Source code for

# The Institute for the Design of Advanced Energy Systems Integrated Platform
# Framework (IDAES IP) was produced under the DOE Institute for the
# Design of Advanced Energy Systems (IDAES).
# Copyright (c) 2018-2024 by the software owners: The Regents of the
# University of California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
# National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, Carnegie Mellon
# University, West Virginia University Research Corporation, et al.
# All rights reserved.  Please see the files and
# for full copyright and license information.
Tool to interrogate IDAES flowsheets and list the reaction properties
required to simulate it.
import sys

# Import Pyomo libraries
from pyomo.environ import Set, Var, units as pyunits

# Import IDAES cores
from idaes.core import (
import idaes.logger as idaeslog

# Some more information about this module
__author__ = "Andrew Lee"

# Set up logger
_log = idaeslog.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] @declare_process_block_class("ReactionInterrogatorBlock") class ReactionInterrogatorData(ReactionParameterBlock): """ Interrogator Parameter Block Class This class contains the methods and attributes for recording and displaying the reaction properties required by the flowsheet. """
[docs] def build(self): """ Callable method for Block construction. """ super(ReactionInterrogatorData, self).build() self._reaction_block_class = InterrogatorReactionBlock # List of valid phases in property package p_list = [] for p in self.config.property_package.phase_list: p_list.append(p) self.phase_list = Set(initialize=p_list) # Component list - a list of component identifiers c_list = [] for j in self.config.property_package.component_list: c_list.append(j) self.component_list = Set(initialize=c_list) # Set up dict to record property calls self.required_properties = {} # Dummy reaction definition # Reaction Index self.rate_reaction_idx = Set(initialize=["R1"]) # Reaction Stoichiometry - fake the dict with all 1's self.rate_reaction_stoichiometry = {} for p in p_list: for j in c_list: self.rate_reaction_stoichiometry[("R1", p, j)] = 1
[docs] def list_required_properties(self): """ Method to list all reaction properties required by the flowsheet. Args: None Returns: A list of properties required """ return list(self.required_properties)
[docs] def list_models_requiring_property(self, prop): """ Method to list all models in the flowsheet requiring the given property. Args: prop : the property of interest Returns: A list of unit model names which require prop """ try: return self.required_properties[prop] except KeyError: raise KeyError( "Property {} does not appear in required_properties. " "Please check the spelling of the property that you are " "interested in.".format(prop) )
[docs] def list_properties_required_by_model(self, model): """ Method to list all reaction properties required by a given unit model. Args: model : the unit model of interest. Can be given as either a model component or the unit name as a string Returns: A list of reaction properties required by model """ prop_list = [] if not isinstance(model, str): model = for k, v in self.required_properties.items(): if model in v: prop_list.append(k) if len(prop_list) < 1: raise ValueError( "Model {} does not appear in the flowsheet. Please check " "the spelling of the model provided." ) else: return prop_list
[docs] def print_required_properties(self, ostream=None): """ Method to print a summary of the reaction properties required by the flowsheet. Args: ostream : output stream to print to. If not provided will print to sys.stdout Returns: None """ if ostream is None: ostream = sys.stdout # Write header max_str_length = 74 tab = " " * 4 ostream.write("\n" + "=" * max_str_length + "\n") ostream.write("Reaction Property Interrogator Summary" + "\n") ostream.write( "\n" + "The Flowsheet requires the following reaction properties " + "(times required):" + "\n" + "\n" ) for k, v in self.required_properties.items(): lead_str = tab + k trail_str = str(len(v)) mid_str = " " * (max_str_length - len(lead_str) - len(trail_str)) ostream.write(lead_str + mid_str + trail_str + "\n") ostream.write( "\n" + "Note: User constraints may require additional properties " + "which are not" + "\n" + "reported here." + "\n" )
[docs] def print_models_requiring_property(self, prop, ostream=None): """ Method to print a summary of the models in the flowsheet requiring a given property. Args: prop : the property of interest. ostream : output stream to print to. If not provided will print to sys.stdout Returns: None """ if ostream is None: ostream = sys.stdout tab = " " * 4 ostream.write("\n") ostream.write( f"The following models in the Flowsheet " f"require {prop}:" + "\n" ) for m in self.required_properties[prop]: ostream.write(tab + m + "\n")
[docs] def print_properties_required_by_model(self, model, ostream=None): """ Method to print a summary of the reaction properties required by a given unit model. Args: model : the unit model of interest. ostream : output stream to print to. If not provided will print to sys.stdout Returns: None """ if not isinstance(model, str): model = if ostream is None: ostream = sys.stdout tab = " " * 4 ostream.write("\n") ostream.write( f"The following reaction properties are required by " f"model {model}:" + "\n" ) for m in self.list_properties_required_by_model(model): ostream.write(tab + m + "\n")
[docs] @classmethod def define_metadata(cls, obj): obj.add_default_units( { "time": pyunits.s, "length": pyunits.m, "mass":, "amount": pyunits.mol, "temperature": pyunits.K, } )
class _InterrogatorReactionBlock(ReactionBlockBase): """ This Class contains methods which should be applied to Reaction Blocks as a whole, rather than individual elements of indexed Reaction Blocks. """ def initialize(blk, *args, **kwargs): """ Dummy initialization routine, This will raise an TypeError if a user tries to initialize a model using the Interrogator Reaction Package and tell them that the model cannot be solved. """ raise TypeError( "Models constructed using the Reaction Interrogator package " "cannot be used to solve a flowsheet. Please rebuild your " "flowsheet using a valid reaction package." ) @declare_process_block_class( "InterrogatorReactionBlock", block_class=_InterrogatorReactionBlock ) class InterrogatorReactionBlockData(ReactionBlockDataBase): """ A dummy reaction block for interrogating flowsheets and recording reaction properties called for during construction. """ def build(self): """ Callable method for Block construction """ super(InterrogatorReactionBlockData, self).build() # Add dummy vars for returning expressions self._dummy_var = Var(initialize=1) self._dummy_var_phase = Var(self.params.phase_list, initialize=1) self._dummy_var_comp = Var(self.params.component_list, initialize=1) self._dummy_var_phase_comp = Var( self.params.phase_list, self.params.component_list, initialize=1 ) self._dummy_reaction_idx = Var(self.params.rate_reaction_idx, initialize=1) # Set default values for required attributes so construction doesn't fail def get_reaction_rate_basis(b): return MaterialFlowBasis.molar def __getattr__(self, prop): """ Overload getattr to log each call for an unknown attribute, assuming these are all properties. Then, return a dummy variable with the correct indexing set. """ # Log call self._log_call(prop) # Return dummy var if prop in ["reaction_rate", "dh_rxn"]: return self._dummy_reaction_idx elif prop.endswith("_phase_comp"): return self._dummy_var_phase_comp elif prop.endswith("_phase"): return self._dummy_var_phase elif prop.endswith("_comp"): return self._dummy_var_comp else: return self._dummy_var def _log_call(self, prop): """ Method to log calls for properties in required_properties dict """ # Get the required_properties dict from parameter block prop_dict = self.params.required_properties # Get name of parent unit to record in required_properties name = self._get_parent_unit_name() try: # If name is not listed for current property, add to list if name not in prop_dict[prop]: prop_dict[prop].append(name) except KeyError: # If a KeyError occurs, it means property has not been logged # before, so add new entry to dict prop_dict[prop] = [name] def _get_parent_unit_name(self): """ Method to find the parent unit of the current StateBlock (if one exists) and return this so it can be logged as in required_properties. If current StateBlock has no parent unit, it is a stand-alone StateBlock, so log the name of this instead. """ # Start with current block (i.e. a StateBlock) parent = self # Search up the parent tree until we find a UnitModel or top of tree while True: if isinstance(parent, UnitModelBlockData): # If parent is a UnitModel, we have found our target # Return parent name return else: if parent.parent_block() is None: # Check if the parent object has no parent, i.e. is top of # tree. If so, we are dealling with a stand-alone # StateBlock. # Return name of parent_component to strip indices return self.parent_component().name else: # Otherwise continue searching up tree parent = parent.parent_block()