Source code for idaes.property_models.ideal.BTX_ideal_VLE

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# Engineering Framework (IDAES PSE Framework) Copyright (c) 2018-2019, by the
# software owners: The Regents of the University of California, through
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Example ideal parameter block for the VLE calucations for a
Benzene-Toluene-o-Xylene system.

# Chages the divide behavior to not do integer division
from __future__ import division

# Import Python libraries
import logging

# Import Pyomo libraries
from pyomo.environ import Param, NonNegativeReals, Set

# Import IDAES cores
from idaes.core import declare_process_block_class
from idaes.core.util.misc import extract_data

from idaes.property_models.ideal.ideal_prop_pack_VLE import IdealParameterData

# Some more inforation about this module
__author__ = "Jaffer Ghouse"
__version__ = "0.0.1"

# Set up logger
_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@declare_process_block_class("BTXParameterBlock") class BTXParameterData(IdealParameterData):
[docs] def build(self): ''' Callable method for Block construction. ''' super(BTXParameterData, self).build() self.component_list_master = Set(initialize=['benzene', 'toluene', 'o-xylene']) # Component list - a list of component identifiers # NOTE: User needs to update this list; can be a subset or # equal to the master component list self.component_list = Set(initialize=['benzene', 'toluene']) # List of components in each phase (optional) self.phase_comp = {"Liq": self.component_list, "Vap": self.component_list} # List of phase equilibrium index self.phase_equilibrium_idx_master = Set(initialize=[1, 2, 3]) self.phase_equilibrium_idx = Set(initialize=[1, 2]) self.phase_equilibrium_list_master = \ {1: ["benzene", ("Vap", "Liq")], 2: ["toluene", ("Vap", "Liq")], 3: ["o-xylene", ("Vap", "Liq")]} self.phase_equilibrium_list = \ {1: ["benzene", ("Vap", "Liq")], 2: ["toluene", ("Vap", "Liq")]} # Thermodynamic reference state self.pressure_ref = Param(mutable=True, default=101325, doc='Reference pressure [Pa]') self.temperature_ref = Param(mutable=True, default=298.15, doc='Reference temperature [K]') # Source: The Properties of Gases and Liquids (1987) # 4th edition, Chemical Engineering Series - Robert C. Reid pressure_crit_data = {'benzene': 48.9e5, 'toluene': 41e5, 'o-xylene': 37.3e5 } self.pressure_crit = Param( self.component_list, within=NonNegativeReals, mutable=False, initialize=extract_data(pressure_crit_data), doc='Critical pressure [Pa]') # Source: The Properties of Gases and Liquids (1987) # 4th edition, Chemical Engineering Series - Robert C. Reid temperature_crit_data = {'benzene': 562.2, 'toluene': 591.8, 'o-xylene': 630.3 } self.temperature_crit = Param( self.component_list, within=NonNegativeReals, mutable=False, initialize=extract_data(temperature_crit_data), doc='Critical temperature [K]') # Gas Constant self.gas_const = Param(within=NonNegativeReals, mutable=False, default=8.314, doc='Gas Constant [J/mol.K]') # Source: The Properties of Gases and Liquids (1987) # 4th edition, Chemical Engineering Series - Robert C. Reid mw_comp_data = {'benzene': 78.1136E-3, 'toluene': 92.1405E-3, 'o-xylene': 106.167e-3} self.mw_comp = Param(self.component_list, mutable=False, initialize=extract_data(mw_comp_data), doc="molecular weight Kg/mol") # Constants for liquid densities # Source: Perry's Chemical Engineers Handbook # - Robert H. Perry (Cp_liq) dens_liq_data = {('benzene', '1'): 1.0162, ('benzene', '2'): 0.2655, ('benzene', '3'): 562.16, ('benzene', '4'): 0.28212, ('toluene', '1'): 0.8488, ('toluene', '2'): 0.26655, ('toluene', '3'): 591.8, ('toluene', '4'): 0.2878, ('o-xylene', '1'): 0.69883, ('o-xylene', '2'): 0.26113, ('o-xylene', '3'): 630.33, ('o-xylene', '4'): 0.27429} self.dens_liq_params = Param( self.component_list, ['1', '2', '3', '4'], mutable=False, initialize=extract_data(dens_liq_data), doc="Parameters to compute liquid densities") # Boiling point at standard pressure # Source: Perry's Chemical Engineers Handbook # - Robert H. Perry (Cp_liq) bp_data = {('benzene'): 353.25, ('toluene'): 383.95, ('o-xylene'): 417.15} self.temperature_boil = Param( self.component_list, mutable=False, initialize=extract_data(bp_data), doc="Pure component boiling points at standard pressure [K]") # Constants for specific heat capacity, enthalpy # Sources: The Properties of Gases and Liquids (1987) # 4th edition, Chemical Engineering Series - Robert C. Reid # Perry's Chemical Engineers Handbook # - Robert H. Perry (Cp_liq) cp_ig_data = {('Liq', 'benzene', '1'): 1.29E5, ('Liq', 'benzene', '2'): -1.7E2, ('Liq', 'benzene', '3'): 6.48E-1, ('Liq', 'benzene', '4'): 0, ('Liq', 'benzene', '5'): 0, ('Vap', 'benzene', '1'): -3.392E1, ('Vap', 'benzene', '2'): 4.739E-1, ('Vap', 'benzene', '3'): -3.017E-4, ('Vap', 'benzene', '4'): 7.130E-8, ('Vap', 'benzene', '5'): 0, ('Liq', 'toluene', '1'): 1.40E5, ('Liq', 'toluene', '2'): -1.52E2, ('Liq', 'toluene', '3'): 6.95E-1, ('Liq', 'toluene', '4'): 0, ('Liq', 'toluene', '5'): 0, ('Vap', 'toluene', '1'): -2.435E1, ('Vap', 'toluene', '2'): 5.125E-1, ('Vap', 'toluene', '3'): -2.765E-4, ('Vap', 'toluene', '4'): 4.911E-8, ('Vap', 'toluene', '5'): 0, ('Liq', 'o-xylene', '1'): 3.65e4, ('Liq', 'o-xylene', '2'): 1.0175e3, ('Liq', 'o-xylene', '3'): -2.63, ('Liq', 'o-xylene', '4'): 3.02e-3, ('Liq', 'o-xylene', '5'): 0, ('Vap', 'o-xylene', '1'): -1.585e-1, ('Vap', 'o-xylene', '2'): 5.962e-1, ('Vap', 'o-xylene', '3'): -3.443e-4, ('Vap', 'o-xylene', '4'): 7.528E-8, ('Vap', 'o-xylene', '5'): 0} self.cp_ig = Param(self.phase_list, self.component_list, ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5'], mutable=False, initialize=extract_data(cp_ig_data), doc="parameters to compute Cp_comp") # Source: The Properties of Gases and Liquids (1987) # 4th edition, Chemical Engineering Series - Robert C. Reid pressure_sat_coeff_data = {('benzene', 'A'): 4.202, ('benzene', 'B'): 1322, ('benzene', 'C'): -38.56, ('toluene', 'A'): 4.216, ('toluene', 'B'): 1435, ('toluene', 'C'): -43.33, ('o-xylene', 'A'): 4.233, ('o-xylene', 'B'): 1548, ('o-xylene', 'C'): -51.65} self.pressure_sat_coeff = Param( self.component_list, ['A', 'B', 'C'], mutable=False, initialize=extract_data(pressure_sat_coeff_data), doc="parameters to compute Cp_comp") # Source: The Properties of Gases and Liquids (1987) # 4th edition, Chemical Engineering Series - Robert C. Reid dh_vap = {'benzene': 3.377e4, 'toluene': 3.8262e4, 'o-xylene': 4.34584e4} self.dh_vap = Param(self.component_list, mutable=False, initialize=extract_data(dh_vap), doc="heat of vaporization")