Source code for idaes.models_extra.power_generation.unit_models.helm.turbine_inlet

# The Institute for the Design of Advanced Energy Systems Integrated Platform
# Framework (IDAES IP) was produced under the DOE Institute for the
# Design of Advanced Energy Systems (IDAES).
# Copyright (c) 2018-2024 by the software owners: The Regents of the
# University of California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
# National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, Carnegie Mellon
# University, West Virginia University Research Corporation, et al.
# All rights reserved.  Please see the files and
# for full copyright and license information.
Steam turbine inlet stage model.  This model is based on:

Liese, (2014). "Modeling of a Steam Turbine Including Partial Arc Admission
    for Use in a Process Simulation Software Environment." Journal of Engineering
    for Gas Turbines and Power. v136.
# TODO: Missing docstrings
# pylint: disable=missing-class-docstring

__Author__ = "John Eslick"

from pyomo.environ import Var, sqrt, value, units as pyunits
from idaes.core import declare_process_block_class
from idaes.models_extra.power_generation.unit_models.helm.turbine import (
from idaes.core.util import from_json, to_json, StoreSpec
from idaes.core.solvers import get_solver
import idaes.logger as idaeslog
import idaes.core.util.scaling as iscale

_log = idaeslog.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] @declare_process_block_class( "HelmTurbineInletStage", doc="Inlet stage steam turbine model", ) class HelmTurbineInletStageData(HelmIsentropicTurbineData): CONFIG = HelmIsentropicTurbineData.CONFIG()
[docs] def build(self): super().build() self.flow_coeff = Var( self.flowsheet().time, initialize=1.053 / 3600.0, doc="Turbine flow coefficient [kg*C^0.5/Pa/s]", * pyunits.K**0.5 / pyunits.Pa / pyunits.s, ) self.blade_reaction = Var(initialize=0.9, doc="Blade reaction parameter") self.blade_velocity = Var( initialize=110.0, doc="Design blade velocity [m/s]", units=pyunits.m / pyunits.s, ) self.eff_nozzle = Var( initialize=0.95, bounds=(0.0, 1.0), doc="Nozzel efficiency (typically 0.90 to 0.95)", ) self.efficiency_mech = Var(initialize=1.0, doc="Turbine mechanical efficiency") self.eff_nozzle.fix() self.blade_reaction.fix() self.flow_coeff.fix() self.blade_velocity.fix() self.efficiency_mech.fix() self.efficiency_isentropic.unfix() self.ratioP[:] = 0.9 # make sure these have a number value self.deltaP[:] = 0 # to avoid an error later in initialize @self.Expression( self.flowsheet().time, doc="Entering steam velocity calculation [m/s]", ) def steam_entering_velocity(b, t): # 1.414 = 44.72/sqrt(1000) for SI if comparing to Liese (2014), # b.delta_enth_isentropic[t] = -(hin - hiesn), the mw converts # enthalpy to a mass basis return 1.414 * sqrt( (b.blade_reaction - 1) * b.delta_enth_isentropic[t] * self.eff_nozzle / b.control_volume.properties_in[t].mw ) @self.Expression(self.flowsheet().time, doc="Efficiency expression") def efficiency_isentropic_expr(b, t): Vr = b.blade_velocity / b.steam_entering_velocity[t] R = b.blade_reaction return 2 * Vr * ((sqrt(1 - R) - Vr) + sqrt((sqrt(1 - R) - Vr) ** 2 + R)) @self.Constraint(self.flowsheet().time, doc="Equation: Turbine inlet flow") def inlet_flow_constraint(b, t): # Some local vars to make the equation more readable g = b.control_volume.properties_in[t].heat_capacity_ratio mw = b.control_volume.properties_in[t].mw flow = b.control_volume.properties_in[t].flow_mol Tin = b.control_volume.properties_in[t].temperature cf = b.flow_coeff[t] Pin = b.control_volume.properties_in[t].pressure Pratio = b.ratioP[t] return flow**2 * mw**2 * Tin == ( cf**2 * Pin**2 * g / (g - 1) * (Pratio ** (2.0 / g) - Pratio ** ((g + 1) / g)) ) @self.Constraint(self.flowsheet().time, doc="Equation: Efficiency") def efficiency_correlation(b, t): return b.efficiency_isentropic[t] == b.efficiency_isentropic_expr[t] @self.Expression(self.flowsheet().time, doc="Thermodynamic power [J/s]") def power_thermo(b, t): return[t] @self.Expression(self.flowsheet().time, doc="Shaft power [J/s]") def power_shaft(b, t): return b.power_thermo[t] * b.efficiency_mech
[docs] def initialize_build( self, outlvl=idaeslog.NOTSET, solver=None, optarg=None, calculate_cf=False, ): """ Initialize the inlet turbine stage model. This deactivates the specialized constraints, then does the isentropic turbine initialization, then reactivates the constraints and solves. This initialization uses a flow value guess, so some reasonable flow guess should be specified prior to initialization. Args: outlvl (int): Amount of output (0 to 3) 0 is lowest solver (str): Solver to use for initialization optarg (dict): Solver arguments dictionary calculate_cf (bool): If True, use the flow and pressure ratio to calculate the flow coefficient. """ init_log = idaeslog.getInitLogger(, outlvl, tag="unit") solve_log = idaeslog.getSolveLogger(, outlvl, tag="unit") # sp is what to save to make sure state after init is same as the start sp = StoreSpec.value_isfixed_isactive(only_fixed=True) istate = to_json(self, return_dict=True, wts=sp) # Setup for initialization step 1 self.inlet_flow_constraint.deactivate() self.efficiency_correlation.deactivate() self.eff_nozzle.fix() self.blade_reaction.fix() self.flow_coeff.fix() self.blade_velocity.fix() self.inlet.fix() self.outlet.unfix() for t in self.flowsheet().time: self.efficiency_isentropic[t] = 0.9 super().initialize_build(outlvl=outlvl, solver=solver, optarg=optarg) # Free eff_isen and activate special constraint self.inlet_flow_constraint.activate() self.efficiency_correlation.activate() if calculate_cf: self.ratioP.fix() self.flow_coeff.unfix() for t in self.flowsheet().time: g = self.control_volume.properties_in[t].heat_capacity_ratio mw = self.control_volume.properties_in[t].mw flow = self.control_volume.properties_in[t].flow_mol Tin = self.control_volume.properties_in[t].temperature Pin = self.control_volume.properties_in[t].pressure Pratio = self.ratioP[t] self.flow_coeff[t].value = value( flow * mw * sqrt( Tin / ( g / (g - 1) * (Pratio ** (2.0 / g) - Pratio ** ((g + 1) / g)) ) ) / Pin ) # Create solver slvr = get_solver(solver, optarg) with idaeslog.solver_log(solve_log, idaeslog.DEBUG) as slc: res = slvr.solve(self, tee=slc.tee)"Initialization Complete: {}".format(idaeslog.condition(res))) # reload original spec if calculate_cf: cf = {} for t in self.flowsheet().time: cf[t] = value(self.flow_coeff[t]) from_json(self, sd=istate, wts=sp) if calculate_cf: # cf was probably fixed, so will have to set the value again here # if you ask for it to be calculated. for t in self.flowsheet().time: self.flow_coeff[t] = cf[t]
def calculate_scaling_factors(self): super().calculate_scaling_factors() for t, c in self.inlet_flow_constraint.items(): s = ( iscale.get_scaling_factor(self.control_volume.properties_in[t].flow_mol) ** 2 ) iscale.constraint_scaling_transform(c, s, overwrite=False)