Source code for idaes.apps.grid_integration.tracker

# The Institute for the Design of Advanced Energy Systems Integrated Platform
# Framework (IDAES IP) was produced under the DOE Institute for the
# Design of Advanced Energy Systems (IDAES).
# Copyright (c) 2018-2024 by the software owners: The Regents of the
# University of California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
# National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, Carnegie Mellon
# University, West Virginia University Research Corporation, et al.
# All rights reserved.  Please see the files and
# for full copyright and license information.
import pandas as pd
import pyomo.environ as pyo
from pyomo.opt.base.solvers import OptSolver
import os

[docs] class Tracker: """ Wrap a model object to track the market dispatch signals. This class interfaces with the DoubleLoopCoordinator. """ def __init__( self, tracking_model_object, tracking_horizon, n_tracking_hour, solver ): """ Initializes the tracker object. Arguments: tracking_model_object: the model object for tracking tracking_horizon: number of time periods in the tracking problem n_tracking_hour: number of implemented hours after each solve solver: a Pyomo mathematical programming solver object Returns: None """ # copy and check model object self.tracking_model_object = tracking_model_object self.tracking_horizon = tracking_horizon self.n_tracking_hour = n_tracking_hour self.solver = solver self._check_inputs() # add flowsheet to model self.model = pyo.ConcreteModel() self.model.fs = pyo.Block() self.tracking_model_object.populate_model(self.model.fs, self.tracking_horizon) # get the power output power_output_name = self.tracking_model_object.power_output self.power_output = getattr(self.model.fs, power_output_name) # get the time index set self.time_set = self.power_output.index_set() self.formulate_tracking_problem() self.daily_stats = None self.projection = None self.result_list = [] def _check_inputs(self): """ Check if the inputs to construct the tracker is valid. If not raise errors. """ self._check_tracking_model_object() self._check_n_tracking_hour() self._check_solver() def _check_tracking_model_object(self): """ Check if tracking model object has the necessary methods and attributes. """ method_list = [ "populate_model", "get_implemented_profile", "update_model", "get_last_delivered_power", "record_results", "write_results", ] attr_list = ["power_output", "total_cost"] msg = "Tracking model object does not have a " for m in method_list: obtained_m = getattr(self.tracking_model_object, m, None) if obtained_m is None: raise AttributeError( msg + m + "() method. " + "The tracker object needs the users to " + "implement this method in their model object." ) for attr in attr_list: obtained_attr = getattr(self.tracking_model_object, attr, None) if obtained_attr is None: raise AttributeError( msg + attr + " property. " + "The tracker object needs the users to " + "specify this property in their model object." ) def _check_n_tracking_hour(self): """ Check if the number of hour for tracking is an integer and greater than 0. """ # check if it is an integer if not isinstance(self.n_tracking_hour, int): raise TypeError( "The number of hour for tracking should be an integer, " + "but a {} was given.".format(type(self.n_tracking_hour).__name__) ) if self.n_tracking_hour <= 0: raise ValueError( "The number of hour for tracking should be greater than zero, " + "but {} was given.".format(self.n_tracking_hour) ) def _check_solver(self): """ Check if provides solver is a valid Pyomo solver object. """ if not isinstance(self.solver, OptSolver): raise TypeError( "The provided solver {} is not a valid Pyomo solver.".format( self.solver ) )
[docs] def formulate_tracking_problem(self): """ Formulate the tracking optimization problem by adding necessary parameters, constraints, and objective function. Arguments: None Returns: None """ self._add_tracking_params() self._add_tracking_vars() self._add_tracking_constraints() self._add_tracking_objective() return
def _add_tracking_vars(self): """ Add necessary tracking variables to the model, i.e., power under and over delivered. Arguments: None Returns: None """ self.model.power_underdelivered = pyo.Var( self.time_set, initialize=0, within=pyo.NonNegativeReals ) self.model.power_overdelivered = pyo.Var( self.time_set, initialize=0, within=pyo.NonNegativeReals ) return def _add_tracking_params(self): """ Add necessary tracking parameters to the model, i.e., market dispatch signal. Arguments: None Returns: None """ # add params to the model self.model.power_dispatch = pyo.Param( self.time_set, initialize=0, within=pyo.Reals, mutable=True ) large_penalty = 10000 penalty_init = {} for t in self.time_set: if t < self.n_tracking_hour: penalty_init[t] = large_penalty else: penalty_init[t] = large_penalty / ( self.tracking_horizon - self.n_tracking_hour ) self.model.deviation_penalty = pyo.Param( self.time_set, initialize=penalty_init, mutable=False ) return def _add_tracking_constraints(self): """ Add necessary tracking constraints to the model, e.g., power output needs to follow market dispatch signals. Arguments: None Returns: None """ # declare a constraint list def tracking_dispatch_constraint_rule(m, t): return ( self.power_output[t] + self.model.power_underdelivered[t] == self.model.power_dispatch[t] + self.model.power_overdelivered[t] ) self.model.tracking_dispatch_constraints = pyo.Constraint( self.time_set, rule=tracking_dispatch_constraint_rule ) return def _add_tracking_objective(self): """ Add EMPC objective function to the model, i.e., minimizing different costs of the energy system. Arguments: None Returns: None """ # declare an empty objective self.model.obj = pyo.Objective(expr=0, sense=pyo.minimize) cost_name = self.tracking_model_object.total_cost[0] cost = getattr(self.model.fs, cost_name) weight = self.tracking_model_object.total_cost[1] for t in self.time_set: self.model.obj.expr += weight * cost[t] + self.model.deviation_penalty[ t ] * (self.model.power_underdelivered[t] + self.model.power_overdelivered[t]) return
[docs] def update_model(self, **profiles): """ This method updates the parameters in the model based on the implemented profiles. Arguments: profiles: the newly implemented stats. {stat_name: [...]} Returns: None """ self.tracking_model_object.update_model(self.model.fs, **profiles)
[docs] def track_market_dispatch(self, market_dispatch, date, hour): """ Solve the model to track the market dispatch signals. After solving, record the results from the solve and update the model. Arguments: market_dispatch: a list that contains the market dispatch signals date: current simulation date hour: current simulation hour Returns: None """ self._pass_market_dispatch(market_dispatch) # solve the model self.solver.solve(self.model, tee=False) self.record_results(date=date, hour=hour) # update the model profiles = self.tracking_model_object.get_implemented_profile( b=self.model.fs, last_implemented_time_step=self.n_tracking_hour - 1 ) self._record_daily_stats(profiles) return profiles
def _record_daily_stats(self, profiles): """ Record the stats that are used to update the model in the past 24 hours. Arguments: profiles: the newly implemented stats. {stat_name: [...]} Returns: None """ if self.daily_stats is None: self.daily_stats = profiles else: for k in self.daily_stats: self.daily_stats[k] += profiles[k] for v in self.daily_stats.values(): while len(v) >= 24: v.popleft() return def _pass_market_dispatch(self, market_dispatch): """ Pass the received market signals into model parameters. Arguments: market_dispatch: a list that contains the market dispatch signals Returns: None """ for t in self.time_set: try: dispatch = market_dispatch[t] except IndexError: self.model.tracking_dispatch_constraints[t].deactivate() else: self.model.power_dispatch[t] = dispatch self.model.tracking_dispatch_constraints[t].activate() return
[docs] def get_last_delivered_power(self): """ Returns the last delivered power output. Arguments: None Returns: None """ return self.tracking_model_object.get_last_delivered_power( b=self.model.fs, last_implemented_time_step=self.n_tracking_hour - 1 )
def _record_tracker_results(self, **kwargs): """ Record the tracker stats. Arguments: kwargs: key word arguments that can be passed into tracking model object's record result function. Returns: None """ df_list = [] for t in self.time_set: result_dict = {} result_dict["Date"] = kwargs["date"] result_dict["Hour"] = kwargs["hour"] result_dict["Horizon [hr]"] = int(t) result_dict["Power Dispatch [MW]"] = round( pyo.value(self.model.power_dispatch[t]), 2 ) result_dict["Power Output [MW]"] = round(pyo.value(self.power_output[t]), 2) result_dict["Power Underdelivered [MW]"] = round( pyo.value(self.model.power_underdelivered[t]), 2 ) result_dict["Power Overdelivered [MW]"] = round( pyo.value(self.model.power_overdelivered[t]), 2 ) result_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(result_dict, orient="index") df_list.append(result_df.T) # append to result list self.result_list.append(pd.concat(df_list))
[docs] def record_results(self, **kwargs): """ Record the operations stats for the model. Arguments: kwargs: key word arguments that can be passed into tracking model object's record result function. Returns: None """ # record tracker details self._record_tracker_results(**kwargs) # tracking model details self.tracking_model_object.record_results(self.model.fs, **kwargs)
[docs] def write_results(self, path): """ This methods writes the saved operation stats into an csv file. Arguments: path: the path to write the results. Return: None """ print("") print("Saving tracking results to disk...") pd.concat(self.result_list).to_csv( os.path.join(path, "tracker_detail.csv"), index=False ) self.tracking_model_object.write_results( path=os.path.join(path, "tracking_model_detail.csv") )