Source code for idaes.apps.grid_integration.coordinator

# The Institute for the Design of Advanced Energy Systems Integrated Platform
# Framework (IDAES IP) was produced under the DOE Institute for the
# Design of Advanced Energy Systems (IDAES).
# Copyright (c) 2018-2024 by the software owners: The Regents of the
# University of California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
# National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, Carnegie Mellon
# University, West Virginia University Research Corporation, et al.
# All rights reserved.  Please see the files and
# for full copyright and license information.
from itertools import zip_longest
from types import ModuleType

from pyomo.common.dependencies import attempt_import
from pyomo.common.config import ConfigDict, ConfigValue
import pyomo.environ as pyo
from idaes.apps.grid_integration.utils import convert_marginal_costs_to_actual_costs

prescient, prescient_avail = attempt_import("prescient")

class PrescientPluginModule(ModuleType):
    def __init__(self, get_configuration, register_plugins):
        self.get_configuration = get_configuration
        self.register_plugins = register_plugins

[docs] class DoubleLoopCoordinator: """ Coordinate Prescient, tracker and bidder. """ def __init__(self, bidder, tracker, projection_tracker): """ Initializes the DoubleLoopCoordinator object and registers functionalities in Prescient's plugin system. Arguments: bidder: an initialized bidder object tracker: an initialized tracker object projection_tracker: an initialized tracker object, this object is mimicking the behaviror of the projection SCED in Prescient and to projecting the system states and updating bidder model. Returns: None """ self.bidder = bidder self.tracker = tracker self.projection_tracker = projection_tracker
[docs] def register_plugins(self, context, options, plugin_config): """ Register functionalities in Prescient's plugin system. Arguments: context: Prescient plugin PluginRegistrationContext from prescient.plugins.plugin_registration options: Prescient options from prescient.simulator.config plugin_config: Prescient plugin config Returns: None """ self.plugin_config = plugin_config context.register_initialization_callback(self.initialize_customized_results) context.register_for_hourly_stats(self.push_hourly_stats_to_forecaster) context.register_after_get_initial_actuals_model_for_sced_callback( self.update_static_params ) context.register_after_get_initial_actuals_model_for_simulation_actuals_callback( self.update_static_params ) context.register_after_get_initial_forecast_model_for_ruc_callback( self.update_static_params ) context.register_before_ruc_solve_callback(self.bid_into_DAM) context.register_after_ruc_generation_callback(self.fetch_DA_prices) context.register_after_ruc_generation_callback(self.fetch_DA_dispatches) context.register_after_ruc_generation_callback( self.push_day_ahead_stats_to_forecaster ) context.register_before_operations_solve_callback(self.bid_into_RTM) context.register_after_operations_callback(self.track_sced_signal) context.register_update_operations_stats_callback(self.update_observed_dispatch) context.register_after_ruc_activation_callback(self.activate_pending_DA_data) context.register_finalization_callback(self.write_plugin_results) return
[docs] def get_configuration(self, key): """ Register customized commandline options. Arguments: key: plugin name Returns: config: Prescient config dict """ config = ConfigDict() # Add command line options config.declare( "bidding_generator", ConfigValue( domain=str, description="Specifies the generator we derive bidding strategies for.", default=None, ), ).declare_as_argument("--bidding-generator") return config
@property def prescient_plugin_module(self): return PrescientPluginModule(self.get_configuration, self.register_plugins)
[docs] def initialize_customized_results(self, options, simulator): """ This method is outdated. """ simulator.data_manager.extensions["customized_results"] = {} customized_results = simulator.data_manager.extensions["customized_results"] customized_results["Generator"] = [] customized_results["Date"] = [] customized_results["Hour"] = [] customized_results["State"] = [] customized_results["RUC Schedule"] = [] customized_results["SCED Schedule"] = [] customized_results["Power Output"] = [] return
[docs] def push_hourly_stats_to_forecaster(self, prescient_hourly_stats): """ This method pushes the hourly stats from Prescient to the price forecaster once the hourly stats are published. Arguments: prescient_hourly_stats: Prescient HourlyStats object. Returns: None """ self.bidder.forecaster.fetch_hourly_stats_from_prescient(prescient_hourly_stats)
[docs] def push_day_ahead_stats_to_forecaster( self, options, simulator, day_ahead_result, uc_date, uc_hour ): """ This method pushes the day-ahead market to the price forecaster after the UC is solved. Arguments: options: Prescient options from prescient.simulator.config. simulator: Prescient simulator. day_ahead_result: a Prescient RucPlan object. ruc_date: the date of the day-ahead market we bid into. ruc_hour: the hour the RUC is being solved in the day before. Returns: None """ self.bidder.forecaster.fetch_day_ahead_stats_from_prescient( uc_date, uc_hour, day_ahead_result )
def _update_bids(self, gen_dict, bids, start_hour, horizon): """ This method takes bids and pass the information in the bids to generator dictionary from Prescient. Arguments: gen_dict: a dictionary from Prescient's RUC/SCED instance that stores the generator parameters. bids: the bids we want to pass into the market. start_hour: the effective start hour of the bid horizon: the length of the bids Returns: None """ gen_name = self.bidder.bidding_model_object.model_data.gen_name def _update_p_cost(gen_dict, bids, param_name, start_hour, horizon): # update the "p_cost" element in the generator's dict gen_dict["p_cost"] = { "data_type": "time_series", "values": [ { "data_type": "cost_curve", "cost_curve_type": "piecewise", "values": bids[t][gen_name]["p_cost"], } for t in range(start_hour, horizon + start_hour) ], } # because the p_cost is updated, so delete p_fuel if "p_fuel" in gen_dict: gen_dict.pop("p_fuel") return def _update_time_series_params(gen_dict, bids, param_name, start_hour, horizon): value_list = [ bids[t][gen_name].get(param_name, None) for t in range(start_hour, start_hour + horizon) ] if param_name in gen_dict: gen_dict[param_name] = { "data_type": "time_series", "values": value_list, } return def _update_non_time_series_params( gen_dict, bids, param_name, start_hour, horizon ): if param_name in gen_dict: gen_dict[param_name] = bids[start_hour][gen_name].get(param_name, None) return param_update_func_map = { "p_cost": _update_p_cost, "p_max": _update_time_series_params, "p_min": _update_time_series_params, "p_min_agc": _update_time_series_params, "p_max_agc": _update_time_series_params, "fixed_commitment": _update_time_series_params, "min_up_time": _update_non_time_series_params, "min_down_time": _update_non_time_series_params, "startup_capacity": _update_time_series_params, "shutdown_capacity": _update_time_series_params, "startup_fuel": _update_non_time_series_params, "startup_cost": _update_non_time_series_params, } for param_name in bids[start_hour][gen_name].keys(): update_func = param_update_func_map[param_name] update_func(gen_dict, bids, param_name, start_hour, horizon) return def _pass_DA_bid_to_prescient(self, options, ruc_instance, bids): """ This method passes the bids into the RUC model for day-ahead market clearing. Arguments: options: Prescient options from prescient.simulator.config. ruc_instance: Prescient RUC object bids: the bids we want to pass into the day-ahead market. Returns: None """ gen_name = self.bidder.bidding_model_object.model_data.gen_name # fetch the generator's parameter dictionary from Prescient UC instance gen_dict =["elements"]["generator"][gen_name] self._update_bids(gen_dict, bids, start_hour=0, horizon=options.ruc_horizon) return
[docs] def assemble_project_tracking_signal(self, options, simulator, hour): """ This function assembles the signals for the tracking model to estimate the state of the bidding model at the beginning of next RUC. Arguments: options: Prescient options from prescient.simulator.config. simulator: Prescient simulator. hour: the simulation hour. Returns: market_signals: the market signals to be tracked. """ tracking_horizon = len(self.projection_tracker.time_set) market_signals = self._assemble_sced_tracking_market_signals( hour=hour, sced_dispatch=None, tracking_horizon=tracking_horizon, ) return market_signals
[docs] def project_tracking_trajectory(self, options, simulator, ruc_hour): """ This function projects the full power dispatch trajectory from the tracking model so we can use it to update the bidding model, i.e. advance the time for the bidding model. Arguments: options: Prescient options from prescient.simulator.config. simulator: Prescient simulator. ruc_hour: the hour RUC is being solved Returns: full_projected_trajectory: the full projected power dispatch trajectory. """ current_date = current_hour = simulator.time_manager.current_time.hour self._clone_tracking_model() for hour in range(ruc_hour, 24): # assemble market_signals market_signals = self.assemble_project_tracking_signal( options=options, simulator=simulator, hour=hour ) # solve tracking self.projection_tracker.track_market_dispatch( market_dispatch=market_signals, date=current_date, hour=current_hour ) # merge the trajectory full_projected_trajectory = {} for stat in self.tracker.daily_stats: full_projected_trajectory[stat] = self.tracker.daily_stats.get( stat ) + self.projection_tracker.daily_stats.get(stat) # clear the projection stats self.projection_tracker.daily_stats = None return full_projected_trajectory
def _clone_tracking_model(self): """ Clone the model in tracker and replace that of projection tracker. In this way, tracker and projection tracker have the same states before projection. Arguments: None Returns: None """ # iterate all the variables and params and clone the values objects_list = [pyo.Var, pyo.Param] for obj in objects_list: for tracker_obj, proj_tracker_obj in zip_longest( self.tracker.model.component_objects( obj, sort=pyo.SortComponents.alphabetizeComponentAndIndex ), self.projection_tracker.model.component_objects( obj, sort=pyo.SortComponents.alphabetizeComponentAndIndex ), ): if != raise ValueError( f"Trying to copy the value of {tracker_obj} to {proj_tracker_obj}, but they do not have the same name and possibly not the corresponding objects. Please make sure tracker and projection tracker do not diverge. " ) for idx in tracker_obj.index_set(): if pyo.value(proj_tracker_obj[idx]) != pyo.value(tracker_obj[idx]): proj_tracker_obj[idx] = round(pyo.value(tracker_obj[idx]), 4) return def _update_static_params(self, gen_dict): """ Update static parameters in the Prescient generator parameter data dictionary depending on generator type. For a thermal generator, the p_cost data will be via ( MWh, $ ) pairs. For a renewable generator, the p_cost is a single cost. Args: gen_dict: Prescient generator parameter data dictionary. Returns: None """ is_thermal = ( self.bidder.bidding_model_object.model_data.generator_type == "thermal" ) is_renewable = ( self.bidder.bidding_model_object.model_data.generator_type == "renewable" ) for param, value in self.bidder.bidding_model_object.model_data: if param == "gen_name" or value is None: continue elif ( param in gen_dict and isinstance(gen_dict[param], dict) and gen_dict[param]["data_type"] == "time_series" ): # don't touch time varying things; # presumably they be updated later continue elif param == "p_cost": if is_thermal: curve_value = convert_marginal_costs_to_actual_costs(value) gen_dict[param] = { "data_type": "cost_curve", "cost_curve_type": "piecewise", "values": curve_value, } elif is_renewable: gen_dict[param] = value else: raise NotImplementedError( "generator_type must be either 'thermal' or 'renewable'" ) else: gen_dict[param] = value
[docs] def update_static_params(self, options, instance): """ This method pass static generator parameters in Prescient immediately after a model is created. Arguments: options: Prescient options from prescient.simulator.config. instance: Prescient RUC object or SCED object. Returns: None """ gen_name = self.bidder.bidding_model_object.model_data.gen_name gen_dict =["elements"]["generator"][gen_name] self._update_static_params(gen_dict) return
[docs] def bid_into_DAM(self, options, simulator, ruc_instance, ruc_date, ruc_hour): """ This function uses the bidding objects to bid into the day-ahead market (DAM). Arguments: options: Prescient options from prescient.simulator.config. simulator: Prescient simulator. ruc_instance: Prescient RUC object. ruc_date: the date of the day-ahead market we bid into. ruc_hour: the hour the RUC is being solved in the day before. Returns: None """ # check if it is first day is_first_day = simulator.time_manager.current_time is None if not is_first_day: # solve rolling horizon to get the trajectory full_projected_trajectory = self.project_tracking_trajectory( options, simulator, options.ruc_execution_hour ) # update the bidding model self.bidder.update_day_ahead_model(**full_projected_trajectory) # generate bids bids = self.bidder.compute_day_ahead_bids(date=ruc_date) if is_first_day: self.current_bids = bids self.next_bids = bids # pass to prescient self._pass_DA_bid_to_prescient(options, ruc_instance, bids) return
[docs] def fetch_DA_prices(self, options, simulator, result, uc_date, uc_hour): """ This method fetches the day-ahead market prices from unit commitment results, and save it as a coordinator attribute. Arguments: options: Prescient options from prescient.simulator.config. simulator: Prescient simulator. result: a Prescient RucPlan object. ruc_date: the date of the day-ahead market we bid into. ruc_hour: the hour the RUC is being solved in the day before. Returns: None """ current_bus = self.bidder.bidding_model_object.model_data.bus is_first_day = simulator.time_manager.current_time is None DA_prices = [ result.ruc_market.day_ahead_prices.get((current_bus, t)) for t in range(24) ] if is_first_day: self.current_avail_DA_prices = DA_prices else: self.current_avail_DA_prices = self.current_DA_prices + DA_prices self.next_DA_prices = DA_prices
[docs] def fetch_DA_dispatches(self, options, simulator, result, uc_date, uc_hour): """ This method fetches the day-ahead dispatches from unit commitment results, and save it as a coordinator attribute. Arguments: options: Prescient options from prescient.simulator.config. simulator: Prescient simulator. result: a Prescient RucPlan object. ruc_date: the date of the day-ahead market we bid into. ruc_hour: the hour the RUC is being solved in the day before. Returns: None """ is_first_day = simulator.time_manager.current_time is None gen_name = self.bidder.bidding_model_object.model_data.gen_name gen_type = self.bidder.bidding_model_object.model_data.generator_type gen_type_dispatch_mapping = { "thermal": result.ruc_market.thermal_gen_cleared_DA, "renewable": result.ruc_market.renewable_gen_cleared_DA, "virtual": result.ruc_market.virtual_gen_cleared_DA, } dispatch_dict = gen_type_dispatch_mapping[gen_type] DA_dispatches = [dispatch_dict.get((gen_name, t)) for t in range(24)] if is_first_day: # self.current_DA_dispatches = DA_dispatches self.current_avail_DA_dispatches = DA_dispatches else: self.current_avail_DA_dispatches = ( self.current_DA_dispatches + DA_dispatches ) self.next_DA_dispatches = DA_dispatches
def _pass_RT_bid_to_prescient(self, options, simulator, sced_instance, bids, hour): """ This method passes the bids into the SCED model for real-time market clearing. Arguments: options: Prescient options from prescient.simulator.config. simulator: Prescient simulator. sced_instance: Prescient SCED object bids: the bids we want to pass into the real-time market. hour: the hour of the real-time market. Returns: None """ gen_name = self.bidder.bidding_model_object.model_data.gen_name # fetch generator's parameter dictionary from SCED instance gen_dict =["elements"]["generator"][gen_name] self._update_bids(gen_dict, bids, start_hour=hour, horizon=options.sced_horizon) return
[docs] def bid_into_RTM(self, options, simulator, sced_instance): """ This function bids into the real-time market. At this moment I just copy the corresponding day-ahead bid here. Arguments: options: Prescient options from prescient.simulator.config. simulator: Prescient simulator. sced_instance: Prescient SCED object. Returns: None """ # fetch the bids date = hour = simulator.time_manager.current_time.hour bids = self.bidder.compute_real_time_bids( date=date, hour=hour, realized_day_ahead_prices=self.current_avail_DA_prices, realized_day_ahead_dispatches=self.current_avail_DA_dispatches, ) # pass bids into sced model self._pass_RT_bid_to_prescient(options, simulator, sced_instance, bids, hour) return
[docs] def assemble_sced_tracking_market_signals( self, options, simulator, sced_instance, hour ): """ This function assembles the signals for the tracking model. Arguments: options: Prescient options from prescient.simulator.config. simulator: Prescient simulator. sced_instance: Prescient SCED object hour: the simulation hour. Returns: market_signals: the market signals to be tracked. """ gen_name = self.bidder.bidding_model_object.model_data.gen_name # fecth the sced signals for the generation from sced instance sced_dispatch =["elements"]["generator"][gen_name]["pg"][ "values" ] tracking_horizon = len(self.tracker.time_set) market_signals = self._assemble_sced_tracking_market_signals( hour=hour, sced_dispatch=sced_dispatch, tracking_horizon=tracking_horizon, ) return market_signals
def _assemble_sced_tracking_market_signals( self, hour, sced_dispatch, tracking_horizon ): """ This function assembles the signals for the tracking model. Arguments: hour: the simulation hour sced_dispatch: current sced dispatch (a list) tracking_horizon: length of the tracking horizon Returns: market_signals: the market signals to be tracked. """ market_signals = [] # append the sced dispatch if sced_dispatch is None: dispatch = self.current_DA_dispatches[hour] else: dispatch = sced_dispatch[0] market_signals.append(dispatch) # append corresponding RUC dispatch for t in range(hour + 1, hour + tracking_horizon): if t < len(self.current_avail_DA_dispatches): market_signals.append(self.current_avail_DA_dispatches[t]) return market_signals
[docs] def track_sced_signal(self, options, simulator, sced_instance, lmp_sced): """ This methods uses the tracking object to track the current real-time market signals. Arguments: options: Prescient options from prescient.simulator.config. simulator: Prescient simulator. sced_instance: Prescient SCED object lmp_sced: Prescient SCED LMP object Returns: None """ current_date = current_hour = simulator.time_manager.current_time.hour # get market signals market_signals = self.assemble_sced_tracking_market_signals( options=options, simulator=simulator, sced_instance=sced_instance, hour=current_hour, ) # actual tracking implemented_profiles = self.tracker.track_market_dispatch( market_dispatch=market_signals, date=current_date, hour=current_hour ) # update models self.tracker.update_model(**implemented_profiles) self.bidder.update_real_time_model(**implemented_profiles) return
[docs] def update_observed_dispatch(self, options, simulator, ops_stats): """ This methods extract the actual power delivered by the tracking model and inform Prescient, so Prescient can use this data to calculate the settlement and etc. Arguments: options: Prescient options from prescient.simulator.config. simulator: Prescient simulator. ops_stats: Prescient operation statitstic object Returns: None """ g = self.bidder.bidding_model_object.model_data.gen_name # store the dictionaries that the observed/delivered power levels observed_dispatch_level_dicts = [ ops_stats.observed_thermal_dispatch_levels, ops_stats.observed_renewables_levels, ops_stats.observed_virtual_dispatch_levels, ] for observed_dispatch_level in observed_dispatch_level_dicts: if g in observed_dispatch_level: observed_dispatch_level[g] = self.tracker.get_last_delivered_power() return
[docs] def activate_pending_DA_data(self, options, simulator): """ This function puts the day-ahead data computed in the day before into effect, i.e. the data for the next day become the data for the current day. Arguments: options: Prescient options from prescient.simulator.config. simulator: Prescient simulator. Returns: None """ self.current_bids, self.next_bids = self.next_bids, None self.current_DA_prices, self.next_DA_prices = self.next_DA_prices, None self.current_DA_dispatches, self.next_DA_dispatches = ( self.next_DA_dispatches, None, ) # update the available DA signals self.current_avail_DA_prices = self.current_DA_prices self.current_avail_DA_dispatches = self.current_DA_dispatches
[docs] def write_plugin_results(self, options, simulator): """ After the simulation is completed, the plugins can write their own customized results. Each plugin will have to have a method named 'write_results'. Arguments: options: Prescient options from prescient.simulator.config. simulator: Prescient simulator. Returns: None """ self.bidder.write_results(path=options.output_directory) self.tracker.write_results(path=options.output_directory) return