVT"] = DataImport.PVTindexes if "CV" in props: CVValues = DataImport.CVValues indexes["CV"] = DataImport.CVindexes if "CP" in props: CPValues = DataImport.CPValues indexes["CP"] = DataImport.CPindexes if "SND" in props: SNDValues = DataImport.SNDValues indexes["SND"] = DataImport.SNDindexes writeGamsShellHeaderB(props, indexes) DataToWrite = [] print(indexes["SND"]) PVTVar = [] if "PVT" in props: for x in PVTValues: manVal = DataManipulation.PVT(x) DataToWrite.append(manVal) last = 0 PVTVar = [] for y in indexes["PVT"]: if not y == 0: Z = [x[2] for x in DataToWrite[last:y]] if len(Z) > 1: AvgZ = sum(Z) / len(Z) Z_1 = [(AvgZ - x) ** 2 for x in Z] VarZ = sum(Z_1) / len(Z) last = y PVTVar.append(VarZ) else: PVTVar.append(1) else: PVTVar.append(0) DataToWrite = [] CVVar = [] if "CV" in props: for x in CVValues: manVal = DataManipulation.CV(x) DataToWrite.append(manVal) last = 0 for y in indexes["CV"]: if not y == 0: CV = [x[2] for x in DataToWrite[last:y]] AvgCV = sum(CV) / len(CV) CV_1 = [(AvgCV - x) ** 2 for x in CV] VarCV = sum(CV_1) / len(CV) CVaad = [x for x in CV] VarCV = np.var(CVaad) last = y CVVar.append(VarCV) else: CVVar.append(0) DataToWrite = [] CPVar = [] if "CP" in props: for x in CPValues: manVal = DataManipulation.CP(x) DataToWrite.append(manVal) last = 0 for y in indexes["CP"]: if not y == 0: CP = [x[2] for x in DataToWrite[last:y]] VarCP = 1 if len(CP) > 1: AvgCP = sum(CP) / len(CP) CP_1 = [(AvgCP - x) ** 2 for x in CP] VarCP = sum(CP_1) / len(CP) last = y if VarCP == 0: VarCP = 1 CPVar.append(VarCP) else: CPVar.append(0) DataToWrite = [] SNDVar = [] if "SND" in props: for x in SNDValues: manVal = DataManipulation.SND(x) DataToWrite.append(manVal) SNDVar = [] last = 0 for y in indexes["SND"]: if not y == 0: W = [x[2] for x in DataToWrite[last:y]] if len(W) > 1: AvgW = sum(W) / len(W) W_1 = [(AvgW - x) ** 2 for x in W] VarW = sum(W_1) / len(W) last = y if VarW < 1e-5: VarW = 1 SNDVar.append(VarW) else: SNDVar.append(0) print(SNDVar) # Write Variances textFile.write("Parameter variance(p,i);\n") for var, r in zip(PVTVar, ["G", "L", "C", "LD", "MD", "HD"]): if var > 0: textFile.write("variance('PVT',PVT%s) = %f;\n" % (r, var)) for var, r in zip(CVVar, ["G", "L", "C", "LD", "MD", "HD"]): if var > 0: textFile.write("variance('CV',CV%s) = %f;\n" % (r, var)) for var, r in zip(CPVar, ["G", "L", "C", "LD", "MD", "HD"]): if var > 0: textFile.write("variance('CP',CP%s) = %f;\n" % (r, var)) for var, r in zip(SNDVar, ["G", "L", "C", "LD", "MD", "HD"]): if var > 0: textFile.write("variance('SND',SND%s) = %f;\n" % (r, var)) textFile.write("$Offlisting\n") writeConstants(terms) textFile.write("$Onlisting\n") writeDerivatives(props) writeBasisFunctions() writeEquationsAndVariablesB(props) textFile.write("\n\n******** OBJECTIVES\n\n") if "PVT" in props and len(props) > 1: writeObjectivesB(["PVT"]) writeObjectivesB(props) writeBoundsB(props) writeGamsShellFooterB(data_name, False) textFile.write("\n\n******** SOLVES\n\n") if "PVT" in props and len(props) > 1: writeModelB(500, ["PVT"]) writeCalculateIntermediates(props) writeModelB(3600, props) writeModelPostEvaluations(props) closeFile()
# GAMS Shell imports in GDX
[docs]def writeGamsShellHeaderB(pset, regions=None): """ Writes the GAMS file Header including the number of terms and data points as well as different thermodynamic properties. :param pset: list of thermodynamic properties :param regions: regions of thermodynamic property data """ textFile.write("$offdigit\n$offsymxref offsymlist\n") textFile.write("**************** IMPORT\n") textFile.write("Set jl /0*398/\n j(jl) /1*398/\n jld(j) /72*96/;\n\n") textFile.write("$Gdxin %sData\n" % molecule) setText = "Sets i" loadSetText = "$load i" for prop in pset: if regions[prop] is not None: setText = "%s, %s(i)" % (setText, prop) loadSetText = "%s, %s" % (loadSetText, prop) for x, r in zip(regions[prop], ["G", "L", "C", "LD", "MD", "HD"]): if x > 0: setText = "%s, %s%s(%s)" % (setText, prop, r, prop) loadSetText = "%s, %s%s" % (loadSetText, prop, r) if DataImport.isothermIndex != 0 and prop == "PVT": setText = "%s, IT(i)" % (setText) loadSetText = "%s, IT" % (loadSetText) # if len(DataImport.InSatValues)>0 and prop =="PVT": # 5/9 # setText = "%s, IS(i)"%(setText) # loadSetText = "%s, IS"%(loadSetText); textFile.write("%s;\n" % setText) textFile.write("%s\n\n" % loadSetText) textFile.write("Sets p /'Crit', 'PVT', 'CV', 'CP', 'SND'/;") textFile.write("\n\n**************** IMPORT BASIS FUNCTION VALUES\n") textFile.write( "parameters z(p,i), delta(p,i), tau(p,i), itt(p,i), d(j), l(j), t(j);\n" ) textFile.write("$loaddc z delta tau itt d l t\n") textFile.write("$gdxin\n\n") textFile.write("Set Crit(i) /1/;\ndelta('Crit','1') = 1;\ntau('Crit','1') = 1;\n\n") textFile.write("Parameter data(p,i);\n") for prop in pset: textFile.write("data('%s', %s(i)) = 1;\n" % (prop, prop)) textFile.write("data('Crit',Crit(i)) =1;\n\n")
[docs]def writeConstants(terms): """ Writes down the ranges of the fitting Beta value and sets regular to one. param terms: number of basis functions param terms: int """ textFile.write("Parameter betalo(j), betaup(j);\n") betalo = -5 betaup = 5 i = "j" textFile.write("betalo(%s) = %d ;" % (i, betalo)) textFile.write("betaup(%s) = %d ;\n" % (i, betaup))
[docs]def writeGamsShellFooterB(data_name, load_in=False): """ Writes the Gam Footer options, model, and display. """ textFile.write("\n\n******** GENERAL OPTIONS\n") textFile.write("option optca = 0.0001; \n") textFile.write("option optcr = 0.0001 ;\n") textFile.write("option limrow = 0, limcol =0 ;\n") textFile.write("option solprint=off;\n") textFile.write("option reslim = %s;\n" % max_time) textFile.write("option sys12 = 1;\n") textFile.write("maxexecerror = 10000;\n") textFile.write("option rminlp = baron;\n") textFile.write("option minlp = baron;\n") textFile.write("option decimals = 6;\n") textFile.write("option savepoint = 1;\n")
[docs]def writeDerivatives(props): """ Calculate and write the important derivatives of the basis functions """ textFile.write("\n\n****** Derivatives\n\n") if "PVT" in props: textFile.write("parameter PVTvec(i,j), PVTvecCV(i,j);\n") textFile.write("PVTvec(PVT(i),j)$(l(j) = 0) = d(j);\n") textFile.write( "PVTvec(PVT(i),j)$(l(j) <> 0) = d(j)- l(j)*(power(delta('PVT',i),l(j)));\n\n" ) textFile.write("PVTvecCV(PVT(i),j) = t(j)*(t(j)-1);\n") if "CV" in props: textFile.write("parameter CVvec(i,jl);\n") textFile.write("CVvec(CV(i),'0') = itt('CV',i);\n") textFile.write("CVvec(CV(i),j) = -t(j)*(t(j)-1);\n\n") if "CP" in props: textFile.write("parameter CPvecA(i,jl), CPvecB(i,jl), CPvecCV(i,jl);\n\n") textFile.write("CPvecA(CP(i),'0')= 1;\n") textFile.write("CPvecA(CP(i),j)$(l(j) =0) = 2*d(j) + d(j)*(d(j)-1);\n") textFile.write( "CPvecA(CP(i),j)$(l(j) <> 0) = 2*(d(j)-l(j)*power(delta('CP',i),l(j))) + (d(j)-l(j)*power(delta('CP',i),l(j)))*(d(j) - 1 - l(j)*power(delta('CP',i),l(j))) - power(l(j),2)*power(delta('CP',i),l(j));\n\n" ) textFile.write("CPvecB(CP(i),'0') = 1;\n") textFile.write("CPvecB(CP(i),j)$(l(j) = 0) = d(j)*(1-t(j));\n") textFile.write( "CPvecB(CP(i),j)$(l(j) <> 0) = (d(j) - l(j)*power(delta('CP',i),l(j)))*(1-t(j));\n\n" ) textFile.write("CPvecCV(CP(i),'0') = 0;\n") textFile.write("CPvecCV(CP(i),j) = -t(j)*(t(j)-1);\n") if "SND" in props: textFile.write("parameter SNDvecA(i,jl), SNDvecB(i,jl), SNDvecCV(i,jl);\n\n") textFile.write("SNDvecA(SND(i),'0')= 1;\n") textFile.write("SNDvecA(SND(i),j)$(l(j) =0) = 2*d(j) + d(j)*(d(j)-1);\n") textFile.write( "SNDvecA(SND(i),j)$(l(j) <> 0) = 2*(d(j)-l(j)*power(delta('SND',i),l(j))) + (d(j)-l(j)*power(delta('SND',i),l(j)))*(d(j) - 1 - l(j)*power(delta('SND',i),l(j))) - power(l(j),2)*power(delta('SND',i),l(j));\n\n" ) textFile.write("SNDvecB(SND(i),'0') = 1;\n") textFile.write("SNDvecB(SND(i),j)$(l(j) = 0) = d(j)*(1-t(j));\n") textFile.write( "SNDvecB(SND(i),j)$(l(j) <> 0) = (d(j) - l(j)*power(delta('SND',i),l(j)))*(1-t(j));\n\n" ) textFile.write("SNDvecCV(SND(i),'0') = -itt('SND',i);\n") textFile.write("SNDvecCV(SND(i),j) = -t(j)*(t(j)-1);\n\n") Z = (float(critP) * 1000 / Rm / float(critT) / float(critD)) - 1.00 textFile.write("parameter CRITvec(jl) ,CRITvec1(jl), CRITvec2(jl);\n\n") textFile.write("CRITvec('0') = %f;\n" % Z) textFile.write("CRITvec(j)$(l(j) = 0) = -d(j);\n") textFile.write( "CRITvec(j)$(l(j) <> 0) = -d(j) + l(j)*power(delta('Crit','1'),l(j));\n\n" ) textFile.write("CRITvec1('0')= 1;\n") textFile.write("CRITvec1(j)$(l(j) =0) = d(j)*(d(j)+1);\n") textFile.write( "CRITvec1(j)$(l(j) <> 0) = d(j)*(d(j)+1) - 2*(d(j)+1)*l(j)*power(delta('Crit','1'),l(j)) - l(j)*(l(j)+1)*power(delta('Crit','1'),l(j)) + power(l(j),2)*power(delta('Crit','1'),(2*l(j)));\n\n" ) textFile.write("CRITvec2('0') = 0;\n") textFile.write( "CRITvec2(j)$(l(j)=0) = 2*d(j)*(2*d(j)-1) + d(j)*(d(j)-1)*(d(j)-2);\n" ) textFile.write( "CRITvec2(j)$(l(j)<>0) = 2*(d(j)-l(j)) + 4*((d(j)-l(j))*(d(j)-1-l(j)) - power(l(j),2)) + (d(j)*(d(j)-1)*(d(j)-2) + (-2*l(j) + 6*d(j)*l(j) - 3 * power(d(j),2)*l(j) - 3*d(j)*power(l(j),2) + 3*power(l(j),2) - power(l(j),3)) + (3*d(j)*power(l(j),2) - 3*power(l(j),2) + 3*power(l(j),3))-power(l(j),3));\n\n" ) textFile.write("parameter ITvec(i,j);\n") textFile.write("ITvec(i,j)$(l(j) = 0) = d(j)*(d(j)-1)*(d(j)-2);\n") textFile.write( "ITvec(i,j)$(l(j) <> 0 ) =d(j)*(d(j)-1)*(d(j)-2) + power(delta('PVT',i),l(j))*(-2*l(j)+6*d(j)*l(j)-3*(d(j)**2)*l(j)-3*d(j)*(l(j)**2)+3*(l(j)**2) - (l(j)**3)) + power(delta('PVT',i),2*l(j))*(3*d(j)*(l(j)**2) - 3*(l(j)**2) + 3*(l(j)**3)) - (l(j)**3)*power(delta('PVT',i),3*l(j));\n\n" )
[docs]def writeBasisFunctions(): """ Write the values of the basis function terms """ textFile.write("\n\n********** BASIS FUNCTIONS\n\n") textFile.write("parameter base(p,i,jl);\n\n") textFile.write("base(p,i,'0') = 1;\n") textFile.write( "base(p, i,j)$(data(p,i)=1 and l(j) <> 0) = (delta(p,i)**d(j))* (tau(p,i)**t(j)) * exp(- (delta(p,i)**l(j)));\n" ) textFile.write( "base(p,i,j)$(data(p,i)=1 and l(j) = 0) = (delta(p,i)**d(j))* (tau(p,i)**t(j));\n\n" )
[docs]def writeEquationsAndVariablesB(props): """ Writes multiple thermodynamic parameter equations and constants. :param props: Array containing the available properties. :type props: array """ global constraints # properties = len(props); textFile.write("\n\n******** EQUATIONS and VARIABLES\n\n") textFile.write("binary variable y(j);\n") textFile.write("variables beta(jl), sse;\n") eqtnList = "" posVars = "" Vars = "gammaCrit, gammaCrit1, gammaCrit2" if "PVT" in props: eqtnList = "%s gammaAPVT," % eqtnList Vars = "%s, gammaPVT(i)" % Vars if DataImport.isothermIndex != 0: eqtnList = "%s ITgamma," % eqtnList Vars = "%s, gammaIT(i)" % Vars if "CV" in props: eqtnList = "%s gammaACV," % eqtnList if posVars == "": posVars = "%s gammaCV(i)" % posVars else: posVars = "%s, gammaCV(i)" % posVars if "CP" in props: eqtnList = "%s gammaACP, gammaBCP, gammaCCP, " % eqtnList Vars = "%s, gammaCPB(i), gammaCPC(i)" % Vars if posVars == "": posVars = "%s gammaCPA(i)" % posVars else: posVars = "%s, gammaCPA(i)" % posVars if "SND" in props: eqtnList = "%s gammaASND, gammaBSND, gammaCSND, omegaSND, psiSND" % eqtnList Vars = "%s, gammaSNDA(i), gammaSNDB(i), SNDomega(i)" % Vars if posVars == "": posVars = "%s gammaSNDC(i), SNDpsi(i)" % posVars else: posVars = "%s, gammaSNDC(i), SNDpsi(i)" % posVars textFile.write("variables %s;\n" % Vars) textFile.write("positive variables %s;\n" % posVars) textFile.write("beta.lo(j) = betalo(j); beta.up(j) = betaup(j);\n") textFile.write( "equations eq1, eq2, eq3, ITgamma, Critgamma, Critgamma1, Critgamma2, \n %s \n obj;\n" % eqtnList ) # eq5 textFile.write("beta.FX('0')=1;\n") textFile.write("eq1(j).. betalo(j)*y(j) =l= beta(j);\n") textFile.write("eq2(j).. beta(j) =l= betaup(j)*y(j);\n") textFile.write("eq3.. sum(j, y(j)) =e= %d;\n\n" % num_terms) # Write property equations. if "PVT" in props: textFile.write( "gammaAPVT(PVT(i)).. gammaPVT(i) =e= sum(j,beta(j)*PVTvec(i,j)*base('PVT',i,j));\n\n" ) if DataImport.isothermIndex != 0: textFile.write( "ITgamma(IT(i)).. gammaIT(i) =e= sum(j, beta(j)*ITvec(i,j)*base('PVT',i,j));\n" ) if "CV" in props: textFile.write( "gammaACV(CV(i)).. gammaCV(i) =e= sum(jl, beta(jl)*CVvec(i,jl)*base('CV',i,jl));\n\n" ) if "CP" in props: textFile.write( "gammaACP(CP(i)).. gammaCPA(i) =e= sum(j,beta(j)*CPvecCV(i,j)*base('CP',i,j));\n" ) textFile.write( "gammaBCP(CP(i)).. gammaCPB(i) =e= sum(jl, beta(jl)*CPvecB(i,jl)*base('CP',i,jl));\n" ) textFile.write( "gammaCCP(CP(i)).. gammaCPC(i) =e= sum(jl,beta(jl)*CPvecA(i,jl)*base('CP',i,jl));\n\n" ) # textFile.write("omegaCP(CP(i)).. CPomega(i) =e= gammaCPA(i)*gammaCPC(i);\n") # textFile.write("psiCP(CP(i)).. CPpsi(i) =e= gammaCPB(i)*gammaCPB(i);\n\n") if "SND" in props: textFile.write( "gammaASND(SND(i)).. gammaSNDA(i) =e= sum(jl,beta(jl)*SNDvecA(i,jl)*base('SND',i,jl));\n" ) textFile.write( "gammaBSND(SND(i)).. gammaSNDB(i) =e= sum(jl,beta(jl)*SNDvecB(i,jl)*base('SND',i,jl));\n" ) textFile.write( "gammaCSND(SND(i)).. gammaSNDC(i) =e= sum(jl,beta(jl)*SNDvecCV(i,jl)*base('SND',i,jl));\n" ) textFile.write( "omegaSND(SND(i)).. SNDomega(i) =e= gammaSNDA(i)*gammaSNDC(i);\n" ) textFile.write( "psiSND(SND(i)).. SNDpsi(i) =e= gammaSNDB(i)*gammaSNDB(i);\n\n" ) textFile.write("Critgamma.. gammaCrit =e= sum(jl, beta(jl)*Critvec(jl));\n") textFile.write("Critgamma1.. gammaCrit1 =e= sum(jl, beta(jl)*Critvec1(jl));\n") textFile.write("Critgamma2.. gammaCrit2 =e= sum(jl, beta(jl)*Critvec2(jl));\n\n")
[docs]def writeObjectivesB(props): """ Writes the objective equations for the different combination of properites and constraints """ propsString = "" for p in props: propsString = "%s%s" % (propsString, p) objString = "obj%s.. sse =e= " % propsString textFile.write("EQUATION obj%s;\n" % propsString) if "PVT" in props: objString = ( "%s + sum(PVT(i),power(z('PVT',i) - gammaPVT(i),2)/variance('PVT',i))" % objString ) if "CV" in props: objString = ( "%s + sum(CV(i), power( z('CV',i) - gammaCV(i),2)/variance('CV',i))" % objString ) if "CP" in props: objString = ( "%s + sum(CP(i),power(z('CP',i) - gammaCPA(i) - power(gammaCPB(i),2)/gammaCPC(i),2)/variance('CP',i))" % objString ) if "SND" in props: objString = ( "%s + sum(SND(i),power(z('SND',i)*gammaSNDC(i) - SNDomega(i) - SNDpsi(i) ,2)/variance('SND',i))" % objString ) if DataImport.isothermIndex != 0: objString = "%s + 100*sum(IT(i),power(gammaIT(i),2)) " % objString textFile.write( "%s + 5* power( gammaCrit,2) + 5 * power(gammaCrit1,2)+ 5* power(gammaCrit2,2);\n\n" % objString ) textFile.write("\n\n")
[docs]def writeBoundsB(props): """ Writes bounds on the variables """ textFile.write("\n\n****** Property Bounds\n\n") # textFile.write("y.fx(jld) = 0;\n") textFile.write("beta.up(j) = 5;\n") textFile.write("beta.lo(j) = -5;\n\n") if "PVT" in props: PVTVals = [DataManipulation.PVT(x)[2] for x in DataImport.PVTValues] minZ = np.min(PVTVals) maxZ = np.max(PVTVals) print("Min", minZ, "Max", maxZ) textFile.write("gammaPVT.up(PVT)$(z('PVT',PVT)>0) = %f;\n" % (maxZ * 10)) textFile.write("gammaPVT.lo(PVT)$(z('PVT',PVT)>0) = %f;\n\n" % (-1)) # textFile.write("gammaPVT.up(PVT)$(z('PVT',PVT)<0) = 0;\n"); # textFile.write("gammaPVT.lo(PVT)$(z('PVT',PVT)<0) = -1;\n\n"); if "CV" in props: textFile.write("*gammaCV.up(i) = z('CV',i)*1.05;\n") textFile.write("*gammaCV.lo(i) = z('CV',i)*0.95;\n\n") if "CP" in props: textFile.write("*gammaCPA.lo(i) = 0;\n") textFile.write("*gammaCPA.up(i) = 20;\n") textFile.write("*gammaCPB.lo(i) = 0;\n") textFile.write("*gammaCPB.up(i) = 20;\n") textFile.write("*gammaCPC.lo(i) = 1E-16;\n") textFile.write("*gammaCPC.up(i) = 40;\n\n") if "SND" in props: textFile.write("*gammaSNDA.up(i) = 50;\n") textFile.write("*gammaSNDA.lo(i) = 0;\n") textFile.write("*gammaSNDB.up(i) = 20;\n") textFile.write("*gammaSNDB.lo(i) = 0;\n") textFile.write("*gammaSNDC.up(i) = 20;\n") textFile.write("*gammaSNDC.lo(i) = 0;\n\n") textFile.write("*SNDomega.lo(i) = 0;\n") textFile.write("*SNDomega.up(i) = 120;\n") textFile.write("*SNDpsi.lo(i) = 0;\n") textFile.write("*SNDpsi.up(i) = 100;\n\n")
[docs]def writeModelB(reslim, props): """ Writes the GAMS model definition """ propsString = "" for p in props: propsString = "%s%s" % (propsString, p) textFile.write("option reslim = %i;\n" % reslim) modelName = "sse_%s" % propsString # modelString = "model sse_%s /"%propsString; eqtnList = "eq1, eq2, eq3, Critgamma, Critgamma1, Critgamma2, obj%s" % propsString if "PVT" in props: eqtnList = "%s, gammaAPVT" % eqtnList if "CV" in props: eqtnList = "%s, gammaACV" % eqtnList if "CP" in props: eqtnList = "%s, gammaACP, gammaBCP, gammaCCP" % eqtnList if "SND" in props: eqtnList = "%s, gammaASND, gammaBSND, gammaCSND" % eqtnList if DataImport.isothermIndex != 0: eqtnList = "%s, ITgamma " % eqtnList modelString = "model %s / %s/;\n" % (modelName, eqtnList) solveString = "solve %s minimizing sse using minlp;\n" % (modelName) displayString = "display beta.l, y.l;\n\n" textFile.write(modelString) textFile.write(solveString) textFile.write(displayString)
[docs]def writeCalculateIntermediates(props): """ Calculate intermediate values of properties not in the regression """ # Write property equations. if "PVT" in props: textFile.write( "gammaPVT.l(i) = sum(j,beta.l(j)*PVTvec(i,j)*base('PVT',i,j));\n\n" ) if DataImport.isothermIndex != 0: textFile.write( "gammaIT.l(i) = sum(j, beta.l(j)*ITvec(i,j)*base('PVT',i,j));\n" ) if "CV" in props: textFile.write( "gammaCV.l(i) = sum(jl, beta.l(jl)*CVvec(i,jl)*base('CV',i,jl));\n\n" ) if "CP" in props: textFile.write( "gammaCPA.l(i) = sum(j,beta.l(j)*CPvecCV(i,j)*base('CP',i,j));\n" ) textFile.write( "gammaCPB.l(i) = sum(jl, beta.l(jl)*CPvecB(i,jl)*base('CP',i,jl));\n" ) textFile.write( "gammaCPC.l(i) = sum(jl,beta.l(jl)*CPvecA(i,jl)*base('CP',i,jl));\n\n" ) # textFile.write("omegaCP(CP(i)).. CPomega(i) =e= gammaCPA(i)*gammaCPC(i);\n") # textFile.write("psiCP(CP(i)).. CPpsi(i) =e= gammaCPB(i)*gammaCPB(i);\n\n") if "SND" in props: textFile.write( "gammaSNDA.l(i) = sum(jl,beta.l(jl)*SNDvecA(i,jl)*base('SND',i,jl));\n" ) textFile.write( "gammaSNDB.l(i) = sum(jl,beta.l(jl)*SNDvecB(i,jl)*base('SND',i,jl));\n" ) textFile.write( "gammaSNDC.l(i) = sum(jl,beta.l(jl)*SNDvecCV(i,jl)*base('SND',i,jl));\n" ) textFile.write( "SNDomega.l(i) = gammaSNDA.l(i)*gammaSNDC.l(i);\n" ) textFile.write( "SNDpsi.l(i) = gammaSNDB.l(i)*gammaSNDB.l(i);\n\n" )
# textFile.write("Critgamma.. gammaCrit =e= sum(jl, beta(jl)*Critvec(jl));\n") # textFile.write("Critgamma1.. gammaCrit1 =e= sum(jl, beta(jl)*Critvec1(jl));\n") # textFile.write("Critgamma2.. gammaCrit2 =e= sum(jl, beta(jl)*Critvec2(jl));\n\n")
[docs]def writeModelPostEvaluations(props): """ Calculates thermodynamic values after the regression """ textFile.write("\n\n****************Post Evaluation\n\n") textFile.write("display gammaCrit.l, gammaCrit1.l, gammaCrit2.l;\n") if DataImport.isothermIndex != 0: textFile.write("display gammaIT.l;\n") if "PVT" in props: textFile.write("display gammaPVT.l;\n") if "CV" in props: textFile.write("display gammaCV.l;\n") if "CP" in props: textFile.write("display gammaCPA.l, gammaCPB.l, gammaCPC.l;\n") textFile.write("parameter mingammaCPA, mingammaCPB, mingammaCPC;\n") textFile.write("mingammaCPA = smin(CP(i), gammaCPA.l(i));\n") textFile.write("mingammaCPB = smin(CP(i), gammaCPB.l(i));\n") textFile.write("mingammaCPC = smin(CP(i), gammaCPC.l(i));\n") textFile.write("display mingammaCPA, mingammaCPB, mingammaCPC;\n\n") textFile.write("parameter maxgammaCPA, maxgammaCPB, maxgammaCPC;\n") textFile.write("maxgammaCPA = smax(CP(i), gammaCPA.l(i));\n") textFile.write("maxgammaCPB = smax(CP(i), gammaCPB.l(i));\n") textFile.write("maxgammaCPC = smax(CP(i), gammaCPC.l(i));\n") # textFile.write("maxCPomega = smax(CP(i), CPomega.l(i));\n"); # textFile.write("maxCPpsi = smax(CP(i), CPpsi.l(i));\n"); textFile.write("display maxgammaCPA, maxgammaCPB, maxgammaCPC;\n\n") if "SND" in props: textFile.write("display gammaSNDA.l, gammaSNDB.l, gammaSNDC.l;\n") textFile.write( "parameter mingammaSNDA, mingammaSNDB, mingammaSNDC, minSNDomega, minSNDpsi;\n" ) textFile.write("mingammaSNDA = smin(SND(i), gammaSNDA.l(i));\n") textFile.write("mingammaSNDB = smin(SND(i), gammaSNDB.l(i));\n") textFile.write("mingammaSNDC = smin(SND(i), gammaSNDC.l(i));\n") textFile.write("minSNDomega = smin(SND(i), SNDomega.l(i));\n") textFile.write("minSNDpsi = smin(SND(i), SNDpsi.l(i));\n") textFile.write( "display mingammaSNDA, mingammaSNDB, mingammaSNDC, minSNDomega, minSNDpsi;\n\n" ) textFile.write( "parameter maxgammaSNDA, maxgammaSNDB, maxgammaSNDC, maxSNDomega, maxSNDpsi;\n" ) textFile.write("maxgammaSNDA = smax(SND(i), gammaSNDA.l(i));\n") textFile.write("maxgammaSNDB = smax(SND(i), gammaSNDB.l(i));\n") textFile.write("maxgammaSNDC = smax(SND(i), gammaSNDC.l(i));\n") textFile.write("maxSNDomega = smax(SND(i), SNDomega.l(i));\n") textFile.write("maxSNDpsi = smax(SND(i), SNDpsi.l(i));\n") textFile.write( "display maxgammaSNDA, maxgammaSNDB, maxgammaSNDC, maxSNDomega, maxSNDpsi;\n\n" ) errString = "" TotErrString = "" for p in props: errString = "%s err%s," % (errString, p) TotErrString = "%s + err%s" % (TotErrString, p) errString = "%s totErr;\n" % errString textFile.write("parameter %s" % errString) if "PVT" in props: textFile.write( "errPVT = sum(PVT,power(z('PVT',PVT) - gammaPVT.l(PVT),2)/variance('PVT',PVT));\n" ) if "CV" in props: textFile.write( "errCV = sum(CV(i), power( z('CV',i) - gammaCV.l(i),2)/variance('CV',i));\n" ) if "CP" in props: textFile.write( "errCP = sum(CP(i),power(z('CP',i) - gammaCPA.l(i) - power(gammaCPB.l(i),2)/gammaCPC.l(i),2)/variance('CP',i));\n" ) if "SND" in props: textFile.write( "errSND= sum(SND(i),power(z('SND',i)*gammaSNDC.l(i) - SNDomega.l(i) - SNDpsi.l(i) ,2)/variance('SND',i));\n" ) if DataImport.isothermIndex != 0: TotErrString = "%s + 100*sum(IT(i),power(gammaIT.l(i),2)) " % TotErrString textFile.write( "totErr = %s + 5* power( gammaCrit.l,2) + 5 * power(gammaCrit1.l,2)+ 5* power(gammaCrit2.l,2);\n" % TotErrString ) textFile.write("display %s" % errString)