Source code for

# The Institute for the Design of Advanced Energy Systems Integrated Platform
# Framework (IDAES IP) was produced under the DOE Institute for the
# Design of Advanced Energy Systems (IDAES).
# Copyright (c) 2018-2024 by the software owners: The Regents of the
# University of California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
# National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, Carnegie Mellon
# University, West Virginia University Research Corporation, et al.
# All rights reserved.  Please see the files and
# for full copyright and license information.
Framework for generic property packages
# TODO: Pylint complains about variables with _x names as they are built by sub-classes
# pylint: disable=protected-access

# Import Pyomo libraries
from pyomo.environ import (
    units as pyunits,
from pyomo.common.config import ConfigBlock, ConfigDict, ConfigValue, In, Bool
from pyomo.util.calc_var_value import calculate_variable_from_constraint

# Import IDAES cores
from idaes.core import (
from idaes.core.base.components import Component, __all_components__
from idaes.core.base.phases import (
from idaes.core.util.initialization import (
from idaes.core.util.model_statistics import (
from idaes.core.util.exceptions import (
from idaes.core.util.misc import add_object_reference
from idaes.core.solvers import get_solver
import idaes.logger as idaeslog
import idaes.core.util.scaling as iscale
from idaes.core.initialization.initializer_base import InitializerBase

from import (
from import (
from import (
from import HenryType

# Set up logger
_log = idaeslog.getLogger(__name__)

def set_param_value(b, param, units):
    """Set parameter values from user provided dict"""
    # We cannot use the standard method in core.util.misc as here the parameter
    # data is directly attached to the config block, rather than in a parameter
    # data entry.
    param_obj = getattr(b, param)
    config = getattr(b.config, param)
    if isinstance(config, tuple):
        param_obj.value = pyunits.convert_value(
            config[0], from_units=config[1], to_units=units
            "{} no units provided for parameter {} - assuming default "
            "units".format(, param)
        param_obj.value = config

# TODO: Set a default state definition
# TODO: Need way to dynamically determine units of measurement....
class GenericParameterData(PhysicalParameterBlock):
    General Property Parameter Block Class

    CONFIG = PhysicalParameterBlock.CONFIG()

    # General options
            description="Dictionary of components in material",
            doc="""A dict of the components of interest in the mixture.
        Keys are component names and values are configuration arguments to
        be passed to Component on construction.
            description="Dictionary of phases of interest",
            doc="""A dict of the phases of interest in the mixture.
        Keys are phases names and values are configuration arguments to
        be passed to Phase on construction.

    # TODO : Should we allow different state variables in each phase?
            # default=FPhx,
            description="Choice of State Variables",
            doc="""Flag indicating the set of state variables to use for property
        package. Values should be a valid Python method which creates the
        required state variables.""",
            description="Bounds for state variables",
            doc="""A dict containing bounds to use for state variables.""",
            doc="Index state variables by true or apparent components",
            description="Argument indicating whether the true or apparent species "
            "set should be used for indexing state variables. Must be "
            "StateIndex.true or StateIndex.apparent.",

    # Reference State
        "pressure_ref", ConfigValue(description="Pressure at reference state")
        "temperature_ref", ConfigValue(description="Temperature at reference state")

    # Phase equilibrium config arguments
            description="List of phase pairs which are in equilibrium",
            doc="""List of phase pairs for which equilibrium constraints should be
        constructed. Values should be a 2-tuples containing valid phase
        names. Default = None.""",
            description="Formulation to use when calculating equilibrium state",
            doc="""Method to use for calculating phase equilibrium state and
        how to handle disappearing phases. Value should be a valid Python
        method or None. Default = None, indicating no phase equilibrium will

    # Bubble and dew point methods
            description="Method to use to calculate bubble and dew points",
            doc="""Flag indicating what formulation to use for calculating bubble
        and dew points. Value should be a valid Python class.""",

    # General parameter data dict
            description="Dict containing initialization data for parameters",

    # Base units of measurement
            description="Base units for property package",
            doc="Dict containing definition of base units of measurement to use "
            "with property package.",

    # Property package options
            description="Include enthalpy of formation in property calculations",
            doc="Flag indicating whether enthalpy of formation should be included"
            " when calculating specific enthalpies.",

    # Config arguments for inherent reactions
            doc="Basis of reactions",
            description="Argument indicating basis of reaction terms. Should be "
            "an instance of a MaterialFlowBasis Enum",

        ConfigBlock(implicit=True, implicit_domain=equil_rxn_config),

    # User-defined default scaling factors
            description="User-defined default scaling factors",
            doc="Dict of user-defined properties and associated default "
            "scaling factors",

    def build(self):
        Callable method for Block construction.
        # Call to initialize Block
        super(GenericParameterData, self).build()

        # Set base units of measurement

        # Call configure method to set construction arguments

        # Build core components
        self._state_block_class = GenericStateBlock

        # Add Phase objects
        if self.config.phases is None:
            raise ConfigurationError(
                f"{} was not provided with a phases argument. "
                "Did you forget to unpack the configurations dictionary?"

        # Add a flag indicating whether this is an electrolyte system or not
        self._electrolyte = False

        for p, d in self.config.phases.items():
            # Create a copy of the phase config dict
            d = dict(d)

            ptype = d.pop("type", None)

            if ptype is None:
                    "{} phase {} was not assigned a type. "
                    "Using generic Phase object.".format(, p)
                ptype = Phase
            elif ptype not in __all_phases__:
                raise TypeError(
                    "{} phase {} was assigned unrecognised type {}.".format(
              , p, str(ptype)
            elif ptype is AqueousPhase:
                # If there is an aqueous phase, set _electrolyte = True
                self._electrolyte = True
                # Check that specified property package supports electrolytes
                eos = d["equation_of_state"]
                if (
                    not hasattr(eos, "electrolyte_support")
                    or not eos.electrolyte_support
                    raise ConfigurationError(
                        "{} aqueous phase {} was set to use an equation of "
                        "state which does not support electrolytes: {}".format(
                  , p, eos

            self.add_component(str(p), ptype(**d))

        # Check if we need to create electrolyte component lists
        if self._electrolyte:
                Set(ordered=True, doc="Set of anions present in aqueous phase"),
                Set(ordered=True, doc="Set of cations present in aqueous phase"),
                Set(ordered=True, doc="Set of solvent species in aqueous phase"),
                Set(ordered=True, doc="Set of molecular solutes in aqueous phase"),
                Set(ordered=True, doc="Set of apparent-only species in aqueous phase"),
                Set(ordered=True, doc="Set of components not present in aqueous phase"),

        # Add Component objects
        if self.config.components is None:
            raise ConfigurationError(
                "{} was not provided with a components argument.".format(

        for c, d in self.config.components.items():
            # Create a copy of the component config dict
            d = dict(d)

            ctype = d.pop("type", None)
            d["_electrolyte"] = self._electrolyte

            if ctype is None:
                    "{} component {} was not assigned a type. "
                    "Using generic Component object.".format(, c)
                ctype = Component
            elif ctype not in __all_components__:
                raise TypeError(
                    "{} component {} was assigned unrecognised type {}.".format(
              , c, str(ctype)

            self.add_component(c, ctype(**d))

        # If this is an electrolyte system, we now need to build the actual
        # component lists
        if self._electrolyte:
            true_species = []
            apparent_species = []
            all_species = []

            for j in self.anion_set:
            for j in self.cation_set:
            for j in self.solvent_set:
            for j in self.solute_set:
            for j in self._apparent_set:
            for j in self._non_aqueous_set:

                    doc="Master set of all components in mixture",
                    doc="Set of true components in mixture",
                    doc="Set of apparent components in mixture",
                    initialize=self.anion_set | self.cation_set,
                    doc="Master set of all ions in mixture",

        # Validate phase-component lists, and build _phase_component_set
        if not self._electrolyte:
            pc_set = []
            for p in self.phase_list:
                pobj = self.get_phase(p)
                pc_list = self.get_phase(p).config.component_list
                if pc_list is None:
                    # No phase-component list, look at components to determine
                    # which are valid in current phase
                    for j in self.component_list:
                        if self.get_component(j)._is_phase_valid(pobj):
                            # If component says phase is valid, add to set
                            pc_set.append((p, j))
                    # Validate that component names are valid and add to pc_set
                    for j in pc_list:
                        if j not in self.component_list:
                            # Unrecognised component
                            raise ConfigurationError(
                                "{} phase-component list for phase {} "
                                "contained component {} which is not in the "
                                "master component list".format(, p, j)
                        # Check that phase is valid for component
                        if not self.get_component(j)._is_phase_valid(pobj):
                            raise ConfigurationError(
                                "{} phase-component list for phase {} "
                                "contained component {}, however this "
                                "component is not valid for the given "
                                "PhaseType".format(, p, j)
                        pc_set.append((p, j))
            self._phase_component_set = Set(initialize=pc_set, ordered=True)
            pc_set_appr = []
            pc_set_true = []
            for p in self.phase_list:
                pobj = self.get_phase(p)
                pc_list = self.get_phase(p).config.component_list
                if pc_list is None:
                    # No phase-component list, look at components to determine
                    # which are valid in current phase
                    for j in self.true_species_set:
                        if self.get_component(j)._is_phase_valid(pobj):
                            # If component says phase is valid, add to set
                            pc_set_true.append((p, j))
                    for j in self.apparent_species_set:
                        if self.get_component(j)._is_phase_valid(pobj):
                            # If component says phase is valid, add to set
                            pc_set_appr.append((p, j))

                            if not isinstance(pobj, AqueousPhase):
                                # Also need to add apparent species
                                if (p, j) not in pc_set_true:
                                    pc_set_true.append((p, j))

                    # Validate that component names are valid and add to pc_set
                    for j in pc_list:
                        if (
                            j not in self.true_species_set
                            and j not in self.apparent_species_set
                            # Unrecognised component
                            raise ConfigurationError(
                                "{} phase-component list for phase {} "
                                "contained component {} which is not in the "
                                "master component list".format(, p, j)
                        # Check that phase is valid for component
                        if not self.get_component(j)._is_phase_valid(pobj):
                            raise ConfigurationError(
                                "{} phase-component list for phase {} "
                                "contained component {}, however this "
                                "component is not valid for the given "
                                "PhaseType".format(, p, j)
                        if j in self.true_species_set:
                            pc_set_true.append((p, j))
                        if j in self.apparent_species_set:
                            pc_set_appr.append((p, j))
            self.true_phase_component_set = Set(initialize=pc_set_true, ordered=True)
            self.apparent_phase_component_set = Set(
                initialize=pc_set_appr, ordered=True
                self, "_phase_component_set", self.true_phase_component_set

        # Check that each component appears phase-component set
        for j in self.component_list:
            count = 0
            for p in self.phase_list:
                if self._electrolyte:
                    if (p, j) in self.true_phase_component_set or (
                    ) in self.apparent_phase_component_set:
                        count += 1
                elif (p, j) in self._phase_component_set:
                    count += 1
            if count == 0:
                raise ConfigurationError(
                    "{} Component {} does not appear to be valid in any "
                    "phase. Please check the component lists defined for each "
                    "phase, and be sure you do not have generic Components "
                    "in single-phase aqueous systems.".format(, j)

        # Validate and construct elemental composition objects as appropriate
        element_comp = {}
        for c in self.component_list:
            cobj = self.get_component(c)
            e_comp = cobj.config.elemental_composition

            if e_comp is None:
                # Do nothing
                for k, v in e_comp.items():
                    if not isinstance(v, int):
                        raise ConfigurationError(
                            "{} values in elemental_composition must be "
                            "integers (not floats): {}: {}.".format(
                      , k, str(v)
                element_comp[c] = e_comp

        if len(element_comp) == 0:
            # No elemental compositions defined, don't define components
        elif len(element_comp) != len(self.component_list):
            # Not all components defined elemental compositions
            raise ConfigurationError(
                "{} not all Components declared an elemental_composition "
                "argument. Either all Components must declare this, or none.".format(
            # Add elemental composition components
            self.element_list = Set(ordered=True)

            # Iterate through all components and collect composing elements
            # Add these to element_list
            for ec in element_comp.values():
                for e in ec.keys():
                    if e not in self.element_list:

            self.element_comp = {}
            for c in self.component_list:
                cobj = self.get_component(c)

                self.element_comp[c] = {}
                for e in self.element_list:

                    if e not in cobj.config.elemental_composition:
                        self.element_comp[c][e] = 0
                        self.element_comp[c][e] = cobj.config.elemental_composition[e]

        # Validate state definition
        if self.config.state_definition is None:
            raise ConfigurationError(
                "{} Generic Property Package was not provided with a "
                "state_definition configuration argument. Please fix "
                "your property parameter definition to include this.".format(

        units = self.get_metadata().derived_units

        # Validate reference state and create Params
        if self.config.pressure_ref is None:
            raise ConfigurationError(
                "{} Generic Property Package was not provided with a "
                "pressure_ref configuration argument. Please fix "
                "your property parameter definition to include this.".format(
            self.pressure_ref = Param(mutable=True, units=units.PRESSURE)
            set_param_value(self, "pressure_ref", units.PRESSURE)

        if self.config.temperature_ref is None:
            raise ConfigurationError(
                "{} Generic Property Package was not provided with a "
                "temperature_ref configuration argument. Please fix "
                "your property parameter definition to include this.".format(
            self.temperature_ref = Param(mutable=True, units=units.TEMPERATURE)
            set_param_value(self, "temperature_ref", units.TEMPERATURE)

        # Validate equations of state
        for p in self.phase_list:
            if self.get_phase(p).config.equation_of_state is None:
                raise ConfigurationError(
                    "{} phase {} was not provided with an "
                    "equation_of_state configuration argument. Please fix "
                    "your property parameter definition to include this.".format(
              , p

        # Validate and build phase equilibrium list
        if self.config.phases_in_equilibrium is not None:
            # List of interacting phases - assume all matching components
            # in phase pairs are in equilibrium
            pe_dict = {}
            pe_set = []
            counter = 1

            # Validate phase equilibrium formulation
            if self.config.phase_equilibrium_state is None:
                raise ConfigurationError(
                    "{} Generic Property Package provided with a "
                    "phases_in_equilibrium argument but no method was "
                    "specified for phase_equilibrium_state.".format(
            pie_config = self.config.phase_equilibrium_state

            for pp in self.config.phases_in_equilibrium:
                if (
                    pp not in pie_config.keys()
                    and (pp[1], pp[0]) not in pie_config.keys()
                    raise ConfigurationError(
                        "{} Generic Property Package provided with a "
                        "phases_in_equilibrium argument but "
                        "phase_equilibrium_state was not specified "
                        "for all phase pairs.".format(

                for j in self.component_list:
                    if (pp[0], j) in self._phase_component_set and (
                    ) in self._phase_component_set:
                        # Component j is in both phases, in equilibrium
                        pe_dict["PE" + str(counter)] = [j, (pp[0], pp[1])]
                        pe_set.append("PE" + str(counter))
                        counter += 1

                        # Validate that component has an equilibrium form
                        a = self.get_component(j).config.phase_equilibrium_form
                        if a is None:
                            raise ConfigurationError(
                                "{} Generic Property Package component {} is "
                                "in equilibrium but phase_equilibrium_form "
                                "was not specified.".format(, j)
                        elif pp not in a.keys() and (pp[1], pp[0]) not in a.keys():
                            raise ConfigurationError(
                                "{} Generic Property Package component {} is "
                                "in equilibrium but phase_equilibrium_form "
                                "was not specified for all appropriate phase "
                                "pairs.".format(, j)

            # Construct phase_equilibrium_list and phase_equilibrium_idx
            self._pe_pairs = Set(
                initialize=self.config.phases_in_equilibrium, ordered=True
            self.phase_equilibrium_list = pe_dict
            self.phase_equilibrium_idx = Set(initialize=pe_set, ordered=True)

        # Construct parameters
        for c in self.component_list:
            cobj = self.get_component(c)
            for a, v in cobj.config.items():
                # Check to see if v has an attribute build_parameters
                if hasattr(v, "build_parameters"):
                    build_parameters = v.build_parameters
                    # If not, guess v is a class holding property subclasses
                        build_parameters = getattr(v, a).build_parameters
                    except AttributeError:
                        # If all else fails, assume no build_parameters method
                        build_parameters = None

                # Call build_parameters if it exists
                if build_parameters is not None:
                    except KeyError:
                        raise ConfigurationError(
                            "{} values were not defined for parameter {} in "
                            "component {}. Please check the parameter_data "
                            "argument to ensure values are provided.".format(
                      , a, c

            # Validate and construct Henry parameters (indexed by phase)
            if cobj.config.henry_component is not None:
                for p, d in cobj.config.henry_component.items():
                    # First validate that p is a phase
                    if p not in self.phase_list:
                        raise ConfigurationError(
                            "{} component {} was marked as a Henry's Law "
                            "component in phase {}, but this is not a valid "
                            "phase name.".format(, c, p)
                    elif not self.get_phase(p).is_liquid_phase():
                        raise ConfigurationError(
                            "{} component {} was marked as a Henry's Law "
                            "component in phase {}, but this is not a Liquid "
                            "phase.".format(, c, p)
                        # Check that dict has necessary information
                        if "method" not in d.keys():
                            raise ConfigurationError(
                                f"{} component {c} was marked as a "
                                f"Henry's Law component in phase {p}, but no "
                                f"method argument was provided."
                        elif "type" not in d.keys():
                            raise ConfigurationError(
                                f"{} component {c} was marked as a "
                                f"Henry's Law component in phase {p}, but no "
                                f"type argument was provided."
                        elif not isinstance(d["type"], HenryType):
                            raise ConfigurationError(
                                f"{} component {c} was marked as a "
                                f"Henry's Law component in phase {p}, but "
                                f"type argument was not an instance of "
                        elif (
                            self.config.phases_in_equilibrium is not None
                            and d["type"] != HenryType.Kpx
                            raise PropertyNotSupportedError(
                                f"{} currently only Kpx type Henry's "
                                f"constants are supported with full phase "
                                f"equilibrium. Support for other forms is a "
                        elif self._electrolyte and "basis" not in d.keys():
                            raise ConfigurationError(
                                f"{} component {c} was marked as a "
                                f"Henry's Law component in phase {p}, but no "
                                f"basis argument was provided. Property "
                                f"packages using electrolytes must provide a "
                                f"basis in addition to a method and type."
                            d["method"].build_parameters(cobj, p, d["type"])
                        except AttributeError:
                            # Method provided has no build_parameters method
                            # Assume it is not needed and continue

        # Validate and other phase indexed props
        phase_indexed_props = [
        for prop in phase_indexed_props:
            for j in self.component_list:
                cobj = self.get_component(j)
                if cobj.config[prop] is not None:
                    for p, meth in cobj.config[prop].items():
                        # First validate that p is a phase
                        if p not in self.phase_list:
                            raise ConfigurationError(
                                f"{} property {prop} definition "
                                f"contained unrecognised phase {p}."
                            if hasattr(meth, "build_parameters"):
                                build_parameters = meth.build_parameters
                                # If not, guess meth is a class holding property subclasses
                                    build_parameters = getattr(
                                        meth, prop
                                except AttributeError:
                                    # If all else fails, assume no build_parameters method
                                    build_parameters = None

                            # Call build_parameters if it exists
                            if build_parameters is not None:
                                    build_parameters(cobj, p)
                                except KeyError:
                                    raise ConfigurationError(
                                        "{} values were not defined for parameter {} in "
                                        "component {}. Please check the parameter_data "
                                        "argument to ensure values are provided.".format(
                                  , prop, j

        for p in self.phase_list:
            pobj = self.get_phase(p)

            for a, v in pobj.config.items():
                # Check to see if v has an attribute build_parameters
                if hasattr(v, "build_parameters"):
                    build_parameters = v.build_parameters
                    # If not, guess v is a class holding property subclasses
                        build_parameters = getattr(v, a).build_parameters
                    except AttributeError:
                        # If all else fails, assume no build_parameters method
                        build_parameters = None

                # Call build_parameters if it exists
                if build_parameters is not None:
                    except KeyError as err:
                        raise ConfigurationError(
                            f"{} - values were not defined for parameter {a} in "
                            f"phase {p}. {str(err)}"

        # Next, add inherent reactions if they exist
        if len(self.config.inherent_reactions) > 0:
            # Set has_inherent_reactions flag
            self._has_inherent_reactions = True

            # Construct inherent reaction index
            self.inherent_reaction_idx = Set(

            # Construct inherent reaction stoichiometry dict
            if self._electrolyte:
                pcset = self.true_phase_component_set
                pcset = self._phase_component_set

            self.inherent_reaction_stoichiometry = {}
            for r, rxn in self.config.inherent_reactions.items():
                for p, j in pcset:
                    self.inherent_reaction_stoichiometry[(r, p, j)] = 0

                if rxn.stoichiometry is None:
                    raise ConfigurationError(
                        "{} inherent reaction {} was not provided with a "
                        "stoichiometry configuration argument.".format(, r)
                    for k, v in rxn.stoichiometry.items():
                        if k[0] not in self.phase_list:
                            raise ConfigurationError(
                                "{} stoichiometry for inherent reaction {} "
                                "included unrecognised phase {}.".format(
                          , r, k[0]
                        if k[1] not in self.component_list:
                            raise ConfigurationError(
                                "{} stoichiometry for inherent reaction {} "
                                "included unrecognised component {}.".format(
                          , r, k[1]
                        self.inherent_reaction_stoichiometry[(r, k[0], k[1])] = v

                # Check that a method was provided for the equilibrium form
                if rxn.equilibrium_form is None:
                    raise ConfigurationError(
                        "{} inherent reaction {} was not provided with a "
                        "equilibrium_form configuration argument.".format(, r)

                # Construct blocks to contain parameters for each reaction
                self.add_component("reaction_" + str(r), Block())

                rblock = getattr(self, "reaction_" + r)
                r_config = self.config.inherent_reactions[r]

                order_init = {}
                for p, j in pcset:
                    if "reaction_order" in r_config.parameter_data:
                            order_init[p, j] = r_config.parameter_data[
                            ][p, j]
                        except KeyError:
                            order_init[p, j] = 0
                        # Assume elementary reaction and use stoichiometry
                            # Here we use the stoic. coeff. directly
                            # However, solids should be excluded as they
                            # normally do not appear in the equilibrium
                            # relationship
                            pobj = self.get_phase(p)
                            if not pobj.is_solid_phase():
                                order_init[p, j] = r_config.stoichiometry[p, j]
                                order_init[p, j] = 0
                        except KeyError:
                            order_init[p, j] = 0

                rblock.reaction_order = Var(
                    pcset, initialize=order_init, doc="Reaction order", units=None

                for val in self.config.inherent_reactions[r].values():
                        val.build_parameters(rblock, self.config.inherent_reactions[r])
                    except AttributeError:

        # Call custom user parameter method

        # For safety, fix all Vars in Component objects
        for v in self.component_objects(Var, descend_into=True):
            for i in v:
                if v[i].value is None:
                    if i is None:  # Scalar Var
                        raise ConfigurationError(
                            "{} parameter {} was not assigned"
                            " a value. Please check your configuration "
                            "arguments.".format(, v.local_name)
                    else:  # Indexed Var
                        raise ConfigurationError(
                            "{} parameter {}[{}] was not assigned"
                            " a value. Please check your configuration "
                            "arguments.".format(, v.local_name, i)


        # Set default scaling factors
        # First, call set_default_scaling_factors method from state definition
        except AttributeError:
        # Next, apply any user-defined scaling factors
        if self.config.default_scaling_factors is not None:
        # Finally, call populate_default_scaling_factors method to fill blanks

    def configure(self):
        Placeholder method to allow users to specify config arguments via a
        class. The user class should inherit from this one and implement a
        configure() method which sets the values of the desired config

    def parameters(self):
        Placeholder method to allow users to specify parameters via a
        class. The user class should inherit from this one and implement a
        parameters() method which creates the required components.

    def define_metadata(cls, obj):
        """Define properties supported and units."""
        # TODO : Need to fix to have methods for things that may or may not be
        # created by state var methods
        # TODO: Leverage new metadata to define what is supported by a given instance?
        # TODO: Add code to determine whether a StandardPropertySet or ElectrolytePropertySet is needed.
                "flow_mol": {"method": "_flow_mol"},
                "flow_vol": {"method": "_flow_vol"},
                "flow_mass": {"method": "_flow_mass"},
                "flow_mass_phase": {"method": "_flow_mass_phase"},
                "flow_vol_phase": {"method": "_flow_vol_phase"},
                "flow_mol_phase": {"method": "_flow_mol_phase"},
                "flow_mass_comp": {"method": "_flow_mass_comp"},
                "flow_mol_comp": {"method": "_flow_mol_comp"},
                "flow_mass_phase_comp": {"method": "_flow_mass_phase_comp"},
                "flow_mol_phase_comp": {"method": "_flow_mol_phase_comp"},
                "mole_frac_comp": {"method": "_mole_frac_comp"},
                "mole_frac_phase_comp": {"method": None},
                "phase_frac": {
                    "method": None
                },  # Molar phase fraction TODO: fix ambiguity between mole and mass basis
                "temperature": {"method": None},
                "pressure": {"method": None},
                "act_phase_comp": {"method": "_act_phase_comp"},
                "act_phase_comp_true": {"method": "_act_phase_comp_true"},
                "act_phase_comp_apparent": {"method": "_act_phase_comp_apparent"},
                "act_coeff_phase_comp": {"method": "_act_coeff_phase_comp"},
                "act_coeff_phase_comp_true": {"method": "_act_coeff_phase_comp_true"},
                "act_coeff_phase_comp_apparent": {
                    "method": "_act_coeff_phase_comp_apparent"
                "compress_fact_phase": {"method": "_compress_fact_phase"},
                "compress_fact_crit": {"method": "_critical_props"},
                "conc_mol_comp": {"method": "_conc_mol_comp"},
                "conc_mol_phase_comp": {"method": "_conc_mol_phase_comp"},
                "conc_mol_phase_comp_apparent": {
                    "method": "_conc_mol_phase_comp_apparent"
                "conc_mol_phase_comp_true": {"method": "_conc_mol_phase_comp_true"},
                "cp_mass_phase": {"method": "_cp_mass_phase"},
                "cp_mol": {"method": "_cp_mol"},
                "cp_mol_phase": {"method": "_cp_mol_phase"},
                "cp_mol_phase_comp": {"method": "_cp_mol_phase_comp"},
                "cv_mass_phase": {"method": "_cv_mass_phase"},
                "cv_mol": {"method": "_cv_mol"},
                "cv_mol_phase": {"method": "_cv_mol_phase"},
                "cv_mol_phase_comp": {"method": "_cv_mol_phase_comp"},
                "diffus_phase_comp": {"method": "_diffus_phase_comp"},
                "diffus_phase_comp_apparent": {"method": "_diffus_phase_comp_apparent"},
                "diffus_phase_comp_true": {"method": "_diffus_phase_comp_true"},
                "heat_capacity_ratio_phase": {"method": "_heat_capacity_ratio_phase"},
                "dens_mass": {"method": "_dens_mass"},
                "dens_mass_phase": {"method": "_dens_mass_phase"},
                "dens_mol": {"method": "_dens_mol"},
                "dens_mol_crit": {"method": "_critical_props"},
                "dens_mol_phase": {"method": "_dens_mol_phase"},
                "energy_internal_mol": {"method": "_energy_internal_mol"},
                "energy_internal_mol_phase": {"method": "_energy_internal_mol_phase"},
                "energy_internal_mol_phase_comp": {
                    "method": "_energy_internal_mol_phase_comp"
                "enth_mol": {"method": "_enth_mol"},
                "enth_mol_phase": {"method": "_enth_mol_phase"},
                "enth_mol_phase_comp": {"method": "_enth_mol_phase_comp"},
                "entr_mol": {"method": "_entr_mol"},
                "entr_mol_phase": {"method": "_entr_mol_phase"},
                "entr_mol_phase_comp": {"method": "_entr_mol_phase_comp"},
                "fug_phase_comp": {"method": "_fug_phase_comp"},
                "fug_coeff_phase_comp": {"method": "_fug_coeff_phase_comp"},
                "gibbs_mol": {"method": "_gibbs_mol"},
                "gibbs_mol_phase": {"method": "_gibbs_mol_phase"},
                "gibbs_mol_phase_comp": {"method": "_gibbs_mol_phase_comp"},
                "isentropic_speed_sound_phase": {
                    "method": "_isentropic_speed_sound_phase"
                "isothermal_speed_sound_phase": {
                    "method": "_isothermal_speed_sound_phase"
                "henry": {"method": "_henry"},
                "mass_frac_phase_comp": {"method": "_mass_frac_phase_comp"},
                "mass_frac_phase_comp_apparent": {
                    "method": "_mass_frac_phase_comp_apparent"
                "mass_frac_phase_comp_true": {"method": "_mass_frac_phase_comp_true"},
                "molality_phase_comp": {"method": "_molality_phase_comp"},
                "molality_phase_comp_apparent": {
                    "method": "_molality_phase_comp_apparent"
                "molality_phase_comp_true": {"method": "_molality_phase_comp_true"},
                "mw": {"method": "_mw"},
                "mw_comp": {"method": "_mw_comp"},
                "mw_phase": {"method": "_mw_phase"},
                "prandtl_number_phase": {"method": "_prandtl_number_phase"},
                "pressure_crit": {"method": "_critical_props"},
                "pressure_phase_comp": {"method": "_pressure_phase_comp"},
                "pressure_phase_comp_true": {"method": "_pressure_phase_comp_true"},
                "pressure_phase_comp_apparent": {
                    "method": "_pressure_phase_comp_apparent"
                "pressure_bubble": {"method": "_pressure_bubble"},
                "pressure_dew": {"method": "_pressure_dew"},
                "pressure_osm_phase": {"method": "_pressure_osm_phase"},
                "pressure_sat_comp": {"method": "_pressure_sat_comp"},
                "surf_tens_phase": {"method": "_surf_tens_phase"},
                "temperature_crit": {"method": "_critical_props"},
                "temperature_bubble": {"method": "_temperature_bubble"},
                "temperature_dew": {"method": "_temperature_dew"},
                "therm_cond_phase": {"method": "_therm_cond_phase"},
                "visc_d_phase": {"method": "_visc_d_phase"},
                "vol_mol_phase": {"method": "_vol_mol_phase"},
                "vol_mol_phase_comp": {"method": "_vol_mol_phase_comp"},
                "dh_rxn": {"method": "_dh_rxn"},
                "log_act_phase_comp": {"method": "_log_act_phase_comp"},
                "log_act_phase_solvents": {"method": "_log_act_phase_solvents"},
                "log_act_phase_comp_true": {"method": "_log_act_phase_comp_true"},
                "log_act_phase_comp_apparent": {
                    "method": "_log_act_phase_comp_apparent"
                "log_conc_mol_phase_comp": {"method": "_log_conc_mol_phase_comp"},
                "log_conc_mol_phase_comp_true": {
                    "method": "_log_conc_mol_phase_comp_true"
                "log_mass_frac_phase_comp": {"method": "_log_mass_frac_phase_comp"},
                "log_mass_frac_phase_comp_apparent": {
                    "method": "_log_mass_frac_phase_comp_apparent"
                "log_mass_frac_phase_comp_true": {
                    "method": "_log_mass_frac_phase_comp_true"
                "log_molality_phase_comp": {"method": "_log_molality_phase_comp"},
                "log_molality_phase_comp_apparent": {
                    "method": "_log_molality_phase_comp_apparent"
                "log_molality_phase_comp_true": {
                    "method": "_log_molality_phase_comp_true"
                "log_mole_frac_comp": {"method": "_log_mole_frac_comp"},
                "log_mole_frac_tbub": {"method": "_log_mole_frac_tbub"},
                "log_mole_frac_tdew": {"method": "_log_mole_frac_tdew"},
                "log_mole_frac_pbub": {"method": "_log_mole_frac_pbub"},
                "log_mole_frac_pdew": {"method": "_log_mole_frac_pdew"},
                "log_mole_frac_phase_comp": {"method": "_log_mole_frac_phase_comp"},
                "log_mole_frac_phase_comp_apparent": {
                    "method": "_log_mole_frac_phase_comp_apparent"
                "log_mole_frac_phase_comp_true": {
                    "method": "_log_mole_frac_phase_comp_true"
                "log_pressure_phase_comp": {"method": "_log_pressure_phase_comp"},
                "log_pressure_phase_comp_apparent": {
                    "method": "_log_pressure_phase_comp_apparent"
                "log_pressure_phase_comp_true": {
                    "method": "_log_pressure_phase_comp_true"
                "log_k_eq": {"method": "_log_k_eq"},

[docs] class ModularPropertiesInitializer(InitializerBase): """ General Initializer for modular property packages. This Initializer uses a hierarchical routine to initialize the property package using the following steps: 1. Initialize bubble and dew point calculations (if present) 2. Estimate vapor-liquid equilibrium T_eq (if present) 3. Solve for phase-equilibrium conditions 4. Initialize all remaining properties Note that for systems without vapor-liquid equilibrium the generic BlockTriangularizationInitializer is probably sufficient for initializing the property package. """ CONFIG = InitializerBase.CONFIG() CONFIG.declare( "solver", ConfigValue( default=None, description="Solver to use for initialization", ), ) CONFIG.declare( "solver_options", ConfigDict( implicit=True, description="Dict of options to pass to solver", ), ) CONFIG.declare( "solver_writer_config", ConfigDict( implicit=True, description="Dict of writer_config arguments to pass to solver", ), ) CONFIG.declare( "calculate_variable_options", ConfigDict( implicit=True, description="Dict of options to pass to 1x1 block solver", doc="Dict of options to pass to calc_var_kwds argument in " "solve_strongly_connected_components method. NOTE: models " "involving ExternalFunctions must set " "'diff_mode=differentiate.Modes.reverse_numeric'", ), ) def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._solver = None
[docs] def initialization_routine( self, model: Block, ): """ Sequential initialization routine for modular properties. Args: model: model to be initialized Returns: None """ # Setup loggers init_log = idaeslog.getInitLogger(, self.config.output_level, tag="properties" ) solve_log = idaeslog.getSolveLogger(, self.config.output_level, tag="properties" ) # Create solver object solver_obj = get_solver( solver=self.config.solver, solver_options=self.config.solver_options, writer_config=self.config.solver_writer_config, )"Starting initialization routine") for k in model.values(): # Deactivate the constraints specific for outlet block i.e. # when defined state is False if k.config.defined_state is False: try: k.sum_mole_frac_out.deactivate() except AttributeError: pass if hasattr(k, "inherent_equilibrium_constraint") and ( not k.params._electrolyte or k.params.config.state_components == StateIndex.true ): k.inherent_equilibrium_constraint.deactivate() # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # If present, initialize bubble, dew, and critical point calculations for k in model.values(): T_units = k.params.get_metadata().default_units.TEMPERATURE # List of bubble and dew point constraints cons_list = [ "eq_pressure_dew", "eq_pressure_bubble", "eq_temperature_dew", "eq_temperature_bubble", "eq_mole_frac_tbub", "eq_mole_frac_tdew", "eq_mole_frac_pbub", "eq_mole_frac_pdew", "log_mole_frac_tbub_eqn", "log_mole_frac_tdew_eqn", "log_mole_frac_pbub_eqn", "log_mole_frac_pdew_eqn", "mole_frac_comp_eq", "log_mole_frac_comp_eqn", ] # Critical point with k.lock_attribute_creation_context(): # Only need to look for one, as it is all-or-nothing if hasattr(k, "pressure_crit"): # Initialize critical point properties _initialize_critical_props(k) # Add critical point constraints to cons_list ref_phase = k._get_critical_ref_phase() p_config = k.params.get_phase(ref_phase).config cons_list += ( p_config.equation_of_state.list_critical_property_constraint_names() ) # Bubble temperature initialization if hasattr(k, "_mole_frac_tbub"): _init_Tbub(k, T_units) # Dew temperature initialization if hasattr(k, "_mole_frac_tdew"): _init_Tdew(k, T_units) # Bubble pressure initialization if hasattr(k, "_mole_frac_pbub"): _init_Pbub(k) # Dew pressure initialization if hasattr(k, "_mole_frac_pdew"): _init_Pdew(k) # Solve bubble, dew, and critical point constraints for c in k.component_objects(Constraint): # Deactivate all constraints not associated with bubble and dew # points or critical points if c.local_name not in cons_list: c.deactivate() # If StateBlock has active constraints (i.e. has bubble, dew, or critical # point calculations), solve the block to converge these for b in model.values(): if number_activated_constraints(b) > 0: if not degrees_of_freedom(b) == 0: raise InitializationError( f"{} Unexpected degrees of freedom during " f"initialization at bubble, dew, and critical point step: " f"{degrees_of_freedom(b)}." ) with idaeslog.solver_log(solve_log, idaeslog.DEBUG) as slc: solve_indexed_blocks(solver_obj, model, tee=slc.tee)"Bubble, dew, and critical point initialization completed.") # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Calculate _teq if required for k in model.values(): if k.params.config.phases_in_equilibrium is not None and ( not k.config.defined_state or k.always_flash ): for pp in k.params._pe_pairs: k.params.config.phase_equilibrium_state[pp].calculate_teq(k, pp)"Equilibrium temperature initialization completed.") # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Initialize flow rates and compositions for k in model.values(): k.params.config.state_definition.state_initialization(k) if k.params._electrolyte: if k.params.config.state_components == StateIndex.true: # First calculate initial values for apparent species flows for p, j in k.params.apparent_phase_component_set: calculate_variable_from_constraint( k.flow_mol_phase_comp_apparent[p, j], k.true_to_appr_species[p, j], ) # Need to calculate all flows before doing mole fractions for p, j in k.params.apparent_phase_component_set: sum_flow = sum( k.flow_mol_phase_comp_apparent[p, jj] for jj in k.params.apparent_species_set if (p, jj) in k.params.apparent_phase_component_set ) if value(sum_flow) == 0: x = 1 else: x = value(k.flow_mol_phase_comp_apparent[p, j] / sum_flow) lb = k.mole_frac_phase_comp_apparent[p, j].lb if lb is not None and x <= lb: k.mole_frac_phase_comp_apparent[p, j].set_value(lb) else: k.mole_frac_phase_comp_apparent[p, j].set_value(x) elif k.params.config.state_components == StateIndex.apparent: # First calculate initial values for true species flows for p, j in k.params.true_phase_component_set: calculate_variable_from_constraint( k.flow_mol_phase_comp_true[p, j], k.appr_to_true_species[p, j], ) # Need to calculate all flows before doing mole fractions for p, j in k.params.true_phase_component_set: sum_flow = sum( k.flow_mol_phase_comp_true[p, jj] for jj in k.params.true_species_set if (p, jj) in k.params.true_phase_component_set ) if value(sum_flow) == 0: x = 1 else: x = value(k.flow_mol_phase_comp_true[p, j] / sum_flow) lb = k.mole_frac_phase_comp_true[p, j].lb if lb is not None and x <= lb: k.mole_frac_phase_comp_true[p, j].set_value(lb) else: k.mole_frac_phase_comp_true[p, j].set_value(x) # If state block has phase equilibrium, use the average of all # _teq's as an initial guess for T if ( k.params.config.phases_in_equilibrium is not None and isinstance(k.temperature, Var) and not k.temperature.fixed ): k.temperature.value = value( sum(k._teq[i] for i in k.params._pe_pairs) / len(k.params._pe_pairs) )"State variable initialization completed.") # --------------------------------------------------------------------- Tfix = {} # In enth based state defs, need to also fix T until later for k, b in model.items(): if b.params.config.phase_equilibrium_state is not None and ( not b.config.defined_state or b.always_flash ): if not b.temperature.fixed: b.temperature.fix() Tfix[k] = True for c in b.component_objects(Constraint): # Activate common constraints if c.local_name in ( "total_flow_balance", "component_flow_balances", "sum_mole_frac", "phase_fraction_constraint", "mole_frac_phase_comp_eq", "mole_frac_comp_eq", ): c.activate() if c.local_name == "log_mole_frac_phase_comp_eqn": c.activate() for p, j in b.params._phase_component_set: calculate_variable_from_constraint( b.log_mole_frac_phase_comp[p, j], b.log_mole_frac_phase_comp_eqn[p, j], ) elif c.local_name == "equilibrium_constraint": # For systems where the state variables fully define the # phase equilibrium, we cannot activate the equilibrium # constraint at this stage. if "flow_mol_phase_comp" not in b.define_state_vars(): c.activate() for pp in b.params._pe_pairs: # Activate formulation specific constraints b.params.config.phase_equilibrium_state[ pp ].phase_equil_initialization(b, pp) if number_activated_constraints(model) > 0: dof = degrees_of_freedom(model) if dof == 0: with idaeslog.solver_log(solve_log, idaeslog.DEBUG) as slc: solve_indexed_blocks(solver_obj, [model], tee=slc.tee) elif dof > 0: raise InitializationError( f"{} Unexpected degrees of freedom during " f"initialization at phase equilibrium step: {dof}." ) # Skip solve if DoF < 0 - this is probably due to a # phase-component flow state with flash"Phase equilibrium initialization completed.") # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Initialize other properties for k, b in model.items(): for c in b.component_objects(Constraint): # Activate all constraints except flagged do_not_initialize if c.local_name not in ( b.params.config.state_definition.do_not_initialize ): c.activate() if k in Tfix: b.temperature.unfix() # Initialize log-form variables log_form_vars = [ "act_phase_comp", "act_phase_comp_apparent", "act_phase_comp_true", "conc_mol_phase_comp", "conc_mol_phase_comp_apparent", "conc_mol_phase_comp_true", "mass_frac_phase_comp", "mass_frac_phase_comp_apparent", "mass_frac_phase_comp_true", "molality_phase_comp", "molality_phase_comp_apparent", "molality_phase_comp_true", "mole_frac_comp", # Might have already been initialized "mole_frac_phase_comp", # Might have already been initialized "mole_frac_phase_comp_apparent", "mole_frac_phase_comp_true", "pressure_phase_comp", "pressure_phase_comp_apparent", "pressure_phase_comp_true", ] for prop in log_form_vars: if b.is_property_constructed("log_" + prop): comp = getattr(b, prop) lcomp = getattr(b, "log_" + prop) for k2, v in lcomp.items(): c = value(comp[k2]) if c <= 0: c = 1e-8 lc = log(c) v.set_value(value(lc)) if number_activated_constraints(model) > 0: dof = degrees_of_freedom(model) if dof == 0: with idaeslog.solver_log(solve_log, idaeslog.DEBUG) as slc: result = solve_indexed_blocks(solver_obj, model, tee=slc.tee) elif dof > 0: raise InitializationError( f"{} Unexpected degrees of freedom during " f"initialization at phase equilibrium step: {dof}." ) # Skip solve if DoF < 0 - this is probably due to a # phase-component flow state with flash"Property initialization routine finished.") return result
class _GenericStateBlock(StateBlock): """ This Class contains methods which should be applied to Property Blocks as a whole, rather than individual elements of indexed Property Blocks. """ def _return_component_list(self): # Overload the _return_component_list method to handle electrolyte # systems where we have two component lists to choose from params = self._get_parameter_block() if not params._electrolyte: return params.component_list if params.config["state_components"] == StateIndex.true: return params.true_species_set elif params.config["state_components"] == StateIndex.apparent: return params.apparent_species_set else: raise BurntToast( "{} unrecognized value for configuration argument " "'state_components'; this should never happen. Please contact " "the IDAES developers with this bug.".format( ) def _return_phase_component_set(self): # Overload the _return_phase_component_set method to handle electrolyte # systems where we have two component lists to choose from params = self._get_parameter_block() if not params._electrolyte: return params._phase_component_set if params.config["state_components"] == StateIndex.true: return params.true_phase_component_set elif params.config["state_components"] == StateIndex.apparent: return params.apparent_phase_component_set else: raise BurntToast( "{} unrecognized value for configuration argument " "'state_components'; this should never happen. Please contact " "the IDAES developers with this bug.".format( ) def _include_inherent_reactions(self): params = self._get_parameter_block() if params.config["state_components"] == StateIndex.true: return params.has_inherent_reactions elif params.config["state_components"] == StateIndex.apparent: # If using apparent species basis, ignore inherent reactions return False else: raise BurntToast( "{} unrecognized value for configuration argument " "'state_components'; this should never happen. Please contact " "the IDAES developers with this bug.".format( ) def fix_initialization_states(self): """ Fixes state variables for state blocks. Returns: None """ # Fix state variables fix_state_vars(self) # Also need to deactivate sum of mole fraction constraint for k in self.values(): try: k.sum_mole_frac_out.deactivate() except AttributeError: pass def initialize( blk, state_args=None, state_vars_fixed=False, hold_state=False, outlvl=idaeslog.NOTSET, solver=None, optarg=None, ): """ Initialization routine for property package. Keyword Arguments: state_args : a dict of initial values for the state variables defined by the property package. outlvl : sets output level of initialization routine optarg : solver options dictionary object (default=None, use default solver options) state_vars_fixed: Flag to denote if state vars have already been fixed. - True - states have already been fixed by the control volume 1D. Control volume 0D does not fix the state vars, so will be False if this state block is used with 0D blocks. - False - states have not been fixed. The state block will deal with fixing/unfixing. solver : str indicating which solver to use during initialization (default = None, use default solver) hold_state : flag indicating whether the initialization routine should unfix any state variables fixed during initialization (default=False). - True - states variables are not unfixed, and a dict of returned containing flags for which states were fixed during initialization. - False - state variables are unfixed after initialization by calling the release_state method Returns: If hold_states is True, returns a dict containing flags for which states were fixed during initialization. """ init_log = idaeslog.getInitLogger(, outlvl, tag="properties") solve_log = idaeslog.getSolveLogger(, outlvl, tag="properties")"Starting initialization") res = None for k in blk.values(): # Deactivate the constraints specific for outlet block i.e. # when defined state is False if k.config.defined_state is False: try: k.sum_mole_frac_out.deactivate() except AttributeError: pass if hasattr(k, "inherent_equilibrium_constraint") and ( not k.params._electrolyte or k.params.config.state_components == StateIndex.true ): k.inherent_equilibrium_constraint.deactivate() # Fix state variables if not already fixed if state_vars_fixed is False: flag_dict = fix_state_vars(blk, state_args) # Confirm DoF for sanity for k in blk.values(): if k.always_flash: # If not always flash, DoF is probably less than zero # We will handle this elsewhere dof = degrees_of_freedom(k) if dof != 0: raise BurntToast( "Degrees of freedom were not zero [{}] " "after trying to fix state variables. " "Something broke in the generic property " "package code - please inform the IDAES " "developers.".format(dof) ) else: # When state vars are fixed, check that DoF is 0 for k in blk.values(): if degrees_of_freedom(k) != 0: # PYLINT-TODO # pylint: disable-next=broad-exception-raised raise Exception( "State vars fixed but degrees of " "freedom for state block is not zero " "during initialization." ) # Create solver opt = get_solver(solver, optarg) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # If present, initialize bubble, dew , and critical point calculations for k in blk.values(): T_units = k.params.get_metadata().default_units.TEMPERATURE # List of bubble and dew point constraints cons_list = [ "eq_pressure_dew", "eq_pressure_bubble", "eq_temperature_dew", "eq_temperature_bubble", "eq_mole_frac_tbub", "eq_mole_frac_tdew", "eq_mole_frac_pbub", "eq_mole_frac_pdew", "log_mole_frac_tbub_eqn", "log_mole_frac_tdew_eqn", "log_mole_frac_pbub_eqn", "log_mole_frac_pdew_eqn", "mole_frac_comp_eq", "log_mole_frac_comp_eqn", ] # Critical point with k.lock_attribute_creation_context(): # Only need to look for one, as it is all-or-nothing if hasattr(k, "pressure_crit"): # Initialize critical point properties _initialize_critical_props(k) # Add critical point constraints to cons_list cons_list += k.list_critical_property_constraint_names() # Bubble temperature initialization if hasattr(k, "_mole_frac_tbub"): _init_Tbub(k, T_units) # Dew temperature initialization if hasattr(k, "_mole_frac_tdew"): _init_Tdew(k, T_units) # Bubble pressure initialization if hasattr(k, "_mole_frac_pbub"): _init_Pbub(k) # Dew pressure initialization if hasattr(k, "_mole_frac_pdew"): _init_Pdew(k) # Solve bubble, dew, and critical point constraints for c in k.component_objects(Constraint): # Deactivate all constraints not associated with bubble, dew, # or critical points if c.local_name not in cons_list: c.deactivate() # If StateBlock has active constraints (i.e. has bubble, dew, or critical # point calculations), solve the block to converge these n_cons = 0 dof = 0 for k in blk.values(): n_cons += number_activated_constraints(k) dof += degrees_of_freedom(k) if n_cons > 0: if dof > 0: raise InitializationError( f"{} Unexpected degrees of freedom during " f"initialization at bubble, dew, and critical point step: {dof}." ) with idaeslog.solver_log(solve_log, idaeslog.DEBUG) as slc: res = solve_indexed_blocks(opt, [blk], tee=slc.tee) "Bubble, dew, and critical point initialization: {}.".format( idaeslog.condition(res) ) ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Calculate _teq if required # Using iterator k outside of for loop - this should be OK as we just need # a valid StateBlockData an assume they are all the same. if k.params.config.phases_in_equilibrium is not None and ( not k.config.defined_state or k.always_flash ): for k in blk.values(): for pp in k.params._pe_pairs: k.params.config.phase_equilibrium_state[pp].calculate_teq(k, pp)"Equilibrium temperature initialization completed.") # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Initialize flow rates and compositions for k in blk.values(): k.params.config.state_definition.state_initialization(k) if k.params._electrolyte: if k.params.config.state_components == StateIndex.true: # First calculate initial values for apparent species flows for p, j in k.params.apparent_phase_component_set: calculate_variable_from_constraint( k.flow_mol_phase_comp_apparent[p, j], k.true_to_appr_species[p, j], ) # Need to calculate all flows before doing mole fractions for p, j in k.params.apparent_phase_component_set: sum_flow = sum( k.flow_mol_phase_comp_apparent[p, jj] for jj in k.params.apparent_species_set if (p, jj) in k.params.apparent_phase_component_set ) if value(sum_flow) == 0: x = 1 else: x = value(k.flow_mol_phase_comp_apparent[p, j] / sum_flow) lb = k.mole_frac_phase_comp_apparent[p, j].lb if lb is not None and x <= lb: k.mole_frac_phase_comp_apparent[p, j].set_value(lb) else: k.mole_frac_phase_comp_apparent[p, j].set_value(x) elif k.params.config.state_components == StateIndex.apparent: # First calculate initial values for true species flows for p, j in k.params.true_phase_component_set: calculate_variable_from_constraint( k.flow_mol_phase_comp_true[p, j], k.appr_to_true_species[p, j], ) # Need to calculate all flows before doing mole fractions for p, j in k.params.true_phase_component_set: sum_flow = sum( k.flow_mol_phase_comp_true[p, jj] for jj in k.params.true_species_set if (p, jj) in k.params.true_phase_component_set ) if value(sum_flow) == 0: x = 1 else: x = value(k.flow_mol_phase_comp_true[p, j] / sum_flow) lb = k.mole_frac_phase_comp_true[p, j].lb if lb is not None and x <= lb: k.mole_frac_phase_comp_true[p, j].set_value(lb) else: k.mole_frac_phase_comp_true[p, j].set_value(x) # If state block has phase equilibrium, use the average of all # _teq's as an initial guess for T if ( k.params.config.phases_in_equilibrium is not None and isinstance(k.temperature, Var) and not k.temperature.fixed ): k.temperature.value = value( sum(k._teq[i] for i in k.params._pe_pairs) / len(k.params._pe_pairs) ) if outlvl > 0: # TODO: Update to use logger Enum"State variable initialization completed.") # --------------------------------------------------------------------- n_cons = 0 dof = 0 skip = False Tfix = {} # In enth based state defs, need to also fix T until later for k, b in blk.items(): if b.params.config.phase_equilibrium_state is not None and ( not b.config.defined_state or b.always_flash ): if not b.temperature.fixed: b.temperature.fix() Tfix[k] = True for c in b.component_objects(Constraint): # Activate common constraints if c.local_name in ( "total_flow_balance", "component_flow_balances", "sum_mole_frac", "phase_fraction_constraint", "mole_frac_phase_comp_eq", "mole_frac_comp_eq", ): c.activate() if c.local_name == "log_mole_frac_phase_comp_eqn": c.activate() for p, j in b.params._phase_component_set: calculate_variable_from_constraint( b.log_mole_frac_phase_comp[p, j], b.log_mole_frac_phase_comp_eqn[p, j], ) elif c.local_name == "equilibrium_constraint": # For systems where the state variables fully define the # phase equilibrium, we cannot activate the equilibrium # constraint at this stage. if "flow_mol_phase_comp" not in b.define_state_vars(): c.activate() for pp in b.params._pe_pairs: # Activate formulation specific constraints b.params.config.phase_equilibrium_state[ pp ].phase_equil_initialization(b, pp) n_cons += number_activated_constraints(b) dof += degrees_of_freedom(b) if degrees_of_freedom(b) < 0: # Skip solve if DoF < 0 - this is probably due to a # phase-component flow state with flash skip = True if n_cons > 0 and not skip: if dof > 0: raise InitializationError( f"{} Unexpected degrees of freedom during " f"initialization at phase equilibrium step: {dof}." ) with idaeslog.solver_log(solve_log, idaeslog.DEBUG) as slc: res = solve_indexed_blocks(opt, [blk], tee=slc.tee) "Phase equilibrium initialization: {}.".format(idaeslog.condition(res)) ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Initialize other properties for k, b in blk.items(): for c in b.component_objects(Constraint): # Activate all constraints except flagged do_not_initialize if c.local_name not in ( b.params.config.state_definition.do_not_initialize ): c.activate() if k in Tfix: b.temperature.unfix() # Initialize log-form variables log_form_vars = [ "act_phase_comp", "act_phase_comp_apparent", "act_phase_comp_true", "conc_mol_phase_comp", "conc_mol_phase_comp_apparent", "conc_mol_phase_comp_true", "mass_frac_phase_comp", "mass_frac_phase_comp_apparent", "mass_frac_phase_comp_true", "molality_phase_comp", "molality_phase_comp_apparent", "molality_phase_comp_true", "mole_frac_comp", # Might have already been initialized "mole_frac_phase_comp", # Might have already been initialized "mole_frac_phase_comp_apparent", "mole_frac_phase_comp_true", "pressure_phase_comp", "pressure_phase_comp_apparent", "pressure_phase_comp_true", ] for prop in log_form_vars: if b.is_property_constructed("log_" + prop): comp = getattr(b, prop) lcomp = getattr(b, "log_" + prop) for k2, v in lcomp.items(): c = value(comp[k2]) if c <= 0: c = 1e-8 lc = log(c) v.set_value(value(lc)) n_cons = 0 dof = 0 skip = False for k in blk.values(): if degrees_of_freedom(k) < 0: # Skip solve if DoF < 0 - this is probably due to a # phase-component flow state with flash skip = True n_cons += number_activated_constraints(k) dof += degrees_of_freedom(k) if n_cons > 0 and not skip: if dof > 0: raise InitializationError( f"{} Unexpected degrees of freedom during " f"initialization at property initialization step: {dof}." ) with idaeslog.solver_log(solve_log, idaeslog.DEBUG) as slc: res = solve_indexed_blocks(opt, [blk], tee=slc.tee) "Property initialization: {}.".format(idaeslog.condition(res)) ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Return constraints to initial state for k in blk.values(): for c in k.component_objects(Constraint): if c.local_name in (k.params.config.state_definition.do_not_initialize): c.activate() if res is not None and not check_optimal_termination(res): raise InitializationError( f"{} failed to initialize successfully. Please check " f"the output logs for more information." ) if state_vars_fixed is False: if hold_state is True: return flag_dict else: blk.release_state(flag_dict) "Property package initialization: {}.".format(idaeslog.condition(res)) ) def release_state(blk, flags, outlvl=idaeslog.NOTSET): """ Method to release state variables fixed during initialization. Keyword Arguments: flags : dict containing information of which state variables were fixed during initialization, and should now be unfixed. This dict is returned by initialize if hold_state=True. outlvl : sets output level of initialization routine """ revert_state_vars(blk, flags) init_log = idaeslog.getInitLogger(, outlvl, tag="properties") init_log.info_high("State released.") @declare_process_block_class("GenericStateBlock", block_class=_GenericStateBlock) class GenericStateBlockData(StateBlockData): """ Modular State Block class. """ CONFIG = StateBlockData.CONFIG() def build(self): super(GenericStateBlockData, self).build() # Add state variables and associated methods self.params.config.state_definition.define_state(self) # Add equilibrium temperature variable if required if self.params.config.phases_in_equilibrium is not None and ( not self.config.defined_state or self.always_flash ): t_units = self.params.get_metadata().default_units.TEMPERATURE if self.temperature.value is not None: t_value = value(self.temperature) else: t_value = None self._teq = Var( self.params._pe_pairs, initialize=t_value, doc="Temperature for calculating phase equilibrium", units=t_units, ) # Create common components for each property package for p in self.phase_list: pobj = self.params.get_phase(p) pobj.config.equation_of_state.common(self, pobj) # Check to see if state definition uses enthalpy if self.is_property_constructed("enth_mol"): # State definition uses enthalpy, need to add constraint on phase enthalpies @self.Constraint(doc="Total molar enthalpy mixing rule") def enth_mol_eqn(b): return b.enth_mol == sum( b.enth_mol_phase[p] * b.phase_frac[p] for p in b.phase_list ) # Add phase equilibrium constraints if necessary if self.params.config.phases_in_equilibrium is not None and ( not self.config.defined_state or self.always_flash ): pe_form_config = self.params.config.phase_equilibrium_state for pp in self.params._pe_pairs: pe_form_config[pp].phase_equil(self, pp) def rule_equilibrium(b, phase1, phase2, j): if (phase1, j) not in b.phase_component_set or ( phase2, j, ) not in b.phase_component_set: return Constraint.Skip config = b.params.get_component(j).config try: e_mthd = config.phase_equilibrium_form[ (phase1, phase2) ].return_expression except KeyError: e_mthd = config.phase_equilibrium_form[ (phase2, phase1) ].return_expression if e_mthd is None: raise GenericPropertyPackageError(b, "phase_equilibrium_form") return e_mthd(self, phase1, phase2, j) self.equilibrium_constraint = Constraint( self.params._pe_pairs, self.component_list, rule=rule_equilibrium ) # Add inherent reaction constraints if necessary if self.params.has_inherent_reactions and ( not self.config.defined_state or ( self.params._electrolyte and self.params.config.state_components == StateIndex.apparent ) ): def equil_rule(b, r): rblock = getattr(b.params, "reaction_" + r) carg = b.params.config.inherent_reactions[r] return carg["equilibrium_form"].return_expression( b, rblock, r, b.temperature ) def keq_rule(b, r): rblock = getattr(b.params, "reaction_" + r) carg = b.params.config.inherent_reactions[r] return carg["equilibrium_constant"].return_expression( b, rblock, r, b.temperature ) self.k_eq = Expression( self.params.inherent_reaction_idx, doc="Equilibrium constant for inherent reactions", rule=keq_rule, ) self.inherent_equilibrium_constraint = Constraint( self.params.inherent_reaction_idx, doc="Inherent reaction equilibrium constraint", rule=equil_rule, ) def calculate_scaling_factors(self): # Get default scale factors and do calculations from base classes super().calculate_scaling_factors() # Scale state variables and associated constraints self.params.config.state_definition.calculate_scaling_factors(self) sf_T = iscale.get_scaling_factor(self.temperature, default=1, warning=True) sf_P = iscale.get_scaling_factor(self.pressure, default=1, warning=True) sf_mf = {} for i, v in self.mole_frac_phase_comp.items(): sf_mf[i] = iscale.get_scaling_factor(v, default=1e3, warning=True) # Add scaling for components in build method # Phase equilibrium temperature if hasattr(self, "_teq"): for v in self._teq.values(): if iscale.get_scaling_factor(v) is None: iscale.set_scaling_factor(v, sf_T) # Other EoS variables and constraints for p in self.phase_list: pobj = self.params.get_phase(p) pobj.config.equation_of_state.calculate_scaling_factors(self, pobj) # Flow and density terms if self.is_property_constructed("_enthalpy_flow_term"): for k, v in self._enthalpy_flow_term.items(): if iscale.get_scaling_factor(v) is None: sf_flow_phase = iscale.get_scaling_factor( self.flow_mol_phase[k], default=1, warning=True, hint="for _enthalpy_flow_term", ) sf_h = iscale.get_scaling_factor( self.enth_mol_phase[k], default=1, warning=True, hint="for _enthalpy_flow_term", ) iscale.set_scaling_factor(v, sf_flow_phase * sf_h) if self.is_property_constructed("_material_density_term"): for (p, j), v in self._material_density_term.items(): if iscale.get_scaling_factor(v) is None: sf_rho = iscale.get_scaling_factor( self.dens_mol_phase[p], default=1, warning=True ) sf_x = iscale.get_scaling_factor( self.mole_frac_phase_comp[p, j], default=1, warning=True ) iscale.set_scaling_factor(v, sf_rho * sf_x) if self.is_property_constructed("_energy_density_term"): for k, v in self._enthalpy_flow_term.items(): if iscale.get_scaling_factor(v) is None: sf_rho = iscale.get_scaling_factor( self.dens_mol_phase[k], default=1, warning=True ) sf_u = iscale.get_scaling_factor( self.energy_internal_mol_phase[k], default=1, warning=True ) iscale.set_scaling_factor(v, sf_rho * sf_u) if self.is_property_constructed("cp_mol_phase"): for p in self.phase_list: # Cp of air is 30 J/mol K, Cp of liquid water is 75 J/mol K, 1/50 is a good default value # for small molecules. For large molecules, this value will be inappropriate iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.cp_mol_phase[p], 1 / 50, overwrite=False) # Phase equilibrium constraint if hasattr(self, "equilibrium_constraint"): pe_form_config = self.params.config.phase_equilibrium_state for pp in self.params._pe_pairs: pe_form_config[pp].calculate_scaling_factors(self, pp) for k in self.equilibrium_constraint: try: sf_fug = ( self.params.get_component(k[2]) .config.phase_equilibrium_form[(k[0], k[1])] .calculate_scaling_factors(self, k[0], k[1], k[2]) ) iscale.constraint_scaling_transform( self.equilibrium_constraint[k], sf_fug, overwrite=False ) except KeyError: # component not in phase pass # Inherent reactions if hasattr(self, "k_eq"): for r in self.params.inherent_reaction_idx: rblock = getattr(self.params, "reaction_" + r) carg = self.params.config.inherent_reactions[r] sf_keq = iscale.get_scaling_factor(self.k_eq[r]) if sf_keq is None: sf_keq = carg["equilibrium_constant"].calculate_scaling_factors( self, rblock ) iscale.set_scaling_factor(self.k_eq[r], sf_keq) sf_const = carg["equilibrium_form"].calculate_scaling_factors( self, sf_keq ) iscale.constraint_scaling_transform( self.inherent_equilibrium_constraint[r], sf_const, overwrite=False ) # Add scaling for additional Vars and Constraints # Bubble and dew points def bubble_dew_scaling(b, pt_var): # Ditch the m.fs.unit.control_volume... short_name =".")[-1] if short_name.startswith("temperature"): abbrv = "t" sf_pt = sf_T elif short_name.startswith("pressure"): abbrv = "p" sf_pt = sf_P else: _raise_dev_burnt_toast() if short_name.endswith("bubble"): phase = VaporPhase abbrv += "bub" elif short_name.endswith("dew"): phase = LiquidPhase abbrv += "dew" x_var = getattr(b, "_mole_frac_" + abbrv) if b.is_property_constructed("log_mole_frac_" + abbrv): log_eq = getattr(b, "log_mole_frac_" + abbrv + "_eqn") else: log_eq = None # Directly scale the bubble/dew temperature/pressure variable for v in pt_var.values(): if iscale.get_scaling_factor(v) is None: iscale.set_scaling_factor(v, sf_pt) # Scale mole fractions for bubble/dew calcs for i, v in x_var.items(): if iscale.get_scaling_factor(v) is None: if b.params.config.phases[i[0]]["type"] is phase: p = i[0] elif b.params.config.phases[i[1]]["type"] is phase: p = i[1] else: # We create bubble/dew variables for all phase # equilibrium pairs, regardless of whether it makes # sense. If the pair doesn't make sense, the constraint # is not created and the scaling factor is arbitrary p = i[0] try: iscale.set_scaling_factor(v, sf_mf[p, i[2]]) if log_eq is not None and ( iscale.get_scaling_factor(log_eq[i]) is None ): iscale.constraint_scaling_transform( log_eq[i], sf_mf[p, i[2]], overwrite=False ) except KeyError: # component i[2] is not in the new phase, so this # variable is likely unused and scale doesn't matter iscale.set_scaling_factor(v, 1) scaling_method = getattr( b.params.config.bubble_dew_method, "scale_" + short_name ) scaling_method(b, overwrite=False) return if self.is_property_constructed("temperature_bubble"): bubble_dew_scaling(self, self.temperature_bubble) if self.is_property_constructed("temperature_dew"): bubble_dew_scaling(self, self.temperature_dew) if self.is_property_constructed("pressure_bubble"): bubble_dew_scaling(self, self.pressure_bubble) if self.is_property_constructed("pressure_dew"): bubble_dew_scaling(self, self.pressure_dew) # Scale log form constraints if self.is_property_constructed("log_mole_frac_comp"): for j, v in self.log_mole_frac_comp_eqn.items(): sf_x = iscale.get_scaling_factor( self.mole_frac_comp[j], default=1e3, warning=True, hint="for log_mole_frac_comp", ) iscale.constraint_scaling_transform(v, sf_x, overwrite=False) # Activity is generally of similar order to mole fractions if self.is_property_constructed("log_act_phase_comp"): for (p, j), v in self.log_act_phase_comp_eq.items(): sf_x = iscale.get_scaling_factor( self.mole_frac_phase_comp[p, j], default=1e-3, warning=True, hint="for log_mole_frac_phase_comp", ) iscale.constraint_scaling_transform(v, sf_x, overwrite=False) if self.is_property_constructed("log_act_phase_comp_apparent"): for (p, j), v in self.log_act_phase_comp_apparent_eq.items(): sf_x = iscale.get_scaling_factor( self.mole_frac_phase_comp_apparent[p, j], default=1e-3, warning=True, hint="for log_mole_frac_phase_comp_apparent", ) iscale.constraint_scaling_transform(v, sf_x, overwrite=False) if self.is_property_constructed("log_act_phase_comp_true"): for (p, j), v in self.log_act_phase_comp_true_eq.items(): sf_x = iscale.get_scaling_factor( self.mole_frac_phase_comp_true[p, j], default=1e-3, warning=True, hint="for log_mole_frac_phase_comp_true", ) iscale.constraint_scaling_transform(v, sf_x, overwrite=False) if ( self.is_property_constructed("log_act_phase_solvents") and len(self.params.solvent_set) > 1 ): for p, v in self.log_act_phase_solvents_eq.items(): iscale.constraint_scaling_transform(v, 1e-3, overwrite=False) if self.is_property_constructed("log_conc_mol_phase_comp"): for (p, j), v in self.log_conc_mol_phase_comp_eq.items(): sf_dens_mol = iscale.get_scaling_factor( self.dens_mol_phase[p], default=55e3, warning=True, hint="for log_conc_mol_phase_comp", ) sf_x = iscale.get_scaling_factor( self.mole_frac_phase_comp[p, j], default=1, warning=True, hint="for log_conc_mol_phase_comp", ) iscale.constraint_scaling_transform( v, sf_dens_mol * sf_x, overwrite=False ) if self.is_property_constructed("log_conc_mol_phase_comp_true"): for (p, j), v in self.log_conc_mol_phase_comp_true_eq.items(): sf_dens_mol = iscale.get_scaling_factor( self.dens_mol_phase[p], default=55e3, warning=True, hint="for log_conc_mol_phase_comp_true", ) sf_x = iscale.get_scaling_factor( self.mole_frac_phase_comp_true[p, j], default=1, warning=True, hint="for log_conc_mol_phase_comp_true", ) iscale.constraint_scaling_transform( v, sf_dens_mol * sf_x, overwrite=False ) if self.is_property_constructed("log_mass_frac_phase_comp"): for (p, j), v in self.log_mass_frac_phase_comp_eq.items(): sf_x = iscale.get_scaling_factor( self.mass_frac_phase_comp[p, j], default=1e-3, warning=True, hint="for log_mass_frac_phase_comp", ) iscale.constraint_scaling_transform(v, sf_x, overwrite=False) if self.is_property_constructed("log_mass_frac_phase_comp_apparent"): for (p, j), v in self.log_mass_frac_phase_comp_apparent_eq.items(): sf_x = iscale.get_scaling_factor( self.mass_frac_phase_comp_apparent[p, j], default=1e-3, warning=True, hint="for log_mass_frac_phase_comp_apparent", ) iscale.constraint_scaling_transform(v, sf_x, overwrite=False) if self.is_property_constructed("log_mass_frac_phase_comp_true"): for (p, j), v in self.log_mass_frac_phase_comp_true_eq.items(): sf_x = iscale.get_scaling_factor( self.mass_frac_phase_comp_true[p, j], default=1e-3, warning=True, hint="for log_mass_frac_phase_comp_true", ) iscale.constraint_scaling_transform(v, sf_x, overwrite=False) if self.is_property_constructed("log_molality_phase_comp"): for (p, j), v in self.log_molality_phase_comp_eq.items(): sf_x = iscale.get_scaling_factor( self.molality_phase_comp[p, j], default=1, warning=True, hint="for log_molality_phase_comp", ) iscale.constraint_scaling_transform(v, sf_x, overwrite=False) if self.is_property_constructed("log_molality_phase_comp_apparent"): for (p, j), v in self.log_molality_phase_comp_apparent_eq.items(): sf_x = iscale.get_scaling_factor( self.molality_phase_comp_apparent[p, j], default=1, warning=True, hint="for log_molality_phase_comp_apparent", ) iscale.constraint_scaling_transform(v, sf_x, overwrite=False) if self.is_property_constructed("log_molality_phase_comp_true"): for (p, j), v in self.log_molality_phase_comp_true_eq.items(): sf_x = iscale.get_scaling_factor( self.molality_phase_comp_true[p, j], default=1, warning=True, hint="for log_molality_phase_comp_true", ) iscale.constraint_scaling_transform(v, sf_x, overwrite=False) if self.is_property_constructed("log_mole_frac_phase_comp"): for (p, j), v in self.log_mole_frac_phase_comp_eqn.items(): sf_x = iscale.get_scaling_factor( self.mole_frac_phase_comp[p, j], default=1e3, warning=True, hint="for log_mole_frac_phase_comp", ) iscale.constraint_scaling_transform(v, sf_x, overwrite=False) if self.is_property_constructed("log_mole_frac_phase_comp_apparent"): for (p, j), v in self.log_mole_frac_phase_comp_apparent_eq.items(): sf_x = iscale.get_scaling_factor( self.mole_frac_phase_comp_apparent[p, j], default=1e-3, warning=True, hint="for log_mole_frac_phase_comp_apparent", ) iscale.constraint_scaling_transform(v, sf_x, overwrite=False) if self.is_property_constructed("log_mole_frac_phase_comp_true"): for (p, j), v in self.log_mole_frac_phase_comp_true_eq.items(): sf_x = iscale.get_scaling_factor( self.mole_frac_phase_comp_true[p, j], default=1e-3, warning=True, hint="for log_mole_frac_phase_comp_true", ) iscale.constraint_scaling_transform(v, sf_x, overwrite=False) if self.is_property_constructed("therm_cond_phase"): for p in self.phase_list: pobj = self.params.get_phase(p) if pobj.is_vapor_phase(): sf_default = 100 elif pobj.is_liquid_phase(): sf_default = 10 elif pobj.is_solid_phase(): sf_default = 1 / 10 else: sf_default = 1 iscale.set_scaling_factor( self.therm_cond_phase[p], sf_default, overwrite=False ) if self.is_property_constructed("visc_d_phase"): for p in self.phase_list: pobj = self.params.get_phase(p) if pobj.is_vapor_phase(): sf_default = 1e5 elif pobj.is_liquid_phase(): # Works well for water and small organic molecules, not for honey or syrup sf_default = 1e3 else: sf_default = 1 iscale.set_scaling_factor( self.visc_d_phase[p], sf_default, overwrite=False ) def components_in_phase(self, phase): """ Generator method which yields components present in a given phase. As this method is used only for property calculations, it should use the true species sset if one exists. Args: phase - phase for which to yield components Yields: components present in phase. """ if not self.params._electrolyte: component_list = self.component_list pc_set = self.phase_component_set else: config = self.params.get_phase(phase).config if ( config.equation_of_state_options is not None and "property_basis" in config.equation_of_state_options and config.equation_of_state_options["property_basis"] == "apparent" ): component_list = self.params.apparent_species_set pc_set = self.params.apparent_phase_component_set else: component_list = self.params.true_species_set pc_set = self.params.true_phase_component_set for j in component_list: if (phase, j) in pc_set: yield j def get_mole_frac(self, phase=None): """ Property calculations generally depend on phase_component mole fractions for mixing rules, but in some cases there are multiple component lists to work from. This method is used to return the correct phase-component indexed mole fraction component for the given circumstances. Returns: mole fraction object """ if not self.params._electrolyte: return self.mole_frac_phase_comp else: if phase is not None: config = self.params.get_phase(phase).config if ( config.equation_of_state_options is not None and "property_basis" in config.equation_of_state_options and config.equation_of_state_options["property_basis"] == "apparent" ): return self.mole_frac_phase_comp_apparent return self.mole_frac_phase_comp_true # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Mixture critical point # Critical properties will be based off liquid phase if present, as we assume # supercritical fluid is liquid-like. def _get_critical_ref_phase(self): ref_phase = None vap_phase = None # First, look for VLE pair and use liquid phase if present if self.params.config.phases_in_equilibrium is not None: for pp in self.params.config.phases_in_equilibrium: p1 = self.params.get_phase(pp[0]) p2 = self.params.get_phase(pp[1]) if p1.is_liquid_phase() and p2.is_vapor_phase(): return pp[0] elif p2.is_liquid_phase() and p1.is_vapor_phase(): return pp[1] # Next, iterate all phases and return either the first liquid phase # Also collect vapor phase for final fall back for p in self.params.phase_list: if self.params.get_phase(p).is_liquid_phase(): return p elif self.params.get_phase(p).is_vapor_phase(): vap_phase = p if ref_phase is None and vap_phase is not None: # Use vapor phase for reference phase return vap_phase if ref_phase is None: # If still no reference phase, raise an exception raise PropertyPackageError( "No liquid or vapor phase found to use as reference phase " "for calculating critical properties." ) def _critical_props(self): ref_phase = self._get_critical_ref_phase() try: base_units = self.params.get_metadata().default_units self.compress_fact_crit = Var( doc="Critical compressibility factor of mixture", units=pyunits.dimensionless, ) self.dens_mol_crit = Var( doc="Critical molar density of mixture", units=base_units.DENSITY_MOLE, ) self.pressure_crit = Var( doc="Critical pressure of mixture", units=base_units.PRESSURE, ) self.temperature_crit = Var( doc="Critical temperature of mixture", units=base_units.TEMPERATURE, ) p_config = self.params.get_phase(ref_phase).config p_config.equation_of_state.build_critical_properties(self, ref_phase) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.compress_fact_crit) self.del_component(self.dens_mol_crit) self.del_component(self.pressure_crit) self.del_component(self.temperature_crit) raise # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Bubble and Dew Points def _temperature_bubble(b): _temperature_pressure_bubble_dew(b, "temperature_bubble") def _log_mole_frac_tbub(b): _log_mole_frac_bubble_dew(b, "log_mole_frac_tbub") def _temperature_dew(b): _temperature_pressure_bubble_dew(b, "temperature_dew") def _log_mole_frac_tdew(b): _log_mole_frac_bubble_dew(b, "log_mole_frac_tdew") def _pressure_bubble(b): _temperature_pressure_bubble_dew(b, "pressure_bubble") def _log_mole_frac_pbub(b): _log_mole_frac_bubble_dew(b, "log_mole_frac_pbub") def _pressure_dew(b): _temperature_pressure_bubble_dew(b, "pressure_dew") def _log_mole_frac_pdew(b): _log_mole_frac_bubble_dew(b, "log_mole_frac_pdew") # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Property Methods def _act_phase_comp(self): try: def rule_act_phase_comp(b, p, j): p_config = b.params.get_phase(p).config return p_config.equation_of_state.act_phase_comp(b, p, j) self.act_phase_comp = Expression( self.phase_component_set, doc="Component activity in each phase", rule=rule_act_phase_comp, ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.act_phase_comp) raise def _act_phase_comp_true(self): try: def rule_act_phase_comp_true(b, p, j): p_config = b.params.get_phase(p).config return p_config.equation_of_state.act_phase_comp_true(b, p, j) self.act_phase_comp_true = Expression( self.params.true_phase_component_set, doc="Component activity in each phase", rule=rule_act_phase_comp_true, ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.act_phase_comp_true) raise def _act_phase_comp_apparent(self): try: def rule_act_phase_comp_apparent(b, p, j): p_config = b.params.get_phase(p).config return p_config.equation_of_state.act_phase_comp_apparent(b, p, j) self.act_phase_comp_apparent = Expression( self.params.apparent_phase_component_set, doc="Component activity in each phase", rule=rule_act_phase_comp_apparent, ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.act_phase_comp_apparent) raise def _act_coeff_phase_comp(self): try: def rule_act_coeff_phase_comp(b, p, j): p_config = b.params.get_phase(p).config return p_config.equation_of_state.act_coeff_phase_comp(b, p, j) self.act_coeff_phase_comp = Expression( self.phase_component_set, doc="Component activity coefficient in each phase", rule=rule_act_coeff_phase_comp, ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.act_coeff_phase_comp) raise def _act_coeff_phase_comp_true(self): try: def rule_act_coeff_phase_comp_true(b, p, j): p_config = b.params.get_phase(p).config return p_config.equation_of_state.act_coeff_phase_comp_true(b, p, j) self.act_coeff_phase_comp_true = Expression( self.params.true_phase_component_set, doc="Component activity coefficient in each phase", rule=rule_act_coeff_phase_comp_true, ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.act_coeff_phase_comp_true) raise def _act_coeff_phase_comp_apparent(self): try: def rule_act_coeff_phase_comp_apparent(b, p, j): p_config = b.params.get_phase(p).config return p_config.equation_of_state.act_coeff_phase_comp_apparent(b, p, j) self.act_coeff_phase_comp_apparent = Expression( self.params.apparent_phase_component_set, doc="Component activity coefficient in each phase", rule=rule_act_coeff_phase_comp_apparent, ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.act_coeff_phase_comp_apparent) raise def _compress_fact_phase(self): try: def rule_Z_phase(b, p): p_config = b.params.get_phase(p).config return p_config.equation_of_state.compress_fact_phase(b, p) self.compress_fact_phase = Expression( self.phase_list, doc="Compressibility of each phase", rule=rule_Z_phase ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.compress_fact_phase) raise def _conc_mol_comp(self): try: def rule_conc_mol_comp(b, j): return b.dens_mol * b.mole_frac_comp[j] self.conc_mol_comp = Expression( self.component_list, rule=rule_conc_mol_comp, doc="Molar concentration of component", ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.conc_mol_comp) raise def _conc_mol_phase_comp(self): try: def rule_conc_mol_phase_comp(b, p, j): return b.dens_mol_phase[p] * b.mole_frac_phase_comp[p, j] self.conc_mol_phase_comp = Expression( self.phase_component_set, rule=rule_conc_mol_phase_comp, doc="Molar concentration of component by phase", ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.conc_mol_phase_comp) raise def _conc_mol_phase_comp_apparent(self): try: def rule_conc_mol_phase_comp_apparent(b, p, j): return b.dens_mol_phase[p] * b.mole_frac_phase_comp_apparent[p, j] self.conc_mol_phase_comp_apparent = Expression( self.params.apparent_phase_component_set, rule=rule_conc_mol_phase_comp_apparent, doc="Molar concentration of apparent component by phase", ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.conc_mol_phase_comp_apparent) raise def _conc_mol_phase_comp_true(self): try: def rule_conc_mol_phase_comp_true(b, p, j): return b.dens_mol_phase[p] * b.mole_frac_phase_comp_true[p, j] self.conc_mol_phase_comp_true = Expression( self.params.true_phase_component_set, rule=rule_conc_mol_phase_comp_true, doc="Molar concentration of true component by phase", ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.conc_mol_phase_comp_true) raise def _cp_mass_phase(self): try: def rule_cp_mass_phase(b, p): p_config = b.params.get_phase(p).config return p_config.equation_of_state.cp_mass_phase(b, p) self.cp_mass_phase = Expression(self.phase_list, rule=rule_cp_mass_phase) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.cp_mass_phase) raise def _cp_mol(self): try: def rule_cp_mol(b): return sum(b.cp_mol_phase[p] * b.phase_frac[p] for p in b.phase_list) self.cp_mol = Expression( rule=rule_cp_mol, doc="Mixture molar heat capacity" ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.cp_mol) raise def _cp_mol_phase(self): try: def rule_cp_mol_phase(b, p): p_config = b.params.get_phase(p).config return p_config.equation_of_state.cp_mol_phase(b, p) self.cp_mol_phase = Expression(self.phase_list, rule=rule_cp_mol_phase) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.cp_mol_phase) raise def _cp_mol_phase_comp(self): try: def rule_cp_mol_phase_comp(b, p, j): p_config = b.params.get_phase(p).config return p_config.equation_of_state.cp_mol_phase_comp(b, p, j) self.cp_mol_phase_comp = Expression( self.phase_component_set, rule=rule_cp_mol_phase_comp ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.cp_mol_phase_comp) raise def _cv_mol(self): try: def rule_cv_mol(b): return sum(b.cv_mol_phase[p] * b.phase_frac[p] for p in b.phase_list) self.cv_mol = Expression( rule=rule_cv_mol, doc="Mixture molar heat capacity" ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.cv_mol) raise def _cv_mass_phase(self): try: def rule_cv_mass_phase(b, p): p_config = b.params.get_phase(p).config return p_config.equation_of_state.cv_mass_phase(b, p) self.cv_mass_phase = Expression(self.phase_list, rule=rule_cv_mass_phase) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.cv_mass_phase) raise def _cv_mol_phase(self): try: def rule_cv_mol_phase(b, p): p_config = b.params.get_phase(p).config return p_config.equation_of_state.cv_mol_phase(b, p) self.cv_mol_phase = Expression(self.phase_list, rule=rule_cv_mol_phase) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.cv_mol_phase) raise def _cv_mol_phase_comp(self): try: def rule_cv_mol_phase_comp(b, p, j): p_config = b.params.get_phase(p).config return p_config.equation_of_state.cv_mol_phase_comp(b, p, j) self.cv_mol_phase_comp = Expression( self.phase_component_set, rule=rule_cv_mol_phase_comp ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.cv_mol_phase_comp) raise def _heat_capacity_ratio_phase(self): try: def rule_heat_capacity_ratio_phase(b, p): p_config = b.params.get_phase(p).config return p_config.equation_of_state.heat_capacity_ratio_phase(b, p) self.heat_capacity_ratio_phase = Expression( self.phase_list, rule=rule_heat_capacity_ratio_phase, doc="Heat capacity ratio by phase", ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.heat_capacity_ratio_phase) raise def _dens_mass(self): try: def rule_dens_mass(b): return sum(b.dens_mass_phase[p] * b.phase_frac[p] for p in b.phase_list) self.dens_mass = Expression(doc="Mixture mass density", rule=rule_dens_mass) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.dens_mass) raise def _dens_mass_phase(self): try: def rule_dens_mass_phase(b, p): p_config = b.params.get_phase(p).config return p_config.equation_of_state.dens_mass_phase(b, p) self.dens_mass_phase = Expression( self.phase_list, doc="Mass density of each phase", rule=rule_dens_mass_phase, ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.dens_mass_phase) raise def _dens_mol(self): try: def rule_dens_mol(b): return sum(b.dens_mol_phase[p] * b.phase_frac[p] for p in b.phase_list) self.dens_mol = Expression(doc="Mixture molar density", rule=rule_dens_mol) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.dens_mol) raise def _dens_mol_phase(self): try: def rule_dens_mol_phase(b, p): p_config = b.params.get_phase(p).config return p_config.equation_of_state.dens_mol_phase(b, p) self.dens_mol_phase = Expression( self.phase_list, doc="Molar density of each phase", rule=rule_dens_mol_phase, ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.dens_mol_phase) raise def _diffus_phase_comp(self): try: def rule_diffus_phase_comp(b, p, j): cobj = b.params.get_component(j) if ( cobj.config.diffus_phase_comp is not None and p in cobj.config.diffus_phase_comp ): return cobj.config.diffus_phase_comp[p].return_expression( b, p, j, b.temperature ) else: return Expression.Skip self.diffus_phase_comp = Expression( self.phase_component_set, doc="Diffusivity for each phase-component pair", rule=rule_diffus_phase_comp, ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.diffus_phase_comp) raise def _diffus_phase_comp_apparent(self): try: def rule_diffus_phase_comp_apparent(b, p, j): cobj = b.params.get_component(j) if ( cobj.config.diffus_phase_comp is not None and p in cobj.config.diffus_phase_comp ): return cobj.config.diffus_phase_comp[p].return_expression( b, p, j, b.temperature ) else: return Expression.Skip self.diffus_phase_comp_apparent = Expression( self.params.apparent_phase_component_set, doc="Diffusivity for apparent components in each phase", rule=rule_diffus_phase_comp_apparent, ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.diffus_phase_comp_apparent) raise def _diffus_phase_comp_true(self): try: def rule_diffus_phase_comp_true(b, p, j): cobj = b.params.get_component(j) if ( cobj.config.diffus_phase_comp is not None and p in cobj.config.diffus_phase_comp ): return cobj.config.diffus_phase_comp[p].return_expression( b, p, j, b.temperature ) else: return Expression.Skip self.diffus_phase_comp_true = Expression( self.params.true_phase_component_set, doc="Diffusivity for true components in each phase", rule=rule_diffus_phase_comp_true, ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.diffus_phase_comp_true) raise def _energy_internal_mol(self): try: def rule_energy_internal_mol(b): return sum( b.energy_internal_mol_phase[p] * b.phase_frac[p] for p in b.phase_list ) self.energy_internal_mol = Expression( rule=rule_energy_internal_mol, doc="Mixture molar internal energy" ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.energy_internal_mol) raise def _energy_internal_mol_phase(self): try: def rule_energy_internal_mol_phase(b, p): eos = b.params.get_phase(p).config.equation_of_state return eos.energy_internal_mol_phase(b, p) self.energy_internal_mol_phase = Expression( self.phase_list, rule=rule_energy_internal_mol_phase ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.energy_internal_mol_phase) raise def _energy_internal_mol_phase_comp(self): try: def rule_energy_internal_mol_phase_comp(b, p, j): eos = b.params.get_phase(p).config.equation_of_state return eos.energy_internal_mol_phase_comp(b, p, j) self.energy_internal_mol_phase_comp = Expression( self.phase_component_set, rule=rule_energy_internal_mol_phase_comp ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.energy_internal_mol_phase_comp) raise def _enth_mol(self): try: def rule_enth_mol(b): return sum(b.enth_mol_phase[p] * b.phase_frac[p] for p in b.phase_list) self.enth_mol = Expression(rule=rule_enth_mol, doc="Mixture molar enthalpy") except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.enth_mol) raise def _enth_mol_phase(self): try: def rule_enth_mol_phase(b, p): p_config = b.params.get_phase(p).config return p_config.equation_of_state.enth_mol_phase(b, p) self.enth_mol_phase = Expression(self.phase_list, rule=rule_enth_mol_phase) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.enth_mol_phase) raise def _enth_mol_phase_comp(self): try: def rule_enth_mol_phase_comp(b, p, j): p_config = b.params.get_phase(p).config return p_config.equation_of_state.enth_mol_phase_comp(b, p, j) self.enth_mol_phase_comp = Expression( self.phase_component_set, rule=rule_enth_mol_phase_comp ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.enth_mol_phase_comp) raise def _entr_mol(self): try: def rule_entr_mol(b): return sum(b.entr_mol_phase[p] * b.phase_frac[p] for p in b.phase_list) self.entr_mol = Expression(rule=rule_entr_mol, doc="Mixture molar entropy") except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.entr_mol) raise def _entr_mol_phase(self): try: def rule_entr_mol_phase(b, p): p_config = b.params.get_phase(p).config return p_config.equation_of_state.entr_mol_phase(b, p) self.entr_mol_phase = Expression(self.phase_list, rule=rule_entr_mol_phase) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.entr_mol_phase) raise def _entr_mol_phase_comp(self): try: def rule_entr_mol_phase_comp(b, p, j): p_config = b.params.get_phase(p).config return p_config.equation_of_state.entr_mol_phase_comp(b, p, j) self.entr_mol_phase_comp = Expression( self.phase_component_set, rule=rule_entr_mol_phase_comp ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.entr_mol_phase_comp) raise def _flow_mass(self): try: if self.get_material_flow_basis() == MaterialFlowBasis.mass: self.flow_mass = Expression( expr=sum(self.flow_mass_comp[j] for j in self.component_list), doc="Mass flow rate", ) elif self.get_material_flow_basis() == MaterialFlowBasis.molar: self.flow_mass = Expression( * self.flow_mol, doc="Mass flow rate" ) else: raise PropertyPackageError( "{} Generic Property Package set to use unsupported " "material flow basis: {}".format(, self.get_material_flow_basis() ) ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.flow_mass) raise def _flow_mass_phase(self): try: def rule_flow_mass_phase(b, p): if b.get_material_flow_basis() == MaterialFlowBasis.mass: return b.flow_mass * b.phase_frac[p] elif self.get_material_flow_basis() == MaterialFlowBasis.molar: return b.mw_phase[p] * b.flow_mol_phase[p] else: raise PropertyPackageError( "{} Generic Property Package set to use unsupported " "material flow basis: {}".format(, self.get_material_flow_basis() ) ) self.flow_mass_phase = Expression( self.phase_list, doc="Mass flow rate of each phase", rule=rule_flow_mass_phase, ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.flow_mass_phase) raise def _flow_mass_comp(self): try: def rule_flow_mass_comp(b, i): if b.get_material_flow_basis() == MaterialFlowBasis.mass: return self.mass_frac_comp[i] * self.flow_mass elif b.get_material_flow_basis() == MaterialFlowBasis.molar: return b.flow_mol_comp[i] * b.mw_comp[i] else: raise PropertyPackageError( "{} Generic Property Package set to use unsupported " "material flow basis: {}".format(, self.get_material_flow_basis() ) ) self.flow_mass_comp = Expression( self.component_list, doc="Component mass flow rate", rule=rule_flow_mass_comp, ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.flow_mass_comp) raise def _flow_mass_phase_comp(self): try: def rule_flow_mass_phase_comp(b, p, i): if b.get_material_flow_basis() == MaterialFlowBasis.mass: raise PropertyPackageError( "{} Generic property Package set to use material flow " "basis {}, but flow_mass_phase_comp was not created " "by state definition." ) elif b.get_material_flow_basis() == MaterialFlowBasis.molar: return b.flow_mol_phase_comp[p, i] * b.mw_comp[i] else: raise PropertyPackageError( "{} Generic Property Package set to use unsupported " "material flow basis: {}".format(, self.get_material_flow_basis() ) ) self.flow_mass_phase_comp = Expression( self.phase_component_set, doc="Phase-component mass flow rate", rule=rule_flow_mass_phase_comp, ) except AttributeError as e: print(e) self.del_component(self.flow_mass_phase_comp) raise def _flow_mol(self): try: if self.get_material_flow_basis() == MaterialFlowBasis.molar: self.flow_mol = Expression( expr=sum(self.flow_mol_comp[j] for j in self.component_list), doc="Total molar flow rate", ) elif self.get_material_flow_basis() == MaterialFlowBasis.mass: self.flow_mol = Expression( expr=self.flow_mass /, doc="Total molar flow rate" ) else: raise PropertyPackageError( "{} Generic Property Package set to use unsupported " "material flow basis: {}".format(, self.get_material_flow_basis() ) ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.flow_mol) raise def _flow_mol_phase(self): try: def rule_flow_mol_phase(b, p): if b.get_material_flow_basis() == MaterialFlowBasis.molar: return b.flow_mol * b.phase_frac[p] elif b.get_material_flow_basis() == MaterialFlowBasis.mass: return b.flow_mass_phase[p] / b.mw_phase[p] else: raise PropertyPackageError( "{} Generic Property Package set to use unsupported " "material flow basis: {}".format(, self.get_material_flow_basis() ) ) self.flow_mol_phase = Expression( self.phase_list, doc="Molar flow rate of each phase", rule=rule_flow_mol_phase, ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.flow_mol_phase) raise def _flow_mol_comp(self): try: def rule_flow_mol_comp(b, i): if b.get_material_flow_basis() == MaterialFlowBasis.molar: return self.mole_frac_comp[i] * self.flow_mol elif b.get_material_flow_basis() == MaterialFlowBasis.mass: return b.flow_mass_comp[i] / b.mw_comp[i] else: raise PropertyPackageError( "{} Generic Property Package set to use unsupported " "material flow basis: {}".format(, self.get_material_flow_basis() ) ) self.flow_mol_comp = Expression( self.component_list, doc="Component molar flow rate", rule=rule_flow_mol_comp, ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.flow_mol_comp) raise def _flow_mol_phase_comp(self): try: def rule_flow_mol_phase_comp(b, p, i): if b.get_material_flow_basis() == MaterialFlowBasis.molar: raise PropertyPackageError( "{} Generic property Package set to use material flow " "basis {}, but flow_mol_phase_comp was not created " "by state definition." ) elif b.get_material_flow_basis() == MaterialFlowBasis.mass: return b.flow_mass_phase_comp[p, i] / b.mw_comp[i] else: raise PropertyPackageError( "{} Generic Property Package set to use unsupported " "material flow basis: {}".format(, self.get_material_flow_basis() ) ) self.flow_mol_phase_comp = Expression( self.phase_component_set, doc="Phase-component molar flow rate", rule=rule_flow_mol_phase_comp, ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.flow_mol_phase_comp) raise def _flow_vol(self): try: def _flow_vol_rule(b): if b.get_material_flow_basis() == MaterialFlowBasis.molar: return self.flow_mol / self.dens_mol elif b.get_material_flow_basis() == MaterialFlowBasis.mass: return self.flow_mass / self.dens_mass else: raise PropertyPackageError( "{} Generic Property Package set to use unsupported " "material flow basis: {}".format(, self.get_material_flow_basis() ) ) self.flow_vol = Expression(rule=_flow_vol_rule, doc="Volumetric flow rate") except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.flow_vol) raise def _flow_vol_phase(self): try: def rule_flow_vol_phase(b, p): if b.get_material_flow_basis() == MaterialFlowBasis.molar: return b.flow_mol_phase[p] / b.dens_mol_phase[p] elif b.get_material_flow_basis() == MaterialFlowBasis.mass: return b.flow_mass_phase[p] / b.dens_mass_phase[p] else: raise PropertyPackageError( "{} Generic Property Package set to use unsupported " "material flow basis: {}".format(, self.get_material_flow_basis() ) ) self.flow_vol_phase = Expression( self.phase_list, doc="Volumetric flow rate of each phase", rule=rule_flow_vol_phase, ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.flow_vol_phase) raise def _fug_phase_comp(self): try: def rule_fug_phase_comp(b, p, j): p_config = b.params.get_phase(p).config return p_config.equation_of_state.fug_phase_comp(b, p, j) self.fug_phase_comp = Expression( self.phase_component_set, rule=rule_fug_phase_comp ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.fug_phase_comp) raise def _fug_coeff_phase_comp(self): try: def rule_fug_coeff_phase_comp(b, p, j): p_config = b.params.get_phase(p).config return p_config.equation_of_state.fug_coeff_phase_comp(b, p, j) self.fug_coeff_phase_comp = Expression( self.phase_component_set, rule=rule_fug_coeff_phase_comp ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.fug_coeff_phase_comp) raise def _gibbs_mol(self): try: def rule_gibbs_mol(b): return sum(b.gibbs_mol_phase[p] * b.phase_frac[p] for p in b.phase_list) self.gibbs_mol = Expression( rule=rule_gibbs_mol, doc="Mixture molar Gibbs energy" ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.gibbs_mol) raise def _gibbs_mol_phase(self): try: def rule_gibbs_mol_phase(b, p): p_config = b.params.get_phase(p).config return p_config.equation_of_state.gibbs_mol_phase(b, p) self.gibbs_mol_phase = Expression( self.phase_list, rule=rule_gibbs_mol_phase ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.gibbs_mol_phase) raise def _gibbs_mol_phase_comp(self): try: def rule_gibbs_mol_phase_comp(b, p, j): p_config = b.params.get_phase(p).config return p_config.equation_of_state.gibbs_mol_phase_comp(b, p, j) self.gibbs_mol_phase_comp = Expression( self.phase_component_set, rule=rule_gibbs_mol_phase_comp ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.gibbs_mol_phase_comp) raise def _isentropic_speed_sound_phase(self): try: def rule_isentropic_speed_sound_phase(b, p): p_config = b.params.get_phase(p).config return p_config.equation_of_state.isentropic_speed_sound_phase(b, p) self.isentropic_speed_sound_phase = Expression( self.phase_list, doc="Isentropic speed of sound in each phase", rule=rule_isentropic_speed_sound_phase, ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.isentropic_speed_sound_phase) raise def _isothermal_speed_sound_phase(self): try: def rule_isothermal_speed_sound_phase(b, p): p_config = b.params.get_phase(p).config return p_config.equation_of_state.isothermal_speed_sound_phase(b, p) self.isothermal_speed_sound_phase = Expression( self.phase_list, doc="Isothermal speed of sound in each phase", rule=rule_isothermal_speed_sound_phase, ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.isothermal_speed_sound_phase) raise def _henry(self): try: def henry_rule(b, p, j): cobj = b.params.get_component(j) if ( cobj.config.henry_component is not None and p in cobj.config.henry_component ): return cobj.config.henry_component[p]["method"].return_expression( b, p, j, b.temperature ) else: return Expression.Skip self.henry = Expression(self.phase_component_set, rule=henry_rule) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.henry) raise def _mass_frac_phase_comp(self): # If this doesn't exist yet, assume it needs to be built from mole_frac try: def rule_mass_frac(b, p, j): return ( b.mw_comp[j] * b.mole_frac_phase_comp[p, j] / sum( b.mw_comp[k] * b.mole_frac_phase_comp[p, k] for k in b.component_list if (p, k) in b.phase_component_set ) ) self.mass_frac_phase_comp = Expression( self.phase_component_set, rule=rule_mass_frac, doc="Phase-component mass fractions", ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.mass_frac_phase_comp) raise def _mass_frac_phase_comp_apparent(self): # If this doesn't exist yet, assume it needs to be built from mole_frac try: def rule_mass_frac_apparent(b, p, j): return ( b.mw_comp[j] * b.mole_frac_phase_comp_apparent[p, j] / sum( b.mw_comp[k] * b.mole_frac_phase_comp_apparent[p, k] for k in b.params.apparent_species_set if (p, k) in b.params.apparent_phase_component_set ) ) self.mass_frac_phase_comp_apparent = Expression( self.params.apparent_phase_component_set, rule=rule_mass_frac_apparent, doc="Phase-component mass fractions", ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.mass_frac_phase_comp_apparent) raise def _mass_frac_phase_comp_true(self): # If this doesn't exist yet, assume it needs to be built from mole_frac try: def rule_mass_frac_true(b, p, j): return ( b.mw_comp[j] * b.mole_frac_phase_comp_true[p, j] / sum( b.mw_comp[k] * b.mole_frac_phase_comp_true[p, k] for k in b.params.true_species_set if (p, k) in b.paramas.true_phase_component_set ) ) self.mass_frac_phase_comp_true = Expression( self.params.true_phase_component_set, rule=rule_mass_frac_true, doc="Phase-component mass fractions", ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.mass_frac_phase_comp_true) raise def _mw(self): try: = Expression( doc="Average molecular weight", expr=sum( self.phase_frac[p] * sum( ( self.mole_frac_phase_comp[p, j] * self.params.get_component(j).mw if (p, j) in self.phase_component_set else 0 ) for j in self.component_list ) for p in self.phase_list ), ) except AttributeError: self.del_component( raise def _molality_phase_comp(self): try: def rule_molality(b, p, j): pobj = b.params.get_phase(p) if not isinstance(pobj, LiquidPhase): # Molality is defined per mass of solvent so only makes # sense in liquid phases return Expression.Skip else: return b.mole_frac_phase_comp[p, j] / sum( b.mw_comp[k] * b.mole_frac_phase_comp[p, k] for k in b.params.solvent_set ) self.molality_phase_comp = Expression( self.phase_component_set, rule=rule_molality, doc="Component molalitites", ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.molality_phase_comp) raise def _molality_phase_comp_apparent(self): try: def rule_molality_apparent(b, p, j): pobj = b.params.get_phase(p) if not isinstance(pobj, LiquidPhase): # Molality is defined per mass of solvent so only makes # sense in liquid phases return Expression.Skip else: return b.mole_frac_phase_comp_apparent[p, j] / sum( b.mw_comp[k] * b.mole_frac_phase_comp_apparent[p, k] for k in b.params.solvent_set ) self.molality_phase_comp_apparent = Expression( self.phase_component_set, rule=rule_molality_apparent, doc="Component molalitites", ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.molality_phase_comp_apparent) raise def _molality_phase_comp_true(self): try: def rule_molality_true(b, p, j): pobj = b.params.get_phase(p) if not isinstance(pobj, LiquidPhase): # Molality is defined per mass of solvent so only makes # sense in liquid phases return Expression.Skip else: return b.mole_frac_phase_comp_true[p, j] / sum( b.mw_comp[k] * b.mole_frac_phase_comp_true[p, k] for k in b.params.solvent_set ) self.molality_phase_comp_true = Expression( self.phase_component_set, rule=rule_molality_true, doc="Component molalitites", ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.molality_phase_comp_true) raise def _mole_frac_comp(self): """If mole_frac_comp not state var assume mole_frac_phase_comp is""" try: def rule_mole_frac_comp(b, i): return sum( b.phase_frac[p] * b.mole_frac_phase_comp[p, i] for p in b.phase_list ) self.mole_frac_comp = Expression( self.component_list, doc="Mole fraction of each component", rule=rule_mole_frac_comp, ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.mole_frac_comp) raise def _mw_comp(self): try: def rule_mw_comp(b, j): return b.params.get_component(j).mw self.mw_comp = Expression( self.component_list, doc="Molecular weight of each component", rule=rule_mw_comp, ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.mw_comp) raise def _mw_phase(self): try: def rule_mw_phase(b, p): return sum( ( b.mole_frac_phase_comp[p, j] * b.params.get_component(j).mw if (p, j) in b.phase_component_set else 0 ) for j in b.component_list ) self.mw_phase = Expression( self.phase_list, doc="Average molecular weight of each phase", rule=rule_mw_phase, ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.mw_phase) raise def _prandtl_number_phase(self): try: def rule_prandtl_number_phase(b, p): return b.cp_mass_phase[p] * b.visc_d_phase[p] / b.therm_cond_phase[p] self.prandtl_number_phase = Expression( self.phase_list, rule=rule_prandtl_number_phase, doc="Prandtl number by phase", ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.prandtl_number_phase) raise def _pressure_phase_comp(self): try: def rule_partial_pressure(b, p, i): return b.mole_frac_phase_comp[p, i] * b.pressure self.pressure_phase_comp = Expression( self.phase_component_set, doc="Component partial pressure in phase", rule=rule_partial_pressure, ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.pressure_phase_comp) raise def _pressure_phase_comp_true(self): try: def rule_partial_pressure(b, p, i): return b.mole_frac_phase_comp_true[p, i] * b.pressure self.pressure_phase_comp_true = Expression( self.phase_component_set, doc="Component partial pressure in phase", rule=rule_partial_pressure, ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.pressure_phase_comp_true) raise def _pressure_phase_comp_apparent(self): try: def rule_partial_pressure(b, p, i): return b.mole_frac_phase_comp_apparent[p, i] * b.pressure self.pressure_phase_comp_apparent = Expression( self.phase_component_set, doc="Component partial pressure in phase", rule=rule_partial_pressure, ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.pressure_phase_comp_apparent) raise def _pressure_osm_phase(self): try: def rule_posm_phase(b, p): pobj = b.params.get_phase(p) if isinstance(pobj, LiquidPhase): p_config = pobj.config return p_config.equation_of_state.pressure_osm_phase(b, p) else: return Expression.Skip self.pressure_osm_phase = Expression( self.phase_list, doc="Osmotic pressure in each phase", rule=rule_posm_phase, ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.pressure_osm_phase) raise def _pressure_sat_comp(self): try: def rule_pressure_sat_comp(b, j): cobj = b.params.get_component(j) try: return get_method(b, "pressure_sat_comp", j)(b, cobj, b.temperature) except GenericPropertyPackageError: # There is the possibility this is a Henry component if cobj.config.henry_component is not None: # Assume it is a Henry component and skip _log.debug( "{} Component {} does not have a method for" " pressure_sat_comp, but is marked as being" " Henry component in at least one phase. " "It will be assumed that saturation " "pressure is not required for this " "component.".format(, j) ) return Expression.Skip else: raise self.pressure_sat_comp = Expression( self.component_list, rule=rule_pressure_sat_comp ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.pressure_sat_comp) raise def _surf_tens_phase(self): try: def rule_surf_tens_phase(b, p): pobj = b.params.get_phase(p) if isinstance(pobj, LiquidPhase): return get_phase_method(b, "surf_tens_phase", p)(b, p) else: return Expression.Skip self.surf_tens_phase = Expression( self.phase_list, doc="Surface tension for each phase", rule=rule_surf_tens_phase, ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.surf_tens_phase) raise def _therm_cond_phase(self): try: def rule_therm_cond_phase(b, p): return get_phase_method(b, "therm_cond_phase", p)(b, p) self.therm_cond_phase = Expression( self.phase_list, doc="Thermal conductivity for each phase", rule=rule_therm_cond_phase, ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.therm_cond_phase) raise # Constructor for internal property def _make_therm_cond_phase_comp(self): try: def rule_therm_cond_phase_comp(b, p, j): cobj = b.params.get_component(j) if ( cobj.config.therm_cond_phase_comp is not None and p in cobj.config.therm_cond_phase_comp and cobj.config.therm_cond_phase_comp[p] is not None ): return cobj.config.therm_cond_phase_comp[ p ].therm_cond_phase_comp.return_expression(b, cobj, p, b.temperature) else: # Handle case where thermal conductivity isn't defined for a particular phase-component pair return Expression.Skip self._therm_cond_phase_comp = Expression( self.phase_component_set, doc="Pure component thermal conductivity for each phase-component pair", rule=rule_therm_cond_phase_comp, ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.therm_cond_phase_comp) raise def _visc_d_phase(self): try: def rule_visc_d_phase(b, p): return get_phase_method(b, "visc_d_phase", p)(b, p) self.visc_d_phase = Expression( self.phase_list, doc="Dynamic viscosity for each phase", rule=rule_visc_d_phase, ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.visc_d_phase) raise # Constructor for internal property def _make_visc_d_phase_comp(self): try: def rule_visc_d_phase_comp(b, p, j): cobj = b.params.get_component(j) if ( cobj.config.visc_d_phase_comp is not None and p in cobj.config.visc_d_phase_comp and cobj.config.visc_d_phase_comp[p] is not None ): return cobj.config.visc_d_phase_comp[ p ].visc_d_phase_comp.return_expression(b, cobj, p, b.temperature) else: # Handle case where viscosity isn't defined for a particular phase-component pair return Expression.Skip self._visc_d_phase_comp = Expression( self.phase_component_set, doc="Pure component dynamic viscosity for each phase-component pair", rule=rule_visc_d_phase_comp, ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.visc_d_phase_comp) self.del_component(self.visc_d_phase_comp_eqn) raise def _vol_mol_phase(self): try: def rule_vol_mol_phase(b, p): p_config = b.params.get_phase(p).config return p_config.equation_of_state.vol_mol_phase(b, p) self.vol_mol_phase = Expression( self.phase_list, doc="Molar volume of each phase", rule=rule_vol_mol_phase, ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.vol_mol_phase) raise def _vol_mol_phase_comp(self): try: def rule_vol_mol_phase_comp(b, p, j): p_config = b.params.get_phase(p).config return p_config.equation_of_state.vol_mol_phase_comp(b, p, j) self.vol_mol_phase_comp = Expression( self.phase_list, self.component_list, doc="Partial molar volume of component j", rule=rule_vol_mol_phase_comp, ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.vol_mol_phase_comp) raise def _dh_rxn(self): def dh_rule(b, r): rblock = getattr(b.params, "reaction_" + r) carg = b.params.config.inherent_reactions[r] return carg["heat_of_reaction"].return_expression( b, rblock, r, b.temperature ) self.dh_rxn = Expression( self.params.inherent_reaction_idx, doc="Specific heat of reaction for inherent reactions", rule=dh_rule, ) def _log_act_phase_comp(self): try: self.log_act_phase_comp = Var( self.phase_component_set, initialize=1, bounds=(-50, 1), units=pyunits.dimensionless, doc="Log of activity of component by phase", ) def rule_log_act_phase_comp(b, p, j): p_config = b.params.get_phase(p).config return exp( b.log_act_phase_comp[p, j] ) == p_config.equation_of_state.act_phase_comp(b, p, j) self.log_act_phase_comp_eq = Constraint( self.phase_component_set, doc="Natural log of component activity in each phase", rule=rule_log_act_phase_comp, ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.log_act_phase_comp) self.del_component(self.log_act_phase_comp_eq) raise def _log_act_phase_solvents(self): if len(self.params.solvent_set) == 1: self.log_act_phase_solvents = Reference( self.log_act_phase_comp[:, self.params.solvent_set.first()] ) else: try: self.log_act_phase_solvents = Var( self.phase_list, initialize=1, bounds=(-50, 1), units=pyunits.dimensionless, doc="Log of activities summed across solvents by phase", ) def rule_log_act_phase_solvents(b, p): p_obj = b.params.get_phase(p) p_config = b.params.get_phase(p).config if not isinstance(p_obj, LiquidPhase): return Expression.Skip else: return exp(b.log_act_phase_solvents[p]) == sum( p_config.equation_of_state.act_phase_comp(b, p, j) for j in b.params.solvent_set ) self.log_act_phase_solvents_eq = Constraint( self.phase_list, doc="Natural log of solvent activity in each phase", rule=rule_log_act_phase_solvents, ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.log_act_phase_solvents) self.del_component(self.log_act_phase_solvents_eq) raise def _log_act_phase_comp_true(self): try: self.log_act_phase_comp_true = Var( self.params.true_phase_component_set, initialize=1, bounds=(-50, 1), units=pyunits.dimensionless, doc="Log of activity of component by phase", ) def rule_log_act_phase_comp_true(b, p, j): p_config = b.params.get_phase(p).config return exp( b.log_act_phase_comp_true[p, j] ) == p_config.equation_of_state.act_phase_comp_true(b, p, j) self.log_act_phase_comp_true_eq = Constraint( self.params.true_phase_component_set, doc="Natural log of component activity in each phase", rule=rule_log_act_phase_comp_true, ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.log_act_phase_comp_true) self.del_component(self.log_act_phase_comp_true_eq) raise def _log_act_phase_comp_apparent(self): try: self.log_act_phase_comp_apparent = Var( self.params.apparent_phase_component_set, initialize=1, bounds=(-50, 1), units=pyunits.dimensionless, doc="Log of activity of component by phase", ) def rule_log_act_phase_comp_apparent(b, p, j): p_config = b.params.get_phase(p).config return exp( b.log_act_phase_comp_apparent[p, j] ) == p_config.equation_of_state.act_phase_comp_apparent(b, p, j) self.log_act_phase_comp_apparent_eq = Constraint( self.params.apparent_phase_component_set, doc="Natural log of component activity in each phase", rule=rule_log_act_phase_comp_apparent, ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.log_act_phase_comp_apparent) self.del_component(self.log_act_phase_comp_apparent_eq) raise def _log_conc_mol_phase_comp(self): try: self.log_conc_mol_phase_comp = Var( self.phase_component_set, initialize=1, bounds=(-50, None), units=pyunits.dimensionless, doc="Log of molar concentration of component by phase", ) def rule_log_conc_mol_phase_comp(b, p, j): return exp(b.log_conc_mol_phase_comp[p, j]) == ( b.conc_mol_phase_comp[p, j] / pyunits.get_units(b.conc_mol_phase_comp[p, j]) ) self.log_conc_mol_phase_comp_eq = Constraint( self.phase_component_set, rule=rule_log_conc_mol_phase_comp, doc="Constraint for log of molar concentration", ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.log_conc_mol_phase_comp) self.del_component(self.log_conc_mol_phase_comp_eq) raise def _log_conc_mol_phase_comp_true(self): try: self.log_conc_mol_phase_comp_true = Var( self.params.true_phase_component_set, initialize=1, bounds=(-50, None), units=pyunits.dimensionless, doc="Log of molar concentration of component by phase", ) def rule_log_conc_mol_phase_comp_true(b, p, j): return exp(b.log_conc_mol_phase_comp_true[p, j]) == ( b.conc_mol_phase_comp_true[p, j] / pyunits.get_units(b.conc_mol_phase_comp_true[p, j]) ) self.log_conc_mol_phase_comp_true_eq = Constraint( self.params.true_phase_component_set, rule=rule_log_conc_mol_phase_comp_true, doc="Constraint for log of molar concentration", ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.log_conc_mol_phase_comp_true) self.del_component(self.log_conc_mol_phase_comp_true_eq) raise def _log_mass_frac_phase_comp(self): try: self.log_mass_frac_phase_comp = Var( self.phase_component_set, initialize=0, bounds=(-50, 0), units=pyunits.dimensionless, doc="Log of mass fractions of component by phase", ) def rule_log_mass_frac_phase_comp(b, p, j): return exp(b.log_mass_frac_phase_comp[p, j]) == ( b.mass_frac_phase_comp[p, j] ) self.log_mass_frac_phase_comp_eq = Constraint( self.phase_component_set, rule=rule_log_mass_frac_phase_comp, doc="Constraint for log of mass fractions", ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.log_mass_frac_phase_comp) self.del_component(self.log_mass_frac_phase_comp_eq) raise def _log_mass_frac_phase_comp_apparent(self): try: self.log_mass_frac_phase_comp_apparent = Var( self.params.apparent_phase_component_set, initialize=0, bounds=(-50, 0), units=pyunits.dimensionless, doc="Log of mass fractions of component by phase", ) def rule_log_mass_frac_phase_comp_appr(b, p, j): return exp(b.log_mass_frac_phase_comp_apparent[p, j]) == ( b.mass_frac_phase_comp_apparent[p, j] ) self.log_mass_frac_phase_comp_apparent_eq = Constraint( self.params.apparent_phase_component_set, rule=rule_log_mass_frac_phase_comp_appr, doc="Constraint for log of mass fractions", ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.log_mass_frac_phase_comp_apparent) self.del_component(self.log_mass_frac_phase_comp_apparent_eq) raise def _log_mass_frac_phase_comp_true(self): try: self.log_mass_frac_phase_comp_true = Var( self.params.true_phase_component_set, initialize=0, bounds=(-50, 0), units=pyunits.dimensionless, doc="Log of mass fractions of component by phase", ) def rule_log_mass_frac_phase_comp_true(b, p, j): return exp(b.log_mass_frac_phase_comp_true[p, j]) == ( b.mass_frac_phase_comp_true[p, j] ) self.log_mass_frac_phase_comp_true_eq = Constraint( self.params.true_phase_component_set, rule=rule_log_mass_frac_phase_comp_true, doc="Constraint for log of mass fractions", ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.log_mass_frac_phase_comp_true) self.del_component(self.log_mass_frac_phase_comp_true_eq) raise def _log_molality_phase_comp(self): try: self.log_molality_phase_comp = Var( self.phase_component_set, initialize=1, bounds=(-50, None), units=pyunits.dimensionless, doc="Log of molality of component by phase", ) def rule_log_molality_phase_comp(b, p, j): pobj = b.params.get_phase(p) if not isinstance(pobj, LiquidPhase): # Molality is defined per mass of solvent so only makes # sense in liquid phases return Expression.Skip return exp(b.log_molality_phase_comp[p, j]) == ( b.molality_phase_comp[p, j] ) self.log_molality_phase_comp_eq = Constraint( self.phase_component_set, rule=rule_log_molality_phase_comp, doc="Constraint for log of molality", ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.log_molality_phase_comp) self.del_component(self.log_molality_phase_comp_eq) raise def _log_molality_phase_comp_apparent(self): try: self.log_molality_phase_comp_apparent = Var( self.params.apparent_phase_component_set, initialize=1, bounds=(-50, None), units=pyunits.dimensionless, doc="Log of molality of component by phase", ) def rule_log_molality_phase_comp_appr(b, p, j): pobj = b.params.get_phase(p) if not isinstance(pobj, LiquidPhase): # Molality is defined per mass of solvent so only makes # sense in liquid phases return Expression.Skip return exp(b.log_molality_phase_comp_apparent[p, j]) == ( b.molality_phase_comp_apparent[p, j] ) self.log_molality_phase_comp_apparent_eq = Constraint( self.params.apparent_phase_component_set, rule=rule_log_molality_phase_comp_appr, doc="Constraint for log of molality", ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.log_molality_phase_comp_apparent) self.del_component(self.log_molality_phase_comp_apparent_eq) raise def _log_molality_phase_comp_true(self): try: self.log_molality_phase_comp_true = Var( self.params.true_phase_component_set, initialize=1, units=pyunits.dimensionless, doc="Log of molality of component by phase", ) def rule_log_molality_phase_comp_true(b, p, j): pobj = b.params.get_phase(p) if not isinstance(pobj, LiquidPhase): # Molality is defined per mass of solvent so only makes # sense in liquid phases return Expression.Skip return exp(b.log_molality_phase_comp_true[p, j]) == ( b.molality_phase_comp_true[p, j] ) self.log_molality_phase_comp_true_eq = Constraint( self.params.true_phase_component_set, rule=rule_log_molality_phase_comp_true, doc="Constraint for log of molality", ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.log_molality_phase_comp_true) self.del_component(self.log_molality_phase_comp_true_eq) raise def _log_mole_frac_comp(self): try: self.log_mole_frac_comp = Var( self.component_list, initialize=-log(len(self.component_list)), bounds=(-100, log(1.001)), units=pyunits.dimensionless, doc="Log of mole fractions of component", ) def rule_log_mole_frac_comp(b, j): return exp(b.log_mole_frac_comp[j]) == (b.mole_frac_comp[j]) self.log_mole_frac_comp_eqn = Constraint( self.component_list, rule=rule_log_mole_frac_comp, doc="Constraint for log of mole fractions", ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.log_mole_frac_comp) self.del_component(self.log_mole_frac_comp_eqn) raise def _log_mole_frac_phase_comp(self): try: self.log_mole_frac_phase_comp = Var( self.phase_component_set, initialize=0, bounds=(-100, log(1.001)), units=pyunits.dimensionless, doc="Log of mole fractions of component by phase", ) def rule_log_mole_frac_phase_comp(b, p, j): return exp(b.log_mole_frac_phase_comp[p, j]) == ( b.mole_frac_phase_comp[p, j] ) self.log_mole_frac_phase_comp_eqn = Constraint( self.phase_component_set, rule=rule_log_mole_frac_phase_comp, doc="Constraint for log of mole fractions", ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.log_mole_frac_phase_comp) self.del_component(self.log_mole_frac_phase_comp_eqn) raise def _log_mole_frac_phase_comp_apparent(self): try: self.log_mole_frac_phase_comp_apparent = Var( self.params.apparent_phase_component_set, initialize=0, bounds=(-50, 0), units=pyunits.dimensionless, doc="Log of mole fractions of component by phase", ) def rule_log_mole_frac_phase_comp_appr(b, p, j): return exp(b.log_mole_frac_phase_comp_apparent[p, j]) == ( b.mole_frac_phase_comp_apparent[p, j] ) self.log_mole_frac_phase_comp_apparent_eq = Constraint( self.params.apparent_phase_component_set, rule=rule_log_mole_frac_phase_comp_appr, doc="Constraint for log of mole fractions", ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.log_mole_frac_phase_comp_apparent) self.del_component(self.log_mole_frac_phase_comp_apparent_eq) raise def _log_mole_frac_phase_comp_true(self): try: self.log_mole_frac_phase_comp_true = Var( self.params.true_phase_component_set, initialize=0, bounds=(-50, 0), units=pyunits.dimensionless, doc="Log of mole fractions of component by phase", ) def rule_log_mole_frac_phase_comp_true(b, p, j): return exp(b.log_mole_frac_phase_comp_true[p, j]) == ( b.mole_frac_phase_comp_true[p, j] ) self.log_mole_frac_phase_comp_true_eq = Constraint( self.params.true_phase_component_set, rule=rule_log_mole_frac_phase_comp_true, doc="Constraint for log of mole fractions", ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.log_mole_frac_phase_comp_true) self.del_component(self.log_mole_frac_phase_comp_true_eq) raise def _log_pressure_phase_comp(self): try: self.log_pressure_phase_comp = Var( self.phase_component_set, initialize=12, bounds=(-50, None), units=pyunits.dimensionless, doc="Log of partial pressures of component by phase", ) def rule_log_pressure_phase_comp(b, p, j): return exp(b.log_pressure_phase_comp[p, j]) == ( b.pressure_phase_comp[p, j] ) self.log_pressure_phase_comp_eq = Constraint( self.phase_component_set, rule=rule_log_pressure_phase_comp, doc="Constraint for log of partial pressures", ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.log_pressure_phase_comp) self.del_component(self.log_pressure_phase_comp_eq) raise def _log_pressure_phase_comp_apparent(self): try: self.log_pressure_phase_comp_apparent = Var( self.params.apparent_phase_component_set, initialize=12, bounds=(-50, None), units=pyunits.dimensionless, doc="Log of partial pressures of component by phase", ) def rule_log_pressure_phase_comp_appr(b, p, j): return exp(b.log_pressure_phase_comp_apparent[p, j]) == ( b.pressure_phase_comp_apparent[p, j] ) self.log_pressure_phase_comp_apparent_eq = Constraint( self.params.apparent_phase_component_set, rule=rule_log_pressure_phase_comp_appr, doc="Constraint for log of partial pressures", ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.log_pressure_phase_comp_apparent) self.del_component(self.log_pressure_phase_comp_apparent_eq) raise def _log_pressure_phase_comp_true(self): try: self.log_pressure_phase_comp_true = Var( self.params.true_phase_component_set, initialize=12, bounds=(-50, None), units=pyunits.dimensionless, doc="Log of partial pressures of component by phase", ) def rule_log_pressure_phase_comp_true(b, p, j): return exp(b.log_pressure_phase_comp_true[p, j]) == ( b.pressure_phase_comp_true[p, j] ) self.log_pressure_phase_comp_true_eq = Constraint( self.params.true_phase_component_set, rule=rule_log_pressure_phase_comp_true, doc="Constraint for log of partial pressures", ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.log_pressure_phase_comp_true) self.del_component(self.log_pressure_phase_comp_true_eq) raise def _log_k_eq(self): try: self.log_k_eq = Var( self.params.inherent_reaction_idx, initialize=1, doc="Log of equilibrium constant for inherent reactions", ) def rule_log_k_eq(b, r): rblock = getattr(b.params, "reaction_" + r) carg = b.params.config.inherent_reactions[r] return carg["equilibrium_constant"].return_log_expression( b, rblock, r, b.temperature ) self.log_k_eq_constraint = Constraint( self.params.inherent_reaction_idx, rule=rule_log_k_eq, doc="Constraint for log of equilibrium constant", ) except AttributeError: self.del_component(self.log_k_eq) self.del_component(self.log_k_eq_constraint) raise def _raise_dev_burnt_toast(): raise BurntToast( "Users shouldn't be calling this function. " "If you're a dev, you know what you did." ) def _valid_VL_component_list(blk, pp): raoult_comps = [] henry_comps = [] # Only need to do this for V-L pairs, so check pparams = blk.params if ( pparams.get_phase(pp[0]).is_liquid_phase() and pparams.get_phase(pp[1]).is_vapor_phase() ) or ( pparams.get_phase(pp[0]).is_vapor_phase() and pparams.get_phase(pp[1]).is_liquid_phase() ): for j in blk.component_list: if (pp[0], j) in blk.phase_component_set and ( pp[1], j, ) in blk.phase_component_set: cobj = blk.params.get_component(j) if cobj.config.henry_component is not None and ( pp[0] in cobj.config.henry_component or pp[1] in cobj.config.henry_component ): henry_comps.append(j) else: raoult_comps.append(j) return raoult_comps, henry_comps def _temperature_pressure_bubble_dew(b, name): # temperature/pressure bubble/dew splt = name.split("_") docstring_var = " point " docstring_mole_frac = " mole fractions at " if splt[1] == "dew": abbrv = "dew" docstring_var = "Dew" + docstring_var docstring_mole_frac = "Liquid" + docstring_mole_frac + "at dew " elif splt[1] == "bubble": abbrv = "bub" docstring_var = "Bubble" + docstring_var docstring_mole_frac = "Vapor" + docstring_mole_frac + "at bubble " else: _raise_dev_burnt_toast() if splt[0] == "temperature": abbrv = "t" + abbrv bounds = (, b.temperature.ub) units = b.params.get_metadata().default_units.TEMPERATURE elif splt[0] == "pressure": abbrv = "p" + abbrv bounds = (, b.pressure.ub) units_meta = b.params.get_metadata().derived_units units = units_meta.PRESSURE else: _raise_dev_burnt_toast() docstring_var += splt[0] docstring_mole_frac += splt[0] if b.params.config.bubble_dew_method is None: raise GenericPropertyPackageError(b, name) try: setattr( b, name, Var(b.params._pe_pairs, doc=docstring_var, bounds=bounds, units=units), ) setattr( b, "_mole_frac_" + abbrv, Var( b.params._pe_pairs, b.component_list, initialize=1 / len(b.component_list), bounds=(0, None), doc=docstring_mole_frac, units=None, ), ) tmp = getattr(b.params.config.bubble_dew_method, name) tmp(b) except AttributeError: if hasattr(b, name): var = getattr(b, name) b.del_component(var) if hasattr(b, "_mole_frac_" + abbrv): mole_frac = getattr(b, "_mole_frac_" + abbrv) b.del_component(mole_frac) raise def _log_mole_frac_bubble_dew(b, name): abbrv = name.split("_")[-1] docstring_var = " log mole fractions at " docstring_eqn = "Constraint for log of " if abbrv.endswith("dew"): docstring_var = "Liquid" + docstring_var + "dew " docstring_eqn += "dew mole fractions" elif abbrv.endswith("bub"): docstring_var = "Vapor" + docstring_var + "bubble " docstring_eqn += "bubble mole fractions" else: _raise_dev_burnt_toast() if abbrv.startswith("t"): docstring_var += "temperature" elif abbrv.startswith("p"): docstring_var += "pressure" else: _raise_dev_burnt_toast() try: setattr( b, "log_mole_frac_" + abbrv, Var( b.params._pe_pairs, b.component_list, initialize=log(1 / len(b.component_list)), bounds=(None, 0), doc=docstring_var, units=None, ), ) def rule_log_mole_frac(b, p1, p2, j): ( l_phase, v_phase, vl_comps, henry_comps, l_only_comps, v_only_comps, ) = identify_VL_component_list(b, (p1, p2)) if l_phase is None or v_phase is None: # Not a VLE pair return Constraint.Skip elif j not in set(vl_comps + henry_comps): return Constraint.Skip if abbrv.endswith("dew") and (l_only_comps != []): # Non-vaporisables present, no dew point return Constraint.Skip elif abbrv.endswith("bub") and (v_only_comps != []): # Non-condensables present, no bubble point return Constraint.Skip log_mole_frac = getattr(b, "log_mole_frac_" + abbrv) mole_frac = getattr(b, "_mole_frac_" + abbrv) return exp(log_mole_frac[p1, p2, j]) == mole_frac[p1, p2, j] setattr( b, "log_mole_frac_" + abbrv + "_eqn", Constraint( b.params._pe_pairs, b.component_list, rule=rule_log_mole_frac, doc=docstring_eqn, ), ) except AttributeError: if hasattr(b, "log_mole_frac_" + abbrv): var = getattr(b, "log_mole_frac_" + abbrv) b.del_component(var) if hasattr(b, "log_mole_frac_" + abbrv + "_eqn"): eqn = getattr(b, "log_mole_frac_" + abbrv + "_eqn") b.del_component(eqn) raise def _initialize_critical_props(state_data): params = state_data.params # Use mole weighted sum of component critical properties crit_props = [ "compress_fact_crit", "dens_mol_crit", "pressure_crit", "temperature_crit", ] for prop in crit_props: try: getattr(state_data, prop).set_value( sum( state_data.mole_frac_comp[j] * getattr(params.get_component(j), prop) for j in state_data.component_list ) ) except AttributeError: raise AttributeError( f"Missing attribute found when initializing {prop}. " f"Make sure you have provided values for {prop} in all Component " "declarations." ) def _init_Tbub(blk, T_units): for pp in blk.params._pe_pairs: l_phase, _, raoult_comps, henry_comps, _, _ = identify_VL_component_list( blk, pp ) if raoult_comps == []: continue Tbub0 = estimate_Tbub(blk, T_units, raoult_comps, henry_comps, l_phase) blk.temperature_bubble[pp].set_value(Tbub0) for j in raoult_comps: blk._mole_frac_tbub[pp, j].value = value( blk.mole_frac_comp[j] * get_method(blk, "pressure_sat_comp", j)( blk, blk.params.get_component(j), Tbub0 * T_units ) / blk.pressure ) if blk.is_property_constructed("log_mole_frac_tbub"): blk.log_mole_frac_tbub[pp, j].value = value( log(blk._mole_frac_tbub[pp, j]) ) for j in henry_comps: blk._mole_frac_tbub[pp, j].value = value( blk.mole_frac_comp[j] * blk.params.get_component(j) .config.henry_component[l_phase]["method"] .return_expression(blk, l_phase, j, Tbub0 * T_units) / blk.pressure ) if blk.is_property_constructed("log_mole_frac_tbub"): blk.log_mole_frac_tbub[pp, j].value = value( log(blk._mole_frac_tbub[pp, j]) ) def _init_Tdew(blk, T_units): for pp in blk.params._pe_pairs: l_phase, _, raoult_comps, henry_comps, _, _ = identify_VL_component_list( blk, pp ) if raoult_comps == []: continue Tdew0 = estimate_Tdew(blk, T_units, raoult_comps, henry_comps, l_phase) blk.temperature_dew[pp].set_value(Tdew0) for j in raoult_comps: blk._mole_frac_tdew[pp, j].value = value( blk.mole_frac_comp[j] * blk.pressure / get_method(blk, "pressure_sat_comp", j)( blk, blk.params.get_component(j), Tdew0 * T_units ) ) if blk.is_property_constructed("log_mole_frac_tdew"): blk.log_mole_frac_tdew[pp, j].value = value( log(blk._mole_frac_tdew[pp, j]) ) for j in henry_comps: blk._mole_frac_tdew[pp, j].value = value( blk.mole_frac_comp[j] * blk.pressure / blk.params.get_component(j) .config.henry_component[l_phase]["method"] .return_expression(blk, l_phase, j, Tdew0 * T_units) ) if blk.is_property_constructed("log_mole_frac_tdew"): blk.log_mole_frac_tdew[pp, j].value = value( log(blk._mole_frac_tdew[pp, j]) ) def _init_Pbub(blk): for pp in blk.params._pe_pairs: l_phase, _, raoult_comps, henry_comps, _, _ = identify_VL_component_list( blk, pp ) if raoult_comps == []: continue blk.pressure_bubble[pp].set_value( estimate_Pbub(blk, raoult_comps, henry_comps, l_phase) ) for j in raoult_comps: blk._mole_frac_pbub[pp, j].value = value( blk.mole_frac_comp[j] * blk.pressure_sat_comp[j] / blk.pressure_bubble[pp] ) if blk.is_property_constructed("log_mole_frac_pbub"): blk.log_mole_frac_pbub[pp, j].value = value( log(blk._mole_frac_pbub[pp, j]) ) for j in henry_comps: blk._mole_frac_pbub[pp, j].value = value( blk.mole_frac_comp[j] * blk.henry[l_phase, j] / blk.pressure_bubble[pp] ) if blk.is_property_constructed("log_mole_frac_pbub"): blk.log_mole_frac_pbub[pp, j].value = value( log(blk._mole_frac_pbub[pp, j]) ) def _init_Pdew(blk): for pp in blk.params._pe_pairs: l_phase, _, raoult_comps, henry_comps, _, _ = identify_VL_component_list( blk, pp ) if raoult_comps == []: continue blk.pressure_dew[pp].set_value( estimate_Pdew(blk, raoult_comps, henry_comps, l_phase) ) for j in raoult_comps: blk._mole_frac_pdew[pp, j].value = value( blk.mole_frac_comp[j] * blk.pressure_dew[pp] / blk.pressure_sat_comp[j] ) if blk.is_property_constructed("log_mole_frac_pdew"): blk.log_mole_frac_pdew[pp, j].value = value( log(blk._mole_frac_pdew[pp, j]) ) for j in henry_comps: blk._mole_frac_pdew[pp, j].value = value( blk.mole_frac_comp[j] * blk.pressure_dew[pp] / blk.henry[l_phase, j] ) if blk.is_property_constructed("log_mole_frac_pdew"): blk.log_mole_frac_pdew[pp, j].value = value( log(blk._mole_frac_pdew[pp, j]) )