Source code for idaes.apps.uncertainty_propagation.uncertainties

# The Institute for the Design of Advanced Energy Systems Integrated Platform
# Framework (IDAES IP) was produced under the DOE Institute for the
# Design of Advanced Energy Systems (IDAES).
# Copyright (c) 2018-2024 by the software owners: The Regents of the
# University of California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
# National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, Carnegie Mellon
# University, West Virginia University Research Corporation, et al.
# All rights reserved.  Please see the files and
# for full copyright and license information.

import idaes
import os
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse
import pyomo.contrib.parmest.parmest as parmest
from pyomo.environ import *
from pyomo.opt import SolverFactory
import shutil
import logging
from collections import namedtuple
from idaes.apps.uncertainty_propagation.sens import (

# will replace with pyomo
# (Pyomo PR 1613:

logger = logging.getLogger("idaes.apps.uncertainty_propagation")

[docs] def quantify_propagate_uncertainty( model_function, model_uncertain, data, theta_names, obj_function=None, tee=False, diagnostic_mode=False, solver_options=None, covariance_n=None, ): """This function calculates error propagation of the objective function and constraints. The parmest uses 'model_function' to estimate uncertain parameters. The uncertain parameters in 'model_uncertain' are fixed with the estimated values. The function 'quantify_propagate_uncertainty' calculates error propagation of objective function and constraints in the 'model_uncertain'. The following terms are used to define the output dimensions: Ncon = number of constraints Nvar = number of variables (Nx + Ntheta) Nx = the number of decision (primal) variables Ntheta = number of uncertain parameters. Parameters ---------- model_function : function A python Function that generates an instance of the Pyomo model using 'data' as the input argument model_uncertain : function or Pyomo ConcreteModel Function is a python/ Function that generates an instance of the Pyomo model data : pandas DataFrame, list of dictionary, or list of json file names Data that is used to build an instance of the Pyomo model and build the objective function theta_names : list of strings List of Var names to estimate obj_function : function, optional Function used to formulate parameter estimation objective, generally sum of squared error between measurements and model variables, by default None tee : bool, optional Indicates that ef solver output should be teed, by default False diagnostic_mode : bool, optional If True, print diagnostics from the solver, by default False solver_options : dict, optional Provides options to the solver (also the name of an attribute), by default None covariance_n : int, optional Number of datapoints to use in the objective function to calculate the covariance matrix. If omitted, defaults to len(data) Returns ------- tuple results object containing the all information including - results.obj: float Real number. Objective function value for the given obj_function - results.theta: dict Size Ntheta python dictionary. Estimated parameters - results.theta_names: list Size Ntheta list. Names of parameters - results.cov: numpy.ndarray Ntheta by Ntheta matrix. Covariance of theta - results.gradient_f: numpy.ndarray Length Nvar array. Gradient vector of the objective function with respect to the (decision variables, parameters) at the optimal solution - results.gradient_c: scipy.sparse.csr.csr_matrix Ncon by Nvar size sparse matrix. Gradient vector of the constraints with respect to the (decision variables, parameters) at the optimal solution. - results.dsdp: scipy.sparse.csr.csr_matrix Ntheta by Nvar size sparse matrix. Gradient vector of the (decision variables, parameters) with respect to parameters (=theta_name). number of rows = len(theta_name), number of columns= len(col) - results.propagation_c: numpy.ndarray Length Ncon array. Error propagation in the constraints, dc/dp*cov_p*dc/dp + (dc/dx*dx/dp)*cov_p*(dc/dx*dx/dp) - results.propagation_f: numpy.float64 Real number. Error propagation in the objective function, df/dp*cov_p*df/dp + (df/dx*dx/dp)*cov_p*(df/dx*dx/dp) - results.col: list Size Nvar. List of variable names. Note that variables names includes both decision variable and uncertain parameter names. The order can be mixed. - results.row: list Size Ncon+1. List of constraints and objective function names Raises ------ TypeError When tee entry is not Boolean TypeError When diagnostic_mode entry is not Boolean TypeError When solver_options entry is not None and a Dictionary Warnings When an element of theta_names includes a space """ if not isinstance(tee, bool): raise TypeError("tee must be boolean.") if not isinstance(diagnostic_mode, bool): raise TypeError("diagnostic_mode must be boolean.") if not solver_options == None: if not isinstance(solver_options, dict): raise TypeError("solver_options must be dictionary.") if covariance_n is None: if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): covariance_n = len(data.index) else: covariance_n = len(data) "covariance_n omitted from quantify_propagate_uncertainty(). " f"Assuming {covariance_n}" ) # Remove all "'" and " " in theta_names theta_names, var_dic, variable_clean = clean_variable_name(theta_names) parmest_class = parmest.Estimator( model_function, data, theta_names, obj_function, tee, diagnostic_mode, solver_options, ) obj, theta, cov = parmest_class.theta_est(calc_cov=True, cov_n=covariance_n) # Convert theta keys to the original name # Revert theta_names to be original if variable_clean: theta_out = {} for i in var_dic.keys(): theta_out[var_dic[i]] = theta[i] theta_names = [var_dic[v] for v in theta_names] else: theta_out = theta propagate_results = propagate_uncertainty( model_uncertain, theta, cov, theta_names, tee ) Output = namedtuple( "Output", [ "obj", "theta", "theta_names", "cov", "gradient_f", "gradient_c", "dsdp", "propagation_c", "propagation_f", "col", "row", ], ) results = Output( obj, theta_out, theta_names, cov, propagate_results.gradient_f, propagate_results.gradient_c, propagate_results.dsdp, propagate_results.propagation_c, propagate_results.propagation_f, propagate_results.col, propagate_results.row, ) return results
[docs] def propagate_uncertainty( model_uncertain, theta, cov, theta_names, tee=False, solver_options=None ): """This function calculates gradient vector, expectation, and variance of the objective function and constraints of the model for given estimated optimal parameters and covariance matrix of parameters. It calculates error propagation of the objective function and constraints by using gradient vector and covariance matrix. The following terms are used to define the output dimensions: Ncon = number of constraints Nvar = number of variables (Nx + Ntheta) Nx = the number of decision (primal) variables Np = number of uncertain parameters. Parameters ---------- model_uncertain : function or Pyomo ConcreteModel Function is a python/ Function that generates an instance of the Pyomo model theta : dict Size Ntheta python dictionary. Estimated parameters cov : numpy.ndarray Ntheta by Ntheta matrix. Covariance matrix of parameters theta_names : list of strings Size Ntheta. List of estimated l theta names tee : bool, optional Indicates that ef solver output should be teed, by default False solver_options : dict, optional Provides options to the solver (also the name of an attribute), by default None Returns ------- tuple results object containing the all information including - results.gradient_f: numpy.ndarray Length Nvar array. Gradient vector of the objective function with respect to the (decision variables, parameters) at the optimal solution - results.gradient_c: scipy.sparse.csr.csr_matrix Ncon by Nvar size sparse matrix. Gradient vector of the constraints with respect to the (decision variables, parameters) at the optimal solution. - results.dsdp: scipy.sparse.csr.csr_matrix Ntheta by Nvar size sparse matrix. Gradient vector of the (decision variables, parameters) with respect to parameters (=theta_name). number of rows = len(theta_name), number of columns= len(col) - results.propagation_c: numpy.ndarray Length Ncon array. Error propagation in the constraints, dc/dp*cov_p*dc/dp + (dc/dx*dx/dp)*cov_p*(dc/dx*dx/dp) - results.propagation_f: numpy.float64 Real number. Error propagation in the objective function, df/dp*cov_p*df/dp + (df/dx*dx/dp)*cov_p*(df/dx*dx/dp) - results.col: list Size Nvar. List of variable names. Note that variables names includes both decision variable and uncertain parameter names. The order can be mixed. - results.row: list Size Ncon+1. List of constraints and objective function names Raises ------ Exception if model_uncertain is neither 'ConcreteModel' nor 'function'. """ # define Pyomo model try: if isinstance(model_uncertain, Block): model = model_uncertain else: model = model_uncertain() except TypeError as e: raise """ model_uncertain must be either python function or Pyomo ConcreteModel""" # check and convert (optional) covariance matrix if isinstance(cov, np.ndarray): cov_ = cov else: cov_ = cov.to_numpy() if len(cov_.shape) != 2: raise ValueError("cov must be a 2-dimensional matrix or dataframe") if cov_.shape[0] != cov_.shape[1]: raise ValueError("cov must be square") if cov_.shape[0] != len(theta_names): raise ValueError( """cov must be a n x n matrix or dataframe where n = len(theta_names)""" ) if len(theta_names) != len(theta): raise ValueError( """theta_names and theta must have the same number of elements""" ) # Remove all "'" in theta_names theta_names, var_dic, variable_clean = clean_variable_name(theta_names) for v in theta_names: model.find_component(var_dic[v]).setlb(theta[v]) model.find_component(var_dic[v]).setub(theta[v]) # get gradient of the objective function, constraints, # and the column,row names dsdp, col = get_dsdp(model, theta_names, theta, var_dic, tee) dsdp = dsdp.toarray().T # change shape, Nvar by Ntheta gradient_f, gradient_c, col, row, line_dic = get_dfds_dcds(model, theta_names, tee) num_constraints = len( list(model.component_data_objects(Constraint, active=True, descend_into=True)) ) # calculate error propagation of the objective function # = df/dp*cov_p*df/dp + (df/dx*dx/dp)*cov_p*(df/dx*dx/dp) # = (df/ds*ds/dp)*cov*(df/ds*ds/dp) # step 1. df/ds*ds/dp # [1 x (Nx + Np)] matrix df_ds = np.reshape(gradient_f, (1, len(gradient_f))) # [(Nx + Np) x (Np) ] matrix ds_dp = np.reshape(dsdp, (len(dsdp), len(theta_names))) # [1 x Np ] matrix fssp = np.matmul(df_ds, ds_dp) # step 2. (df/ds*ds/dp)*cov*(df/ds*ds/dp).transpose() # [1 x Np] x [Np x Np ] x [Np x 1] = [1 x 1] propagation_f = fssp @ cov_ @ fssp.transpose() # assert propagation_f.shape == ( 1, 1, ), """propagation_f should be a 1 x 1 matrix. Something is wrong if you are seeing this...""" # convert to scalar propagation_f = propagation_f[0, 0] # calculate error propagation of constraints # = dc/dp*cov_p*dc/dp + (dc/dx*dx/dp)*cov_p*(dc/dx*dx/dp) # = (dc/ds*ds/dp)*cov*(dc/ds*ds/dp) num_constraints = len( list(model.component_data_objects(Constraint, active=True, descend_into=True)) ) if num_constraints > 0: # gradient_c rearrange. # k_aug sparse form is [col_idx, row_idx, val] with index starts from 1 # python sparse form is [row_idx, col_idx, val] with index starts from 0 # note: variable 'row' from get_dfds_dcds includes objecive function # name. i.e, Ncon = len(row)-1 """ row_idx = gradient_c[:,1]-1 col_idx = gradient_c[:,0]-1 data = gradient_c[:,2] gradient_c = sparse.csr_matrix((data, (row_idx, col_idx)), shape=(len(row)-1, len(col))) """ # step 1. dc/ds*ds/dp # [Ncon x (Nx + Np)] x [(Nx + Np] x Np] = [Ncon x Np] matrix cssp = np.matmul(gradient_c.toarray(), dsdp) # step 2. (dc/ds*ds/dp)*cov*(dc/ds*ds/dp).transpose() # [Ncon x Np] x [Np x Np] x [Np x Ncon] # Not sure if this is correct. # propagation_c = np.sum(np.matmul(cssp,cov)*cssp,axis=1) # Updated to match propgation_f propagation_c = cssp @ cov_ @ cssp.transpose() else: propagation_c = np.array([]) Output = namedtuple( "Output", [ "gradient_f", "gradient_c", "dsdp", "propagation_c", "propagation_f", "col", "row", ], ) results = Output( gradient_f, gradient_c, sparse.csr_matrix(dsdp), propagation_c, propagation_f, col, row, ) return results
# TODO: Improve the robustness of Parmest then remove this function.
[docs] def clean_variable_name(theta_names): """This function removes all ' and spaces in theta_names. Note that the current theta_est(calc_cov=True) of parmest in Pyomo doesn't allow ' and spaces in the variable names. Once a future version of Parmest fixes this issue, this function can be depreciated. Parameters ---------- theta_names : list of strings List of Var names Returns ------- It returns the following variables - theta_names_out: list of strings List of Var names after removing all ' and spaces - var_dic: dict Dictionary with keys converted theta_names and values original theta_names """ # Variable names cannot have "'" for parmest_class.theta_est(calc_cov=True) # Save original variables name in to var_dic # Remove all "'" and " " in theta_names var_dic = {} theta_names_out = [] clean = False for i in range(len(theta_names)): theta_tmp = theta_names[i].replace("'", "") theta_tmp = theta_tmp.replace(" ", "") theta_names_out.append(theta_tmp) var_dic[theta_tmp] = theta_names[i] if "'" in theta_names[i] or " " in theta_names[i]: logger.warning(theta_names[i] + " includes ' or space.") logger.warning("The cleaned name: " + theta_tmp) clean = True if clean: logger.warning("All ' and spaces in theta_names are removed.") return theta_names_out, var_dic, clean