# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# The Institute for the Design of Advanced Energy Systems Integrated Platform
# Framework (IDAES IP) was produced under the DOE Institute for the
# Design of Advanced Energy Systems (IDAES).
# Copyright (c) 2018-2024 by the software owners: The Regents of the
# University of California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
# National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, Carnegie Mellon
# University, West Virginia University Research Corporation, et al.
# All rights reserved. Please see the files COPYRIGHT.md and LICENSE.md
# for full copyright and license information.
General purpose heat integration block for IDAES models
# TODO: Missing docstrings
# pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring
# Import Plotting and Numpy libraries for composite curves
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
# Import Pyomo libraries
from pyomo.environ import Constraint, sqrt, Expression, value, Var
from pyomo.environ import units as pyunits
__author__ = "Alejandro Garciadiego, Alexander Dowling"
# Temperature Epsilon to add or subtract 1 degree to avoid division over
# 0 in equipment not changing temperature
EpsT = 1
def min_utility(blk, heating, cooling, DTmin, eps=1e-6, DG_units=pyunits.Mwatt):
Function for Duran-Grossmann for minimization of utilities
This function adds variables and constraints to the flowsheet to
minimize utilities
blk: flowsheet
heating: Equipment that requires Heat
cooling: Equipment from which heat is being removed
DTmin: HRAT (Heat Recovery Approximation Temperature)
eps: Epsilon for smoothing operation
Constraint and variable object representing the calculation
for hot utility and cold utility
# Generate lists out of strings from Args
exchanger_list = heating + cooling
pinch_streams = exchanger_list
# Generate dictionaries out of strings to convert to pyomo objects
pinch_streamsdict = {}
coolingdict = {}
heatingdict = {}
exchangerdict = {}
for i, el in enumerate(exchanger_list):
pinch_streamsdict[str(el)] = el
for i, el in enumerate(cooling):
coolingdict[str(el)] = el
for i, el in enumerate(heating):
heatingdict[str(el)] = el
for i, el in enumerate(exchanger_list):
exchangerdict[str(el)] = el
Q = {}
for i in exchangerdict:
Q[i] = pyunits.convert(pinch_streamsdict[i].heat_duty[0], to_units=DG_units)
# Run function to fill exchanger data for pinch calculations for
# initialization of variables
exchangeData = heat_data(blk, heating, cooling, DG_units)
# Call pinch calculation for initialization of variables in PD class
PD = pinch_calc(heating, cooling, exchangeData, DTmin, eps)
# Define dictionary for addition of DTmin to heating equipment
dT = {}
for i, el in enumerate(cooling):
dT[str(el)] = 0
for i, el in enumerate(heating):
dT[str(el)] = DTmin
def T_in(blk, i):
return pinch_streamsdict[i].control_volume.properties_in[0].temperature
blk.Tin = Expression(
pinch_streamsdict.keys(), rule=T_in, doc="Inlet temperature in exchangers"
def T_out(blk, i):
return pinch_streamsdict[i].control_volume.properties_out[0].temperature
blk.Tout = Expression(
pinch_streamsdict.keys(), rule=T_out, doc="Outlet temperature in exchangers"
# Expression for cp of equipment with heat exchange
def Theta_(blk, i):
if i in heatingdict:
return Q[i] / (
* (
(blk.Tout[i] - blk.Tin[i] + (EpsT))
+ sqrt((blk.Tout[i] - blk.Tin[i] - (EpsT)) ** 2 + eps)
return Q[i] / (
* (
(-(blk.Tout[i] - blk.Tin[i]) - (-EpsT))
+ sqrt(((-EpsT) - (blk.Tout[i] - blk.Tin[i])) ** 2 + eps)
blk.Theta = Expression(
pinch_streamsdict.keys(), rule=Theta_, doc="FCp in exchangers"
# Define expression for pinch candidate temperature
def T_(blk, i):
return pinch_streamsdict[i].control_volume.properties_in[0].temperature + dT[i]
blk.T_ = Expression(
pinch_streamsdict.keys(), rule=T_, doc="Pinch candidate temperature"
# Define variable for heat content above the pinch point
blk.QAh = Var(
bounds=(1e-8, None),
doc="Heat content above pinch",
# Define a constraint to calculate the variable QAh
def rule_heat_above_pinch(blk, p):
return blk.QAh[p] == sum(
* (
* ((blk.Tin[i] - blk.T_[p]) + sqrt((blk.Tin[i] - blk.T_[p]) ** 2 + eps))
- 0.5
* (
(blk.Tout[i] - blk.T_[p])
+ sqrt((blk.Tout[i] - blk.T_[p]) ** 2 + eps)
for i in coolingdict
blk.heat_above_pinch = Constraint(
pinch_streamsdict.keys(), rule=rule_heat_above_pinch
# Define variable for heat content below the pinch point
blk.QAc = Var(
bounds=(1e-8, None),
doc="Heat content bellow pinch",
# Define a constraint to calculate the variable QAc
def rule_heat_below_pinch(blk, p):
return blk.QAc[p] == sum(
* (
* (
(blk.Tout[i] - blk.T_[p] + DTmin)
+ sqrt((blk.Tout[i] - blk.T_[p] + DTmin) ** 2 + eps)
- 0.5
* (
(blk.Tin[i] - blk.T_[p] + DTmin)
+ sqrt((blk.Tin[i] - blk.T_[p] + DTmin) ** 2 + eps)
for i in heatingdict
blk.heat_below_pinch = Constraint(
pinch_streamsdict.keys(), rule=rule_heat_below_pinch
# Define variable for Heat of hot utility
blk.Qs = Var(
bounds=(1e-8, None),
doc="Heating utilities",
# Define a constraint to solve for Qs
# Where 1E-6 is added to both sides of the constraint as a scaling factor
def rule_heating_utility(blk, p):
return blk.Qs >= (blk.QAc[p] - blk.QAh[p])
blk.heating_utility = Constraint(
pinch_streamsdict.keys(), rule=rule_heating_utility
# Define variable for Heat of cold utility
blk.Qw = Var(
bounds=(1e-8, None),
doc="Cooling utilities",
# Define a constraint to solve for Qw
# Where 1E-6 is added to both sides of the constraint as a scaling factor
def rule_cooling_utility(blk):
return blk.Qw == -sum(Q[i] for i in exchangerdict) + blk.Qs
blk.cooling_utility = Constraint(rule=rule_cooling_utility)
def heat_data(blk, heating, cooling, DG_units=pyunits.Mwatt):
Function for generating necessary data for Duran-Grossmann initialization
Allows the calculation of reactors
blk: flowsheet
heating: Equipment that requires Heat
cooling: Equipment from which heat is being removed
Dictionary for the equipment exchanging heat containing:
# Generate lists out of strings from Args
exchanger_list = heating + cooling
# Generate dictionaries out of strings to convert to pyomo objects
pinch_streamsdict = {}
coolingdict = {}
heatingdict = {}
exchangerdict = {}
for i, el in enumerate(exchanger_list):
pinch_streamsdict[str(el)] = el
for i, el in enumerate(cooling):
coolingdict[str(el)] = el
for i, el in enumerate(heating):
heatingdict[str(el)] = el
for i, el in enumerate(exchanger_list):
exchangerdict[str(el)] = el
# Generate dictionaries for information for heat data
Q = {}
T_in = {}
T_out = {}
FCp_ = {}
# Defining inlet temperature for inlet from equipment control volume
for i in heatingdict:
T_in[i] = value(
T_out[i] = (
+ EpsT
# Defining inlet temperature for utlet from equipment control volume
for i in coolingdict:
T_in[i] = (
+ EpsT
T_out[i] = value(
# Calculating FCp out of heat in control volume
# Obtains Q from equipment's control volume heat
for i, v in pinch_streamsdict.items():
Q[i] = value(pyunits.convert(v.heat_duty[0], to_units=DG_units))
FCp_[i] = Q[i] / (T_out[i] - T_in[i])
# Generate a large dictionary containing all the data obtained
# from the equipment
exchangeData = {}
for i in pinch_streamsdict:
exchangeData[i] = {
"T_in": T_in[i],
"T_out": T_out[i],
"FCp_": FCp_[i],
"Q": Q[i],
return exchangeData
def pinch_calc(heating, cooling, exchangeData, DTmin, eps):
Function for calculating heat data for Duran-Grossmann initialization
heating: Equipment that requires Heat
cooling: Equipment from which heat is being removed
exchangeData: Dictionary containing Tin, Tout, FCp and Q
for each equipment in lists
DTmin: HRAT (Heat Recovery Approximation Temperature)
eps: Epsilon for smoothing operation
PD (Dictionary containing initialized values for QAh, QAc, Qs and Qw)
# Generate lists out of strings from Args
exchanger_list = heating + cooling
# Generate dictionaries out of strings to convert to pyomo objects
pinch_streamsdict = {}
coolingdict = {}
heatingdict = {}
exchangerdict = {}
for i, el in enumerate(exchanger_list):
pinch_streamsdict[str(el)] = el
for i, el in enumerate(cooling):
coolingdict[str(el)] = el
for i, el in enumerate(heating):
heatingdict[str(el)] = el
for i, el in enumerate(exchanger_list):
exchangerdict[str(el)] = el
# Generate dictionaries to contain initialized data
T_ = {}
initQAh = {}
initQAc = {}
b = []
# Define dictionary for addition of DTmin to heating equipment
dT = {}
for i, el in enumerate(cooling):
dT[str(el)] = 0
for i, el in enumerate(heating):
dT[str(el)] = DTmin
# Calculate pinch temperature candidate
# Calculate QAh and QAc
for i in pinch_streamsdict:
T_[i] = exchangeData[i]["T_in"] + dT[i]
initQAh[i] = sum(
* (
* (
(exchangeData[j]["T_in"] - T_[i])
+ sqrt((exchangeData[j]["T_in"] - T_[i]) ** 2 + eps)
- 0.5
* (
(exchangeData[j]["T_out"] - T_[i])
+ sqrt((exchangeData[j]["T_out"] - T_[i]) ** 2 + eps)
for j in coolingdict
initQAc[i] = sum(
* (
* (
(exchangeData[j]["T_out"] - T_[i] + DTmin)
+ sqrt((exchangeData[j]["T_out"] - T_[i] + DTmin) ** 2 + eps)
- 0.5
* (
(exchangeData[j]["T_in"] - T_[i] + DTmin)
+ sqrt((exchangeData[j]["T_in"] - T_[i] + DTmin) ** 2 + eps)
for j in heatingdict
# Generate array with all possible QS
for i in exchangerdict:
b.append(initQAc[i] - initQAh[i])
# Define largest value of QS
c = max([max(b), 0.0])
initQs = c
# Calculate Qw from largest value of Qs
initQw = -sum(value(exchangeData[i]["Q"]) for i in exchangerdict) + initQs
initQw = max([initQw, 0.0])
# Fill Class with all the data to initialize Duran-Grossmann variables
PD = PinchDataClass(initQs, initQw)
PD.initQAh = initQAh
PD.initQAc = initQAc
return PD
def generate_curves(CD):
Function for plotting composite curves
CD: Class containing curve data
Composite curves
# Transform information from CD class into arrays for plotting function
# Transforms cooling equipment data
CTin = CD.Cooling_Tin
CTout = CD.Cooling_Tout
CQ = CD.Cooling_Q
CTin, CTout, CQ = np.array((CTin, CTout, CQ))
# Transforms heating equipment data
HTin = CD.Heating_Tin
HTout = CD.Heating_Tout
HQ = CD.Heating_Q
HTin, HTout, HQ = np.array((HTin, HTout, HQ))
Thot, Qhot = gen_curves(CTin, CTout, CQ)
Tcold, Qcold = gen_curves(HTin, HTout, -HQ)
# Brings Qw scalar into scope out of the class
Qw = CD.Qw
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
# Plot values for Hot streams
# Negative sign corrects for Q < 0 for hot streams
plt.plot(-Qhot, Thot, color="r", label="Hot Streams / Streams that are Cooled")
# Need to shift curve to account for the cooling utility
Qcold = Qcold + sum(HQ)
# Plot values for cold streams
(Qcold + value(Qw)),
label="Cold Streams / Streams that are Heated",
"Cumulative Process-Wide Heat Exchange [" + str(CD.Q_unit) + "]", fontsize=18
plt.ylabel("Temperature [" + str(CD.T_unit) + "]", fontsize=18)
plt.title("Composite Curves for minimum utilities", size=20)
plt.legend(loc="upper left", fontsize=14)
def heat_ex_data(blk, heating, cooling):
Function for turning IDAES heat exchanging equipment into a class for
use in plotting
blk: Flowsheet
heating: Equipment that heats streams
cooling: Equipment that cools streams
CD: Class with heating and cooling equipment as arrays
# Generate dictionaries out of strings to convert to pyomo objects
exchanger_list = heating + cooling
pinch_streams = exchanger_list
pinch_streamsdict = {}
coolingdict = {}
heatingdict = {}
exchangerdict = {}
T_units = pyunits.get_units(
DG_units = pyunits.get_units(blk.Qw)
for el in exchanger_list:
pinch_streamsdict[str(el)] = el
exchangerdict[str(el)] = el
for el in cooling:
coolingdict[str(el)] = el
for el in heating:
heatingdict[str(el)] = el
# Generate zero arrays from length of the cooling list
CHX = len(coolingdict)
CTin = np.zeros(CHX)
CTout = np.zeros(CHX)
CQ = np.zeros(CHX)
# Convert Pyomo model values into arrays
j = 0
for v in coolingdict.values():
CTin[j] = value(v.control_volume.properties_in[0].temperature) + 1
CTout[j] = value(v.control_volume.properties_out[0].temperature)
CQ[j] = value(pyunits.convert(v.control_volume.heat[0], to_units=DG_units))
j += 1
# Generate zero arrays from length of the heating list
HHX = len(heatingdict)
HTin = np.zeros(HHX)
HTout = np.zeros(HHX)
HQ = np.zeros(HHX)
# Convert Pyomo model values into arrays
j = 0
for v in heatingdict.values():
HTin[j] = value(v.control_volume.properties_in[0].temperature)
HTout[j] = value(v.control_volume.properties_out[0].temperature) + 1
HQ[j] = value(pyunits.convert(v.control_volume.heat[0], to_units=DG_units))
j += 1
# Fill class with values and arrays
Qw = value(blk.Qw)
CD = CurveData(Qw, T_units, DG_units)
CD.Cooling_Tin = CTin
CD.Cooling_Tout = CTout
CD.Cooling_Q = CQ
CD.Heating_Tin = HTin
CD.Heating_Tout = HTout
CD.Heating_Q = HQ
return CD
def gen_curves(Tin, Tout, Q):
Function to do add cumulative heat arrays
Tin: Inlet temperatures of cooling/heating equipment
Tout: Outlet temperatures of cooling/heating equipment
Q: Heat of cooling/heating equipment
Tstar: Cumulative Temperature array
NQstar: Cumulative heat array
# Q < 0 for hot streams = heat removing = cooling units
# Q > 0 for cold streams = heat added = heating units
# Ignoring edge cases for phase changes
# Shaping Temperature array
# Calls unique function to avoid repeating
Tstart = unique(np.vstack([Tin, Tout]).reshape((1, -1)))
Tstar = np.sort(Tstart[0])
# Generate vector of Tin size and Tunique
nTin = len(Tin)
nTstar = len(Tstar)
Qmat = np.zeros((nTin, nTstar))
# Generate cumulative arrays for temperature and heat
for i in range(nTin):
for j in range(nTstar):
Qmat[i, j] = linear_interpolation([Tin[i], Tout[i]], [0, Q[i]], Tstar[j])
Qstar = sum(Qmat, 0)
NQstar = Qstar.reshape(nTstar)
return Tstar, NQstar
def linear_interpolation(x, y, t):
Function to do Linear interpolation with nearest neighbor extrapolation
x: Inlet and Outlet Temperature values
y: 0 and Heat value
t: Unique inlet and outlet temperatures
Qstar: New array of Q Values
# Set the upper or lower value
if x[0] < x[1]:
lo = 0
hi = 1
lo = 1
hi = 0
# do Linear interpolation with nearest neighbor extrapolation
alpha = (x[hi] - t) / (x[hi] - x[lo])
alpha = max([0, alpha])
alpha = min([alpha, 1])
Qsta = alpha * (y[hi] - y[lo]) + y[lo]
return Qsta
def print_HX_results(blk, exchanger_list):
Function to print results of Heat Exchangers
blk: flowsheet of the equipment
exchanger_list: List of equipment to print data
Printed List
# Initialize dictionary and fill with exchanger list
exchangerdict = {}
for i, el in enumerate(exchanger_list):
exchangerdict[str(el)] = el
# initialize null dictionaries for data to be printed
Tin_ = {}
Tout_ = {}
f_ = {}
Q_ = {}
# Loop over heat exchangers
for i, v in exchangerdict.items():
Tin_[i] = value(v.control_volume.properties_in[0].temperature)
Tout_[i] = value(v.control_volume.properties_out[0].temperature)
f_[i] = value(v.control_volume.properties_out[0].flow_mol)
Q_[i] = value(v.control_volume.heat[0])
T_units = pyunits.get_units(v.control_volume.properties_in[0].temperature)
DG_units = pyunits.get_units(v.heat_duty[0])
# Print the header
print("Heat Exchanger Summary: ")
# Print Inlet Temperature, Outlet Temperature and Heat
for i, v in exchangerdict.items():
print("Heat exchanger: ", v)
print(f'Inlet T: {" "*3} {Tin_[i] : 0.3f} {T_units}')
print(f'Outlet T: {" "*2} {Tout_[i] : 0.3f} {T_units}')
print(f'Q : {" "*9} {Q_[i]: 0.3f} {DG_units}')
def unique(list1):
Function to remove not unique elements of a list
list1: List from where to obtain only unique values
# initialize a null list
unique_list = []
# traverse for all elements
for i in list1:
# check if exists in unique_list or not
if i not in unique_list:
return unique_list
class PinchDataClass:
Class containing all the initialized values for all heat Variables
def __init__(self, initQs, initQw):
initQs: Initial value of heat of hot utility
initQw: Initial value of heat to be removed by cold utility
self.initQs = initQs
self.initQw = initQw
self.initQAh = {}
self.initQAc = {}
def HeatAbove(self, data_dic):
data_dic: Initial value of heat above pinch
self.initQAh = data_dic
def HeatBellow(self, data_dic2):
data_dic2: Initial value of heat below pinch
self.initQAc = data_dic2
class CurveData:
Class containing necessary data to generate composite curves
def __init__(self, Qw, T_unit, Q_unit):
self.Qw = Qw
self.T_unit = T_unit
self.Q_unit = Q_unit
def Cooling_Tin(self, _list):
self.Cooling_Tin = _list
def Cooling_Tout(self, _list):
self.Cooling_Tout = _list
def Cooling_Q(self, _list):
self.Cooling_Q = _list
def Heating_Tin(self, _list):
self.Heating_Tin = _list
def Heating_Tout(self, _list):
self.Heating_Tout = _list
def Heating_Q(self, _list):
self.Heating_Q = _list