Source code for

# The Institute for the Design of Advanced Energy Systems Integrated Platform
# Framework (IDAES IP) was produced under the DOE Institute for the
# Design of Advanced Energy Systems (IDAES).
# Copyright (c) 2018-2024 by the software owners: The Regents of the
# University of California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
# National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, Carnegie Mellon
# University, West Virginia University Research Corporation, et al.
# All rights reserved.  Please see the files and
# for full copyright and license information.
"""This module gets the path of parameters files

__author__ = "John Eslick"

import os
import re
import json

from pyomo.common.fileutils import this_file_dir

import idaes
from import (

[docs] def get_parameter_path(): """Get the parameter file path Args: None Returns: str: path for parameter files """ pth = if pth is None: pth = this_file_dir() return pth
[docs] def set_parameter_path(path): """Set the parameter file path, and register components found there. Args: path (str): Parameter file path Returns: None """ = path
def auto_register(): """Search the parameter file path for available components and register them""" pth = get_parameter_path() clear_component_registry() lst = os.listdir(pth) eos_set = set() # list of components with EOS st_set = set() # list of components with surface tension tcx_set = set() # list of components with thermal conductivity visc_set = set() # list of components with viscosity for fname in lst: rematch = re.fullmatch(r"(.*)_expressions_(.*).nl", fname) if rematch: comp = rematch.groups()[0] expr = rematch.groups()[1] if expr == "eos": eos_set.add(rematch.groups()[0]) elif expr == "st": st_set.add(rematch.groups()[0]) elif expr == "tcx": tcx_set.add(rematch.groups()[0]) elif expr == "visc": visc_set.add(rematch.groups()[0]) else: rematch = re.fullmatch(r"(.*).json", fname) eos_ref = None thermal_conductivity_ref = None viscosity_ref = None surface_tension_ref = None if rematch: with open(os.path.join(pth, fname), "r", encoding="utf-8") as fptr: dct = json.load(fptr) try: eos_ref = dct["eos"]["reference"] if isinstance(eos_ref, list): eos_ref = "\n".join(eos_ref) except KeyError: eos_ref = None try: thermal_conductivity_ref = dct["transport"]["thermal_conductivity"][ "reference" ] if isinstance(thermal_conductivity_ref, list): thermal_conductivity_ref = "\n".join(eos_ref) except KeyError: thermal_conductivity_ref = None try: thermal_conductivity_ref = dct["transport"]["viscosity"][ "reference" ] if isinstance(viscosity_ref, list): viscosity_ref = "\n".join(eos_ref) except KeyError: viscosity_ref = None try: surface_tension_ref = dct["transport"]["surface_tension"][ "reference" ] if isinstance(surface_tension_ref, list): surface_tension_ref = "\n".join(eos_ref) except KeyError: surface_tension_ref = None for comp in eos_set: register_helmholtz_component( comp, viscosity=comp in visc_set, thermal_conductivity=comp in tcx_set, surface_tension=comp in st_set, viscosity_ref=viscosity_ref, thermal_conductivity_ref=thermal_conductivity_ref, surface_tension_ref=surface_tension_ref, )